Extended ROM optimized for O2 germany, the ultimate edition - MDA II, XDA II, 2060 ROM Development

Hi all
I spend some time to optimize the cab-files in the extended rom.
I got rid of many bigger unnessesary files containing commercials and unneeded information. Some more
space could be saved by merging the registry - updaters into one file, here I also added the registry entries
to make the extended rom visible and to activate ClearType by default. Some install-directories for the links
have been updates to not overload "Programs" by default. The Homezone application is installed but will
not be added to the autostart folder. The CESetup.dll in the older cab files has been updated.
IACallerID is NOT installed, this app is so useless and consuming...
but thats my opinion.
The extended rom posted here contains some more application, from which I think, that they are rather a must.
This includes:
Bluetooth - Patch
PocketMVP 9 Which now supports the ATI graphic accelerator ( awesome performance... )
A file en-/ decryption tool to add some security
The "standard" files are the latest found in the t-mobile update, merged with the O2 customizition stuff.
The config.txt is up to date, but be aware the PocketMVP asks for a reset,
which must not be allowed.
The space left in the ext-rom is exactly enought for TOMTOM Navigator... but that's a different story...
My extended-rom displays 0.00MB left ;-)
I did not provide a .nbf file, if you need one please use the famouse ER2003edit.


O2 XDA II->WM2003SE->Sin->Merged->v2.0

This merged English version of WM2003SE is compiled for the Australian model O2 XDA II.
NOTE: It is supplied as is. Use it at your own risk!!!
TIP: First backup your data and settings using either ActiveSync, SDBackup or XBackup - then download the attached ROM_Backup.zip - extract and follow the instructions in the ROM backup folder.
To install the merged WM2003SE:
1. Download the attached Setup.exe
2. Insert your O2 XDA II into it's USB cradle and confirm that a successful USB connection has been made with your PC
3. Run Setup.exe and follow the onscreen prompts.
The ROM image is version: 2.06.00WWE (ver 4.21.1088 build 14132)
The Radio image is version: 1.18.00
The Extended ROM image is a variance of version 2.06.100a (Sin.Merged.v2.0)
The Extended ROM contains the following:
Merge of ROM 2.02.t1WWE over ROM 2.06.00WWE, pre-configured with:
AltTab, AutoConfig, Blackberry, BT Icon, Caller ID, Camera, ClearType Landscape, ClearType Tuner, ClearVue, CMD, Connections, Contacts, Date, Device Manager, Explorer, ExtROM Tools, Flash, Fonts, IE Tools, IntelliDialer, ipConfig, Keyboard Extension, Midi Ringtone, MMS Composer, Notepad, O2, Paint, Print, RegEdit, Reset, Rotate Screen, Run, Running Programs, Scheduled Tasks, Tray Launch, Video MMS, WiFi & BT Headset/Handsfree.
The Autoconfig only contains support for the following Australian Carriers: - Optus, Telstra & Vodafone + "Not Listed - Set Manually"
A choice of either HandsFree or Headset profile is now enabled, please select only one or the other.
NOTE: HandsFree profile is not compatible with all headsets and may disable the headset mic. If this occurs, please re-pair and only choose Headset profile.
INFO: Original files were removed years ago due to forum upgrades, see various posts for alternative downloads.
Open Source
Now, let's pull it apart and see how it all works :lol:
It took quite a few steps to create an "all-in-one" package, however it's shortcoming is that once compiled, it's not easy to add your own cabs or customise your carrier details.
So by pulling it apart, it may allow the more savvy of you to re-create this package to your own requirements and perhaps we can learn a few new things along the way :wink:
The Base ROM & Radio
Step 1 ~ The Base ROM & Radio
The ROM image is version: 2.06.00WWE (ver 4.21.1088 build 14132)
The Radio image is version: 1.18.00
Here are the minimum files required to install the Base ROM & Radio onto your XDA II
NK.nbf (Base ROM Image)
Radio_.nbf (Radio Image)
HimaUpgradeUt.exe (Setup File)
HimaClearJumpCode.exe (System File)
Download and extract the contents of "WM2003SE_20600WWE.zip" into the same folder on your PC, Insert your XDA II into it's USB cradle (confirm that a successful USB connection has been made) and run HimaUpgradeUt.exe to start the installation.
:arrow: NOTE: The Operator Code is set to "O2" and the Language is set to "WWE" (Western World English). There are a few tools around to change these codes to suit other models, My personal choice is the attached version of EREdit: (no pre-selection of file type is required)
The Merge
Step 2 ~ The Merge
First, Why Merge?
We currently only have 3 versions of WM2003SE, each with it's shortcomings:
Version 2.20.xxCHS is in Chinese and although it's currently being translated into English, there's still a way to go!
So let's focus on the two remaining versions, both in English:
Version 2.02.t1WWE
Pro's: Stable with no hangs/delays on reboot, utilizes HandsFree Profile
Con's: Lacks ClearType implementation and Media Player 10
Version 2.06.00WWE
Pro's: ClearType implemented and Utilizes Headset Profile
Con's: Hangs/delays on reboot and no Media Player 10
The good news is that it's possible to obtain the "best of both worlds" by merging the two operating systems. By first flashing your ROM with 2.02.t1WWE and creating an ActiveSync backup, it's possible to then flash with 2.06.00WWE and restore from the backup.
The end result is surprising :shock: - ActiveSync merges the two operating systems! There are no delays/hangs on reboot and ClearType looks great. It's also possible to re-enable Handsfree Profile through a simple registry patch.
Here's one I prepared earlier :wink:
No need to flash with 2.02.t1WWE, this backup is ready to restore over 2.06.00WWE!
Quite a few tweaks were made to it prior to backup:
Created "Start Menu" folders: Business, Communications, Games, Graphics, MultiMedia & System
Turned Off incoming IR Beam for GPS compatibility
Mapped Camera Button
Set Word Completion to 4 words after 1 letter (no caps or spaces)
Set Voice Recording to 44,100 Hz, 16 Bit, Stereo
Changed Phone Ring to Vibrate & Ring, set to Terrestrial & Keypad Tones
Turned on Screen Taps
Enabled Today "New Menu"
Turned on Microphone AGC
Set Screen & Power Off to 2mins
Removed merged BT Registry to allow choices later via patch
To restore this backup,
1. Flash your XDA II with 2.06.00WWE.
2. After installation, don't change any of the following default settings: time zone (GMT-8 Pacific US), device name (Pocket_PC) or regional settings (United States), instead setup an ActiveSync partnership (not Guest) and untick all items such as Calendar, Contacts etc... so no items will by Synced.
3. Restore by opening ActiveSync, then clicking "Tools=>Backup/Restore" - browse to the downloaded "Backup.zip" and extract the file "Backup.stg", select it with ActiveSync and then switch to the restore tab, finally clicking "Restore Now".
:!: Provided that the device name & regional settings match the above, ActiveSync restore will merge the 2 versions and prompt you to restart your O2 XDA II.
The Extended ROM
Step 3 ~ The Extended ROM
You now have a merged operating system but still need to add at least the basic functionality of MMS, Camera etc...
Each cab file below can be copied to your XDA II's memory/SD card and executed individually, however it would be far easier to bundle everything into the one installation routine.
As most of you know, your XDA II has a hidden partition called the Extended ROM, which (without tweaking) is limited to a capacity of 16MB.
Using an Extended Rom unlocking tool, it's possible to manually copy each cab file and associated system file into the Extended ROM using "File Explorer".
Start by downloading the attached "ExtRom_tools.cab" and copy to your XDA II's memory (Either via ActiveSync or SD Card if you have a Reader). Then execute it by browsing to it with "File Explorer", your Extended ROM will be revealed once you reboot after installation is complete.
You'll notice 4 new icons in your "System" folder. Run "ExtROM Unlock" to allow files to be written and removed.
The Cab Files
I've re-written each of these Cab files to customise their installation routines and ensure compatibility with WM2003SE.
If all are downloaded and placed into Extended ROM, they total 16MB :wink:
Each will place their shortcuts in the approprite category and where possible, settings are pre-configured.
:idea: Rather than running each one individually, copy each file into Extended ROM and wait untill "Step 4" to do the installation.
They're organized alphabetically and items marked with a *, should be considered essential parts of the Extended ROM.
:!: All are tagged as: "Customization Tools" for compatability with any internal cab file "Setup.dll's", If you can't wait till Step 4, don't panic if you run each one manually and are prompted by a "this application already exists" message (doesn't occur when executed by config.txt) - Simply ignore and continue each desired installation!
"AltTab.cab is a utility that can be mapped to any of your buttons, it allows you to switch conveniently between applications.
* "AutoConfig.cab" contains a utility called AutoConfig.exe that is essential for configuring your Carrier details.
This file is automatically copied to your Windows folder when the cab file is executed and a shortcut is placed into your "Start Menu->Communications" folder.
* "AutoConfig.txt" is essential when running AutoConfig.exe (Bundled in AutoConfig.cab). It contains a list of multiple Carriers for you to choose from.
It's an editable text file which should point to individual Carrier .cab .exe files located in your Extended ROM.
The AutoConfig.txt is copied to your windows folder when the files in your Extended ROM are executed by a Config.txt file.
* "AutoRun.exe" is the first file to be executed after a "Hard Reset" and is an essential part of the Extended ROM.
It's sole purpose after a 3 second delay, is to execute in turn each command nominated in the "Config.txt" file.
"Blackberry.cab" contains a utility which is found under "Settings" to configure the BlackBerry Service.
* "BT_Icon.cab" contains an essential file called "bt_profile.dll" which is copied to your Windows folder and replaces the Bluetooth Headset icon on your today screen.
The original Bluetooth Headset icon likes to play hide'n'seek because it's developers implemented a remote procedure call to constantly check for a non-existant storage space.
This new "bt_profile.dll" only checks upon device startup.
* "Caller_ID.cab" is an essential addition to your operating system. It's current implementation, version 1.20 (build 17957) allows the assignment of Photo's, Templates, Ringtones and Groups.
I've modified this installation to include the original splash screens upon an incoming call and also included the following renamed templates:
Cat, Carrots, Cola, Dancer, Disco, Heart, Soccer, Stars & Wheels
It's a 2 part program which provides Caller ID information and a GUI called "Photo Contacts" (found under "Start Menu->Business")
* "Camera.cab" contains the essential interface required to utilize the XDA II's onboard camera and also provides a program called "Album" ("Start Menu->MultiMedia") which can handle a variety of file types including: .3gp .avi .bmp .gif .jpg .mid .mp4 .sdp .wav .wbm
This version 2.50 (build 15954) is compatible with WM2003SE's landscape mode however, the program's internal Orientation button should be used to switch the interface to landscape mode.
For more details about the program's internal mapped buttons, simply start the camera by clicking on the "Camera icon" placed into "Start Menu->MultiMedia" or use the pre-mapped button on the side of your XDA II, then click on "Tools->[ ?]"
"ClearType_Landscape.cab" is a utility that places a file called "TwkCL.exe" into "Windows\Startup" to improve the appearence of ClearType fonts in Landscape mode.
"ClearType_Tuner.cab" places a utility under "Settings" called "ClearType Tuner" which allows you to increase or decrease the effects of ClearType over your system fonts.
"ClearVue.cab" contains 2 programs, "ClearVue PDF" & "ClearVue Presentation"(ver's 2.4.381a) which allow you to view .pdf & .ppt/.pps files.
I just called it's icons (under "Start Menu->Business") "Acrobat" and "PowerPoint" :lol:
* "CMD.cab" is an essential utility that creates a command line interpreter (PocketConsole ver 1.3 over ReactOS ver 0.2) for WM2003SE. It's used later in the installation routine for executing Batch files.
You'll find a "DOS" icon under "Start menu->System" and "CMD Settings under "Settings".
* "Config.txt" is an essential file that is used in conjunction with AutoRun.exe to automate the installation, copying and execution of files.
It's an editable Text file and reflects the file names stored in your Extended ROM.
If you wish to modify the content of your Extended ROM, the Config.txt file should also be updated to reflect any changes in file names.
:!: Note that in this version, the AutoConfig.exe is deliberately not executed by the Config.txt file.
"Connections.cab" contains a simple utility in the form of an "O2 icon" placed at the top of your start bar which monitors the status of active connections by changing it's color to Blue!

[UC]XDA_UC Autoconfiguration User2User Thread[23-06-2009]

User To User Tips, Tricks ideas and issues thread.
XDA_UC is a silent User & Cook automation script.
It requires no user configuration (unless you count dripping stuff into a folder as configuring).
It differs opposed to the default Autorun & RunCC configuration that, as a user you do not need no make an SDConfig.txt file on your SD card.
And that you can start using your device immediately.
It will run in the background at the reboot the Cook has chosen to have it run.
But it adds a lot of extra tweaking functionality for hardcore Tweakers to.
What it basically does is install the beneath on the user side
My.tsk file from "\Storage Card\XDA_UC"
and if not present Cook.tsk from Windows Folder.
Copy Over User Files.
Check for "\Storage Card\XDA_UC\Copy2Root" if present, Disable Manila from Homescreen then Copy files from "\Storage Card\XDA_UC\Copy2Root" to the root of the device, Then checking for existence of wallpaper_TF3D.png or wallpaper_TF3D.jpg in "\Storage Card\XDA_UC\Copy2Root\Windows" and adding that to
Import registry files from "\Storage Card\XDA_UC\Copy2Root\Windows\manila.reg" If present
Re-enable Manila on Homescreen and redraw it. Now also works for the Sense 2.1 and up versions.
.xdas files in "\Storage Card\XDA_UC"
Silently run Legacy SDConfig.txt from Storage Card
(If your using RunCC.exe or Autorun you do not need to point to or use SDAutorun.exe or SDConfig.txt) Thanks to RoryB
Commands for SDConfig.txt can be found here....
.cab files in "\Storage Card\XDA_UC"
.cab files in "\Storage Card\XDA_UC\Storage", These cab files will be tempted to install to Storage Location.
.cab files in "\Storage Card\XDA_UC\Manual",These cab files will start with Full User interaction capabilities to choose where to install to.
.reg files in "\Storage Card\XDA_UC"
.xml files in "\Storage Card\XDA_UC"
.mscr files in "\Storage Card\XDA_UC"
.cer files in "\Storage Card\XDA_UC"
Create Shortcuts and more from Registry Keys
More information here....
Copy over welcomehead.192.01.png & welcomehead.192.02.png present in "\Storage Card\XDA_UC\Copy2Root\Windows" to the Windows folder.
Copy over welcomehead.96.01.png & welcomehead.96.02.png present in "\Storage Card\XDA_UC\Copy2Root\Windows" to the Windows folder.
Actually everything is copied over from Copy2Root folder to root, but the above Splashcreens get their file atributes removed before this happens.
Add native support for .mscr, .mortrun, .xda, xdai, xdas & .xdaz files
This thread is meant for user to user help and advice and sharing of tricks and tweaks.
Cooks should go to http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=3954547 for more information about the cooking side.
I have attached a Mort Script HTML Manual for those looking into learn about this type of scripting.
Before you consider buying me a beer. Please consider Donating to XDA to help out with the maintenance of the forum and get cool stars next to your Nickname showing your appreciation. Then there are always the people that without their apps this wouldn't have been possible at all that you can consider showing some love. Mort, DotFred & Sleuth255 All of whom made Apps Seemingly simple But oh so useful for the whole XDA and PocketPC community.
Hopefully A List of Cooked Roms with XDA_UC Pretty Soon.
Give me holler,
Or my main Homie Moderator Ameet.
Or you can ask your Favourite Cook to look into this and incorporate it into his or her rom
A Lot of Energy Rom's
ETEN Glofiish M700
ahmedfikry wm6.5 23089 light rom
Noonski's Secret Nightly Rom, Simpel Pro Classic (deuh)
Rhodium / Touch Pro 2
Juicy R0 @ PPCGeeks
Bikeandestroy Rom
DavidMMorley's v1.5.3 @ PPCGeeks
Bhar'S 21891_V2/23540_V2
*7ppc* for TP2
Rhodium / Touch Pro 2 CDMA
xpressyourcell's XpressDusk @PPCGeeks
xpressyourcell's XYC GTX @PPCGeeks
Samsung Omnia
Rock and Republic WM6.5 ROM @ XDA
Rock and Republic WM6.5 ROM @ PPCGeeks
Storm's ROM [CF03] @ Modaco
MrCapcom's i910 6.5 Custom Rom CF03 Edition
TechMaster7545 WM 6.5 CF03 Rom Build 23009 For I910
FloTanium ROM
Sony Xperia X1
WM6.5 для X1 Rumanian
EPS Creme RC2 DE
RTT Topaz Peak, RTT Topaz Peak @ XDA,
Touch Dual
DJ Series
Touch Cruise 2 / Iolite
Serfer222's Iolite WM6.1 (build 21055)
Serfer222's Iolite, WM65, Russian, XDA_UC (Official Russian Mega ROM ported to Iolite)
Serfer222's Kitchen + Iolite WM6.1 (build 21055) WWE
HD / Blackstone
BiCh0n's ROM (french)
Touch HD2/Leo
Merlion NG Leo v1.30's Merlion NG Leo v1.30
RTT Shock Star RTM GER
BiCh0n's ROM (french)
nAr & Icke WM6.5[WWE][FRA][DEU]
NoseDive's n083 P3600+i
Common Good Practices
Do Not Reboot untill The XDA UC Message tells you it's finished.
You do not need to make your .cab files read only. But out of safety of loosing them it is recommended.
Save your .reg files as Unicode, always start your .reg file with
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
In the first line. And leave one blank empty line at the end of the .reg file.
Test your tweaks and files instead of reflashing to many times. A self initiated script will be uploaded soon, so you can test on a device.
Save your .xml files as Unicode and check if they are correctly formatted by opening them for instance in Internet Explorer.
If it doesn't show you the content then it will tell you where to look for mistakes.
More XML tips
Commands for SDConfig.txt for Version 2.0
AutoShortcut Registry Tricks
AutoShortcut Registry Tricks
HTC Autoshortcut replacment and enhancements through registry keys:
Directory Copy
Copy over files from one folder to another, overwriting the present files.
This will also copy over any subfolders inside the folder being copied over.
The entry on the left is the destination folder, the entry on the right is the source folder.
See the example code below:
"\\My Documents\\Test"="\\Storage Card\\My Documents\\Test"
You can also use this registry entry if you just want to make an empty folder.
See the example code below:
"\\My Documents\\Test"="MakeDir"
Copy just one file over from one folder to another.
The entry on the left is the destination File, the entry on the right is the source file.
See the example code below:
"\\My Documents\\MakeDir.reg"="\\Storage Card\\XDA_UC\\MakeDir.reg"
Delete a file. This will not delete Files in cooked in Rom/Windows folder.
But it will for instance delete Read Only Pictures in My Documents
See the example code below:
"\\Documents And Settings\\Somefile.xml"=""
Deleting of a whole directory has not been added as mistakes can be made to easily, resulting in a complete Device and SD card whipe.
If you understand the risks I reccomend to learn writing your own mortscripts to do this.
Write more explicit shortcuts or files
The left entry is the destination file, the right entry is the text you want written into the destination file.
See the example codes below:
"\\Windows\\Start Menu\\Programs\\Tools\\TF Detacher\\icon.lnk"="50#MPI_ProgramIcons.dll,-115"
"\\My Documents\\Somefile.txt"="Hello World"
Auto Shortcut Creation
To create shortcuts to files or applications.
The left entry is the target link name, the right entry is the source file the link should be pointing to.
See the example code below:
"\\Windows\\Start Menu\\Programs\\SAP Settings.lnk"="\\Windows\\SAPSettings.exe"
If you want to be sure that the destination directory exists where you want the shortcut created you can add an extra Registry entry for Directory creation.
See the example code below:
"\\Windows\\Start Menu\\Programs\\Contacts"="MakeDir"
"\\Windows\\Start Menu\\Programs\\Contacts\\SAP Settings.lnk"="\\Windows\\SAPSettings.exe"
Run First Boot
Run a file or application at the first boot.
The left entry if for the file or application, the right entry is for paramaters you want passed to an application.
See the example code below:
SDConfig.txt Commands
Commands that will work in SDConfig.txt
Be aware that for commands with only three letters there needs to be a space between the : & \
XML: \Storage Card\Cabs\Personal.xml
XML: \Storage Card\Cabs\Personal.provxml
(To parse provisioning .xml or .provxml files Saved to ANSI)
REG: \Storage Card\Cabs\G-Alarm.reg
(To parse registry files in Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 format)
CPY1:\Storage Card\Cabs\pim.vol
(To copy over one file, and if pim.vol is found in Cabs folder, Cprog.exe will be shut down first)
MOV1:\Storage Card\Folder
(Aplied to latest Beta's, but this will copy over folders and it's subfolders overwriting any existing files)
SC1: \Storage Card\Program Files\GoogleMaps\GoogleMaps.exe
SC2: \Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Google Maps.lnk
(Simple Shortcut creation)
WR1: \A File.txt
WR2: The Text That Goes Into the File
WR1: \Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Tools\Another App.lnk
WR2: 99#"\Windows\SuperApplication.exe"?AnotherAppWithIcons.exe,-IDI_APPICON
Yes for the Advanced Users. It removes Files Attributes from possible target file then deletes it before writing a new one.
Note that there needs to be a space before the written text starts! (Special NoPrize for the one that knows which file was originally under "AnotherAppWithIcons.exe")
CER: \Storage Card\Cabs\Work.cer
(Install certificates)
CAB: \Storage Card\Cabs\098MSN.CAB
(Cabs that can be installed silently without user intervention)
SCAB:\Storage Card\Cabs\098MSN.CAB
(Cabs that you want installed to Storage Card)
MCAB:\Storage Card\Cabs\098MSN.CAB
(Cabs that you want installed with full user interaction)
EXEC:\Storage Card\Cabs\something.exe
EXEC:\Storage Card\Cabs\mortscript.mscr
EXEC:\Storage Card\Cabs\Or A Link.lnk
EXEC:\Storage Card\Cabs\Or A Even a document.doc (consider this to be a regular Open or Run file as long as the file is known by system but that can be set be doing a .reg first with the file open registry settings)
(to close running open apps, be aware there is no Slash needed)
DEL: \My Documents\Picture\leaf.jpg
(Remove read write permissions then try to remove the file, will of course not work on ROM/Windows files)
TSK: \My Cool Theme.tsk
Apply Theme
Will set the Reset flag to force reset at the end of XDA_UC
Questions & Answers
Question:: I am a new user of Windows Mobile and I don't understand many of the terms here, can you tell me in a simple language what exactly XDA_UC is doing for me or for my device?
Answer: XDA_UC aplies and installs installation files and user tweak files in a simple and straight forward manner that does not lock up your screen as the regular Autorun method's would with out the need to know how to configure a pre setup SDConfig.txt file. It runs in the background and you can start using the device after flash (thought you will be a little slower at start uas stuff is happening in the background)
Or if above is still not easy to understand, let's say like this: After you flashed a new ROM, or did a hard reset (or you run 'Clear Storage' from system settings page, it's same as so-called 'hard reset' here), all your programs and your tweaks or adjustment to the Operation System is wiped out and you only have a clean OS from the firmware on your phone. At this time, XDA_UC will silently install all your programs and apply all your tweaks alltogether in a straight-forward way, and you don't need to install or apply them one by one. Provided onlyif you already placed the (cab installer & registry tweak) files in the designated folder.
Question::I noticed the advantage of XDA_UC. But as a newbie to this society, seems I can not take full advantage of it. Any simple guidelines about what shall I learn and where to start?
Answer: The best way is to start learning which Registry settings you want personally always to be aplied to any rom. Look for CeRegEditor 4.3 so you can study, dump and compare the regitry to find the specific Registry keys that you can then save as .reg files. Installing cabs is nice and takes away a lot of hassle put adding your own. It's also smart to just make a shortcut to a specific program you already have installed on your SD as most work fine onze they have been installed before. That should save time on installing some cabs.
Question:: I have some Greenware in my storage card, every time after flashing a new ROM or a hard-reset, I need to make shortcuts for them inside \Windows\Start Menu\, Can XDA-UC do that for me?
Answer: You can either add a registry String line to any .reg file you put into the XDA_UC Folder
"\\Windows\\Start Menu\\Programs\\Synchro Time.lnk"="\\Storage Card\\Program Files\\Synchro Time\\Synchro Time.exe"
And XDAUC will at the end of process convert all these registry settings to real shortcuts.
Or make a mortscript with the line:
CreateShortcut(SystemPath("ProgramsMenu") \ "Synchro Time.lnk","\Windows\Synchro Time.exe")
Question: What if I want to run XDA-UC by myself? Is it possible? Since what time to run (on first boot. second boot, or which boot after hard-reset) is decided by the cook of my ROM.
Answer: A Script will be provided soon for this, but it won't install if files that have already been installed at the XDA_UC run at the first boot.
Almost everything that get's installed by XDA_UC is written to the registry so if someone has the time to develop a managing tool can read this values.
Coming soon...
Is this something that can be installed/added to an existing rom that I can use stand alone, or does it have to be cooked into a rom? Thanks.
In principle this is supposed to be a cooked in thing, but Once i have tested the V 1.0.02 fully, and tweaked the timing a bit i might make a trimmed down "Run Whenever you like version or add to a SDAutorun Only Rom"
But it the adding to SDConfig.txt will need some testing, that if no one else is doing i will need to test first someday.
Noonski said:
In principle this is supposed to be a cooked in thing, but Once i have tested the V 1.0.02 fully, and tweaked the timing a bit i might make a trimmed down "Run Whenever you like version or add to a SDAutorun Only Rom"
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OK, thanks for the reply. I will keep monitoring this thread to see how you're doing. I'm thinking this is a good way to update after a flash, but I'm not sure if I want to change roms right now. Also, not too many roms have it cooked in just yet.
Is this to install to main memory only?
If not, how do we differentiate which cabs we want in main memory and which in storage card?
I'm testing the next version which will recognize the Cab's in an extra Folder "SD" inside of XDA_UC.
Cab's placed there will open with full user interaction, so you can choose the location of where to install.
And it already has a silent, and at least 40% more effective method then a cabfile, of installing whatever to where ever you want.
I will also in time, unless someone beats me to the punch, an example .xdas file, to which you can add, your own .xml, .reg, files & folders and an silent.mscr to.
You can add a lot to that, and do whatever you want, if your willing to say goodbey to cabs that is.
Noonski said:
I'm testing the next version which will recognize the Cab's in an extra Folder "SD" inside of XDA_UC.
Cab's placed there will open with full user interaction, so you can choose the location of where to install.
And it already has a silent, and at least 40% more effective method then a cabfile, of installing whatever to where ever you want.
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What happens if your cab is NOT successfully installed? Is there an error trap of some sort or does the program just stop or crash?
Noonski said:
I'm testing the next version which will recognize the Cab's in an extra Folder "SD" inside of XDA_UC.
Cab's placed there will open with full user interaction, so you can choose the location of where to install.
And it already has a silent, and at least 40% more effective method then a cabfile, of installing whatever to where ever you want.
I will also in time, unless someone beats me to the punch, an example .xdas file, to which you can add, your own .xml, .reg, files & folders and an silent.mscr to.
You can add a lot to that, and do whatever you want, if your willing to say goodbey to cabs that is.
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Yes we need a really functional, powerful and flexible XDA_UC. But it may be a challege to balance this:
For advanced users -> They can do whatever they want to do with the UC, and it's wonderful.
For common users -> They can use the basic functions of it without complex learning process, and later on they just will find more and more supprise out of it.
For this purppose maybe a readme file somewhere is also good additive.
dmcnado said:
What happens if your cab is NOT successfully installed? Is there an error trap of some sort or does the program just stop or crash?
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Good Question, I'm going to fing a cab that doesn't want to install first
But it should not install and there is no error trap besides that the cab will not show up on the installed programs in the control panel.
After that it contiunues.
wg5566 said:
Yes we need a really functional, powerful and flexible XDA_UC. But it may be a challege to balance this:
For advanced users -> They can do whatever they want to do with the UC, and it's wonderful.
For common users -> They can use the basic functions of it without complex learning process, and later on they just will find more and more supprise out of it.
For this purppose maybe a readme file somewhere is also good additive.
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That is the intention. With a growing amount of users not that into tweaking, i feel the urge to draw them in and start learning and then contributing.
Noonski said:
That is the intention. With a growing amount of users not that into tweaking, i feel the urge to draw them in and start learning and then contributing.
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Vow, wondering what if M$ heard of this. Some big guy is inspirating everybody to hack their OS!
Joking. Thanks for everybody' efforts to push forward the development of WM system. I am one of those that inspired by this sociaty and just joined the team.
But basically I still keep the business way of thinking about some great apps or better methods. That is, some details and some promotion (marketing term) is always needed before it get reachable to every user and widely spreaded. I think I can contribute more on this aspect.
Edit: I added two more questions on post#4. Anybody can answer please answer.
Did my best to answer these.
And i updated the info in post 1 to reflect the updates in V 1.0.02
I added something to your answer, but still not feel satisfied. Please just keep editing it. What we need is just like an explanation you made on the Rapheal ROM thread.
Another thing is the title of these two thread (sorry I keep commenting on these off-topic issues):
[UC]XDA_UC V1.0.02, Automated & Silent User & Cook, Configuration Service[12/07/09]
[UC]XDA_UC Autoconfiguration User To User Thread[23-06-2009]
Maybe I'm a little slow, but I takes me more than 5 seconds to (not completely) figure it out what is this talking about after first glance at the title, and then decide to take a look inside.
And then look at another big guy Menneisyys's thread title:
Sticky: Another revolutionary utility by me: add "find in page" support to most web browsers!
It is completely different effect on grasp reader's notices. And that makes difference on spreading speed.
Just comment, no matter is you insist to keep Noonski style.
wg5566 said:
Another thing is the title of these two thread (sorry I keep commenting on these off-topic issues):
[UC]XDA_UC V1.0.02, Automated & Silent User & Cook, Configuration Service[12/07/09]
[UC]XDA_UC Autoconfiguration User To User Thread[23-06-2009]
Maybe I'm a little slow, but I takes me more than 5 seconds to (not completely) figure it out what is this talking about after first glance at the title, and then decide to take a look inside.
And then look at another big guy Menneisyys's thread title:
Sticky: Another revolutionary utility by me: add "find in page" support to most web browsers!
It is completely different effect on grasp reader's notices. And that makes difference on spreading speed.
Just comment, no matter is you insist to keep Noonski style.
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Is that really important? In my opinion the answer is no.
Noonski! Thank you for your Great work on this, i have included this in my rom and with Blazing Wolfs help got it up and running with no issues, except one.
Whenever i set XDA_UC to start of first initial flash it kills my modem i have to manuly pick the network the my phone uses to connect to the internet. IF i make XDA_UC start after a reboot it works perfect, I have tried to look at all The MSRC files and cant see to put my finger on the issue!!! Thanks in advance!!!

[ROM][WWE] B7610 WM 6.5.3 Build 28244.5.3.10 Lite

Build a new english lite rom with xip/sys ported from 28244 build.
German version same build here
ROM Details:
WM6.5.3 Build 28244.5.3.10
removed sys: widgets, themes, skybox, skymarket, autoupdate, sample music, alarm sounds, entertainment, sqlcemobile, transcriber, windows live, welcome center
removed Samsung apps: all except camera, settings, xt9, dialer, sms-mms
added samsung app: GPRS Counter
added tools: UC_NET, xTask, PIMBackup, Regedit, BT- and Wifi Toggler, Advanced Config 3.3, Dotfred Task manager, Mortscript, Omnia2 Messaging Mgr,
added tweaks: pageppol value is 10 mb, new battery (with percentage) and net icons, AutoClose Patch 1.1, Fileexplorer Extension, HTC Sensor DLL, WM6.1 GPS Driver, Start Menu has 4 grids
registry changes: old settings enabled, Low Mem value, auto lock screen disabled, dialer skin disabled, rotation mapable to hardware key, in call recording, ring delay, smaller popup font size
- Common:
cabs of my thread could be installed
I have not cooked in some of my default tools, like cleanRAM, Opera or Google Maps, cause everyone could install the newest version himself, if he wants to, and so the space isn't used in the rom for those people, that don't want to install them or want to install them to storage card or my storage.
pagepool value: higher, than in my former roms to allow applications like s2u to work properly, low enough to give you the maximum amount of memory
With UC_NET you can automatically install all your favourite cabs silently and/or controlled.
Thx to Daskalos for finding this great XDA Dev Application
Create XDA_UC folder on your storage card.
Put your cabs (or .reg, .mscr, .cer files) in XDA_UC, if you want them installed silently
Put your cabs in XDA_UC\manual, if you want to install them with normal dialogue
Put your files in XDA_UC\Copy2Root, which should be copied to the root of your device
Put your self-extracting archives in XDA_UC\Run
Put your self-extracting archives in XDA_UC_Execute if UC_NET should go on while extracting
In Start Menu\Programs\Utilities you can then start your customizing with the UC_NET shortcut. It will default to the folder Storage Card\XDA_UC, but you can choose other folders, too.
Free data memory is: about 290 MB
Free program memory is: about 85 MB with dialer skin disabled
Uploaded fixed version (Mirror) for issues with hardware keyboard
Benchmarks of the new kernel on different devices (HD2, Topaz) has shown it as very fast compared to 22047, 23144, 23145, 23146 or 21682. Look here for a sample on HD2
jensingenbleek is making a benchmark on B7610, too.
Some user reports:
ajeshm: Flashed with this ROM. Working flawlessly with Manila 2.5 Sense 2019 installed. With programs like HTC Phone Canvas, S2U2 loaded after 30 minutes 45mb Free RAM.
reserved for screenshots
works on i8000 ?
Upload finsihed
@tukes: No B7610 only
thanks for this rom!!
you can post the hash file?
didn't have one
Can you compress with RAR and post the crc32?
If you upload file without compress, I can download the corrupted file!!! if you post the crc32 or md5 I compare.
Sorry for my bad english, I speak spanish!!
More thanks!!!
here is from my computer backup file
ok, thanks for this md5 d57f1ea8d645452e3e5875c4c5a037bf.
I download perdect!!
And crc32 is 83EC9F43.
i now test your rom!!!
does it works on i900
how can i upgrade wm 6.1 to wm 6.5 on i900
1. b7610 only
2. search i900 forum on modaco
thunder141 said:
Build a new english lite rom with xip/sys ported from 28244 build.
ROM Details:
WM6.5.3 Build 28244.5.3.10
removed sys: widgets, themes, skybox, skymarket, autoupdate, sample music, alarm sounds, entertainment, sqlcemobile, transcriber, windows live, welcome center
removed Samsung apps: all except camera, settings, xt9, dialer, sms-mms
added samsung app: GPRS Counter
added tools: UC_NET, xTask, PIMBackup, Regedit, BT- and Wifi Toggler, Advanced Config 3.3, Dotfred Task manager, Mortscript, Omnia2 Messaging Mgr,
added tweaks: pageppol value is 10 mb, new battery (with percentage) and net icons, AutoClose Patch 1.1, Fileexplorer Extension, HTC Sensor DLL, WM6.1 GPS Driver, Start Menu has 4 grids
registry changes: old settings enabled, Low Mem value, auto lock screen disabled, dialer skin disabled, rotation mapable to hardware key, in call recording, ring delay, smaller popup font size
- Common:
cabs of my thread could be installed
I have not cooked in some of my default tools, like cleanRAM, Opera or Google Maps, cause everyone could install the newest version himself, if he wants to, and so the space isn't used in the rom for those people, that don't want to install them or want to install them to storage card or my storage.
pagepool value: higher, than in my former roms to allow applications like s2u to work properly, low enough to give you the maximum amount of memory
With UC_NET you can automatically install all your favourite cabs silently and/or controlled.
Thx to Daskalos for finding this great XDA Dev Application
Create XDA_UC folder on your storage card.
Put your cabs (or .reg, .mscr, .cer files) in XDA_UC, if you want them installed silently
Put your cabs in XDA_UC\manual, if you want to install them with normal dialogue
Put your files in XDA_UC\Copy2Root, which should be copied to the root of your device
Put your self-extracting archives in XDA_UC\Run
Put your self-extracting archives in XDA_UC_Execute if UC_NET should go on while extracting
In Start Menu\Programs\Utilities you can then start your customizing with the UC_NET shortcut. It will default to the folder Storage Card\XDA_UC, but you can choose other folders, too.
Free data memory is: about 290 MB
Free program memory is: about 85 MB with dialer skin disabled
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thanks man, is there any backup and restore procedure in case something goes wrong ?
for your personal info use pimbackup.
if flash goes wrong you can always revert to an other rom, so far as you only flash nb0 part.
No danger of brick your phone then.
thunder141 said:
for your personal info use pimbackup.
if flash goes wrong you can always revert to an other rom, so far as you only flash nb0 part.
No danger of brick your phone then.
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ah ok, thanks for the info mate, I'm looking at the SpB backup for now as it can do the scheduled backup hopefully it sufficient.
ok look sometimes on modaco for new other roms by me ;-)
updated description and links

[APP][01.08.2011]SettingsExporter v0.1 beta – customisable registry backup

I present my second Windows Mobile app:
SettingsExporter – I think the name is self-explaining. I tried to develop an easy to use application able to backup the vital system/user/programs settings and parameters to a .reg file, which enables the user to quickly restore the settings after a flash or HR.
Yes, we already have the fantastic fdcTaskManager from dotFred but this one exports either single registry key (with all the values and subkeys) or whole registry. My tool is able to store:
- single registry value
- several registry values in one key
- all the values of a key but without subkeys
- values which names start with a certain string
- values which names end with a certain string
- values containing certain string
- whole key with all subkeys/values
The last point is realized with a help of already mentioned fdcTaskManager under permission from dotFred (thank you Man!).
Program features/requirements:
- supports AppToDate
- requires NetCF 3.5 to be installed in your ROM.
- the app is partially dependent on the TaskManager from DotFred. A file called dotTaskMgr.exe should always be placed in program folder. Of course it is included in the download files.
- the program can run from any folder on both device memory or Storage Card. You don't even have to install it (that's why I included also a zip archive with all the files), you can just run it from the actual location. However the installation cab includes also program shortcuts (they appear in Start Menu) and files neccessary for AppToDate.
- REMARK: Because of .NetCF limitations the program cannot parse some of the value kinds, like REG_MUI or REG_QWORD however these types are used in so deep system settings that I wouldn’t even try to touch, so from this point of view they are not necessary for normal user customization purposes.
REMEMBER: never play with registry unless you know what you are doing. Always make backup of your data before you start to edit any registry values.
I spent many nights on testing this app and on choosing the settings worth exporting so everything should work fine (I made at least 10 flashes in the mean time and didn’t discover anything suspisious). However I cannot be held responsible for any damages to your ROM/device.
Below you can find my screenshots and download.
In following posts you can find also:
Program description - post #2
INI file syntax and notes - post #3
Description of default .ini files - post #4
How does it work?
Currently the SettingsExporter is basically a registry parser reading thru one (or more) of three config files (keys_....ini) in which the user puts keys/values that are supposed to be backed-up. For each line which is recognized as a registry value the program tries to gather it from the registry and writes to a (specified) text file as Microsoft Registry Entries (.reg) syntax. If the line is not recognized as a correct registry key/value or if it does not exist in the device’s registry, it is simply ignored.
Following the tip from Jackos (thanks Man!) there can be three config (.ini) files:
- keys_System.ini
- keys_Manila.ini
- keys_Other.ini
The user can choose to process one, two or all three .ini files. He can also choose if all the entries from the checked .ini files should be stored in one .reg file or the program should create one .reg file for each .ini file. This way we can divide our backup into groups and then restore them on different ROM (e.g. with different version of UI).
The main screen of the program consists of 5 main elements:
- “Current file path” text box with current path and name of the destination file. The path is initially set to \Storage Card\Backup\MyBackup.reg, but it can be changed either directly in this text box or using “Change File Name” button which opens the SaveFileDialog allowing you to choose a location and name for your destination file. Unfortunately the native .NetCF SaveFileDialog is poor and allows only to save in 2 folders depths, so this is the reason why I left the text box unlocked to allow manual editing of the path. Additionally when closing SettingsExporter saves last used path in registry so when you open it for the second time the initial path will be “yours”. This feature can be switched off in options.
- 3 checkboxes allowing you to choose which .ini files the app should process
- Save File button starting the Backup procedure
- Menu softkey allowing you to change the program options
- Exit softkey that (surprisingly) closes the application.
The Options screen (you can open it via Menu -> Options) is also very simple:
- Save all settings in one file – when you tap “Save File” all the .ini files which are “checked” in the main window will be processed and the effect will be saved in one file mentioned in the “Current file path” text box in the main window.
- Save in separate files – the “checked” .ini files will be processed but this time the effects will be stored in separate files. There will be separate destination files created basing on the same file name from the “Current file path” text box, but with appropriate suffix, so using the default MyBackup.reg file name, the destination files will be MyBackup_System.reg, MyBackup_Manila.reg, MyBackup_Other.reg.
- Backup previous output files – if any of the output (destination) files already exists it will be copied with “_old” suffix before writing new file.
- Associate Reg Files to fdcTM – this button associates the files with .reg extension to the fdcTaskManager which is located by default in the program directory. From this point on you can tap on a .reg file in File Explorer and it will be automatically imported to the registry. Use this function to easily restore your .reg files.
- Save last backup path – this option enables saving last used backup (destination) path upon program exit. Remember – the path is written to registry when you close the program. So if you configured the .ini file to store also SettingsExporter’s settings (stored in HKCU\Software\Skrobel\SettingsExporter) and you want to backup also this setting, you have to set the file path in the Main Window, then Exit the program (to write the path to registry) then open the program again and now you can press “Save File”.
ini files requirements
The .ini file should be a Unicode text file stored in the same folder that the program executable is stored. The names of the file must be exactly one of the names mentioned above (keys_System.ini, keys_Manila.ini, keys_Other.ini). Of course the “keys_Manila.ini” file is not reserved ONLY for values connected with Manila/HTC and the “keys_System.ini” doesn’t need to contain ONLY system settings. It’s my proposal for the entries grouping, but you can change the contents according to your own needs. Only leave the file names intact.
About the syntax:
I tried to make the syntax of these .ini files as simple as possible. So it’s really similar to the syntax of a normal .reg file, exctept it does not need a “REGEDIT4” nor “Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00” at the beginning and of course the values cannot be given next to the valuenames. Here are some examples of the content of an ini file:
And what does it mean?
It means that the specified key will be stored with all it’s values and subkeys (if there are any).
This one means that all the values under the [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\nls\overrides] will be stored but without any subkeys.
In these two cases only the mentioned values will be stored from the specified key.
And this is an example of using regular expressions.
Manila://* - means that all the values with names starting with “Manila://” will be saved
*Enabled - means that all the values with names ending with “Enabled” will be saved
*Co0kie* - means that all the values with names containing “Co0kie” will be saved
As you can see the quotes are ignored so you can put valuenames with or without them and it will not make any difference for the parser.
The current version of the program includes my .ini files that are a result of long and careful tests and save most of the configuration of WM6.5 and WM6.5.x. I created these .ini files on HTC Rhodium and different Jackos ROMs. Most of them should work on a variety of HTC devices, however I've already seen that many settings for HTC Kaiser is stored in different locations than on Rhodium. But as I wrote before: if a registry key/value mentioned in the .ini file is not found in the actual registry, it will not be stored in any form.
On the other hand some of the key names may not work or not exist on different devices/ROMs. Especially when you try to restore a bunch of settings taken from a Sense 2.5 ROM on a Titanium or CHome ROM, you should expect some problems. That’s where grouping comes in handy.
If you have ideas for other registry values which should be backed-up by default or settings for popular third party programs I don’t use, please share key/value names here with a short description of what the values mean. I will put them in the default .ini files so other users can benefit from them.
What settings are included in default .ini files
In this file I included many settins which are changed via standard Windows Mobile Control panel applets and a bit from Advanced Config:
- notifications settings (remember - when you restore these settings after a flash, you have to make sure your ringtones and sound files must be in the same places that they were during backup)
- locale/time zone information (no language specific settings, only message coding, date/time/number formats, locale and time zone)
- messaging settings like threading, delivery report, unicode etc.
- paired Bluetooth devices
- owner information
- volume settings
- screen off/suspend timeouts
- some phone/dialer settings
- Font size/Clear type
- basic ArcSoft MMS settings
- last used profile
- clock/alarm settings
- hardware button assignment (only Long Press Send Key on Rhodium)
- Long Press EndKey action
- some other settings like noise reduction, AGC, USB to PC and less important parameters
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In here I stored some of the third-party applications I use. Please propose other applications with their settings and I'll add them:
- PimBackup
- HTCAccountManager
- Palringo
- Total Commander
- RSS Hub
- SK Tools
- Spb Backup
- cleanRAM
- Skype
- ultrashot UTask
- Quick Shutdown
- QuickGPS
- Whip2Snap
- last but not least - own SettingsExporter settings
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Manila has many versions with extremely different settings and behaviours so I tired to store ONLY the most basic settings which should work on all the manila versions (correct me if I am wrong):
HomeBackgroundPath - self explaining
AnimationWallpaperFolder - default folder for "choose background" option
Home.WallpaperMode - setting connected to full screen weather animation
Manila://* - this allows to store the configuration of showed/hidden Sense tabs
"Weather*" - settings for Manila weather
Of course I could add here all CHT settings, but there are also different versions of CHT on the "market" so I personally prefer to use CHT Editor backup/restore functions than to try to make universal backup utility for Co0kie settings. But if you guys have some hints on this topic I appreciate any help.
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I will try to post here detailed description of all the values I know and will try to add here all suggestions from the community. But this unfortunately depends on my free time...
this is post #5
post #6 just in case...
Congratulations on your release I'll try and report back soon!
Looks great.........
oh thanks a lot! i like to play a lot with co0kie home tab 2.0 and also with the registry so it will be very useful to save some lines of a reg key. In CHT 2.0 all setting are in hkcu/software/htc/manila/CHT.*** (also CHTE.*** and CHTI.***) and i would like to save registry setting like CHT.Tweaks.***
I will try and report back later. Thanks again!
c_shekhar said:
Looks great.........
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It looks ****, but works great
Jackos, you always know something good to say.
Good morning Skrobel,
Once again thank you for taking the time to develop this application. Sorry I didn't get back to you earlier. I had technical difficulties.
Following our recent conversation I'm posting below my findings about version 0.1 beta.
Easy, intuitive UI
3 customizable registry patterns for different settings
A lot of 3-rd party software patterns
Thought-out set of settings
90's looking UI
No support for exporting Twitter and Youtube Account Manager settings
Poorly implemented AppToDate support
Partly Sense and CHT support
No way to backup e-mail accounts and signatures (I know it's difficult to assemble)
No file backup at all
No support for all registry types (not really needed through)
I think you will agree that this app still needs further development. In my opinion Sense SDK is good enough to start with.
Yours truly,
Thank you all for your comments. I plan further development, so whatever you will find, I will at least try to solve.
You deserve special thanks. I don't wan't to defend myself but please remember I am still n00b if about programming And I'd like to comment at least some of your cons:
90's looking UI - I fully agree. This is still on my "to-do" list. Honestly I have already tried to run the Sense SDK from eboelzner (on an early stage of the app) and I just couldn't get the controls to appear on the form. I haven't spent much time on it though as this was not the most important thing to do. And there are only a few controls in this app which are big enough to operate with finger
Poorly implemented AppToDate support - honestly I did it same way as you did for your ROMs I know there is a possibility to download up-to-date cab directly from within the program, but I think the vital thing is to inform the user that something has changed. Nevertheless I will try to improve also here.
No way to backup e-mail accounts and signatures (I know it's difficult to assemble) - yes, you're right. And WiFi settings would also be fantastic to backup. I honestly don't know how to handle it. I did an extensive search among some developers forums and nothing up to now...
No file backup at all - this honestly was not in my plans. I use SettingsExporter in conjunction with PIMBackup in which I have my configuration (stored by the SettingsExporter by the way), and I backup all my files, contacts, messages and calendar within 2 clicks. I don't think any file backup is necessary...
No support for all registry types (not really needed though) - I've seen a tool written using NetCF where (according to the description) it is possible. I will ask the developer for help.
The rest of the "cons" concerns the configuration files which are subject to develop continously and independently on the tool itself. I was kinda hoping that this thread will grow with suggestions of other values of which I don't know and/or I don't use. So whatever you feel should be placed here, please post it hence help to improve for other users.
Skrobel said:
No way to backup e-mail accounts and signatures (I know it's difficult to assemble) - yes, you're right. And WiFi settings would also be fantastic to backup. I honestly don't know how to handle it. I did an extensive search among some developers forums and nothing up to now...
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There are some encryption algorithms that aren't reverse-able. I have no knowledge with one is used in WinCe so maybe it's not possible at all. You could try to backup settings without including passwords.
I guess we have to ask ultrashot. He knows nearly everything about nearly anything
Skrobel said:
I guess we have to ask ultrashot. He knows nearly everything about nearly anything
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He's disassembling WM and SE mobile systems since he stopped using chamber pot
Strange, 35 downloads and nobody reported further problems? I don't believe there aren't any.
I dig up the e-mail and WiFi backup, but no real results yet. On the other hand I know how to handle the Sense SDK controls, so the next release will probably have better look as requested. But I don't want it to be the only update, so report guys, report
Runs fine on my Axim X51V running WM6.5. I've been using an old app until now called SettingSavior. And for specific third party apps, if I was able to find a registry entry where the registration key was stored, I used SKTools to create a reg file for that. then I used Shashimi to import cabs and .reg files.
Will explore your app more.
Some suggested other 3rd party apps for setting backup:
Sprite Backup
Resco Explorer
Pocket Music
I used similar method to store my settings. I used CeRegEditor to make an "image" of the registry, then I changed my settings (also for third party apps), then I compared the saved image with the current state.
But if you use these programs and you have your setup created with SKTools, could you share it with me? I could check what settings are used for these apps, and update config files with them.
Thanks for creating this useful application ,I use this application, PIMBack-up and XDA_UC_NET - portable to fully automate the restore. Now a Hard reset or ROM update is a breeze.
Regards [email protected]

ROM for Hurricane 5.2.23017 Build 23017

The material provided in the unofficial theme. In the case of a failed flash unit, and the topic of the site is not liable! All actions are at your own risk.
I present you the firmware WM 6.5.Standard Build 23 017
Just a flashing 3 languages ​​(0407 (German), 0409 (English), 0419 (Russian)), the default English. And 3 input language.
Screen theme (Sliding Panel & Sliding Panel Media) converted from Rose Sliding Panel's, which made it possible to use HTC Weather.
After the firmware necessary to reboot the device!
Programs: Celetask, CHome configurator, Clock on Top, WM5torage, Registry edit.
Calls, SMS sending, SMS takes, SMS as chat, Bluetooth works, in general, everything seems to be working pretty well!
Thanks to all who helped in creating this firmware!
downloading - will give you feedback asap
I have checked on the package and here are the comments:
The backlight/display driver is not acting according to the settings in the control panel. The display does not get off. The light gets off - but not the LCD. You can see that when you put the display in bright light. When making my kitchen for WM6 I have tried out several different drivers all having one or the other problem and finally decided for the one present there. Please re-check your choice in the light of above problem which creates a big battery drain unfortunately.
The German language is only fractional available. I think that the packages are missing some .provxml files or that these are not read correctly. You can cross-check needed actions for multi-language in my beginners guide for cooking. Especially tracking down the correct execution of .provxml is tricky. There are some threads at XDA dealing with this. I found finally that using the rapiconfig tool on the connected PC sending the files for execution is giving a fast and reliable method for debugging. Search for "provxml" and "rapiconfig".
For my kitchen I had added at the end of each .provxml a registry entry to write to HKLM\Platform with the name of the .provxml as an entry. This way you can check if the file was executed in the first place and then further investigate which was not.
Finally I have seen that the WM65 allows to have skinned menus which complement the sliding panels appearance. Would be good to see that in the WM6.5 ROM as well.
Good luck with your further cooking!
Oh one last thing: You should change your topic title to include "WM 6.5". Not all know that WINCE 5.2.23017 is one internal version of the WM6.5. I think that WM6.x translates to WINCE 5.2.y before that was WM5 with WINCE 5.1.z.
tobbbie thanks for the posts!In other rom, i want to do all languages good!
Hmmm... I don't know what with backlight driver!!!I i don't change him!
Nex update will be only with 2 languages (en-ger and eng-rus) because, i don't know how edit mxip_lang.vol!!!
Have you done anything lately to the ROMs? I finished my Typhoon and Tornado porting to OS Builder, so Hurricane is on the list now to have these old candy-bar phones complete on OSB.
When dumping the ROM with OSB, I noticed that you had used the "merge packages" option when assembling it. This makes it harder to get started, though not impossible as I have the XIP to build my own 6.5 (which I used from the Captain for the Tornado).
Where did you get the base from?
Which kitchen tools have you used?
Hi tobbbie!
Ok, i send you archive later.
but there is a problem, display driver(backlight) don't work correctly(i trying 5 or 6 backlight.dll) and if driver saving power correctly, when you receive incoming call, display don't turn on =(
I think best choose for hurricane is 6.1 =)
It is strange with the backlight. Usually the OEM parts are those that do NOT change in the porting process and so their behavior should also not when the SYS changes.
Problem with the Hurricane is that many OEM modules do not have a relocation section and so can not be properly relocated by some tools. In the batch kitchen I used, the wmreloc.exe could magically do the job nevertheless, probably by making clever general assumptions on the structure of the modules.
When porting Aleut's WM65 for Typhoon to OS Builder I have identified the modules without relocation section (wmreloc writes a special file to the modules folder for those) and "nailed" them to their current location by adding them to the OSB list of "do not relocate" modules.
To be sure that you start with a working set of modules, it is mandatory to start with a dump of such a working device and not a fresh directory setup - where you would rely on the relocation to properly work for ALL modules.
For Typhoon there were just 5 modules without relocation section because there existed a leaked WM5 "dogfood build" for that device. This had all modules including their relocation section. So just the non-Typhoon (Feeler and Amadeus) specific things (keyboard I remember) needed that special treatment.
For the Hurricane I had counted many more such modules and I am not sure if I will ever get a running OSB setup for this. Last time I tried I could not even get my working WM6 setup rebuilt, so this project may find an early ending.
Good news: I got my WM6 build running and re-built with OS Builder. Took some time to discover that the empty boot.rgu from OEMXipKernel package has left out the Launch20=service.exe from the resulting registry, which made the boot stop at that point.
So nailing the OEMDrivers does work here as well - there is hope for more to come here as well
Tobbbie, it's fantastic!!!
I use your kitchen to create imgfs.bin, then i use imgfs.bin with program nbwork to create os.nb(with uldr.bin xip.bin imgfs.bin) and then use you program xipbin =)
To port wm standard roms, i also tryed 28004, and once it's work, but there is no different =)
P.S. links add some minutes later, now uploading to mediafire.
Thanks for your work!
link: http://www.mediafire.com/?qu1x574f8u437g0,lb4ha9rm53n9gpu
And i also rying to poted wm pprofessional on hurricane,it start, but work with some lags, and need to rewrite some oem drivers =)
Why do you need extra tools outside my Hurricane kitchen set? If you put the WM6.5 XIP and Partition framework in the Source folder with the right names then the batch should deliver a ready-made .bin at the and as well.
The easiest way to get back to the one-step batch would be to pick one of your two-step created .nb files, rename it to 82040000-OS.nb and put it to the SOURCE folder.
Batch processing will cut out the pieces and supply the compression for imgfs later - no more two-step.
Last step of the kitchen is basically to joint the new created imgfs with the already ported XIP and ULDR (if present) to a new .nb and then put it to transfer format of the BIN file - transparent blocks with some kB size (not sure if it is64k) and a checksum so that transfer errors can be detected.
Anyway the important part is the creation of the imgfs and especially the correct relocation of modules, something special with the Hurricane and its many modules without reloc section.
You up'ed 2 files, one named "part1.." is there a part 2 also or is this the create_wm6_5?
I guess I will just use the SYS I have for WM61 (from Rose) and WM65 (from Captain) in my Tornado OS Builder kitchen for porting inside OS Builder. This is easier than porting from Batch to OS Builder.
I see no advantage of WM65 over WM61, but all done for the WM61 can be transferred 100% to WM65, so no big deal here. The added functions on WM65 are not worth it:
some memory and CPU hogging browser ad-on
and "widgets" you cannot use on smartphone anyway
and a 1MB bigger SYS with otherwise identical packages
make not up for the option to be able to skin your menus, they just get bigger and making that finger friendly on smartphone is a joke
Sliding panels are in WM61 already (for those who like it) but I have my private homescreen that does all I want on one page and it includes ToDos which the Sliding panels does not.
---------- Post added at 05:10 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:08 PM ----------
sniper304 said:
And i also rying to poted wm pprofessional on hurricane,it start, but work with some lags, and need to rewrite some oem drivers =)
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Why professional - you have touchscreen on Hurricane? Just the 96DPI is nice for more screen estate (smaller top/bottom bars) - but I don't care, really.
---------- Post added at 05:12 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:10 PM ----------
BTW: WM6 Kitchen runs full gear and all options - time to port to WM61 and WM65
in part 1 your kitchen with sys 6.5
in create 6.5 nbwork and rom files(uldr.bin xip bin)
I don't like imgfstonb tool =)
Some times i get bad roms, with bugs, but when i used nbwork, all roms work good.
tobbbie said:
I see no advantage of WM65 over WM61, but all done for the WM61 can be transferred 100% to WM65, so no big deal here. The added functions on WM65 are not worth it:
some memory and CPU hogging browser ad-on
and "widgets" you cannot use on smartphone anyway
and a 1MB bigger SYS with otherwise identical packages
make not up for the option to be able to skin your menus, they just get bigger and making that finger friendly on smartphone is a joke
Sliding panels are in WM61 already (for those who like it) but I have my private homescreen that does all I want on one page and it includes ToDos which the Sliding panels does not.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I found one advantage WM65 over WM61 that maybe useful for some: WMPlayer shows embedded Album Art in WM65 while it does not in WM61. This includes the art display in the sliding panels Media Panel. I use Conduits PocketPlayer for years so never cared about this.
All OS Builder kitchen run well now (6.0, 6.1-Rose and 6.5-Captain). XIP porting was a little inconsistent across these versions but all startup and reboot without flaws.
Still have to cleanup the package sort order - at least in WM6.5 - and see if A2DP would work well (though it is a CPU hog and I would never recommend it).
Release may happen next weekend -> watch out for a dedicated thread then.
Best with the Hurricane cooking is that you will not have to care about ROM size and balancing with storage space on the device in 1 MB steps like on the Tornado - or be limited to fix size like on the Typhoon. The "l" (load) commend will trigger in the SPL a ROM-size matched formatting of the BINFS (in 64k steps, I guess).
Also "good" is that the device still has a RIL v1, so the Radio ROM is smaller (and less capable) then the Tornado Radio. You will hardly note the difference, however will NITZ (Time setting via GSM Network) not work with this RIL.
Even with 8MB Paging Pool (my default) you have free RAM of ~32MB (Sliding Panels Homescreen) or ~34MB with standard Homescreen. You could make the PP even 10-12 MB here and have the device even more "snappy" with several applications in parallel.
tobbbie Thanks for the good work!
I want also clean rom from FWUpdate, because in our phone it's not used, i some time make experiments with some files and when deleted one(i don't remember what file =((( )and it will free about 3 Mb Ram(on startup 35-36MB with sliding panels with weather =)), but i sometimes think, it's unbeliveble, because when i deleted that file, some system pictures don't work(etc. system notification) =(
I think the need to rewrite some system files in order to achieve this = (
No wild deletions, please. FWupdate is removed in the OSB kitchen and only one stub is left in WM6.1+ because otherwise the ROM does not work. Also some other packages are made optional (e.g. SQL mobile) - it so easy making something selectable with OSB (drag + drop), really fun to play with.
The OSB framework has sophisticated tools to analyse the dependencies, so a lot of insight to gain there. If you are curious, download my Tornado OSB Kitchen and do some dry-cooking, the Hurricane will be 98% the same. Also visit the main OSB kitchen thread to get the basic documentation.

