Private DNS question - Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I use the native Private DNS (DoT, DNS-over-TLS) on Android 9 for a while with my company DNS server. Private DNS (DoT or DoH) have no authentication option and the admins are running amok because the unwanted traffic from anywhere. The DNS should be the only DNS source for the devices outside the company and not a free service. DoT and DoH are faced by nginx for TLS termination and capable to make client certificate authentication (is now active on DoH). So the question:
Can I (and when - how) assign a client certificate to the native DoT client on android 9 (or following)?


[Q] Running DNS Server on Android device

Hi all,
is it possible to run an internal DNS server on Android? I am looking for a solution similar to bind9 on Linux (e.g., h**p:// that allows to define DNS zones, i.e., all DNS requests are first of all redirected to and then forwarded based on the predefined DNS zones.
Unfortunately, I didn't find aything about this, so I was wondering if it's possible at all in Android?

Android - SIP API and SIP server/account

I have just found this example: SipDemo and I have noticed you need, of course, to add the username, password and domain of the used SIP server.
The example shows a walkietalkie, but I would like to have a normal phone call kind of thing.
I was wondering whether there are free and reliable servers for SIP communications.
What I would like to have is just 1 account and every user of mine should be able to call each other in that way.
I am considering both:
-Hosting my own SIP server on my side;
-Using an already existent FREE server.
Probably each user should have its own account, then I believe the easiest way is to have the server on my side. Is that correct?
Thanks in advance.

[Q] Hotspot force redirect to Local Server

I got this crazy idea that I don't know is possible or not... what I want to do is set up my phone as wifi access point, then allow people to connect to it, but handle all incoming http traffic myself.
Create a server (with KWS - Android web server)
client can connect to the phone
when client tries to open an http connection to any random server, this has to be intercepted by my app and handled by a local web server
Anyone knows any android app to do this ?
What you are talking about is a captive portal.
I made a simple app for this purpose. If you are a developer, I need your help to improve the app. For downloading the app and source code check this thread

chromeOS - proxy authentication for chrome apps

I am working on an extension where proxy is set through my extension using chrome extension proxy api(`chrome.proxy.settings`). Everything works fine and I get all traffic on my proxy server. Proxy authentication is handled using:
getAllFilter(), [ 'blocking' ]);`
`function getProxyCredentials(details) {
return details.isProxy === !0 ? {
authCredentials : {
username : localStorage.proxyUsername,
password : localStorage.proxyPassword
} : {}
While using google chrome `407` is handled automatically. However, I am having trouble with **Chrome Apps**.
Everytime I open a chrome app, `407 Authentication Required` popup shows up and I have to manually enter credentials. This becomes a pain after a while.
Is there a way to automatically supply credentials to the **Chrome Apps**? Why does not ChromeOS honor the proxy and supply credentials since proxy is set and authentication is also done?
Anyone faced a similar problem? Should not chromeOS be providing proxy with credentials after `onAuthRequired` event is handled once?
Am I missing something here? Suggestions would be appreciated.

VPN client for Android and per app routing

I'm developing an Android VPN client. I want to know my best options to make a one-click-to-connect vpn client. There is openvpn but the problem with it is the license. I'll have to pay for concurrent users. So, what are my free or cheapest options.
Is there a way to use a vpn that only allows certain apps or ports and the rest are not allowed to use this VPN?
Thank you

