Downgrading Rom question/warranty advice - 8525, TyTN, MDA Vario II, JasJam Software Upgradin

Ok, so I think I'm going to have to send in my device for warranty repairs. Miraculously I got wm5 back on my device, removed hardspl, and after a few no gsm errors somehow the radio has started working (somtimes, at least it shows up!). Unfortunately I have radio version 1.54.07.
Obviously I can't play dumb and act like I don't know what happened since my radio version is so high. I have read that I can't downgrade if my radio bootloader is 1.06 or higher. How do I find this out? I know my bootloader version is 1.04, would my radio one be the same? Also do you think they would even notice if I sent this in like this?
Here are my 3 options:
1. Send it in as is, with the correct version of wm5 and an upgraded radio telling them it is freezing and searches for a signal constantly.
2. Attempt to reinstall the full official rom from the htc site and if it bricks tell them i don't know what happened and the upgrade ruined my phone
3. Same as #2 but wait until their official release of wm6
Anyone with any experience with this? I'd be very grateful!


Upgrade to fix weak radio...

I'm running ROM Version
Radio Version
with boot loader 1.06
I want to know if I can upgrade the Radio version to one of the newer ones. I have an HTC TyTN, unlocked, using Cingular Service. I'm just worried that if I upgrade the radio I won't get any access...any tips, or suggestions?
Yes I have read the Hermes upgrading guide, but it doesn't answer my questions.
I'd try re-reading it, and a few threads on here that have to deal with RADIO roms....
hZSoul said:
I'm running ROM Version
Radio Version
with boot loader 1.06
I want to know if I can upgrade the Radio version to one of the newer ones. I have an HTC TyTN, unlocked, using Cingular Service. I'm just worried that if I upgrade the radio I won't get any access...any tips, or suggestions?
Yes I have read the Hermes upgrading guide, but it doesn't answer my questions.
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mate honestly if you read the guides and this you would have a basic idea. If you still cant understand it then read the wiki here
hZSoul said:
I'm running ROM Version
Radio Version
with boot loader 1.06
I want to know if I can upgrade the Radio version to one of the newer ones. I have an HTC TyTN, unlocked, using Cingular Service. I'm just worried that if I upgrade the radio I won't get any access...any tips, or suggestions?
Yes I have read the Hermes upgrading guide, but it doesn't answer my questions.
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Hi sir, it would be better for you to thoroughly read the wiki and various threads on this. Having seen your ROM version etc... I would definatly recommend flashing a newer TyTN rom, the latest one available that is still in WM5 is the AKU3.3 ROM which has the newer radio rom in it aswell, you will possibly get better call reception etc.... also the ROM is a HELL of alot more stable than the one you are running now. Video playback in TCPMP/Coreplayer works with ATi Imageon turned on, and works flawlessly in rawframbuffer mode (so you can watch divx and things on your TyTN....worth it for the train)
Dont be too quick to flash it though....definatly read up on what you are doing before you go ahead. Any more questions (once you have read up ) come back here.
Alright, I was up pretty late last night reading the wiki. I'll continue to read today, and then I'll have some more questions. I've almost got it sorted, so...
Thanks alot guys for the help, as I was considering returning my TyTN, and going back to my older mobile.
hZSoul said:
Alright, I was up pretty late last night reading the wiki. I'll continue to read today, and then I'll have some more questions. I've almost got it sorted, so...
Thanks alot guys for the help, as I was considering returning my TyTN, and going back to my older mobile.
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:O NO WAY!!!!! you havent even touched the realms of stuff you can do with it!
Ok so heres some questions to start off with.
After reading the wiki, I kind of took myself in a loop. At first I just wanted to upgrade the Radio. It told me to downgrade to 1.04, and then I would be able to load any radio version I wanted. So I went to the downgrade page, and it said I needed the CID Unlocker. I tried to download that, however the zip is a corrupt file. If anyone has it, and could send it to me, that would be appreciated.
Now my next question I need to use the CID Unlocker to be able to upgrade the ROM? Or can I just download AKU 3.3, install it, and it will flash the ROM without any problems.
EDIT: So I went here..., to check the CID / SIM Unlocker, but it says I need to downgrade to 1.04, because I can upgrade.
Try reading:
I read that, and I went ahead and ran the program.
I'm still using SPL 1.06
ROM Version still
Radio has been updated to
Reception still hasn't changed much. I'll have 4Bars to start with, and then it will drop to 2...
I also used the CID/SIM Unlocker, so I'm good to go.
That means I should be able to load AKU3.3 right? Or should I downgrade to SPL 1.04 first?
hZSoul said:
I read that, and I went ahead and ran the program.
I'm still using SPL 1.06
ROM Version still
Radio has been updated to
Reception still hasn't changed much. I'll have 4Bars to start with, and then it will drop to 2...
I also used the CID/SIM Unlocker, so I'm good to go.
That means I should be able to load AKU3.3 right? Or should I downgrade to SPL 1.04 first?
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So youve unlocked the device and changed it to SuperCID. Good work.
Just run the latest AKU3.3 HTC rom (its at the top). You will get an updated radio version and the new AKU, remember to backup all your stuff and be prepared to reinstall all the settings/applications. As i said again, dont flash the rom unless you are sure you know what you are doing.
I should be good. I'm about to run it, once it finishes the download.
I just have 2 conerns...will the radio reception be any better, and 2 is it really that much better? I was looking for the "updates faq's", or what was included, but I didn't see anything.
Also the other thing, is not really a concern but more of it being tiedious, is re-entering all of the WAP, and MMS, settings...ballocks...oh well. Here goes...
hZSoul said:
I should be good. I'm about to run it, once it finishes the download.
I just have 2 conerns...will the radio reception be any better, and 2 is it really that much better? I was looking for the "updates faq's", or what was included, but I didn't see anything.
Also the other thing, is not really a concern but more of it being tiedious, is re-entering all of the WAP, and MMS, settings...ballocks...oh well. Here goes...
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If you are going to play with the TyTN like us people on here are (such as testing WM XDA-Live) you will get used to adding the MMS/GPRS settings.
There is a NOTICEABLE improvement in reception from radio version onwards, the version in the HTC-AKU3.3 rom package is so you SHOULD see a slight improvment. Stability is by far the best thing on that ROM.
I highly recommend downloading TCPMP and trying out some .avi files on it as it is the version with the ATi Imageon chip working as desired.
Since upgrading to radio 1.27 (and later to the 3G reception of my TyTN has improved alot, such that i can get 3G reception downstairs where before i only got strong GSM.
Alright, the upgrade went smooth, now I just have to go and add in the MMS, and GPRS settings, so...I'll get around to that a little later.
So I have the latest ROM version, with the latest boot loader. I am a little dissapointed though. Even with the newest Radio version, it still does not pickup a signal as well as my Sony W810i did. Prehaps interference, from the bluetooth, or the Wi-Fi radios. However I don't even have those turned on. Hurm...
The OS runs alot smoother than the previous build. Now I just have to go in and tweak the settings. Everything else though seems to be nice.
About the radio. With my W810i, the signal was very strong, even when in the buildings on my college campus. However the reception from the TyTN, isn't as strong. This might end up being the breaking point...I'll keep testing it out, so we'll see.
As of right now though, I've full integrated my life into this device. I have my comlete daily schedule planned in with classes, meetings, ect. Today in class, rather than taking notes I was able to logon to the website, and download the powerpoint presentation that was being used, and used that for my notes. Gotta love having a campus that is 100% Wi-Fi.
Thanks for the help with the upgrade. I'm glad you stepped in otherwise I would have turned around and sold it, even though I've very happy with my TyTN, everything but the Radio problem though...
uh, "Latest" Boot Loader? You mean you put 1.09 on the phone? or are you talking about the RADIO bootloader? That you now have 0108?
If you put 1.09 on the phone you'll want to, IMHO, read about how to DOWNGRADE to Oli's 1.10.oli or 1.01MFG or 1.04 if you really want...
You should be able to do it with SSPL, but, I'd suggest you READ CAREFULLY this time.
Yeah its 1.09.
I'll take a look into what you just mentioned, and read up on it, now that I'm more familiar, and a little more secure with this. I was kind of worried, about flashing the rom, after reading alot of the "be careful...", or "at your own risk". So...
Obviously I will procceed with caution...
Any other pointed, tips would be appreciated. Thanks as always!

Radio Bootloader 0108 - still a no go zone?

Hey guys,
I've been reading quite extensively into upgrading just the Radio version on my i-mate Jasjam. I get terrible reception where I am and am hoping to cure this with a more recent radio (currently on, HTC_Boot 0107).
However having read the multiple warnings against upgrading to Radio ROMs above 1.27 I'm a bit unsure. Ideally I'd like to give 1.43 a try due to the positive comments on its GSM reception. Unfortunately, being above Radio ROM 1.27 it comes with the bundle of joy that is Radio Bootloader 0108.
The main reason I don't want to upgrade to Radio Bootloader 0108 is for warranty purposes. If I upgrade the radio and HardSPL I'll have no problems downgrading these later. The Radio Bootlaoder, on the other hand, seems to be impossible to get rid of.
So I guess I have two questions.
The main question is whether radio bootloader 0108 is still not downgradable. I came across two threads where it seemed as if progress would be made - the first was a post by pof 2 years ago saying he was working on a method to downgrade, found here:
and the other thread was written by olipro and looked very promising, with a volunteer to test a patched radio bootloader, but with no results posted. This was a 18 months ago:
The second question isn't a big deal, but I'm just wondering why so many people who have warned against upgrading to Radios with radio bootloader 0108 have radio bootloader 0108 installed themselves?
At the moment it looks like I'm going to be stuck with crappy reception for the next 2 years due to fear of voiding (and not being able to "unvoid") my warranty, unless this 0108 problem gets fixed!
Any updates on this situation would really be appreciated.
No rom upgrade from I-mate with 108 bl??
I had same problem , my tyTn was shipped with radio (bl < 108).
I waited untill a new rom upgrade was available and checked for radio bl=108.
Now I'm running radio 1.43 , I believe you haven't a lot to wait for..
Thanks for the reply jarod, that's actually a good point - I thought i-mate hadn't released a ROM upgrade which included a 0108 radio bootloader but I was wrong. They released one then pulled it from their website.
Since I can still get it from here I could upgrade using an official i-mate release and therefore not void my warranty, and wouldn't have any need to downgrade back to 0107 if I were sending my phone in for repairs.
They pulled it off thier website,
but not off their FTP
As long as you put HardSPL on it, Who cares about warranty, the crap Ive done to mine and haven't stuffed it, It's unbelievable
Much of the BL 108 talk was from before the time when we had a way to get around the flashing a radio. Much work has been done in the past 7 months on both ROM Cooking as well as opening up the Hermes...

Just about to take the COOK plunge but...

Hi everyone,
Just got my new 8525. No luck with it shipping with WM6 already. (I guess most of you figured that)
I have some more questions before I start messing with this. First, my current config:
HERM100 (ATT 8525)
IPL= 1.03
SPL= 1.11
When is booting from SR is says:
M 05
S 06
B 04
ROM 2.15.502.3
ROM Date 04/09/07
Protocol vs 32.73.7020.16H
I plan on using this on my ATT network and am not interested in using it anywhere other than on ATT for now so, no need to unlock SuperCID or anything like that now.
Desire: Install a BBC compliant WM6 with no BLOAT.
What I know from the Wiki and the forums:
I can install Hard-SPL and the new VPG3 Ver3 BBC Rom from VPG3. This seems to be a very stable, fast, clean ROM. Should I need to go back to bare bones stock, I read this thread and went to this site. The details are there and the step-by-step is clear and concise. I understand it and know that I can do this.
My question:
1) It says that I can revert back from HardSPL to either SPL 1.06 or 1.04 but, I have 1.11. How do I then revert back to what I have?
2) From what I understand, by reverting back to the 1.04 or 1.06, I have removed HardSPL so, in theory, I can just re-flash the OEM ROM, right? Or, is it not that simple?
3) If it is, will the OEM ROM then re-flash everything (Radio, OS, SPL, IPL, etc.)back to the OEM state prior to me mucking around with it?
4) Will my carrier be able to tell if I screwed with it?
I have done about 1 weeks worth of seaching and reading and learning before I decided to do anything. I am new to this somewhat but, I have flashed OEM ROMS before so I am comfortable. I also own an IMATE JAM that I have messed with too. The point is that I am trying to learn as much as I can on my own using existing info before bugging the community. Can never be too cautious.
I appreciate your help in advance.
Personally I would advise against it, as an 8525 owner. I've already kind of screwed mine up.
Here is what happened to mine. I installed an "official" build of wm6 on my phone after installing hardspl. The install worked fine but I found the software to be very buggy. I had to restart a lot. Then I installed a newer build. The install went ok but the software was even worse. Yesterday i tried reverting back to wm5, which i was able to do (after problems all day) but now I have all kinds of radio issues. Everything is factory on my phone except the radio version. I am going to try to send it in for warranty who knows how that will go though. If you look at the cingular forums it looks like wm6 will officially be available this month. I wouldn't risk voiding your warranty over getting a new os on your phone 2 weeks before you can officially do it. Also I might add there is not a huge difference between the 2 operating systems. comparing the 2 would be similar to comparing win95 to win 98, nothing groundbreaking
As to your questions:
I did have hardspl on my phone and was able to take it off. It took me down to 1.04. I have no clue what I had on it before, I'm assuming that may be correct though.
I haven't been able to downgrade my radio.
In theory you can reinstall the offical wm5 rom, but mine freezes at 12% when it tries to install the old radio.
While some people have had no problems, I have had a lot. From reading this board it seems hit and miss. Beware.
Thank you very much! I really just need something to run BlackBerry Connect. This, along with the elimination of the BLOAT is the only real reason I am considering this. I do appreciate your insight.
tanpimp said:
Personally I would advise against it, as an 8525 owner. I've already kind of screwed mine up.
Here is what happened to mine. I installed an "official" build of wm6 on my phone after installing hardspl. The install worked fine but I found the software to be very buggy. I had to restart a lot. Then I installed a newer build. The install went ok but the software was even worse. Yesterday i tried reverting back to wm5, which i was able to do (after problems all day) but now I have all kinds of radio issues. Everything is factory on my phone except the radio version. I am going to try to send it in for warranty who knows how that will go though. If you look at the cingular forums it looks like wm6 will officially be available this month. I wouldn't risk voiding your warranty over getting a new os on your phone 2 weeks before you can officially do it. Also I might add there is not a huge difference between the 2 operating systems. comparing the 2 would be similar to comparing win95 to win 98, nothing groundbreaking
As to your questions:
I did have hardspl on my phone and was able to take it off. It took me down to 1.04. I have no clue what I had on it before, I'm assuming that may be correct though.
I haven't been able to downgrade my radio.
In theory you can reinstall the offical wm5 rom, but mine freezes at 12% when it tries to install the old radio.
While some people have had no problems, I have had a lot. From reading this board it seems hit and miss. Beware.
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keeps restarting after booting up

Hello all
i need some help. just finished upgrading my mogul and it keeps on rebooting after a few seconds after it reaches the today screen. i have tried dcd 2.2.4 and 2.2.6 with same results.
i believe if i keep it plugged into the computer it will stay on. any help please!??!
I just had the exact same problem. Did you load any other software after flashing the radio and rom?
Unfortunately i couldnt find a solution that involved DCD's roms. I flashed to 2.4 2.6, 1.6 new radios but nothing worked. I had to use no2chems nuerom 2.0 buld 5044 which works great, but doesnt have the verizon specifics. GPS is good and its fast. If anyone else comes up with something please let us know as i would like to have some of that software back.
this has been posted many times.
most likely you do not have the new bootloader installed.
go here get the 2.40 bootloader and start over
thanks for the quick responses!!
first time doing all this, but nothing to hard i think in my opinion. you just have to get over the learning curve.
i used this guide:
which bootloader should i use if that guide led me to the wrong one?
also where can i find the other rom?
thanks for the bootloader. i will give it a shot now
2. If you are using 3.16+ code then you need either:
>>>a. The reLocker if upgrading to the unofficial carrier released rom
>>>b. the unLocker (new) 2.40 if running custom built roms
you'll learn the terms eventually....
just an FYI
do a search on here and on google FIRST if you run into problems because most likely you'll not be the first to have the issue.
but if you can't find any answers most people here will be willing to help
just verified, i am already using 2.40
also im not new to forums... i am well aware of google and search tools. these forum websites are getting annoying with spam protection that half the time when i tried doing a search, it would not complete it.
i knew i was running a stock 3.16
did you have an old custom bootloader? you need to relock it if so then run the 2.40
if its like mine then when you relock it you will lock up on the bootloader and have to do exit bootloader to get back to the splash screen where it will lock again. I even flashed back to the stock rom and it relaoded. I think it may be an glitch in the s.27 radio personally.
i went from the latest stock to custom using the guide above. is there a need to relock it or do you leave it unlocked?
if you go from stock to custom bootloader and upgrading the radio 3.27 and a DCD rom you don't need to relock it.
you only need to relock for the leaked sprint rom
did you upgrade the radio too?
yes i used titan_radio_3.27.00
when i go into boot mood i get this:
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is this how it should be?
please and thank you everyone for your help!!!
that should say olipro 2.40
who is your carrier? sprint, verizon.......
my carrier is sprint
run the 2.40 spl and start over
okay so you want me to run the hard spl again and then dcd??? or should i do the titan radio 3.27.00 before dcd

Revert to other bootloaders after NueSPL

I saw something here about this from azclown and really want to know if it is true.
After flashing nueSPL is it possible to downgrade to other bootloaders?
I tried to run unlocker (Olipro 1.20) and it wouldn't connect right. Do I need to use relocker then load 1.20 then load stock rom. I am testing this out for another phone right now and am a little curious why this would be created so that no other bootloaders could be reloaded.
What I am realizing is that this bootloader is not such a good idea for Verizon users, being that they will not be able to revert to the stock rom (as Verizon has not released a GPS Rom yet).
Am I right here?
serfboreds said:
I saw something here about this from azclown and really want to know if it is true.
After flashing nueSPL is it possible to downgrade to other bootloaders?
I tried to run unlocker (Olipro 1.20) and it wouldn't connect right. Do I need to use relocker then load 1.20 then load stock rom. I am testing this out for another phone right now and am a little curious why this would be created so that no other bootloaders could be reloaded.
What I am realizing is that this bootloader is not such a good idea for Verizon users, being that they will not be able to revert to the stock rom (as Verizon has not released a GPS Rom yet).
Am I right here?
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um, DO NOT attempt to DOWNGRADE your SPL unless you want a permanent brick.
ALL ATTEMPTS whatsoever to downgrade the radio to a pre-GPS radio have F-A-I-L-E-D. They have all resulted in BROKEN BRICKED IRREPARABLE devices.
1.xx SPLS are not (at least that i'm aware of, compatible with GPS radios)
therefore, you cannot downgrade your radio to 1.xx.
You can downgrade to olipro-2.40, but thats pretty much it. Unless your device is SuperCID, i would NOT ADVISE locking your device, because you will only be able to download updates signed by VZW, and as we all know - there are none.
If warranty is a concern,... it would be better to turn in a complete brick than a partial brick. flash a modified VZW OS Only with proper OEMDRIVERS, then run my relocker and lock the SPL down, then warranty it. /... I wouldn't suggest this for anything else, because in case of a bad OS flash, you'd be pretty screwed...
Thanks for chiming in on this no2chem, there's a lot of good information in that post!
no2chem said:
um, DO NOT attempt to DOWNGRADE your SPL unless you want a permanent brick.
ALL ATTEMPTS whatsoever to downgrade the radio to a pre-GPS radio have F-A-I-L-E-D. They have all resulted in BROKEN BRICKED IRREPARABLE devices.
1.xx SPLS are not (at least that i'm aware of, compatible with GPS radios)
therefore, you cannot downgrade your radio to 1.xx.
You can downgrade to olipro-2.40, but thats pretty much it. Unless your device is SuperCID, i would NOT ADVISE locking your device, because you will only be able to download updates signed by VZW, and as we all know - there are none.
If warranty is a concern,... it would be better to turn in a complete brick than a partial brick. flash a modified VZW OS Only with proper OEMDRIVERS, then run my relocker and lock the SPL down, then warranty it. /... I wouldn't suggest this for anything else, because in case of a bad OS flash, you'd be pretty screwed...
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True, I see your point about returning a complete brick. The rest is fine I guess.
no2chem said:
ALL ATTEMPTS whatsoever to downgrade the radio to a pre-GPS radio have F-A-I-L-E-D. They have all resulted in BROKEN BRICKED IRREPARABLE devices.
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now, by that do you mean they werere were bricked by downgrading the radio with nueSPL previously (or currently) loaded on the device, or downgrading the radio on a device that never had nueSPL loaded on it?
the only reason i ask this is because ive done several radio downgrades from olipro 2.4 to 1.2 to the stock radio/ROMs for refurbishment and ive never had a problem. i dont use the stock SPL because theres no tech around here smart enough to check it.
no2chem said:
um, DO NOT attempt to DOWNGRADE your SPL unless you want a permanent brick.
ALL ATTEMPTS whatsoever to downgrade the radio to a pre-GPS radio have F-A-I-L-E-D. They have all resulted in BROKEN BRICKED IRREPARABLE devices.
1.xx SPLS are not (at least that i'm aware of, compatible with GPS radios)
therefore, you cannot downgrade your radio to 1.xx.
You can downgrade to olipro-2.40, but thats pretty much it. Unless your device is SuperCID, i would NOT ADVISE locking your device, because you will only be able to download updates signed by VZW, and as we all know - there are none.
If warranty is a concern,... it would be better to turn in a complete brick than a partial brick. flash a modified VZW OS Only with proper OEMDRIVERS, then run my relocker and lock the SPL down, then warranty it. /... I wouldn't suggest this for anything else, because in case of a bad OS flash, you'd be pretty screwed...
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No2chem.. I think I am an exception or my XV6800 must be special because I actually messed up my phone because i wanted the new Radio 3.42.02 but couldn't get my Phone to Flash From SD.. So I had to flash a sprint 3.56 ROM to get the Radio and then flashed Verizon kitchen before Sprint customization started.. but for some weird reason.. Sprint customization still ran after i flash the Verizon ROM.. My EPST Settings were all Sprint.. lols..
These are the steps I took to bring it back..
1. Ran Titan_Relocker to relock SPL from version 2.40 Olipro
2. Flashed Stock Verizon ROM and let Verizon Customization run
3. Unlock using NueSPL2.47 letting it format my SD card to enable Flashing from SD [Thank GOD you added this feature]
4. Placed the new Radio 3.42.30 onto my SD card and enter Bootloader and Flashed it [Thanks to You]
5. then flashed my Verizon kitchen.. All with no problem..
I've discussed this method with some of the guys over at and they were concerned about me bricking my phone.. but I said oh what the heck.. my phone is already messed up..
every one was supprised that it worked.. lol.. I must be one of the lucky few..
b16daddy said:
No2chem.. I think I am an exception or my XV6800 must be special because I actually messed up my phone because i wanted the new Radio 3.42.02 but couldn't get my Phone to Flash From SD.. So I had to flash a sprint 3.56 ROM to get the Radio and then flashed Verizon kitchen before Sprint customization started.. but for some weird reason.. Sprint customization still ran after i flash the Verizon ROM.. My EPST Settings were all Sprint.. lols..
These are the steps I took to bring it back..
1. Ran Titan_Relocker to relock SPL from version 2.40 Olipro
2. Flashed Stock Verizon ROM and let Verizon Customization run
3. Unlock using NueSPL2.47 letting it format my SD card to enable Flashing from SD [Thank GOD you added this feature]
4. Placed the new Radio 3.42.30 onto my SD card and enter Bootloader and Flashed it [Thanks to You]
5. then flashed my Verizon kitchen.. All with no problem..
I've discussed this method with some of the guys over at and they were concerned about me bricking my phone.. but I said oh what the heck.. my phone is already messed up..
every one was supprised that it worked.. lol.. I must be one of the lucky few..
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weird. what were you running before step 1?
the problem seems to manifest itself when you take a GPS radio, and flash a 2.xx RADIO onto it. When you flashed the verizon stock rom, are you sure you had the 2.xx radio on it?
the reason everyone was concerned about your phone though, was because there were several bricks produced by downgrading radios - ask ImCokeMan, he'll tell you..
no2chem said:
weird. what were you running before step 1?
the problem seems to manifest itself when you take a GPS radio, and flash a 2.xx RADIO onto it. When you flashed the verizon stock rom, are you sure you had the 2.xx radio on it?
the reason everyone was concerned about your phone though, was because there were several bricks produced by downgrading radios - ask ImCokeMan, he'll tell you..
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I didn't quite understand your question..
"When you flashed the verizon stock rom, are you sure you had the 2.xx radio on it?"
When I ran Titan_Relocker.. it installed version 1.06..
Before the Sprint radio upgrade I had...
Hard SPL2.40 Olipro
Radio 3.39.10
No2chem wm6.1 5067 Kitchen
I have also went from a GPS radio to the stock verizon radio/rom a few times because of accidentally letting sprint customizations run.
i am not 100% sure if i had the stock radio on my phone. however it worked with stock verizon rom and phone/ data/ text all worked in stock verizon rom/radio.... so i assume it was the correct radio since it worked with the stock rom...?
EDIT: i do believe i had verizon 1.3 radio on my phone after flashing back from a GPS radio
also i remember reading somewhere that if you do flash back to a stock radio/ rom that it might say stock radio but it will still have components of the gps radio's... i think i read it at ppcgeeks
aguas said:
ive done several radio downgrades from olipro 2.4 to 1.2 to the stock radio/ROMs for refurbishment and ive never had a problem. i dont use the stock SPL because theres no tech around here smart enough to check it.
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i also have downgraded radio from 3.xx to 1.xx without any problems.
I flashed back to non gps as well. I was having bad experiences with dcd's 2.x so I went to his 1.7. No issues flashing at all.
I have also downgraded to 2 different phones from GPS radios to NON-GPS radios.... Verizons stock radio is 1.30, not a 2.x radio, so that may be the issue for some other folks on different carriers.... It may be an incompatibility with 2.x radios and GPS radios.... I have a folder on my desktop that has all the files necessary AND the instructions clearly written out on how to downgrade..... It has saved my butt 2 times now....
azclown said:
I have also downgraded to 2 different phones from GPS radios to NON-GPS radios.... Verizons stock radio is 1.30, not a 2.x radio, so that may be the issue for some other folks on different carriers.... It may be an incompatibility with 2.x radios and GPS radios.... I have a folder on my desktop that has all the files necessary AND the instructions clearly written out on how to downgrade..... It has saved my butt 2 times now....
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hmm, it might actually be an issue with 2.X radios. I'll do a little bit of research on this one.
no2chem said:
hmm, it might actually be an issue with 2.X radios. I'll do a little bit of research on this one.
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the radio i downgraded to was 1.59
no2chem said:
um, DO NOT attempt to DOWNGRADE your SPL unless you want a permanent brick.
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Ya I used to switch from gps to nongps all the time back when the original leaked radio was the only one out... I also converted my last phone (sent in for broken button) back to complete stock vzw (locked and all) as well....
I haven't tried doing any downgrading after installing nueSPL though... are you indicating this is a probelm after flashing nueSPL? Your post has me a 'lil scared now but I'll wait for followups before I attempt anything.. no plans to go back to nongps anyways, though... the new radios seem to have the bugs worked out.
Zenoran said:
Ya I used to switch from gps to nongps all the time back when the original leaked radio was the only one out... I also converted my last phone (sent in for broken button) back to complete stock vzw (locked and all) as well....
I haven't tried doing any downgrading after installing nueSPL though... are you indicating this is a probelm after flashing nueSPL? Your post has me a 'lil scared now but I'll wait for followups before I attempt anything.. no plans to go back to nongps anyways, though... the new radios seem to have the bugs worked out.
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Only No2chem knows for sure, but after reading his post again I think he's saying you can downgrade to Ollipro 2.4, if thats the case then one should be able to downgrade back to stock as well....
I think no2 is onto something here. I am on VZW also and have gone back to stock from a 3.xx gps radio --> stock 1.30 radio.
I have a feeling that for once we may be glad that verizon never does any updates - they still use 1.30 radio - and that may be the common thread in all our (vzw) success at going back to non gps.
I'd say that I was onto this before him.... He just knows how to verify it...
azclown said:
I'd say that I was onto this before him.... He just knows how to verify it...
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and i would agree with you!
Speaking of the man himself ^^^^ .. I would note that you had all the data, I just thought it was odd that anyone who tried to go back to a 2.X radio would brick it, while us verizon folks would go back to 1.X and have no issues....

