Boot Animations:Tutorial & A Place To Post Your Own. UPDATED 04/10/2011 NEW ANIMATION - EVO Shift 4G Themes and Apps

Boot Animations:Tutorial & A Place To Post Your Own. UPDATED 04/10/2011 NEW ANIMATION
How To Create Your Own Boot Animations
Here is a flashable zip from sparksco that will install any bootanimation placed on the root of the sdcard
Download Here
Just place the bootanimation on the root of the sd, then flash this from recovery.
Created Boot Animations Are At The End Of This Post​
There are five steps in creating a boot animation:
1. Creating the images;
2. Creating the desc.txt file;
3. Creating the file;
4. Pushing the boot animation to the phone;
5. (Optional) Adding a boot audio file.
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1. Creating The Images.
If you have even seen a flip book (flip the pages fast enough, and a succession of images appears to become animated), then you understand the basics of a boot animation. This is nothing more than a flip book for the digital age, and so all that is required is a collection of images, that when viewed very quickly in succession, appear to be animated (of course with most filming being done digitally these days, one could argue that this is all movies).
Creating these images will take days if you choose to create each one individually, so here is the trick to make this worth doing. Either create a flash animation, or find one you enjoy (you tube is a good place to look for flash animations, and if you do a quick google search you can see how to download youtube videos).
Once you have the flash animation you like, use video editing software to convert it into a series of JPEG or PNG images. I suggest using Avidemux ( ), which is a free, cross-platform, open-source video editor.
This will chop it up to many files. Since you do not want too large of a, I suggest the removal of intermittent files (such as every 5th file) to end up with 50-150 images.
Now on to the editing, for which I suggest using GIMP ( ), which is a free, open-source, cross-platform graphics editor (similar to photoshop). To ensure that the images appear as you would like when turned into an animation, you can resize each image to 480 x 800 (or place each image on a background of these dimensions). The nice thing about GIMP is that it works with terminal commands, so it is possible to resize the entire folder of images with one line of code in the terminal. It should be noted that this step is optional, as the desc.txt file will allow you to choose the proper rendering size. While in GIMP you can do any graphical edits you like to the images, but be sure to make these as small as possible to ensure a smooth running boot animation.
I will say no more about graphics editing, as there are plenty of online tutorials for this.
Be sure to save each image as a JPEG or PNG, and rename each in succession. Thus the first image will be named something like
, the second
and so on (look in any boot animation if this is unclear).
The last thing to note on these images, is that you can choose to have an initial animation run, then at some point have the image start looping. Consider for example the Cyanogen boot animation which comes at you, bounces, then starts with the spinning blue flames. If you desire to have it loop at some point in the animation, this will be taken care of with the desc.txt file, just keep this in mind while creating the images.
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2. Creating The desc.txt File
The purpose of the desc.txt file is to (i) define the dimensions for which the image should be rendered, define the speed at which images are changed, and define the looping (if any).
The desc.txt file for the stock shift boot animation looks like
480 800 15
p 1 1 android
The 480 800 refers to the image size, this is what you need for the shift.
The 15 refers to the frames per second. Depending on the images you used, this can vary widely for the best look. When I make these, I try many different values and see which looks best.
p refers to "pointer" leave this as is.
The first number after p refers to the number of times to play, thus in this case, it is played once. If you desire it to loop, set the value to 0.
The next number refers to the number of freezes on the last frame (in FPS). Thus, in this case, 1 FPS.
Finally, android refers to the folder in which the images files are contained, and tells the phone to execute an audio file.
Now, if you desire to only have part of the images loop, then you will need more than one folder. Suppose you have 120 images named image_001.png through image_120.png, and it is desired to have all of your images play through once, then restart at image_090.png and loop until boot is complete. You would make two folders, say part0 and part1. In folder part0 you would then place all 120 images and in folder part1 you would place image_90.png through image_120.png. In this case a desc.txt file could look like
480 800 25
p 1 0 part0
p 0 0 part1
Note that there is a blank line left after the last folder. Be sure to include this.
There are a multitude of combinations that will work on the desc.txt file, and it will usually take some trial and error before you have one that is right for your particular animation.
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3. Creating the
Though this seems like the simple part, it is where most of the issues occur. This is due to the fact that if the file is zipped with any level of compression, the phone will not be able to read it. IF THE ZIP IS NOT MADE WITH ZERO COMPRESSION, THIS WILL RESULT IN A BLANK SCREEN DURING BOOT
Create a folder named "bootanimation" on your desktop. In this folder place only the folders containing your images and the desc.txt file, AND NOTHING ELSE (in the previous example one would place the folders part0 and part1, along with desc.txt into the folder bootanimation).
If using windows, 7zip will do zero compression zipping. Since I do not use windows, I will leave this up to you to figure out. With Linux, open the terminal and enter
cd ~/Desktop/bootanimation
zip -0 bootanimation * */*
If all was done correctly, you will now have a working boot animation.
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4. Pushing The Boot Animation To Your Phone.
This can either be done using adb, or via the phone terminal.
ADB & Linux: Place the file on your desktop, then open the computer terminal and enter
adb push ~/Desktop/ /system/customize/resource/
adb reboot
ADB & Windows: Place the file on your desktop, then open the computer terminal and enter
adb push C:\Your_User_Name\Desktop\ /system/customize/resource/
adb reboot
Phone Terminal: Place on the root of your sdcard, then in the phone terminal enter
mount -o rw,remount -t ext3 /dev/block/mmcblk0p26 /system
cp /mnt/sdcard/ /system/customize/resource/
Then reboot the phone.
If your boot animation is not working, recheck all of the above steps.
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5. (OPTIONAL) Adding A Boot Audio File
Find a desired audio file in .mp3 format, and rename it to VERSION11SAMELENGTH.mp3.
To make it executable you will need to edit the desc.txt file to
480 800 25
p 1 0 android
p 1 0 part0
p 0 0 part1
The new line
p 1 0 android
tells the phone to play the audio file once, with no freeze. You can of course edit the number of times it should play (the first number after p), but should not mess with anything else.
Now you need only to push the file to your phone
This can either be done using adb, or via the phone terminal.
ADB & Linux: Place the VERSION11SAMELENGTH.mp3 file on your desktop, then open the computer terminal and enter
adb push ~/Desktop/VERSION11SAMELENGTH.mp3 /system/customize/resource/VERSION11SAMELENGTH.mp3
adb reboot
ADB & Windows: Place the VERSION11SAMELENGTH.mp3 file on your desktop, then open the computer terminal and enter
adb push C:\Your_User_Name\Desktop\VERSION11SAMELENGTH.mp3 /system/customize/resource/VERSION11SAMELENGTH.mp3
adb reboot
Phone Terminal: Place VERSION11SAMELENGTH.mp3 on the root of your sdcard, then in the phone terminal enter
mount -o rw,remount -t ext3 /dev/block/mmcblk0p26 /system
cp /mnt/sdcard/VERSION11SAMELENGTH.mp3 /system/customize/resource/VERSION11SAMELENGTH.mp3
Then reboot the phone.
You now have a custom boot animation with a custom audio file.
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Enjoy, and be sure to post your creations.
My Bootanimations
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Hyper Surface Animation
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
Download Hyper Surface Animation
Shell Animation
Download Shell Animation
Download Shell Animation Audio File
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Click to collapse
Rain Animation
Download Rain Animation
It is designed to move to the music in this file:
Download Rain Animation Audio File
Try them together, if the music is not to your liking (Clip from Beethoven's Bagatelle in A minor), just replace it with whatever you like.
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Click to collapse
Animations by Nitro3a
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Click to collapse
Animations by riggsandroid
Blue Bee
Orange/Red Bee
Green Bee
Pink Bee
Grey Bee
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Click to collapse

Did this simple one.
Only looks grainy because of resizing. Looks fine full size.
DL zip here - rename to appropriate .zip name based on ROM you are on.

yeah great wu clover. thanks for the time

No problem, I used to love making these, but found it so tricky at first. With a few tips it is really easy.

Has anyone tried this?

Boot animation Simple.
cloverdale said:
Has anyone tried this?
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I made a simple boot ani the only problem I did was try to use the desc.txt to call a different sound file following the rules that Motorola uses for their phones. Needless to say it still plays the original boot sound from sprint. I put the custom mp3 file in /system/customize/resource and it still plays the default sprint sound when booting. I haven't figured out where the sound file is supposed to go yet, but I haven't looked very hard either.
Here is the simple boot ani I made. The Background is transparent not white. Also note that this update zip will only work with CWM 2.5.X
Here is smaller size boot ani.

7zip commands for Windows 7
These are the commands that I used to make a boot animation using 7zip on a windows platform.
7za a -mx0 part0
7za a -mx0 part1
7za a -mx0 desc.txt
a = add to zip
-mx0 = Zero compression = If you can't figure this out hmmm.....*Think happy thoughts*the zip file name (at the time the rom I was using you could put as many zip files on your sd card and it would randomly pick one as your boot animation)
part0 = First folder in the sequence
As I said earlier you might be able to zip it all in one command and I just did it the wrong way but I do it this way because I know it works. You might be able to switch up which image folder zips first I don't know I just did it on order because it seemed logical , but I am sure that all the image folders have to be added before you add the "desc.txt" file.

Nitro3a said:
These are the commands that I used to make a boot animation using 7zip on a windows platform.
7za a -mx0 part0
7za a -mx0 part1
7za a -mx0 desc.txt
a = add to zip
-mx0 = Zero compression = If you can't figure this out hmmm.....*Think happy thoughts*the zip file name (at the time the rom I was using you could put as many zip files on your sd card and it would randomly pick one as your boot animation)
part0 = First folder in the sequence
As I said earlier you might be able to zip it all in one command and I just did it the wrong way but I do it this way because I know it works. You might be able to switch up which image folder zips first I don't know I just did it on order because it seemed logical , but I am sure that all the image folders have to be added before you add the "desc.txt" file.
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Thank you. I have no idea how to things on windows these days. I always appreciate someone filling in the details.

I am going to start moving the posted animations to the OP. If anyone has an issue with this, please let me know.

I've made one successfull animation, using the factory desc file and just changing the file names to match the original.
I have now made a different version that I'm having issues with...
I'm editing the file like you said, but for some reason I get white screen flashes during the animation. One at the very start and another everytime the second part of the animation repeats itself.
Any ideas why this is happening?
currently my desc file looks like this
480 800 15
p 1 0 android
p 1 0 part0
p 0 0 part1
I also tried this one (and some with different FPS values)
480 800 15
p 1 0 android
p 1 1 part0
p 0 1 part1

BuddahWolf01 said:
I've made one successfull animation, using the factory desc file and just changing the file names to match the original.
I have now made a different version that I'm having issues with...
I'm editing the file like you said, but for some reason I get white screen flashes during the animation. One at the very start and another everytime the second part of the animation repeats itself.
Any ideas why this is happening?
currently my desc file looks like this
480 800 15
p 1 0 android
p 1 0 part0
p 0 0 part1
I also tried this one (and some with different FPS values)
480 800 15
p 1 0 android
p 1 1 part0
p 0 1 part1
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Search through all of the image files, and make sure the numbering is consecutive, and that there are no missing numbers (such as image0005.png, image0007.png).

No, there weren't any... but I did delete some trying to fix it and that did make it worse.
Any chance it could be something with how the pngs are saved? I didn't use photoshop this time like I did the first time. I used After Effects to save my movie as a png sequence.
EDIT: I figured out the flashes. There are hidden files in the folders that contain pictures. On windows7 they are "" or something. Pretty much the same as .thumb files that allow you to see thumbnail previews. These must be removed or they will show as white flashes in your animation.

BuddahWolf01 said:
No, there weren't any... but I did delete some trying to fix it and that did make it worse.
Any chance it could be something with how the pngs are saved? I didn't use photoshop this time like I did the first time. I used After Effects to save my movie as a png sequence.
EDIT: I figured out the flashes. There are hidden files in the folders that contain pictures. On windows7 they are "" or something. Pretty much the same as .thumb files that allow you to see thumbnail previews. These must be removed or they will show as white flashes in your animation.
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That makes a lot of sense. Damn windows

well I figured out it may not have been windows! I usually do everything on mac, but didn't have an easy way to zip without compression... so I used windows for that part and the ADB part because it is slightly simpler.
I tried a couple different ways and some terminal commands on mac that also ended up zipping the ds_store files, so I guess they are a file that is hidden when you zip stuff that way.
Anyways tonight I figured out that I can just run the command you listed in step (3) and it works just fine without putting the ds_store files in!
So now after editing my images and videos, I wont have to switch to windows to zip and push them anymore!!!

I used root explorer to replace the
Just backed up my original to my sdcard and then overwrited it with a custom one after.

I just wanted to let everyone know that I will not be around much for awhile, so please do not get upset if you think I am ignoring questions. I am working on a huge project at work (I am a researcher at the NIH, working on a major project from the SSA), and have been putting in 60 hour work weeks. People with terminal illness are dependent upon my work, so it comes before my health, my hobbies, and definitely before a phone. When things settle down a bit, I will become more active again. Talk to you all soon.

Work has been too much, and I had to take a break and make myself a new boot animation. Check the OP for this update.

So I tested this out I was able to get a premade boot ani to work but when I make my own it dosent work I think its the zipping part because I took the orignal boot an unzipped and rezipped just to test and it still dosent work is there an app I can DL on my phone or something special I have to do on my windows 7 7-zip program... I made a family guy boot ani will try to load once I get it to work
Sent from my PG06100 using XDA App

Try changing the zip compression level from Normal to Store after you've added your files to the archive. I think that's what he meant by a zero compression zip file. :S
EDIT: OP states:
The nice thing about GIMP is that it works with terminal commands, so it is possible to resize the entire folder of images with one line of code in the terminal.
What is the terminal command for windows? Where would I find that? Thanks in advance.

If you open the start menue search cmd it will open then in the 7-zip help section under contents cmd line ver then syntax it explains it but I can get it to work termanal tell me that its not a program or batch file
Sent from my PG06100 using XDA App


Boot animation preview

This is a tool for windows that will allow you to preview a boot animation ( file before applying it to your device. If you have the SDK in your environment path, it will also allow you to apply the boot animation to the device. I have tested about 50 boot animations and only had 2 that wouldn't load, and they didn't load because there was an invalid line in the desc.txt file.
* .NET Framework 4.0
* Windows XP or later
* Android SDK added to Environment path (to set the boot animation on the device, if you don't have it in the path, you just cant set it from the app)
* Boot Animation files to open (you can pull one off your device @ /system/media/
This is the dialog to create an animation, it takes a directory, analyzes the "parts" and creates the desc.txt from the values entered in the property grid. Then asks where to save the animation and names it based off the name of the folder.
The other feature that BAP offers, is the ability to export a boot animation as an animated GIF. It will try the best it can to create a gif that will do the animation justice. The export can take some time, and can be somewhat large, depending on the number of images, parts, and "loops" of the boot animation.
Below is an export of the CyanogenMOD 5.07-test2 boot animation
Here is the download for this boot animation, I do not remember where I found to, so if you created it please let me know and I link to your thread instead.
if your interested in more boot animations, here is my skydrive with all the boot animations I have. there may be some dupes in there.
Another way to preview boot animations is type bootanimation from terminal emulator or adb

Change and/or create a bootanimation, the beloved FLIPOUT :D

Hello friends of the forum "XDADevelopers"
This is my first post in the forum, I hope will be useful.
First of all I want to say this I am translating with google translator is that I'm not good with English, I apologize
While waiting for the glorious arrival of some ROM Froyo (Android 2.2) for our FLIPOUT modear or at least get the current version we have a
faster and with all the benefits we want (In this post: there is a rom that I have not tested but looks good )
Perhaps you are someone who wants to get their hands on the system files and make an occasional change, of course, changes do not affect the integrity of our cel, because there are all kinds of tutorials but there are times when things do not go as want and then, goodbye FLIPOUT.
This time I bring a small tuto that can be performed without problems, the procedure is simple.
It is, as the title says, to change and create a bootanimation.
Yes, to change the operator logo that appears in our current bootanimation, in my case "Vomistar."
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
I researched and managed to create some as bootanimation abound on the Internet at high resolutions (for other high-end smartphone) and there is absolutely nothing for our beloved FLIPOUT, so these bootanimation must be unique in its kind in the entire network (I hope not to exaggerate).
Hands to work:
'Before I tell you something, my cel Android is version 2.1-update 1, theirs must be the same.
-So I usually put the operators hand and manage the software and put them on bootanimation with your logo.
-When turning on the cel, the first thing that comes out is a picture called "Splash" in my cel is this:
The mine is the Motorola logo. I want to see yours, take it a photo? And SHARING.
This can not be changed at the moment is a bit complicated (If you're a large)
-NOT CHARGING THE BOOTANIMATION of their respective operations, so I go up, I would appreciate yours to be appreciated.
-To do all these steps have to have your cel "root".
They also need the "Root Explorer" (To access the Android system folders) can be downloaded here (Because the Market is not ): CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD.
Choose the bootanimation they like personally, I like that make some mischief to "Apple"
If you do not like any, below I'll show you to your own
All come in 320x240 resolution, I took the time to square and put a good quality (13MB weighing there, it's worth because they are stretched or pixelized)
Android eats Iphone
Android Apple eats (Apple)
Android created from a "Laser"
Android launches laser from the eyes and destroys logo "Apple"
Android dance
Step: 1
All steps will be using the "Root explorer".
They should know that there are 2 access routes to the bootanimation (I've tried putting in any of the 2 routes of 10 and it worked, but decided to opt
FOLLOWING the path: "data-> local", is simpler because we need not give permission to the script).
One is:
"/ Data / local" = It is not necessary to stick to our bootanimation permissions (I did a backup of the file that was here, come on. Zip I tried to unzip but I could not secure the same thing will happen)
Use this route, do not cause problems.
And another:
"System / media" = To paste the bootanimation here must give write permissions "MountR / O"
Picture 1
This route was the bootanimation of "Vomistar." Leave it well, do not change.
-Copy the bootanimation they like the SD card.
-In "Root Explorer", go to the SD card.
The path is:
"/ Sdcard /"
Picture 2
Diringanse which hit the bootanimation and copy it (To copy a file from the "Root Explorer", should maintain pressure on the file until it comes out options)
Picture 3
Picture 4
Picture 5
After copying the file, they will 2 options at the bottom:
"Paste and Cancel", do not translate to know what it means.
Then go to the route (standard SD card, just go back, use the back arrow)
"/ Data / local" (as shown in the image) and press "Paste" (No need to give write permissions "MountR / O" for this).
Overwrite the file located there.
Picture 6
Picture 7
Picture 8
Picture 9
Picture 10
Waiting and ready.
Picture 11
Reset the cel and see the changes to the load.
Creating a bootanimation is something simple (simple is the uploading ) Depends on the knowledge they have about image editing and video editing, etc, etc.
For this we will use an interesting video I've seen (as for a bootanimation).
Located in the youtube and this is the direction (Or they can choose a video of your choice; D):
Download with Free YouTube and the "No conversion" (or the program of your choice), so that does not affect its quality.
Once downloaded, turn them in. Avi 320x240 resolution (this resolution is relative, can set the size you wish).
For this I use a program called "Xilisoft Video Converter Ultimate 5.1.39," is very good, you can search by Google or San taringa San haha
Because the video has a resolution larger and may have a conflict with the program at the time to take pictures of GIF.
Once converted the file. Avi, paseremos to make picture boxes.
For this we need the help of this small program: GIF Animator 5 is portable and works on version 10! CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD
The run, and let the option:
File -> New
Picture 12
FOLLOWING in the sale, we put on for size: 320x240, otherwise leave it at that.
Picture 13
Now, proceed to load the video into. Avi. For this, press on:
File-> Add video
Picture 14
Once you have chosen our video, the program will ask if we replace the existing table with the start of the video, if you give.
Picture 15
We waited a while, until fresh
Picture 16
Once loaded all the video, export it.
File-> Save-> Image
Picture 17
Next, we will ask a folder to save our video.
Put any name (The program will automatically offer you a number to the tables)
The check "Export all frames" must be selected (by default the images are pictures in. PNG)
Picture 18
Close the program (no need to save, unless you want)
We can see the selected folder is full of pictures
The following programs will use is:
"Adobe ImageReady CS2," look it up in the San Google (I've seen portable versions in Taringa )
Picture 19
To see the different windows editing ImageReady, go to "Window" and activate the windows they want to see.
That matter most are:
By default when you press on the "Window-> Workspace-> default palette locations", you can not see the window "Animation."
In ImageReady, create a new document:
File-> New
Picture 20
Next, we ask that we put a name to our work (Place you want)
And the size, we can: 320x240 (This is the screen size that supports our FLIPOUT)
The option that says "content of the first layer," not very important (I put white)
And we give OK
Picture 21
After we got our picture box (created with GIF Animator)
File-> Import-> Folder as frames
Picture 22
Select the folder and OK. This takes a little bit.
Picture 23
We see pictures of images loaded into a new document
Picture 24
Now for the NEXT window (the window that says "Animation." To activate this window, go to "Window" and activate the check on "Animation") and press the button with the symbol "Play" and choose "Select all tables."
Picture 25
Then we come back to press the botóon "Play" and choose the option "Copy Pictures".
Picture 26
We closed our current window and save the changes, we "No" (Do not worry we have already copied the pictures)
Picture 27
We return to our document created and click on the button "Play" and choose "Paste Frames".
Picture 28
The table comes out, choose the option:
"Paste the selection", wait a while and go.
Picture 29
They stick all the pictures in the "Animation" and in the "Layers."
In the "Layers" delete a file that is named "Background".
Picture 30
Now select all the frames of the video (In the window that says "Animation") Press the "Play" and choose "Select All Frames."
Note: You can also work for separate boxes.
Picture 31
Being in the "layers", copy all layers (To copy all layers at the same time we press the "Shift and control" and Clicking on the first layer and continue holding down shift and control and Clicking on the last layer)
Note: You can also work on separate layers.
Picture 32
Then we went to the "move tool" and pictures to our taste all the boxes of pictures, if we want to reduce or increase (must be selected all the pictures of both windows, "Animation and Layers", remember).
"Display table transformation" must be with the respective "Check", but we can not move nor to reduce the pictures.
Picture 33
With the "Move Tool", proceed to reconcile our paintings.
Picture 34
This is usually a little heavy, remember to be patient
Once ready our table, we proceed to export your file.
Let the option:
File-> Export-> animation frames as files
Picture 35
On next window will name to our work and its details.
Picture 36
By clicking on the "Define" button and put the same options as shown in the picture.
In the name I am putting an underscore and three zeros, because the program will increase 2 more.
In all the pictures must be 5 numbers to run (If you have more the Android system will not recognize it), can have any name, but always 5 numbers, remember. Passing the box 100 the program will increase by more digits, ie, do not look like this: "boot_00100" (So it should be) but rather well, "boot_000100," and has 6 numbers and not work well (This example has 461 frames).
What I do is create 2 folders (call them A and folder B folder) in folder A, I keep the tables up the next name: "boot_000" (The name change is done by pressing the "Set") the word boot bearing 3 zeros.
Picture 37
In folder B, I keep the pictures under the name "boot_00," the word boot accompanied by 2 numbers.
Picture 38
Finally I create a folder C and copy the contents of folder A (up to the table "boot_00099"), also copied the contents of the folder B (but from the table "boot_00100 up") and hit in the C .
Having done the above steps, we now proceed to save the picture boxes. In the "Choose" button, choose the folder where you save your work (remember the above steps, as the 2 folders)
Picture 39
And to finish with the steps guradado of picture boxes.
We see that under the window are the options format. Here we choose the PNG24 format (Must be PNG, but the Android system does not recognize pictures with other formats)
Picture 40
And we ok and wait.
Then proceed to copy the pictures folder A and B in the C and above.
Here ends the editing step and move on to step "Compression".
Now go to the folder contents C (where are our pictures copied).
Then create 2 more folders, create with following the names (can name you want, but here I explain in this example)
In the folder "part0", copy the tables "boot_00001" to "boot_00460."
In the folder "part1", copy the last frame that is "boot_00461"
Additionally we will create a text file (yes, just a simple file with a. Txt) with the name "desc" and add up the next text:
320 240 10
p 1 0 part0
p 0 0 part1
The first line indicates the size (320x240) and the value 10 indicates the FPS (Frames Per Second, the rate of exchange of images)
The second line:
p = defines a portion of the animation (Leave it)
1 = Indicates the number of times to repeat the animation (in this case only once)
0 = This zero indicates a pause (also leave it)
part0 = The folder name (in our case we put the folder "part0")
The second line:
p = defines a portion of the animation (Leave it)
0 = Indicates the number of times to repeat the animation (value of zero means that will be repeated several times until you load the system)
0 = the zero indicates a pause (as in this last folder image sequence ends, we'll leave it)
part1 = The name of the folder.
Finally compress these 3 files, personally I use "winrar" so we teach them how to do this program.
First select the 3 files together (par0 folders, part1 and description) and give a left-click and choose the option:
"Add to archive ..."
Picture 41
The table comes, we will place the file named "bootanimation."
In the "File Format", choose ZIP (Because the. Rar is not detected by the system)
And finally, where it says "Compression Method", choose "No compression".
And we accept.
Picture 42
The file created we will post it to SD and then the "Root Explorer" will be spent on the route:
"/ Data / local"
I hope this post will be helpful.
Remember to share your bootanimation to see how they have left.
And excuse my bad English again.
But I wanted to contribute to this great forum.
And if you know some Spanish and do not understand this post.
I beg to enter this url:
Greetings and good vibes from Lima-Peru
Tanxx mate! tis was helpful!
beast machine
heres mine, its from beast machines transformers intro.
Resized and now working for flipout
For larger screens in portrait

[TUTORIAL] How to Theme Galaxy Ace

This is a guide on how to theme your galaxy ace.
If you do not have the basic knowledge of cmd and folders handling, don't try.
*Not for the faint-hearted*
1. Root is prerequisite. If you're using stock rom, you can obtain cf-root from here.
2. Install android sdk from here. Eclipse is optional. The essential stuff we need is the adb from the sdk.
3. Please make a backup using cwm in case you end up deleting or corrupting your phone.
4. Connect your phone to the pc.
5. Open cmd and type cd C:\android\tools . (Depends on where is your sdk tools folder)
6. type adb pull /system/app/SystemUI.apk (Status Bar Modding)
7. type adb pull /system/framework/framework-res.apk (Framework Modding)
8. type adb pull /system/framework/twframework-res.apk (Twframework)
9. Alright, now edit the .apk to .zip in your tools folder.
10. Open up the zip and replace the mdpi files inside with the one you prepared.
11. After all the changes, change the .zip back to .apk
12. Open cmd and type cd C:\android\tools . (Depends on where is your sdk tools folder)
13. type adb push SystemUI.apk /system/app/SystemUI.apk
14. type adb push framework-res.apk /system/framework/
15. type adb push twframework-res.apk /system/framework/
16. Reboot your phone.
17. Voilà! See the changes
Editing the images:
What are .9.png files?
I won't be using this type of image in this tutorial but I wanted to touch on it for users who want to edit these images.
A NinePatchDrawable graphic is a stretchable bitmap image, which Android will automatically resize to accommodate the contents of the View in which you have placed it as the background. An example use of a NinePatch is the backgrounds used by standard Android buttons — buttons must stretch to accommodate strings of various lengths. A NinePatch drawable is a standard PNG image that includes an extra 1-pixel-wide border. It must be saved with the extension .9.png in your project so it can be compiled when you build your project. This page has a nice explanation of what is required.
If you have decompiled the package (you should have if you followed the tutorial), you will see that the .9.png files have a 1 pixel transparent border with a few 100% black pixels around. You can modify them directly and the border will disappear when you compile the package again. If you haven't decompiled the package, you will see regular images, but modifying them will cause different problems as they will not stretch correctly and might cause incompatibility issues. Credits: Androidforum.
This method is used as some of us do not have ubuntu or linux, saving the trouble installing them.
Lol what about .9.pngs
it should needed to know how to prepare it
You should write in detail if you want to give tutorial
lol they should have the images prepared alr since they want to theme aint it. xD
Thanks man
great wor
Hatem2020 said:
Thanks man
great wor
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Why are you reviving such an old thread?
And for thanks, there is a thanks button!
Please stop spamming!
___________XDA Premium__________
Don't be a noob. Be a newbie..!!
Details here.
well im not using sdk adb and others but i making a themes without that

CIA Bootscreen

Fixed/Updated a old bootscreen I used to use on my HTC Touch Pro 2 PocketPC (yes. from like 7 years ago.)
It's still at the same res as the original version because I don't have the original assets.
Just corrected some typos that annoyed me in the original and updated some text
to reflect newer tech. (CDMACOM to LTE, etc)
1. Use Rom Toolbox to install the bootanimation ( Run RT, Go to interface. scroll down to boot screens. find the zip on your device and hit install)
2. Mount System as RW. Rename file as or (forget which one it is), Copy to /system/media/, permissions should be chmod 755.
Logo doesn't look that great on the computer screen but looks pretty good enough on the phone itself.
(so long as you keep the res at default. 480x800)
You might want to tweak the FPS in desc.txt to your liking. I use between 9fps - 12fps so that by the time
its done. the phone's finished booting. (Preview gifv is at 30 fps or something)

Trim.txt on bootanimation [HELP]

Anyone know what is trim.txt on bootanimation?
can anyone explain how to use it and how to make it ?
Because I see the PA (Paranoid Android) rom bootanimation using trim.txt
You can download from here
in the folder there are also images that do not use a background
Is there anyone here who can explain in detail to me? Or can you make me a video how to use it until it bootanimation ?
The documentation is here:
I tried to get trim.txt to work but even when you specify background in desc.txt it doesn't seem to work, at least on my system.
Although I looked in bootanimation -> and it seems to support trim.txt
Edit: So I solved it. None of the files inside the may be compressed.
The PNG files obviously don't need it, but if the text files (like trim.txt) are compressed they will be ignored.
Usually desc.txt is so small that it will not be compressed, but while trim.txt is longer (and repetitive) it could be compressed.
Easy (-est) solution if your zipper is stuck? Rename trim.txt -> trim.jpg, compress as usual, then hexedit the zip in two places to turn jpg into txt.
The attached file is an example of trim'ed animation. It's designed for 1072x1448 so smaller screens will not see anytihng.
OTOH, this will work with any size display if you adjust the numbers in trim.txt
(It shows a countup in the lower right corner.)

