[Q] ICS 4.0.3 LCD porting problems - Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hi All,
I am trying to port my android hardware (Samsung SMDKV210 motherboard) in order to use a different (10.1") LCD.
The original LCD was a 7" 24bpp RGB interface.
The display I want to use is 18bpp LVDS. I have hardwired an LVDS transceiver and got the Linux Kernel Logo displaying correctly on the new screen by changing the driver settings for the correct resolution([email protected])
However, when ICS kicks in the colours are all messed up as in the attached image, can anybody suggest the cause of this?
I have read something about needing to increase the vram in the bootargs, also something about Android defaulting to 16bpp, but I need some advice on where to look.
I can re-build the source quite easily.


UI Rendering problems on latest WM 6.1 ROMs

Originally I thought this was an issue specific to the Fuze/Touch Pro family but now I'm not so sure since I've seen it on Omnia emulator images as well as on the Treo Pro devices (although to a lesser extent) and the Touch Pro 2
After upgrading to the latest ROM for the AT&T Fuze or the Verizon Touch Pro I'm noticing some issues related to the rendering of all comboboxes/droplists and tabs. The overall height has shrunk slightly from the previous ROM releases.
This defect actually makes it less finger-friendly as there's a smaller touch target with the reduced height.
Has anyone noticed this and is there a registry tweak/fix or anything to address it? My solution in the past was to downgrade to an older WM 6.1 ROM that didn't exhibit the problem but it seems to be some pervasive issue with newer images of WM 6.1.
For reference here's the two ROM versions that I've identified for the Fuze and the Touch Pro that exhibit and don't exhibit the problem:
Fuze Touch Pro Control Height Issue 1.03.605.4 No 1.08.605.4 Yes
Without a screen cap, I'm not sure what you're talking about. But you can change menu font sizes with HKLM\System\GWE\Menu\PopFnt. Increase the value for Ht to 1100 or something along those lines. There are other values in the GWE registry you may want to play with.
I have attached a screenshot showing the differences in the two ROMs on one of the standard screens (the GPS setup). It appears that the default item height for tabs and droplists has been changed to be a few pixels shorter
I like the new version better. But seriously, I don't really see this as thread-worthy-there's barely any difference between the two. It's definitely not two-thread-worthy.
I was hoping someone knows if there's a setting in the OS that can actually be used to adjust this. It seems to be something that has started working it's way through all the WM 6.1 ROMs.
It actually causes some applications that expect to have edit controls and droplists render at the same height to look less professional and introduces a discrepancy between hi-rez and standard 240x320 devices. As an application developer I just want to know if there's a way to fix it.
Consider too that by having a smaller droplist/tab control you actually are going to have a smaller target to use when trying to interact with the control. I don't know about you but the original tab controls were hard enough to hit with a finger on a device that's designed for "touch".

Colour calibration tool for WM 6.5?

Does such an app exist?
I need to calibrate colours since I've bought a new lcd and the new one the white is more yellowish...
Ii think the colour-balance is hardware-dependant; maybe the manufacturer´s LCD is out-specs..
Yes, but you could reach same goal tweaking the video driver. Windows for desktop, even Android can tweak screen colours using the video driver... there are plenty of apps for that.
I wonder whether such an app exists for wm6.5...

[Q] Decrease Resolution for Gaming?

Hello Tablet Z community,
This is my first post in this devices forums since getting mine last week. It's a great device, love it, etc.
I've never owned an Android device with a screen resolution this high so I've yet to encounter this problem - some of my games (specifically the emulator PPSSPP) have relatively low framerates (compared to my less powerful Samsung P6810 @ 800x1280). I know with computers in particular it's trivially easy to change resolutions in games/the OS, especially to increase FPS but I've never seen a method to do this on Android and Google searches turn up people mentioning device resolution without changing them.
Does anyone know if it's possible to, ideally, force a different resolution for a particular application? A less than ideal solution would be a system wide change but I would be willing to endure temporarily to increase FPS.
Any advice and suggestions would be greatly appreciated
I would be interested to know about this, iv just loaded ppsspp however havent been able to play any of the playable games listed, I did see a few videos of the xperia z playing well, however that has the same resolution and specs.
juzza87 said:
Does anyone know if it's possible to, ideally, force a different resolution for a particular application? A less than ideal solution would be a system wide change
Any advice and suggestions would be greatly appreciated
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That was recently discussed in this thread: LCD Density Changes and Results (With Pics)
Cat McGowan said:
That was recently discussed in this thread: LCD Density Changes and Results (With Pics)
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This is very different, setting the DPI to a non-stock value just resizes the userspace, the resolution is fixed and unchangeable as the OP is thinking. Compared to a Windows PC where you can change the resolution, in Android you only have the ability to change the dpi, which states how large the pixel-to-screen size is. A smaller number indicates a smaller pixel-to-screen size, meaning the information shown on screen is sized for a laeger screen (making it smaller, since the screen is a fixed size). And a larger number has the reverse effect. Android UI guidelines set the optimal dpi for resolution vs. screen size, to mainain a similar experience across devices (similarly sized icons and fonts, etc). Again, this has nothing to do with adjusting the physical resolution of the device, which (to my knowledge) is not possible in Android.
daveid said:
This is very different, setting the DPI to a non-stock value just resizes the userspace, the resolution is fixed and unchangeable as the OP is thinking. Compared to a Windows PC where you can change the resolution, in Android you only have the ability to change the dpi, which states how large the pixel-to-screen size is. A smaller number indicates a smaller pixel-to-screen size, meaning the information shown on screen is sized for a laeger screen (making it smaller, since the screen is a fixed size). And a larger number has the reverse effect. Android UI guidelines set the optimal dpi for resolution vs. screen size, to mainain a similar experience across devices (similarly sized icons and fonts, etc). Again, this has nothing to do with adjusting the physical resolution of the device, which (to my knowledge) is not possible in Android.
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Heh. Thanks for the schooling, but it was unnecessary, I didn't just fall off a turnip truck.
Thanks for the replies guys, at least now I know for sure..

Dealing with DPI and resolution

Hello, I'm a beginner for android development, and I am currently making a game for Android, but I've been stuck on this problem for a few hours.
Since android's resources (drawable, mipmap) are based on DPI, if I want to fill a screen with a specific resolution, how would I go about adjusting the size for multiple displays?
For example, I have a 1920x1080 screen, so I make a background that is 1920x1080. If I try the app a 1280x720 screen, the image will be clipped and some of it will not be visible on the screen. If I try the app on a 2560x1440 screen, the image will not cover the entire screen.
How would I make my app work with phones with different displays? Or have I misunderstood the mdpi,hdpi,xhdpi,..etc. and they in fact actually deal with resolution?
I am using SurfaceView and BitmapFactory to load the resources and load it onto the screen, if that helps anything.
Many thanks.
(If I am posting on the wrong subforum, please direct me to the proper one, Android Software Development seemed to be full of guide and not help, so I decided to post here)

Title: Help Needed: Custom Display Resolution 1024x600 on Orange Pi 3 LTS (Android)

Hi everyone,
I'm having trouble with display resolution on my Orange Pi 3 LTS board. I have a 7-inch display with a resolution of 1024x600 from Waveshare, but seems that its not supported by Orange Pi. I get black screen with some colored lines.
board and the display are fine i connected other hdmi desktop monitor to the board and its all good.
also checked the 7 inch diaplayby connection to other comptures everything is fine as well. in fact orange pi ubuntu linux system are working good withthis display. The problem is only with android.
I've tried various methods to change the resolution, but nothing seems to work. well i am new to all this so may be i did not do it correctly.
I've tried unpacking .img file and editing the parameters in the config.fex file, it did not work.
I've also tried using the adb shell , adb shell wm size 1024x60 it did change the resolution but still no image on the display.
I would really appreciate any help or guidance on how to set the correct custom resolution for my display on the Orange Pi 3 LTS. If you have any experience with this issue or know of any resources that could help me, please share them in the comments below.
Thank you in advance for your help!

