[APP][v0.0.1.3][06/07/2009] Battery Guard - Windows Mobile Apps and Games

Battery Guard is an finger-friendly application that manage powering for each subdevices on PocketPC machine. This application should be usefull for anyone who want to track what eating battery and make it under control (in the future, i want to add monitoring functionality and apply some logic to detect what make battery draining)
Quick Info:
Target: All Windows Mobile Professional devices (tested on HTC Touch HD (WinMo 6.1), HTC BlueAngle (WinMo 6.1), request feedback about other devices and versions of WinMo)
Requirements: Windows Mobile Professional, .Net Compact Framework 3.5
Features, screenshoots & download at: http://mobile.dlugosz.net.pl/Products/BatteryGuard/tabid/59/Default.aspx
Please don't share installation cab, just link to above page.
Feedback and suggestions will be greatly appreciated.
Change Log
version (06-07-2009)
- added window's captions
- added support for provisioning xml (export/import)
- added driver registry name for subdevices
- little less memory usage
- improve windows loading time
- more compatuble backup/restore process
- fixed landscape mode
version (10-06-2009)
- expand Power Status window with battery life and charge/draining indicator
- change windows hierarchy, Power Status is now main window
- add Battery Info page in Settings window
- add ask about changes on exit from Power Template window
- fix scroll painting after add/remove elements (GUI)
- fix saving for new items in power template editor
- fix handle of fullscreen setting (GUI)
- fix background image for power switch (QVGA skin)
version (30-05-2009)
- fixed skin for QVGA devices (install cab fix only)

Nice! Hope you will complete the ToDo tasks soon

Nice app!
But I have a problem on my QVGA device... Buttons are too big...

flaviopac said:
But I have a problem on my QVGA device... Buttons are too big...
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Yes, i had seen this behavior, it's something with first run on the device. Can you make a test, go to settings (last tool item on the main screen), make sure that DefaultQVGA skin is selected and save settings. Then restart program. If it helps?
Anyway, i must fix it

dally said:
Yes, i had seen this behavior, it's something with first run on the device. Can you make a test, go to settings (last tool item on the main screen), make sure that DefaultQVGA skin is selected and save settings. Then restart program. If it helps?
Anyway, i must fix it
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I try this several times but no luck, same here buttons too big on QVGA.If i remove this program is everything gonna change back to default???

Yes, my mistake, QVGA skin have bad images (for VGA devices). New installation cab is already available.

Thanks. Installed on polaris (qvga) and it's working ok.

I've been looking for an app like this...great work! I'll check it out & report back...

Good job presenting these low level power settings and offering control in such a user friendly way!
Those monitoring features you are planning would be a very welcome addition. Perhaps in the future, users could share their best practices how to save battery. We could also export and share our battery saving settings file, for others to restore and check if it works for them.

oohhhh... this looks tasty.. I'll hafta download this and check it out. I have 6.5 so I'll test it and let you know how it works.

i have HTC HD Italian, is a multilingual program?

Very nice GUI - and I think its a needed app.
Why I only think it is, is because I dont really know how how to use it.
Should we just put all into poweroff to save battery or does any have some good hints in how to get most out of this app.
A bit more details for how to use it and what can be accomplished by BattGuard could be nice.
(I would like to save battery - so what might be the best settings for that. And will services still be able to start when poweroff and so on...)

ippoglosso said:
i have HTC HD Italian, is a multilingual program?
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Yes, but someone must do translation. In the root folder of application is file English.lng. This is a good template for any translations.
Martinhdk said:
Should we just put all into poweroff to save battery or does any have some good hints in how to get most out of this app.
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Not all I think, but maybe some devices are useless for someone. For example, i use camera very seldom, so for "On" state I can set "Main Camera" to Power Off. And then yes, in fact camera is disabled, but if it's improve battery life? I don't know, it's time for testing.
Martinhdk said:
(I would like to save battery - so what might be the best settings for that. And will services still be able to start when poweroff and so on...)
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This is a tool, we need more knowledge (at least me ). There are programs for battery usage tracking so now we can tests power settings. I want to pack this functionality to Battery Guard and make it more usefull (register not only battery usage but also every things that could affect that).
And one info. Not every device support all power states. Often it's support only On/Off state. Current power states window shows info from system cache, so sometimes lie . Scenario:
1. Set Main camera "Power Off" for state "On"
2. Switch Off phone (mean suspend)
3. Switch On phone
4. Check current power states, you will see Main Camera is suspend
5 Soft reset and check power states again, you will see Main Camera is completly off

I just tried out your application and I am incredibly impressed. My face was like this: . It literally blew my mind. This literally is a complete switchboard for all of the devices in our Windows Mobile smartphones. I'll definitely have a few blog posts dedicated to this on my blog: http://soul-est.doc776.org/sotp/

very nice app, i try ed out of curiosity to see what it does,
also found some other thing, thanks to this app i tried apptodate from where the problem comes
i'm trying to update to version .0.1.1,i download the new version, install it an is still out of date, with option to update to .0.1.1

i2gh0st said:
i'm trying to update to version .0.1.1,i download the new version, install it an is still out of date, with option to update to .0.1.1
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Yes, automatic uninstall cause invalid apptodate files replacement, i don't know why. Please manually unistall Battery Guard and then install it again. It's sure version .
Anyway, is there a better free way to make installation cab, other than VS Project ?

Thx for the answer. Will try to see what happens in various scenarios..

great idea, been waiting that since a long time.
I guess one will be able to compare ROM consumptions using this soon, right ?

About version Rather minor changes.
Now it's time for monitoring feature. In first attempt it will be part of main application. Later, after stabilization stage i'am going to move it to standalone service.

may i ask how do i use this application to save on battery juice?


[APP] (2009-02-05) TouchBack v1.0b4 - Haptic/Touch Feedback for DialPad/SIP

Updated to v1.0 - BETA4 (2009-02-05)
About TouchBack
TouchBack is an application for emulating haptic feedback for Windows Mobile 6.0 devices. It has been designed simply to give a configurable feedback response to your fingers within the SIP window and within the DialPad window. Settings persist between device resets and you can enable TouchBack to start-up automatically upon device bootup.
The current version of TouchBack is being released as a beta, as I'd like to get some feedback on how it works for you. Despite the beta status, I have been running the program daily since the end of November and it hasn't crashed once yet - No detectable slow-downs have been caused by running the application in the background either (and the memory footprint is very small at 4KB).
I do realise that other decent haptic feedback programs have popped up (e.g. TouchResponse), and I don't want the authors to feel like I'm trying to step on their toes. I just thought it was a waste to not release the application after pouring time into it - I may also consider releasing the source code once I get my website up and running.
Please leave feedback on whether or not TouchBack works for you and your device. Enjoy!
Haptic feedback (!) within SIP, DialPad or Both.
Support for multiple dialers (stock DialPad and iDialer so far).
Activate feedback On Press, After Press or Both.
Configurable vibration length (minimum: 1ms)
Configurable ignore press period (prevent multiple vibrations).
Start-up automatically on reset.
Settings persist across resets.
Download the CAB file and copy to your device.
Run the CAB and install the program.
Run the TouchBackCfg application found within your Start menu.
Configure your desired settings - Ensure your notification (vibration) port is correct (click on test area to check).
Click on Menu -> Save Config to save your settings.
Click on the "Start" button to start TouchBack, then you can exit the program.
Version History
Version 1.0 - BETA4
Added: Support for different dialers (currently: stock DialPad + iDialer).
Fixed: Vibration does not work on stock DialPad when non-English language is set.
Version 1.0 - BETA3
Fixed: Failure to create/delete startup shortcuts on systems with non-standard startup path (e.g. Non-English).
Version 1.0 - BETA2
Added: Resolution-aware Dialogs.
Fixed: Configuration does not display correctly on VGA displays.
Version 1.0 - BETA1
Initial Beta Release.
Reserved for updates.
Why is it better TouchResponse?
Yuna said:
Why is it better TouchResponse?
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Just looking at it, it has the advantage of being much smaller in size, so you'd assume it uses less memory. It also supports the dial pad which I think is very good.
please, make this program to display properly on diamond, evrithng else works like a charm!
What's the problem? How does it display? I presume you're talking about the TouchBackCfg application. Are parts of it cut-off? I can work on fixing that if that is the case. Please let me know if it is similar to the attached image.
It sounds so good! Actually, I looked for a vibration feedback only for SIP and Dialpad, so it looks like just perfectly suit...
But unfortunately, on my Cruise, the vibration don't work for the dialpad (I use the Amine Opal Dialer). Only works for the SIP (TouchPal).
Do you think it is possible to fix that?
yes, just like that - cutted off...
Does this app still have that problem that TouchResponse has? The one where sometimes a touch stimulates a stronger vibration from time to time?
And is there anyway to have exceptions in this? Like suppose I don't want it to give me haptic feedback in a certain app.
Nice work Kay_! Works great on my Sprint Diamond. Keep up the great work.
Kay_ said:
What's the problem? How does it display? I presume you're talking about the TouchBackCfg application. Are parts of it cut-off? I can work on fixing that if that is the case. Please let me know if it is similar to the attached image.
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Hey Kay,
Thats exactly how my screen looks on a Touch Pro (VGA) and i dont get feedback when dialing, just on the keyboard.
I checked the settings too, they were right...
nice app!
Looks nice and almost identical to TouchResponse.
Can we know, from your side, the differences or benefits this has over TouchResponse?
Yuna said:
yes, just like that - cutted off...
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I've added resolution-awareness to the config application, so it should now display correctly on VGA devices. There is a separate profile for those with the HTC Touch HD to take advantage of the slightly roomier window space. ;-)
Kraize said:
Does this app still have that problem that TouchResponse has? The one where sometimes a touch stimulates a stronger vibration from time to time?
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You can vary the period that TouchBack prevents multiple vibrations using the "Ignore Length (ms)" setting. The default is set to 100ms, and this seems to prevent most repeats - But you may need to adjust it higher if you're a particularly fast typist (erm, "stylist" if you're an adept stylus user I suppose!)
Kraize said:
And is there anyway to have exceptions in this? Like suppose I don't want it to give me haptic feedback in a certain app.
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As for exclusions, this currently isn't supported - The idea was to make TouchBack a simple program that targets the SIP window and DialPad windows only. Why do you not want haptic feedback for a specific window?
scdavis said:
i dont get feedback when dialing, just on the keyboard.
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Aye - The current support for the HTC Touch HD default dialpad is a bit of a hack, so I thought this might not work across different mobiles. On the upside, if you let me know exactly what dial pad it is then I'll be able to get it onto my Touch HD and see if I can program support in for it. I'll have a look into the Amine Opal Dialer that zen_green mentioned too.
Thanks for the feedback folks! Don't let me stop you though, try out BETA2. I'll implement AppToDate support after we get past the initial BETA period (well, that is if people want to continue using the application, hehe).
CorruptedSanity said:
Looks nice and almost identical to TouchResponse.
Can we know, from your side, the differences or benefits this has over TouchResponse?
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TouchBack primarily runs as a tiny (4Kb) resident program that sits in the background, and hooks into system events - It doesn't consume any processing time apart from when you've clicked/pressed the screen. Performance is also very good with regards to feedback response and there is no appreciable slowdown from activating vibration.
This isn't a direct comparison with TouchResponse, as I'm unaware of the internals of that program; although I do know that my approach to the problem is different from that of TouchResponse (but I'm not claiming that this method is better, just different). Thus. I'm hoping to sell TouchBack on its simplicity and small memory footprint, and the fact that I'm primarily targetting SIP/DialPad as opposed to giving general haptic feedback for everything.
I'll have to let users themselves decide which they like - Please try out the program and see for yourself. All feedback and constructive criticism is entirely welcome.
Thanks very much for considering our comments and requests.
Keep this great work!
On my french HTC Touch HD, I don't get any vibration with the dialpad. I use the stock ROM, with the stock dialpad. Maybe a localisation failure ?
(I can't make TouchBack to start with Windows either : I got the error "could not create shortcut").
Aye - Likely a localisation issue. I'll have to look into programmatically looking up the name (via SHGetSpecialFolderPath) for the start menu rather than just assuming it is "Start Menu" *cough* hard-coded *cough*. I am writing a test app to help me diagnose these issues at the moment.
OK, solved the localisation issue with the startup path. I'll upload the new version whenever I make some progress on making it work with DialPads other than the stock English ROM one.
zen_green said:
Thanks very much for considering our comments and requests.
Keep this great work!
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As above.
Will this work for iDialer (the keypad that accompanies iContact)? If not can you associate it iDialer?
I've made that my default dial pad on my Diamond and would like haptic response.

[APP][2010-09-04][v1.2.0] ArkSwitch: the task manager, upgraded!

There are many task managers floating around out there, with lots of neat features and great UIs. I've been looking for a good replacement for the HTC Task Manager home screen button that no longer works properly in Windows Mobile 6.5.x, and I've been unable to find one I really like. So I made my own!
ArkSwitch can be opened from any screen that has the top bar visible - I tried to make it simple yet unobtrusive.
You can click the text of an app to bring it to the foreground, click the icon to view the App Info screen, or click the "X" image to close it.
Please see the changelog in the second post.
Important info for chefs and customizers: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=8002276&postcount=733
And a quick CAB to disable the Close All confirmation dialog.
If you are using ArkSwitch in your ROM, please post a message here telling me so. I would really like to know. Also, if you make themes, please post them here for everyone else to enjoy. I would appreciate that.
Also, if you're a developer and would like to help with implementing any features, I'd be glad to accept your patches, changesets, etc.
1. Install the CAB.
2. Either reboot (it will run on startup) or start it from the start menu --> Tools.
3. Click the left half of the top bar (or other area if customized) to bring it up.
SimpleGloss Blue | Dusk | NinjaBlack | Purple Pimp | SRG | Hacienda | Showtime7
Why doesn't ArkSwitch show process memory information anymore? Read the answer here.
Historical notes:
v1.0.0 --> 350
v1.0.1 --> 1700
v1.0.2 --> 2739
v1.0.3 --> 1582
v1.0.4 --> 2831
If you'd like to donate, please use the following link:
CodePlex page | Download link
ArkSwitch has been tested on VGA and QVGA by myself, and WVGA. It should work on FWVGA as well, although I don't think any WinMo device with that resolution exists at this time.
- FIX: Shortcut creation (was fixed in an unofficial v1.1.4a release earlier)
- ADD: Quickly killing the foreground app by "scratching" the activation field!
- ADD: German translation
- ADD: More registry tweaks, including one to disable the "Close All" confirmation
- FIX: Couple of bugs with the new process mode
- FIX: Much better stability in general
- FIX: Better handling of frozen apps (thx MichyPrima)
- CHG: Theming now allows for resolution-aware dynamic image selection (see config.xml for more info)
- ADD: Global memory info is back
- ADD: Process listing - swipe horizontally on the main task list page to see it (thx MichyPrima)
- FIX: Crash/freeze in certain situations
- REM: All memory reporting features, probably only temporarily
- FIX: Stupid crash encountered in some unique situations
- FIX: Some apps/windows not appearing when they should be
- CHG: Running as high priority in order to be able to close misbehaving apps
- ADD: Source code
- FIX: Double tmail.exe (and others) listing in certain situations
- CHG: Reverted back to X button instead of OK button for the main ArkSwitch screen
- ADD: Memory usage percentage
- ADD: Experimental memory usage efficiency index on the App Info page
- FIX: Various QVGA issues
- FIX: Free/total RAM refreshing when closing apps (more info)
- CHG: Icon rendering now does proper transparency
- CHG: ArkSwitch's main window X button is now an OK button so that other apps don't try killing it
- ADD: Internationalization support (more info)
- ADD: Activation field location customization
- FIX: Overlap issue with certain themes
- CHG: gwes.exe and shell32.exe are now hard-excluded (i.e., not a choice)
- CHG: Close Task button is now Close All
- ADD: Manila to default exclusion list
- ADD: Options screen
- ADD: Color-coded free/total RAM info on the bottom
- ADD: Read app icons from start menu (caveat)
- FIX: Resize icons that are too big
- FIX: Always open ArkSwitch when executed after it's already running
- ADD: App details screen
- ADD: Exclusion functionality
- ADD: Standard app mode (see below)
- Original version
Possibly add Alt-Tab-like functionality for switching to other apps using a HW button
Add free or used RAM percentage, in parentheses or configurable
Possibly take over X button to close apps instead of minimizing? Maybe even the start button?
As possible alternative to the above, have second activation field that kills foreground apps
Prevent ArkSwitch from turning on when device is locked
Possibly add an icon bar for common tasks on top?
Making ArkSwitch into a service - it's pointless - see this post
WM6.5 compatibility mode:
In case you don't want ArkSwitch to take over your top bar, you can disable that functionality and thereby have it function as a standard app. In this mode, the original WM6.5 should also be fully functional. To enable this mode, either do it in the Options screen, or manually set the following Registry value:
TaskbarTakeover = 0 (DWORD)
Thanks Ark
Great Work
Can I use program with soft-buttons? And can i remove it from bar? Because i'm using WKTask at same plañe?
P.S. Òû ðóññêèé?
Yes, you can use the program with softkeys. You can select apps by using the D-Pad and then the left softkey to close it or the right softkey to open a menu which will let you switch to it, close it, view the about screen, or quit ArkSwitch.
The only way to "remove" ArkSwitch from the top bar is to close it. One of the main reasons I chose the top bar is ease of access. If something else goes there, then this app can't be accessed easily anymore. I've never used WkTask, but from what I'm reading about it, it looks like the two apps would be incompatible with each other, sorry
P.S. I speak Russian as I'm originally from Ukraine. Please don't use CP1251 for Russian encoding, US browsers don't like it Unicode is better.
looks great! but QVGA please ??
Rows were overlapping eachother.
The the program crashed when I chose exit from the menu and I was forced to soft-reset.
Runnning WinMo 6.5 on a Touch Pro 2
Arktronic said:
Yes, you can use the program with softkeys. You can select apps by using the D-Pad and then the left softkey to close it or the right softkey to open a menu which will let you switch to it, close it, view the about screen, or quit ArkSwitch.
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I was wrong in my question. Can I put the launch ArkSwitch on softkey?
(My english very bad, isn't it?)
working good
so far so good on my Whitestone (Imagio) 6.5
1. question- is my regular taskmanager (upper most right hand corner) still supposed to function? bc i loose the little icon and get no response from pressing there. wasn't sure from your description if they both were supposed to function at the same time.
2. my device is wvga and i did not have overlap issues like a previous post.
3. the x's all work good and switching between apps works good.
4. pressing softkey\menu\quit arkswitch exits the program and it has to be restarted. "X"ing the upper right minimizes? is that correct?
5. oh yeah- and touching the upper left is working good to open ArkSwitch.
6. Thank you. I have been looking for a simple solution for a finger friendly task manager.
Really quick program, working pretty good!
I do have 2 requests though, which would make it perfect
I am on a 6.5.3 wvga device and I have some icons overlapping the text... maybe you can crop/stretch all icons to a specific size?
and another request, could you implement a way to exclude processes from showing in arkswitch? like start.exe etc?
Really well done so far!
pavel-auto78 said:
I was wrong in my question. Can I put the launch ArkSwitch on softkey?
(My english very bad, isn't it?)
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point the button towards \..\program files\arkswitch\arkswitch.exe that works for me.
EDIT: well, the button doesn't work all the time, I think it has something to do with what program is in focus or something...
guess that adds a 3rd request... sorry to a pain in the ass
Possible X of windows mobile (down right) = close ?
Nice work ! Thanks Arktronic.
deepthroat said:
looks great! but QVGA please ??
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I still have my old Hermes. When I have a chance, I'll flash a WM6.5.x ROM on it and get that working. It's on the TODO list
toadlife said:
Rows were overlapping eachother.
The the program crashed when I chose exit from the menu and I was forced to soft-reset.
Runnning WinMo 6.5 on a Touch Pro 2
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Obviously you didn't read my first two posts. This application is NOT for the original WM6.5! Only for 6.5.x, where the start and X keys are on the bottom of the screen. However, if you'd like to use it as a regular task manager started by a hardware button or something similar, that could be done in the future through an options screen, which is also on the list.
pavel-auto78 said:
I was wrong in my question. Can I put the launch ArkSwitch on softkey?
(My english very bad, isn't it?)
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Please see above. And if you're not sure if your English text is good, you can also say it in Russian next time
maisonpulaski said:
so far so good on my Whitestone (Imagio) 6.5
1. question- is my regular taskmanager (upper most right hand corner) still supposed to function? bc i loose the little icon and get no response from pressing there. wasn't sure from your description if they both were supposed to function at the same time.
2. my device is wvga and i did not have overlap issues like a previous post.
3. the x's all work good and switching between apps works good.
4. pressing softkey\menu\quit arkswitch exits the program and it has to be restarted. "X"ing the upper right minimizes? is that correct?
5. oh yeah- and touching the upper left is working good to open ArkSwitch.
6. Thank you. I have been looking for a simple solution for a finger friendly task manager.
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1. ArkSwitch does not touch the right half of the taskbar at all. I'm not sure which task manager you're using, though.
2. Right, because you're actually using WM6.5.x as opposed to toadlife...
3. Great, that means I can say WVGA works!
4. Correct. Would you like me to add an "Are you sure?" dialog when quitting?
5. Yay!
6. You're welcome
jodeltje said:
Really quick program, working pretty good!
I do have 2 requests though, which would make it perfect
I am on a 6.5.3 wvga device and I have some icons overlapping the text... maybe you can crop/stretch all icons to a specific size?
and another request, could you implement a way to exclude processes from showing in arkswitch? like start.exe etc?
Really well done so far!
point the button towards \..\program files\arkswitch\arkswitch.exe that works for me.
EDIT: well, the button doesn't work all the time, I think it has something to do with what program is in focus or something...
guess that adds a 3rd request... sorry to a pain in the ass
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Hmm, I guess if an icon is bigger than I tested with, it would overlap. I'll add that to the list. Can you give me an example of which app(s) had overlapping icons please?
Excluding processes is already on the TODO list.
Yeah, starting the program multiple times doesn't always bring it to the front. You have to have opened the ArkSwitch window at least once before it could do that. I'm not sure why that's happening; I'll look into it some more. It's definitely a bug that should be fixed.
fotone said:
Possible X of windows mobile (down right) = close ?
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I'm not entirely sure how to do that, actually. If any WinMo devs with experience on this would like to point me in the right direction, I'd appreciate it
Thanks for your feedback, everyone!
Arktronic said:
Hmm, I guess if an icon is bigger than I tested with, it would overlap. I'll add that to the list. Can you give me an example of which app(s) had overlapping icons please?
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I've customized some "iReflect" icons with "JWMD Icon Changer".
hope this helps.
Are you sure that the overlapping icons are the customized ones? Because it looks like JWMD only changes the start menu icons, while ArkSwitch looks inside the actual EXE to find its icon.
Arktronic said:
Are you sure that the overlapping icons are the customized ones? Because it looks like JWMD only changes the start menu icons, while ArkSwitch looks inside the actual EXE to find its icon.
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oops your right, it shows the original icon... it was task manila... the program...
Okay, that makes sense. Thanks for your feedback!
By the way, I've added a to-do list to the second post.
Works perfect on Tilt 2. THanks a lot!
working for me on 6.5
Arktronic said:
I still have my old Hermes. When I have a chance, I'll flash a WM6.5.x ROM on it and get that working. It's on the TODO list
Obviously you didn't read my first two posts. This application is NOT for the original WM6.5! Only for 6.5.x, where the start and X keys are on the bottom of the screen. However, if you'd like to use it as a regular task manager started by a hardware button or something similar, that could be done in the future through an options screen, which is also on the list.
4. Correct. Would you like me to add an "Are you sure?" dialog when quitting?
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A. I misunderstood "for 6.5.x" as meaning 6.5 and above. Just to let you know i am running plain old 6.5 and my start button still works in the upper left corner.
B. The ArkSwitch button works as well in the upper left corner.
C. Maybe 6.5 compatibility explains why the original task manager doesn't function with ArkSwitch?
4. I would definitely would not want you to add an "are you sure". I hate those.
Hope the feed back helps and is not annoying.
ArkSwitch works on QVGA device
Arktronic said:
Please see above. And if you're not sure if your English text is good, you can also say it in Russian next time
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Спасибо за работу.

CheckList (W)VGA v2.1

Platform: Windows Mobile (Tested on 6.5.x)
Overview: A simple Check List application
* Organized by Categories
* New / Modify / Delete Category
* New / Modify / Delete Item
* Move Item to Vault / Restore Item from Vault
* Touch friendly
* Included Desktop Companion (PC application)
* No Master Lists!
* No Descriptions / Notes
* No Quantities
* No Item Pictures
* No Prices
* Without many functions and options
Download (old) 1.1 VGA version
Download 2.1 (W)VGA version
Download Desktop Companion version 2.1
Changelog v2.0 :
- Fixed the WVGA resolution.
- The Splash Screen was Changed.
- The user can change the order of the Categories / Items
- Settings Panel added
- The Program now can keep the Backlight On (option)
- The user can change the Item (list) height (option)
- The user can change the Text size (option)
- The user can enable/disable the message dialogs (option)
- The user can enable/disable the splash screen (option)
- The database is saved only if changes detected.
- The graphic files was retouched.
- Many minor bug fixes.
Changelog v2.1 :
- added gray boxes
- fixed category problem
- fixed minus problem (-)
- Marks by default the first Category
- Marks by default the first Item in the selected category
- Many minor bug fixes.
First Impressions
I just discovered this app and thought I'd leave my first impressions. Here goes...
At first go it's just what I've been looking for: a simple checklist app. It seems to be just that. I wouldn't say it's immediately intuitive, but with some messing around I picked up the basic routine. As with all things, with a little more playing around it will become 2nd nature. You should be aware, however, that the screen doesn't render properly in landscape (my phone is a TP2 [WVGA] see details in sig). As such, I couldn't confirm compatibility with the hard keyboard on my device.
Also, something to consider for future development, would be a way to create a link for a specific list that can be placed in one's calendar/appt editor. This probably takes away from the simplicity aspect, but that would be really slick!
I'll play with it some more throughout the week, but for simplicity's sake I like what you've put together -- at least on 1st impressions. Thanks for sharing!
thank you very much for your comments
Dadi68 said:
Platform: Windows Mobile (Tested on 6.5.x)
Overview: A simple Check List application
* No Master Lists!
* No Descriptions / Notes
* No Quantities
* No Item Pictures
* No Prices
* Without many functions and options
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...really simple, really friendly ... but: that is what I really need, it's quick, it's easy....it's GREAT (you're right: keep it simple!!!)
It works on HD2, no prob with keyboard...
I hope, that you are buying soon a new device, to develop a WVGA-Version...aäh, whats about a wrap-up or second row for longer entrys ?
THX and greetz
fast_zorro said:
...really simple, really friendly ... but: that is what I really need, it's quick, it's easy....it's GREAT (you're right: keep it simple!!!)
It works on HD2, no prob with keyboard...
I hope, that you are buying soon a new device, to develop a WVGA-Version...aäh, whats about a wrap-up or second row for longer entrys ?
THX and greetz
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Do u want to be a beta tester of the 1.2 version? (its wvga compatible - i hope)
Thanks to fast_zorro's valuable help, a WVGA version is coming!
ETA : this weekend
short video for the app
..thanks god, it's friday....
fast_zorro said:
..thanks god, it's friday....
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Good morning dear beta tester
Today I will make a new version of the desktop companion and tomorrow morning I will release the full package
Im thinking to add an "enable single tap" option but i dont know because its not so friendly...
Anywayz, I will send you the released package via email - megaupload
Have a nice Friday people!
Dadi68 said:
Today I will make a new version of the desktop companion and tomorrow morning I will release the full package
Im thinking to add an "enable single tap" option but i dont know because its not so friendly...
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May I leave some friendly feedback?
(I'm going to assume you said "yes"...)
First of all, allow me to repeat that this is a great little app. Simple and useful. Further, you have shared it with us freely, and I'm the first to acknowledge "beggars can't be choosy." With this in mind, I offer the following...
The boot time is too slow. One would think that given how light-weight this app is, it should load much like an immediate toggle on/toggle off application. While you're deserving of the credit appearing in your 'welcome'/'boot' screen, perhaps eliminating this feature would speed the load time? Even if it would not speed the load, I would like to see the Category menu straight away without an extra screen to pass through.
Second, it would be nice if Categories, and not just Items, could be saved to the vault. (Am I missing something?) It would be nice to create a simple template to the vault, then be able to copy a version to the active menu which could be applied as needed. Make sense?
Lastly, would it be possible to move the command bar down a centimeter or so? That way 4 full Category/Item panels could be visible w/o having to scroll up/down. I understand it's placed to accommodate ergonomic thumb usage, but to see 4 full Item panels, as opposed to 3 1/2, would be worth the slight stretch...
I'm really looking forward to a WVGA version as I'll be able to use the keyboard on my TP2, which would make this even MORE useful!
Once again, many thanks!!!
p.s. - There's also a couple of spelling errors in the menu guides. 'Aproove' comes to mind right off. ('Approve' is correct) However, your English is far superior to my Greek, so I have no room to criticize...
Minnesinger said:
May I leave some friendly feedback?
(I'm going to assume you said "yes"...)
First of all, allow me to repeat that this is a great little app. Simple and useful. Further, you have shared it with us freely, and I'm the first to acknowledge "beggars can't be choosy." With this in mind, I offer the following...
The boot time is too slow. One would think that given how light-weight this app is, it should load much like an immediate toggle on/toggle off application. While you're deserving of the credit appearing in your 'welcome'/'boot' screen, perhaps eliminating this feature would speed the load time? Even if it would not speed the load, I would like to see the Category menu straight away without an extra screen to pass through.
The boot time is extremely slow... Its not my fault... This programming language is slow (even a "Hello world" takes 3-4 secs to load)
In the new version you have the option to disable the splash screen
Second, it would be nice if Categories, and not just Items, could be saved to the vault. (Am I missing something?) It would be nice to create a simple template to the vault, then be able to copy a version to the active menu which could be applied as needed. Make sense?
Why you make your life so difficult?
Lastly, would it be possible to move the command bar down a centimeter or so? That way 4 full Category/Item panels could be visible w/o having to scroll up/down. I understand it's placed to accommodate ergonomic thumb usage, but to see 4 full Item panels, as opposed to 3 1/2, would be worth the slight stretch...
In the new version you can adjust the row height of the items/categories
I'm really looking forward to a WVGA version as I'll be able to use the keyboard on my TP2, which would make this even MORE useful!
Wait 30 minutes...
Once again, many thanks!!!
You r welcome my friend
p.s. - There's also a couple of spelling errors in the menu guides. 'Aproove' comes to mind right off. ('Approve' is correct) However, your English is far superior to my Greek, so I have no room to criticize...
Please help me to correct them... My English suck...
Maybe I will release the new version in Greek
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Thank you very much for your post
Version 2.0 added at first post
Thanks to fast_zorro for his valuable help on the WVGA support
Minnesinger said:
May I leave some friendly feedback?
Second, it would be nice if Categories, and not just Items, could be saved to the vault. (Am I missing something?) It would be nice to create a simple template to the vault, then be able to copy a version to the active menu which could be applied as needed. Make sense?
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...not bad, I'm also think about this topic...but, keep in mind the important issue: "small and easy".
I think, these is the most benefit from this app, so any new features should be aware of this point before added.
(MASPWARE Checklist, as example, looks nice, but you could be very easily lost in categories and items in up to 4 stages of deep)
But you're right, there are some improvents possible - let's see, what others will say and give Dadi68 a chance to enjoy the summer before making a version 3.0...
fast_zorro said:
...not bad, I'm also think about this topic...but, keep in mind the important issue: "small and easy".
I think, these is the most benefit from this app, so any new features should be aware of this point before added.
(MASPWARE Checklist, as example, looks nice, but you could be very easily lost in categories and items in up to 4 stages of deep)
But you're right, there are some improvents possible - let's see, what others will say and give Dadi68 a chance to enjoy the summer before making a version 3.0...
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Hahahaha run DaDi RUNNNNNNNNN
2 weeks left for vacations guys
Ok, add categories to vault...
you mean an empty cateory or a category full of items?
I started to like that idea
Dadi68 said:
Ok, add categories to vault...
you mean an empty cateory or a category full of items?
I started to like that idea
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Yes, a category full of items: a template. For example, a simple agenda template...
A template of the user's own design could be kept in the vault. In my case, there are occasions when I don't need to use a full appointment editor; I just need to keep a running list of contacts and times for any given day. Instead of retyping the time increments over and over, a blank agenda is always at the ready!
Although, this brings up another issue for me:
Whenever I attempt to edit one of the time slots on my agenda template, I get the warning seen in the pic above. I have the current-most NETCF v35 on my device, in addition to the NET CF v35 Messages.EN.wm .cab: am I missing anything? If I click 'yes' I'm able to continue and add a contact to a time slot, but the error message repeats with each edit.
Looking for ward to watching your app evolve -- Thanks!
Minnesinger said:
Yes, a category full of items: a template. For example, a simple agenda template...
A template of the user's own design could be kept in the vault. In my case, there are occasions when I don't need to use a full appointment editor; I just need to keep a running list of contacts and times for any given day. Instead of retyping the time increments over and over, a blank agenda is always at the ready!
Although, this brings up another issue for me:
Whenever I attempt to edit one of the time slots on my agenda template, I get the warning seen in the pic above. I have the current-most NETCF v35 on my device, in addition to the NET CF v35 Messages.EN.wm .cab: am I missing anything? If I click 'yes' I'm able to continue and add a contact to a time slot, but the error message repeats with each edit.
Looking for ward to watching your app evolve -- Thanks!
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Replace the [-] with [...] and it will work fine!
About the Category -> Vault ...gimme some time, maybe next week
great tool - thats what i'm looking for. THX!!
Look nicely, I will try this program out.
Guys a beta 2.1 is out, that supports grayed checkboxes...
Im waiting for comments from my dear beta-tester
@Minnesinger : Can you help me by correcting spelling errors? To fix them before release the new version?
@All :
To Do:
1. Store full Categories (with items) into Vault [ NEXT WEEK ]
Have a beautiful weekend people!
Dadi68 said:
@Minnesinger : Can you help me by correcting spelling errors? To fix them before release the new version?
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Yes, of course. I would be happy to. Check your PMs and I'll attach a Word document with a complete list. Although, from what I've observed there are only a few minor things...

[APP][29-June-11] uTask v1.4 - softkeys enhancement for WM6.5.3

uTask v1.4
Author: ultrashot
Compatibility: only Windows Mobile 6.5.3. Any resolution is supported, but I haven't checked this program on any resolution except WVGA.
1) Reassignment of virtual keys such as "Windows" and "X"
Supported actions:
Standard action
Launch *.exe
Minimize current program
Close current program
Show start menu
2) Task Manager icon on "Today" screen.
You can assign any task manager to this button. Later I will make my own interface.
3) Position Fix for old windows.
Attention! Some applications can work in unexpected way with positionfix enabled. They should be added into exceptions list!
Exception list supports masks. For example, if you enter "SPBWEATHER*", all window classes starting with "SPBWEATHER" will be excluded.
Also there is a confurator inside.
The most evident difference from any existing programs is IMMEDIATE reaction to new windows. No timers and unneeded calculations at all. uTask is very battery-friendly because of that.
Available translations: russian, english, german, french, italian (thanks to translators!)
Changes in v1.4 (release: 29.06.11, compilation date: 17.06.11):
-added classes list
-minor changes
Changes in v1.4 (26-Mar-11):
-fixed HVGA display detection.
Changes in v1.4:
-better today button behaviour.
-auto-resize of incorrect button images.
-bugfixes (bug with few HTCMenus versions, bug with EzInput on some devices)
-installer now shows error message if you try to install uTask on unsupported OS. Then, if system refuses to run after utask installation, try to start your phone two or three times. Perhaps, autodiagnostic system will disable utask. But it doesn't mean you shouldn't make a system backup.
Changes in v1.3:
-more accurate vibration
-increased timeout for clock hook
-ability to *.lnk in configurator
-little changes.
Changes in v1.2:
-some fixes for position fix
-configtool fixes
-stability improvement
-auto detector of problematic apps - seems like exception list is useless at the moment.
-taskbar clock hook - clock will have the same as home key function
-implemented internal size\position cache... should work better for all, especially HVGA devices.
Changes in v1.1:
-added immediate position fix.
-fixed all found bugs.
-added special menu for toolbars (hold finger on old-style toolbars and you'll get an action menu).
-added "Open start menu" action.
-SIP position fix (works for Swype, for example)
-support for two softkeys HDMini-like mode.
-settings were moved to new subkey called "Settings" - attention, chiefs!
Make a system backup before installing! I don't take any responsibility for any damage to phone or data on it.
If you didn't read this label, or you aren't able to read at all, that's your problem
About adding this program to custom roms:
If you feel that everything works as expected - feel free to use it in your custom ROM. If not - post a comment about bugs.
Is there any difference to the xTask? Because you are using the xTask icon.
brainmaster said:
Is there any difference to the xTask? Because you are using the xTask icon.
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uTask is a totally different program without any junk and without battery-eating timers.
Looks a very interesting application.
I'm going to test it with HD2 Artemis v.42.
Tested with Artemis HD2 v42.0
It is working flawlessly with every soft key assignment!!!
The only bug I found is the icon of it, it is cutted in the right edge.
jolas, give me your theme and I'll fix it.
overall the app works. For whatever task mgr you use, make sure you put it into the exceptions list (otherwise arkswitch worked once, then errored).
I cannot get the windows long press or the home long press to do anything on my hd2. It doesn't error, it vibrates, but doesn't execute the .exe selected, tried a few of them.
edit: it works for some .exe's and not for others. Overall a very nice 1.0 program.
Here is the theme I use and the softkeys images too
jolas, please, attach all images for further testing.
I see softkeys have not standard size, that's why they are drawn incorrectly.
I cannot get the windows long press or the home long press to do anything on my hd2. It doesn't error, it vibrates, but doesn't execute the .exe selected, tried a few of them.
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Two HD2 owners (Korand and AndrewSh) tested it, one with SE X2 (eugene38 from 4pda.ru) and me with SE X1. No issues with long presses. Are you sure you saved settings (silly question, but who knows)?
ultrashot said:
jolas, please, attach all images for further testing.
I see softkeys have not standard size, that's why they are drawn incorrectly.
Two HD2 owners (Korand and AndrewSh) tested it, one with SE X2 (eugene38 from 4pda.ru) and me with SE X1. No issues with long presses. Are you sure you saved settings (silly question, but who knows)?
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yes, I saved settings and even soft reset, could not get it to properly open commmgr.exe.
nrfitchett4 said:
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It's not an HTC's Connection Manager, it's system service with no GUI.
You've just been wrong with the selected filename
You need to choose "CommManager.exe"
@ОП: где тема на 4pda? или обсуждение только тут?
nrfitchett4 said:
yes, I saved settings and even soft reset, could not get it to properly open commmgr.exe.
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Just like NeverGone\RU said, you have to use CommManager.exe instead of connmgr.exe
NeverGone\RU, http://4pda.ru/forum/index.php?showtopic=199704
ultrashot said:
jolas, please, attach all images for further testing.
I see softkeys have not standard size, that's why they are drawn incorrectly.
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Here they are (because I didn't know which ones you needed, I put all inside zip).
thanks for your job
Problem solved
ultrashot, I figured out that the problem was originated by the button images I used in my theme (as you said, the size was incorrect).
I changed the size to the original's button size, and now everything is looking perfect!!!
Thank you for this great application!
Does it conflict with CHT2.0 Beta, man?
mrkyo said:
Does it conflict with CHT2.0 Beta, man?
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No conflicts for me (I have installed CHT v2.00 Final)...
This App is Amazing.. i just installed it befor Few minutes and all works FINE and fast i totaly messed my device when i assign the start menu buttuon to do other action and i was not able ANYMORE to open the start menu or do anything .. so the CABviaActiveSync Program SAVE MY LIFE from Hard Reset and i just re install the uTask via the Cable from my desktop pc because i was not able to execute the cab file firectly Now i know the settings and ALL is fine.. if anyone like me make mistake and assing the start button wrong..
Just use CabviaActive sinc to re install the app and soft reset will help you )))))))))
Thank you for the great litle TOOL its a MUST for 6.5.3 build
tsalta said:
Hw to make the utask to NOT vibrate ?
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Run uTask settings and untick 'Vibrate' option...
Like i say this is MUST HAVE for all 6.5.3 Users.. befor i don`t like 6.5.3 Only because not have a good taskmanager with one single click to kill the process and when you are in some app and press X the application do not close only minimaze and this was So so bad and ugly.. NOW all this problems gone with this amazing uTask
Thank you very very much ultrashot
Please support ultrashot!!!

[APP][22.05.2011][(W)VGA]ActionScreen Landscape support v0.6[Developers please help]

I liked the idea of an ActionScreen ever since I met with this program for a first time (it was on a Sense 2.1 stock ROM so it was really handy). ActionScreen is a simple application which shows the user a screen with 12 (sometimes more) shortcuts which can start/toggle frequently used programs or functions.
But as I am a Rhodium owner, I always had problem with Landscape orientation. The Smaberg's ActionScreen was showing only 2 rows of icons in Landscape or wasn't showing at all. So with the encouragement by Jackos I started to develop my own application based very much on the original idea of the 12-icon ActionScreen from Smaberg. As I am definitely not a programmer I started to learn Basic4PPC for a starter. Then, after I discovered how many environment restrictions it gives I switched to C#.
What I present here is a version which has full Landscape support (the app will run without problems in Landscape and will change it's layout properly even if there will be an orientation change while program is shown).
* NEW * - The whole app has been rewritten from scratch. Also changed to the C# + NetCF. This has not solved all of my memory problems but allowed me to improve on many other fields. The details are in the change log in post #2.
* NEW 2* - I added a VGA version of my ActionScreen. Special thanks to xOverkill who encouraged me to start working on VGA and then provided a great help with testing on Raphael.
With this version you can easily customise each link function by changing command and parameter in:
where "XX" is a number of the icon starting with 00 to 11.
You can change the icons as well (all the graphic files are stored in program folder). From v0.5 you can also change the colors of the background (at the moment only solid colours are supported) and the label texts.
And last but not least you can change the text of the labels under each icon in the same place in registry. This can come in handy when you want to change the language for instance.
There is a small readme.txt file attached to this post where I put a brief description of the settings/configuration possiblilities.
Unfortunately some problems have been solve and some not:
- I have problems to effectively dispose the resources upon program minimization. The C# or NetCF uses Garbage Collector for all the disposed controls/images, so the app memory does not decrease when it's minimized (and is about 1300 kB). I can't find a way to do it better
- the WinCE and WinMo environment doesn't support a "minimize form" event. So I used a little trick to override native Windows.Forms.Hide with SW_MINIMIZE imported from coredll.dll. Buuut this doesnt really minimize the app, but only get the window behind all other windows, but in front of Titanium or TodayScreen. That's why I suggest using this app ONLY on Sense/TF3D enabled ROMs or otherwice you will se my app instead of the TodayScreen
- Because of the above my app is visible also during system startup until Sense/TF3D is fully loaded
Actually I found a solution for SW_MINIMIZE (it was easier than I thought). So for now my only concern is to make the app less memory consuming and possible yet faster.
Soooo, if any of you guys could help me to improve the app (especially the memory management) I can share all my current experience as well as the source code. HELP PLEASE
Enjoy! Any feedback is welcome. I will try to improve as soon as my programming knowledge raises Or of course when someone agrees to help me
22.05.2011 - v0.6
+ Added version for VGA resolution
+ Minor bugfixes concerning exceptions and image handling.
+ Added a new setting "ShowOnHTCKeyboard" enabling ActionScreen to show up when the hardware keyboard is open (refer to readme for more information)
- still high memory usage when idle (currently approx. 1300 kB) - looking for a better way to dispose resources during minimize
10.05.2011 - v0.5
+ Rewritten from scratch once again to avoid unnecessary code
+ much faster to load/unload/appear/disappear
+ AppToDate support (thanks for the tips Jackos)
+ Both landscape modes support (right- and left-handed). The app will now follow the GUI
+ Added "splash screen" during first load for eye-friendliness before system boots completely
+ Added possibility to change background and text colors (although not very comfortable at the moment)
+ Changed the settings location in registry to a more proper place. Therefore you need to uninstall the previous version manually before installing v0.5
- still high memory usage when idle (currently approx. 1250 kB) - looking for a better way to dispose resources during minimize
13.02.2011 - v0.3 - quick bugfix version
+ Fixed SW_MINIMIZE so that app minimizes instead of going to back
+ support for non-Sense interfaces (Today Screen and Titanium tested)
+ the app starts almost unnoticeably during system startup
- still high memory usage when idle (currently approx. 1300 kB) - looking for a better way to dispose resources during minimize
13.02.2011 - v0.2
+ Whole application rewritten from scratch in C# + NET CF 3.5
+ commands, parameters, paths to the images are now stored in registry
look into: [HKLM\SOFTWARE\HTC\Biotouch\ActionScreen]
+ also item names are now stored in registry for easy language changing
+ the app is loaded in the memory during system startup and it's maximised upon calling
- high memory usage when idle (currently approx. 1300 kB) - looking for a better way to dispose resources during minimize
- uneffective SW_MINIMIZE method
- only TF3D/Sense 2.1/Sense 2.5 compatible - it's not compatible with Titanium/Today screen
- the app is visible during system startup until Sense/TF3D is fully loaded - the SW_MINIMIZE issue
17.11.2010 - v0.1 - initial release
- Written in Basic4PPC
+ Landscape support
- Due to several reasons the app doesn't stay in memory, it's launched on each call
- no localization
- no configurations possible, the commands are hardcoded into the application
For technical reasons you have to uninstall previous ActionScreen versions manually before installing v0.5. Sorry for the inconvenience.
OK, I present three versions with one tiny difference:
- Skrobel ActionScreen v*.* - it's a standard version starting when holding the PowerButton for 3 secs.
- Skrobel ActionScreen v*.*_softkey - the app is linked additionally to the left homescreen softkey in Sense (2.1 and 2.5) as showed on the last screenshot
- Skrobel ActionScreen v*.*_softkey_only - especially for p50kombi here goes a third version with only the SoftKey link and no PowerButton action
- Skrobel_AS_Blue_Icons - a set of blue "Pressed" icons for the ActionScreen. Special thanks to MrRusch for a permission to use his work which I found here.
The files are attached to this post. Enjoy
Been waiting for this.
Think you can make a version that links to softkey only and not to power button?
that would be great...Thanks.
p50kombi said:
Been waiting for this.
Think you can make a version that links to softkey only and not to power button?
that would be great...Thanks.
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It's done
Looks great, will test it .. Thank you
Skrobel, congratulations on your release.
I will be glad to test your preliminary version, let's see what you did improve since the last version I tried.
Some suggestions and tips if I may:
- Do not use text files to store settings like links etc. Registry is a more convenient method IMHO.
- Try to ensure support for more then one language.
- Do something with the loading time (I know this probably requires programming language change), quick! Like I said in our last conversation about this program, hiding the window and showing it when it's needed should help greatly.
One important question: What about ROM cooking? Are chefs allowed to cook this program into their ROMs?
PS What about graphics? Maybe something more TF3D/Sense like?
Thanks, I appreciate your hints and help
According to the B4PPC support forum the loading time when the app is starting from "0" will not be better at all. I did everything I could to make the app lighter (use only one external library, don't use text labels, use only only one image for the whole form). But it didn't improve the loading time much though...
I already have a version which loads into memory at system startup but it has some annoying limitations connected with the programming environment.
The only way to actually load all the elements (images, controls) into memory is to show the app. So at startup I must actually show the app at least for 10 ms and then trigger the "ShowTodayScreen" procedure to hide it. And during system startup any graphics I'll try to show appear incomplete and for long time (until Sense shows).
Another problem is that there is no "minimize" procedure. Only the above mentioned ShowTodayScreen which always returns to Sense. If the user would run the ActionScreen in order to run a new window (such as new SMS) it's not a problem. But if you want to trigger the BT or WiFi, returning to HomeScreen every time is annoying.
Third problem is that even when the app runs in background it still takes over 600-700 kB which I consider as large for so light image it actually is. Furthermore I noticed strange behaviour when ActionScreen is not used for longer time. It takes more and more memory over time (a memory leak?) and "refreshes" itself when it's actually called.
Buuut in this situation the form shows within half a second.
Language and GUI is on the "to do" list as soon as I will handle the above problems. Actually changing the gui is very simple (there are no graphics merged in the exe, only external ones). But I'm totally not creative when it comes to graphics. That's why I asked for help in the first post.
Everybody is welcome to use this program in their ROMs. Just drop me a line that you plan to do it and it would be nice if you referred to this place in your ROM thread but with such small app is absolutely not demanded.
@ Skrobel Any chance of my makin' an 18-button ver, a la wedge666's offering here? He, however, doesn't have landscape support. Your app's lack of buttons is the only thing stopping me from hoppin' on-board.
The problem is that the more controls on the form, the longer time the app needs to start.
So technicaly it's possible and relatively easy, but in the current app state I would like to handle all my problems first to be able to hold the program in the memory. Then addidg or moving controls will really be easy. Plus I will add the possibility to configure the icons and programs yourself so that everybody can customise it.
Hi Skrobel,
the landscape support is a very good idea. And since i use the HD2 and the TP2 i have missed this on my HD2. But the HD2 can handle landscape with a manila tweak well. Also in combination with the CHT Suite.
We, the CHTA beta team, can help you with a layout for CHT default and for the simplicity quicklinks. That's my personal favor style.
Hi Mike,
mike2nl said:
the landscape support is a very good idea. And since i use the HD2 and the TP2 i have missed this on my HD2. But the HD2 can handle landscape with a manila tweak well. Also in combination with the CHT Suite.
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Am I to understand that you somehow forced the original ActionScreen to work in Landscape mode? Or at least to appear on full screen?
We, the CHTA beta team, can help you with a layout for CHT default and for the simplicity quicklinks. That's my personal favor style.
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Thank you very much for the hint. I know these icons from Seem's ROM, but I didn't know these are his design. I like them too. And the way they behave when pressed.
oOadditional designs or to the beta team (that means you in this case )?
No, he just has a tweak in with he rotates the screen in HD2. His Action Screen doesn't support landscape ditto and that's the problem.
Jackos said:
No, he just has a tweak in with he rotates the screen in HD2. His Action Screen doesn't support landscape ditto and that's the problem.
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On the STOCK ROM it is working well without any issue. The latest Rom is: (please see my signature).
Thank you very much for the hint. I know these icons from Seem's ROM, but I didn't know these are his design. I like them too. And the way they behave when pressed.
oOadditional designs or to the beta team (that means you in this case
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
No i mean the team. We are around 10 guys here from XDA. And the most of them are known from other things .
Ach, we misunderstand ourselves
I meant that you where using another ActionScreen (probably from Smabergs) and it didn't work well in landscape.
Skrobel's version does work very well in both portrait and landscape.
Jackos said:
Ach, we misunderstand ourselves
I meant that you where using another ActionScreen (probably from Smabergs) and it didn't work well in landscape.
Skrobel's version does work very well in both portrait and landscape.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
now i get it...
Hello all
After a long while I updated the program. Actually it's whole new app rewritten from scratch. Details in post #1. Changelog and downloads in post #2.
Skrobel said:
Hello all
After a long while I updated the program. Actually it's whole new app rewritten from scratch. Details in post #1. Changelog and downloads in post #2.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
yay! Wonderful! Let me check this out!
Hello again,
I have found a solution for my minimize problems. Updated version in post #1.
Still if somebody can show me how to make the app more memory-friendly, I'll be grateful.
Take care

