[05.11.2008] iFonz: Active Weather Icon +5day forecast - Windows Mobile Apps and Games

SORRY, am no more active on this Topic cause Device does no more exist.
Please use at your own Risk. But don't expect answers any more.
Weather icon showing Temperature and Weathercondition at selectable iFonz-Icon plus 5 Day forecast, new weathericons
(Only iFonz 1.1.2 not iFonz 2 by now)
the Mortscript, I've done (based on Infos of this thread), is a plugin that replaces an IFonz icon by a weathericon(showing actual weather) and shows temerature as Icon name. In the new version, pressing the weathericon will now show a five day forecast(see screenshots at the end of post). I hope, you'll like it.
The ifonzWeather.ZIP now contains two Mortscripts iFonzWeather.mscr (sceduled download of weatherdata and refresh iFonzscreen) and the new iFonzForecast.mscr(when started expand from 1 to 5 weathericons for 5 day forecast and restore original icons when started again.)
What is new/has changed:
Removed Bug wrong Icon is shown, when online source for weatherdata is available, but Page says no actual data available(weathercode 3200, not 0, not na)
The script can now autoconnect to gsm if no dataconnection is available and if wanted!
Added iFonzForecast.mscr to be started by weathericon. This will give you 5day Forecast, shown as iFonzIcons.
What do you need/have to do:
iFonz 1.1.2(Works with older versions too, but I got reports, that with V0.99 is waits with iconupdate till newstart of iFonz.)
Download and install the Mortscript-4.1PPC.cab
Download my Mortscripts iFonzWeather.zip (see end of post)
S2U2 has Weathericons included, but you can also download the ones i've created of them(complete set but not perfect). Better use blueaxe's icons(see end of post)
Modify scripts with texteditor to fit your needs(at least change your location/descriped further down).
Start it manually by doubleclicking on script to start or put a lnk to windows\autostart(startup)\
What does the script(iFonzWeather.mscr) do:
It downloads the actual weathercondition and the forecast for five days, of a place you select, from Yahoo.weather.com and saves them. It uses the internetconnection available(I've testet via wlan and activesync)
It canges the iFonz icon (you can select in the script) to show the picture of the actual weatherconditions.
it changes iconname shown, to a combination of actual temp and forecast(highes and lowest temp).
It lets you open the 5day forecast if selected or altenatively sets the icon, to start the Browser, you've chosen in the mortscript, and opens the yahoo page showing further weatherinformation to your selectet place. You can also disable this if you like to start an other app.
It will retry to get weater every hour(but you can change the timeintervall to any time in mortscript).
If connection is not available, it will try to use saved weatherdata for showing actual day and the forecast.
Needed changes in script(iFonzWeather.mscr) Simply change with texteditor
The mortscript should work without any changes on english devices. It is by default set, to use the weatherpictures of s2U2, if S2U2 is installed in "\program files\s2u2\gfx\weather\". Pressing the Icon will start iFonzForecast.mscr(change icons to show 5 day forecast). It will change the 4th Icon on the first page to be the main weathericonon the first page(can be changed)
Here you see the settings you can change in an texteditor
# your location (see http://weather.yahoo.com/ on finding your location)
# desired units for temp, f or c
# Set GSMConnection to your internetconnection("The Internet","Internet","My ISP"..see settings/connections ...)
# If you only want to use available connections set GSMConnection=""
GSMConnection="The Internet"
# how often to try and get the weather
delayHours = 1
delayMinutes = 0
# iFonz variables to change
# -------------------------
# iFonzPixPath(path to icons): to use s2u2 icons set "\program files\s2u2\gfx\weather\"
iFonzPixPath = "\program files\s2u2\gfx\weather\"
# iFonzWNA(WeatherPic if not available: to use s2u2icons set "0" else "na"
iFonzWNA = "0"
# Want iFonz to open Yahooweather for your destination, when icon pressed ? set iFonzOpenYahoo=2
# Want iFonz to show Weatherforecast with Icons ? set iFonzOpenYahoo=2
iFonzBrowser = "\windows\iexplore.exe"
# Choose Icon to change
# iFonzBottomIcon(True = BottonIcon/False = NormalIcon)
# ifonzIconNumber(0..X)
# ifonzPageNumber(1..X)not needed if bottomicon
iFonzBottomIcon = false
ifonzIconNumber = 3
ifonzPageNumber = 1
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Set location to your locationcode.For finding your locationcode, enter http://weather.yahoo.com/ and click trough the countries and the cities untill you find your place.
Then you'll see your needed location in the adressfield of your browser.
You want fahrenheit, not centigrade? Change units from c to f
You dont want the script to autoconnect to gsm? SetGSMConnection=""
You want to reload data in shorter or longer Timeintervalls? Change delayHours = 1 and delayMinutes = 0 to your needs
You want other Pix? Change iFonzPixPath to the folder containing the pictures. The mortscript uses 0.png up to 47.png and nb.png for weather not available. So check if NA-Picture is called 0.png or NA.png and eventually change iFonzWNA from "0" from to "na"
Choose pressing Weathericon, (2)to open 5day-forecast inside iFonz(offline), (1) to open online Webpage with further data or (0) select any app to open, manually in iFonz iconsettings, by setting iFonzOpenYahoo =2, 1 or 0
You want iFonz to start an other browser(please Internetexplorer is a shame), for showing further weather information ? Set iFonzBrowser to an other browser.
You want an other Icon to be changed? Set iFonzBottomIcon = True (0..X), if you want to change an icon in bottombar, set if false if you want to change a normal icon. ifonzIconNumber is the positionnumber of the icon counted from left to right,up to down.First Icon has Nr 0. For the bottomicons start counting with the first buttombaricon. Set ifonzPageNumber(1..X) to the page the icon should be(not nescessairy for BottomIcons
What does the script(iFonzForecastdo.mscr) do:
It changes 4 selectable Icons to show Forecast for day 2, 3, 4 and 5(Day 1 is shown by ifonzWeather.mscr). It saves the original Icons with all data, and restores them when script is started again. By setting iFonzOpenYahoo=2 in iFonzweather.mscr it will be started by pressing the Mainicon or any of the other forecasticons
What you can change (works without changes)in script(iFonzForecast.mscr) :
# iFonz variables to change
# -------------------------
# iFonzPixPath(path to icons): to use s2u2 icons set "\program files\s2u2\gfx\weather\"
iFonzPixPath = "\program files\s2u2\gfx\weather\"
# iFonzWNA(WeatherPic if not available: to use s2u2icons set "0" else "na"
iFonzWNA = "0"
# Choose first Icon to use out of four to show forecast
# iFonzBottomIcon(True = BottonIcon/False = NormalIcon)
# ifonzIconNumber(0..X)
# ifonzPageNumber(1..X)not needed if bottomicon
iFonzBottomIcon = false
ifonzIconNumber = 4
ifonzPageNumber = 1
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iFonzPixPath and iFonzWNA should get the same values as in iFonzWeather.mscr.
Selecting the first of the 4 replaced icons, works like in FonzWeather.mscr. The values should not be the same like in iFonzWeather.mscr because you would otherwise only see Day 2-5, because you replaced the Mainweathericon, showing actual day.
Click here to see bluemetalaxe's new realizelook weathericons. Find Icons in higher resolution and diffrent optics. These Icons are the base for the Set posted below. TNX bluemetalaxe
To use this Icons set iFonzWNA = "0"
So, this was a long Post. Sounds difficult, but is indeed quite easy. I hope you like it.

Any feedback by now ??? Wishes ??? Problems ??? Questions ??? Chage requests ???

Thanks Sid-Shrunk, it was the missed part on iFonz

Excellent work, i played arround a little bit with some weather Icons, if anyone likes that how about this with Day and Night Background (just a really first test in 96x96, on the fake screenshot in 52x52):

Hi bluemetalaxe,
bluemetalaxe said:
i played arround a little bit with some weather Icons, if anyone likes that how about this with Day and Night Background
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the preview icons look realy good. Especially playing with night and day should be interesting.
By the way, if you plan to do more pix, do you already have a table with the conditions belonging to the weathercodes?

yes, i think the codes/numbers are correct you see 36,39 and 33 from left to right, but please check it.
EDIT: Okay i checked it with your Icons, seems its okay. The other question is the size, i prefer 52 but i think the most like to use 48 Pixel for qvga. For the weather graphics itself i use Rumball`s Set (or the Set Rumball uses for manila weather panel, who knows ?), but i think i PM him first before doing this.

I did not mean thy are wrong, I just thought you could be interested in the link to YahooWeather that shows the exact description of condition to a code.
There you can see the exact diffrences between a bit/normal/heavy rain ....
For the pictures I've done I've just changed the icons coming with S2U2, and compared the missing icons with other available sets.
I forgot: For the size I think it would be best if it fits to the rest of your iconset, but that's you descision. I use 48, but I use a frame for every icon I use, so I had to modify anyway.

it`s okay the yahoo description and the graphics are right: 41 (heavy snow) and 37: So i think i will post a set for your application on the next few days on my icons thread.. (Just thinking about a cleaner background like on the second icon). Thanks for this app man !

Sounds great man, I like the smooth look of you new iconset.
The backgroundproblem in iFonz with transparency, is the Reason, why I modified all my icons with a metalic border So I can use any background now.

bluemetalaxe said:
Excellent work, i played arround a little bit with some weather Icons, if anyone likes that how about this with Day and Night Background (just a really first test in 96x96, on the fake screenshot in 52x52):
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These are really nice icons and they go nicely with your realize icons which i use, i like that and i am interested

thank you claus
@sid: yes bmps and transparency, always a Problem on ppcs, i for myself went back to a black background, now my Icons look smooth. okay i post here again when the set is ready with a link (weekend)

Weather icons look up to your usual high standard. Would love a set in VGA. Is this possible?

blue those weather icons would be sweet.

icons, also in vga will come.
@Sid: i can't get this to run. installed mortscript, modified your file but i get allways no data (also not with Rosenheim) It just shows the correct s2u2 icon(NA) ?
i set the update now to 2 minutes but it seems it doesen't connect to internet at all.

Hey i would use this as it looks great, but sadly, ifonz is too slow for me on my diamond, too jumpy, and the settings screen is jerky and slow. Its just not a pleasant experiance using ifonz.
Of course, i cannot "do better" so, just my own opinion.

okay ifonz setting screen is slow as hell, but who cares, its just for the Settings.
But i don`t think that ifonz is slow, ecspecially the new Version is really fast, and i´m using just a Polaris.
You should wait about one Minute when starting ifionz the first time then it runnes really smooth.
Anyway, my weathericons for SIDs App are ready (96 Pixel VGA PNGs). Now i must do ifonz icons out of this.
i made four different backgounds (Day, Day-snow,Night, Night-Snow)

Hi bluemetalaxe
bluemetalaxe said:
icons, also in vga will come.
@Sid: i can't get this to run. installed mortscript, modified your file but i get allways no data (also not with Rosenheim) It just shows the correct s2u2 icon(NA) ?
i set the update now to 2 minutes but it seems it doesen't connect to internet at all.
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Sorry I answer so late,
I will look for your problem when im Home this afternon. Also I will post a small description of the errormanagement of the script.

launching app
Hi! this is a great application, it is all I missed on iFonz. It would be great if one could launch the weather panel by bluemetalaxe (http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=436656&page=6). I am a newbie and I dunno how to do it. Any suggestions?
PS: BTW the weather icons do not update if you have a non-English device and you put them in a non-root directory. I tried with S2U2 icons and WEATHERpix putting them on \Archivos de programa\ and didn't work, putting them on \WEATHERpix fixed things.

Errorhandling of iFonzWeather
This is a short info about errormanagement of IFonzweather.
When started it checks, if internetconnection is available(Tries if google.com can be reached). If not available it waits 10 seconds and tries again(if connection is available, but breaking while trying to download, it will resart after the setup time).
1. Possibility(Everythig works):
-> Correct actual weathericon will be shown, Temperatures will be shown like "9°(12°/7°)" and forecast will be saved in registry for 5 Days (HKCU\Software\Sid-Shrunk\Weather\...).​
2. Possibility(Data is downloaded but theres an error in the Data)...
2a. ...and there is a forecast saved in registry for actual Day:
-> Icon will be changed to Icon of saved forcast for actual day. Temp will be shown like "Err(12°/7°)" (Error but forecast available).
2b. ...and there is no forecast saved in registry for actual Day:
-> Icon NA will be shown. Temp will be shown like "DataErr"(Error and forecast not available).​
3 Possibility(Connection could not be established) ...
2a. ...and here is a forecast saved in registry for actual Day:
-> Icon will be changed to Icon of saved forcast for actual day. Temp will be shown like "N/A(12°/7°)" (no Connection but forecast available).
2b. ...and here is no forecast saved in registry for actual Day:
-> Icon NA will be shown. Temp will be shown like "NoData"(Error and forecast not available).​
As I've no dataflatrate, I've deactivated dataconnection via Provider and only use wlan or connection via activesync.
This tool uses available connections, so I think it may not connect to your provider on it's own. But it should use the connection if you've activated it(I've not checked this). May be some of you could post your experiences with this.
@bluemetalaxe: Does it work by now ? If not, what connections have you tried, what language does your device use? If not perhaps you could send me a copy of your modified mort.
PS: The pic look fantastic

MartCronos said:
PS: BTW the weather icons do not update if you have a non-English device and you put them in a non-root directory. I tried with S2U2 icons and WEATHERpix putting them on \Archivos de programa\ and didn't work, putting them on \WEATHERpix fixed things.
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Hi MartCronos,
I use an non english device too, and it works for me. Have you changed iFonzPixPath = "\program files\s2u2\gfx\weather\" to the correct and full path ?
for me it was iFonzPixPath = "\programme\s2u2\gfx\weather\"
for you it should be iFonzPixPath = "\Archivos de programa\s2u2\gfx\weather\" (if this is how programs folder is called on your device)


S2U2 UserWeather MortScript

Figured I would make a thread for this to keep the S2U2 thread uncluttered
A_C's wonderful S2U2 introduced support for weather forecast display if you used some apps to get weather, or you could use "User" generated weather data in the registry.
I never have good luck with those weather apps, but I am handy with mortscript - the following script works with S2U2 *and* rlToday, giving you the current weather and the forecast for today or tomorrow.
SU2U 0.95 or later, installed, with UserWeather enabled in settings
MortScript 4.1 installed
In V2.1 I've cleaned up the system paths so they are not hard coded
* this should work no matter where you have MortScript installed
In V2 I've updated the script as follows:
* if your cellular radio is OFF, the weather check is skipped - it will try again on the next scheduled time (ie, it works right when you are in flight mode)
* if there is any runtime error at all, the script quietly quits now, and tries again on the next scheduled time
Near the top of the script, you must edit the various settings (see below) to get your weather, and to have it update as often as you want.
You can also change some lower-level parts of the script - if you don't want it to switch to tomorrow's weather forcast after 4pm, remove these lines from the script:
# get tomorrow's weather if hour past 4pm (>15)
if (hour > 15)
notDone = -1
If you want to change what is shown on the S2U2 screen, edit this line in the script:
Change the W to an S to get the Spb weather icons
Change code to ccode to show the icon for the current weather, not the forecast for the day
Change lotemp to temp to display the forecast hi temp / current temp
Unzip the attached zip file
Copy notiweather.mscr to /Windows/Startup
If you have run a previous version of this script, you can copy clearweather.mscr anywhere onto your device, and run it once - it will ask if it can clear the notifications... tap Yes. Then you can delete the script
Run the notiweather.mscr script by navigating to it in a file browser on your device and double tappping it. It should silently run - if it works you should see some data activity. Run S2U2 and see if you've got some weather.
It is safe to run the script manually to update the weather - it will also update the next run time to be whatever you have it set for in the script.
S2U2 has an incomplete set of Weather Panel Icons.
Go to http://www.desktopsidebar.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=2441&pid=30068&mode=threaded&show=&st=&
Link for full stardock set of weather icons is at bottom:
That set includes the missing 33.png, among many others - unzip those into your gfx\weather folder overwriting what's there, if you're using UserWeather and don't have a full weather icon set. Seems to make S2U2 much happier - still not sure if/when the weather display is updated, will try and nail down some examples for A_C to test.
One user reports that the code used to automatically connect to the internet fails on his device. Changing the Connect() call as follows fixed it:
Original line:
Connect("The Internet")
Change to:
Try that if the script complains for the connect call.
Original post: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=1756216&postcount=337
Attached is a mortscript that uses yahoo's weather rss feed to fetch the weather and put it in the right place,right format for S2U2 "userweather" - so you can have weather even if you don't have a weather app
Unzip notiweather.zip, and then edit notiweather.mscr in a text editor...
You NEED to edit the file before you put it on your pda - at the top are three settings:
# how often to try and get the weather
delayHours = 2
# your location (see http://developer.yahoo.com/weather/ on finding your location)
# desired units for temp, f or c
Change those as desired, save, and copy the script to /Windows/Startup
You can launch the script manually or soft reset.
The script uses the notification manager to run every delayHours and fetch your weather.
It issues a Connect call to "The Internet" if no network connection is present.
It formats the weather correctly and puts in in two registry locations:
#for s2u2 UserWeather
RegWriteString("HKCU", "\Software\A_C\S2U2\", "UserWeather", weather)
#for rltoday
RegWriteString("HKCU", "\Software\emerym\", "Weather", rlweather)
If you are just using S2U2, all you need to do is edit your registry and add ShowWeather, DWORD 5.
If you also use rltoday, you can use that second registry value in your skin.xml to get a string with the current weather + today (or tomorrow if after 4pm's) weather and hi temp
<Registry x="119" y="52"key="key="HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\emerym\Weather" alignment="center">
If not, you can just ignore that, or even edit the script and cut out those parts...
It's all working very well. Thanks to A_C for this great app!
Lemme know if anyone runs into any issues.
Change log:
V 2.2: 15-01-2008 - use system paths from Mortscript to set up notifications
V 2.1: 13-01-2008 - skip check if cell radio off, handle errors cleanly
V 2: 22-12-2007 - first working version
V 1: unreleased test version
What version of Mortscript are you using? I'm using 4.1 and I got "DelayHours command unkown". 4.1 wants set DelayHours,2. So I assume we are using diffent versions.
Mike H
holmanm said:
What version of Mortscript are you using? I'm using 4.1 and I got "DelayHours command unkown". 4.1 wants set DelayHours,2. So I assume we are using diffent versions.
Mike H
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I'm on 4.1 and it works for me. Is it because it should be delayHours = 2 ?
Ixtana_ran said:
I'm on 4.1 and it works for me. Is it because it should be delayHours = 2 ?
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My bad. Somehow I still had Mortscript 3.1 loaded. I loaded 4.1 and it works perfectly. Thanks.
Mike H
I put this mortscript on my device, and I do not get any errors, but nothing is displaying on my s2u2 lock screen. Do I need to wait for it to update?
I am using SU2U version 0.97 and MortScript 4.1. When I launch manually, I could get the weather infor. On the other hand, the auto update always complains of Mortscript not being able to be run. I had set the updating to 1 hour internal. Not sure if there is a limitation on how ofter Mortscript could be run or that 2 hours is the lowest interval that I can set.
It should "just work" with mortscript 4.1, however it depends on the installed mortscript being in a specific location.
For those who have problems, you might try editing the lines
# kill any lingering notification
RemoveNotifications("\Windows\MortScript.exe", "\Windows\Startup\notiweather.mscr" )
# set notify for myself at next time
RunAt( utime, "\Windows\MortScript.exe", "\Windows\Startup\notiweather.mscr" )
Near the top. They're going to need to have the correct path to the Mortscript executable - mine is in the \Windows folder, but it could be \Program files\Mortscript or even somewhere on your storage card.
lawmangrant said:
I put this mortscript on my device, and I do not get any errors, but nothing is displaying on my s2u2 lock screen. Do I need to wait for it to update?
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You do need to run it once - assuming it runs correctly the first time (see the note above regarding the path to the executable) it should update the weather right away - you should see the data activity and then, within a minute, the weather should update if you've set S2U2 to use UserWeather.
I'm going to check tomorrow, I am pretty sure I can get rid of the path to the executable in the code - sloppy on my part, sorry! That's the hazard of releasing scripts you write for your own use
I am hoping this can get working...I miss having a temp on my phone. I used to be a big fan of weatherpanel, but it left a lot of undeletable junk on my phone.
I have MortScript 4.0, does that matter?
Also, mine was in an A2DP folder, I just copied it to the windows folder.
Just tried this, and still no luck.
I am running WM5 with a Treo700wx.
I installed MortScript 4.1 and got this working.
It gives me tongiht's forcast, but gives me a SUN with CLOUDS. It seems to be the wrong icon.
Also, any way to edit this to display the current temparture.
lawmangrant said:
I installed MortScript 4.1 and got this working.
It gives me tongiht's forcast, but gives me a SUN with CLOUDS. It seems to be the wrong icon.
Also, any way to edit this to display the current temparture.
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Sure... you've got the source, do whatever you want with it
You can put the current condition icon for display, instead of the forecast...
Note this line:
code is the "forecast code" for today. If you put ccode in there instead, it will show you the current conditions icon instead. You could also put temp in place of lotemp if you wish to show the hitem/curtemp in S2U2
Oh wow...
This is beautiful!
I love the customization.
Wow...And this comes from an RSS feed right, so If I wanted more weather, I could get an RSS grabber, right??
lawmangrant said:
Oh wow...
This is beautiful!
I love the customization.
Wow...And this comes from an RSS feed right, so If I wanted more weather, I could get an RSS grabber, right??
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Yep - they have quite a bit of info in the feed. I just grabbed some bits to make s2u2 and rlToday weather displays. Enjoy! If you do something cool, post it back here.
Just what I was looking for!
This is just what I was looking for! If I try to run the program again, while it is already running, what happens? Does it create another instance of the program? Could I use this as a means of manually updating my weather?
Thanks for the script, it works great. Can you tell me how to change it so, it will not get tommorrows forcast but, always display the current/hi. I changed it to "temp" & "hitemp" and it works great but, at 4pm it shows tommorrows forcast.
christopher L said:
Thanks for the script, it works great. Can you tell me how to change it so, it will not get tommorrows forcast but, always display the current/hi. I changed it to "temp" & "hitemp" and it works great but, at 4pm it shows tommorrows forcast.
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Actually, the hitemp will change at 4. The temp will always be the current temp.
I am loving this script.
christopher L said:
Thanks for the script, it works great. Can you tell me how to change it so, it will not get tommorrows forcast but, always display the current/hi. I changed it to "temp" & "hitemp" and it works great but, at 4pm it shows tommorrows forcast.
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# get tomorrow's weather if hour past 4pm (>15)
if (hour > 15)
notDone = -1
Delete or comment out (put a # at the beginning) those lines to stop having it look ahead to tomorrow's forecast. Or change the 15 to some larger number - it's a 24 hour clock there so 16 is 4pm, 20 is 8pm, 22 is 10pm...
That's cool but, how do I change it so it will change the hitemp at say, 11pm instead of 4pm? Thanks for the help.
eMpTy3000 said:
This is just what I was looking for! If I try to run the program again, while it is already running, what happens? Does it create another instance of the program? Could I use this as a means of manually updating my weather?
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It's perfectly safe! Run it anytime to update the weather and reset the "next update" time for you.
It uses the notification manager to run itself in the future. If you look at the chunk of code at the top of the script where it says
# set up for next notification
you can see that the first thing it does when it runs is, it removes its own notification request (which does nothing if its not there, but keeps it from making multiple entries if it is there) and then sets up the next one... then it gets the current weather.
So you can run it whenever you want to refresh things.
christopher L said:
That's cool but, how do I change it so it will change the hitemp at say, 11pm instead of 4pm? Thanks for the help.
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11pm is 23 in 24 hour time, so if hour > 22, then you want tomorrow's time - change the 15 to a 22 in the if statement...
if (hour > 22)
and from 11pm you will have the next day forecast
Or you can just delete the whole block, because it will always show the current forecast without that block of code. So after midnight, the current forecast should be for that next day, right?

WeatherWallpaper 0.36 Nov25,2008: For S2U2. New version for Manila2D Weather!

A mortscript that changes s2u2 wallpaper based on current weather condition. Now there is support for Weatherpanel, HTC Weather, and the original Yahoo feed (based on notiweather script)
FOR INFO ON ANIMATED WALLPAPERS, see post #4 (but if you don't have this installed already, finish reading this first post first!)
post #4: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=2182530#post2182530
I wanted a way to change the wallpaper of s2u2 wallaper based of the weather forecast.
Since Schettj has created such a fantastic script to user Userweather without a weather app (feed from yahoo), the easiest way for me to start was just build on this, so many thanks to schettj for building a fantastic script.
I have now added scripts for Weather Panel and HTC Weather support that doesn't require data connection. (except for the WP and HTC weather application update itself) Please note that since HTC weather does not autoupdate, there will be times of discrepancy between what htc weather shows and s2u2 wallpaper show. In other words, after you manually update HTC weather, s2u2 wallpaper won't reflect this until the next time the script is scheduled to run (which depends on delayhour variable). This is why I was never crazy about writing a version for HTC weather. For weatherpanel version it is best that you set weatherpanel application to update more often or same as the WeatherWallpaperWP.mscr script.
Create a folder that have 48 wallpapers in jpg from 0.jpg, 1.jpg...47.jpg corresponding to the different weather forecast icons. Or use one of the wallpaper set I have below.
Notiweather link:
S2U2 link:
Sample Customizations
1. Also, to display current , high and lo temp in notiweather change the weather line to this:
weather="C|"&code&"| "&temp&"º H"&hitemp&"º\L"&lotemp&"º"
There should be about 5 or 6 spaces between &code&"| and ", but I don't know why it is not displayed correctly.
(Edit: Current version implements this already)
2. I believe animated gifs would be possible if you change the part in bold again above from ".jpg" to ".gif" and fill the folder full of gifs.
(Edit: On current version, just change the wallpapertype variable at the top to = ".gif" instead of ".jpg", make sure to include quotes)
Update: WeatherWallpaper0.36 now also has version for Manila2D Weather (look for the Weather_WallpaperM2D0.35.mscr script). See the replies below for "u" version.
Update: WeatherWallpaper v0.36 (yahoo only): line 176 fixed with missing ")"
Update: WeatherWallpaper v 0.35 and .35u
A slight modification to the script that will hopefully fix some of the refresh issues. I have ran this for a week and have not encountered coming out of standby without S2U2 lock screen coming up. Please let me know how it goes for you. I also have made a new naming convention. The "u" version refers to the version of the script which will display Last Updated time (like the old v.33). Again, this "u" version will be posted on the third post like before. Thanks goes out to Holmann.
Update: WeatherWallpaper v0.33
I also made a version of WeatherWallpaper for HTC, Yahoo, and Weather Panel that displays the last updated time (version .33). This can be found on the third post on this page. If you don't want the last updated time displayed, then use the version on this first post. Update v.33b: got rid of the extra 0 bug ie 007:30
Update: WeatherWallpaper v 0.32
- don't use v.31, there's a bug. Please use v0.32 for WP only.
Update: WeatherWallpaper v 0.31
- small bugfix. on WP version only, at night slide forecast may display -9999
UPDATE: WeatherWallpaper version 0.3
- contains updated versions for Weatherpanel and Yahoo. HTC version is unchanged.
- updated versions for WP and Yahoo now has a new variable slideforecast:
slideforecast=0 (default) no change to slide2unlock text
slideforecast=1 slide2unlock text will display daily forecast (match lower left icon if s2u2 weather is set to userweather)
slideforecast=2 slide2unlock text will display current condition (match wallpaper)
Please note this feature is for S2U2 v 1.02 or higher (preferably 1.05 or higher). Do not change the slideforecast variable if you are running v 1.01 or less.
Please note if you change slideforecast to 1 or 2 and then decide to change back to 0, the display will not automatically revert back to whatever it is you have ( ie "slide to unlock"). You will have to change it back your self using this utility by l3v5y or through registry edit:
WeatherWallpaper version 0.2:
- Now contains three scripts, WeatherWallpaperYah0.2.mscr (for standalone use getting weather data from yahoo feed), WeatherWallpaperWP0.2.mscr (for WeatherPanel), and WeatherWallpaperHTC0.2.mscr (for HTC Weather). You only need one of these scripts!
- Two new user settings at the top of the script:
# folder containing your weather wallpaper
wallpaperfolder = "\storage card\my documents\download\wallpaper\weather\"
# wallpaper type jpg or gif
wallpapertype= ".jpg"
- Display is now set at Current temp followed by High and Low temp, but only if you select Userweather in S2U2. For example:
80º H86º\L71º
- Also, it now only writes into registry and "update" s2u2 if the current condition has changed, avoiding too many s2u2 updates, which can cause some delay in s2u2 sometimes.
- Please note that the wallpaper by default is based on current condition (ccode) while the lower left icon is based on forecast (code), so it may not be the same sometimes. i did this on purpose because, with current conditions, the wallpaper will change more often, like 3-4 times a day, giving it a nicer effect. If it was forecast it would chnage like 1-2 times a day.
PocketWeather users: rifraf1 has written a script that supposedly works with PocketWeather. However, I will not be supporting this since I don't have PW installed, but feel free to try. See this link. Thanks rifraf1!!
Wallpaper Update
There are now three sets of wallpaper to choose from. My original vision was to use natural appearing wallpapers that shows the weather forecast. Obviously it has been hard to find for all 47 situations. I have about 10 or so and have filled up the remainder using Bliss Alive for WAD from Doreen at Lakeridgesoftware.com forum. This is now called Wallpaper MyCombo0.3.zip.
It appears that some or most of your would rather us use a more related computerized graphic set, so i have also included the complete set I made from Bliss Alive from Doreen. This is called Wallpaper Bliss Alive.zip. See pics from post #6 below.
Update 5-27-2008: Bliss Alive 0.3 is posted. Cleaned up the graphics for nicer look on PPC.
There is a third set which is a modification of Bliss Alive made by Bob_55 from SBSH forum. This is called samurize.zip. See post #5.
You can mix or match the jpgs.
Still waiting for someone to step up and provide a complete set of animated gifs. I have seen some but not enough to make a set.
1. download one of the wallpaper set below and extract and place in any folder you like.
2. install mortscript 4.1, and s2u2 at least v 1.01
3. download WeatherWallpaper0.2.zip and extract the three mscr files: WeatherWallpaperYah0.2.mscr (for standalone use getting weather data from yahoo feed), WeatherWallpaperWP0.2.mscr (for WeatherPanel), and WeatherWallpaperHTC0.2.mscr (for HTC Weather). You only need one of these!!
4. edit the .mscr file of your choice with Notepad on PC and change the following data:
wallpaperfolder (where your weather wallpapers are located from #1 above)
wallpapertype (jpg or gif, leave as ".jpg" if using any wallpaper set from here)
For Weathepanel and Yahoo versions only also change:
units (f or c, fahrenheit or celsius)
location (where you are located, see http://developer.yahoo.com/weather/ on finding your location)
delayhours (how often you want it to update)
5. save this mortscript and transfer to ppc in \windows\startup\
6. tap to run it or soft reset. you should see data activity (in yahoo version)
7. see links for notiweather and or s2u2 for further details
There appears to be issues arising espceially when using custom Roms or foreign language users. this script was written under the presumption that s2u2 was installed in standard location as well as weatherpanel (if you are using that). If you are having these issues try these two helpful posts:
If you are using the latest Mortscript 4.11b you may have issues as well. Or you unit may be looking to connect to "Internet" instead of "The Internet". Look at this post:
If you cannot get the forecast to show on the slider (and the registry info is correct), see this thread (thanks Holman):
Schettj for original notiweather script
alanlsmith for the WP script version. His original version is on page 4 of this thread.
toniolol for help with HTC weather script
here are wallpapers i have so far (taken from pocketpcscreens.com)
2nd to last pic is screenshot including forecast on slide bar (optional)
in last pic, screenshot shows slide bar removed altogether leaving only forecast/summary
see this link for how:
I also made a version of WeatherWallpaper for HTC, Manila2D, Yahoo, and Weather Panel that displays the last updated time (version .33). On the WP version only, there is a humidity variable now. However, if you use this humidity or make any changes to how the data is displayed, then you need to change this appropriately (WP only):
oldmax =SubStr(curweather,-23,2)
oldmin =SubStr(curweather,-18,2)
If you don't know what I mean by this, then i recommend you change this:
If ( maxtempf = -9999)
maxtempf = oldmax
maxtemp = oldmax
If ( mintempf = -9999)
mintempf = oldmin
mintemp = oldmin
change oldmin and oldmax both to "--"
Update: v.36u now also has script for Manila2D (Weather_WallpaperM2D0.35u.mscr)
Update v.36u: changes made to Yahoo version only. fixed line 176 with missing ")"
Update v.35u: fixes some refresh issues
Update v.33b: got rid of the extra 0 bug ie 007:30
If you want 12hr format instead of 24hr then see this post:
If you don't want the last updated time displayed, then use the version on the first post above.
Animated Wallpapers
You asked for it, you're gonna get it! ANIMATED WALLPAPERS.
Since Rumball made the great set of animated weather Diamond icons for WeatherPanel, he has given me permission to do a set of animated wallpapers based on his work. These take a long time (I can see now why he asked for donation...he deserves it).
I plan on making a modified set which has shorter animation. The advantage besieds being less time consuming for me is that it is smaller in size and doesn't weigh down the device too much on resources to run. Also, I picked part of the animation which will allow it to run continuosly without the appearance of a break or pause.
I believe Rumball will also try to do a set which will have the full animation like his icon set so look out for that as well.
THE SET IS NOW COMPLETE!!! It was a lot harder than I thought but everyone's inspiration has fueled me on!
These are for QVGA only.
Download WeatherWallpaperAnimated1.0.zip and extra the content onto the folder which contain your weather wallpaper.
On your script, change wallpapertype= ".gif"
(default is ".jpg")
Soft reset.
Lastly, I don't know how to upload animated gifs for preview...probably need imageshack account or something. If anybody can do that, I can post the link here.
i will put more wallpaper here:
samples of the remainder of the wallpapers based on Bob_55 modification which is based on Vista Alive WAD theme from Doreen. This is called samurize. It is not a full size wallpaper!
and hopefully more wallpapers here:
here are wallpapers based on Bliss Alive WAD theme made by Doreen from lakeridgesoftware.com forum.
other possible wallpapers we can use:
Nice work, gif animations would be awesome!
Nice work!!! I knew that this would be a good idea. Way to run with it! This looks awesome.
Please, add support for HTC Home Weather!
Idea is GREAT!
Nice work!
lol if i put it on my wizard it would scream at me for overloading it.
great work tho.
This is a very cool idea
But I'd like to second : Please make it work with HTC-weather and pretty please make it gif-compatibel...
If we can get animations, I have a lot of animated weather wallpapers, so I could help with that part
Flipside said:
This is a very cool idea
But I'd like to second : Please make it work with HTC-weather and pretty please make it gif-compatibel...
If we can get animations, I have a lot of animated weather wallpapers, so I could help with that part
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shoot all the gifs in a converter please, so we can use it for this release
Flipside said:
This is a very cool idea
But I'd like to second : Please make it work with HTC-weather and pretty please make it gif-compatibel...
If we can get animations, I have a lot of animated weather wallpapers, so I could help with that part
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please post and I will try it out.
haiopei said:
shoot all the gifs in a converter please, so we can use it for this release
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better yet try it yourself. fill the folder full of gifs and change the path to ".gif" instead of ".jpg" in the area I bolded on my first post.
to display current , high and lo temp in notiweather change the weather line to this:
weather="C|"&code&"| "&temp&"º H"&hitemp&"º\L"&lotemp&"º"
there should be about 5 or 6 spaces between | and " after &code&
Flipside said:
This is a very cool idea
But I'd like to second : Please make it work with HTC-weather and pretty please make it gif-compatibel...
If we can get animations, I have a lot of animated weather wallpapers, so I could help with that part
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To make this work with HTC weather or weatherpanel, etc. I need to know where A_C finds that data..I haven't a clue.
you could look at the creator of "vista alive" WAD. It has a wallpaper for every instance of weather conditions. Im sure she would give permissions to use it for this applicaton
specv said:
you could look at the creator of "vista alive" WAD. It has a wallpaper for every instance of weather conditions. Im sure she would give permissions to use it for this applicaton
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I checked that out. Pretty cool!! But I think the look I am going for with this a more natural real life picture for a wallpaper. I don't want it to be too obvious that the wallpaper reflects the weather forecast, and i think the computerized graphic pcitures give it that impression. Looks nice, but not necessarily the look i am going for. On the other hand, it may be good for filler jpgs for forecast I don't already have.
superflysocal said:
To make this work with HTC weather or weatherpanel, etc. I need to know where A_C finds that data..I haven't a clue.
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If you are interested here is a script I wrote, originally inspired by Notiweather, which will display data from Weather Panel on the S2U2 screen & could be modified in the same way to change the S2U2 wallpaper.
It uses the 'current', 'hourly' & 'forecast' files in the Weather Panel data folder to get the information according to the time since the last Weather Panel update, so, what it shows should always match Weather Panel itself & can display the current as well as forecast temperatures.
You can choose what is shown on the S2U2 screen, see the end of the script for examples and change the fourth line from the end of the script weather="C|"&code&"|"&display6 to display1, display2 etc, it'll make sense when you look at the script. Oh! & change location_code at the start of the script to you chosen location.

[11.12.2009, v 1.4.7] Wallperizer - wallpaper changer

Here is a free, open source, wallpaper changer. The screenshots explain what the program can do.
Note: If a phone call is in progress, the wallpaper is not changed (because it takes a number of seconds to change it).
Download. Simply copy it on your Windows Mobile 6 device and run it. (Works on my Polaris.)
Source code
Works great, thank you very much.
I'll try it on my Samsung Omnia If I get it right, this app will finally let me set pictures that are smaller/bigger than my sreen with resizing them to the screen size?
Awesome!! does it work for wm5? .. dont say 6 only
It should work on Windows Mobile 5 (I haven't tried the latest version), but you first have to install .Net Compact Framework 2 from Microsoft: here.
Windows 6.5 Wallpaper
A good place to get wallpapers is FFFFound.com
Here is the wallpaper that I'm using
Cool...good job!
Cool works great.
It would be awesome if it had a "silent" mode without gui and the wallpaper given by parameters for scripting use.
wallperizermob.exe -silent -changeto "/Wallpapers/mywalpaper.jpg"
I know it´s open source but I´m not able to code/compile this feature
Version 1.4.4 works on Windows Mobile 6.5. (Or any other OS where the system's wallpaper files were marked as read-only.)
See the first post.
6ITdtvFQqY said:
Version 1.4.4 works on Windows Mobile 6.5. (Or any other OS where the system's wallpaper files were marked as read-only.)
See the first post.
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That is nice, and I'm loving your app! It was quite slow at changing wallpaper at first, but I unchecked all fades/normalizes/sosoes and now it does change pretty fast. Any chance you could add:
a "random picture" setting (not to have it change in alphatbetical order, that is);
shorter change intervals (like 15 mins and 5 mins);
"Load at phone startup" option (I know I can place a shortcut in the windows/startup folder, but I think this is way cooler and can easily be undone!);
And maybe even cab the exe up and get a custom icon?
So far it's the best automatic wallpaper changer for 6.5 Titanium interface!
EDIT: as you can see from my screenshots, looks like we have a couple of glitches... in today screen, bottombar gets funky (looks like it replicates upper taskbar, don't think it should...) and in start menu background remains the one it was there at boot (it changes only after a soft-reset). Think you can sort that out?
teorouge said:
"random picture" setting (not to have it change in alphatbetical order, that is);
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I'll implement that.
teorouge said:
shorter change intervals (like 15 mins and 5 mins);
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I didn't add those settings because the user would have to start the phone too often to see the wallpaper changing. I guess some people might do that just to see a new picture. Also note that this would consume more battery. I'll add these too.
teorouge said:
"Load at phone startup" option (I know I can place a shortcut in the windows/startup folder, but I think this is way cooler and can easily be undone!);
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The programming framework doesn't have a way to do that. It could be done but I don't know how much work that would involve... and the development of the program is frozen.
teorouge said:
And maybe even cab
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I didn't make a cab because I like my programs on the SD card, being able to run without being installed, so that no matter how many times I hard-reset the device, I will still have the programs ready to run (I don't have to install any program ever again).
teorouge said:
a custom icon
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I'll add one.
teorouge said:
in today screen, bottombar gets funky (looks like it replicates upper taskbar, don't think it should...)
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The wallpaper pictures are shorter on purpose (and so the OS tiles them vertically). Normally, the today bars are opaque and stretching pictures on the entire screen area would cover a significant part of the pictures; this doesn't matter on a desktop computer, but a PDA's screen is too small (relative to the bars). For now this will remain unchanged.
teorouge said:
and in start menu background remains the one it was there at boot (it changes only after a soft-reset).
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I did that on purpose (but it should not display any kind of picture, or the skin's default picture, as it happens in WM 6.1). On WM 6.1, the today menu doesn't cover the entire screen and when it's opened, if it were to display the same picture as the screen, it would look as if the menu doesn't end anywhere. That's a weird feeling. We'll see how WM 7 will display it's today menu.
Version 1.4.5 is up.
In the "Various" tab there is a check-box to use a random picture.
The background picture of the start menu is changed on my WM 6.1, but only if TouchFlo is not running (I don't know why TouchFlo is not using it).
I have a problem.. not with our program, but with one that we e been trying to fix with roryB on a different thread:
the idea is that the wallpaper would change baed onthe regitry of htc home or manila weather panel and use e riginal weather graphics. there are 40 files in all and they are png's located in windows. we have been able to get mortscrip to change the reg but not the wallpaper.
It has do do the folowing:
1. watch the regitry for changes to the weather update
(the registry updates when you go to the weather panel and it auto updates)
2. based on the updated registry change the wallpaper to HH_WEATHER_##.png
3. refresh the wallpaper on the today screen.
it would be fine if the program copied the image and saved it n a different format such as jpg or gif; howver due to the large filecount t can not have the all 40 weather graphics in a separate folder or have duplicates. that would cost too much space.
RoryB is uing manila 1.5 (update 23) I am uing the mega manila which requres the media package to be able to set the today walpaper... however can be set via the file explorer or any other program for that matter. it does not allow to use the walpaper from the tsk.
my question is: what exactly does your program do tochange the wallpaper?
does it copy the file and rename it?
what actually sets the walpaper and refreshes it?
how can we replicate thi process and make it work?
If you could please let me know via pm or email? please.
Thank you so much, very appreciated!
S.V.I said:
what exactly does your program do tochange the wallpaper?
does it copy the file and rename it?
what actually sets the walpaper and refreshes it?
how can we replicate thi process and make it work?
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You can look at the source code, in file "HaraWork \ SourceCode_VS \ Wallperizer \ Wallperizer \ MainForm.cs", the "void SetNativeWallpaper" method.
There are lots of steps and they have to be followed exactly, or else either Windows Today or Manila do not show the wallpaper. Just as an example, Manila refuses to show the wallpaper if the "HKCU \ Software \ Microsoft \ Today \ Wall" registry key is not set with whatever text.
By the way, I don't think PNGs are supported by the OS. You must copy the wallpaper in the "Windows" directory as BMP or JPEG (GIF works too). Note that the file name is specific, you can't use anything you want; "tdywater_[screen width]_[screen height]" is the name. The file name is created in the "string GetWallpaperFileName" method.
(Be sure to remove the read-only attribute of the "tdywater" / "stwater" files before you try to overwrite them.)
wallpaper doesn't change automatically
the wallpaper doesn't change automatically when the program is minimized or is in the background. can someone help me with this. thanks.
Arashi1118 said:
the wallpaper doesn't change automatically when the program is minimized or is in the background. can someone help me with this. thanks.
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Make sure you download the latest version (1.4.5).
Click on the "Wallpaper information" button and see "Loaded pictures". If it says "0" then the program failed to either load the pictures or failed to set any of them as wallpaper (if this happens, they are cleared from the internal queue).
(You could manually set a wallpaper in order to be sure it works on your PDA.)
Version 1.4.7
* Added command line parameters.
* Check the "Portrait and landscape" check-box (from the "Various" tab) in order for the wallpaper to be set for both screen formats (= portrait and landscape). Note that this requires twice the processing time every time the wallpaper is changed.

[WM6.5] [Titanium plugin] TWolf Multiplugin v1.6c (New menus, more options)

TWolf Multiplugin / Multi Settings Editor:
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
First I have to thank a couple of ppl, whithout whom this plugin would not see the light of day:
rPereira, chriscsh, MrDSL and dgaud007 for the great ideas, plugin fixes and CAB optimization.
APBilbo, for the excelent message to registry app.
This works on Mortscript (that already comes with Titanium Weather) and takes about 160kb or ram on your device.
- First page:
The first page has the skinned clock, small date and the current weather. The weather info and icon is taken from Showaco's Titanium weather. No point on creating a separated weather viewer when that is already perfect.
If a sms or missed call is received the icons and numbers pop-up on the page.
The main button opens a pre-chosen link (in my case Resco Explorer, all this is configurable in the Settings), the bottom right button updates the weather (it takes about 10 secs, so be patient).
If there is a missed call or new message, the main button changes to call history or message app.
Also, if you have any alarms enabled, it will show a icon, but if you have any unread SMS, the ALARM icon is hidden by the SMS icon.
- Second page:
The system bars are on the second page.
The main button opens Memory settings and the right button open Multi Settings , the left refreshes the plugin, if needed.
If your memory card is not named "STORAGE CARD", then you must change it on the settings. The battery icon becomes on fire when its being charged.
- Third page:
The third page is a SMS viewer, with the help of APBilbo's (Throttle Launcher) Message2Reg.exe.
Click to open a menu that lets you see the all the messages/reply/create new message, the left softkey to see the previous and the right button to see the next.
- Fourth page:
A image viewer is on page 4. You need to configure the folder you want to see on the MultiSettings.
Click to open a menu that lets you see the current image/refresh the image list/set image as wallpaper (limites to image size and extension), the left softkey to see the previous and the right button to see the next.
It lists the images on first run (or every time you run the Settings), and it takes some tiem, depending on how many images are there, so be patient.
Please note that bigger images take longer to load. Also, it loads ALL files, so if you have non-image files in there, it will show a red cross instead.
- Condensed view:
The condensed view shows the small weather icon with temperature, the clock (in text view) and the notification icons (if there are any).
The clock, notifications and battery charge icon auto-updates every 1 second. The rest, every 10 seconds.
To use:
- Install Titanium weather (if for some strange reason you havent already and configure your city on it). This also installs Mortscript, that is the base of my plugin.
- Install my attached CAB into your device (if it gives you a error during install, use the attached script-fix made by rPereira.)
- If you are updating, run the Kill_TWolf.mscr script that is on the Acessories folder in Start menu, BEFORE installing the new CAB.
- You can customize some settings if you open the MultiSettings editor (you need Flash 7 to run it).
- All the icons, clock, bars and shortcuts can be easily skinned and configurable on the instalation folder..
- Reset and enjoy!
What's new in v1.6c:
- Fixed small bug that didnt open the main image. A manual fix is also here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=4115269&postcount=395
- Removed the other buggy versions... :/
What's new in v1.6b:
- Fixed a small bug that caused the SMS menu not being centered. A manual fix is already here:
What's new in v1.6:
- The main button on the picture page opens kvvQuickMenu.
- The main button on the sms page also opens a menu.
- Reply to sms on the menu
- New sms on the menu
- Refresh list on the menu
- Add as wallpaper on the menu (restricted to jpg images with your screen size)
- Different refresh mode
- Changed the network signal check
- Removed the refresh list from TWolf.mscr, its now manual (less time on boot).
- Added a "are you sure?" dialog to the refresh list
- Removed some unnecessary files from the CAB.
- v1.5 moved to post #4.
- Before updating, run the Kill_TWolf.mscr script that is on the Acessories folder in Start menu.
- If you have a error installing, run the attached rPereira fix first.
- If the clock starts to change size continuously, go to the second page and use the left softkey button REFRESH.
- If you have a error opening a shortcut, change it on the MultiSettings that is on the second page right Softkey.
- If the MultiSettings editor doesnt close properly, you need to install Flash 7,
- If the weather icon is giving an error, update your Titanium weather with this small fix: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=3949075&postcount=1077
- If the left button doesnt change for some reason... Post here a PNG screenshot with the correct size of your today screen. If you dont know how to do this, install mymobiler.com and post here a screenshot of your screen, make sure the size is correct. Since this forum transforms the PNGs in JPGs youll need to host it outside, for example, you can host your image on imageshack.us .
- If your weather icons have a wierd size, I'd advice the Beyond Invisible Iconset.
- If you reset your device with notifications pending, that link becomes the default, even after the notifications disappear. I have to think of a way to fix this, but in the meantime, ppl can use the MultiSettings to fix it manually.
- If you want this plugin to become your default plugin (the one that appears when you press the red button), simply place it on top of the other plugins and disable the default clock, with Titanizer or Chome.
- If your SMS menu isnt centered, run this script.
-If the main image doest open with the menu, use this fix.
To Do:
- Add WVGA and QWVGA landscape screen sizes (users, please help)...
twolf thanks for your great hard work.
Before i try does it work with VGA devices.
wow this is GOOD Job
thanx TWolf for GREAT plugin
----Older versions----
Small update v1.5b:
- Fixed bug that never showed phone signal as 0% even if it was off.
- Fixed bug that didnt closed M2RW.EXE from the system, stealing over 600kb of ram.
- After receiving a new SMS now the Message2REG updates the SMS list every 10 seconds.
- Fixed small bug on the Settings that didnt restored the correct values (on non-WWE systems).
- To install, copy the attached files to the TWolf instalation folder and reset or use the Restart_TWolf script.
Whats new on v1.5:
- Fixed the 12-hour clock bug
- Added fix to automaticly change back to the default left button if you changed plugin without passing by the clock page.
- Fixed the AM-PM bug, thanks Gibbs.
- Added different OS languages install support.
- Updated the Multi Settings Editor to support this too.
- Removed update from first post.
Whats new on v1.4:
- Remade the icons, bars and clock skin for bigger sizes (VGA), I only noticed that they looked so bad when I saw a VGA printscrenn...
- Finally changed the network signal icon.
- Added alarms notifier. The icon is overplaced by the sms icon if you have any unread sms.
- Added dgaud007 storage card fix, for cards bigger than 2GB (thanks! ).
- Added color codes ... This allows for a better use, because it changes the left softkey button by page (all the buttons take about 1 second to update).
- Theres now a REFRESH left button on system page
- And a PREVIOUS left button on SMS page, the right button is now NEXT and the main button opens all SMS's.
- Also a PREVIOUS left button on photos page, the right button is now NEXT and the main button open the picture.
- Added more shortcuts.
- Added one shortcut to update the image list, in case you want to see a picture you just took. Since it lists files alphabetically, you probably need to press PREVIOUS to see it.
- Some code optimization.
- Was forced to remove the clock background option...too many images.
- Also had to remove the backup battery bar, come to think of it, it wasnt very usefull, since the phone had to be whithout battery for it to show other values than 100%...
- Added operator name to fill in the empty space, only optimized the centering of the text for qvga and wqvga portrait (its the only resolution I have)...
- Removed older versions from this post and moved the history changes to post #4 (I always forget to create a new thread with 2 or 3 reserved posts ).
Whats new in v1.3:
- Fixed sms and phone path bugs.
- Added VGA portrait screen size from pablo96 (thank you )...
- Added option to Show/hide pages (in Settings > Advanced > Pages).
- Added a background option to the clock skins (its transparent on the default skin ).
- Added usefull shortcuts to the Start menu (refresh titanium, remove plugin, etc)
I checked the extra date request, but it could get sloppy... because, depending on your OS language, the letters could become a little on top of the minutes... :/
Whats new in v1.2:
- Added two modes of viewing the date, european and american ( day/month/year or month/day/year)
- Added two modes of viewing the system values (megabytes or percentage)
- The Weather icon is now bigger on Page 1 (condensed icon is the same size).
- Changed links in the second page (system bars), now the main button goes to the Memory settings and the right softkey opens this Multi Plugin settings.
- Added the possibility of skins on icons, clock and bars, just create your own pngs in a new folder.
- Added Settings editor (you need Flash 7 to use it).
- Added in the APPS folder scrits to kill the TWolf script or to completly uninstall the plugin (script, folder, regkeys), you still need to remove it on the STAR > Settings > System > Remove... its just to help in case he doesnt want to go.
- Changed the way the pictures are listed, and added a script to delete the album.cache files.
- Removed old versions (the editor changes a lot of things).
- Added the missing T to the CAB file... (Didnt noTiced it was missing.)
NOTE: Everytime you reset your device, the script resets itself, loads your current settings, restarts the SMS viewer, refreshes the image list (this can take a while, depending on how many images are) and finally refreshes the plugin.
Everytime you save the settings, it does all this again.
Whats new in v1.1:
- Added full date on page 1 and 12/24 clock view, configurable on the settings area of TWolf.mscr (open it with notepad).
- Changed the battery, charging battery and internal battery icons on page 2.
- Added some more tweaking on SMS reader on page 3.
- Added image viewer on page 4.
You need to configure the folder you want to see on the Settings.
Center or ENTER click goes to the next image and right softkey goes to the previous. It lists the images on first run (or every time you run TWolf\pics\Picture_list.mscr)
Please note that bigger images take longer to load.
Also, it loads ALL files, so if you have non-image files in there it will show a red cross in its behalf.
- Added weather temperature on condensed view.
- The icons image files are now on a separate folder.
- Uninstall old version, reset, install new version, reset.
hi twolf. great work brother
why do u use this value for sms?
Contact = RegRead("HKLM","Software\ThrottleLauncher\Messaging\SMS","Sender")
If we dont use throttlelauncher what shall we use here?
thats not being used at the moment, but the sms viewer from APBilbo saves the sms's there.
And that way that used the correct current sms to reply.
so erm... we wont be able to view sms if we dont have it installed or it doesnt matter?
All the necessary files are on the cab.
giorgosm said:
so erm... we wont be able to view sms if we dont have it installed or it doesnt matter?
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twolf included this in cab, so no worries. I think there isn't landscape mode yet. But great plug in, keep it up
My weather icon isn't showing, it's just a white X (in a red circle )
+ Twolf, can you add to the Previous Message thing: If you're on the first message it should jump to the last message?
larbke666 said:
My weather icon isn't showing, it's just a white X (in a red circle )
+ Twolf, can you add to the Previous Message thing: If you're on the first message it should jump to the last message?
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It pulls the icons from the weather plugin settings in the registry so it should work fine but I have noticed that the beyond icons look the best IMHO. I always install those icons and select them in the weather options.
Looking good twolf Everything so far is working for me. I do have a question on the clock. Is there anyway for it not to be military time? and also when its like say 8:15am can the zero before the 8 be taken away?
Just something minor but thought I would ask..
Also when viewing another panel is there a way to show the current temp next to the weather icon? I attached a screenshot so you know what I'm talkin bout. Last thing how hard would it be to include new email like you do for new txt on the main screen?
Keep up the good work man this is a sweet plugin
MrDSL said:
It pulls the icons from the weather plugin settings in the registry so it should work fine but I have noticed that the beyond icons look the best IMHO. I always install those icons and select them in the weather options.
Looking good twolf Everything so far is working for me. I do have a question on the clock. Is there anyway for it not to be military time? and also when its like say 8:15am can the zero before the 8 be taken away?
Just something minor but thought I would ask..
Also when viewing another panel is there a way to show the current temp next to the weather icon? I attached a screenshot so you know what I'm talkin bout. Keep up the good work man this is a sweet plugin :d
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The Red X stays btw :s
larbke666 said:
The Red X stays btw :s
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What do you have in registry setting
HKLM/Software\Microsoft\CHome\TitaniumWeather\Page1\CurrentIcon ?
there is no currenticons or something, just Icon which refers to an icon in the titaniumweather folder condicons icon 03.png
and in Twolf's registry it says nothing at the icons
Once again TWolf you've surpassed yourself and have come up with something beautiful for us QVGA users,thank you brother.
Congratulations on this great plugin. It looks beautiful from your screenshot, and I'm sure it will look good once I finish flashing my Kaiser and install it.
I'm moving on to a Diamond 2 in a few days time, and 6.5 is still not available for it. Going to miss all the wonderful 6.5 plugins.
Keep it up and hope you can make your plugin compatible to WVGA soon.
larbke666 said:
there is no currenticons or something, just Icon which refers to an icon in the titaniumweather folder condicons icon 03.png
and in Twolf's registry it says nothing at the icons
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My problem is fixed, i had to change Twolf.mscr to read my reg key for the weathericon which was just Icon, and Text for the degrees.
Hi, awesone plugin Twolf, but how can make this the default plugin if I want to put this like third plugin?
Another question, I´m using the spil Icons, In condensed mode only show the upper half of the icon, how I can fix it?
Will be wonderful if you can put the degrees on side of weather in condensed mode, I hope the you can fix the 2gb issue for mortscript.
gregorysl said:
twolf included this in cab, so no worries. I think there isn't landscape mode yet. But great plug in, keep it up
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Not yet, I was hoping the users could help me up with that...
larbke666 said:
Twolf, can you add to the Previous Message thing: If you're on the first message it should jump to the last message?
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Good question, have to lear more about the MESSAGE2REG, I already asked APBilbo for help, waiting on him for more tests...
MrDSL said:
Looking good twolf Everything so far is working for me. I do have a question on the clock. Is there anyway for it not to be military time? and also when its like say 8:15am can the zero before the 8 be taken away?
Just something minor but thought I would ask..
Also when viewing another panel is there a way to show the current temp next to the weather icon? I attached a screenshot so you know what I'm talkin bout. Last thing how hard would it be to include new email like you do for new txt on the main screen?
Keep up the good work man this is a sweet plugin
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Will be on my to-do list.
larbke666 said:
My problem is fixed, i had to change Twolf.mscr to read my reg key for the weathericon which was just Icon, and Text for the degrees.
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Strange, Im glad you figured it out, but just for curiosity, what weather version do you have?
ryomahino said:
Hi, awesone plugin Twolf, but how can make this the default plugin if I want to put this like third plugin?
Another question, I´m using the spil Icons, In condensed mode only show the upper half of the icon, how I can fix it?
Will be wonderful if you can put the degrees on side of weather in condensed mode, I hope the you can fix the 2gb issue for mortscript.
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Use Titanizer or Chome editor.
Yes, the weather temperature can be there too, plenty of space, the 2GB size issue Im still not sure how to do... :/
Test of the image viewer page:
Add this to the CPR before the condensed area (if you dont know how, its best if you dont do it at all, wait for the next version)
<!-- Large picture in Center -->
- <Image ID="big_image" Left="20" Top="-60" Width="200" Height="200" ScaleStyle="Fit">
<Layer ID="Border" Color="0xffffff" Left="17" Top="-103" Width="206" Height="206" />
<Text ID="image_counter" Left="100" Top="95" Width="50" Height="34" FontFamily="Tahoma" FontSize="10" FontStyle="Regular" Wrap="False" VerticalAlignment="Center" HorizontalAlignment="Center" Trimming="EllipsisCharacter" InnerTextType="Resource" Text="cmhomeres.dll,1025">
<TextStage TextOffsetType="TextOffsetDropBottomRight" Color="#00000000" TextOffset="1" BlurFactor="3" Alpha="1.0" />
<TextStage TextOffsetType="TextOffsetNone" Color="#FFFFFFFF" />
Add the zipped files to the TWolf folder and restart.
Take in mind that it it creates a fresh list of the pics files in the folder you chose in the settings (TWolf.mscr) and refreshes the SMS's too.
Bigger images take more time to load.
Center click (or ENTER) for next pic, right bt for previous.

[APP] Manila2D Today Page

Manila 2D TodayPage
version 0.3.4
View attachment 257879View attachment 257880
Displays standard today plug-ins in different Manila 2D pages.
With this program You can:
Put many different standard today plug-ins into different Manila pages,
Easily increase space between plug-ins,
Define auto switching to Home page.
Mini FAQ:
to add/remove plug in – long tap on plug-ins list
buttons "Up" and "Down" move selected plug-in
button "Apply" - save settings and reload TodayPage
Manila 2D version (All known version are supported for now (06.09.2010)):
1.2.1913.1530 (update 23)
1.0.1911.1733 (update 22)
1.0.1820.3328 (update 20)
1.0.1820.1233 (update 21)
1.0.1819.2926 (update 19)
1.0.1818.3719 (update 14-18)​
.Net 2.0+ for configurator
If You have different version – send Me file “Manila2D.exe“ with description. You must check version of file Manila2D.exe in explorer, but not in About in Manila.
Program provided as is, without any kind of warranty.
Know issues:
No scrolling.
No line between plug-ins.
No landscape support.
Manual restart TodayPage needed after: changing TodayPage setting or Manila restart.
When You press/move bottom Manila slider - then You will see the original Manila page.
Standard plugins (“Owner”, “Task”, “Calendar”) not supported.
Plugins "Titanium" and "Htc home" do not work (because this plugins just launchers).
Plugin “Spb Pocket Plus“ work incorrectly.
Plugin “Spb Wireless Monitor“ do no have the icon (in SpbPocketPlus SpbWirelessMonitor do not have the icon too).
Auto switch to Home page timeout – not work on some Manilas.
All settings are stored in registry "HKCU\Software\Manila2D_TodayPage\":
"BgImage" (sz) – Full path to background picture. By default "\Windows\hh_fw_background.png".
"Path" (sz) – Full path to install directory. Do not touch it.
"Loglevel" (dword):
0 – Log disabled
1 – Log only errors
2 – Log errors and warnings
3 – Log all messages include debugging​
"AutoHomeTimeout" (dword) – Auto switch to Home page timeout. Defined in seconds. “0” - disable it, by default - disabled. This option not work on some Manila versions.
"HideLocationEdit" (dword) - "1" – hide edit field on "Location" page, "0" – do not hide.
"AutoStart" (dword) - "1" - Auto-start enabled, "0" - disabled.
"AutoStartDelay" (dword) - Auto-start delay (in seconds), "0" - without delay.
"AutoRestart" (dword) - "1" - Auto-restart enabled, "0" - disabled.
Settings of TodayPage widows are stored in "HKCU\Software\Manila2D_TodayPage\Window_XX", there “ХХ” - anything. You can define many such windows:
"TabNum" (dword) – Number of Manila page. Start from 1.
"XX_Item" (sz) – Today plug-in name. There XX – number from 00 to 99. This number define the order of plug-ins placements in this window.
"XX_Space" (dword) – Empty space between plug-ins. There XX – same as above. Value=hieght. Must be more then 0.
"x" (dword) – X coordinate of window. By default = 0.
"y" (dword) – Y coordinate of window. By default = 0.
"w" (dword) – Width of window. By default = auto.
"h" (dword) – Height of window. By default = auto.
On problem:
Check Your Manila version in “requirements”.
Check Your problem in “know issues”.
Change "Loglevel" to 3 and try again.
Attach log file (\Program Files\M2D_TodayPage\Log.txt) and text of error message.
Attach screenshot.
Attach registry from "HKCU\Software\Manila2D_TodayPage\".
In detail describe the problem.
Added support of Manila version 1.0.1821.1624.
Added support of Manila version 2.0.2016.3224.
Added support of Manila version 2.0.2013.4121.
Added possibility to disable auto-start.
Added possibility to define auto-start delay.
Added possibility to enable auto-restart after Manila restart.
Added detecting of current widget on start. (Will not work on earlier version of Manila).
thanks dan_ru
thanks boy
Seems to be a great new use for our M2D, especially if I can use it with a today flash plugin...
Unfortunately cant get it running on my Manila 2D v2.0 build 19191432.
Here are my details....
twolf said:
Seems to be a great new use for our M2D, especially if I can use it with a today flash plugin...
Unfortunately cant get it running on my Manila 2D v2.0 build 19191432.
Here are my details....
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Twolf try this make some icons for the tv tab in manila then run M2Dtp config
M2D Widget select TV , then in the red at bottom press and hold select add plugin, choose your plugin select apply, then menu exit .
Now go back to programs and run M2DTP_loader and it will work
I posted some TV tab icons here
Thanks dan_ru great addition to Manila
great. let me know when we find a tv app that will work.
Look like some values are missed in your registry. Take a look at "HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Today\Items\Device Lock\" and check presense of value "Type" (DWORD). It must be = 4.
Then - create only one window and try different plugins one by one.
It worked....
Thank you very much.
The operator tab was one of the problems, then some plugins cant run for some reason, the first configuration isnt easy, but its worth it...
As you can see here I was able to enable the TEMPUS plugin:
A few more changes and maybe we can even have W3D (animated weather) working...
I added a zip with my files, its just the original background from the latest M2D, the xml already with tv tab enabled and the home icons a little changed to look like a secondary home.
The plugins that worked so far: softick card export and tempus (throttle html by APBilbo)
The ones that didnt: Titanium, htc home, messaging, screen lock.
twolf said:
The ones that didnt: Titanium, htc home, messaging, screen lock.
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Plugins "Titanium" and "Htc home" do not work (because this plugins just launchers).
I've add it to the 1-st post.
"messaging" and "screen lock" must work. Attach registry from "HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Today\Items\" - I'll check it.
Well, to be quite honest I only wanted a flash plugin embbeded on M2D, with it I can try to make a hole new m2d tab.
I was able to stretch the throttlehtml plugin to accept 240x200 flash files and thats almost all the space available (240x230 being the full space)...
A couple of bugs, sometimes after a reset, the TV tab would freeze my machine, for some reason.
And theres no "M2DTP loader" shortcut on the start menu, I had to make my own.
This app is great!
how abt this
Btw, I think its even possible to recreate some Titanium plugins or even the Flash gadgets from Throttle:
It would be a mixture of flash and mortscript though, because saddly theres no existing flash plugin that can read registry or run files...
Flash can read simple txt files with variables inside, and mortcript can write those files with on-the-fly registry values, and with the color codes work-around I can even make flash run some pre-selected apps.
But the fact that the device is running M2D, flash and mortscript (to keep updating the variables) all at the same time, would definitely be a battery-hog...
Did a small test with the calendar:
If you press or swipe the sides of the calendar the month changes with a animation.
To use it, simply install and configure M2DTP to use the zipped altered version of the throttlehtml plugin with a black background (also in the zip).
Its already ready to run english (by default) or portuguese, any other language can be changed simply by translating the attached txt file and replacing it on the \Windows\ThrottleHTML folder.
Made a few changes to make a skin for the latest M2D:
Just replace the files on the attached m2d_2.0_skin.zip onto the \Windows\ThrottleHTML folder and reload the plugin.
Been hoping someone would develop an app for this - great work thank you. Starting to mess now! I think we can see from Twolfs efforts already we're going to have some smart M2D tabs very shortly!
Added an updated version of the calendar onto a new thread, not to crowd this one...
Get it here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=5176085#post5176085
Rumball Diamond Weather - Weather Panel
Hey dan_ru
This is working with the diamond animated weather by Rumball using the Weather Panel plug-in.
The icon sets and setup files are on this thread http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=401781
M2Dtp settings are:
X = 0
Y = 25
W = 240
H = 199
Using the existing weather tab.
In Weather Panel the Layout must be set to Manila.wpl to fit the screen.
It looks fantastic – looking forward to messing more with it. Would be great if we can suss out how to edit the individual tab softkeys…..
1) When the weather icon is ‘pushed’ it still shows the previous manila weather screen in the background – does your app just overlay the existing functions?
brandall said:
Hey dan_ru
This is working with the diamond animated weather by Rumball using the Weather Panel plug-in.
The icon sets and setup files are on this thread http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=401781
M2Dtp settings are:
X = 0
Y = 25
W = 240
H = 199
Using the existing weather tab.
In Weather Panel the Layout must be set to Manila.wpl to fit the screen.
It looks fantastic – looking forward to messing more with it. Would be great if we can suss out how to edit the individual tab softkeys…..
1) When the weather icon is ‘pushed’ it still shows the previous manila weather screen in the background – does your app just overlay the existing functions?
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ive done all the installing and putting the images in place but when i go to setup the plugin in the settings to select my city i cant get out of the options theres no ok or save or exit button. even the red button dont work. all i can do is reboot and no settings save.
incubus26jc said:
ive done all the installing and putting the images in place but when i go to setup the plugin in the settings to select my city i cant get out of the options theres no ok or save or exit button. even the red button dont work. all i can do is reboot and no settings save.
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I don't know if this is an issue initially setting Weather Panel up in M2D - I originally went through the set up using the Second Today plug-in.... You could try setting it up in there and then see if it appears in Manila ok after....? Maybe the layout settings I posted initially cover up the 'ok' option...? I'm guessing though..
brandall said:
I don't know if this is an issue initially setting Weather Panel up in M2D - I originally went through the set up using the Second Today plug-in.... You could try setting it up in there and then see if it appears in Manila ok after....? Maybe the layout settings I posted initially cover up the 'ok' option...? I'm guessing though..
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thanks but it did not help. i also tried setting it up as a plugin on today by itself and i cannot for the life of me get back out of any option screen after going into it. im thinking it might be 6.5.1 bottom taskbar bug? mabye i didnt install it right. mabye i can setup my city and theme through registry?
i installed the program to the device memory and over right the dll. then i put the fonts in the windows font foldr. then i put the weather panel folder on the storagecard root. is that right

