[TOOL] Ultimate Recovery Tool 3.1 (Unbrick, Downgrade, VM Radio Fix/Reset) - HTC EVO 3D

First, Thanks to everyone that helped me along the way here... The thanks list is in Post #2
Second, The risk obviously here is your own. This tool is provided AS IS, and I am not providing any warranty or guarantee. So it doesn't cover hail damage to your home, Tornado's taking your dog away, or your phone not working properly after using it... (or anything else that you might try to pin on me )
For all of the processes, linux is required... use your own flavor of linux and use the following to set it up:
Extract the files to somewhere (home folder works best)
Gain a root command prompt (# instead of $) (sudo -s works for most)
Set permissions via "chmod 755 ultimate" (possibly 0755 depending on linux flavor)
Then run the tool using ./ultimate
|****************** EVO 3D Ultimate Recovery Tool ******************|
|*************************** Version 3.1 ***************************|
| |
| Please Select an Option |
| |
| 1. Create a backup partition from a bricked device |
| 2. Flash a custom partition to a bricked device |
| 3. Downgrade HBOOT |
| 4. Unbrick |
| 5. VM Radio Fix (CDMA ONLY!) |
| 6. Fix radio partition (Manual Radio Fix only) (CDMA ONLY!) |
| 7. Exit |
| |
| |
|**************** Copyright (C) 2013, Unknownforce *****************|
Latest version is Here.
(3/14/13) - URTLiveCD 1.0 is available Here -> http://d-h.st/blY
Recent Updates:
Added additional check for the misc partition detection
Fixed and re-implemented VM Radio Fix
Completely Redesigned and Re-Written
New menu interface
Removed the need for hboot/misc image files to be present, they are now embedded in the program and used as necessary
CID issue fixed for GSM devices
Misc detection implemented
GSM/CDMA detection implemented
Fixed a few missing things from the VM Radio Fix (CDMA Only)
Many minor bug fixes
Mistakenly used an older source of URT when coding 2.5, so I re-applied changes from 2.5 to the correct source and re-compiled. (No Difference for GSM, only radio fix was affected.)
Added support for GSM EVO 3D's! (add -g or --gsm)
No longer beta or RC or alpha or whatever!
Minor cleanup/optimization.
2.3 RC1
Fixed the ghost MEID issues. (This will not fix devices that got it from the first test, please contact me and I'll work with you to fix that)
Fixed some delays and timing in switching between fastboot and adb
Corrected some wording.
2.2 RC4
Second attempt at fixing output errors... Sorry :/
2.2 RC3
Attempt to fix "sh: 1: Syntax error: Bad fd number" error.
Add -f switch to attempt to fix I/O errors on possibly bad sectored emmc's (This will require being in a temp bricked state before using, if this successfully recovers them, I can add this into the process of the radio fix, for now I want to see if it's going to work at all, so it's a manual process for now, to brick device, Be S-OFF, flash custom hboot(anything but stock) and do fastboot oem writesecureflag 3, done) This is ONLY for those having I/O errors when trying to flash radio config. The usage is ./ultimate -f 19 (19 is partition 19/radio_config)
2.2 RC2
Fixed device detection at first step
Logging to log.txt
Fixed device "wait" after rebooting to system, it will now check properly that there is a device to reboot before issuing the command, rather than just rely on time.
2.2 RC1
Initial release to public
Radio Fix​
1.13 (or 2.08) Stock Unrooted Rom. (MUST be stock, signed, unrooted, yadda yadda, RUU, or otherwise) - 1.13 Link - Mirror
ENG Hboot - Link
VM Firmware (duh) - Link
2.17 Firmware - Link
Ultimate Recovery Tool (Listed above, also included on the URTLiveCD)
Very basic Linux Experience (Helps, but not necessary if you use the URTLiveCD)
A PC (duh)
Functional device (The device does not have to be on an active plan, but it must currently have a functional radio/signal, Just keep in mind if it doesn't have a plan to it, it will continually try to Hands Free Activate after this process)
1.) First, Backup your current Partition 19, to do this, use the following commands (root required, or do from custom recovery):
adb shell dd if=/dev/block/mmcblk0p19 of=/sdcard/current19.img
adb pull /sdcard/current19.img
2.) Flash ALL of the following, IN THE ORDER LISTED... There are several Flashes here, After each flash you will need to let it boot all the way to the home screen, every flash, other than hboot, will wipe the data on the device, so it will take some time for each one, and you'll have to go through the normal device setup each time as well. Just get it to the home screen each time.
First - Flash 1.13 Stock
Second - Flash VM Firmware
Third - Flash 2.17 Firmware
Fourth - Flash ENG Hboot
3.) After this you're ready for the tool. Enable USB Debugging on the device. (Applications, Development, USB Debugging) and then boot up to linux and start ultimate or boot to the URTLiveCD, select the option for VM Radio Fix.
Follow the onscreen instructions to the letter, Plug in device when asked, unplug when asked, etc etc. Here is an example output, there are a couple other possibilities, but this is a standard output.
When it starts up, you will see it list out the device type, bootloader version, MEID, and ROM version, make sure these show up correctly.
It will then root the device and pull some more information it needs and then prompt with a message about whether or not you would like to fix rfg_1 (if it finds that it's invalid, it will not ask this and just go right into rebuilding it) if it asks, just tell it not to rebuild, as most of the time it does correctly read that rfg_1 is valid or not.
After it does this, it will reboot the device into bootloader, erase the current RFG_1, flash the fixed RFG_1, erase rfg_5 and flash rcdata.
It then reboots to fastboot once more and writes the secure flag to brick the device. After this it will ask you to unplug the device and remove the battery. Do exactly that, tell it yes to continue, and then plug it in when asked. (without the battery in)
It will reflash the partition and then do the unbrick process.
After it finishes everything properly. You will boot up, it will reboot once while booting up the first time (Normal, security flag toggling causes this) The second time it boots up it will do a Hands Free Activation. Let it go through and do this and the PRL update as well. (if you're on a plan, if not, just press cancel)
Then you will want to re-S-OFF of course so, revolutionary it. This will break activation again. But no matter, let it activate once more.
After that you should be good to go!
If you're already S-OFF, but on 1.50, you can do one of two things... I have attached the PG86IMG.zip with the 1.40 bootloader on it, download it copy to sd card and flash via bootloader.
The other option is to simply re-run 1.13 RUU, this will downgrade it as well, but this will also erase all data in the process.
For S-ON... Things you'll need...
Linux and basic linux knowledge (not necessary if you use the URTLiveCD)
This PG86IMG file -> http://d-h.st/3p8 (the bootloader update package)
You'll also need the 1.13 RUU EXE (All the RUU's can be found here -> http://www.filefactory.com/f/4ef0ef536face67a/)
Download the ultimate3.0.zip in the link above or the URTLiveCD
Backup your apps/data if you need to, this process will wipe EVERYTHING
(If you're already bricked, start from Step 2)
First Step
VIDEO OF STEP 1 (video says Step 2, but just start here)
VIDEO OF THE WHOLE PROCESS: (Using Battery Pull method)
BRICK (Yes, I said brick) your device. BUT in a CERTAIN way.
You need to brick your device by corrupting the HBOOT during the HBOOT Update.
(If you are HTC Unlocked, you MUST RELOCK BEFORE starting)
1.) Take your PG86IMG file from above, put it on the root of your SDCard.
2.) With the phone on Battery power alone, Reboot to BootLoader, let it detect the zip and read and get to the point where it wants you to press Vol-Up to update. Do not press Update yet.
3.) Here you can do one of two things, the first being a little more easier than that second... (See Videos for examples)
3A.) The battery pull. You can interrupt the flash by pulling the battery at the right time. Tell the device to update, Pull off the battery cover (careful not to let the battery fall out) and then watch the screen and pull the battery out during or just before the orange bar shows up during the BOOTLOADER Updating.
3B.) The power pull. You can also do this by using the power cord to kill the power. Pull off the battery cover (again careful not to drop the battery out right away) then plug the device into AC power. Now pull the battery out. Tell it to update and pull the power cord at the right time.
The "right time" is different for all devices. The idea here is to completely interrupt the hboot flash so that it's corrupt. The best thing to do is to watch for the bar in the upper right hand corner, it will only show for a second (or even shorter)
If done correctly, you can plug in the device (to power or USB) and see the charge light very dim. It will need to be SOLID dim, NOT blinking dim.
The main indications that it worked correctly:
The device no longer turns on at all, no bootloader, no boot screen, nothing.
The SOLID, not blinking, dim light mentioned above.
The charge light no longer lights up when plugged in with a battery.
The device, when plugged into a windows PC, shows up as QHSUSB_DLOAD. (And MMC Storage Controller for the first 5 seconds)
The device is now bricked and ready for the next part.
Second Step
Video above shows this as well.
The next step is the linux part. Do not plug your phone in to the linux box until you are told to do so.
1.) Boot up to Linux (if you use URTLiveCD, skip to step 6)
2.) Extract your ultimate.zip file to the linux PC, Home folder is the best spot and is the easiest to work with.
3.) Open up Terminal, gain root, (su, or sudo -s)(give it your password)
4.) Run the command chmod 755 ultimate (if it's not in your home folder, add the full path to it)
5.) Type ./ultimate and press Enter.
6.) Select option for Downgrade HBOOT.
You will see the below output:
IMPORTANT: Do not plug in device until TOLD to do so.
Downgrade selected.
Ready to begin? (y/n):
Type y and press Enter.
Then you will see:
Plug in your device now.
Waiting for device...
Now... plug the phone in and leave it plugged in, you should see something similar to the below:
Device Found!
Locating misc partition...
Misc found at partition 34.
Changing misc version...
Writing image file...
Flashing hboot and unbricking...
Writing image file...
All tasks Completed Successfully! Put your battery back in and boot up!
Press Enter to return to the main menu.
From there, pull your SD Card out (so it doesn't try to update from the PG86IMG.zip...) throw your battery back in, boot up to bootloader. 1.40.0000
(Some people have said that they needed to "let the device sit" for a few minutes here, mine works immediately every time, YMMV)
To get back to a bootable rom and revolutionary, select FASTBOOT, connect it to the PC and run the 1.13 RUU EXE all the way through, (NOT the zip) then just revolutionary (a few times) and have a beer.
A few side notes:
When you run Revolutionary, you might have to do it a few times... I also didn't get to the point where it asked to flash a recovery... so I did this via fastboot, and simply used TWRP 2.0 .img file.
DISCLAIMER This is NOT a guarantee... because I'm sure it could come back... But in basic terms... I AM NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE TO YOUR DEVICE, I have given you a method that worked for me, and SHOULD work for you, but if your house burns down, your car gets a flat tire, or your phone stops working... You are responsible for any and all of those things.

The Thanks List!
The Fer-Shiz-Nizzle
The entire Revolutionary team
Can I do this on Windows?
Currently there is no way to do this on Windows. It's unlikely that there will be a way to do it on windows, Windows USB is too slow and doesn't detect the device the same as Linux does.
Can I do this in (Insert virtual PC software)?
The only one I've heard that works is VMWare, however You're again relying on Windows to pass the device to a virtual machine, which isn't ideal. I know for a fact that VirtualBox does not work, and Cygwin also does not work.
Common Errors
I can't get my phone to brick, I've tried a million times!
Patience is a virtue. This step is the hardest part of all, HTC Designed their phone to be brick proof for a reason. I believe the trick here is to let the device sit on the update screen for a minute or two, then do the update and count out 5 seconds. Also there's the update bar that appears in the upper right hand corner, much like the bar that is there when it's checking the zip file before the update prompt. The INSTANT you see that, pull the power. This is typically 5-6 seconds after it says updating, but only after it's been sitting for a bit... I believe the trick is to let it sit for a bit before pressing Volume up to update.
My PG86IMG.zip is not detected or the phone checks it and it doesn't prompt me to update it
There are several possibilities:
The phone is HTC Unlocked - You must re-lock.
The phone is S-OFF - Don't even try to brick it because you'll permanently brick it.
The phone is Re-locked, but still has a custom rom/recovery on it. - This will show a security warning and not allow the PG86IMG.zip to be flashed. - You must put the phone in FASTBOOT USB and run the RUU exe that matches your software version.
The File is not named correctly, it's PG86IMG.zip (Make sure it's not PG86IMG.zip.zip)
The PG86IMG.zip is either corrupt, not signed properly, or modified in some way. - Download another one.
I press Volume up to Update, and my phone shuts off
First make sure you're using a standard HTC A/C Adapter and cable. These are designed to charge at 1000 mA, other manufacturer's chargers typically only hit 900 mA. The phone needs it all to stay on and update properly without the battery in.
Second, make sure you're not using a higher end SD Card. This will draw too much power and not let the phone update when it comes to that time because the power drain to have the screen on, the sd card powered and the update running is more than what the A/C adapter can output. - My 16GB Class 10, shuts the phone off, my Class 4, 2 GB, does not. YMMV.
Third, if you're stuck with the high end SD card, or think it could be the cause, simply pull it after you pull the battery and BEFORE you press volume Up to update. The phone will still update. However, I don't know if this affects the speed of the update at all... so just watch it the first time and time it, then time your pull accordingly.
I'm getting Permission Denied when trying to run the linux commands
You don't have root, either type su or sudo -s, your prompt should have a # at the end and not a $.
Or, you didn't set the chmod correctly on the ultimate file. This is again chmod 755 ultimate (or /path/to/ultimate)
I get Misc image is missing!!! or HBOOT image is missing!!! or Recovery image is missing!!!
The hboot.img and misc.img and recovery.img files must be in the same location as the ultimate file, they are hard coded into the ultimate tool to be in the same location, their names are also hard coded, so don't rename them.
I'm getting Error 16 after running the radio fix.
This can happen, there are two things, most likely it goes away after attempting to place a few calls. If it doesn't, just remain on the line, and they can fix the problem for you.

Ultimate Recovery Tool[Box]
Here is the latest Ultimate Recovery Tool[Box] (Live CD/USB)
LATEST VERSION (of the live environment) - 2.3 RC1
Windows Users:
This a bootable ISO for users who don't have a Linux distro installed, or do, and want a little more simplified interface.
This will not do anything to your currently installed OS.
If you wish to use it on a USB flash drive, you must use Core2USB to make it bootable.
You can get that here.
A couple of modified guides from the HBOOT Downgrade Toolkit thread.
Burning the Ultimate Recovery Tool[Box] to a CD
Windows Vista/7
1. Download the latest version of the Ultimate Recovery Tool[Box] from above.
2. Insert your CD-R
3. Navigate to the location of the Ultimate Recovery Tool[Box] on your hard drive.
4. Right-click on the .iso file. Hover over 'Open with' and select 'Windows Disc Image Burner'
5. Select your CD burner from the drop-down menu
6. (recommended) Tick 'Verify disc after burning'
7. Click Burn
Other Windows Method
PoorCollegeGuy's guide to Burning an ISO to a CD
Mac OS X - Thanks MikeC84!
Open disk utility, drag the ISO to disk utility. Make sure "make disk bootable" is checked, Click burn....
Check out lpjzfan2005's Mac OS X tutorial for running the CD!
Note: Mac support is limited. It's been confirmed the [HBOOT Downgrade Toolkit] CD will run on a Mac though. [No tests have been done with the Ultimate Recovery Tool[Box] yet]
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How to run the Ultimate Recovery Tool[Box] from a Flash Drive
I've realized that there is enough demand for being able to run the Ultimate Recovery Tool[Box] from something other than a CD-ROM drive.
Thanks to Disturb3d1/wwjoshdew and Mpgrimm2 for the suggestion!
What you'll need:
A 256MB USB Flash Drive (Almost any flash drive you have laying around)
Ultimate Recovery Tool[Box]
Step 1. Simply download Core2USB from here.
Step 2. Choose your USB Flash Drive and format it (This will delete all files from it, so back them up).
Step 3. Run the Core2USB software. It won't install anything on your computer.
Step 4. Browse to the Ultimate Recovery Tool[Box] ISO.
Step 5. Double-click on the letter of your USB Flash Drive. Make sure that this is the correct drive.
Step 6. Click Install
Step 7. Reboot your computer with the USB Flash Drive inserted.
Don't pull the flash drive out while you are booted into the Ultimate Recovery Tool[Box] Environment!
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Obligatory Disclaimer - This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but without any warranty. You take full responsibility for the usage of the software. I am not liable for anything that goes wrong with this Live CD, including, but not limited to, "bricked" (otherwise unusable) phones, or anything else that happens to your phone(s), computer(s), or anything else. You take full responsibility for your use of these tools.

Yes we are one step closer to the end! I am excited cant wait until the link to the CD is posted!
Thank you Unknownforce and closeone and the rest for your hard work you put into this it is very much appreciated.
If your phone's S/N starts with SH 18 then you might want to hold off until Unknownforce fixes the issue with the CD not recognizing the phones.

Unknownforce + closeone = amazing!
Thank you guys for everything!

I really appreciate closeone and Unknownforce for your work on this!! I am excited to try it out and get rid of the VM stuff.

Sent from my PG86100 using xda premium

MINE! Thanks Unknown!
You're not unknown now! lol

wwjoshdew said:
MINE! Thanks Unknown!
You're not unknown now! lol
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His new name should be aFORCEtoBeReckonedWith

Minne. Front.. you da man. Thanks for letting me be a tester!
Sent from my PG86100 using xda app-developers app

Just a minute, and hopefully a CD will be in your direction. Just waiting for a quick nod of approval from Unknownforce.
Edit: It's up. Check post #3!

Sent from my EVO LTE.

Your not unknownforce you are THE FORCE we use you for our Android Jedi skills
Sent from my EVO3D using Tapatalk 2

Any mirrors of this 1.13 Stock?
Or is http://shipped-roms.com/index.php?category=android&model=Shooter the same 1.13 Stock?

It worked like a charm. I have the correct PRI and all. I just did revolutionary and am back in business!!!

I'm doing Hands Free Activation at the moment and it appears to have worked!
EDIT: Re-did it. Took out my SD Card and kept it out when prompted to unplug device for bricking process. No buffer error this time.

so since i have a windows 7 comp...there is no way i can get my phone fixed???

jayseersts said:
so since i have a windows 7 comp...there is no way i can get my phone fixed???
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it's a bootable cd, the os runs when you boot from it
Sent from my EVO LTE.

One question if i do not do the downgrade part of this...my phone would just be a stock phone without the vm virus we wanted to get fixed? only reason i ask is because i do not use my 3d anymore because i have the evo 4g lte and just want to sell the 3d. i just want all the vm **** out of it so i can get rid of my phone...

jayseersts said:
One question if i do not do the downgrade part of this...my phone would just be a stock phone without the vm virus we wanted to get fixed? only reason i ask is because i do not use my 3d anymore because i have the evo 4g lte and just want to sell the 3d. i just want all the vm **** out of it so i can get rid of my phone...
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Unless you do the downgrade, there will still be vm stuff in there. This is the only way to delete it. It's easy man, it was made that way on purpose.
Sent from my EVO LTE.


Gain root access to hardware locked vibrant

We now know that the new vibrant phones have the hardware key disabled to enter recovery mode. But these phones are not defective. The hardware key has been purposefully disabled as part of a misplaced strategy to secure a phone that has basically no security built into it.
Therefore it is really easy to gain root access to these phones. However the process requires the use of the adb program that is part of the google android sdk. This program likes to run on a 32-bit linux distribution. Since it will not run on a 64 bit system, here is how I managed to gain root access to my phone:
1. Download the sdk from google.
2. Boot into linux on a 32 bit machine. (I used ubuntu live cd on an old Toshiba laptop with an available linux partition to mount on the hd. Your mileage may vary.)
3. If you are not using ubuntu make sure that your c library is compatible.
4. Install the google android sdk on the hd linux partition, e.g. /home/android.
5. Plug your Samsung vibrant into the usb port on the linux machine.
The following steps are specific to ubuntu. The important thing to remember is that the adb program must run its server as root to gain the access we desire.
6. Start the terminal app: Applications > Accessories > Terminal
7. Mount the partition and change to the sdk directory:
sudo mount /dev/sda2 /media
cd /media/*/home/android/tools
7. Start the adb server:
sudo ./adb start-server
8. Make sure your device is recognized:
./adb devices
If you do not see your device connected you have some troubleshooting to do.
9. Reboot your phone into recovery mode:
./adb reboot recovery
Congratulations! You just gained root access to your hardware locked vibrant.
This message has been posted by my old g4 laptop while tethered through t-mobile 3g using wireless tether on my brand new Samsung vibrant.
M_T_M said:
Hmmmm..good enough to stick!
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Yeah it's good, but you should move this thread to Samsung Vibrant forum.
This works on any android phone.
Although the method was inspired by the desire to use my vibrant as a g3 modem, the adb program is a general android maintenance tool that runs on linux. So it really doesn't matter what kind of phone you have. Once you have started the adb-server as root the reboot command will boot any android phone plugged into the linux box.
r2d4 said:
Although the method was inspired by the desire to use my vibrant as a g3 modem, the adb program is a general android maintenance tool that runs on linux. So it really doesn't matter what kind of phone you have. Once you have started the adb-server as root the reboot command will boot any android phone plugged into the linux box.
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Would this also work for the new T-mobile G2 4G ?
I'm sure we will be seeing more locked phones besides the vibrant and g2. This fix should work for them all. The adb-server gives you root access to your phone provided that you have root access to the machine upon which it runs.
r2d4 said:
I'm sure we will be seeing more locked phones besides the vibrant and g2. This fix should work for them all. The adb-server gives you root access to your phone provided that you have root access to the machine upon which it runs.
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Keep in mind that no matter what you do on the G2, it'll be wiped on reboot. You can gain root temporarily, but when you reboot, it's gone
Installing the root update
tjhart85 said:
Keep in mind that no matter what you do on the G2, it'll be wiped on reboot. You can gain root temporarily, but when you reboot, it's gone
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If you want to keep root after your next reboot, you need to update your filesystem. The first step is to install the programs busybox and su.
Before you boot into recovery mode, make sure you have the update.zip file downloaded onto your phone's internal memory card. Whatever is on this card will be left alone even upon a factory reset. But the phone's internal memory will be wiped. The update.zip file merely installs those two programs to the internal memory and doesn't wipe anything.
1. Download the root update for your phone. Rename the file update.zip and place it on the root directory of your device's internal flash memory.
2. Once you are in recovery mode, use the volume keys to scroll and the power key to select "reinstall packages". (This works on the vibrant. The g2 may be slightly different.)
3. Your phone will reboot and you will find the Superuser app has been installed. This app lets you grant root access to applications that need it.
Now you can download powerful apps from the market to gain even more control over your phone.
I hope this helps.
Does boot with a live CD of 32 bit ubuntu on my AMD64 work?? or do i need to boot on a computer with a 32bit processor as well?
Running the 32 bit distribution cd on your 64 bit system should be fine.
Need help
Hello I need help to unlock my samsung vibrant
can someone tell me where i can fin the link
thank you
r2d4 said:
If you want to keep root after your next reboot, you need to update your filesystem. The first step is to install the programs busybox and su.
Before you boot into recovery mode, make sure you have the update.zip file downloaded onto your phone's internal memory card. Whatever is on this card will be left alone even upon a factory reset. But the phone's internal memory will be wiped. The update.zip file merely installs those two programs to the internal memory and doesn't wipe anything.
1. Download the root update for your phone. Rename the file update.zip and place it on the root directory of your device's internal flash memory.
2. Once you are in recovery mode, use the volume keys to scroll and the power key to select "reinstall packages". (This works on the vibrant. The g2 may be slightly different.)
3. Your phone will reboot and you will find the Superuser app has been installed. This app lets you grant root access to applications that need it.
Now you can download powerful apps from the market to gain even more control over your phone.
I hope this helps.
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Does boot with a live CD of 32 bit ubuntu on my AMD64 work?? or do i need to boot on a computer with a 32bit processor as well?
unlocking on root system
I was wondering if it was okay to unlock a Samsung Vibrant when it is already rooted?
the JI6 OTA update fixed this issue.
If you upgraded using Kies or ODIN, you may still be HWL, BUT, there is a fix:
If you can not get into download mode, please try this:
** Please note this is for JI6, if you are running froyo do not do this **
untermensch has a fix for those who are HWL'd that seems VERY effective. I always heard some who updated from JFD to JI6 had the HWL fixed automatically, but that was not the case for everyone. It appears those who updated OTA got the fix, but most who did ODIN or Kies did NOT get the HWL issue fixed.
Please see his excellent thread by clicking here. Hope this helps.
If you are using froyo, I imagine you could revert back to JI6 and flash this to fix the HWL.
HWL but scared to update.zip
Hi all. I am running Ji6 and i am still hardware locked. I just want to root my phone so i can delete some stock bloatware.
Can root my phone without having to "fix" HWL. I am wondering, how Kies successfully upgraded my phone to JI6 with HWL? If I upgrade to froyo (once available) will the upgrade access recovery? WIil the upgrade brick my phone?
I know for Froyo there is z4root which seems to be an easy, safe way to root..
So should i plan on waiting for Froyo??
Just fyi... I just had my vibrant warranty replaced through tmobile, when I registered it with samsung the manufacture date showed november. I had no issues getting to recovery using the keypresses.
The whole warranty swap went alot better than I was expecting, phone looks new not refurbed, it came in like 1 or 2 days from when I called, AND they unlocked it for me even though I was at my unlock limit since it was a warranty replacement, just make sure they specify that in the request.
Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S - powered by Team Whiskey™
Thanks for help, T-mobile's Vibrant is hardware locked.
Of course, you don't need either Linux or 32-bit, it worked just fine from a Windows 64-bit machine (and will from any that has a version of ADK for it). Just Shift+right-click in "android-sdk-windows\platform-tools" and select "Open command window here", enter "adb devices" to launch the daemon and make sure your device is connected properly (it needs to be in "USB debugging mode", which you can select in settings), and then enter "adb reboot recovery". Phone should restart, select "Reinstall Packages" using volume keys and power key to enter.
Bought Samsung Vibrant - SGH T959 - Have questions...
Hi all,
I joined the forums recently to learn about rooting my EVO. With the help of a number of people on the forums I was able to easily root my EVO and install a custom ROM. Still haven't flashed any new Kernels yet but I may do that soon.
Anyway, I bought a Samsung Galaxy S (Vibrant) which of course is T-Mobile phone. I got it from my friend for $50 because I know they sell on eBay for anywhere from $250-$350.
However, I recently upgraded the phone for him before I bought it to 2.2 (Froyo). This seems to be bad for me because now I want to Unlock the phone so that it can be used with any carrier, or a carrier aside from T-Mobile but I've read in the forums here that it's hard to Unlock the device if you've upgraded to Froyo via Kies.
Can anyone help me with Unlocking my device and could someone give me a quick rundown of what the key commands are for this phone too? Such as how to access recovery to flash a ROM. Although I am not going to ROOT this device unless it is required in order to unlock the phone.
Thanks in advance for any help!!!
Oh, and I won't get mad if my post needs to be moved to another thread either so please move it to the right place if it needs to be.
PAinguINx said:
Hi all,
I joined the forums recently to learn about rooting my EVO. With the help of a number of people on the forums I was able to easily root my EVO and install a custom ROM. Still haven't flashed any new Kernels yet but I may do that soon.
Anyway, I bought a Samsung Galaxy S (Vibrant) which of course is T-Mobile phone. I got it from my friend for $50 because I know they sell on eBay for anywhere from $250-$350.
However, I recently upgraded the phone for him before I bought it to 2.2 (Froyo). This seems to be bad for me because now I want to Unlock the phone so that it can be used with any carrier, or a carrier aside from T-Mobile but I've read in the forums here that it's hard to Unlock the device if you've upgraded to Froyo via Kies.
Can anyone help me with Unlocking my device and could someone give me a quick rundown of what the key commands are for this phone too? Such as how to access recovery to flash a ROM. Although I am not going to ROOT this device unless it is required in order to unlock the phone.
Thanks in advance for any help!!!
Oh, and I won't get mad if my post needs to be moved to another thread either so please move it to the right place if it needs to be.
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Well now, I found this http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=761045 but is it cool to do this while running Froyo? And another question, since I bought this phone from a friend can I still have it replaced/fixed (if needed) if the warranty is still active on it?
Back to original ROM by Odin, T959UVJFD.tar and s1_odin_20100512.pit
in dounload mode (down + power)

How to full unlock your Nokia Lumia 710 device

All right, so you wanna Full Unlock your Nokia L710 device but you faced a website on the internet saying it was impossible, which turned you down. There's a little thing you should now: most site are whether wrong or outdated, so it is very possible to full unlock a Nokia L710 (and theoretically a Nokia L800 too). But instead if you just want to developer unlock your device here's a thread that might help you with steps to officially dev unlock your phone free of charge: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1569119
It is very easy to full unlock your phone, but you must know that some knowledge and some nerves are required... Here it goes my experience on unlocking my Nokia Lumia 710 device. Note it has not been tested on Nokia Lumia 800 and that the stock rom with Qualcomm's bootloader is for Lumia 710 devices only.
Step 1.
First we must know if your device has its bootloader unlocked. Nokia phones were previously (and prior to tango updates hold that too) shipped with Qualcomm's boot loader, which allows nand access (needed to flash roms) and allows us to unlock our phones. To do so you must turn your device off, then press Power and Volume Up key till it vibrates. Then connect it to your Windows PC, where you shall get a notification whether saying Nokia Dload (nokia's locked boot loader) or a Explorer pop-up asking you to format a flashdrive (do not do that). If you get the Explorer pop-up your good to go to Step 2 but if you got Nokia's Dload, don't panic.
You are able to downgrade the boot loader using an old rom (this one specific is from Russia) that holds the Qualcomm's unlocked one. For this you'll need Nokia Care Suite and the stock rom files. The stock rom files you might find here (http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1599401), a great thread posted by Suzughia where you can learn more about this issue. Anyway, the file you need is in the FAQ session, second question/answer. The NCS file I used you can download here (http://www.4shared.com/file/0YxlvalR/Nokia_Care_Suite_5_20115126304.html?) from my 4shared account*, but for the latest release you'll might check the official site, just google it.
Once you got NCS installed you'll have to go to C:\Program Files\Nokia\Nokia Care Suite\Drivers\ and install WinUSB Drivers x86.msi (or, if you use Windows 64 bit, the respective file). Then go to C:\ProgramData\Nokia\Packages (note that ProgramData is a hiden folder) and create a new folder named Products. Within this folder you'll copy the folder you downloaded (and unzipped, its name shall be, in this case, RM-803).
Now on the start menu you search for Application Launcher, and the app that appears shall call the Nokia Care Application Launcher. There you choose Product Support Tool For Store, a tool that allows you to install any rom from recovery (even the phone you've already unlocked using this tutorial or bricked phones, by theory). Wait to app to load up and connect your device on the computer. Now select the “Automatic Product Selection” box and waits till it recognizes your device. Notice your device might restart once or twice.
Now, in order to install the rom on your phone you must firt open your device model (even if the program indentifies your phone). Go to File>Open Product and select your phone model (in this case the Nokia 710 RM-803). Now go to the sidebar and select Programming>Recovery, on Properties you'll see the information of the rom you downloaded. Select it and then click Start. Ready, your phone is being flashed with the rom 1600.3015.8107.12070, that holds the Qualcomm's bootloader. Wait for it to reboot and you're ready to go to step 2.
Step 2.
Now we're gonna install the custom fully unlocked rom to your phone over the stock rom we just installed. To do so you must have access to a Terminal prompt (wheter on a Linux distribution or on an emulator running on Windows; I strongly recommend you to use Linux, which is more reliable) which will allow you to write the rom image to the phone's flash memory. You'll also have to download the os image, which you can get from Lucifer3006 here (http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1654415).
Once you have access to a Terminal prompt and to the os-new.nb file you're ready to go. It is discussed on the thread by Lucifer3006 the use o NSS (a Linux terminal emulator), which I don't have experience to share. For instance, I used Ubuntu 12.04 for the flashing.
First boot your phone into Qualcomm's driver mode (just turn off your device, and then boot up holding power + volume up untill you feel a short vibration and then connect your phone to the computer) . Now you have to know the "address" of your device (that's given by the system). Open up terminal and type:
fdisk -l
With this command you'll see a list of the registered blocks of the storage devices on your computer. Usually your device will be the second on listed (in the case you only have your hardrive and your device plugged to the computer) and it is named sdXY, where X is the name of your device and Y is the number of the partition. On my case my device was f.
Now navigate to the folder you saved the os-new.nb file in terminal (in my case I saved on the User's folder, where the terminal opens by default in Ubuntu, the distro I used, or in most Linux distros). To be sure verify if the file is there by typing "ls", it will show a list of the files on that folder. If everything's fine, now you should enter the command that will copy the os-new.nb file to the phone boot memory, so the rom will be literally installed when the phone is booted.
Type this command in:
dd if=./os-new.nb of=/dev/sdX9
Explanation: "dd" is the command that copies the "if" to the "of" partition with low level privilegies. In this case "if" is the os-new.nb file and "of" is the boot partition address of your device. Make sure to replace the X with your device name. For example, my device was named "f", so my address will be of=/dev/sdf9, where sdf9 stands for storage device f, partition 9**. The boot partition of Windows Phone is addressed as the nineth one of the device (it is not an statement).
Once done copying (it will give you no feedback but the blinking square, so when it's done you'll just see the prompt address again) you shall disconnect your device.
In order to boot your device you have to perform a hard reset (this will literally install the os-new.nb to your device). To do so you have to hold down power + volume up + camera key for 10 seconds, then release the power key but still hold the volume up and the camera key for more 5 seconds (this was said in other post I can't remember which, don't know if is the correct way, but it worked for me). If the device does not boot up you can remove the battery and place it again, now just turn it on normally, and it will boot into the custom fully unlocked rom.
Note that the WP Root Tool installed on the rom is the 0.9 version and as for up to today it has expired, so you won't be able to use it unless you set your device date to past August 2012. In Baazar you can install the newer version but for using it you must mark it as trusted in RootManager app included on the mod rom.
Post anything you have to say and if you have a doubt, just ask me and I might help with anything I'm capable of.
Everything I posted here is upon my personal experience only. I do not own any rights over any file posted here through other threads. The responsability for them relies on the threads' holders then.
* I do not own any rights over this program and I just posted a personal link once I wasn't able to recall the original one. Also this is the only file who sucessfully recognized my device upon my experience.
** This is said just to make an example and clearify the idea, it is not its actual meaning for as long as I don't know its actual meaning.
All Links Used Here:
Nokia Care Suite version 2011.51.2.63046 5.0
Get Ubuntu Linux 12.04 for free
Nokia's 710 RM-803 Country Variant Russia direct download link:
http://narod.ru/disk/45935058001.2aaca38c9acf622332f4a81b5bf0e331/RM-803.rar.html (300mb)
How to Interp Unlock Nokia l710 original thread:
RainbownMod v1.4 and older, also the original thread of discussion:
Is it possible to get that ROM from somewhere else, all it does is download YandexBarChrome in russian!... lol
*nevermind... i installed the stupid bar and it let me get the file.
**I cant get this stuff to work.... I get an error when installing the NCS, it installs anyways, but then never detects my phone. Any help would be appreciated!!
XperianceIT said:
Is it possible to get that ROM from somewhere else, all it does is download YandexBarChrome in russian!... lol
*nevermind... i installed the stupid bar and it let me get the file.
**I cant get this stuff to work.... I get an error when installing the NCS, it installs anyways, but then never detects my phone. Any help would be appreciated!!
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What operating system are you using? I usually get installation error and phone never detected when running it on Windows 7 or Windows 8 64bit.
You might try reinstalling the NCS, and if it holds the same error, check the official site for the updated program and try it.
When you connect your phone to the computer, does the program recognizes an unidentified handset or it doesn't recognize your phone at all?
Sent from my Lumia 610 using XDA Windows Phone 7 App
My problem is this:
File C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Nokia\Packages\Products\RM-803\RM803_059M5W4_Qualcomm_DLOAD.vpl has no signature.
I have a problem. After I copy the ROM to the memory, I can't seem to boot to it. I feel the vibrations but everything is black. Please any help

[GSM/CDMA] HOW TO Install a ROM From Scratch - XT910, XT912

I am putting this together because, after three weeks of study and four days of full-time work I have finally pulled together the information needed to do this. I will also offer a lead on how to make your phone a Development phone. Sorry, no pictures or vids for the kids, just solid useful information.
You will start with an XT910 or XT912 which is locked to a carrier somewhere in the world. To unlock you must buy an unlock code from one of the sellers on eBay. This will cost from 49 cents to 5 dollars, depending on your phone. I assumed that all the sellers could get all the codes, so I bought the cheapest one and sent him my IMEI. He responded that he does not do Motorola and refunded my 49 cents. So I found a seller who does the XT910, and bought his cheapest auction (for an Atria unlock code). He responded that I had bought the wrong auction as I have an XT910. So I ended up having to buy his XT910 unlock auction and got the code. Now the phone will work with any GSM carrier in the world.
Next is the firmware. I knew the phone is running Gingerbread because in Settings|AboutPhone it said the Android version is 2.3.6. I wanted to upgrade to Ice Cream Sandwich (4.0.4) or higher, and to the MIUI ROM which I've used happily for a year. I went through the (scattered) RSD insctructions to flash ICS, but it always failed on the first file. I finally discovered that the RSD method does not work with many phones at v2.3.6, so I went to an alternative method developed by kholk, which I'll describe here. This method will work when others fail.
The first thing to know is that I'm a Linux type, but kholk also offers a Windows method which I have not tested. His Linux script has a few bugs, which I have corrected in the script attached hereto. Also his Linux fastboot binary is an older version which can not handle the larger image sizes we have now, so I have attached hereto a newer one which the source code was recently leaked from Motorola;
The next thing to know is that when posts mention "Fastboot files" they mean the ROM image files which are divided so they can be installed with the fastboot executable. OTA files are not the same, nor are they desirable. I gather that an OTA file is installed -after- the fastboot files, and provide an incremental upgrade.
Stock and ICS fastboot image files for our phone are here:
I am in Seattle, WA, and I bought my phone on eBay locked to Rogers Canada. So I and my phone are in the North American region. My stock Rogers is 'Rogers Canada' Gingerbread v2.3.6:
My Rogers ICS is 'Unknown Carrier' Ice Cream Sandwich v4.0.4:
North American users, use these. If you're in Europe you want the Central Europe image, ninth from the bottom, for ICS.
It's important to understand that the software you have in the phone at the moment, is "signed" for your specific region of the world. So you can not install a European image to a Canadian phone -- it will fail with "Preflash validation failure". The individual files you unzip from the image zip file will be transferred to their specific locations in the phone, -after- signatures are checked, to make sure you have files for the correct region.
So, choose your image file from the above list, unzip the image file, and put the fastboot executable and script in that resulting directory. I have modified the attached script to work for the Rogers images, basically by adding a couple files which were missing in the original script.
Side Bar: In the file list above, you will also find Development images, and if the fastboot executable could be rigged to ignore signatures, you could install the Dev image and voila, have yourself a development phone! The fastboot source code is available, so maybe some talented coder could make that (dangerous) change. This is dangerous because a n00b could flash a Euro image on his Canadian phone and it wouldn't work. (This error is easily reversable by flashing the right image) Comment by Vatazhka: The signature check is implemented in the bootloader. Unauthorized image gives preflash validation error and causes the bootloader to stop booting with an appropriate message. Moreover, the bootloader can't be unlocked as it lacks support for appropriate fastboot commands. The only way to get around these restrictions is to get a Motorola-signed version of a bootloader which doesn't implement checks, which luckily happened to Atrix guys (Clueless Motorola employees put it into a regular SBF, which was subsequently leaked.).
- Make sure your phone is --fully charged-- or else it could run out of battery and leave you with an expensive brick. Comment by Vatazhka: There are $6 cables to repair bricked devices with no juice left on eBay. Been there, done that It's the standard USB data cable with two pins shorted and ideally should also include a resistor to bring voltage from 5 V supplied by USB down to 3.8 V as supplied by the battery.
- Put the phone in fastboot mode by turning off, then holding Vol+- and power on. Select Fastboot and Vol+.
- Connect the -original- USB cable (some USB cables do not have data lines, only power, and you must have data lines for this) and connect to
your computer. On the phone Fastboot screen it should say "Connected" at the bottom.
- On the Linux computer in a Terminal window, cd to the image directory and # ./FlashLNX.sh It should flash away with no errors. The phone will
reboot and you'll get the Android with rotating polyhedral heart; it will reboot a couple more times and you have ICS!
- Root the phone.
- If you have an XT910, for Recovery you want BootMenu Manager, and if an XT912 you want SafeStrap. Install from the Market. You MUST NOT jump the gun and try to install BMM or SS to Gingerbread. It will brick you. Get up to ICS, then lay down your recovery. Comment by Vatazhka: Not true. SS2 and SS3 can be installed to both XT910 and XT912 (just be sure to install the correct SS2 variant). Developer of BMM actually owns an XT909, which is similar to XT912, and uses BMM on it. Simply choose the one which works with a given firmware (Hopefully this will be solved soon, so you could install whichever suits you, not the firmware.). One caveat: If you intend to try or install MIUI, it WILL NOT WORK with SafeStrap. You need BMM (which includes CWM) for MIUI.
- Now flash whatever image you want.
I like MIUI:
- If you ever want to go back to stock, just use the above process and flash GB 2.3.6.
Comment by Vatazhka: This is usually not possible. Most ICS updates bump some of the partition version counters which are stored in the "partition table", which doesn't allow you to go back. You can forget about resetting it - there is a digital signature (eFuse as well?) on guard again. You can only flash partition images with version number which is not lower than embedded in the "partition table".
I'm also not sure about this fastboot update stuff, but I may have used different fastboot variants which haven't had implemented this.
- If you install MIUI directly to the first slot by rebooting to Custom Recovery and installing zip, you will lose Custom Recovery when done so it needs to be reinstalled. The newer MIUIs do not come with GApps (this Play) so you have to get them here:
... and get BMM here:
Since I don't have phone service yet I downloaded these to my PeeCee, put them on a microSD card and popped them into the phone. Install BMM with File Manager, and use it to reboot to Custom Recovery to install GApps. Then I used Titanium Backup to remove all G**gle apps except for Play, Framework, and one or two others. (I don't trust the Greatest Data Mining Operation In The History Of The World) Speaking of which, I always install DroidWall and only allow the minimum apps to access The Internets.
Then I used BMM to install CM10 JB to the second slot, just for fun. So now I have dual-boot! MIUI and CM10. Either one can be set to default. Caution though, for the zip you will install to the second slot you must convert it, as per the link above. The resulting file will begin with BM, and -that- is the one you will install. At the same time you can add GApps to be installed right after the ROM. You can -name- your two bootable OS' like this: BMM|BootMenuSettings then tap the very name and a cursor will come up. Delete and rename; Mine are MIUI 2.10.19 ICS and CM10 16.56.44 JB.
MIUI is already rooted, always.
One pleasant surprise in all this is that the new ICS MIUI Backup app does recognize old GB MIUI Backup savesets. I had to install Android Terminal and cp -r them over by hand, but it did restore all my old logs, SMS, apps, etc, thankfully.. I notice that the new MIUI Backup offers Encryption! Well, this really means that you are enabling backups to their "Cloud". In Red China. Where they can pore over your contacts, texts, logs, calls, and friends at their leisure. Encryption? Pshaw. ('shared key') Velly ingenirous.
Recommended apps: DroidWall, AdFree, Snowstorm, RadarNOW!
Some additional tips:
To reboot the phone and put it in FASTBOOT mode.
# adb reboot bootloader
To reboot the phone and put it in RECOVERY mode. Still need to push Vol up + Vol down to use the stock recovery.
# adb reboot recovery
For normal reboot
# adb reboot
For OTA updates (normally not needed), try
# fastboot update ota_update.zip
If low battery and not flashed:
1. Connect your phone using ORIGINAL USB cable to to ORIGINAL wall charger
2. Press and hold both Vol+ and Vol- buttons at the same time and then press and hold Power button until bootloader menu appears with Normal boot already highlighted
3. Use Vol- to highlight BP Tools and press Vol+ to select it
4. Screen with red M will appear followed by a screen with the battery and number undeneath showing how much charge your battery has now which means phone is now in the battery charge only mode
5. Wait for a battery to charge which should take over 3 hours
CAUTION: This method will FAIL if you have not completely flashed the system image. When your battery gets down to about 1/3, fastboot will refuse to flash images and you'll be screwed. There is no way to charge it unless it's booted. If you get in this predicament like I was, put your phone on a hot item, like a laptop power brick, and pray it recovers the battery enough to flash at least system and boot images. Flash them manually (copying lines in the script) if you have to.
Much gratitude to kholk, eval-, and to Jack'O who got me through this.
Well done dude.
Sent from my XT910 using xda premium
Thanks for your help and support Jack'O.
This thread already has 248 views in its first hour of life, LOL.
Wow, that's one comprehensive guide. Just a few corrections:
Side Bar: In the file list above, you will also find Development images, and if the fastboot executable could be rigged to ignore signatures, you could install the Dev image and voila, have yourself a development phone! The fastboot source code is available, so maybe some talented coder could make that (dangerous) change. This is dangerous because a n00b could flash a Euro image on his Canadian phone and it wouldn't work. (This error is easily reversable by flashing the right image)
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The signature check is implemented in the bootloader. Unauthorized image gives preflash validation error and causes the bootloader to stop booting with an appropriate message. Moreover, the bootloader can't be unlocked as it lacks support for appropriate fastboot commands. The only way to get around these restrictions is to get a Motorola-signed version of a bootloader which doesn't implement checks, which luckily happened to Atrix guys (Clueless Motorola employees put it into a regular SBF, which was subsequently leaked.).
- Make sure your phone is --fully charged-- or else it could run out of battery and leave you with an expensive brick.
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There are $6 cables to repair bricked devices with no juice left on eBay. Been there, done that It's the standard USB data cable with two pins shorted and ideally should also include a resistor to bring voltage from 5 V supplied by USB down to 3.8 V as supplied by the battery.
- If you have an XT910, for Recovery you want BootMenu Manager, and if an XT912 you want SafeStrap. Install from the Market. You MUST NOT jump the gun and try to install BMM or SS to Gingerbread. It will brick you. Get up to ICS, then lay down your recovery.
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Not true. SS2 and SS3 can be installed to both XT910 and XT912 (just be sure to install the correct SS2 variant). Developer of BMM actually owns an XT909, which is similar to XT912, and uses BMM on it. Simply choose the one which works with a given firmware (Hopefully this will be solved soon, so you could install whichever suits you, not the firmware.).
- If you ever want to go back to stock, just use the above process and flash GB 2.3.6.
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This is usually not possible. Most ICS updates bump some of the partition version counters which are stored in the "partition table", which doesn't allow you to go back. You can forget about resetting it - there is a digital signature (eFuse as well?) on guard again. You can only flash partition images with version number which is not lower than embedded in the "partition table".
I'm also not sure about this fastboot update stuff, but I may have used different fastboot variants which haven't had implemented this.
Sent from my XT910
Thanks Vatazhka, I've added your remarks.
So what carrier are you going to use it with? Prepaid of some sort?
Sent from my XT912 using xda app-developers app
N, TMobile USA. It was locked to Rogers Canada but I unlocked it. It's working great. Been with TMo for seven years, and this time I asked them for a credit to buy the phone. (Last contract renewal I got $100 for the Nexus One) They wouldn't give me cash, but put me on a new "Value" plan with unlimited everything and $25 less than I've been paying, for $64/mo. Saving $25/mo over two years works out to alot more than the $280 I paid for the phone.
Here in Seattle we have HSPA+ and I've got fast internet. Supposed to have LTE next year, but HSPA+ is fine. TMo is moving everything to 1900MHz as fast as they can for iPhone compatibility, so we benefit.
Voice quality on this phone is far better than any HTC. The screen is so large I'm not used to it. Concerned that when I sit down I'll crack it in my back pocket, or it will slip out.
MIUI only allows 4x5 icons on the screen and I think I could use 5x7 so I've posted a request on miuiandroid.com.
i want to upgrade my just bought vzn razr xt912 to ics and want to use as gsm phone here in india
can anyone help
which ICS ota file should choose from the list mentioned at the OP
and how to proceed.
Get the one for Verizon Droid RAZR XT912.
Sent using a touch screen
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nxa101lte116 - Nextbook 10.1" Tablet 16GB Quad Core +4G LTE Verizon

Haven't been able to find anything on this model as of yet, looking for info for rooting and any possible roms/hacks. also asking for thumper1436 who's original thread is http://forum.xda-developers.com/general/xda-assist/please-help-stock-nextbook-10l-quad-t3254936 --there (sorry, not familiar with proper tagging features for the bulletin boards just yet).
thanks for any info in advance!
found some hope from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=baIhaJ0Zz5U . not the exact model but a starting point maybe? we'll see.
::edit:: i'm an idiot. after mulling about and using the commands in the video comments, I kind of figured it out. booted into bootloader, flashed the boot and recovery img's via fastboot, and so far so good. rebooted into recovery and twrp is up (yay). now to work on rooting (hopefully as easy as installing the zip files through twrp). worst thing that can happen is I brick it. wish me luck.
oh yeah, android 5.0 kernel version 3.10.20-x86_64byt build v 1.0.7
okay, so attempted backup via twrp but it failed. figured wth, flashed recovery zip and super su zip from link in youtube video ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=baIhaJ0Zz5U ). after rebooting, went to play store and installed a root checker, and viola. so root achieved.
keep in mind that using twrp wouldn't work without keyboard attached (which is annoying). controls are normal, though throughout the process the screen goes portrait mode instead of landscape, so figuring out "mouse" controls is wonky but doable. after root, using the touchscreen is all but gone (very very buggy, not sure how to fix as of yet). if i could find a recovery image from mfg it'd be great (already emailed them about it, but very very doubtful it'll show up).
root is possible, but makes system buggy.
-----please do a clean install/wipe/factory reset first. it's always a good idea and can save you the headache from bugs that can occur from not doing this. please. google is your friend if you're a bit lost on how to do anything referenced in this "guide" ----
I take no claim of ownership of the files used in this process. respect goes out to the owners/originators.
1) install working adb drivers (through android sdk or however). I went with installing from here . don't forget the java crap (link is on this page too, just read the instructions).
2) download twrp and recovery files from here
3) i downloaded the nocturnal adb stuff as well from here . Was easier to keep files organized imo.
4a) extract files from both and put files from step 2 into the same directory as files from step 3 ( will look like image from looky looky when done right). don't forget to copy the recovery.zip and SuperSU246.zip to the root of an external sd card, going to need these in the future.
4b) i forgot about the developer options thing. if you're working with the tablet already booted up like normal, you have to enable developer options and turn on usb debugging (there's all the info on that in the youtube video referenced from the post above, or by google-ing it).
5) hold down shift and right click in window, select "open command window here". if tablet is loaded up like normal, you'll type in "adb devices" to make sure the drivers installed okay (it'll show a device if all is done right). if tablet is already in the bootloader, type in "fastboot devices" and it'll show a device if all is done right. google is your friend on how to get into the bootloader, or you can always load up the tablet, verify the adb drivers are working, and go to step 6.
6) type in "adb reboot bootloader". when it loads up, type "fastboot flash boot boot.img" and hit enter. When that completes, type in "fastboot flash recovery twrp_recovery.img" and hit enter. all should show okay (mine had a data error from the backup, didn't seem to effect much, though i'll be going back and redoing this with a clearing of data/factory reset first that will hopefully kill the buggyness of the touchscreen.
7) use the volume down button to change the option to "recovery mode" and select with power button. once there the fun begins.
8) as stated before, using the mouse pad seems the only way to go. up is up, down is down. the screen however is turned on it's side this way.
go to the "install" button and click on it. navigate to the root of the external sd card (click the storage button at the top, change to external_sd) and click ok. should have to just scroll down and select the recovery.zip file. click "add more zips" button and select the SuperSU246.zip file. click and drag the "swipe to confirm flash" button and release. wait for confirmation of success.
9) go back to main menu (I used the navigation buttons on the physical keyboard) and reboot into the system.
that's all there is. as stated, it is buggy as hell and the touchscreen is all buggered up. but using the keyboard/touchpad seems to work. not sure of too many other bugs yet as this is fresh off the press and I haven't done anything else with the tablet since doing this (besides installing the root check program from the play store and running it to verify it worked.
hope this helps someone =)
::edit:: damn this is a little confusing to read, sorry about that. first time attempting a guide like this.
device info from skipsoft android toolkit.
Product Manufacturer: Yifang
Product Model: NXA101LTE116
Model ID:
Device Type: NXA101LTE116
Device Characteristics: nosdcard,tablet
Product Serial Number: YFGV0715030938
Build Description: nxm1017bapl_64-user 5.0 LRX21V 20150708.171530 release-keys
Build Date: Wed Jul 8 17:17:24 CST 2015
Hardware: nxm1017bapl
Board Platform: baytrail
Build Version Release: 5.0
Build ID: LRX21V
Bootloader: unknown
Build PDA:
CSC Sales Code:
Region Code: US
Ro.secure Level: 1
Ro.adb.secure Level: 1
Selinux.enforce Level:
Selinux Level:
Alarm Alert: Alarm_Classic.ogg
Notification Sound: pixiedust.ogg
Ringtone: Ring_Synth_04.ogg
Boot Image Status is: SECURE [based on ro.secure value]
Note: This is only an indictation if the boot image files have been modified
::edit:: info was prior to rooting device.
Do you happen to have a stock image or a backup available?
daleguthery said:
Do you happen to have a stock image or a backup available?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
unfortunately no. i tried emailing the mfg to no avail (they claim they don't have the image files to restore them). haven't tried doing a factory restore yet, though i doubt that'd help. right now i just use it as a "laptop" with using the track pad instead of the touch screen. still a work in progress, just been busy with life happenings. will update if i can find out more (or if i manage to get my hands on another untouched unit that i can try and dump or something).
I have also tried contacting the mfg, and they told me the same thing. I read somewhere that this tablet was actually made by eFun. The stock rom for the model without LTE will work on this tablet, however there are somethings that don't work correctly, the first being enabling LTE and recognizing a SIM card. The others are camera orientation, and screen rotation is always upside-down.
daleguthery said:
I have also tried contacting the mfg, and they told me the same thing. I read somewhere that this tablet was actually made by eFun. The stock rom for the model without LTE will work on this tablet, however there are somethings that don't work correctly, the first being enabling LTE and recognizing a SIM card. The others are camera orientation, and screen rotation is always upside-down.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I have the same tablet. I will be attempting to root.

Cannot flash rom (always gives an error)

I can install images without a problem, but cant install any roms. TWRP says that I don't have an OS, I guess it got somehow corrupted. I can install recoveryes through fastboot, I have tried twrp and other ecovery coming with LineageOS.
When I try to install rom on twrp, it gives "error applaying update: 7 (ErrorCode::kInstallDeviceOpenError)" and then updater ends with error 1 and at last it gives error installing zip file. If I try to flash stock rom, it's just the same, just not the update part.
Any advice?
The MSM Tool Unf*cketh.
Unless you have fried hardware (dropped in ocean, etc) I've never heard of this not fixing it.
Pay careful attention to getting into EDL mode for the flash, that's tricky sometimes.
Okay, thanks a lot, will give it a try.
Edit: I actually read about that tool before but I'm running linux. But I guess this is important enough to setup vm.
You can download a W10 install disk free, run it on VirtualBox, and get the flash done prior to it requiring activation. Not endorsing that or anything, of course, just saying... it can be done. Make sure you kill internet on the VM ASAP or it will self-update itself to death. (I can neither confirm nor deny that POS Windows Update rebooted DURING A FLASH. I've been on Linux too long to remember the horrors of that world, may you not have PTSD when you try)
I couldn't get it to work. Problem is that my phone is stuck booting to fastboot-mode, so I cant enter edl. I also tried to enter edl through adb and fastboot, but it is possible that I somehow passed the phone to vm wrong. It has been a while when I last used virtual machine and I'm super exhausted.
I have to try tomorrow again.
If you can get the phone off with some battery life left, you can do EDL. Don't try using either adb or fb commands, do it from the volume keys with the phone OFF. It will do EDL before it even goes into bootloader. If you are getting into FB or recovery AT ALL - even if an infinite loop - you should be able to pull it off.
There's a bunch of stuff that tripped me up when I was doing it:
-Virtual Box needed some additional plugins to make USB a pass-through
- Virtual Box needed one of its minions to get added to a Linux user group so it could see (permissions for) USB
- There's a separate Qualcomm driver that needs installing to that icky OS
- When the phone is OFF, and you ***HOLD*** the volume buttons, then insert the cable, EDL is only enabled for like five seconds (or something absurdly short). You have to have the MSM tool up and running, waiting to click.. do the phone physics, wait for it to say connected, then click on the button in the tool to get it to start. Once you see the "firehose upload beginning" or whatever you can let go of the buttons, it will remain in EDL till it is done.
- As hinted above you have to keep the VM OS from rebooting itself trying to install terabytes of useless updates while you are flashing. (Cutting the NIC from the VM works nicely.) I was, luckily, still able to re-flash again and it worked.
I've bricked a few phones in my Android life, and pretty much only endorse OnePlus now because of the support for recovery when you screw up. It has some tricks, but thanks to lots of n00b errors writing my own debloat script and carving out essential parts of Android, I've got it down and repeatable (though I luckily haven't needed it in a while).
Get some sleep, get some green tea, or ethanol, or whatever your poison is, and try again... LMK /exactly/ what fails and I can do my best to help.

