[ROM] QND MIUI (Multi-Language, A2SD and XPART) 2.3.30r4 2012/9/22 - Nexus One Android Development

Attention: Development for this ROM has stopped. I depended on MIUI releases, and since they stopped releasing for the N1 with version 2.3.30/GB, that is the last I can use. I am releasing R4 as I had promised to fix a few last bugs, but it is now very likely the last one. I don't have the time, and I don't have the N1 any more (it is my wife's now).
Hello all,
My idea with this ROM is to keep it lean and fast, with some tunings but no theming, and with minimal additions (the list is below). I hope you like it.
This ROM started as a no-frills, as near to the basic MIUI as it can be, multi-language ROM. I've made it for myself and have been using this ROM and decided to upload it in case anyone else is interested. In the beginning, it was basically only the Chinese deodexed ROM with the XJ multi-language pack applied, and the build.prop edited and tuned for our N1. No theming, no apps apart from those in the MIUI ROM and the multi-language pack.
I've since added a changed bluetooth audio.conf from here, roenano's 4-way reboot menu (original and credits here), a tuned media_profiles.xml for better photo quality, and the Genie widget for news and meteorology. I use all of these, and they have made my life easier, so I hope they will help you also.
Should be usable with only a cache and dalvik-cache wipe if coming from another MIUI ROM. In case of problems, just wipe everything a few times before flashing - and use AmonRa's recovery.
I will update it every week after the XJ multi-language pack is updated.
Differences from base MIUI+ XJ translations:
Juwe RAM Optimization (replacing part of ROD's tunning)
Bluetooth audio.conf fix (from here)
SIP over 3G is enabled ([email protected] fix)
4-way reboot menu included - thanks to roenano at miuiandrod.
From 1.6.24, I replaced 4-way reboot with the integrated pack adding also track skip by volume press by Andy Thomson
media_profiles.xml changed for higher quality photos - I don't know where I got this one from, probably Rodriguez work
Temasek's libsqlite fix
3G Tuning
Additional tuning (TCP-IP, JPG quality, touch responsiveness) from knzo - here.
System Apps:
Genie widget for news and meteorology added
Car Home
Car Home Launcher
User Apps:
Titanium Backup
Terminal Emulator
Maxthon Mobile browser
User apps with libs removed for now.
Added check for cache partition size and redirection from CM7 to A2SD (was already in XPART)
Beats Audio - original thread here.
- PERSIAN by Spike_M - http://and-roid.ir/Forum/content/
- GERMAN by dRaCID01 and team Germany http://miui-germany.de/forum/index.php
- ITALIAN by Mish http://www.nexus-lab.com/miui-rom-italian-packs
- POLISH by Accid http://forum.android.com.pl/f153/miu...30/#post599933
- DUTCH forum http://www.miui.nl/
- HEBREW by roenano, forum http://iandroid.co.il/forum/topic9805.html
- VIETNAMESE by langthang http://www.pdaviet.net/forum.php
- KOREAN blog by omosiro http://elf9917.blog.me/
- SPANISH http://miui.es/?lang=en
- PORTUGUESE by IoDa Master https://github.com/IoDa00/Traducao-MIUI-PTG
- PORTUGUESE by pdazevedo in this thread http://dl.dropbox.com/u/14372098/miu...PT_trans_3.zip
- RUSSIAN by Xenon007, student926 http://miui.ru/download/full-rom.html
- ARABIC in progress
- FRENCH by mnlk2, Updates by Allezxandre
- DANISH by 1982strand
- HUNGARIAN by slukk
- SLOVENIAN by gepardus
2.3.30r4 released.
Used an updated apktool that should avoid the errors found previously on the translations.
Fixed the alarm clock in English, tested and it finally doesn't FC.
Added what Romanian translations there were in XJ (it is quite incomplete).
Added the extended settings mod.
More fixes to the translations
Finally fixed the alarm clock FC (and possibly also the reboot on superuser, needs more tests)
Once again updated Gmail, Play Store and MX Browser
Beats audio is back on the odex version
Small translation related issues fixed
Reverted the A2SD and deodexed XPART versions to "no beats audio". Since adding Beats Audio makes the ROM too large for a "normal" HBOOT, the only version with it is the one that already needed a changed HBOOT - the odexed XPART version.
Some changes on 2.3.23 - in an attempt to fix the "superuser reboot" bug, I stopped using directly XJs apks, and instead now use the ones directly from MIUI and add the translations. You'll notice that the default theme now is the original MIUI one. Unfortunately, my N1 will still reboot if some app needs to access SMS or an incoming call and only has "ask always" in superuser.
Due to the changes in 2.3.23, please do a full wipe and flash. Don't try to upgrade an existing QND MIUI as it will loop. Please use MIUI Backup, or Titanium, or whatever you prefer to backup and restore your apps.
Now with Beats Audio!
Updated the Italian translation from Nexus-lab.
Odexed XPART ROM available, but will need a changed hboot. Look up Blackrose on the N1 development forum, and change your hboot to 220 system,15 cache. If you don't understand this phrase, stay away from this version.
More dalvik "optimizations" removed, as apparently they now break MIUI.
Had a wrong dalvik setting in the tweaks file that finally gave me a huge headache getting xpart working. Fixed.
Speeded up boot a little, as the sqlite optimization is now launched asynchronously.
Finally fixed a long standing bug on XPART, from Rod's time; you can now wipe dalvik-cache in 4Ext or in CWM recoveries without going into a boot loop. In fact, I now can recommend 4Ext, as Amon Ra's recovery hasn't been updated in a long time, and 4Ext is very much feature complete.
Persian translation
vold mod, to allow fast usb transfers again
MX Browser (alongside the default Miren browser)
Removed libsqlite fix, since sqlite was updated by MIUI.
4-way reboot mod. Vol-skip + 4-way reboot again. Vol-skip was missing the full 4-reboot, so this version only has 4-way reboot menu Both mods haven't been updated, and cause boot loops.
Removed user apps with libs - Terminal, Titanium Backup. Unfortunately support for flashing user apps in the ROM with MUIU seems broken for now, at least for apps that include libs.
Full MIUI changelog here.
ATTENTION: root access now needs to be explicitly enabled in the superuser application. Press the menu key then choose settings to enable root access for "new" apps. Apps that already had root permissions (if you're upgrading) will keep them even with this setting disabled, so you can probably keep it disabled most of the time.
Some more tuning, now from knzo - here
From 1.8.12, there are big changes in the XPART variant! If you had the previous one, up to 1.8.7, please do a backup and a full wipe (5 full wipes to make sure ) before installing the new ROM.
The new XPART is based on Rodriguez XPART, instead of xavierjohn22 version; since Rod based his work in XJ, it is still a derivative, but it has a lot of changes. The most important ones are that the partitions are mounted as loop devices, increasing speed. To add reliability, I've enabled journaling (and for those who tested my scripts between 1.8.5 and 1.8.12 journaling could be enabled or not depending on the previous ROM).
If you don't know XPART is a Data2SD variant that is reputed to be fast and stable.
You can use it with one FAT32 and one ext4 partition, as A2SD, which seems to be the more stable setup, but the recommended setup for speed is one FAT32, one large ext4 (for your data partition), one smaller ext4 (cache), and a swap partition. I'm not that much of a fan of a swap partition, as I am always afraid it will wear out the SD card precociously, but most people report it working well, and I prefer the single ext4 for stability, but YMMV.
There is a great howto by docmjldds in the Rod ROM thread.
Just remember, XPART isn't as widely used as A2SD, and might be less mature. As always, I take no responsibility for any problems.
ATTENTION: XPART will wipe your ext4 partition(s) if it doesn't recognize the format, that is, if it doesn't find a couple of special files that identify it.
ATTENTION: I can't give much support to the XPART versions, as my N1 doesn't like them, starting to heat a lot and ending up by corrupting the SD card. My uSD card died recently, and I got a Sandisk 32GB class 4. It is faster than the Patriot class 10 I had, and XPART seems to be very stable with it.
I'll keep doing the A2SD ROMs, my aim is to make these two very similar, only differing in the specific scripts.
If you want to risk it, the ROMs are here:
minus.com registration link (I really need more space for my ROMS): http://min.us/rQmYdX7
2.1.20 is on minus.com folder: http://min.us/mRkweMyb8#1
2.2.10 also on minus.com:http://min.us/mYZsrGRda#2
2.2.17 on minus.com: http://min.us/mjsrcSYBg#1
2.2.24: http://min.us/mqc94shdF#2
2.3.2: https://min.us/mbil1FJsyB#1
Now also on multiupload -
QND-MIUI-MULTI-A2SD-2.3.30r2.zip - http://www.multiupload.nl/9QVI8HLYD3
QND-MIUI-MULTI-XPART-2.3.30r2.zip - http://www.multiupload.nl/EEIU28QLJD
QND-MIUI-MULTI-XPART-2.3.30r2-odex.zip - http://www.multiupload.nl/QIJMOU0C4F
QND-MIUI-MULTI-A2SD-2.3.30R3.zip - http://www.multiupload.nl/LP167O566B
QND-MIUI-MULTI-XPART-2.3.30R3.zip - http://www.multiupload.nl/UTCH3KSHS9
QND-MIUI-MULTI-XPART-2.3.30R3-odex.zip - http://www.multiupload.nl/OD2JTGTPRB
QND-MIUI-MULTI-A2SD-2.3.30R4.zip (92.77 MB) - http://www.multiupload.nl/9M75IERVJV
QND-MIUI-MULTI-XPART-2.3.30R4.zip (95.07 MB) - http://www.multiupload.nl/8QKVCO7HQL
QND-MIUI-MULTI-XPART-2.3.30R4-odex.zip (96.47 MB) - http://www.multiupload.nl/RFB32PTVOC
Since the idiots at Minus no longer allow uploads of zip files, 2.3.30r4 is now on box: https://www.box.com/s/tl5ncxdbe2a4q7e8bkgj
I removed the old download links, which were broken due to the terrorist attacks on megaupload, filesonic and multiupload.
Other MIUI XJ based N1 ROMs:
[ROM] MIUI-NX | XJ-Port D2W / D2Ext | 1.6.27 | Multi | stable
[ROM] RoDrIgUeZsTyLe™ MIUIMOD [v3.6 FIX MULTI/D2SD] > Stable & Fast for All
1982strand's Twisted MIUI V2 theme
Dark Version
Light Version
A very special thank you to:

Recommended kernels:
Wildmonk's - besides being great in performance and power saving, it seems to be the only kernel right now that works with wifi channels 12 and 13 besides the stock ones in CM7 and MIUI.
Bluetooth audio.conf fix (from here)
SIP over 3G is enabled ([email protected] fix)
4-way reboot menu included - thanks to roenano at miuiandrod.
From 1.6.24, I replaced 4-way reboot with the integrated pack adding also track skip by volume press by Andy Thomson
media_profiles.xml changed for higher quality photos - I don't know where I got this one from, probably Rodriguez work
Temasek's libsqlite fix
3G Tuning
Lockscreen themes:
Configure XJ server in CM updater for English lockscreen themes. Just add the following as the theme server address:
SD Card Alignment:
For extra speed, check this guide on how to partition your sdcard if you haven't done it before. For those with windows, you can always boot a live cd to use linux to align your sdcard. The alignment of data structures on your SD card should give you better speed and less "hickups" when writing.
Or save yourself the trouble, and repartition (after doing a backup on your pc) your sd card with 4Ext, it has the full functionality and is very simple to use. Can even keep your fat32 partition undisturbed and create/change the ext and swap partition(s).

Known Problems:
1.10.23 - various users on the Desire report that sharing to facebook deletes the picture from the gallery. This doesn't happen with google+.
Backup doesn't work on 1.8.5. Flash this zip, it is the fix from XJ with a N1 build.prop.
Market FCs (with 1.7.22/6) - happens to some users living in non-English speaking countries but using the English translation. The "fix" is to change to language (apparently any other will do), open the market (shouldn't FC), leave it 5 minutes, then change back to English.
a2sd won't work properly on a clean install (after a full wipe); this is "inherited" from the original MIUI ROM. Two workarounds are possible, either run "a2sd repair" from a terminal or adb shell, or flash DarkTremor's A2SD on top of the ROM.
[*] Theme Manager FCs on 1.6.10. Installed the Updater.apk fix from 1982Strand, so there might be some strings in English.
[*] Some translations are incomplete in 1.6.10, will upload a new version when the new release of the language pack is available.
[*]1.5.20 V1 - The default desktop, also when installing after a full wipe, is missing MIUI backup, clock, superuser, and some other apps. This seems to be due to the integration of the Multi-Language pack. The workaround for this is to install the deodexed ROM, boot, reboot into recovery, and install QND on top of it. Will see if I can fix it for next release. - Fixed, uploaded V2

Thank You
Thanks for making a default MIUI rom without frills with multilanguage.
It is running great on my nexus one.
I'm a native dutch speaker and love the fact this rom has my language.
I tried miui-au and rodriquezstyle, but plain miui with dutch language, has
my preference.

What do you mean with the build.prop modification? I'm using the stock deodexed ROM and the german package (I love stock experience, the way the MIUI devs thought about it).

rotmann said:
What do you mean with the build.prop modification? I'm using the stock deodexed ROM and the german package (I love stock experience, the way the MIUI devs thought about it).
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The multi-language pack is for the desire, so the build-prop is made for that model instead of our N1. I basically just changed back the relevant parts and added some bluetooth stuff I was already adding to mine as it helped with the car stereo (I don't remember from which ROM I took it, will have to check to give credit to the author of the BT fixes).

jbbandos said:
The multi-language pack is for the desire, so the build-prop is made for that model instead of our N1. I basically just changed back the relevant parts and added some bluetooth stuff I was already adding to mine as it helped with the car stereo (I don't remember from which ROM I took it, will have to check to give credit to the author of the BT fixes).
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I don't think you need to edit build.prop for N1, if you're gonna simply overwrite files under /system/.

Does it support the OTA every Fri PM Asia time? I was using the language pack from miuiandroid.com, but that one doesn't support the OTA update from miui.com.... thus I have to wait a bit longer to get the updated Chinese ROM first, followed by the language pack....
I was checking with miui.com and see if I can help to "translate" the ROM into English and put into their builds.... I really want to get a full English interface with all the miui goodies...

byung said:
Does it support the OTA every Fri PM Asia time? I was using the language pack from miuiandroid.com, but that one doesn't support the OTA update from miui.com.... thus I have to wait a bit longer to get the updated Chinese ROM first, followed by the language pack....
I was checking with miui.com and see if I can help to "translate" the ROM into English and put into their builds.... I really want to get a full English interface with all the miui goodies...
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If you want OTA from miui.com, you have to keep stock Chinese MIUI. No deodex, no translations.

Thanks~ That's my understanding too.... just want to see if we are lucky enough to have that via some great developers here.
LFact said:
If you want OTA from miui.com, you have to keep stock Chinese MIUI. No deodex, no translations.
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Exactly, no OTA updates. But dRaCID01, who relased the MIUI-AU ROM for the N1, is planning to do OTA updates for his upcoming ROM, based on MIUI-DE, with multi-language also. His ROMS are usually very stable, so you might want to give it a try.

Thanks, i also need no frills rom, inside got Vietnamese?

What frills are you talking about - stock deodexed chinese has no frills either :???

bunnahabhain said:
What frills are you talking about - stock deodexed chinese has no frills either :???
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I mean I didn't theme or add anything appart from the XJ multi-language pack. In the future I might add some apps I like to use by default, but that is it. I can't do theming or graphical design to save my life, so I'll abstain from even trying it; also this is basically the ROM I use, I am only sharing it in case anyone else is also interested.

lim_ryan said:
Thanks, i also need no frills rom, inside got Vietnamese?
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I really don't know, but I don't think so. If you point me to the Vietnamese translation I might try adding it in the future, but no promises, I can't even check if it is properly done.

[ROM] QND MIUI (Multi-Language, A2SD, no frills) 1.5.20
Updated to 1.5.20 and XJ multi-language 2011-05-21 Update 1, the link is in the first post.

I just flashed this ROM and can't seem to get a2sd working on it. I downloaded the a2sdgui and it just FC every time, so I downloaded terminal and tried to run:
a2sd cachesd
And that fails as well, am I doing something wrong?

@Jason: I haven't had problems with a2sd on this, so I need some more information to try to find what happens with your ROM:
Did you have A2SD working before?
Which ROM did you have before?
Which recovery do you have (avoid clowckwork's 3.x, use 2.x or AmonRa's with MIUI ROMS)?
Did you try doing a full wipe and then flashing?
What is the size of your ext3 partition?
Did you try running "a2sd check"?
With this or deodexed MUIU I've only had problems with A2SD when my ext3 partition was corrupted (due to some hang or crash). I fixed it the hard way, rebboted into recovery (amonRa) connected using "adb shell", and ran "e2fsck /dev/block/mmcblk0p2", which found and fixed several errors in the ext partition. It probably would have been easier to just take out the card and do the file system test on a linux pc, or just reformat the partition and restore.

Well I was able to fix it, I just downloaded and flashed dark tremors beta 4. Now everything seems to be fine with that, I only see 1 major problem with this rom. Auto rotation in the messaging app is so super slow! It takes 3 or 4 seconds to rotate to landscape mode but it's just in the messaging app. Weird...
Other than that thanks for the great rom!
Sent from my QND-MIUI-MULTI-A2SD-1.5.20 using XDA App

That makes sense, if you were previously using DT's beta 4; it probably will need the same version if you don't do a full wipe, and the MIUI included A2SD is based on a older DT's A2SD.
PS: seems like my ROM is useful after all, counting by the downloads... I was afraid I might be the only one interested.


[ROM] SuperAosp from [email protected] & tolemaC

Special thanks to the creator of the item inexus from which inspired me to give a graphic touch to the rom.
This rom (not a mod) has been developed entirely from the source of Google and very little of Cyanogen framework.
Thanks to Cyanogen and all his staff for the contributions received.
Is installed from the recovery, as always, do not worry if it takes a while to leave the first splash is entirely normal and configuration files running on first boot.
I strongly recommend formatting SDCARD total with three partitions, SDCARD 7.4 GB / EXT3 512MB / LinuxSwap 64MB, you can do from the recovery, but remember to keep you before your pictures and music. This is because directories are created in the sdcard called Android which are recorded in the data I have found to negatively affect the rom. PROVEN!,
This is only necessary in case you want to have Apps2sd or Linux Swap, if not going to do any of those things is not necessary to format the Sdcard with three partitions.
Only if you come from different roms (Donut, Eclair, Froyo) is necessary to WIPE, when coding in Gingerbread from this rom will not need to wipe again to install later roms.
This rom installs itself alone, that is completely reconfigures.
Before installing the rom Wipe recommend because it has many changes. When installed and out of recovery by restarting leave untouched while the LED flashes. At this point I recommend you salteis the account settings to skip giving google and once in the launcher and set podreis rom to your liking. This is because otherwise the phone will Autoconnect the market and begin to automatically download all the applications you had installed and it saturates the terminal because it does hit, besides putting the background image that you had prior to the rom and then you ask me that as it is possible that if I install the rom to wipe the bottom appears to me that I had before. In this way you will do a clean install. Then you enter the market and instalais a free application to refresh anyone that you have installed in the terminal.
Very attentive to you to do restorations of any kind against the rom or program that you can have problems. (I mean backups, including their own SupSetup least in the section on applications), special attention to restore configuration data of any kind. Under the best not to doubt.
SupSetup new V16 in all roms, not serve any previous SupSetup for this rom
The new integrated SupSetup activation brings on-demand applications in the applications section extras, you can enable applications that interest you as the Roma comes in "Lite" (without extra applications installed) so that everyone can choose the best configuration.
It is important before you set up Google account to be activated from applications before SupSetup so that when you connect to the servers to configure your Google account, they enter the downloads section.
After entering the market and to display applications install any application downloads for cool downloads.
Apps2sd is to pass the phone applications both current and future to the ext3 partition, it is imperative not to activate any way to move application to the sd or change from internal to external location application. Simply activate it from the SupSetup without touching any configuration in the Spare Parts or applications from the rom settings.
Apps2sd not activate without at least once you have restarted
- Rom in "LITE"
- New graphical look different from SuperGinger's
- All you had the SuperGinger but since source of non-Cyano Google
- Wake & Unlock
- Always visible Bluetooth Settings (tolemaC)
- Hide clock
- Percentage of battery
- It's part of Cyanogen CyanogenModsettings
- Etc ...
A rom much lighter than any other that you were able to prove, you could say that is the Nexus CSDI One (this rom Magic gave a lot to talk), completely stable and trouble-free calls or anything known, at least tests we are doing we have not yet found any fault.
- You can install more from the extra applications SupSetup
- Google Apps
- Flash Player 10.1
http://cdn.movilzona.es/repos/superatmel/ROMS/SuperAosp/[email protected]
SuperAosp 2.8.4
- unwonked End calls wonk
- Kernel with HAVS
- incognito mode in browser
- User agent in browser
- Fix wifi suspend
- more stable more battery life
- Very fast
- Recomended Adw Launcher EX in mode new vertical for drawer
SuperAosp 2.6
- New intent for fix black calls & sound
- Add ADWLauncher
- New kernel HAVS
SuperAosp 2.2
- Upgrade to version 2.3.3
- Fixed black calls (supposedly) I have no problems with AMOLED
Looks good. Will be sure to give it a go now. If you want i could also make a video of the rom in action? here is the post. http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=966530 If you want me to i will make a video and put it up for you.
wow thanks been waiting for this.
This looks great! Can't wait to try it on my gf's N1
You are like a Dev God. Thanks.
hey guys here's a preview of this rom http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RK_lmre2eh0
Stuart.upton666 said:
hey guys here's a preview of this rom http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RK_lmre2eh0
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Thanks for the video
I have been running super-ginger and it is an fantastic rom overall. I can't wait to try this new one. Hopefully, the dev will have a 2.3.3 ver once it is out in the wild. Awesome job.
What happened to theme Chooser? WILL It work with this rom?
Sent from my Nexus One using XDA App
robotnoize said:
What happened to theme Chooser? WILL It work with this rom?
Sent from my Nexus One using XDA App
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Do you mean the theme chooser that's been added specifically to CM and not part of AOSP?
Oops In the version he made before this 2.6.8 he had it so I figured he would keep it. Never mind
Sent from my Nexus One using XDA App
I seem to be having issues with the A2SD. Apps such as Angry Birds won't install, and also, sometimes after rebooting, none of my apps are there.
Anybody else?
Any idea about battery life? Can i flash Wildmonk or IR kernel along with this rom?
chrisvuong said:
Any idea about battery life? Can i flash Wildmonk or IR kernel along with this rom?
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Im pretty sure you can but it will probably not function the same since super customized the kernel for his rom
is this a spanish rom? any english version? at least on that capture picture its spanish.
dnsmo said:
is this a spanish rom? any english version? at least on that capture picture its spanish.
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It has option for English, only some supsetup is in Spanish
djmasque said:
I seem to be having issues with the A2SD. Apps such as Angry Birds won't install, and also, sometimes after rebooting, none of my apps are there.
Anybody else?
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What is problem with Apps2sd?
Installed this rom and have been using it for about an hour an I'm loving it so far! Excellent job. Seems I have found a new daily rom
Sent from my Nexus One using XDA App
superatmel said:
What is problem with Apps2sd?
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Some apps won't install- Angry Birds, Aldiko eBook Reader. Then sometimes after a reboot, there are no apps installed at all, until I reboot again

[ROM]EUViewpad7 v1.7b (Updatev1.7b.zip for v1.7 users only)

ROM Name: EUViewpad 7
Based on: Stock EU firmware (froyo 2.2.2) for Viewpad 7
This build is for Viewsonic Viewpad 7 and similar devices.
Because none of the other custom roms I could find for this device included my native language as a display option I decided to build my own custom firmware using the stock firmware. I've applied the best fixes I could find in other custom roms for this device and also included some of my own.
Version 1.5
Replaces android 2.2 with android 2.2.2. Some minor tweaks to the framework are added and some small issues are fixed (youtube green bar.)
Since some people still seem to have problems with wifi, mostly due to old settings still maintained after flashing a new rom. I added a small script that removes /misc2/wifi/wpa_supplicant.conf on first boot which should solve it for most people.
Version 1.6
Fixes the market incompatibility found in V1.5. Reverted back to the older market which doesn't have this problem and removed the market updater. Due to an error in the build.prop the stagefright player was being disabled. That has been fixed so quadrant scores should return to normal. s2k7 has provided a non overclocked kernel with init.d support, based on that I've provided an ITE version. This version is exactly the same as the non-ITE version, except for the alternate boot.img. I have not tested this as I do not have a device with ITE hardware.
Version 1.7
- More languages (French, Italian, Spanish, Asian)
- Cleaned up /system to create more free space for file manipulation.
- Updated Apps with new icons for ic_menus.
- updated framework-res.apk with new images and styles
- updated Flash Player to 10.2
Version 1.7b
- Added languages Chinese and Taiwanese (I guess from country strings, can't read it)
- Updated framework-res.apk with black on white menu (instead of white on black) to match the theme.
- Updated browser.apk with new menu icons. Most people will probably install another browser, but I like the stock one, it's very small and light.
Screenshots V1.7b:
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
- Based on official stock EU Viewpad 7 firmware Android froyo 2.2.2
- International display languages
- TJstyle's overclocked kernel with added init.d support
- Darktremor Apps2SD beta 4(requires that you have ext3 or ext4 partition on your SD card; exact procedure to create one is described in installation procedure.)
- Fully deodexed, optimized and zipalligned ROM
- ROM is rooted (latest version of Superuser.apk + su binary installed)
- Custom Boot animation and sounds
- added apps: Hacker's keyboard, Flash Player 10.2, Quick Boot, ES File explorer
- removed apps: Aldiko, Touchpal_M20, stock file explorer
- Modified host file for ad-free
- Enabled HW acceleration in build.prop
- Customized Framework (battery mod, Statusbar and Notification area fully customized)
- Optimized Memory settings (using V6 Supercharger by zeppelinrocks)
- Bulletproof launcher settings.
- Smoothness Tweaks
Installed Clockwork Recovery Partition as described here [TOOL] Viewpad 7 Backup, Root & Recovery
V1.0: initial release - obsolete.
V1.1: Reverted back to EU 2.2 stock wifi drivers. - obsolete.
V1.2: Fixed APN list, added battery mod preview - obsolete.
V1.3: obsolete.
V1.4: New Framework, Smoothness Tweaks, readded Documents to Go, last version based on android 2.2 - preserved.
V1.5: Android 2.2.2 based, enhanced dpi, tweaks. - obsolete.
V1.6: Market compatibility fix, lag fixes, MANY new and improved icons. Alternate ITE version with s2k7's boot.img provided. - obsolete.
V1.7: Added locales Spanish, Italian, French, Asian. Major framework update.
V1.7b: Added locales Chinese, Taiwanese. Added modded browser, black menu. Updatev1.7b.zip for v1.7 users provided.
1. Power down your device.
2. Power on device holding power button and both volume keys simultaneously.
3. Upon power up you will see the birds logo and 'enter recovery' text in the top left corner of the screen.
4. Use the volume keys to step through the menu, power to select and back. (there is bug in clockwork when you press volume keys it jumps 2 steps; to jump one step press and hold volume and then press power to select)
5. Select the "advanced->Partition SD Card" item, next select size for your Apps2SD partition (1024MB recommended), next select 0 as size of swap partition. (Remember that this will delete all data on your SD card, so make backup of SD card if you need !!!)
6. When the partitioning is done select the "reboot system now" item.
7. Using USB cable connection or SD card reader copy EUViewpad7v1.0.zip to root folder of SD card.
8. Power down your device.
9. Power on device holding power button and both volume keys simultaneously.
10. Select the "backup and restore->Backup" item to make a backup of the current firmware in case something goes wrong. The backed up ROM should be located in: /sdcard/clockworkmod/backup/date&time/
11. Select the "wipe data/factory reset->Yes – delete all user data” to clear old stuff.
12. Select the "install zip from sdcard->choose zip from sdcard" item and select EUViewpad7v1.0.zip.
13. After flashing will be done select the "reboot system now" item. First boot may take a few minutes.
Migrate from stock or another build:
1. Make backup of your phone using Titanium Backup (select all user applications).
2. Copy all files and folders from SD card to local folder on your computer.
3. Install Clockwork Recovery Partition, create partition on SD card and install ROM as described in installation guide.
4. Copy all files and folders from local folder on your computer back to SD card.
5. Restore applications using Titanium Backup and reboot your phone.
Downloads: (fixed)
Credits to:
skink123 for creating Cleanviewpad v1.0 and the opening post that goes with it
Darktremor for his Apps2d
tjstyle for his overclocked kernel
googlehome for his work on Cleanviewpad 1.1
s2k7 for the ITE kernel with init.d support
Without the work these people have done on custom roms for this device I wouldn't have known where to start and this wouldn't have been possible.
Additional Instructions
Returning to stock firmware:
To return to a stock firmware, you need to use the SUT L3 software to flash original firmware. Here is a small guide and the necessary software.
Flashing to this firmware before installing an EUVviewpad rom seems to fix the wifi problems some people have.
1. Download SUT L3 v1.7.9
2. Download the following rom:
- Download Firmware 3420
3. Unzip the files you downloaded
4. Install SUT L3 on windows
5. Start SUT L3 and click next
6. Check in the bottom left corner if you see the message: A phone is connected (if it is not, you need to install the correct drivers. You can do this by running setup.exe from the virtual CD of the viewpad)
7. Select the rom you downloaded and click next.
8. Your viewpad should now reboot into clockwork recovery and after a few seconds switch to download mode and start flashing the new firmware. This will take a few minutes after which the phone will reboot and start to the stock os.
After this you can choose to root it with SuperOneclick, install cwrecovery and any custom rom.
Installing Touchpal keyboard:
In Version 1.7 Touchpal keyboard has been removed. Here's how to reinstall it:
1. Download this zip: Touchpal.zip
2. Extract the zip to a folder on your sdcard. (for example /sdcard/touchpal
3. Browse to the folder using ES File explorer on the viewpad
4. Install Touchpal_M20.apk and any language packs you want.
5. Go to Settings > Language & Keyboard and activate Touchpal.
6. Long press any text input field and select Input Method
7 From the list, select touchpal.
<reserved space for future updates>
Seems that I didnt test the wifi drivers included in the v1.0 release as well as I thought. While i have no problems with finding and connecting to my AP I can't get a proper internet connection for some reason.
I've reverted the rom back to the Stock EU 2.2 wifi drivers (have no problems with those) and updated the OP with the v1.1 version. Please use V1.1 and only try V1.0 if you have problems with your wifi. I will look into this some more.
My current wishlist of things I plan (hope) to do with this rom:
- Integrate V6 Supercharger script with best settings for Viewpad7 to improve memory performance.
- Install a nice battery icon (Battery Icon Mod?)
- create a new notification bar (i'm thinking transparent or shaded)
- change the default background
- tweak, tweak, tweak.
It would be nice to eventually set up a Custom ROM kitchen for this device, but for now i'll focus on improving this rom.
Original TouchPAL_M20 is still in the rom, I've remove some of the language packs for it to save space, but I can allways add those back in on request.
LayZeeDK said:
Other feature suggestions:
APN list
New Market
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Good idea! I didn't even know what an APN list was till you mentioned it, but ill try to find the most complete one around and add that to the next version.
By New Market, do you mean the most recent version of the market app preinstalled ? Because this one should just update automagically and work fine, but it wouldn't be to much work to add the most recent one to the rom.
I'm looking into the wifi problem.
Can people with wifi problems on my rom please start up in rtm mode (press volume down and power) and give me HWver and SWver of their device ?
Amalgation said:
I'm looking into the wifi problem.
Can people with wifi problems on my rom please start up in rtm mode (press volume down and power) and give me HWver and SWver of their device ?
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I will do that later
Problem description:
1. Turn on Wi-Fi
2. "Searching..."
3. "Cannot search for networks"
4. Wi-Fi turns off by itself
Bravo, excellent to see someone working on a customized Froyo ROM optimized for our "cute" tablet - spouse's been playing Angry Birds on it and until I can get it NAND and Titanium backed up this weekend when she's asleep, I won't get my hands on it to flash this one.
Just curious whether this ROM support the newer Touchscreen or ITE hardware (I'm assuming that it will since it's based on OS 2.2.2 just like ours for the North America regions.) Please advise before I give this a full run with a full wipe & install. BTW, it connect to our 2 wifi routers just fine (1 in g mode-WEP and 1 n mode-WPA2.)
RTM & related info (as shipped)
SWVer 3.41
HWVer 107
VPAD7 - 2.2.2
FM6-316R (3/22/11)
SUTL3 V1.6.5 (and 1.7.9)
The custom (Froyo Enhanced) non-overclocked ROM I'm running now is based on Froyo 2.2.1 and ITE compatible - Baseband PR3.7_125, Kernel Apps_2.6.32.9 and Build 1008_3_240
Suggestions for the next update -
Status Bar - Interface tweaks by adding Power Widgets (easier to turn on/off wifi, orientation, bluetooth, volume, brightness, airplane mode, etc.)
Also, I changed from stock to ADW Launched, downloaded easily from the "new" Market and installed with Astro FM - as I can lock down the Homescreens so that other "borrowing" & playing with it won't accidently move or delete my desktop icons, etc. etc.
Google Maps V5.9 has been out (and has many useful additions & support for tablets) and so far, it's been reported as relatively stable & NOT prone to FC or reboot, unlike earlier 5.x releases - so it's probably worth the update from the stock 4.5 ?? version as shipped.
I've managed to move some apps & data to the 16GB mSD card but definitely having App2SD or similar will free up internal phone storage space so that I can load more Apps onto it.
Amalgation said:
I'm looking into the wifi problem.
Can people with wifi problems on my rom please start up in rtm mode (press volume down and power) and give me HWver and SWver of their device ?
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LayZeeDK said:
I will do that later
Problem description:
1. Turn on Wi-Fi
2. "Searching..."
3. "Cannot search for networks"
4. Wi-Fi turns off by itself
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i dont get it i have been using the 1.1 from the morning and all works well
wifi,blooth,camara and all no problem
what i did is a full wipe Factory/data & wiped delvi cache
and then flashed the rom and all is very fine for me .Im very happy with this rom
goeie droid-droid
This looks interesting. I only want to overclock and then restore to my present line-up of apps and will be installing mainly to get the overclocked kernel.
Q: Can I skip the whole 2sd process and not partition when installing this? Great and important feature, but no way to back-up my SD right now so would like to skip that and just benefit from the oc kernel. Or will that not work?
Also, could you please clarify what exactly the difference is from CleanViewpad. Does CleanV also have overclocked kernel?
froidsdreud said:
This looks interesting. I only want to overclock and then restore to my present line-up of apps and will be installing mainly to get the overclocked kernel.
Q: Can I skip the whole 2sd process and not partition when installing this? Great and important feature, but no way to back-up my SD right now so would like to skip that and just benefit from the oc kernel. Or will that not work?
Also, could you please clarify what exactly the difference is from CleanViewpad. Does CleanV also have overclocked kernel?
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I think that the main differences are that this has more European languages than CleanViewPad as well as the newest version of Darktremor's Apps 2 SD script. I'm pretty sure that this ROM will function even though you have no ext3 partition on your microSD as the apps are still able to be installed on the internal memory and are - if I remember correctly - installed there by default.
Letitride said:
Just curious whether this ROM support the newer Touchscreen or ITE hardware (I'm assuming that it will since it's based on OS 2.2.2 just like ours for the North America regions.) Please advise before I give this a full run with a full wipe & install.
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This rom is based on OS 2.2, not 2.2.2 and it's using tjstyle's overclocked kernel, which does not support ITE hardware.
My own viewpad 7 on which i'm developing this rom is SWVer: 3.16R (earliest i've seen so far) and it seems that people with newer versions are suffering from the wifi problem.
I'm going to have to do some more research and experiment a little, but it would help me a lot if someone could provide me with a CWM backup of the stock firmware of the newer devices. rooted or modded doesn't matter, as long as it's still stock firmware and not a custom rom.
LayZeeDK said:
I think that the main differences are that this has more European languages than CleanViewPad as well as the newest version of Darktremor's Apps 2 SD script. I'm pretty sure that this ROM will function even though you have no ext3 partition on your microSD as the apps are still able to be installed on the internal memory and are - if I remember correctly - installed there by default.
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Yeah, I tried installing Cleanpad and am using it right now, no problem skipping those steps there so...
So by installing this ROM I get more Euro languages and a newest version of Apps2SD? Excuse me, but I can get the latest version of it on CleanViewpad, it's descriped in its thread here. So unless I want a custom ROM with a Euro language, other than English, French and German, which are included in CleanViewpad, there's no point installing this?
Yes, I believe that's pretty much it sø far, but Amalgation have more things cooking for this ROM and is active in this subforum.
Sent from my HTC Sensation Z710e using XDA App
I've started this build mainly for support of the EU languages in this firmware, and I haven't done much else except integrate the best fixes (imo) I could find. I'm working on creating my own framework mod and improved memory management among other things, but it's a work in progress and for now I try to focus on getting this rom to work for as many people as possible.
So for now, if you're not interested in the EU languages, this might not be the rom for you.
Yep, you're right, and that's good, and so are the languages for whoever might need them.
I'm happy with CleanViewpad as it's problem-free and not too ugly, and basically just overclocked CPU and Apps2SD support. Which is all I'm looking for.
But I'm gonna stay tuned here. Nice that others appreciate this device!
Amalgation said:
I've started this build mainly for support of the EU languages in this firmware, and I haven't done much else except integrate the best fixes (imo) I could find. I'm working on creating my own framework mod and improved memory management among other things, but it's a work in progress and for now I try to focus on getting this rom to work for as many people as possible.
So for now, if you're not interested in the EU languages, this might not be the rom for you.
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i for one am using ur rom for the original touch pal keyboard as im very comfy with the same and ur rom give me around 5MB more phone storage (on ur Rom i have 160MB).As of now its perfect for me waiting for ur future release.
One request can u try working out a CM7 Rom for us
once again thanks for the very nice Rom
I fhashed version 1.1.
A messsage "The process android.process.acore stopped unexpectedly..." pops up all the time.
Annoying ...
Can you give more information. What rom were you using before? Did you do a full wipe? what tab are you on ect..
Sent from my GT-I9000 using Tapatalk

[ROM][ICS 4.0.4][N1][STOCK HBOOT] *5/7* Evervolv TexasIce Cream Sandwich

Thanks to MongooseHelix I am now able to offer Stock Hboot builds again starting with 2.2.0a3.
These builds do not require blackrose or repartitioning. They are meant for Stock Hboots
These builds have full language support for ENGLISH only. (translations etc are present but lacks dictionaries and some specialized (ie non latin) fonts for other languages)
This is not a feature complete build, to save space the following has been leftout:
Not included:
Boot animation
Non english fonts
Newwave labs ringtones / sounds
Non english dictionaries
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Aside from the aformentioned items these builds are the same as my main rom and going forward will be updated on the same schedule.
(5/22) ATTENTION: I'm just gonna let this tread die.
Stock hboot builds will still be available with every release of the blackrose version, but will not be announced.
Download from the evervolv folder on goo.im: http://goo.im/devs/evervolv
The appropriate builds will have 'StockHBoot' in the name (ie Evervolv-Perdo-2.2.0a3-StockHBoot-passion.zip)
Due to space constraints gapps are difficult to fit. I have made a tiny gapps zip that flashes gmail to data and removes all but default ringtones. This package has only the bare minimum to use the market. Unfortunately i cant make it any smaller.
GAPPS TINY: http://d-h.st/VBN
Ringtones / notifications: NOT FLASHABLE: extract to the root of the scdard: http://d-h.st/9Zh
Old builds
Old builds (moved from my other thread)
Evervolv-Perdo-2.2.0a3-StockHBoot (5/7)
browser features (incognito / max tabs)
notification toolbox brightness widget fixes
kernel update: sleep of death seems resolved, built inline with googles gcc per https://github.com/Evervolv/android_kernel_htc_qsd8k
camera fixes (rapmv78)
ZIP: http://goo.im/devs/evervolv/20120507/Evervolv-Perdo-2.2.0a3-StockHBoot-passion.zip
Whats new in p3
Phone: can now disable voicemail notifications (added as many translations as i could so if i missed you let me know)
Lockscreen: experimental new 3way style (silent toggle / unlock / open messaging app)
(will eventually let user choose between lockscreens) (feedback please)
Mobile Network: auto connect fixed? (thanks samuaz) (please report)
New kernel based on tiamat 8x50 w/ smartass gov (please report all problems / fixes)
Note: new kernel does not bring hw accel (everything should be mostly the same as the pershoots one)
Apps2sd: modded scripts.
now has dalvik-cache to sd. just run 'a2sd install' again to activate
swap support (if you have a swap partiton on your sdcard)
new help menu run 'a2sd' without arguments to see
Note: all apps2sd info is logged in logcat. Its at the very beginning under the evervolv banner.
USB: native usb mass storage - almost but not working yet (but we're closer)
Note: even though it doest work we now have some annoying usb and adb icons persistent in status bar. sorry i tried to rush the usb fix into this build and didnt feel like taking it out after it didnt work. (we're gonna start porting new usb gadget eventually to fix this)
Flashable zip: (no gapps) (eng build) Evervolv-Perdo-2.1.0p3-Miniskirt-passion.zip - 85.2 MB
Miniskirt Version for STOCK HBOOT: (userdebug build)
Flashable zip (w/ Gapps): Evervolv-Perdo-2.1.0p2-Miniskirt-passion-tbwake.zip - 87.8 MB
MINISKIRT-> removed: Email Exchange MusicFX
Miniskirt version for STOCK HBOOT: (userdebug build)
Flashable zip: Evervolv-Perdo-2.1.0p1-MINISKIRT-passion.zip - 79.1 MB
Evervolv-Perdo-2.0.0p3-MINISKIRT-ITL41D-passion.zip - 82.4 MB
(Mini/Stripped/Debloat) What ever you want to call it version for STOCK hboots.
Installed system size is 136M that gives you room for some gapps.
Removed: VideoEditor (and libs), LiveWallpapers, AndroidTerm, some of the larger ringtones/notifications, Camera
Removed but available in the Gapps:
VoiceDialer, Calendar, Gallery2, QuickSearchBox, CalendarProvider
I absolutely want the full ICS experience and do not mind flashing blackrose custom partition hboot to get it.
I currently run the other full ICS ROM.
BlackRose is the only way to do it right.
taney said:
BlackRose is the only way to do it right.
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^ Yeah, what taney said.
Better do it right by installing blackrose instead of doing it half-assed. It's worth the hassle, if you could it that.
I voted for Blackrose. I don't see the problem flashing Blackrose on the phone. I tried the full ICS but I need the camera to work so I had to go back to using the Oxygen Rom.
I would vote for blackrose but I tried looking for a guide on how to flash it but I couldn't find any :-\
Sent from my HTC Sensation Z710e using XDA App
ralphconrad91 said:
I would vote for blackrose but I tried looking for a guide on how to flash it but I couldn't find any :-\
Sent from my HTC Sensation Z710e using XDA App
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There is a whole thread for it plus directions in the OP.
ralphconrad91 said:
I would vote for blackrose but I tried looking for a guide on how to flash it but I couldn't find any :-\
Sent from my HTC Sensation Z710e using XDA App
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You can "exercise yourself" following my how-to guide to install Blackrose, prior to install my HyperSense (NAND version)
It's very simple
yup. As the others above me have said,
Blackrose. If people want ICS and the FULL experience, then they wont mind installing it.
No point in putting a cut down version when you already have enough to worry about getting camera and other stuff working.
just my opinion: now that your release is still alpha is good to have the miniskirt version for who don't have Blackrose and want to switch back for a everyday ROM. When it will be at least beta don't mind about this anymore.
thanks for your effort
stock please
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus
Stock please.
Sent from my Nexus One using xda premium
Good point using blackrose hboot vs stock:
- unlock phone w/o icon key at boot.
- fastboot-able
- resize partitions
Good point using full ics vs miniskirt:
- only girls like miniskirt, the man like rom that work w/ full functions.
So i vote ics full! And keep it dont fAt
pgr1979 said:
just my opinion: now that your release is still alpha is good to have the miniskirt version for who don't have Blackrose and want to switch back for a everyday ROM. When it will be at least beta don't mind about this anymore.
thanks for your effort
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I have Blackrose and switch roms without any issues.
I found that restoring after using custom hboot ICS is giving me the frustration.
(of course I repartitioned back to stock hboot after tasting ICS)
It fails nandroid restoring, and Titanium backup is, sort of, a chore for me.
Because I have to manually re-create the home screen again.
So I appreciate your stock hboot versions, until the final version comes out.
Iperzampem0 said:
You can "exercise yourself" following my how-to guide to install Blackrose, prior to install my HyperSense (NAND version)
It's very simple
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that's the key ain't it---
I don't know why people are so scared about blackrose. Only thing that can go bad if you're able to pull your usb cable while flashing inside a timeline of.... let me see.... 0,000002 seconds.
And yes, my N1 is actually my work phone, and I have to rollback after some tests, and I didn't even use the texasice's cm7, I make the original hboot again and then recover my nandroid. And look, I didn't die with that. lol
Yes, I give fully support to custom hboot. N1 is able to run ICS with full power with just a little tunings, really, why people buy a Nexus and doesn't want to use the power that a Nexus phone offers? I really don't understand that.
See my other thread for what works/ doesnt
Whats new in p3
Phone: can now disable voicemail notifications (added as many translations as i could so if i missed you let me know)
Lockscreen: experimental new 3way style (silent toggle / unlock / open messaging app)
(will eventually let user choose between lockscreens) (feedback please)
Mobile Network: auto connect fixed? (thanks samuaz) (please report)
New kernel based on tiamat 8x50 w/ smartass gov (please report all problems / fixes)
Note: new kernel does not bring hw accel (everything should be mostly the same as the pershoots one)
Apps2sd: modded scripts.
now has dalvik-cache to sd. just run 'a2sd install' again to activate
swap support (if you have a swap partiton on your sdcard)
new help menu run 'a2sd' without arguments to see
Note: all apps2sd info is logged in logcat. Its at the very beginning under the evervolv banner.
USB: native usb mass storage - almost but not working yet (but we're closer)
Note: even though it doest work we now have some annoying usb and adb icons persistent in status bar. sorry i tried to rush the usb fix into this build and didnt feel like taking it out after it didnt work. (we're gonna start porting new usb gadget eventually to fix this)
Flashable zip: (no gapps) (eng build) Evervolv-Perdo-2.1.0p3-Miniskirt-passion.zip - 85.2 MB

[ROM] (4/15/12) KlassicROM 2.3.6 for YP-G1 USA + INTL [R5: FINAL]

Klin's Klassic 2.3.6 ROM for Galaxy Player 4.0 USA + INTL​Latest Version: R5 ​
Future updates now managed by hanthesolo here
I have done the best I could with this ROM, and it has been a great learning experience for me. Unfortunately, I don't have time to continue to release new versions, and I feel it's easier if I just mod my own ROM I am using to my personal use. That way I can customize it the way I want without having to suit the needs of others, and I don't have to deal with those who are ungrateful and take any help from XDA for granted. But once CM7 (big thanks to tdmcode) becomes fairly stable, I *might* consider using it as a base and creating a new custom ROM for the public. But for now, I am no longer developing ROMs, but I will still continue my kernel. (BTW, R2 changes are already on GitHub, just need to compile them now)
Well, still, thanks to all those who supported my first custom ROM!
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I've been working on a new ROM, and instead of updating Klassic I will start over completely with a newer and different ROM. Hanthesolo has taken over and will be using my ROMs as a base for his.
As I was messing with my Galaxy Player, I discovered that ROMs for these devices can be swapped between the INTL and USA versions as long as you have the right kernel. This ROM is based off of 2.3.6 XXKPQ for the International YP-G1 but can work for the USA version too. Enjoy
Features (Initial Release):
- Gingerbread 2.3.6
- Rooted
- Overscroll Glow
- Transparent StatusBar
- CRT Screen-off Animation
- ICS Transitions (Note: Use ADW Launcher to get full ICS Transition effects; using Touchwiz will only give you partial effects)
- Custom StatusBar Icons
- Custom Battery Icon
- Roboto (ICS) font
- Custom Themed (Can use UOT kitchen to create your own theme)
- Various build.prop tweaks for performance and battery life.
- De-odexed
- I9000 Apps Compatibility MOD (Can see more apps in the Market)
- Supercharged with V6 Supercharger with Die-Hard Launcher! (Credits go to zeppelinrox for creating the script. You can download and run the script again to customize settings yourself )
- Includes Stock Samsung and Swype Keyboard
- Includes stock Touchwiz Launcher
- Super Smooth Scrolling MOD
- Improved theme
- Touchwiz 4.5 (finally have a version that is fairly stable on our devices)
- Semi-transparent dock
- SGS2 Widgets
- New wallpaper in Wallpaper Gallery
- Beats Audio MOD (credits to RockoDev and fuss132) Use with Voodoo Sound for superb sound playback!
- ShareApp.apk installed
- Advanced powermenu; added Reboot, Recovery, and Download (Thanks Meticulus for helping me sort out some issues)
- Updated hosts file that blocks ads
- Improve touch responsiveness MOD (credits to fuss132)
- More build.prop tweaks
- Meticulus' "DeviceId" hack (fixes some apps; thank him not me )
Now supports INTL players! Flash Steves kernel and then R4 WITHOUT wiping data. Just wipe cache and dalvik cache. (Goes for both INTL and USA devices)
- Reverted to 2.3.5 G1UEKI8.
- Updated theme
- Custom bootanimation support; download any bootanimation.zip, rename it to sanim.zip, place in /system/media/, set correct permissions and reboot (thanks to Meticulus' 'animod')
- Galaxy Nexus boot animation
- Centered StatusBar Clock
- Removed TouchWiz 4.5 due to it being unstable
- Inludes my Modified TouchWiz 3.0
- Super smooth spinners MOD
- 14 StatusBar Toggles (credits to lidroid) Note: Flashlight doesn't work and will result in a fc, so don't use it. Use QuickPanelSettings to customize toggles
- Still includes Advanced Power Menu
- AOSP Lockscreen (you can use UOT Kitchen's lockscreen section to theme)
- Menu key to unlock screen
- Removed "No Carrier" from lock screen
- Settings.apk from a I9000 ROM with more options; 'call settings' doesn't work
- DSP Manager from CM7
- Zipaligned/Batch Optimized
- MIUI Music Player
- Google Talk with Video Chat
- Restored build.prop to YP-G1
- Removed Meticulus' "DeviceId" hack because it only works on 2.3.6
- Still has all MODS from previous versions of Klassic that are not mentioned here
- Added MIUI Music Player that I accidentally forgot in R4
- Re-based on 2.3.6 XXKPQ firmware for compatibility with INTL versions
- Total ICS theme (some parts ported from Vertumus ICS Domination)
- Debloated - Removed several Google Apps that you can get from the Market
- EXT4 filesystem
- Includes my custom kernel, which is based on STeVE's and supports EXT4
- Removed Beats Audio Mod because of video playback issues
- Supercharged with V6 Supercharger using init.d
- Various init.d scripts for better performance
- LOTS of build.prop tweaks
- Removed bootanimation support (will be included with next release of kernel)
All releases are here: http://www.mediafire.com/?fketh01nz1gsq
Installation Instructions in 2nd Post
Special thanks to:
- zeppelinrox for his V6 Supercharger
- SteveS for his custom kernel
- Choucas06 for making a dump of the 2.3.6 firmware a while ago.
- Entropy512, rumirand, Meticulus, and many others not mentioned here.
- XDA for this forum
- Lastly, thank YOU for being part of this community.
If you like my ROM, please click 'thanks'. It keeps me encouraged to continue to share my work.
Please don't post errors or issues unless you have DONE A WIPE DATA/FACTORY RESET and still have those issues. Seriously, a simple reset can solve all sorts of problems.
How to Install:
Note: If you are updating from a previous version of Klassic, you most likely do not need to wipe data/factory reset, but still wipe cache and dalvik-cache for best results.
1. Install the appropriate Steve's kernel for your device (USA or INTL) from here and make a CWM backup just in case anything goes wrong.
2. Download the file klassic_2.3.6.rar from the download link.
3. Extract the .rar file.
4. Boot into download mode and connect to your PC. Make sure you have Kies installed so you have the USB Drivers.
4. Open Odin, check the PDA box and select klassic_2.3.6.tar.
5. Do NOT use a PIT file or select repartition.
6. Click start, and wait for it to finish flashing.
7. After flashing, boot into CWM recovery, 'wipe cache partition', and 'wipe dalvik cache'. This is VERY important and can fix bootlooping.
8. It is recommended to do a 'wipe data/factory data reset', but if you don't have any problems with the new ROM then you don't have to.
9. Reboot, and now you have your new ROM!
If you appreciate my work and want to encourage me to keep developing, don't post "thanks", just click it!
I download it and test it.
Give you feedback later
I love it.
Tested it and works good
But i replaced it with my own theme
So, has anyone noticed what is different about the 2.3.6 update? Thanks for your work klin1344
Finally a ROM for my Galaxy Player. Will it be possible to make it a clockwork zip?
NightHawk877 said:
Finally a ROM for my Galaxy Player. Will it be possible to make it a clockwork zip?
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Probably not, because this ROM can work with stock kernels that don't have CWM.
klin1344 said:
Probably not, because this ROM can work with stock kernels that don't have CWM.
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Here is my problem. Odin doesn't work in 64 bit Windows for me and it obviously doesn't work in Ubuntu. Can't use Heimdall because the Galaxy Player isn't supported. I'm already running a custom kernel.
I am currently working on smooth scrolling mod and advanced power menu mod. They will probably be included in r2. Also, I suggestions/ideas for new features are welcome, just don't say unreasonable stuff like cm9 or something cuz this is all pretty new to me and I'm not a real dev.
NightHawk877 said:
Here is my problem. Odin doesn't work in 64 bit Windows for me and it obviously doesn't work in Ubuntu. Can't use Heimdall because the Galaxy Player isn't supported. I'm already running a custom kernel.
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Maybe you could look over here:
It seems like someone got Heimdall working on the Galaxy players. If you try that and it doesn't work, then I will consider making it CWM compatible.
Edit: wait... Are you sure Odin doesn't work in 64 bit Windows? I have a computer with 64 bit Windows 7 and flashing with Odin worked for me.
Ok, tested it on 64bit.
result as of now: Infinite Bootloop at start up.
Can someone extract me the /system folder of a YP-G1?
It loops after the kernel.
As i have CWM i can look in Logs and so on, when some can say me where i find this logs.
Thank you.
klin1344 said:
I am currently working on smooth scrolling mod and advanced power menu mod. They will probably be included in r2. Also, I suggestions/ideas for new features are welcome, just don't say unreasonable stuff like cm9 or something cuz this is all pretty new to me and I'm not a real dev.
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voodoo sound mandatory I would say
Tecardo said:
Ok, tested it on 64bit.
result as of now: Infinite Bootloop at start up.
Can someone extract me the /system folder of a YP-G1?
It loops after the kernel.
As i have CWM i can look in Logs and so on, when some can say me where i find this logs.
Thank you.
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Did you wipe dalvik cache and cache?
Yes... I think i need a odin or cwm flash file for /data and /system. Cause /data is empty after flashing...
I thought that CWM doesn't flash /data. So i need a factory reseted /data.
Mike Leitner.
Tecardo said:
Yes... I think i need a odin or cwm flash file for /data and /system. Cause /data is empty after flashing...
I thought that CWM doesn't flash /data. So i need a factory reseted /data.
Mike Leitner.
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OK I'm confused. This ROM only flashes /system. Please be as specific as possible and explain exactly what is wrong now and what you did to get there.
For now, and you could try wipe data/factory reseted in CWM.
Silly me. I forgot to install Kies after I overhauled my computer. Now it works great.
Do I actually need Kies to install this rom, or just the Samsung USB drivers that Win7 installed afterward?
The reason I ask is that I keep getting a connection error in Kies, telling me to connect in Studio Mode. This is after installing and uninstalling 3 different Kies versions from 2.0xxx to 2.1xxx. After trying to connect unsuccessfully for about an hour, I got pissed off and uninstalled Kies but the USB drivers are still installed.
Thanks for making this rom and thanks for any advice.
Mike T
webdroidmt said:
Do I actually need Kies to install this rom, or just the Samsung USB drivers that Win7 installed afterward?
The reason I ask is that I keep getting a connection error in Kies, telling me to connect in Studio Mode. This is after installing and uninstalling 3 different Kies versions from 2.0xxx to 2.1xxx. After trying to connect unsuccessfully for about an hour, I got pissed off and uninstalled Kies but the USB drivers are still installed.
Thanks for making this rom and thanks for any advice.
Mike T
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As long as odin recognizes your player, then you are good to go and can flash the ROM.


After flashing latest full version of CM7.2 RC1 by vo-1 [19/3/12] I found that:
* Rom seems to be based upon latest official CM7.2 RC1, if not all at least partially.
* Proximity Sensor works
* Torch works
* Bluetooth works
* Link2sd works
* Includes latest Google Play 3.4.7
* Includes lagloose's GPS/Sensors fix as the gpsd file exists now in system/bin
* Latest Google Maps work, no force closes, very fast
* No lag after disabling live wallpaper and tweak cyanogenmod settings
* Blackhawk OC Kernel included
* Fast rom, no lag
* FOTA KILL which is included in stock roms exists in system/app which didn't by now. Don't know why but I am sure there is a reason
* UPDATE: Battery life is very good. After 2 days of testing I can say that it does nor drain fast.
After that, I think we need the appropriate people to do these:
1. Deodex versions for both full and update rom. Clean versions, no things added or removed. DONE = Check 2nd post
2. FrameworkMod (30 volume steps) for both odex and deodexed DONE = Check 2nd post
3. Pdroid Patch DONE = Check 2nd post
4. I don't know much but I definately know how to prepare ICS Layouts 012 by achep (ready for flash) for deodex version DONE = Check 2nd post
Seems like this rom is reaching everybody's expectations. Please feel free to discuss your experience.
Small issue: Still when opening radio bluetooth activates too. If I recall on nightly that wasn't happening. Correct me If I am wrong
1. Deodex version prepared by me using xultimate. Link below is the latest full version, not the update from previous versions. Tested and working 100%
DOWNLOAD: Full CM7.2 RC1 by vo-1 24.4.12 DEODEX
2. Deodex version prepared by me using xultimate. Link below is the update from previous versions
DOWNLOAD: Update CM7.2 RC1 by vo-1 24.4.12 DEODEX
1. Deodex version prepared by me using xultimate. Link below is the latest full version, not the update from previous versions. Tested and working 100%
DOWNLOAD: Full CM7.2 RC1 by vo-1 26.3.12 DEODEX
2. Deodex version prepared by me using xultimate. Link below is the update from previous versions
DOWNLOAD: Update CM7.2 RC1 by vo-1 26.3.12 DEODEX
1. Deodex version prepared by me using xultimate. Link below is the latest full version, not the update from previous versions. Tested and working 100%
DOWNLOAD: Full CM7.2 RC1 by vo-1 19.3.12 DEODEX
2. Deodex version prepared by me using xultimate. Link below is the update from previous versions
DOWNLOAD: Update CM7.2 RC1 by vo-1 19.3.12 DEODEX
3. FrameworkMod for DEODEX prepared by LPFinch
DOWNLOAD: FrameworkMod vo-1 19.3.12 DEODEX
4. FrameworkMod for ODEX prepared by LPFinch
DOWNLOAD: FrameworkMod vo-1 19.3.12 ODEX
5. FrameworkMod for ORIGINAL prepared by LPFinch
DOWNLOAD: FrameworkMod vo-1 19.3.12 ORIGINAL
6. PDroid Patch prepared by Toxina - DEODEX ONLY (original post here)
DOWNLOAD: PDroid Patch for 19.3.12 CM7.2 RC1 by vo-1 DEODEX
7. Status Bar Now Supports Transparency - DEODEX ONLY. Prepared by me on UOT Kitchen (for transparency to appear you need CM7 Theme Chooser themes that support that) Install guide here
DOWNLOAD: SystemUI.apk
8. ICS Layouts 012 by Achep prepared by me using latest acpatcher5.1 - DEODEX ONLY - DOES NOT SUPPORT STATUS BAR TRANSPARENCY - TO BE USED ONLY WITH SYSTEM DEFAULT SystemUi.apk
Follow instructions or see post41
DOWNLOAD: ICSLayouts v012-patch.zip + ICSLayouts v012-undo.zip
9. ICS Layouts 012 by Achep prepared by me using latest acpatcher5.1 - DEODEX ONLY - SUPPORTS STATUS BAR TRANSPARENCY.
DOWNLOAD: ICSLayouts v012 Trans-patch.zip + ICSLayouts v012 Trans-undo.zip
ATTENTION: First replace your SystemUi.apk with the one I provide above and only that, and then start the procedure for the layouts. Other way round will not work!
10. ICS Theme by Achep modded exclusively for vo-1's rom prepared by me
DETAILS, SCREENS AND DOWNLOAD: Modded ICS Theme exclusively for vo-1's rom
11. Roboto font (all versions) to match ICS Theme and Layouts very brief tutorial by me
INSTRUCTIONS AND DOWNLOAD: Roboto font (all versions)
I'm having lots of problems with Titanium Backup Pro, I get FC on scroll, it fails to restore properly. That was an update of 19.03 over 15.03 (clear cache and dalvik), 15.03 was a fresh clean install (format /system and everything else!) which was working OK. Uninstall / reinstall of TB didn't solve it, I wasn't happy to delete my TB backups so reverted to official RC1. It's very rare to get TB problems, which surprised me.
itasoulas said:
After flashing latest full version of CM7.2 RC1 by vo-1 [19/3/12] I found that:
* Rom seems to be based upon latest official CM7.2 RC1, if not all at least partially.
* Proximity Sensor works
* Torch works
* Bluetooth works
* Link2sd works
* Includes latest Google Play 3.4.7
* Includes lagloose's GPS/Sensors fix as the gpsd file exists now in system/bin
* Latest Google Maps work, no force closes, very fast
* No lag after disabling live wallpaper and tweak cyanogenmod settings
* Blackhawk OC Kernel included
* Fast rom, no lag
* FOTA KILL which is included in stock roms exists in system/app which didn't by now. Don't know why but I am sure there is a reason
* Battery life is still under investigation. To be reported soon!
After that, I think we need the appropriate people to do these:
1. Deodex versions for both full and update rom. Clean versions, no things added or removed.
2. FrameworkMod (30 volume steps) for both odex and deodexed
3. Pdroid Patch
4. I don't know much but I definately know how to prepare ICS Layouts by achep (ready for flash) for deodex version
Seems like this rom is reaching everybody's expectations. Please feel free to discuss your experience.
Small issue: Still when opening radio bluetooth activates too. If I recall on nightly that wasn't happening. Correct me If I am wrong
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Great review man, I agree with all of your observations and about battery, 15/03/12 version was having serious battery draining problems for me, I will be updating this post after a day or so to let you know about 19/03 version.
UPDATE: battery seems to be draining at a similar rate, I changed to smartassv2 and it seems to be a bit better, I used to keep it with performance governor @883Mhz, it had never given such battery draining problem in the past, I will move away from it now.
iandol said:
I'm having lots of problems with Titanium Backup Pro, I get FC on scroll, it fails to restore properly. That was an update of 19.03 over 15.03 (clear cache and dalvik), 15.03 was a fresh clean install (format /system and everything else!) which was working OK. Uninstall / reinstall of TB didn't solve it, I wasn't happy to delete my TB backups so reverted to official RC1. It's very rare to get TB problems, which surprised me.
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Trying now with 4.8.4 Pro version. No FC's while scolling, backing up completed succesfully. I flashed the full version over XWKT7. Don't know why this happened to you and it's really weird problem which I doubt it has to do with rom functionality.
iandol said:
I'm having lots of problems with Titanium Backup Pro, I get FC on scroll, it fails to restore properly. That was an update of 19.03 over 15.03 (clear cache and dalvik), 15.03 was a fresh clean install (format /system and everything else!) which was working OK. Uninstall / reinstall of TB didn't solve it, I wasn't happy to delete my TB backups so reverted to official RC1. It's very rare to get TB problems, which surprised me.
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I didn't experience any problem with TB, I restored my whole 50+ apps with no problems at all in a single batch operation, the only problem I am facing is google Play FCing on me, I will try reflashing gapps and post about results.
Kasnar said:
I didn't experience any problem with TB, I restored my whole 50+ apps with no problems at all in a single batch operation, the only problem I am facing is google Play FCing on me, I will try reflashing gapps and post about results.
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so far no problems with me with google play. Tried installing some apps, all OK! Maybe the update process from one veriosn to another creates the problem. If possible I suggest testers to try a clean install with the full version over a stock rom.
Kasnar said:
the only problem I am facing is google Play FCing on me
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Ha, Google Play was working fine for me on 19.03, but was FC going back to my CWM 14.03officialRC1 backup -- my titanium restore on 14.03 of google play from 19.03 fixed the FC...
I manage to make things work with xultimate. Testing now and it's deodexing. Probaby tomorrow late night I'll post the deodex version of 19/3/12
iandol said:
Ha, Google Play was working fine for me on 19.03, but was FC going back to my CWM 14.03officialRC1 backup -- my titanium restore on 14.03 of google play from 19.03 fixed the FC...
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Flashing latest gapps fixed by FC problem, is all good in the hood, if anyone is interested, i used this to get it fixed:
Credits to chemicalrage for latest gapps package...
CHECK 2nd Post - Updated with Deodex Version prepared by me (FULL)
Do any of you use Waze? I have never had any problem with it on any rom before, but on this one specifically it closes whenever I try to navigate, I have tried reinstalling, deleting all data, etc, etc and it doesn't work. The app hasn't been upgraded since Feb 23rd so it has to be something with this rom. Just wondering if anyone else is having these kind of issues.
UPDATE: I flashed lagloose's patch and I got a much faster lock, it is included originally but also a bunch of other libs, so on that part at least I got better locks after patching, But waze keeps closing down, it is not a force close, I don't get any kind of pop up, it simply closes abruptly, what a bummer, I use freaking waze everyday, GPS is an important thing to me
Kasnar said:
Do any of you use Waze? I have never had any problem with it on any rom before, but on this one specifically it closes whenever I try to navigate, I have tried reinstalling, deleting all data, etc, etc and it doesn't work. The app hasn't been upgraded since Feb 23rd so it has to be something with this rom. Just wondering if anyone else is having these kind of issues.
UPDATE: I flashed lagloose's patch and I got a much faster lock, it is included originally but also a bunch of other libs, so on that part at least I got better locks after patching, But waze keeps closing down, it is not a force close, I don't get any kind of pop up, it simply closes abruptly, what a bummer, I use freaking waze everyday, GPS is an important thing to me
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If it was backed up with titanium and restored, uninstall app, reboot phone and clear cache, reboot, restore again with titanium BUT ONLY THE APP NOT IT'S DATA! Other users reported problems with titanium fc but others don't so I guess It has to do with the update prosses of the rom?
I use gps a lot also but can't try that today. But I am sure it's not the rom. Try if possible for you to to a clean install of the full version!
To solve my Titanium Backup problems, I had to delete the persistent settings saved by TB to the /sdcard/ -- so something in the settings setup seemed to trigger this specifically for the 19-03 build.
Check 2nd Post - Updated with update version prepared by me and mediafire links for frameworkmod (odex, deodex, original) prepared by LPFinch
Can we have a more detailed review of this release, please?
I would like to know how performance and battery life compares to stock rom with moderate usage (I don't play games much, but I do browse the internet over Wi-Fi and 3G for 3hr/d). Also, is the phone fully functioning (gps, compass, etc)?
I can't move from stock if i'm losing reliability. Hope someone can report.
shatteringlass said:
Can we have a more detailed review of this release, please?
I would like to know how performance and battery life compares to stock rom with moderate usage (I don't play games much, but I do browse the internet over Wi-Fi and 3G for 3hr/d). Also, is the phone fully functioning (gps, compass, etc)?
I can't move from stock if i'm losing reliability. Hope someone can report.
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Since this is only 1 day old we don't have sufficient detailed reports. But I don't think anyone here will complain about vo-1's rom. Previous version were great, this one is awesome. But again friend, you have to try things aout by yourself. If everyone were playing safe we wouldn't have such great roms here. The only thing I can say is that the functions you mention work great!
ok, thank you buddy! i'm going straight for a nandroid and a flash...will try and report myself. I was asking because I've flashed much in the past week and really didn't feel like wasting time...I am now on AdrenalineROM and it's good, so I really don't know what to expect more! After all, our phone has its limits.
itasoulas said:
If it was backed up with titanium and restored, uninstall app, reboot phone and clear cache, reboot, restore again with titanium BUT ONLY THE APP NOT IT'S DATA! Other users reported problems with titanium fc but others don't so I guess It has to do with the update prosses of the rom?
I use gps a lot also but can't try that today. But I am sure it's not the rom. Try if possible for you to to a clean install of the full version!
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I reflashed clean from stock rom, with 3x wipe, deleted waze folder on sd and reinstalled clean from market (not TB restore) and still the problem persisted, I also tried flashing your deodexed version to no avail, I noticed that it also happened to me playing angry birds, I even tried underclocking thinking it could have something to do with high cpu utilization, no fix.
Flashed FAT CM7 clean and no problems whatsoever, I will stick to FAT for the time being, in my opinion both roms are nearly 100% functional with no issues pretty much. Thanks for all the suggestions and good luck
Kasnar said:
I reflashed clean from stock rom, with 3x wipe, deleted waze folder on sd and reinstalled clean from market (not TB restore) and still the problem persisted, I also tried flashing your deodexed version to no avail, I noticed that it also happened to me playing angry birds, I even tried underclocking thinking it could have something to do with high cpu utilization, no fix.
Flashed FAT CM7 clean and no problems whatsoever, I will stick to FAT for the time being, in my opinion both roms are nearly 100% functional with no issues pretty much. Thanks for all the suggestions and good luck
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Don't know what to say, I installed Angry Birds form Market, played about 5 minutes. No fc, smooth gaming! If you are happy with FAT Rom then I am happy too!!! I haven't found myself any issues, and I don't need to lie about this as I am not getting paid for anything. I am just a great supporter of vo-1's rom

