Motorola being bad to Asia users. - Motorola Droid RAZR

What do?
(well this forum getting low anyway, every single post is about the ics..
Found me a post without mention the ics, I dare you..
So anyhow, the admins here accept every spam here..
So if you guys don't mind, I will have my own spam thread, thank you. )



[INFO] Request & WARNING to all New Members

First of All Welcome to the greatest HTC Development portal panel. Enjoy your stay but please follow the rules while you are here:
1. Search before you post. There is no point in asking the same question if it has already been answered. This is not a support portal, rather it is a portal for developers where developers share their knowledge and experience to the benefit of themselves as well as the ever growing HTC community. So if same question is asked again and again, be prepared to get flamed.
2. Respect other members:- this is essential for a thriving community portal. Do NOT use bad or abusive langauage.
3. Do NOT post any warez / crack / pirated softwares. This is not a portal to share illegal software, it you post any or give link to any such site / file your post will be reported to the Mods and you will face immediate ban. If any of you find any such post, please click on the '!' icon on top left to report such post.
4. Give the developers/chefs/skinners a break, they are not here selling you a product or service, they are just sharing your creations with you and YES there may be bugs in it, you can request them for certain stuff, but please don't demand.
5. If you are posting something, that is not your own creation, please mention the original author or post a link to the original post.
6. Before flashing your Gene please go through the Tutorial Stickey by krazy_about_technology.
7. Do not create duplicate post, ask a question only once. There is no point asking the same question over and over again.
8. Mind Your Language. This is a public forum and not a private forum, so mind the language you are using.
9. Please do not reply to useless and unnecessary threads like - I bricked my Vox after running hspl.exe, if you are really ichy to reply, just post a link to the tutorial stickey.
10. Share the knowledge: Share your knowledge, new findings, new tweaks etc with the community. Please understand that if other members did not replied to your queries, you will not be in the position that you are today - knowledge wise atleast. A lot of users have been seen that after starting a thread has finally signed off by saying ok, I got it working. But let the users of the forum know how did you get it working.
11. Do not clutter the forum / threads. Post your replies in subsequent threads. Do not post replies in non relevant threads. Like discussing issues of krazy's or ankit's or lomlom's ROM in the Upgdate tutorial thread (unless you have bricked your device in the process of updating one of the ROMs). Or post query / information about one ROM in another ROM's thread. Keep the threads clean and RELEVANT.
12. COMPLETE YOUR PROFILE . Its a very basic courtesey to let people know basic details about yourself, nobody is going to track you down to your home. You are interacting with fellow members every so often, so atleast they should know from you are from, it may actually help you in solving your issues faster.
This is not a preaching or something, just a guideline so that we can keep our forum neat and clean; all the suggestions has been assimilated after viewing General forums. If you have an issue, please see my favourite post in my siggy (BTW not posted by me, but one of the mods)
Thanks for keeping the forum clean (Or get ready to be flamed),
Just saw another post about "Bricking", looks like pple love to get flamed! and if you do get flamed, it won't be worth reporting to mods, since it is not a support site .
A request to all experience users, if you see a noob or other user asking for a certain information already there in the forum, please DO NOT give him /her the information in that thread, simply give him / her a link, they need to read the forum properly. And this way we will have less and less useless threads.
Lets keep our forum neat and clean.
I go even a step further and don't respond to such guys That way, they either try to find their own way by reading or go away and relieve us from further headaches lol
krazy_about_technology said:
I go even a step further and don't respond to such guys That way, they either try to find their own way by reading or go away and relieve us from further headaches lol
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OMG! Another one!
But buddy you are a developer, so you are contributing a lot to the site (unlike me ). So.. I am just trying to help the admins in my small way .
Do not reply to useless threads
Please do not reply to useless and unnecessary threads like - I bricked my Vox after running hspl.exe, if you are really ichy to reply, just post a link to the tutorial stickey.
Thanks for keeping the forum clean.
it kinda makes me
im sorry to say most of these guys who are posting threds are lazy guys and it kinda make wana say u no XYZ to these guys but then as this is a forum and cant uses unparliamentary words i cant say what i want to
u know when i can to this furum i had sent many many PMs to many pros here most of then never even replied or gave me very rude reply until i found this absolutely nice very very helpfull kind person(im not mentioning his name here cause i don't want others to bug him cause of me ) and i kinda bugged him and he helped well all people have to do is try but they want to take the easy way out
I humbly request the pros hers not to reply to such guys till they find out a ways to contact u
svrhari said:
..... contact u
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Yeah, I know some Senior users are rude, or rather they become rude by replying same questions over and over again. But we need to keep our forum clean don't me.
BTW I know whom you are talking about. That person is amazing, nobody shares knowledge like he does (well except one other guy). Basically what I am trying to point out is if we keep on replying to these lazy pple on the thread they have created, they will take it for granted. Instead let them search and get a solution.
When I joined this forum (Gene, not Vox), the forum was nearly barren, I hope a lot of you will remember, there was not even a thread for tutorial, yet I found solutions about upgrading my gene by using the hspl from one post and the ROM from another post!
So my point is read Read READ!
if you think I am going over the top, read my favourite post in my siggy.
Completly agree with you Addicted2XDA Although i came to this forum to be a leecher like i did for many symbian forums when i was using that Nokia [email protected] (in my personal openion only), i found out that its actually not a Pirate Shop like many symbian forums where ppl just post software cracked by cracking groups, which i wont mention here but most of us must be knowing them already
XDA was different, people were mostly developers so there was an oppertunity to learn so much about the platform that i was waiting to get my hands on for last so many years. Moreover, No ROM which was only one at that time) on the forum was satisfying my need as i need Windows Live in my day to day use. So i decided to dive deeper and build a ROM for meself. AndHere came the Angel, Ramerson, with his fantabulous kitchen and a good heart too, to help people like me with their naive adventures in this wonderful world. And rest is history now
Also apart from my personal needs, i was feeling that the GENE community is somewhat not taken care of by anyone,reason for that maybe because in some countries its a very old phone. But for me, this phone is special, no matter in future i get a Touch Diamond 2 or whatever GENE got me into this WinMo bandwagon and i really have a place for it in my heart. Thats why i decided that no longer will people starve for good WM 6.1 Gene ROMs in this forum. May be i was destined to do it Anyways, now i am quiet happy that people have good choices.
And people like Ankit360 are even taking the efforts futher with WM 6.5. I will too work on it when it releases, but the things that Ankit is doing right now, are really worthy. He is a very nice guy too, and he was the person who was online for hours while i was patching my SPL. i was so scared to do it, has not he been online, i wouldn't have touched it. The method was also published by him originally. I just took it and made it a cosmetically better looking tut thread. I thought that Ankit was there when i needed it, but how many people can have that privilege? So, the Sticky to Unlocking and Flashing was born.
Its been about 4-5 months since i first came here, and the journey has been delightful. I am now diving into some application programming also with .NET and will try to design utilities for day to day problems. I am not having a permanent income source as of now, thats why i haven't donated to this forum, but whenever i'll get one, you'll see "stars" growing besides my name, if you know what i mean
That's what i like to say to everyone coming here. Take whatever you want and can from this forum, it has a big heart for everyone. But do take care to not mess it up and help in keeping it a great place for everyone to enjoy. Its not necessary that you should make ROMs or Software, but the kind of help that Addicted, Hari and many others do is also extremely valuable for the forum.
I hope somebody is listening to all this
i have put a thread yesterday
by the way yesterday i have put a thread as a humble request i hope people read it and understand the implication of wasting a thread this is very short and not as much in detail as additcteds is but as i know their are many lazy guys here i thought they might have more patience to read my thread
and yes addict ur thread is very good and precise to the point
i hope they do and understand sorry to not mention the name of the person who helped me as i dont want the other lazy guys get his name and start bugging him of course most of the people who have posted here know who im speaking of and once again i say thanks a million to this great guy with a heart of gold
krazy_about_technology said:
Co..Touch Diamond 2
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Touch Pro is better
LOL but the design of TD2 suits me better. The round corners of TP2 really bug me. TD2 is a bit more man-ly, if you know what i mean But ya, the screen and stereo speakers of TP2 rock! And looking at the one speaker of GENE which sounds quiet fine, i think the stereo speakers will be quiet music friendly
plz do not write which rom u currently using in signature it's discouraging me bcoz nobody using my rom
just kidding
We definitely look forward to a new build ROM from you. Please see the OLD Gene (HT 7XX) users are not left out. it fornew Gene
Come on Ankit we are waiting for ur window 6.5 for new gene....
U are genio!!!!!!!!!!!
krazy_about_technology said:
LOL but the design of TD2 suits me better. The round corners of TP2 really bug me. TD2 is a bit more man-ly, if you know what i mean But ya, the screen and stereo speakers of TP2 rock! And looking at the one speaker of GENE which sounds quiet fine, i think the stereo speakers will be quiet music friendly
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Actually I was talking about the full hardware keyboard of the TP2 (Yeah, i know i go insane when i see a physical qwerty keyboard ). Its really convenient for mailing, you should agree . In my personal opinion, the difference between a physical keyboard and an on screen keyboard is sort of like the difference between a TVSE Champ and a TVSE Gold .
And like you, Vox will always have a special place in my heart, since it was the first wm device for me.
Yeah, i do value the hardware keyboard, specially after i have experienced one of my friend's SE Xperia, works marvelously well, specially when i write programs in pocket c#, as well as messaging and email.
An important point added, No. 10.
This post is made to just push it up the list .
why dont we make this post a stickey
Addicted2xda said:
An important point added, No. 10.
This post is made to just push it up the list .
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why dont we make this post a it stays on top always...just a suggestion...
htc3400 said:
why dont we make this post a it stays on top always...just a suggestion...
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Already made the request, but its not upto us . Lets see what the mods think.
Closed as per OP request :

My phone has freezed, suspect a virus..

About an hour ago I noticed a strange message on my phone which said "helo". (helo with a single 'l').
The only way it seemed to go away, was if I said OK to it or tried the back button. It popped up every few seconds, and it was everywhere, in the browser, in the market, on my homepage, just everywhere..
I suspected its a virus or trojan or just something malicious, and I've been googling ever since, I cant seem to find any information on this 'helo' virus/trojan/whatever.
And Now my phone has freezed. In just one hour, my phone has freezed!!! About an hour ago, when I first saw it, I could use my phone, only the message popped up every few second, but now my phone has Freezed! In just about an hour, whatever this is has cause so much damage?!?
Can anyone please tell me, if this is really a malicious thing, or some software error?
I haven't downloaded anything suspicious, and today espescially I haven't used my phone much..
Phone: LG Optimus One P500.
1) Please use proper english. 2) Do a full wipe of your phone if you can't boot, you'll lose everything, including that program. 3) If your phone is still frozen remove the battery and reboot.
4) I don't suggest anyone give any more information than this. I hate to say it but I've seen things like this before. A new user will sign up for a site, post something like "i've got a virus", get help from the community and then it turns out it's the virus writer using the info on how to combat the virus to make it worse. Being wary is always a good option, and a factory wipe will make sure this program is gone so there's no need for anything else.
Wow! did you just say "use proper english?"
Define proper english.
The flag below your Avatar shows Unites States, I bet, not everyone who lives in the US is a native english speaker. If you can't comprehend what I write, then its your problem.
I hate to say this in a publc forum but you sound like an Idiot!, You couldn't have helped me anyways.
GoodLuck trolling around forums.
Just my 2 cents, but me/me you look more like the idiot here. You have 2 posts, one asking for help (which you got), and one calling somebody an idiot.
Yea im going to support dbzfanatic on this. The way you, me/me, started to criticize and name call, especially with only two posts, was uncalled for. Now back to the original topic. The above stated method should work. You could just try a battery pull, then find the culprit. That may unfreeze your phone, but if not you will have to do a reset and lose data.
Sent from my Shoe.... I mean my Samsung Shoe.... I mean my Samsung Epic
Firstly, I wouldn't call that help. Whatever was suggested was someothing anyone would do with or without help. In a technical forum, more helpful suggestions are expected.
My post, if not grammatically correct, was comprehendible. The poster, didn't have to be so condescending. Her/His assumption that any new poster is a virus writer is ridiculous. She/he does come across as an Idiot.
I get it that you want to defend a fellow member, you may, I'm not going to attack you for defending a friend.
Btw, soon after I made my first post, I figured what the problem was, adn I came here to delete my post. I was very surprised to see such arrogance. I believe, a knowleadgeable person had a more humble demeanor.
me/me said:
Firstly, I wouldn't call that help. Whatever was suggested was someothing anyone would do with or without help. In a technical forum, more helpful suggestions are expected.
My post, if not grammatically correct, was comprehendible. The poster, didn't have to be so condescending. Her/His assumption that any new poster is a virus writer is ridiculous. She/he does come across as an Idiot.
I get it that you want to defend a fellow member, you may, I'm not going to attack you for defending a friend.
Btw, soon after I made my first post, I figured what the problem was, adn I came here to delete my post. I was very surprised to see such arrogance. I believe, a knowleadgeable person had a more humble demeanor.
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So then tell us what the problem was.
there a strange rule here, new posters cannot edit their posts soon after posting, we will have to wait for 5 minutes or something. there is a correction i want to make in my previous post *has not had.
Product F(RED) said:
So then tell us what the problem was.
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I got to know the problem is at the carriers end.
I tried to post teh link, but this site doesn't allow me to post.
I understood exactly what you said, but you're correct that some users aren't native English speakers. Using proper English on a public forum where not everyone speaks the language natively will make things easier for people to translate if they need to. You had one post at the time and thus, you're a n00b, at least on this forum. The first things to tell a n00b are the obvious basic things to try. If you're technologically inclined good, if not then the steps I suggested would have been enough. Calling someone arrogant for being cautions is like saying someone's a chicken for not holding a gun to their head. There is also a standing rule (if you would take the time to read the forum rules) that new users can't post links. You could always have removed the http:// and posted the rest of the URL which would have been allowed. Glad you fixed your problem but even in a technical forum the first suggestions will be the obvious ones unless you specifically post that you have already tried those steps. If you continue to stay on this forum I hope your demeanor changes. As I said I've seen situations like this where the poster was the one writing the malicious program, we don't need that here so precautions are necessary. Lastly, I'm a guy, so no need for the his/her anymore when referring to me somewhere.
I didn't say you are arrogant because you assumed I am a virus writer. I said you are arrogant because of your condescending manner..which reflects in this post too. Clearly, you haven't understood my post.
As for the need for translation, freeze and froze, don't make much of a difference while translating. Any one whose first languare is not english will not have any trouble understanding that one of them is in present tense and the other is in past.
I doub't you really were thinking of some poor non native english speaking soul, when you demanded I speak 'proper english'. What is more important is to be polite and open minded. Good manners! Have you heard this somewhere?
Your fellow members attacked me, when I called you an Idiot. I didn't call you an Idiot because you were being cautious. I called you an Idiot because, your condescending manner coupled with your ridiculous assumptions and you demanding others to offer no further help..comes across as rather Stupid. I don't regret calling you anything.
As for grading the members based on their number of posts, you didn't have to explain that to me at all. I maybe a noob because I have only 1 or 2 posts, but let me tell you, technically I am a noob too. And no, I am not ashamed to say this.
Did your post help me? You gave some basic suggestions, which I can just google. I am a noob and I could do those things without your help. Now you got to figure how helpful you are. In your own words, your knowledge level is more superior simply because your number of posts categorize you as senior member.
It didn't occur to me that I could remove the http// inorder to the link posted here, I am a noob, but if you were smart enough, you would google to find out what it is.
You are male/female or whatever, I couldn't care less.I don't want to refer to you here or anywhere else. Good Bye!
Go easy guys
No need to judge each other's English speaking skills; especially based on the flag below the avatar.
Let's not welcome anew member in a harsh way, and hey new member must read the rules.
Please guys, relax. This community is all about helping each other, and diversity is the best part of it : ) This is no grammar/vocabulary community. so go easy; not everyone is perfect in everything.
@me/me: Yes, you will need 10-12 posts before you can post without the 5 minutes gap and also edit your post + avatar and signature.
BTW, welcome to XDA-Developers.
Go easy guys
No need to judge each other's English speaking skills; especially based on the flag below the avatar.
Let's not welcome anew member in a harsh way, and hey new member must read the rules.
Please guys, relax. This community is all about helping each other, and diversity is the best part of it : ) This is no grammar/vocabulary community. so go easy; not everyone is perfect in everything.
@me/me: Yes, you will need 10-12 posts before you can post without the 5 minutes gap and also edit your post + avatar and signature.
BTW, welcome to XDA-Developers.
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Remember, even the best rom chefs and devs started somewhere with only one post.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA
me/me said:
Firstly, I wouldn't call that help. Whatever was suggested was someothing anyone would do with or without help. In a technical forum, more helpful suggestions are expected.
My post, if not grammatically correct, was comprehendible. The poster, didn't have to be so condescending. Her/His assumption that any new poster is a virus writer is ridiculous. She/he does come across as an Idiot.
I get it that you want to defend a fellow member, you may, I'm not going to attack you for defending a friend.
Btw, soon after I made my first post, I figured what the problem was, adn I came here to delete my post. I was very surprised to see such arrogance. I believe, a knowleadgeable person had a more humble demeanor.
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Maybe he should go to the store and purchase your phone model to better assist you? I'm willing to take donations. /sarcasam
madnish30 said:
Go easy guys
No need to judge each other's English speaking skills; especially based on the flag below the avatar.
Let's not welcome anew member in a harsh way, and hey new member must read the rules.
Please guys, relax. This community is all about helping each other, and diversity is the best part of it : ) This is no grammar/vocabulary community. so go easy; not everyone is perfect in everything.
@me/me: Yes, you will need 10-12 posts before you can post without the 5 minutes gap and also edit your post + avatar and signature.
BTW, welcome to XDA-Developers.
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Guy to donate an electrify for testing with locked bootloader
there is a guy here wanting to donate his phone for the cause! get him! unlock that bootloader!
Nice that some one wants to give away a phone.
Too bad it's not a Photon........ thread re-opened
<MOD EDIT> at a couple of requests, the thread is re-opened. It seems the Electrify has no specific forum, and I'm told is very similar to the Photon. So until it can get it's own device specific forum, it can "piggy-back" in the Photon forum.
Moscow Desire said:
Nice that some one wants to give away a phone.
Too bad it's not a Photon........ thread re-opened
<MOD EDIT> at a couple of requests, the thread is re-opened. It seems the Electrify has no specific forum, and I'm told is very similar to the Photon. So until it can get it's own device specific forum, it can "piggy-back" in the Photon forum.
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the phones are identical minus the 4g hardware. the 2 phones should in fact be in the same forum thread. separating them would not be the best idea.
ok... 1st off sorry moderator for having to reopen the thread.... wasnt trying to smack you in the face or anything..... so now that that is clleared. would somebody like to work with phone this guy has or know someone who would? this guy could really possibly help....

[Guide/Info]Must do info guide for Beginners

New On XDA or New With Your S3, Here are few Things You Need To Remember Before Posting in the 'General Q&A section' about your Issues.
Here You See And Learn Many More Things When Your Are New On Xda
A Very Nice Detailed Info By Saywhatt
[HOW TO] make a substantial THREAD, POST, QUESTION and POLL
[GUIDE] HOW TO POST: Understanding the UI in posting
[HOW TO] make a substantial THREAD, POST, QUESTION and POLL
Huge Thanks To Saywhatt For Sharing Knowledge ​
So Here We Go ,
Well we always do notice that people in the 'General Q&A section' are not putting nearly enough information in their Post and Title to get proper solution to ther issues.
[*] A bad Title like ' plz help', ' urgent', 'phone dead' etc.
[*] No relavent info about the phone Model/ ROM/KERNEL/MODEM etc in there post.
Since insufficient info causes hindrence for members who are willing to help and leads to ask lots of questions from them and the very same(lack of info) will delay getting the solution for you.
So this Guide will show you what you need to include in your post to get the most efficient answer to your question.
We'll start with the Title:
- Just Writing Help , Bricked , Guys Help Me out Wont Be Enough For People Having knowledge Of You’re your Issue To Help You Out.
Provide A Better Title Like
“ I Soft Bricked My Phone “
“ Having Kernel Issues”
- You need to be precise, and describe what you're looking for in your thread.
Next, the Information you need to state before you even get into asking your question.
Dont Start Off Or Just Dont Write 'I Flashed This Rom/Kernel And Cannot Boot Up or Stuck At Logo / Boot Loop plz help' and sit and wait for solution's to pour in for you.
Rather try to provide more basic info like:
- The make of your phone. There are many different variants of your device Samsung Galaxy S3 I9300 /G/M/P/T
- What Rom/Kernel/Modem you are using?
- Are you rooted/unrooted?
- Have you flashed any mods/scripts/themes?
- Have you changed DPI? If yes, to what?
- Have you done anything to try to solve your issue prior to posting the same?
since these would be very valuable information,
which do aid a member who is ready to help with your issue for sure.
Additionally, visual aids like 'Screeen shot' or a small 'Video clip' will help a lot in resolving issue's in a better way for sure.
For people who are with Stock Rom's:
Please dial *#1234# and post the results (thanks to fxrb) if your not sure about the Rom/Kernel/Modem info.
And also adding the relavent info of ROM/Kernel/Modem to ur signature will save time in providing the same.
After You Completed The Above Steps Its Time When you can ask your question.
And do Remember:
- Do not ask "What rom/kernel/theme is the best?" -or- Something that you have not searched for (it is infact very obvious if you havent), since its against XDA rule
- Be specific and precise in what you want/need. Do not write a 10,000 word essay, or a 3 word question.
And Always Remember On Xda The Most Important Rules :
- Be polite: People never want to help someone who wont appreciate it, or is rude to them. Remember your p's and q's
- Do not bump your thread: It gets annoying and against the rules
This is just a begining and will take a bit to include all of the information needed.
I know there are lots of more experienced users than I, and would love feedback of what to include.
Please do not hesitate to post in the thread or even PM me with your valuable inputs you think needs to be included in this thread.
and another one if needed
and one more
well its a pretty decent effort from ur end for sure Buddy
now its the people (new Comers) who has to utilize the same in an efficient way
and if its made 'Sticky' by the Mod's, will be more helpfull
Sun90 said:
reserved this , will comment later
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Big Contributors Are Making Way , ThankYou
lets hope for the best , if any of the Moderators Find It abit worthy
Dont mind me asking this, but what is bumping a thread.?
arjunpaliath said:
Dont mind me asking this, but what is bumping a thread.?
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flooding the threads with useless posts....posts like the one this thread is telling about...
A useful guide for noobs but unfortunately as is always the case on XDA it will probably get lost in translation and as usual you'll have people on asking the same usual questions, the only solution as ive said all along is when people register on XDA as part of the sign up process they must tick a disclaimer that they need to use the search function and if they don't and ask noobish questions they get a temporary ban for a week and if after that they persist a full ban, it might sound extreme but as far as i can see this really is the only solution to stop noobs from posting the same questions day in, day out, year in, year out, it seriously has to be implemented, many good people have left XDA from when i first came on here because of noobs and to be honest you can hardly blame them, pretty much every answer noobs want is highly likely to already be on XDA somewhere and can be found via the search function.
jonny68 said:
A useful guide for noobs but unfortunately as is always the case on XDA it will probably get lost in translation and as usual you'll have people on asking the same usual questions, the only solution as ive said all along is when people register on XDA as part of the sign up process they must tick a disclaimer that they need to use the search function and if they don't and ask noobish questions they get a temporary ban for a week and if after that they persist a full ban, it might sound extreme but as far as i can see this really is the only solution to stop noobs from posting the same questions day in, day out, year in, year out, it seriously has to be implemented, many good people have left XDA from when i first came on here because of noobs and to be honest you can hardly blame them, pretty much every answer noobs want is highly likely to already be on XDA somewhere and can be found via the search function.
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very well said mate.... i guess that is why they are known as noobs...
they never wana search for anything on xda... and no matter how many times xda blocks they they remain same
Question reg the XDA mobile deviceforum!
I'm quite new here! just wonder how come that is 5 Galaxy S3 forum in the XDA top divice site?which one is the right site? or all of it is right?
poohjack said:
I'm quite new here! just wonder how come that is 5 Galaxy S3 forum in the XDA top divice site?which one is the right site? or all of it is right?
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first of all this aint the right place to place the questions , did you even read the OP ?
and next thats because there are different varients of s3 and each has its different forums
so choose according to yours, at&t , or whatever your device model is
arjunpaliath said:
Dont mind me asking this, but what is bumping a thread.?
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Bumping means, to move a thread to the top of the forum, with a pointless reply (usually to one's own thread, to promote something or to get an answer to an unanswered question)
Edit: forgot to close the bb-tags
Hi everyone!
I'm wondering how do you guys transfer a file from a Mac to Android using Cyberduck + SSHDroid? Anyone is helpful enough to post a tutorial here, please?
vegeta1 said:
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Very nice and helpful guide vegeta1 :good::good::good:
siberian tiger said:
Very nice and helpful guide vegeta1 :good::good::good:
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Thanku Mate For Appreciating :highfive::highfive: :good::good::good:
Thanks for the briefing....
Hi all,
Still new here, hope can make new friend here. Hope can learn new things here. Peace....
jerrykool said:
Hi all,
Still new here, hope can make new friend here. Hope can learn new things here. Peace....
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maybe my thread can give some contribution to your thread as well to help out new users [HOW TO] make a good THREAD, POST, QUESTION and POLL
saywhatt said:
maybe my thread can give some contribution to your thread as well to help out new users [HOW TO] make a good THREAD, POST, QUESTION and POLL
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Il just Link Your Thread On the Op , Thankyou Once Again

Why did my JPay JP5S thread get deleted?

I had started a thread a while back about "Installing Google Play Services on JPay JP5S tablet" - in the Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting forum.
Now, all of a sudden, it appears to have been deleted without explanation. Can someone tell me why? Did the thread violate some XDA forum rule? If so, what rule?
I'd appreciate any assistance with this inquiry. I'm new to this forum, but I don't want to repeat any mistakes if I made any.
Abuhuraira007 said:
I had started a thread a while back about "Installing Google Play Services on JPay JP5S tablet" - in the Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting forum.
Now, all of a sudden, it appears to have been deleted without explanation. Can someone tell me why? Did the thread violate some XDA forum rule? If so, what rule?
I'd appreciate any assistance with this inquiry. I'm new to this forum, but I don't want to repeat any mistakes if I made any.
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Hello new fellow ! Welcome to XDA.
First of all, have a look at the rules, it's short and you'll find why your post vanished.
Second of all, most newbies here misplaces post, so:
Questions post belongs to Q'n'A section only.
Also, XDA is a very big forum! So always prefer reading over asking, because if you had an issue someone surely had it before. And reposting the same question make the site more and more slower.
A big mistake newbies make is asking before even searching on Google, XDA isn't the only place in the web to find answers, so please, search deeply before posting.
XDA was once accused (a little less now) of "n00b bashing" because more experimented users had harsh responses to questions they saw everytime. If you read thoroughly before posting, this won't happen.
Also, be respectful, etc...
Everytime someone helps you with a post, please hit the "thank" button. It's the way you say thank you instead of saying thank you on a post (that saturate XDA for nothing).
Finally, when you report a bug, please make a logcat and attach it to your post. That's the most common mistakes that even senior members make sometimes.
Also check out the "XDA New user Guide" (1) and a How to logcat thread (2)
Thanks for asking that, very few new ones takes time thinking how they can better act here on XDA, showing you will to do better proves that every person with a little bit of common sense know that internet has rules also, and that a forum doesn't organize itself alone.
Thank again
Have a good day
Raiz said:
Hello new fellow ! Welcome to XDA.
First of all, have a look at the rules, it's short and you'll find why your post vanished.
Second of all, most newbies here misplaces post, so:
Questions post belongs to Q'n'A section only.
Also, XDA is a very big forum! So always prefer reading over asking, because if you had an issue someone surely had it before. And reposting the same question make the site more and more slower.
A big mistake newbies make is asking before even searching on Google, XDA isn't the only place in the web to find answers, so please, search deeply before posting.
XDA was once accused (a little less now) of "n00b bashing" because more experimented users had harsh responses to questions they saw everytime. If you read thoroughly before posting, this won't happen.
Also, be respectful, etc...
Everytime someone helps you with a post, please hit the "thank" button. It's the way you say thank you instead of saying thank you on a post (that saturate XDA for nothing).
Finally, when you report a bug, please make a logcat and attach it to your post. That's the most common mistakes that even senior members make sometimes.
Also check out the "XDA New user Guide" (1) and a How to logcat thread (2)
Thanks for asking that, very few new ones takes time thinking how they can better act here on XDA, showing you will to do better proves that every person with a little bit of common sense know that internet has rules also, and that a forum doesn't organize itself alone.
Thank again
Have a good day
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Thanks, but your reply still does not shed any light on why my thread was deleted.
I may be a noob to this forum, but I am not a noob to forums in general. I had already read the forum rules, and I believed then (and still believe now) that my thread had complied with the rules.
In particular, I had conducted a search prior to posting, but there were (and still are) no threads on the topic. A current search of "JPay JP5S" reveals five hits: two threads (one of which is my old thread) which are deleted, two threads which I do not yet have permission to access (but which deal with different topics anyways), and this thread here. Thus, my thread was not redundant of a previously asked and answered question.
Is the JPay JP5S a taboo or forbidden topic to discuss? If so, an indication to that effect would be nice. If not, I would still like to know why my thread was deleted. Again, I obviously don't want to repeat whatever mistake I might have made with the last one, if I made any.
Abuhuraira007 said:
Thanks, but your reply still does not shed any light on why my thread
whatever mistake I might have made with the last one, if I made any.
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That's weird indeed...
There aren't any taboos in XDA regarding this device... You could also try to PM moderators to know what's the issue with your thread, but include this time what you said in it, so you can have explanations. I can't tell you since the thread isn't in front of me. Here is the list of mods in XDA:
They're all nice
Pick one in the "all other forums" section of the document and try to contact him about that.
PM Sent. Discussion on our end regarding our PM conversation. Hold tight :good:
MOD EDIT: removed quote
This guy Billyjblade is a known scammer and is trying to scam people. Can one of the moderators please delete his post and ban his account?
Abuhuraira007 said:
This guy Billyjblade is a known scammer and is trying to scam people. Can one of the moderators please delete his post and ban his account?
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[Using "Report" button] How to Report issues / Moderators assistance by TonyStark
Sent from my payton_sprout using XDA Labs
Abuhuraira007 said:
This guy Billyjblade is a known scammer and is trying to scam people. Can one of the moderators please delete his post and ban his account?
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It has been handled. As the RC already mentioned, please do not hesitate using the "Report Button", when you believe that a violation of the forum rules has occurred. Like this we can take care of situations like this way faster.
Thx for your understanding.
mrjuniork (Forum Moderator)
mrjuniork said:
It has been handled. As the RC already mentioned, please do not hesitate using the "Report Button", when you believe that a violation of the forum rules has occurred. Like this we can take care of situations like this way faster.
Thx for your understanding.
mrjuniork (Forum Moderator)
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Thank you. I'm still new and learning around this forum.
Abuhuraira007 said:
Thank you. I'm still new and learning around this forum.
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You are welcome :highfive:
And don't worry, you will learn your way around the forums, we all had to
Have a good one :good:
Not to revive this dead thread, but if it's okay to discuss the JP5, then why did *every* thread about it disappear? I get that there were a bunch of people trying to sell services, but why not just delete their posts? There was a 50-some page thread that contained invaluable info that simply doesn't seem to exist anywhere now, and even Google Cache and Wayback Machine are basically useless. It sure *looks* like the JPay people "got to" XDA or something.
If anyone can at least provide a link to the needed files to "unlock" these things, that'd be awesome. Or better yet, can we start a new thread without it going poof? (Or best yet, could that old one ever be restored?)
I am also looking for the files to unlock my jp5 tablet. I also have a jp6 tablet I'd like to unlock. Any help would be great. $ is not an issue

