Rom Advice - request and thanks from noob - Touch Pro, Fuze ROM Development

been on the forum for a few weeks since getting a raphael and never realised what fun i could have!!!! had htc devices for years from a vario through to artemis and nike, all on t-mobile uk and never knew all this could be done.
anyway - thanks to all you developers and chefs - tried loads of roms and still trying to learn.
the questions i have are as follows - and yes, I have searched for these answers and have further comments on this below
i love the interface from my mda touch plus / nike, where i swipe up and down to activate menu. i believe this is touchFLO (original)??
is there a simple ROM that incorporates this for my gsm raphael? I haven;t taken to touchflo 3d at all and likewise wm6.5 interface.
also, my gps keeps dropping out when using igo 8 - i get the impression this is common but can't find any info on a rom that is good for gps use which is probably the most important aspect of what rom i finally stick with.
finally, fom a noobs perspective, i've read many threads requesting advice on roms, simple, basic roms etc and these threads are closed and / or banned. Let me assure you, the amount of information on here and diversity of roms, it is extremely hard to try and assess what roms to try, what they will give etc especially if you're relatively new to the forum and don't know the style or history of a chef. many of these rom threads are so large, it would take months to read through and assess the different roms and the one you may be trying to find may be many pages down as it has received no recent comments.
is there a summary page that could be sticky'd or made? what i mean by this is a very simple summary page that a chef could update with a few simple words regarding th latest development of the rom.
<rom name> - <release date> - <style> - <state of development comments>
wm6.5 - released 20 may 09 - loaded, TF3D, applications bias - new release, some bugs to be ironed out
wm6.1 - released jun 08 - vanilla,simple rom, manilla - fully developed and stable, good for gps issues
from this summary, people woulld have an idea what rom may be suitable for them without extensive searching.
as the rom progressed, the state of development comment could be changed but everything else would essentially remain the same. unless I'm missing something, i think that this would stop a lot of questions and new threads requesting advice as it is really difficult to keep track of roms and development on here. anyone such as myself, unfamiliar with all the roms finds it very frustrating when threads are closed and comments are made from those with more knowledge of the forum that are far from constructive. it would be quicker for some just to suggest a rom rather than ***** on about the lack of knowledge the person requesting the information has.

Good point, well made, read my sig
On the GPS issue you need to go to the radio thread sticky (start on the last page and work backwards, that is after you have read the first post explaining what is what)
Maybe you could volunteer to put together a WIKI page that people could then update (I know as a Chef myself I am generally trying to keep track of bug reports and dont have much time to put anything else together).
My Rom (B4PJS AYCEv2 Fully Loaded)
wm6.5 - releases most days (when the missus doesnt moan at me) - TF3D2/Titanium, any apps I can get my hands on - generally in permanent beta but stable and fast(ish)

Someone posted this the other day.
ROM guide for your HTC Raphael!
Here's a shortlist of most popular ROM's, sorted alphabetically:
Seasoned ROMs
NotATreoFan (NATF series) *
Aruppental (RRE series)
NRGZ28 (EnergyROM series)
Wordsmith9091 (Fuzeberry series)
Intermediate Updates
At0mAng (At0mAng series)
Shepp211 (Premier series)
New To The Scene
Mr. Makk
Retired/Moved On
* a.k.a. Forum Moderator series

@ harra et all
The reality is that flashing is so simple (after HardSPL is done) that the only thing that has to be conquered is the fear of flashing. If you flash from your SD card (which is the simplest and the safest) you could flash many ROMs everyday and decide for yourself what works best with your device, service provider / location and personal preferences in apps and usage. No one knows what is best for you except you. My very first post on this forum was a new thread asking the same question and the response was just as you described, but there was one piece of advice that made sense to me, ‘keep trying new ROMs until you find one you like’ (and then the thread was locked).
The list that hilaireg posted is a great place to start, or you could simply start at the top of the ROM Development page and pick the latest post or pick the one with the most hits etc… You can tell in a few minutes if you like it enough to work with it for a while. If you like it, follow the thread and share your findings with the other users of that ROM. It is fun and helps the chef to perfect his creation based on your discoveries. That is part of the fun we are having here @ XDA. Soon you will be answering questions that others are asking as your expertise grows…
BTW: It is best to have a dedicated 1gb SD card for flashing. I can speak from experience…


What a Sticky Mess!

Well, currently we've got something that doesn't fall short of a horrible mass of Sticky threads; and with the explosion of ROM development possibilities; I propose a new forums entitled WM2006 (or something to the effect) where all efforts related purely to ROM upgrading etc, and less technical stuff can be posted; sure the lines would blue at times, but I think it'd balance out the mass of stuff nicely in much a similar way as has been done with the Himalaya forums.
On a different note... I will be cooking my own ROM which I intend to base upon WM6 Vanilla, but undoubtedly with features borrowed from Kyphur's release, except I intend to provide it with zero-branding since I utterly can't stand any form of branding on a phone personally other than the OS being presented the way in which God intended
What I *will* be doing however is kitting it out with a selection of applications and tools that would prove useful on the phone, so if people have suggestions, I'm all ears.
also... while I'm at it; is it safe to use the BuildImgFs.exe to build a ROM from the dump folder? cheers in advance for an answer to that one... since I *think* MakeImgFs just cleverly invokes AddFile.exe I reckon it'll work.
I was going to mention the sticky issue myself. At 1280x1024 the stickies pretty much take up the whole screen.
About the ROM cooking - are you sure you don't want to wait until kyphur releases the final vanilla ROM? It should be a lot more stable than a beta (obviously) and it wouldn't have all the weird issues like WiFi on/off only displaying "on," et cetera.
As for possible applications, since you'll probably cook it anyway (I know I would if I had the time) I think including the Widcomm stack would be extremely beneficial. I realize it's not a trivial task, but you did ask for suggestions... And, yes, I realize it's not technically an application
I think the wiki should be used for most of the things that are stickies now. Heh, what we need is a question to post a message to the forums. A question that the answer can be found in the wiki to... encourage.. people to read that first before posting stupid questions.
"How many stupid people does it take to make a brick?"
Too easy.. but I'm sure they'll find out the hard way.
awe c'mon maz have a heart. we have to laugh at someone. and those chosen few just so happens to be the ones that dont like reading 70 pages of useful information.
They're not even my threads and I get frustrated with the people registering to say "I flahs you rom and now it not wokr no more. How do i fix???!?!?!?!?" in something like the technical gps thread. I'm too polite to reply with, "You get that brick there, and shove it right up your...." like someone should. It's not like the thing is going to get any more rooted in the few days it'll take them to read the wiki and threads.
I should make this into a proper sig.
I'll update the wiki with some information on the sticky threads and remove some of them soon.

just a small request to some of the cooks on these here forums

Hi all
first off let me just commend EVERYONE on xda-devs for the work they have put in to make this such a great site/resource/info store
I've been using xda-devs ever since i got my very first htc voyager device, then onto various other smartphones and then i discovered the wonderful world of ppc, way back with himalaya, through to magician/charmer/prophet/wizard/hermes and now of course, RAPHAEL!!!
if you've gotten this far then i thank you for listening to me rambling on
my request is simple:
Is it possible to add a poll to each of the threads for the roms with simple 'criteria' like:
Is this rom FAST
Is this rom STABLE
Good rom?
not so good rom?
simply because, i am hoping this will help avoid some of the most common 'what rom shall i flash' question and also it will give some sort of pointer as to some of the main points of the rom
its just a suggestion, i'd love to know what you all think of it and if it ever comes to fruition!
many thanks to all at RAPHAEL!
My Opinion: No
All the 4 points you mention are subjective...
The only way to find out is to try it yourself, and if that means flashing different rom's
and restoring your favourite programs, use UC or put them together in a directory on your sd card.
You can always get an idea by scrolling trough a thread, that's what I do with 30 messages on a page
Each ROM is very different, and a poll wouldn't work. Just the poll in the radio flashing thread, it doesn't really mean a lot as it's all dependant.
It's worth spending the time and flashing as many ROMs as it takes to get the one you want. I've flashed over 15 ROMs trying to find one I like...
Not only is it subjective, it is quite frankly dumb (if you'll pardon the term)
Every chef endeavors to produce a quality ROM, if bugs appear, they are usually fixed fairly quickly with an updated version (hopefully). Every ROM is a work in progress and the only time the Chef finish it, is when he becomes tired of attempting to improve it.
The best you could ask for is a poll in a separate thread that asks for what ROM you are running and if they follow up post with what they like and don't like about it. However, you will find Flashing Junkies here that will often flash a new ROM weekly if not more often... There would need to be a new poll every week/month and who has that much time.
Having recently purchased a Fuze myself, let me tell you what I did here as a complete newbie:
Sized up the available ROMs and prominent chefs using the wiki and this forum.
Scanned through threads here to figure out who was doing what.
Looked up the various chefs to see what else they've done here at XDA
Made my decision.
As a chef myself, I can say that everything is subjective. There really is no simple way to find the best ROM. The good news is that I found what I was looking for in a single evening.
I think its a descent idea if the Chefs put each new ROM Version in a new thread. If someone releases version 1.0 and it is buggy they may get a bad poll rating. Then by version 2.0 it may be the best ROM ever, but due to all the early bad ratings it would make their overall "score" low.
Anyways this isn't a competition. If we start ranking and voting on the best ROM, it would make other ROM makers give up. People would say ROM-ABC and ROM-123 are the 2 best ROMS and no one can top them. Then all the other Chef's give up and we only have 2 ROM choices. Then these 2 ROM Makers have no competition so their work gets stagnant and they only release new ROMs ever 6 months. Then before you know it we are living in the world of Microsoft and Apple.

[POLL]Your favorite WM6.5 Rom

It is more than understood that the questio, what is the best ROM for my phone? Does not have a valid, absolute, answere. Its more of a whatever suits your needs.
But since the question still remains, and one can easily tell if a ROM is popular by the hits and posts on its corresponding thread. I think that a POLL where people simply say what is their favorite ROM and why, could be of some general help.
So in simple words just vote for your favorite ROM and if you want to, explain why it is your favorite ROM.
This is not a discussion or debate, its a POLL
I Will add your nominees to the POLL as soon as you start posting
My Fuze lost its virginity to NATF, had an affair with Chrome but in the end got married to EnergyRom. Much thanks to all of the Chefs and their hard work keeping us happy!
Irisht said:
My Fuze lost its virginity to NATF, had an affair with Chrome but in the end got married to EnergyRom. Much thanks to all of the Chefs and their hard work keeping us happy!
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^ that pretty much sums up my story haha
Hey guys, a little help, this is the first time I start a poll, i limited it to 15 option but could only think of 2 when I started, how can I add Chrome series? Does a moderator have to do that or as the started of the thread I have to possibility to modify it?
Also could be useful to post as well as you probably did on the ROMS corresponding thread, what Radio seems to work good with your ROM. I like the EnergyROM + Radio
You pretty much have to include all the polling options before people start voting, otherwise it would skew your results anyways...You could have just gone down the first two pages of the ROM development board, and found over a dozen discrete ROMs, FWIW.
FWIW, I do prefer NRG ROMs, but only slightly. All of the most recent crop of Raphael ROMs seem to be cut from the same cloth. The only really interesting new ROM I've seen recently is the one from twopumpchump, and that's really only interesting to me because he pre-packaged a $#!+-load of CHome Panels into the ROM, to make 6.5 a little more feature-rich. At the end of the day, the functionality of even this different-looking ROM is pretty much the same as all other 6.5 ROMs. When I want maximum bang for home-screen action, I still revert to TF3D.
Show me a ROM with an actual unique and functional interface (and I'm not asking anyone to cook in a paid solution like spb mobile), and I will be your biggest spokes-hole ever. Until then, I'll sit on what I've already got.
You poll will only provide value if you first create a checklist (criteria) by which to base the poll on. For example, the first post of the thread should list the functionality/features that one should use to make an informed POLL selection. Example sections could be:
Battery Consumption (1=poor, 5=great)
_ During call
_ During standby
_ During Wi-Fi
- During BT
Interface Speed (1=poor, 5=great)
_ Using TF3D
_ Using Native Mobile UI
Ease Of Use (1=poor, 5=great)
_ Shortcut (app) location
Once you create a comprehensive selection list, it would be necessary to shortlist the ROM's in the actual POLL. For example:
_ Energy 6.1 Std
_ Energy 6.1 Pro
_ Energy 6.5 Pro
_ NATF 4.0
_ NATF 4.5
Ok, I didnt have that in mind, Should I start a new one?
I don't know if I like the idea of this poll. I was on one for a while, I went back to the other, I may try another.. Shouldn't signatures be enough? I like how the chefs do this because they like doing it, and I'd hate to see a popularity contest create any bad blood or jealous feelings.
The other more important thing is that the ROMS are changing all the time, and the 'best' one today may not be that tomorrow...
One thing about a poll like this being up on this forum is that newcomers may just buy their Raphael, come and see this, and pick the leading ROM without looking into the issue in depth, lurking on the different forums, or trying ROMS for themself. I'm glad I actually tried different ROMs instead of getting my loyalty immediately hooked on a favorite.
EDIT: It would however be a lot more scientific/harmless/useful if done as hilaireg suggested, feature by feature. Some ROMS are optimized for speed, some for battery.. some are flashy, some are barebones.
Ok, I agree with burnblue, I have pretty much tried every WinMo6.5 ROM out there, and for the meanwhile stuck with my personal favorite. I'd though that since there are a few radio polls why not make a ROM one just to see what people think about the ROMs they like. And it is clearly stated, this is not for discussions or flaming. It is of popular knowledge that ROMs are created to serve different needs therefore opinions are 100% subjective and not by any means objective. I will post a new thread tonight having in mind all the parameters mentioned above to improve the objectivity of the poll itself.
All suggestions are welcomed and if the majority think that such poll is of poor taste or will start "a popularity contest create any bad blood or jealous feelings." I will not post a new poll and request a moderator to remove this one as well.
I dont feel it would be a terrible idea since it could potentially reduce the number of new threads just to ask the same question. At least if there were one thread kept open questions could be sent to that thread
That said, I think my favorite ROM is Chrome , but also enjoyed Energy and NATF when I used them. They all have their strengths and weaknesses and like its been said one ROM could be the greatest for me, but be the worst for you just depending on personal preference. I prefer TF3D over Titanium, so do not put any extra plugins in titanium anymore. With the use of UC, SASHIMI, or any other user customization program you can have whatever plugins you want withiout installing them individually or using software to disable plugins you dont use.
RRE rocks!!!
I vote that we close the poll. Who cares if there are disenfranchised voters? The exit polls show a strong bias for switching ROMs. We'd then have to face the legal battles between NRG, NATF, and others. They'd want a recount and take it all the way to moderators! CLOSE THE POLLS!!!!
(Just joking here - couldn't resist0
IMO this is kinda silly...I have used everyone’s ROMs and I could vote for who’s is the best right now....but then I would not be able to take my vote back if another ROM caught my to me that makes this poll silly…can we just agree that everybody has their own needs and preferences and that the work done by all of the chefs is appreciated with out having to vote?
I will only vote if there is an option for undecided or all...because who know what the future holds...
i see how elite project roms arent featuring here. i wish they would not sticky their roms in toe forum... not many people care for their roms it seems.
I dont want to be a total idiot, but can such thing be arranged with a moderator? Like you have only one vote but it can be changed every so many days? and new nominees be updated? Is that possible in a thread powered by vBulletin?
I like RRE.
i want to thank all cheifs. and enjoy testing all of them
I dont want to be a total idiot, but can such thing be arranged with a moderator? Like you have only one vote but it can be changed every so many days? and new nominees be updated? Is that possible in a thread powered by vBulletin?
Don't you think that you can determine the popularity of the roms just by looking at the number of posts in the rom threads? Or the number of posts per day? There aren't many 3,000+ post rom threads out there filled with hate-mail. Just looking at the current poll, you're looking at ~8:1 ratio favoring one of the roms. Take a look at the ratio of posts for the two roms (ok, nrg has a ton of threads). It's something like 3,500:500, which is what you would expect.

Raphael Elite Project (now at RC5)

I hope this thread does not get me booted off however ... What is the point of this ROM? It has been months and months and many other excellent ROMs are on the board and have been updated continuously with the latest goodies. Da_G and NRG deliver excellent ROMs all the time and yet the REP has yet to release one iteration. I vaguely recall before the thread was locked and purged, that this ROM will still be released at 6.1 although with the current timeline, maybe it will ultimately be released with 7.0. Just a question from a curious reader.
What is the purpose of this ROM? Well maybe just the diversity. So that you dont have to choose between Da_G and NRG only. If you like one of these, then use them. Others who have stayed with the Elite team from RC1 will surely flash RC5 just to see whats new and enjoy the style in which the ROM is created.
I dont quite understand why that particular rom gets stickied anyway but who am I to question the staff's judgement =x
X2D said:
I dont quite understand why that particular rom gets stickied anyway but who am I to question the staff's judgement =x
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it is pretty annoying, and rather elitist. Why do they think their rom deserves top priority attention? Don't get me wrong, elite RC3 was my first venture into flashing. But from what i've seen, the roms are well out of date compared to any of the others which see frequent updates.
Discussed, re-discussed and re-re-re-re.
Elite's team provided us with the HSPL, it was part of the Touch Pro Elite Project. Without HSPL, no ROM flashing, nothing.
Also they're work got slowed down by some personal issues for two of the members.
I personally stopped using Elite's ROM at around RC3. I also don't see whats the big deal abut it being stickied.
Thread will get closed soon, hopes this answer some questions.
Elite RC1 was my first ROM, currently chrome is my favorite, But I always prefer to have multiple options, stickied or not, keep up the good work!
I do think it's odd that there are now four and presumably five 'Release Candidates', as if what I've already installed hasn't been released. I'm not sure what happens when the team pick one to 'release'? Similarly, it's odd that a thread was setup to release a release candidate 10 days ago, but nothing has materialised and the thread is locked. Why not setup up the thread when the ROM is ready to be downloaded??
To be honest i dont understand what is the problem you see guys. Its just a forum topic. Stored somewhere on a disk drive, taking few Kilobytes of storage. Once again, if you dont want to flash any of the RCs, dont do it. Yes, its stickied, maybe other ROMs should be stickied as well, that wont probably change as soon. So just ignore the threads, if you dont wait for RC5 or dislike the Project as whole.
How often will this discussion surface?
Does someone have the idea that this is a democratic propoganda site and that the multitude of users determine whats on the menu?
No,.. it's the guys that have the possibility to make a thread sticky who determine this.
They run the show , like it or not.
Of course, in the effect they ignore all the good work done by others!
I take it as it comes. Elite project is not bringing me what I like. I like and use other ROM's instead. No need to nag about it.
Let's stick to the fact that everyone who is contributing to this site,... is in fact contributing! And thats what it's all about!
Haspels said:
How often will this discussion surface?
Does someone have the idea that this is a democratic propoganda site and that the multitude of users determine whats on the menu?
No,.. it's the guys that have the possibility to make a thread sticky who determine this.
They run the show , like it or not.
Of course, in the effect they ignore all the good work done by others!
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I do not agree with that statement one bit. First of all, you have to earn the moderator status. This status is given to people, who help and contribute the most to the community. Secondly, hardspl for Touch Pro was developed by a member of the Elite team. It is only thanks to this SW that we can flash our devices with any ROM we wish (it doesn't have to be Elite ROM). So there is definatelly a democracy here and the people behind Elite ROM have a great deal to do with it. If what you state were true and the the guys running this forum would really want to "ignore all the good work done by others", they would have had to act exactly the opposite way.
Who cares? If you're not a cook, it shouldn't bother you. Since this is THE place to get a good ROM, it shouldn't matter. Scroll past it and forget it... It should be mentioned that if you go through any of the RC# threads, it's discussed there. Search and find the answer, but I believe it's been mentioned here already...
Thread not related to ROM development and is starting to turn into a flame war.
P.S. If you have a problem with the actions of moderators either take it up with them in Private Message, or speak to the site administrator. Please don't air your dirty laundry in public.
Let's keep the focus on what's important - hacking phones to get the best out of them, and most inportantly, having fun .

I am confused, ... too many options

Hey everybody,
I am sitting here now for hours and trying to figure out what I need, and what I wont ever use, ...
I got myself a touch pro and now I am trying to find a rom that fits me, or at least to figure out if i do even need a rom.
What I need is a stable phone that works fine with GPS and also stable enough (and with enought battarycapacity) to use the GPS for example 10hours in one turn (don't know even if this is possible from the beginning ).
first of all:
Whats the advantage of WM6.5?
Is a cooked 6.5 Rom possibly as stable as a stock rom from HTC?
Till now I am used to SPB Mobile Shell and I would buy the new version of it, ... is Sense really a good supstitude, and as fast as mobile shell?
Some ROMs come with lots of preinstalled software where I might only need half of it, is it possible to uninstall some of it?
I read somewhere something about QuickGPS, ... is it common and usefull in cooked ROMs?
Are Hotfixes from HTC usually included?
... slowly I get more and more questions in my head, ...
Last but not least:
Is it recommendable to use a cooked ROM if I dont't want to flash my phone for the comming year, and just using a stable and fast phone?
Which ROM would be recommendable if I use it mainly for surfing some pages and GPS and playing a bit around?
Thanks in advance for helping to unscramble my brain ^^
Ps.: Has anybody an experience with Touch Pro and German Vodafone, with different Radios? (As you see I like to stay up to date, but I am too lazy to follow it ...)
In a friendly way I suggest you do some serious reading which is really a FRIENDLY hint. Read the Wiki and Radio threads to learn more about your phone (hardSPL) and some ROM threads. Do n o t assume that all custom ROMs support all languages (my guess is that your local language is German) so - again - you have to look around a little bit.
Custom or cooked ROMs do include a lot of little tools and features (some Chefs put more in some less). Regarding stability, read a little bit through ROM threads currently there are not many unstable ROMs out.
Keep in mind that, pending what base ROM version you chose (called SYS followed by a number 21xxx for example) that it may be a beta OS from microsoft which need not to be "per se" a bad thing.
The biggest suggestion - still - read Read READ to UNDERSTAND what's going on.
A Titanium ROM would be MY choice if you want to continue with SPB Mobile shell (which is good BTW) so no need to have the Manila 2.1 or 2.5 included with the ROM.
Well we were all kind of clueless about this at one I won't flame you for posting this, but please please go and read through the stickies in this forum, and then through a whole bunch of ROM threads before doing anything to your phone. Don't be one of the many retards who post on here asking questions that have been asked a million times.
Couple of things to get you started.
1) use the SEARCH function. It will really help you, just type in your question and you will get an answers..
2) Read these threads:
how to flash your phone:
Wiki Links
General Help
3) Once you know what flashing is, what HardSPL is, what a radio is, what a riphone.dll is, and what a rom is, start with a nice simple Windows Mobile 6.1 rom and flash that. Browse this forum and find a [ROM] thread that states its Windows Mobile 6.1, download it, and flash it. I would never advise a newbie to flash WM 6.5..yes it works great et al but if you are new to this you will likely run into issues and end up coming back here.
4) Once you are happy with the basics of flashing, and you have played with your new 6.1 rom, go and take a look at some of the newer all singing all dancing roms based on WM 6.5, which is the latest version of windows mobile available. Again here start with the basics, so one that includes "manilla 2.1", which is currently stable and pretty much finished. This will give you some nice upgrades to your phone which you will not have seen before. Make sure to start with a version that has build "28xxxx" as its number also, as again this is the most stable.
5) Once you are used to that you may want to jump to the 21xxxx series (less stable but much nicer to use imo - this is the "development" series of WM 6.5, which is *not* final or released), and see how you get on with that.
6) If you are feeling adventerous go for a Manilla 2.5 version after this, but ONLY IF YOU HAVE READ ALL ABOUT IT FIRST. 2.5 is full of bugs/issues at the moment, 99% of which are known and have been posted about already.
The key thing here is to READ READ READ and DO NOT sit here posting questions - I guarantee that 99.999% of your questions have been answered already. If you stick to those rough guidelines you will have a good time flashing and will be respected here..happy flashing!
edit: one more thing, I will answer one more question. If you want the most stable and reliable ROM on your one of two things. Either research lots and play with every single rom you can find until you find the one that works best for YOUR network and area, OR just stick with a stock HTC rom..there is no "middle ground" here..its very simple
Sorry for having my questions out a bit quick
And thanks a lot for the info you gave still!
Just wanted to say that I did read quite a bit (and actually I stopped when I got a headache) so I am familiar with flashing Hardspl and so on, ...
One of my main question (if Manila is a substitude for Mobileshell) is answerd by tyguy, so thanks a lot for that!
Anyway you all do a great job here!! Thanks a lot!
For a German user on Vodafone see my friends and contact Schnitzelbrain he is German and Raphael user ( and maybe Vodafone ) very helpful surely he can help you chose.
I reccomend Chrome ROMs though.
WM 6.5 is more finger friendly than 6.1. If you're new stay away from the SENSE(next generation Manila) as it wasn't designed for your Touch Pro and it takes some tinkering around with. The better handling 6.5 builds are the 21XXX builds as they are "official" builds. Look for 21882. The 28xxx are experimental builds but function fairly well.
Each developer has their own style, so it may take you a couple tries to figure out who matches your style.
one warning about manila 2.5 (sense) is that it's been stated that sometimes the animations will be slower. This is because sense was made with a 1ghz processor in mind, so make sure you keep that in mind as well.
I'm currently using NRG Rom Phoenix 2 and (manila 2.1) it rocks.
SirHanni, just try some of the popular 6.5 roms such as the energy roms...
You need to experience each rom to know it you like everything about it.
For instance I like my current rom because the weather updates to my location.
I also hate the roms with the start button at the bottom.

