WTF is this supposed to be? - HTC EVO 3D

Yayz, a new innovative super fail with the same crappy operating system. Apple, take your sorry excuse for a phone and shove it.
My ''xDU4L C0R3 SH00T3Rx'' shot you down in 3D! -Security Off-

Blehh, iP5 will the the same old **** like iP4 and only thing is it'll be behind our 3vo as always. I'm so sick of iOS because it's fcking boring as hell that you can't do sh1t with it. I figured everything out in 5 minutes and that's all there is.
Droid, on the other hand...DAMN! is all I can say.

I'm sure that's just a sexy concept.
I will always admit that iPhone. Hardware is sexy. Well made and great feeling.
I hate the software. Its made too easy and in that loses way too much functionality. Closed system, and controlled by a fearful tyrant who is noe all about suing the competition rather than just making his **** better.
Source of photos?
Are We Not Phones?
We Are D3VO!
Are we not phones?!

APPY Geek:
My ''xDU4L C0R3 SH00T3Rx'' shot you down in 3D! -Security Off-

Looks like a door stop... And why in the 3d section

felacio said:
I'm sure that's just a sexy concept.
I will always admit that iPhone. Hardware is sexy. Well made and great feeling.
I hate the software. Its made too easy and in that loses way too much functionality. Closed system, and controlled by a fearful tyrant who is noe all about suing the competition rather than just making his **** better.
Source of photos?
Are We Not Phones?
We Are D3VO!
Are we not phones?!
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If they are so well made then why do I see SO MANY OF THEM with broken screens... And Let me just say I worked for AT&T at one point. 90% of the people who bought the last iPhone were pissing and moaning about not getting signal. That's a piss poor design.
On a separate note... What's with their obsession with making such thin bezels? That will make putting a case on it somewhat of a challenge at some point... They already break easily enough as it is.

Killa357 said:
If they are so well made then why do I see SO MANY OF THEM with broken screens... And Let me just say I worked for AT&T at one point. 90% of the people who bought the last iPhone were pissing and moaning about not getting signal. That's a piss poor design.
On a separate note... What's with their obsession with making such thin bezels? That will make putting a case on it somewhat of a challenge at some point... They already break easily enough as it is.
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Probably because SO MANY OF THEM are sold ...
But..yeah, you got me on the signal thing. Lol.
Verizon version doesn't really have that issue though.
Are We Not Phones?
We Are D3VO!
Are we not phones?!

Introducing the Iphone AIR , Filled with Steve Jobs own a$$ gas . Order yours today and stand in lines for hours to get yours !

vboyz103 said:
Blehh, iP5 will the the same old **** like iP4 and only thing is it'll be behind our 3vo as always. I'm so sick of iOS because it's fcking boring as hell that you can't do sh1t with it. I figured everything out in 5 minutes and that's all there is.
Droid, on the other hand...DAMN! is all I can say.
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And that's why it wins most of the time, believe or not a lot people like easy things, that's why iPhone is famous, but we all diferent
To the Op the thing doesn't look appealing, i'm a iPhone user and like the iPhone 4 look way more, I don't believe it till apple announces the next iPhone
If you don't have an Evo3d well you don't have an Evo3d

LOL Clark W. Griswold...

First off that's just a fake mockup.
Second off, why the **** does everybody have an issue with the iPhone? Them ****s are excellent phones and have great developer support and app quality is definitely better than any Market app out there when you compare equivalent apps. Especially when it comes to games(or the Android's lack of). Plus JBing solves a ****load of the "omg i can't customize so I'm gonna die" BS.
True Android can do a bunch of **** iOS can't, but you guys act like Jobs came over and personally did something wrong to you.
Grow up already.

1. thats ugly
2. that double-screened phone should have used those screen edges
and 3, the most, most, most important for my clumsy behind: a good, rugged, drop-me-in-water, drop-me-on-concrete, throw-me-through-the-wall-and-i-still-work phone case

ReinMaker said:
First off that's just a fake mockup.
Second off, why the **** does everybody have an issue with the iPhone? Them ****s are excellent phones and have great developer support and app quality is definitely better than any Market app out there when you compare equivalent apps. Especially when it comes to games(or the Android's lack of). Plus JBing solves a ****load of the "omg i can't customize so I'm gonna die" BS.
True Android can do a bunch of **** iOS can't, but you guys act like Jobs came over and personally did something wrong to you.
Grow up already.
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You obviously don't know that Apple is suing the largest phone manufacturers.
He's trying to stop high-end Android phones from being imported into the US.
That's our beef with Steve Jobs.

spencer88 said:
You obviously don't know that Apple is suing the largest phone manufacturers.
He's trying to stop high-end Android phones from being imported into the US.
That's our beef with Steve Jobs.
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Yeah I know about them, these types of disputes and lawsuits between big giants happen every day, it's a part of business. If Apple wins, then those manufacturers were at fault, if they don't win, then we see Apple was at fault.
If these imports are stopped, well sucks for those companies, I'm sorry to say that, even if I do love and enjoy their products. There's a reason they would have lost and the courts decide the outcome.
Plus this Apple hate has been going on way before that. No need to lash out hate every time someone mentions a damn iPhone. Apple started this ****, and others followed. Be thankful we have such awesome phones today, and it's because of Apple, whether people like to admit it or not.

wow, how the hell are cases going to fit on that?
Kiss Q & P goodbye.

ReinMaker said:
Jobs came over and personally did something wrong to you.
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He's trying to ban (not simply sue) every competing device on the market.
I respect how for its got us competitively, but as of today = screw him & his product.
I don't like my options being stepped on or tested against over a broken patent system. Hell even Apple is getting done in by it.

Noiro said:
He's trying to ban (not simply sue) every competing device on the market.
I respect how for its got us competitively, but as of today = screw him & his product.
I don't like my options being stepped on or tested against over a broken patent system. Hell even Apple is getting done in by it.
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Business as usual. This is what corporations do. Samsung is also trying to do the reverse.
At the end of the day, it will all be settled out of court and most probably won't affect us much, if at all. And I agree, its the broken patent system, which every damn company out there tries to take advantage of.
Apple also gets sued a lot as well. It's all about greed. Why let competitors infringe on your patents to make money off your stuff? That's their thinking.

As usual fake android fanboys hating on apple; when do you EVER hear people complain of hardware issues with iphones? Almost ****ing never, any iphone hardware issue is user error because they're probably a dumb ass. Software, who gives a **** about open or closed. That argument is stupid and you sound dumb for saying it. How is android so called open source but HTC never (or takes ages) to release source code or unlock their own bootloaders. Why does iphone have to be "open" for it to be great? Why be mad because apple rules with an iron fist and actually knows how to make a decent product? Im no where near an apple fan boy just technology lover who went through 4 evo 3D's due to hardware issues/defects. Not to mention i owned 3 evo 4G's because of light leakage; HTC got popluar made their money now their hardware is dog ****. The end
Oh yeah nice concept pics!

dirkyd3rk said:
As usual fake android fanboys hating on apple; when do you EVER hear people complain of hardware issues with iphones? Almost ****ing never, any iphone hardware issue is user error because they're probably a dumb ass. Software, who gives a **** about open or closed. That argument is stupid and you sound dumb for saying it. How is android so called open source but HTC never (or takes ages) to release source code or unlock their own bootloaders. Why does iphone have to be "open" for it to be great? Why be mad because apple rules with an iron fist and actually knows how to make a decent product? Im no where near an apple fan boy just technology lover who went through 4 evo 3D's due to hardware issues/defects. Not to mention i owned 3 evo 4G's because of light leakage; HTC got popluar made their money now their hardware is dog ****. The end
Oh yeah nice concept pics!
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I don't pull the "you mad bro" card too often...but geezus, you mad bro?


Apple strikes again
Go figure....
Apple is trying to strong arm everyone these days. Their law firm is making some serious dough off of them.
Kind of like all the App Store BS that is going on. One of the latest, LINK.
Apple is getting a bad Rep, people are leaving apple and going to android in droves. It seems like all their resources are going into suing the competition and anything remotely "app" or "apple" instead of providing better products to satisfy their customer base.
Pretty soon having a device with the shiny apple logo on the back will no longer be cool and trendy.
It's kind of funny seeing them trying to sue HTC right after that fail attempt to make the iGay have 3D capability with that ****ty screen protector.
My ''xDU4L C0R3 SH00T3Rx'' shot you down in 3D!
Oh I fully expect to see a iphone/iPod. 3D by late next year, same screen and specs at out EVOs. Engadget will give it a 10/10. Its marketed as revolutionary or even evolutionary (haha) and apple will get sue happy on LG and HTC over 3d tech on portable devices.
In my Rush Limbaugh voice....DON'T DOUBT ME.
The way they go about it they look like an angry child who wants all the attention and doesn't want to share.
Someone needs to shoot Jobs an email about this place too, obviously playing off the Apple brand and possibly taking their business
Crap, I just ate an apple for breakfast!!!! does that mean I will be sued too?
this is a sign showing that Apple is finally scared of losing ground to other manufacturers. Guess what HTC and Samsung, two of the hottest selling smartphone makers are being targeted by apple, I mean they are just trying to target their strongest competition. If motoroal was breaking records they would be sued as well. Apple is starting a sound like a cry baby these days.
Xda needs to become a patent holder of some sort. Leeches like apple steal ideas that developers at Xda have had for years. They actually get patents to this stuff and credit for it.
Then after they have the nerve to sue. Not just Xda I know of several other tech and independent sites where these devs are getting ripped off.
Now that's the American dream.
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA Premium App
Lol. Apple has always been a joke for me.
This video made me laugh that much harder.
I talk bad about Apple and their products all the time towards my friends, who I try to convince to get an Android. It's upsetting that Apple is going through such desperate measures to keep up with the competition. They can find loopholes in every company in existance and sue them, I'm not going to purchase an iPhone.
Of course they are suing everyone. They have almost nowhere to go with the way they developed their stuff and the changes between their phones are minimal at best. A little faster, etc...but nothing major.
Couple that with the fact that Android is starting to mature as a platform and other companies are starting to really take a bite out of the fruit.
Have to agree with mr orange. Most people dont like to believe a lot of apples ideas are rebranding of other people's ideas but its true. What can developers do but try get a patent for themselves.
Also, mymac ad on this page is pretty ironic
Sent from my MotoA953 using XDA App
My 7 year old wants an iPod touch. Is there something comparable that runs android? Not a phone. I was thinking a cheap used ipod off ebay for 100 but I don't think I can stomach an apple product in my house. Maybe a small tablet but needs to perform without locking up and running at least froyo.
We have a small convenience store called Apple. Hope they dont get sued. LOL
is apple still ahead of android in the market share of smartphones?
Seems like a good time to re-post this pic.....Credit goes to Felacio for the original posting of it.
phatmanxxl said:
My 7 year old wants an iPod touch. Is there something comparable that runs android? Not a phone. I was thinking a cheap used ipod off ebay for 100 but I don't think I can stomach an apple product in my house. Maybe a small tablet but needs to perform without locking up and running at least froyo.
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Get an archos.
amazon sells them.
phatmanxxl said:
My 7 year old wants an iPod touch. Is there something comparable that runs android? Not a phone. I was thinking a cheap used ipod off ebay for 100 but I don't think I can stomach an apple product in my house. Maybe a small tablet but needs to perform without locking up and running at least froyo.
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Yep...Archos 43

Siri cracked for any device?
Just seen this, would be great to see this on the 3D, then what could a iphone owner say .... nothing!
Sent from my PG86100 using Tapatalk
Agent0hibachi said:
Just seen this, would be great to see this on the 3D, then what could a iphone owner say .... nothing!
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iPhone owners already can say nothing. Their cloud "innovation"... we've had that via Google for years. Siri... we've had that for a while too. Search the market for Jeannie (AKA Voice Actions). I put Voice Actions up against Siri the other day at lunch and Siri got literally every question borked. Voice Actions on Android did much better. We asked Siri "What are the nine planets". It said, "I found six planets... the closest is 2.2 miles from you." I hope not! We asked Voice Actions the same thing and it came up with a picture of the solar system plus a description of the planets. Other questions went similarly. The iPhone junkies at the table were REALLY impressed when I asked Voice Actions "Show me some boobies". Then I showed them the results and said, "Try THAT on your iPhone!"
mikeyxda said:
iPhone owners already can say nothing. Their cloud "innovation"... we've had that via Google for years. Siri... we've had that for a while too. Search the market for Jeannie (AKA Voice Actions). I put Voice Actions up against Siri the other day at lunch and Siri got literally every question borked. Voice Actions on Android did much better. We asked Siri "What are the nine planets". It said, "I found six planets... the closest is 2.2 miles from you." I hope not! We asked Voice Actions the same thing and it came up with a picture of the solar system plus a description of the planets. Other questions went similarly. The iPhone junkies at the table were REALLY impressed when I asked Voice Actions "Show me some boobies". Then I showed them the results and said, "Try THAT on your iPhone!"
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Lol brilliant
I don't understand why the hate between the two OSs , I don't think it should be competition between the user if no the company that mades, that way they can improved and the winner is the user , btw I think apple would sued whoever uses Siri in another OS
jgalan14 said:
I don't understand why the hate between the two OSs , I don't think it should be competition between the user if no the company that mades, that way they can improved and the winner is the user , btw I think apple would sued whoever uses Siri in another OS
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hate builds brand loyalty.
jgalan14 said:
I don't understand why the hate between the two OSs , I don't think it should be competition between the user if no the company that mades, that way they can improved and the winner is the user , btw I think apple would sued whoever uses Siri in another OS
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You must not talk to too many Apple fanboys. All day long, they talk about how their phone is superior to any other. I laugh when my co-workers literally say their iPhones are better than my EVO 3D.
eXplicit815 said:
You must not talk to too many Apple fanboys. All day long, they talk about how their phone is superior to any other. I laugh when my co-workers literally say their iPhones are better than my EVO 3D.
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God my company issues iPhones as a company phones (mostly to Execs and ITs) and they brag so much about their iPhone that I die a little inside each day. Something about that Apple brand that makes them believe they are top hip elitist. I don't hate Apple, I hate the people who worship it
jgalan14 said:
I don't understand why the hate between the two OSs , I don't think it should be competition between the user if no the company that mades, that way they can improved and the winner is the user , btw I think apple would sued whoever uses Siri in another OS
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Hrmm, I think part of it on anyone other than Apple's OS definitely has to do with Apple becoming what they advertised against. The breakout Apple commercial was that woman coming and throwing a sledgehammer at Big Brother - one way of doing things, one computer, one order.
They became that - they advertise artistic and non-conformist and people line up and say "I'm so different" as they purchase something they can't make a change to without jail breaking the OS.
Last I checked, if you want to develop for iOS you have to pay to play. I may be off on that as it has been a while since I checked.
Apple shooting lawsuits left and right for "stolen innovations" such as "slide to wake up" have not been engendering kindness.
The marketing and legal departments have been fueling the dislike, and posers who get phones for a status symbol.
There's a long and well documented lead in to the hate, and in the end it works extremely well to line various company's coffers.
mildlydisturbed said:
Hrmm, I think part of it on anyone other than Apple's OS definitely has to do with Apple becoming what they advertised against. The breakout Apple commercial was that woman coming and throwing a sledgehammer at Big Brother - one way of doing things, one computer, one order.
They became that - they advertise artistic and non-conformist and people line up and say "I'm so different" as they purchase something they can't make a change to without jail breaking the OS.
Last I checked, if you want to develop for iOS you have to pay to play. I may be off on that as it has been a while since I checked.
Apple shooting lawsuits left and right for "stolen innovations" such as "slide to wake up" have not been engendering kindness.
The marketing and legal departments have been fueling the dislike, and posers who get phones for a status symbol.
There's a long and well documented lead in to the hate, and in the end it works extremely well to line various company's coffers.
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And yet, they sell more and more phones everyday. I loathe the company itself. I like their products. Don't get me wrong, the iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch are GREAT devices, but they're not Android. And they're not even close, IMO. I have an iPad issued to me from work. The only thing I use it for is to read, watch movies (that I get outside of iTunes), and listen to music (Pandora/Shoutcast/Music I download outside of iTunes).
eXplicit815 said:
And yet, they sell more and more phones everyday. I loathe the company itself. I like their products. Don't get me wrong, the iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch are GREAT devices, but they're not Android. And they're not even close, IMO. I have an iPad issued to me from work. The only thing I use it for is to read, watch movies (that I get outside of iTunes), and listen to music (Pandora/Shoutcast/Music I download outside of iTunes).
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I think there's also some sort inherent disconnect between camps.
Apple people think they have the greatest device because it looks pretty.
Android people think they have the greatest device because the hardware is faster and you can make it look pretty.
Apple people think that if you have to work to make your device look and perform awesome that it's you who is making it awesome, not the product. (IE you win Android fail)
Android people think that if you can't make it look and perform like you want then you're a moron or the phone is crap.
It's sort of like a broken down 57 Chevy. An Apple lover looks and sees rust and decay, and Android user sees potential - HTC didn't make Sense awesome, but I can.
It all gets worse when you have people on both sides who don't want to learn anything and believe their respective marketing departments.
Any interest in this or shall we keep debating Apples to Orang-uh hum! Droids?
my dislike for the company is in the fact they spout innovation yet they are always a year behind the rest. hell look windows 7 phone has 4g now where is it for the almighty iphone? They spout innovation on their new ios and android has already had it on of their phones for a year. and the masses to dumb to realize they are paying extra money for a phone that is at least a year behind the curve. And yet the iphone fan boys think their phone is the best then i ask what makes it better then i pull out my evo 3d and im like had that since.... and had that since..... their ignorance drives me up the wall
I know still off topic but when is Google going to throw a lawsuit in apples face for the ios5 notification pulldown menu? Innovation my ass
Sent from my HTC EVO 3D X515a using XDA App
bailz2506 said:
I know still off topic but when is Google going to throw a lawsuit in apples face for the ios5 notification pulldown menu? Innovation my ass
Sent from my HTC EVO 3D X515a using XDA App
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they cant due to the fact android is open source i believe
Bradfordv said:
they cant due to the fact android is open source i believe
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I'm more interested with the fact apple got issued that patent for the basic slide unlock. Didn't Google have this out first? Didn't think apple could patent stuff Google had already releases open source wise.
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA App
Well I see in a different way, sure iPhone 4s looks outdated because it doesn't have lte or WiMAX, in my experience lte is really nice too bad it has more lost signal then 3G and WiMAX is ok but man does it suck, I used 4G on my OG evo for a few months and stop using it , it just sucks I prefer 3G also in battery life 4G sucks at that right now, they need to come out with a new battery tech or wtv, I have an iPhone 4S, evo 3d, nexus s (tmobile) and my old 3GS and after playing with them I prefer both, i do prefer an iPad instead of android tablet but that might because of the apps, is nice to read books on my iPad or watch YouTube, and some apps for work , if android tablets would have a nice spreadsheets app and maybe some better apps ill probably go for it, but maybe another 6 months before that, the new asus table (quad core) looks nice but will see
I love android far more than I love Apple, but I have to admit that apple was the innovation that started the smartphone race. Even though I believe Android is much better that Apple now, I believe there wouldn't be Android if it wasn't for Apple. Flame me if you want...
ssojyeti2 said:
I love android far more than I love Apple, but I have to admit that apple was the innovation that started the smartphone race. Even though I believe Android is much better that Apple now, I believe there wouldn't be Android if it wasn't for Apple. Flame me if you want...
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Apple made the smartphone stylish. Treo made the smartphone useful. I was checking corporate email while apple was still ensuring cases expose their logo on the back.
If anyone started using siri other than apple, they will shut you down quicker than you can brag to your friends about it.
The andiod os was oringinally going to be the google os back in like 2004 but when things didnt work out and google saw that the iphone take off they applied it to smart phones

Note Is Like Talking Into Toast!

Walt Mossberg tests the Samsung Galaxy Note. says it's like talking into toast.
Those two people sitting next to each other are VERY annoying.
A lifelong apple fanboy who worships Steve Jobs doesn't like an android phone, shocker!
Seriously, normal people buy a phone for its features. If you care what you look like holding the phone then you have larger psychological issues you need to work on.
EvoXOhio said:
A lifelong apple fanboy who worships Steve Jobs doesn't like an android phone, shocker!
Seriously, normal people buy a phone for its features. If you care what you look like holding the phone then you have larger psychological issues you need to work on.
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Hahaha I think the exact same thing when people complain about how they look with it by their head. I can't believe someone would care about that I personally don't think I'd honestly take that into consideration when making a purchase for a phone especially when the size gives it so many advantages.
Walt also smashed the Dell Streak in the same manner. Just remember he is from a time when microwaves and televisions were not a standard home accessory. Really an iPhone would seem great to someone who is just getting acclimated to technology.
Honestly, I don't think it's totally ridiculous to be concerned about how one looks talking on a phone. It's no different from caring how you dress or what accessories you wear--and make no mistake, a phone is an accessory just as much as a bracelet or necklace. It's not a big deal to me personally, but I do think I'd be a bit self-conscious if I were walking down the street and talking on my Note.
From my perspective, people on both sides are blowing the thing out of proportion. Like so many other things, it's just a matter of personal preference.
versus a deck of cards like iphone? I'll take the toast!
teiglin said:
Honestly, I don't think it's totally ridiculous to be concerned about how one looks talking on a phone. It's no different from caring how you dress or what accessories you wear--and make no mistake, a phone is an accessory just as much as a bracelet or necklace. It's not a big deal to me personally, but I do think I'd be a bit self-conscious if I were walking down the street and talking on my Note.
From my perspective, people on both sides are blowing the thing out of proportion. Like so many other things, it's just a matter of personal preference.
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And I completely understand your point and respect it I agree it comes down to the person but as for myself I really don't care what other people think. People where I live have to "have" the iPhone because it the "cool" phone to have and I expect to catch crap because of the notes size but personally I know that the phone will be very productive for myself as I have large hands making it very frustrating to use an iphone. But again back to personal preference all to their own I just personally will not conform to society and do as I please and what makes me happy and not care what some random person thinks. Personally I find things much easier that way.
teiglin said:
Honestly, I don't think it's totally ridiculous to be concerned about how one looks talking on a phone. It's no different from caring how you dress or what accessories you wear--and make no mistake, a phone is an accessory just as much as a bracelet or necklace. It's not a big deal to me personally, but I do think I'd be a bit self-conscious if I were walking down the street and talking on my Note.
From my perspective, people on both sides are blowing the thing out of proportion. Like so many other things, it's just a matter of personal preference.
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A phone is not a fashion accessory. If you think it is, you're doing it wrong.
EvoXOhio said:
A phone is not a fashion accessory. If you think it is, you're doing it wrong.
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And enjoy your iphone! Lol
emcnelly said:
And I completely understand your point and respect it I agree it comes down to the person but as for myself I really don't care what other people think. People where I live have to "have" the iPhone because it the "cool" phone to have and I expect to catch crap because of the notes size but personally I know that the phone will be very productive for myself as I have large hands making it very frustrating to use an iphone. But again back to personal preference all to their own I just personally will not conform to society and do as I please and what makes me happy and not care what some random person thinks. Personally I find things much easier that way.
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Yup, it's great for productivity and makes good use of large hands. Totally agree, it's not good to mind what other people think too much.
EvoXOhio said:
A phone is not a fashion accessory. If you think it is, you're doing it wrong.
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Who ever said thoughtful discourse was dead?
You're kidding yourself if you think that people around you won't see you using your phone and make judgments based on it and its appearance. You don't have to care about those judgments, but they're happening either way, just as people form opinions based on what you're wearing. If nobody cared about how phones look, there wouldn't be a white Note or a purple RAZR, and I'm willing to bet there would also be fewer iPhones than there are now.
I'm not advocating choosing a phone based on its appearance alone, and I'm here because I preordered a Note for myself. Obviously a phone does a lot more than a jacket or a necklace and should be given commensurately more consideration. That doesn't mean everyone needs to shut their eyes, plug their ears, and shriek when presented with opinions that don't coincide with their own.
Yeah I'm going to feel self conscious when using it too, but really, who talks on their phone anymore anyway? If in my car, BT, if on my desk, spkr.
I don't get that many calls anyway.
I can't wait to gaze into that huge screen!

Wow!!! F apple yet again
Sent from my EVO LTE
I'm amaze the haven't say anything about s voice on the galaxy 3 devices
Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
Apple and samsung are in bed together. If it weren't for samsung, crapple wouldn't be where it is today
Sent from my EVO LTE
Tim Cook... first he murders Steve Jobs and now he's going after HTC!!
I got my EVO 4G LTE yesterday and I can see why Apple is worried.
Most apple fans I talk to say that Iphones feel more responsive and have better battery life. This phone feels very responsive and I've only charged my phone one time in the past 22 hours. If Apple doesn't step up and actually improve their product they will suffer the same fate as RIM.
Has it been announced what this third lawsuit is claiming?
What they are claiming is listed in the link below.
I also actually listed the 27 HTC devices in the complaint here.
It appears HTC has countered with a complaint of their own and we are back in the ring for another 12 rounds. This is insanity looks like the ATT One X date might be in Jeopardy.
I wish HP had kept Palm, long enough to troll Apple to its knees.
Kujila said:
Tim Cook... first he murders Steve Jobs and now he's going after HTC!!
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Droiddinho said:
I got my EVO 4G LTE yesterday and I can see why Apple is worried.
Most apple fans I talk to say that Iphones feel more responsive and have better battery life. This phone feels very responsive and I've only charged my phone one time in the past 22 hours. If Apple doesn't step up and actually improve their product they will suffer the same fate as RIM.
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That's a pretty ridiculous statement. Ever hear of people queuing up to buy the latest Blackberry? nope, didn't think so. Apple isn't going anywhere regardless. They could release the iPhone 5 with just an LTE radio added and people will mindlessly line up to get it along with all their friends.
Droiddinho said:
I got my EVO 4G LTE yesterday and I can see why Apple is worried.
Most apple fans I talk to say that Iphones feel more responsive and have better battery life. This phone feels very responsive and I've only charged my phone one time in the past 22 hours. If Apple doesn't step up and actually improve their product they will suffer the same fate as RIM.
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I agree. They only reason why this has gotten out of hand is because Android has began to take the market over Apple. And the only way Apple knows how to fight back is to take out the competition, starting with the biggest fish first (HTC). Instead of innovating (which they're oh-so-good at), they'd rather keep making what they have and take out competition.
My girl friend saw my new phone and instantly fell in love with it, I told her she should replace her iPhone with an EVO or One X (she is on ATT). She is thinking about it
Sent from my LTEvo using the XDA app
detcup4evr said:
My girl friend saw my new phone and instantly fell in love with it, I told her she should replace her iPhone with an EVO or One X (she is on ATT). She is thinking about it
Sent from my LTEvo using the XDA app
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She would be wise to do so.
The One X and EVO LTE are, IMO, the first phones to surpass the iPhone in EVERY aspect. Every aspect. I can see why they're worried.
Can we tap apple out of [email protected]#
Sounds like they're trying to fight the same fight from a different angle this time.
What I think of apple...
<<<--- is appropriate
gpz1100 said:
Can we tap apple out of [email protected]#
Sounds like they're trying to fight the same fight from a different angle this time.
What I think of apple...
<<<--- is appropriate
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I've always predicted, even when the first iPhone came out, that at some point it'll fall. They have no strategy. All they do is patent ideas that were made by other companies that are used in mainstream phones. I've said it before, Apple is to the ITC as LeBron James is to the officials in the NBA.
Sadly, Apple has the money to keep throwing bogus lawsuits out......and see which ones will stick. All the patents claims are going to hit many device manufacturers this year, will waste a lot of money, and slow down some really great devices.
Apple doesn't want the competition.....
P_M_G said:
That's a pretty ridiculous statement. Ever hear of people queuing up to buy the latest Blackberry? nope, didn't think so. Apple isn't going anywhere regardless. They could release the iPhone 5 with just an LTE radio added and people will mindlessly line up to get it along with all their friends.
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Oh how I wish they would go somewhere!! iSuck, but I pretend like I'm better than everyone else!
Apple has been lagging behind in the phone development for quite some time. Even when the 4 was released, there were Android phones with features way ahead of it. The fact of the matter is Apple is now the one playing catch-up and lots of their customers are looking for a new, more customizable experience. So if you can't beat em, sue the pants off of them.. and that's what Apple's tactic is currently.
As of right now, Android has, and will be top dog. And I have a big suspicion that the iPhone 5 will be dead in the water unless Apple has a couple tricks up their sleeve. One mainly being iOS itself. It NEEDS to evolve in order to stay competitive. With more and more of the current generation becoming increasingly tech savvy, Apple's reliance on "it just works" will become far less effective.
None the less, in the end, it hurts consumers and makes Apple look like a huge douche canoe. And I'm all for letting that huge douche canoe drop right off a huge waterfall.
P_M_G said:
That's a pretty ridiculous statement. Ever hear of people queuing up to buy the latest Blackberry? nope, didn't think so. Apple isn't going anywhere regardless. They could release the iPhone 5 with just an LTE radio added and people will mindlessly line up to get it along with all their friends.
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Or they could simply add almost nothing but 2 year old technology to it and people would come out in droves... oh wait... they already did that with the 4S.
Anyone else notice that some of the phones in the claim are pretty old? If they were going to have this lawsuit they should have done it long ago... It seems mighty suspicious of Apple.

F you apple! Part 2
Sent from my EVO
These threads should be banned, as they generate little to no actual discussion.
Sure, it sucks for Samsung. But a lot of what Apple went after them for at least made a little sense. Samsung blatantly copied Apple in many situations. And even if there were examples of prior technology that fit the case, Apple was able to show that Samsung intentionally copied Apple's work instead of basing work off of said prior technology.
Before we start a circlejerk of people condemning Apple and all of its employees to hell, please realize that this was a legitimate legal decision and the people who made this decision put a lot of thought into it. I'm not happy that Samsung lost either, but I also believe that they lost for a reason.
SoraX64 said:
These threads should be banned, as they generate little to no actual discussion.
Sure, it sucks for Samsung. But a lot of what Apple went after them for at least made a little sense. Samsung blatantly copied Apple in many situations. And even if there were examples of prior technology that fit the case, Apple was able to show that Samsung intentionally copied Apple's work instead of basing work off of said prior technology.
Before we start a circlejerk of people condemning Apple and all of its employees to hell, please realize that this was a legitimate legal decision and the people who made this decision put a lot of thought into it. I'm not happy that Samsung lost either, but I also believe that they lost for a reason.
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i agree with sorax64....part of Samsung success with galaxy s versions is that Samsung copied Apple's work...
This is why i only buy HTC. If i wanted an iphone clone i would buy Samsung.
eric00716 said:
This is why i only buy HTC. If i wanted an iphone clone i would buy Samsung.
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eric00716!!!! i agree with you bro
This major win with a major competitor will only give birth to a whole new round of suits and new strategy that will probably lead to us being phucked over. The realization of apple being a monopoly is becoming ever more true. You think the bs we had to put up with when our EVOs were held in customs was crap, just wait. I see bad things heading our way. I know Samsung copied apple. We all said that awhile ago. But jeez, if the courts will agree with apple that a rectangle with rounded corners is copying, then what does that say for us?
Sent from my EVO
Edit: Disregard, I don't want to continue this conversation.
If I was running apples legal department I would Sue Samsung also they are tearing there sales apart all apple needs to do to dominate the market again is make more choices for there phone bigger screens easy hacking and better ui improvements come on apple dust off those thinking caps and make a new product instead of pumping out the same phone every year.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
Maybe apple deserved this one...but This sets precedent.for apple to go ape**** on everyone ..and they will...they just acquired another billion dollars ..enough to have a full time kill android legal team for 200 years
firmbiz94 said:
Maybe apple deserved this one...but This sets precedent.for apple to go ape**** on everyone ..and they will...they just acquired another billion dollars ..enough to have a full time kill android legal team for 200 years
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Ha.. A billion dollars. Should be able to pay their lawyers with that.
It's not like Apple is going to be able to go willy nilly on other OEMs now. They don't have the resources for that, and if they keep it up, Google will eventually step in.
Exactly that's what I'm isnt gonna stop at is gonna need to get involved..which it looks like they did with the Motorola suit..everyone knows moto is an ip bank..
I wonder what type of phones the judge and members of the jury use?
Sent from my EVO LTE using Tapatalk 2
As much as I love Android, I kind of have to agree that some of the devices that Samsung were making did look like iFails. Hell, I think Touchwiz does. I will say though, that Apple suing anyone for stealing ideas when they themselves have done so repeatedly in the past is just bs.
Here's the break down of what was infringed. Placement of home button? Thin frame with rounded corners? Serious!? I'm no Samsung fan, but for the sake of our future of android devices I was rooting for Sammy.
Hahaha its already begun:
Sent from my EVO
Like I.said..that's the scary part..they went to court with these bs patents and they every phone that has those traits can be targeted..this is just the beggning im afraid..esp when its prob difficult to find a jury that isn't a iPhone or android user ..and its the patent that's the issue..once granted the court will uphold their decision..that's where reform needs to begin
I wouldn't worry. This will probably be overturned. A lot of mistakes by the jury. Sent from my EVO using xda premium
I can see it now. 10 minutes after the court case is over. The judge and jury walk back to their cars talking on their IPhones... Lol
Sent from my EVOLTE... The family JEWEL!
This thread has turned out better than one from yesterday started by the "law school" guy
Sent from my EVO using xda premium
fpineda101 said:
This thread has turned out better than one from yesterday started by the "law school" guy
Sent from my EVO using xda premium
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That's like saying the dump you took today didn't smell as bad as the one you took yesterday.
SoraX64 said:
That's like saying the dump you took today didn't smell as bad as the one you took yesterday.
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Funny since a lot of people around here do believe that their chit don't stink.... :beer:
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