ExtendedFileExplorerExt - Windows Mobile Apps and Games

Version History
v 0.3
popup menu smaller
All menus text smaller
some start menu tweaks
Keep in mind this is remaining fairly universal, If you have problems PLEASE REPORT THEM!
v 0.2
Display a horizontal scroll bar, add features column replacement
Anti-freeze - problems at the end
Original Combo and testing, works great.
None that I am aware of yet, please let me know if there are.
I am actually planning on making this a full UI mod eventually including tweaking for the abnormally large menus in wm 6.5
Want to say that this is merely the combination of two VERY excellent additions to file explorer for WM. Those are: FileExplorerExt 2.07 by Hou Ming and ExplorerExt by RAMMANN. So credit goes completely and totally to them.I just combined the two into a single cab. Package version for cooks is attached as well.
- You can select any folder to display the folder tree when you tap the folder name in the upper left.
· Tab or Esc key to display the folder tree too.
- You make up the file list in the left and right keys.
· BS key parent folder.
- The parent folder and press the left top of the list of files.
- Choose the first non-press file on the top of the list of files and file focus state at the end →
Select and change the focus state.
· WindowsMobile6.5 tap to the left when the action flick in and hold the menu
Tap the file or folder and adds the following menu items hold.
- Opens with the parameter (exe files only)
- Copy Path
Copy to clipboard full path names of selected files
- Send a shortcut to the program (exe file only)
Shortcut to \ Windows \ Start Menu \ Programs Create
- Open program
Open the file in the Open list.
+ Start menu program list is displayed in the same program.
- Property
Display Properties screen.
- File Name
Displays the file name with extension. You can also change the file name.
- The contents of the shortcut (only for shortcuts)
Show shortcuts / can be edited
- File Types
- File
Display the file in bytes.
If memory card space, the unit displays the total amount of MB.
- Last Updated
Date updated file and displays the time.
- File attributes
Read-only attribute to show hidden files / change.
- Version information (if the version resource)
Advise: ROM can still change file properties
Tap the file is not part of the menu and hold (WindowsMobile5.0 later Toolbar
Menu as well) adds the following items.
- See Extension: Extension Display / hide sets. When installed to view the extension
Has set.
- Image Preview: when you move the focus to an image file, or in WindowsMobile6.5
When the action flick to the right, (if possible) to preview.
WindowsMobile6.5 tap change and transparency in the image preview
- Details: Change the format verbose. (PPC as a standard condition)
- Details (with headers): Change the display format display with header information. When installed
This display format.
- Icons: Change icon view format.
Display Options - "Show all files" when you specify the file also shows the ROM module
ROM file to the same name - paste (overwrite), will make a
- Horizontal scroll bar appears on the screen not fit column
* You can drag the column and change the display order by dropping
DEVICE UPDATE SUPPORT! Even if you dl it from here, it will show up in Device Update if I update the app
Some pics:
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
I would encourage you to download Device Update by crc and get it from there. If you want to go that route simply goto http://crc.id.au/deviceupdate
Otherwise you can download it from below. Zip version is the Package version for cooks. Cab is for end users.
It has come to my attention and this is my own fault tha everyone may not like the setting I have set the font to, well no problem, grab your fav reg editor and play around with the followibg values ubtil its comfortable:
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Today\ListVie w]
"ListViewSelectorThemeImageMaxHeight"=dword:000000 5e
Sorry to all who didnt get the support during my net issues.

Thanks so much nice ext

thanks, 2 apps in one!

Thank you.
looks great.

Thank you
Merci aestivalisakito


very nice, I cannot wait to see more work (the UI/Bugs/Tweaks whatever else I can find out in the next 2 weeks)

Updated to version 3 refer to the first two pictures for the diffrences between v2 and v3, the menus both context (popup) and actual browsing through File Explorer are smaller. Note I am a giant, 6'6" tall with hands that engulf most and the menus are still too big, now that they are smaller it more convenient.

installed the new version but did not like the more compressed items. uninstalled it and yet it's still compressed and did not go back to the more open format. is there a way to get the original format back?

Im on Kaiser QVGA and this app works fine here.
Thanks for your work.
Can you post the zip for cookers?
Cheers .

sadly, 2.07 of the FileExplorerEXT doesnt display file previews anymore, until the next release to fix this, you should revert to 2.06 or find out why 2.07 isnt working anymore...

Great app, but I have a bug. It removes the arrows from all of my scrollbars!
SE X1 running WM6.1
Edit: A second soft-reset fixed it

v 0.3 Installation didnt finish!
HTC HD. Had to softreset and can't install v 0.3 ...
Where can I find v.02 ?

Using it on HTC Hinalaya with WM 6.5.3 build.
Very good for QVGA devices.

thank you working good

Not Working
Thank you very much for the effort, but mine did not finish the installation either. I will wait for a version without the problem, and try to install it again, since it is a nice app. BTW, I like the small spacing! Cheers HTC HD2 Dutty 2.9 Rom

I just installed 0.3 on my HTC Touch Pro (Sprint) which has a VGA (640x480) screen and runs WM 6.1. Now, the menu in all other applications is VERY small. I hope you can fix this soon as it maked my device VERY hard to use.

Thank you
Nice little collaboration, good job!
Kindest regards,

One short Question i don't see answered in the Program description:
Does it work under Windows Mobile 6.1?

-HD2 freezes and has to be softresetted when closing file explorer via mmtask (Morose Media Task Manager, available at the marketplace (Germany)).
- The orange highlighting used in the file explorer appears also in the marketplace. There it is slightly displaced.


[DEV] Titanium System Panel [Q][W]VGA [Update 6/18/09]

So I was playing with this CHome stuff and decided to create a basic system panel to show memory status. Still working on it, but here is a preview of the work so far, in case anyone wants to continue developing it for their devices. As usual backup the *.cpr files just in case, and play with it if you want.
Update 9/8/09
I've been absent for a while working on some other stuff. My Hermes died in July so I did the most logical thing: I got a FUZE! The bad news is that after trying the new Manila versions I haven't used Titanium since. I will keep in an eye on this thread more often just in case, but probably won't be able to test changes, etc., especially if they are in QVGA.
Update 6/18/09
Changes / Fixes:
1. Added support for WQVGA, VGA and WVGA.
I tested these cabs using the newly released 6.5 SDK Emulator images. Please try it and let me know of any errors. No other changes from the original v2.3. As usual, just tweak the cpr files, png files, etc. to your liking.
Update 5/28/09
QVGA v2.3
Changes / Fixes:
1. Fixed SD Card units in non-skinned mode (now display GB).
2. Fixed all significant digits to 4 in non-skinned mode. It should never fail now...
3. More code optimization.
4. Included sample mortscript for skin creation.
This is a maintenance update only. No new features. If you are as lazy as I am, just copy / overwrite your MemStatus.exe file with the attached file and reboot. Otherwise uninstall / re-install the new 2.3 cab file from the link.
Update 5/19/09
QVGA v2.2
Changes / Fixes:
1. Added skin option where if active, MemStatus will NOT update the "Label" / "PluginLabel" keys. Instead another key "Value" is updated with the rawdata as follows:
where X is size, Y is used, Z is free for the respective RAM, STORAGE and SD CARD (or RAM%;STO%;SDC% for the "PluginLabel").
This way, you can parse the values with MortScript, represent them as desired (i.e integer only, 1 decimal place, etc.) and update the keys. Users can now customize the % graphs, the text layouts (via CPR file) and now the values. To use it just change DWORD HKLM\Software\Microsoft\CHome\system\skin to 0x01. Checkout some of Twolf's great work posted in this thread!
2. Some more cleanup and optimizations.
Update 5/15/09
QVGA v2.1
Changes / Fixes:
1. REALLY fixed the 2GB limit (I hope).
2. Reduced MemStatus.exe file size to 117KB. (Consumes about 40K in ram).
3. Added option to specify different SD Card name (HKLM\Software\Microsoft\CHome\system\cardname).
4. Fixed all data displays to 4 significant digits, i.e. xx.xx or x.xxx so that the layout doesn't change.
5. Did some code improvements & cleanups.
Update 5/14/09
QVGA v2.0
Changes / Fixes:
1. Fixed the 2GB size limit.
2. Added floating point capability.
3. Added pie charts graphics.
4. Replaced the Mortscript with an executable (MemStatus.exe)
5. Reduced memory size from 480K to 76K.
Please try this version and look for bugs. Is only QVGA for now.
Update 5/11/09
Added a VGA test version. I don't have a VGA device to test so let me know how it looks, works(?), etc. Still working an a solution to the 2GB limit on the SD Card... I'm currently trying to replace the MortScript with C++ which would also enable the use of graphs, etc.
Update 5/3/09:
I did some further mods trying to make it more useful and informative. It now displays free memory percents when condensed and each memory has it's own page when expanded, with total, used and free memory information. Also, tapping on each page will call either the default task manager or the default file explorer, depending on the particular page. Below are the links to both versions. Be aware that SD card information is incorrect if your card is > 2 GB. This is a limitation of MortScript. I will try to solve it as soon as I can.
New Version v2.0
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
Version v1.0
Old Version 0.9
Download v2.3 QVGA/WQVGA
Download v2.3 VGA/WVGA
Download v2.3 QVGA ONLY HERE
Download v2.2 QVGA HERE
Download v2.1 QVGA HERE
Download v1.0.1 VGA HERE
Download v1.0 HERE
Download v0.9 HERE (I have trouble uploading to XDA...)
1. Shows RAM, STORAGE and SD CARD free available memory.
2. Updated every 10 seconds.
3. CAB Installation. (Thanks to AppStar for the Plugin Installer and showaco for CHome Editor!)
4. Pie Charts in Condensed Mode.
5. Floating Point data display.
To Do:
1. ???
1. Icon files (*.png) located in \My Documents\Themes\System Panel (or where ever, but must update registry values)
Basic Installation:
Just in case backup your orginal CPR files and remove any previous system panel registries that were created.
1. Disable the CHome Plugin.
2. Run the Titanium System Panel cab file. Install to Device.
3. Click on the SysVars.mscr file or shortcut (or soft-reset).
4. Enable the CHome plugin.
great idea we need cab for easy instalation
Otro boricua contribuyendo a xda-developers, como decimos aca " esto se va a poner mejor" jajaajaj, great job mate keep it up
awesome job.keep it up.
great idea but it won't work for me :/
i made a hardreset to make sure, everythings clean.
created a new page called system with 1 empty page. made sure that theres TEXT1, TEXT2 and TEXT3 in the registry, added Ram, Dev and SD with the paths pointing to \windows cause i unzipped the images there. added the mortscript, startet it and added the xml to the cpr...
first, i added the xml code to the Titanium_240x320.cpr but it only works in landscape now (without pictures and only showing 2 texts)
second try, adding the xml code to the Titanium_320x240.cpr. now same problem but in potrait... 2 texts, no pictures...
operative1 said:
great idea but it won't work for me :/
i made a hardreset to make sure, everythings clean.
created a new page called system with 1 empty page. made sure that theres TEXT1, TEXT2 and TEXT3 in the registry, added Ram, Dev and SD with the paths pointing to \windows cause i unzipped the images there. added the mortscript, startet it and added the xml to the cpr...
first, i added the xml code to the Titanium_240x320.cpr but it only works in landscape now (without pictures and only showing 2 texts)
second try, adding the xml code to the Titanium_320x240.cpr. now same problem but in potrait... 2 texts, no pictures...
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Did you use CHome Editor to create the panel first? Anyway, try the new cab file. Please remember to undo any previous changes to the CPR files as well as the registry (for system panel). There is still a bug in landscape that causes the only 2 icons to show while the data is updating. Let me know if that works. This is my first CAB so please be patient
i am so happy with hs++, hmph..
It required a reboot, but the panel works fine on my kaiser Thanks!
installed it in my artemis shows 1gb space when i have a 4 gb sdhc which is copletely free pls help
ashwaa said:
installed it in my artemis shows 1gb space when i have a 4 gb sdhc which is copletely free pls help
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Click to collapse
Yes. I noticed that (I have a 6 GB). Is a MortScript limitation. I'll look into it this week to see if I can find a solution. Sorry about that... I updated the first post with a new version though...
the new version will not show me any data just pics, thanks for your work tho
warfatty said:
the new version will not show me any data just pics, thanks for your work tho
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Click to collapse
Oops! I put the debug SysVars.mscr file instead of the real one. Just copy the attached file to the \My Documents\Themes\Titanium System Panel folder and overwrite the old one. That should do the trick. Or you can just download the cab file again and re-install it. let me know if it works.
Awesome !
Simple and Very Good Plugin... A must have...
I made some adjustment to adapt on My TiTanium Version...
Need more fix but looks good...
only request...
Possiblity to change in Condensed line...
Text Ram, SD,... by a pictures like Notifications panels ...
look this one...
+22 ! THX
redownloaded cab, still no vaules shown, and font on today screen is smaller then rest, almost looks like the font on todays screen should be the size that the pages font is and vis versa, thanks tho
warfatty said:
redownloaded cab, still no vaules shown, and font on today screen is smaller then rest, almost looks like the font on todays screen should be the size that the pages font is and vis versa, thanks tho
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Click to collapse
Does it work correctly when running the SysVars.mscr? If so, try creating a shortcut to the SySVars.mscr file in the \Windows\StartUp folder. I just discovered the shortcut was missing in the cab file.
is there a version that works on VGA?
this looks realy good!! nice work
MysticGenius said:
is there a version that works on VGA?
this looks realy good!! nice work
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Thanks, Unfortunately I don't have a VGA device to test. BUT, let me workout the numbers and I'll try to get a VGA version (not tested) over the weekend. Currently, I'm working on a C++ program to replace the mortscript, but I think I'll try the VGA layout first since it is easier.
hmmmm... I have a request....
Could a bar be created also?
Like so:
dgaud007 said:
Oops! I put the debug SysVars.mscr file instead of the real one. Just copy the attached file to the \My Documents\Themes\Titanium System Panel folder and overwrite the old one. That should do the trick. Or you can just download the cab file again and re-install it. let me know if it works.
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Click to collapse
Finally it worked for me on QVGA. I installed and reinstalled many times wondering what I had did wrong.
Thanks for the hard work.

[plugin] [updated: 5/31] Titanium Plugin: Taskanium

Hi All,
Credits first , thanks to drkfngthdragnlrd for his titanium tutorial & appstar for his titanium installer! Amazing work guys! Special thanks to benven for being a very patient beta tester.
Edit 7/11: Looking for 0.5 cabs? Look here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=3868774&postcount=95 (credit jdmsleepr) & here http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=4106493&postcount=164 (credit hgage2003). Please note, I haven't done these cabs so all compliments/complaints should go to the poster.
Edit 5/31: Fixed the recurring task bug, now the application doesn't use State & Notification Broker but hooks into Outlook Interop. This means that the application cannot rely on SNB to start itself and hence places a shortcut in windows\startup folder. The task counter now only displays the tasks that are due today instead of all tasks (Pages placement is defined for QVGA only). This version does not require any soft-reset post install/uninstall.
Edit 5/23: Should support most of the resolutions now. If you are on some other resolution than QVGA, extract the default.plg file from default.plg.zip and replace the plg within taskanium.zip with this one before installing. I haven't been able to test the layout for other resolutions so bug reports are welcome.
Edit 5/23: Now with task counter goodness in condensed mode for QVGA in portrait mode! Why only QVGA? Because, it takes a lot of hit and trial to get the placement of the counter and requires good amount of tweaking to show it correctly & since I don't have a VGA/WVGA device; I couldn't really take it up. If you wish you can modify the default.plg file of 0.4b to include the placement of "Pages" counter in the Condensed mode for your resolution before installing 0.4b.
Taskanium is a simple Titanium (WM 6.5) plugin which displays the list of active tasks within the titaniun plugin and allows you to
add a new task
open the active task by clicking
mark the task as complete (right soft-key)
1) WM 6.5 with titanium enabled (obviously!).
2) .net CF 2.0 or higher.
Plugin view
Plugin View for QVGA (.4b build)
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
Add a task
Task view
Currently, there is no cab file for installation (cause I am really tired and it's late night!), the installation is straightforward:
1) unzip the zip file within \program files\taskanium (the path is hard-wired, so unzipping it somewhere else would not work*).
2) click on taskaniumInstall file (if you don't see any error messages it means the installation was successful). * taskaniumInstaller is just a lnk file, if you know how to modify it; you can modify it to point to some other installation folder (along with taskaniumUninstall). The link files are the only place where the path is hard-wired, rest all should work.
3) soft-reset (yes, you have to else you will only see "add a new task" in titanium).
1) Click on taskaniumUnInstall.
2) delete the entire taskanium folder
3) soft-reset (required again).
The current location in plg for this plugin is set to 2.
1) completing a recurring task doesn't refresh the plugin unless you add/remove a simple task. I still haven't been able to figure out why
2) Uninstallation at times still keeps taskanium.exe running even after a reset (again, don't really know why), the work around for now is to delete the entire taskanium folder after running taskaniumUninstall & before soft-resetting.
STANDARD DISCLAIMERS APPLY, This works on my phone (asus P525 with andrewsh's rom) and should ideally work on your phone too without any issues, but if you believe it might cause something crazy on your phone DON'T INSTALL IT!
5/15/09: 0.1 Beta.
Change log: First version.
5/16/09: 0.2 Beta
Change log: Flushed the keys in installation, which should hopefully fix the issue with plugin not persisting post soft-reset.
5/17/09: 0.2 RC
Change log: Defined the plg file based on layout of Appstar's favPeople to support different resolutions (haven't been able to test it myself as I only have a QVGA phone, bug reports are welcome).
5/17/09: 0.3
Change log:Fixed the max number of pages to 15 (+2), in case there are more than 15 tasks, the last page displays number of remaining tasks and opens tasks.exe by default. This should fix the issue with people having a lot of active tasks (100+?) and the plugin going kaput.
2) Moved the plugin back to 10th position instead of 2nd.
5/23/09: 0.4b (taskanium-qvga-04b.zip)
Change log: Added the task counter in condensed view for QVGA portrait mode. Uninstall the previous version before installing the new one.
5/21/09: 05b
Change log:
* Fixed the recurring task bug.
* Changed font in plg file from Tahoma to Segoe UI.
* Changed the task counter to display only due today task.
* Removed dependency on Persistent SNB.
5/21/09: 0.5
Change log: Fixed a silly bug. If you have installed 0.5b, please upgrade to 0.5 to this version.
Does that use the AT installer? That means, the other panels will not be affected when installing this one?
BLAM! Finally a task plugin! THANK YOU! will test asap.
Great idea! Just downloaded. Unfortunately, all I get is a blank panel after a soft reset. If you scroll up/down, the right soft key pulls in from that panel. Titan running a 21222 ROM.
do you mind posting a screenshot of what you are getting, after a soft-reset and check in (process) Task Manager if taskanium.exe is running after a soft-reset (open Task Manager, click on View-->Processes)? Also, just trying to understand the the problem that you're having, in the collapsed titanium view; you don't see the "tasks" label but see a blank place-holder; is that right? And, if you select this blank place-holder do you see at least "Add a new task" as in screenshot#2 above? The blank place-holder could be due to the fact that I am only updating one reg key for the plugin text ([email protected]l).
This does use ATInstaller so other plugins should be un-affected.
Thanks in advance for helping me troubleshoot this.
benven said:
Great idea! Just downloaded. Unfortunately, all I get is a blank panel after a soft reset. If you scroll up/down, the right soft key pulls in from that panel. Titan running a 21222 ROM.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
can you test out the latest build, this should hopefully fix your plugin blank issues after a soft reset?
Installed it on my Touch HD but it doesn't work - doesn't display any panel...
Invisible Sense said:
Installed it on my Touch HD but it doesn't work - doesn't display any panel...
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Please read the first post, it's QVGA only (for now) and doesn't support Touch HD (WVGA). The current default.plg only defines layouts for QVGA portrait and landscape mode only.
Hi sn123. Thanks for all your help. I don't have screen snapshot software on my device. I'll download the latest version and report back.
Hi sn123, tried the latest version. But I still get the same result Attached is a screenie scrolling down from the music tab.
benven said:
Hi sn123, tried the latest version. But I still get the same result Attached is a screenie scrolling down from the music tab.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
benven, do you mind sharing your titanium_240x320.cpr file?
apologies for more questions, but if I understand correctly that once you select the blank plugin; the right soft-key does change to something like "Complete or New"; it's just that you don't see any text either in "condensed view" (when the plugin is collapsed and even if you select the blank plugin, is that correct?
Yes, the right soft key changes to the panel's right key I was at previously. So for the attached example I went from the music panel to the task panel and it picked up the right key for the music panel. Also, nothing happens when I press on the panel or use the right soft key. Could it be the number of tasks?? I have probably over 150 tasks sync'd up. cpr file attached.
benven, I think most probably the blank task panel is due to the customized theme that you are using (the one that you are using is not the titanium default) and has nothing to do with number of tasks that you have (I have tested it with around 100 tasks on my phone and it does work).
There are two things that you can do to hopefully get it to work:
1) Open the default.plg file in taskanium folder in a text editor and change the position to 1 from 10 (within <position></position>
2) Replace all instances of Tahoma with Segoe UI.
After you make these changes just install it again and hopefully it should work. You can also use the default.plg file attached (remove the .txt extension) with the above 2 changes already made and replace the existing plg file with this one.
If it still doesn't work, you can help me further in troubleshooting by using a registry editor (like CERegEditor) and tell me if the following keys are created:
1) HKLM\Software\Microsoft\CHome\Taskanium (there should be at least 2 subkeys within this: 1) CondensedPage & 2) Page1.
2) HKLM\System\Notifications\Taskanium.
From the bliss theme post: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=508968
When using third-party or cummunity plugins such as TitaniumWeather, Favorite People make sure you re-install this theme cab after installing the plugins so that the theme and the plugins can coexist together. It doesn't matter if you already have this theme installed and you decide to install the additional plugins, you must install this theme cab after installing any plugin that is supported by this theme.
Supported community Titanium plugins:
-TitaniumWeather by showaco
-CTwitter, COffice, CFacebook by JukEboXAuDiO
-FavoritePeople by AppStar
-Programs by Sector (aka giorgosm)
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
This kinda makes me believe that the issue is compatibility with the bliss theme; I'll check with rpereira.
Can anyone else also try this on a QVGA device on default theme and let me know if it is a yay or a neigh? Thanks!
claus1953 said:
Does that use the AT installer? That means, the other panels will not be affected when installing this one?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
yep it does.
VGA Please
I have been wanting this plugin since 6.5 became available. Can anyone port this to VGA?
mlin said:
I have been wanting this plugin since 6.5 became available. Can anyone port this to VGA?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
just posted the VGA support, enjoy .
PS: Hope you are not on bliss theme too
Wow! You're fast!
Hi sn123. First off thank you very much for your time and help. I uploaded the default.plg file. Checked the registry. All keys are in. I guess I have 118 tasks! Anyway, uninstalled/reinstalled, Taskanium and the Bliss theme on both my Titan and Apache. I am sad to report that it still does the same thing . It must be something with the theme. I'm sure rpereira can help out. He seems like a really good guy and resource. Then again, maybe it's me that's not doing something right! Anyway, I'm going away for a week, so I'l check back when I get back.
sorry that it didn't work for you . It could be due to the number of tasks (perhaps titanium has a cap on number of pages that it would show!). For 15 tasks that I tested it with it seemed to load all the pages.
Once I have some free time, I will perhaps create 118 dummy tasks just to test out .
I am very interested in this project. Will this plugin play nicely with my other titanium panels (incl. Titanium weather) or will kit try to rearrange and/or disable them?

[APP]JSPA Program Manager 3.3b for WM6, 6.x, 6.5, and 6.5.x

JSPA Program Manager allows you to manage your programs(shortcut links) in start menu. It allows you to Navigate, Move, Copy, Rename, Delete, Create New Folder, and install EXE files on an easy steps.
screen shots from version 3.1
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
screen shots from version 3.2
more information on this link:
You might want to try my NETCF Open Dialog Box Control
If you found my work useful, please consider donating
and the complete Gratitude Lists
History Log said:
September 29,2010 - Version 2.8b
- Fixed problem in NETCFFolderDialog.dll (UnauthorizedAccessException)
-- The bug occurs when browsing a folder
August 20, 2010 - version 3.2.2
- bug on moving a folder with system files such
-- as in Offie Mobile
August 14, 2010 - version 3.2.1
UPDATE: for Source and Destination Lists
- double tap to open a folder
- single tap to check an item
August 11, 2010 - Version 3.2
- Lists and Splitter are now finger friendly
- Scanning EXE files in Storage Card and Device
- Quick buttons in Main Window
August 18, 2009 - Version 3.1
- Creating a shortcut
--- the short is now saved in the current folder.
August 17, 2009
- Supports VGA devices
- screen orientation awarenes
- NETCFOpenFileDialog screen orientation awarenes
- added Application Update check
August 15, 2009
- some IO scenarios
- path references
August 14, 2009
- copying directory
- can create new shortcut
August 13, 2009
Initial Release
Navigation, Copy, Move, Rename, Delete, Create Directory
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Good !
Thank you ! A must have for our ppcs
Great Work ...
This app is indispensable in our pda's
would be perfect if adding personalization feature images of the icons in the Start Menu shortcuts in WM 6.5
@internauta2000 I was trying to make customize a folder just like the Microsoft Office folder, but a bit confusing.. so let's see..
currently publishing version 2
-copying folder
-can create new short cut
wait for my next post
Version 2 released!
JSPA Program Manager - Version 2
any reponse, comments, infos, bugs, or suggestions yet?
a friend beta test it and now am currently patching the code for confirmation box (MessageBox).
Wait for my next post..
"A message box "Done" keeps appearing everytime i copy or delete multiple files"
indeed a bug, just a minor bug though .. what he meant was "while copying and deleting"
fixed.. new download available. Use the links from the first post
Okay, my little feedback:
Couldn't test it right now because of the following fact:
It only works with WWE-Roms. My is a german ROM so my startmenu folder differs from yours (my is "PPC:\Windows\Startmenü").
But I have a folder that is named like yours, but only of some wrong installations of some other progs. If I delete this folder your prog starts with an error. We need an option to change the start menu folder.
that's interesting! any more advance users can tell me their Start Menu locations?
What I could do is to make a list of start menu locations (based on your feedbacks about it) and scan if one of those exists. If not then probably I could make a deep folder scan and look for an interesting shortcut files and make it as a Start Menu path.
Or use the environment variable %CE11%
Or use the environment variable %CE11%
EDIT: sorry for that double-post ._.
hey, I didn't know WM has environment variables. Thanks for that info!
hello, GREAT APP, just one thine your version 2 is not recognised as a CAB, keeps asking to open with something, can i ask how to get around this.
Thankyou for your great work.
Well .CAB files are supposed to be like an .MSI on Windows Desktop. If .CAB files are not recognized in your WM, probably something messed your file type associations. I cannot give an additional information about it (there is but, I don't think you're going to like it *eheclearmemoryem*).
I'll try to upload the binaries too in case .. It'll be available later after I finish some path references in codes
thanks for such a quick reply, all other cab files are working fine, so i dont think that it is a file system problem on my phone as im thinking all cabs would have this problem,
EDIT:: Just found the problem the file downloads with the cab extension but after the cab there was an underscore, i have removed that an will try again.
I tried downloading the CAB from my Skydrive and I was able to install it in my WM6.5
not sure what causes your problem. Am not sure either if other users downloaded the CAB have the same problem since I have no feedback from them. Though @lycox was able to install it but it shouts an error due to WM version problem, not sure why his Start Menu path is different (WM German version) probably a character encoding
yer a bit of a strange one, but it works great, maybe he has the same problem where there is an underscore just after the cab, and it's not being recognised like what happened to me, could be as simple as that.
but thankyou for your work this app is really useful at getting the program screen nice and tidy.
Nullstring said:
I tried downloading the CAB from my Skydrive and I was able to install it in my WM6.5
not sure what causes your problem. Am not sure either if other users downloaded the CAB have the same problem since I have no feedback from them. Though @lycox was able to install it but it shouts an error due to WM version problem, not sure why his Start Menu path is different (WM German version) probably a character encoding
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I have to say, that after downloading the file from your account, I had the underscore too. But that wasn't a real prob. Just renamed it
One more hint: Most of the localized ROM's have localized paths too.

[THEME] RadarWeather v1.0 - advanced weather tab for TF3D - WVGA (updated:'09sep21)

"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
RadarWeather v1.0
for TouchFLO 3D
only for WVGA
PLEASE REPORT ANY BUG​-----------------------------------------
Tested and works on: WM6.5 (Miri, Dutty), WM6.1 (Miri), TouchFLO 3D 2.0x, 2.1x, Leo R4 with Manila 2.5
Tested and not works:
- maybe TouchFLO 3D 1.3x
- maybe with not WWE ROM 03_mtp2.cab install failed, but not big problem, after all cab install go to FAQ post
- some 2.5 Manila versions
Install Steps(if you not install v0.5/6/7 beta before): (Important)
1. download pack1(from xda) & pack2.zip (from megaupload)
2. extract cabs from zip to your device's Storage Card
2. install numbered cabs to main device (not on storage card)(do not softreset, or start anything before you arrive 2.3):
2.1 01_mtp.cab
2.2 02_wp.cab
2.4 03_mtp2.cab (if this cab install failed, after all cab install go to FAQ post)
2.5 04_radarweather.cab
2.6 05_wp2.cab
Install Steps if you have v0.5/6/7 beta: (Important)
1. download pack2.zip (from megaupload)
2. extract cabs from zip to your device's Storage Card
3. go to your Today settings and disable TF3D
4. install 04_radarweather.cab
5. do softreset
6. go to your Today settings and enable TF3D
Configure Steps: (Important)
1. Start from your Startmenu "MTP Configuration" prog
2. Set your wallpaper (if not set, RadarWeather background is black)
3. press "Apply" button, and wait 2 sec.
4. close "MTP Configuration"
5. Start from your Startmenu "MTPLoader" prog once, and press "OK"
6. new TAB applied
7. i hope i configured every other things
9. in TF3D go to Last Tab
10. Press Weather Panel "Tap here..."
11. Select your "Units"
12. Add your City with "Add new" button
13. Add or select from list your radar image with "Weather Images" button
14. if you not see my theme, go "Display" tab and select "PhatPhingerW(ajk)VGA"
15. press power like button
16. near left config like button is update button
17.1 if your Weather image is zoomable, tap upper right corner (or little bit go left) on your pic
17.2 tap upper left corner for change your WeatherImages
- fixed .dll
- changed RadarWeather icon
- updated selectable weatherimages
- optimized some files
- bugfix
- updated selectable weatherimages
- all windows and popup windows optimized for WVGA
- some bugfix
- optimized graphics for smoother work
- more popup window optimized for WVGA
- optimized TAB for WVGA
- add some graphics update for nicer interface
- many popup infowindow fit to WVGA
What's this:
- not big thing, i make new tab with MTP for Weather Panel, because standard Weather Tab not enough information for me.
What'm i doing:
- edited PhatPhinger VGA theme to WVGA for bigger radar image
- optimized graphics for bigger screen
- change MTP icons to weather icons
- add many radar image for simple using
blezalex for the MTP
storyr for the PhatPhinger IV theme
MarsWare for the Weather Panel
DOWNLOAD: (Online)
RadarWeather_pack1.zip (80KB)
RadarWeather_pack2.zip (9.15MB)
Mirror: RadarWeather_pack2.zip on Mediafire
Beautiful work !
Just a question :
Is it so hard to replace the weather tab in touchflow than create a new tab ?
The install will be more light and more easy, isn't it ?
And in the install proc with manilla 1.3 and WM 6.1. :
2.5 04_radarweather.cab
2.5. bis authorize soft reset
2.6 05_wp2.cab
When you look for hourly temp, a little bug in the legend : Tempurature
Elodie said:
Just a question :
Is it so hard to replace the weather tab in touchflow than create a new tab ?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
see, the screenies, MTP make new TAB, if you want, replace standard weather tab
i works very well but the weather image is not load. i have select "germany" in "Weather Images" and made "update" but there is always the main image whit the " ADD weather images" sign in the lower right corner.
edit:it works. my umts connection was the problem
i am so looking forward to test this when i get back home!
i LOVE the look of it, thank you very much for you hard work!!!!!!!!!
small issue
i am trying this out on my t-mo tp2 as it looks just awesome ....i keep getting ...weatherpanel has no data for this city please connect to the internet and download updated data im sure i am connected as i can browse the web from my device ...also whats up with the gps option???? thankyou looking forward to getting it working
EDIT: got ot to work and its excellent...thank you.... would like to know how to get the radar to work
LiquidP said:
:it works. my umts connection was the problem
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
ok, that's right
great program. had been using weather panel with second today. I now have the sprint touch pro2. the manila icon is still a white windows flag? how to change it?
badwolf said:
great program. had been using weather panel with second today. I now have the sprint touch pro2. the manila icon is still a white windows flag? how to change it?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I have the same issue. What cab are you using for your slider icons? That is probably the issue
please VGA version
(szia, szeretnélek megkérni nem-e csinálnád meg VGA felbontásra is, előre is köszönöm válaszod)
this content in the 04_rw.cab, i have idea, but not sure working: please disable your TF3D, restart your phone, reinstall 04_rw.cab and reenable TF3D
badwolf said:
great program. had been using weather panel with second today. I now have the sprint touch pro2. the manila icon is still a white windows flag? how to change it?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Wajk, what are you using for your slider, it really looks good
Great app! Installed on Topaz/Diamond2 with Netdrg ROM, configure some French cities and it works like a charm. Just few lags/issues with the Weather image, not very stable and sometimes TF3D is restarted, don't know why (it happens when I try to zoom in/out the Satellite image and it crashes Manila which is restarted).
Anyway, bravo. I will follow this amazing tool
[EDIT] I also have the white Window image tab. Then I tried your tweaks upon, but when I reinstalled the 04_rw.cab, it pop-up "enable to find Manila", I click "ok" and it installs anyway... but the White Window tab icone still there...
Wajk said:
this content in the 04_rw.cab, i have idea, but not sure working: please disable your TF3D, restart your phone, reinstall 04_rw.cab and reenable TF3D
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Tried that so far no luck... should i try uninstalling any custom slider?
also when i deleteded the reg for the slider positions, it did not auto recreate and so i restored it...
Bug tracker : the "moon" button doesn't work properly. When I press it, the screen view doesn't change and both buttons (moon and the previous I pressed) are pressing. If I now press another button, the Night views appear during 1 sec and screen goes to the following view. Don't know if it's comprehensible :|
badwolf said:
great program. had been using weather panel with second today. I now have the sprint touch pro2. the manila icon is still a white windows flag? how to change it?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Same thing. Thank you to the author of this great program! Although I am not too concerned about the manilla icon being different from my current slider set.
Has anyone gotten this to work on a Sprint TP2 with the correct manilla tab icon?
After following cab install instructions and soft reset, I get an error on restart for MTPLoader. An issue with trusted certificates. Have also installed SDK cabs, but still no luck. Any ideas?
I have installed all cabs but cab3 as it failed, but am trying to open the MTP Configurator as it says in the FAQ and I am getting an error saying that I need a newer version of the microsoft.net framework than the version installed. Any help on how to get this? Sorry if this is an obvious fix, but I'm kind of new at this.
Edit: Ok I figured that out but now I'm trying to figure out how to do steps 9-17 in the configuration section.

File Manager 10 [Beta] [Pleas Help]

Today it has finally come and I can you the first video my file manager present.
It is personally important to me, that he completely differs from apps of its kind, resulted in a completely new concept.
The app has two window, which can perform both tasks at the same time different.
The window size is thereby always changeable. In the current version, files can be dragged it back and forth from different places.
The other plan is that one different can load plugins in Windows, which you can directly view files or even edit.
Momory Cards and One Drive are at present fully integrated.
Copy, move, delete goes in all possible directions.
And that in multiple threads in the background.
If one moves so larger files you can continue working without waiting times.
To the rename of files I made me even more.
You can rename a file and you can rename right at once the whole selection.
So far so good.
Well since you asked!
What is you important on a file manager.
What files are important to you, should be included.
I will publish the first beta soon and have further before further processes of the app to provide.
Who has interest, send me his Live ID in a PN.
Thank you very much!
the first video for the app, you'll see the system and how to copy files in up to 4 threads in the background.
Unfortunately, I am very busy at the moment.
But I think that I can publish up to the weekend of the first beta.
At the moment I'm still working on a plugin for DropBox.
The first beta is online
Link to the store!
To prepare the app for the plugins, I have the whole ActionBar (right bar) rebuild.
I created also an image viewer plugin, which can be loaded into the Windows and supports local files, such one drive files.
By that they load into the window, you can use two at once.
Here are the other features of the store description
*** Beta 1 ***
- Two Windows with adjustable size
- Support for storage media
- Full integration of one drive
- Tasks run in the background
- Plugins can be loaded in Windows
- Rename multiple files at once
- Direct instructions by voice Output
- Supports all display formats
*** Plugins ***
-Image Viewer Beta1
Supports: ".jpg", ".jpeg", ".jpe", ".bmp", ".png", ".gif"
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
Today I uploaded the next beta!
*** Beta 2 ***
What's new:
- I had to delete the documents folder.
As you have certainly noticed the app crashed at the open of the documents folder.
This has to do with that access rights.
The folder may be used only from apps with corporate hub.
- The folder private is now fully functional
Here you can create your own folder system in the IsoStore of the app.
The question for you, whether I should provide the password protection is important here.
Advantage: You could protect the files.
Disadvantage: One forgets his password, so the files are lost forever!
- You can now switch between speech or info display.
This appears at the simply click below for 1.5 seconds.
- In the speech output, you can now select the gender.
- For Rename multiple files and folders you can now select to use leading zeros in the number behind the files.
- The system to use to plugins started to develop.
Here you can choose then later in the settings, plug-ins, which plugin you want to open the respective types of files.
-A first alpha version of the zip plugin is included.
Alpha because it can unpack anything.
You can read the file.
With the plugin you can use later also your .zip files as other folders.
- The image viewer plugin has been improved
What has not finished yet, is an improvement of double clicks!
Have fun with it
The first public version of the app is online.
The only File Manager with to Windows and full one drive Integration.
I have finished the first version of File Manager 10.
The Name of the app is localized, so the Name is in all countrys different.
To Download it use this link with your phone.
Here are some pictures and the desription from the store.
*** File Manager ***
- Two Windows with adjustable size
- Open, copy, move, delete, rename
- Support for storage media
- Full integration of one drive
- Tasks run in the background
- Plugins can be loaded in Windows
- Rename multiple files at once
- Private folder in the app directory
- Direct instructions by voice Output
- Supports all display formats
*** Plugins ***
- Zip Plugin
Supports: ".zip"
Viewing, unzip -
- Image Viewer Plugin
Supports: ".jpg", ".jpeg", ".jpe", ".bmp", ".png", ".gif" , ".tif", ".tiff"
Viewing, rotate, flip -
sir i have posted your app in my blog please dont mind :angel:
Downloaded just now, Will post impressions later
It's lagging a lot, also action buttons aren't responsive, I need to press a couple of times for a button to execute the action it does, also viewing files needs to be done in the second pane, as this way one can view fast the contents of a specific folder and mark needed files for specific action.
Just got my first WP and will test.

