[Q] Changing boot splash with no USB. Am I SOL? - Droid Eris Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I have an Eris that I need to return.
I've tried numerous USB cables. I've tried on two windows machines (with drivers installed) and a linux machine. I have a replacement Eris that connects with no problem, on the same machines, with the same cables. I've tried connecting once it is booted up, I've tried enabling USB-MS in recovery. And nothing. The phone will charge, but that is it. It is in no way recognized as being connected to any computer. Nor does the phone itself recognize that it is connected to a computer. The only conclusion that I can come to is that there is damage to the physical USB connection on the phone or internal to the phone that is preventing it from connecting.
BTW... the phone is being warrantied due to an issue with the 3.5mm headphone/microphone jack. The phone believes that there is a microphone connected at all times. I doubt these two are connected.
The phone is rooted, and I have a custom boot splash. I can easily return to an unrooted state via the SD card, but as far as the boot splash, I can only find methods that required an USB connection.
Are there any alternative ways to change the boot splash screen that do not required a USB connection?
Is there something I'm overlooking as to why my USB will not connect?

Well, I think I confirmed my suspession on the faulty USB connection. After about an hour of wiggling, connecting, disconnecting, etc, I found that magic spot that allowed it to connect. While connected, I was able to use fastboot to push the new splash. Time to flash a stock rom and put this thing back in the box.

Glad you got it working long enough. FYI the only time I had to exchange an Eris, I had an image of my business card as my splash screen, and I didn't have time to get it off the Eris. They never said anything about it. Some other people have reported returning fully rooted Erises with custom ROMs and not having an issue, either.
If it was my choice, however, I would be cautious like you are being, and put everything back as stock as possible.


Fascinate: Computer will not recognize phone, but phone will still charge

So at some point I soft bricked my phone and I got the Phone -- ! -- Computer screen.
Managed to get it back into download mode, and then unbricked it by getting it flashed to EB01 as instructed in this thread
So now I have EB01, which is working, however there is a new problem.
When I try to plug the phone into a computer, it is not recognized (Says the device has malfunctioned).
I have tried 3 different computers. I made sure I used the cable that came with the phone.
I brought it into the Verizon store, and they were unable to get any of their computers to recognize the phone either (we tried a few other cables there as well)
This is both in download mode and within the OS itself.
They told me to try downloading Vcast however that didn't work either.
So now I'm wondering if there is something I can do to get it to recognize it properly again.
Has anyone run into this situation before and managed to fix it?
I did twice have the phone plugged in via usb to my car, and walked out the car (was talking on the phone), and the USB yanked out, so that could have potentially damaged it (though it still charges, so I don't know)
Yanking it out could have very well done it. Only thing I would suggest is reformatting the drivers and attempting again this time leaving it plugged in and rebooting the computer. If that doesn't work, replacement time.
Do you have "usb debugging" turned on?
Did you activate the connection from the phone after connecting to computer? (mine shows a green screen with a button to activate the connection for mass storage)
beyond that... idk.
redownload the samsung drivers
based on the fact that so many PC's have been unable to connect and the info on yanking the USB charger in the car (I think we have all likely done that - though for me it has happened at work with the laptop<->network cable...) you may have damaged the plug/receptor (not sure what would be proper...).
I would do a visual inspection for kicks, though I am sure there could be damage you cannot see.
I believe that these USB connections are a minimum of 4 conductors (some devices are more proprietary and use more pins to ensure you are using an official cable so they can get you to buy more of their stuff - though some of those pins are not actually wired through the cable, but rather short to each other...). If you damaged only one, that could likely be the reason that you can get a charge but no data comm - and since it seems likely that one of the two data pins would be tx and the other rx, then I could see why teh PC would report the device had malfunctioned...
I am guessing here - logic, please don't fail me...

[Q] USB is broken?

On my TF201, about an hour ago, my USB connection to it just dropped. No loose connections, brand-new cable. I had thought it was just a bug in my USB drivers, so I quickly unplugged/replugged the device. No connection. I rebooted both devices at least 2 times, and still no luck. I figured that I might be able to determine what's wrong by connecting the cord to the wall plug. It charged just fine. after that, I assumed that it was the computer's USB port, so I plugged my phone into the same port. Was able to get adb connected to my phone, no issues. My question is, How could I determine what the issue is, without RMA'ing it or resetting it?
(Also wondering if me connecting a flash drive to the keyboard dock with it showing up for a split second then going away is any indication of anything, I'm just going to assume the worst and say the USB is shot)
I have the same problem bro. I don't know what to do I am be very pissed. I read somewhere on xda a guy had a problem with his epic and took a qtip with alcohol and cleaned the contacts and it worked. I will try this tomorrow and get back to you. I have tried other pc but nothing works and I hate not having root and I add-on considering selling my prime just because of this
Kinda have it working, in the sense that the USB cable, when connected, will make the device show up in Device Manager as an "Unknown Device", but much past that, I'm not sure. I don't have the device near me right now, I will on Monday, but once I can, I will try the alcohol trick, it worked for my phone, and the keyboard dock. (BTW, I did blow into the USB port, and now the devices attached show up for 45 minutes - 1 hour before they disappear, and also, when connecting an SD card into the dock, it shows up, but on the case that the micro SD is not connected in the device (Dunno if it does this normally or what)

[Q] Ready to root, but......

I'm in a quandry. I've had my Samsung Droid Charge for 2 years and while I qualify for an upgrade, I thought to myself it's time to root and see what this thing can do (and hopefully get some extended life out of it).
So I read thru a lot of root threads and how-to's, and was about ready to start setting up, went to connect my phone to my computer with the USB cable that came with the phone (which I have also used for 2 yrs) and lo and behold, there's no connection to the computer. Computer recognizes something trying to connect via USB, but notification on the computer that pops up says "USB Device Not Recognized." Now, when I used to connect to any computer, a screen on my phone would come on asking if I wanted to connect the phone as a mass storage device or media player. That screen doesn't come up any more when I plug in the USB. The phone beeps as if it was connecting but then just indicates that it is charging. I've never had any issues with this before.
I've gone thru the rigamorole of trying different USB ports, different computers, different USB cables. Nothing doing on any of those. Tried setting the phone on "ask on connection" and "mass storage" on different computers. Nothing there either. Tried with USB debugging on and off on the phone. No dice. I have even tried a couple of complete hard resets of the phone, and still will not connect to any computer. Based on some info from other forums I even tried downloading some Samsung USB drivers to my computer (which I never had before and had no problem connecting without), and they don't even seem to install properly. message I get when the install finishes says "Device driver was not successfully installed" and then just shows a list of my printer drivers????? My printers work fine - don't know what the hell that Samsung's Mobile Phone driver has to do with our HP printer.
Spent 45 useless minutes at the Verizon store yesterday only to have their "tech" guy give me the toll free number to Verizon and tell me it was their tech support number. Spent another hour on the phone when i eventually got to a tech support person only to be eventually told that I'm eligble for an upgrade.
Anyone have any ideas for me at this point? Frustrated by having spent waaaaaaay too much time on this already. I'd really like to go root, but I don't see how unless I can determine how to get this thing to connect to a computer again.

sm-n920a error when plugged into computer

I've tried everything I can find on the web to repair this sm-n920a. Any time I plug it into a computer it comes up with a usb error.
I've even replaced the charging port, with no luck. It charges fine, doesn't appear to be any damage, tried 5 different usb cords that are working fine with other phones.
The ultimate goal for me is to update it to nougat, but the ota won't push on it from at&t, and obviously I can't force it to update plugged into the computer.
This even happens in download mode.
This happened to a lot of these phones, the ultimate real fix it seems to be replacing the mobo, but would like to know if anyone has any real fix, or a way to work around it to install nougat. I've tried a dozen things to get it to try to push nougat too with no luck.
Since these phones dont even have an sd card I can't even load files onto it unless maybe by bluetooth?
I wonder if I moved nougat over to it by bluetooth could I then get it to install somehow?
I just verified it's definitely something wrong with the phone cause I can insert a usb dongle that I have and a usb drive which comes up fine on my note 4, but doesn't appear on the note 5...although the light on the usb drive turns on, but it just doesnt see it...so there must be something wrong with the drivers on the phone, or something on the phone end...any help would be appreciated.
usb host check shows usb host not enabled on the phone. Can only "fix" it it appears with root, can't root without usb access.....daaaammmnnn

A10E will not connect to PC. Suggestions???

I picked up a used A10e from the Metro by T-mob version (SM-102U).
Phone has been reset and in general works fine and is unlocked from the carrier. I swapped in a Verison sim and had no problems connecting to the different network. My issue is when I try to connect to the PC. I get a "Check your Charger Connection" pop-up and the PC doesn't recognize that anything is connected. Naturally ADB Devices does not find the phone.
Dev options are opened and I've tried with USB Debugging on and off.
I swapped in a known good charging port and port-to-main connector ribbon and the same thing happens.
I've tried connecting while in safe mode and same thing.
If I connect directly to a wall outlet no message and the phone charges at full USB-C speed.
I have a second A10E and the same PC recognizes that one just fine (where I got the working port & ribbon from to verify its not a simple hardware problem) so my drivers are good etc. Given the above and that the phone is in very good shape otherwise I don't think it's a hardware thing.
Would there be some software from Metro that would prevent the phone from connecting to PC? If so what can I do about it without rooting this guy? (I've spoken with Metro and they advised the phone is unlocked from everything on their end and they have nothing that would prevent connecting to PC...)
My intent is to get the junk cleaned off with ADB PM Uninstalls and get this phone in service asap.
All helpful suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
(as a follow up here, I've learned you can wirelessly connect your PC to the phone with ADB Connect however when I try that I get a response that the machine has actively refused the connection and does not give me an option on the phone to grant permission)

