[Kernel] ButteredToasT ICS RLS18 | Linux 3.0.101 | linaro 4.7 -O3 | otg | HTC beats - HTC EVO 3D

ButteredToast (Buttery smooth and extremely wicked)
CDMA/GSM Ice Cream Sandwich, sense 3.6, 4.x, AOSP
Be Gentle folks: This is my first kernel rodeo after many months of studying how the great ones do it.I hope you like it, if you dont then theres the door (figuratively).
Toolchain/Compiler: linaro 4.7.3
REPO -> https://bitbucket.org/bigwillyg/buttered_toast_shooter
KERNEL SENSE -> ButteredToast Final Version
Sweet kernel -O3 optimized for linaro 4.7.3 compiler (dont ask how, my head still hurts)
Changelog: Changelog is in post #2
Credits: Starting with CG/KeRnElChEf because he is my mentor/tutor/handholder and aside from the enormous obvious contribution, his constant assistance and teaching through out this experience. With out his help I never would have attempted this.
- Johhnyslt
- Faux123 (this equation: (4*HZ+61), the dynamic enhancement of f/sync)
- showp1894 (cmdline options, original cypress version sweep2wake - used as base by CG to write it for AMTEL)
- kernel.org
- F2FS article from https://lwn.net/Articles/518718/
- MikeC84
- Ziggy471 (lagfree / smartass)
- Dodava
- Linaro
- creator of BFQ - i have no idea
- creator of SIO - i have no idea
- creator of VR - i have no idea
- developer of LZO
- yank555-lu (first with fast charge, adjust LED timeout via sysfs)
- chad0989 (improved on fast charge)
- Cjoliver
- Anryl
- Agrabren (CM10 cam fix)
If it works well for you GREAT!!! If not Please let me know, logcats for errors are preferred.
Mods: since this is my first thread of this kind, please let me know if I am missing any required info from this post.

PATCH: Patch to LInux 3.0.101
FS: added ExFat support for SDCARD
- RLS17.9:
PATCH: Patch to Linux 3.0.96
- RLS17.7:
PATCH: Patch to Linux 3.0.84
CPU: updated interactive governor from CAF msm-3.4, thanks mrg666 for the tip.
SCHED: updated ROW scheduler from CAF msm-3.4, thanks mrg666 for the tip.
- RLS17.6:
PATCH: Patch to Linux 3.0.80
CPU: updated interactive gov (thanks mrg666 for the tip)
WIFI: updated wifi components to improve stability (thanks mrg666 for the tip)
- RLS17.5:
PATCH: Patch to Linux 3.0.77
SCHED: tried to tweak ROW per johhnyslt's repo to try and get it to work better.
- RLS17.4:
PATCH: Patch to Linux 3.0.74
PATCH: Patch to HTC 2.95 Source
- RLS17.3:
PATCH: Patch to linux 3.0.72
SCHED: added ROW IO Scheduler
MPDEC: sysfs support for max screen off cpu clock added (Chad Goodman all the way, love this guy)
FIX: file ext4 compile errors (Chad Goodman
- RLS17.2:
SCHED: was missing a setting to enable power manager.
READAHEAD: was missing a ';', fixed.
- RLS17.1:
PATCH: Patch to linux 3.0.71
Dynamic Readahead from Chad Goodman
AROMA: added 1.6 and 1.7Ghz as selections in aroma.
- RLS17:
RNG: added frandom support, you will need to install crossbreeder or similar to use.
CPU: linaro power patch. Even though its openly available, I got it from Chad Goodman.
CPU: corrected the CPU table and documented each line for clarity (Thank you chad for info)
- RLS16.5:
PATCH: Patch to Linux 3.0.70
- RLS16.4:
PATCH: Patch to Linux 3.0.69
- RLS16.3:
PATCH: Patch to LInux 3.0.68
- RLS16.2:
PATCH: Patch to Linux 3.0.67
- RLS16.1:
PATCH: Patch to Linux 3.0.65
- RLS16:
USB: OTG works again.
CPU: xondemand works.
PATCH: Patch to Linux 3.0.63
- RLS15.3: (broken, dont use it)
XZ: got it working (thanks thicklizard)
- RLS15.2:
PATCH: patch to linux 3.0.62
XZ: added xz compression to kernel.
- RLS15.1:
BLUETOOTH: reverted patch for bluetooth wakelock since issues appear to have started after I applied it.
- RLS15:
CPU: added xondemand cpu governor (thanks to chad for providing the missing piece(s) and Anryl sharing his source as an example)
- RLS14.5:
PATCH: Patch to Linux 3.0.61
- RLS14.4:
PATCH: Patch to Linux 3.0.58
- RLS14.3:
PATCH: Patch to Linux 3.0.57
had to revert the patch for the 3D clock. doesnt need it
- RLS14.2:
FREQ: raised default frequency from 1188 to 1350, can still be changed in aroma
DEVICE: patch from Chad Goodman to help prevent (gfx2d1_clk status stuck at 'off') errors
- RLS14.1:
PANEL: changed brightness back to 3 since 1 didnt work.
PATCH: patch to linux 3.0.56
- RLS14: Birthday Edition
PATCH: patch to linux 3.0.54
PANEL: lowered minimum brightness to 1 to see if it works.
BT: bluetooth wakelock fix from agrebren, courtesy of Dastin1015
AROMA: added back camera driver option in installer.
- RLS13.6:
PATCH: patch to linux 3.0.53
- RLS13.5:
PANEL: added some missing changes for brightness on the shooteru side.
- RLS13.3:
PANEL: added the brightness fix to shooteru because I missed it before. no change for CDMA.
- RLS13.2:
PATCH: Patch to linux 3.0.52
PANEL: adjusted brightness calculation to better sense lowest brightness (thanks to Anryl for help)
- RLS13.1:
PATCH: Patch to linux 3.0.51
AROMA: updated the aroma config to remove the sense vs aosp option and other changes borrowed from CG.
- RLS13 :
SWEEP2WAKE: updates to the driver to allow config via aroma
- RLS12.2:
fixed version number and updated to the linaro 4.7.3 toolchain
- RLS12.1:
patch to linux 3.0.50
- RLS12:
PATCH: patch to linux 3.0.49
TOUCHSCREEN-ATMEL: cm multitouch fix (seems to not affect sense) (Agrebren)
- RLS11.1:
FRAMEBUFFER: refreshrate override - may help with some sense 4.x lag
- RLS11:
VM: lower SYSCTRL latency values to help reduce lag (shooter_u)
VM: lower latency values to help reduce lag
VM: increase default MAX read-ahead
OOM: dont kill kernel threads
DEFCONFIG: update defconfig files for stability
MENUCONFIG: add 'targeted preemption latency for CPU-bound tasks' to menu config
FIX: fix typo, we actally want this to compile
- RLS10:
VM: Add Common VM Settings to MENU CONFIG (thanks Chad)
- RLS09:
Patched to Linux 3.0.48 (kernel.org)
- RLS08:
Patched to Linux 3.0.47 (kernel.org)
- RLS07: (Thanks CG for the making this possible, no kanging please, give credit)
CAMERA: allow for CM10/AOSP compatibility alongside sense 3.6/4.0
SYSFS: add misc sysfs interface for rom type (aosp/sense for example)
DEFCONFIG: gsm and cdma need same name for COMMON modules to work
DEFCONFIG: update defconfig for linaro topology drivers
CPU: linaro arm topology drivers
- RLS06:
BLUETOOTH: made it work with sense and aosp roms (CG, thanks for the fix)
- RLS05:
CM10 camera fix (agrabren/anryl)
CPU: rename cpu info
BOARD: name device
CPU: make use of faster L2 (and FSB) clocks
L2: add 1458, 1512, 1566 L2 Clocks, and set 1404 and over to 360MHz FSB
FSB: define 360MHz FSB
GPU: set GPU clock defaults to max, so aroma has full control
GPU: dont OC by default, allow SYSFS contol over max clock
- RLS04:
GENERAL: fixed shooteru directory names in zip
CAM: applied camera fix in separate build for CM10/AOSP
- RLS03:
DEFCONFIG: had to manually patch shooter_defconfig, last commit didnt complete
DEFCONFIG: upload autogen defconfig files for CDMA and GSM
PATCH: patch to linux 3.0.46
SCHED: prepare for ROW IO scheduler
SCHED: add BFQ IO scheduler
FLASH: reduce battery level requirements for FLASH
WIFI: undervolt wifi card to whitepaper spec
BOARD: add thermald support to device specific files board files
ARM: use generic strnlen_user and strncpy_from _user
CRYPTO: add support for AES128+SHA1 encryption/decryption
NET: add JIT compiler for packet filters
CPU: kernel based thermal management
CPU: kernel based MPDECISION
CPU: raise PERFLOCK clocks to 1.5Ghz
ZCACHE: update ZCACHE drivers
ZRAM: update ZRAM drivers
COMPRESSION: add support for Google snappy decompression/compression
IO SCHED: add simpleio IO scheduler
IO SCHED: add VR IO scheduler
CPU: add smartass v2 cpu governor
GSM support
- RLS02: PATCH: patch to linux 3.0.45 (kernel.org)
- RLS01: PATCH: patch to linux 3.0.44 (kernel.org)
PATCH: ck-1 patchset
ATMEL: SWEEP2WAKE: enhance driver, add ABOUT to sysfs
F/SYNC: make f/sync dynamic -vs- straight on/off via sysfs
THERMAL: reset some variables to pull maxclock setting from aroma vs kernel default
IO: add BFQ i/o scheduler
IO: add SIO i/o scheduler
IO: add VR i/o scheduler
BCM4329_248: undervolt wifi chipset to whitepaper spec
CPU: add ZIGGY471s custom LAGFREE governor
enable cmdline options
LED: dynamic LED brighness mod
CPU: update cpu core clock control
HEADSET: limit all notifications to single-thread
AROMA: add kernel side support for aroma installer
THERMAL: adjust sensor ID for CDMA
LINARO: MM: linaro specific tweaks/updates
CPU: clean and name tables, allow OC to 1.7GHz
MPDECISION: kernel based mpdecision
PANEL: lower min-brighness from 30 down to 2
INPUT: sweep-2-wake for amtel (shooter/shooter_u)
CDMA BOARD: adjust min/max voltage for cpu, ram, and l2 cache
LZO: update to latest version of LZO driver
CPU Vdd: adjust min/max voltage for cpu, ram, and l2 cache
CPU: allow SYSFS (userspace) control over cpu voltage
SCHEDULER: set load_freq to 4.61
BCM4329_248: allow weaker signals to be seen
BCM4329_248: add sysfs control over pm=fast vs pm=max
GPU: allow sysfs (userspace) control over MAX GPU CLOCK (not current clock), and set default max clock
BATTERY: allow sysfs control over usb charge mode (fastcharge)
LED: allow sysfs/userspace control over led notification timeout
GPU-2D: help prevent gfx2d0_clk (or gfx2d1_clk) status stuck at 'off'
GPU-2D MHL: add GPU clocks 266, 228 to the STOCK 200MHz and idle at 200MHz clocks
GPU-2D: add GPU clocks 266, 228 to the STOCK 200MHz and idle at 200MHz clocks
GPU-3D: set GPU clock to 320, 300, 266, 228MHz and idle at 200MHz
CPU: Allow CPU-based alignment handling
USB: add support for usb host mode / otg
VFP: compile vfp for neon

Buttered ToasT Kingdom: it's buttered toast but for the HTC kingdom (HTC Evo design 4G/hero s)
Rls1 is stock but compiled with linaro using -O3.
Rls2: updated to Linux 3.0.61
Rls3: updated to Linux 3.0.62, added optimizations (thanks chad) and overclocking (thanks 2fast4u88)
Rls4: added missing config to turn on overclocking.
PATCH: Patch to linux 3.0.64
BOARD:Lower sd slot, wifi, wimax power & remove files, CONFIG: add Jesus Phone setting and 1.8GHz setting (OC is a WIP)
CONFIG: remove perflock and add config for overclocking
DEFCONFIG: update defconfig for linaro topology drivers
CPU: Linaro ARM Topology Drivers
SCHED: add BFQ IO scheduler
CRYPTO: add support for AES128 + SHA1 encryption-decryption
NET: add JIT compiler for packet filters
ZCACHE: update ZCACHE drivers
ZRAM: update ZRAM drivers
COMPRESSION: add support for GOOGLE's SNAPPY decompression-compression
SCHED: add SimpleIO scheduler
SCHED: add VR IO scheduler
CPU: add SmartAss V2 and LAGFREE cpu governors
ARM: use optimized RWSEM algorithm
SWAP: add support for FUDGESWAP
AUDIO: add support for external USB attached DAC devices
BCM4329_248: allow SYSFS control over PM=FAST-PM=MAX
WIFI: add support for bcmdhd drivers with sysfs control over pm=fast-pm=max
SHA-1: use git implementation of SHA-1
LZO: update to latest version of LZO driver
PATCH: CK1 patch
CPU: Allow CPU-based alignment handling
- RLS6:
PATCH: Linux 3.0.65
XZ: add xz to the kernel.
- RLS6.1:
.....CPU: xondemand is now available.
- RLS7:
PATCH: Patch to Linux 3.0.77
CPU: smartassv2, lagfree are back.
Fun stuff from buttered toast shooter will come with time.
REPO -> https://bitbucket.org/bigwillyg/buttered_toast_kingdom
KERNEL SENSE -> ButteredToast_Kingdom-RLS7.zip
Instructions for first time flashing of evo design kernel are here:
SDX Buttered Toast Thread

Here are the settings that I personally pick in aroma:
Governor: ondemand
Min cpu: 384
Max cpu: 1512
Max scr off: 540
S2w: enabled with back light
S2w start: home
S2w end: search
Scheduler: deadline
12/03/2012: With RLS14 and newer, the option for selecting sense vs aosp camera is back. This option is for older base aosp/cm10 roms that still use the aosp camers drivers.
If I missed any settings let me know. Most of these are the defaults, but they are all what I personally choose.

Great work man.
Sent from my shooter using Tapatalk 2

Sent from my PG86100 using Tapatalk 2

Dude!.... Nice. Downloading now. I know where youre coming from so I am very interested in this.!
Sent from my PG86100 using Tapatalk 2

Nice to see more kernels here.
Edit: I just installed this kernel, performance feels pretty good. I'll give it a couple of days and see how battery does.

Thank you and great job.

Great job on ur first kernal.. can you please provide a quick list of hboot it will work with. Thanks be helpful for us new comers
long time lurker... read search try again

1st page

rose2jam said:
Great job on ur first kernal.. can you please provide a quick list of hboot it will work with. Thanks be helpful for us new comers
long time lurker... read search try again
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Click to collapse
It isn't a stock kernel so it should work with any hboot. I currently run it with the eng-1.04. I have only seen the hboot issue creep up with the stock sprint 2.89 kernel and some sense 4.1 roms.
Thanks for the kind remarks fellas, I would recommend a second reboot 10 minutes in after you let it settle.
Sent from my PG86100 using Tapatalk 2

bigwillyg said:
It isn't a stock kernel so it should work with any hboot. I currently run it with the eng-1.04. I have only seen the hboot issue creep up with the stock sprint 2.89 kernel and some sense 4.1 roms.
Thanks for the kind remarks fellas, I would recommend a second reboot 10 minutes in after you let it settle.
Sent from my PG86100 using Tapatalk 2
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Click to collapse
And I'm running on 1.58 so yea pretty sure it will work on any hboot.
Great kernel man, keep up the good work
Sent from my PG86100 using Tapatalk 2

Hell yeah buddy
Sent from my PG86100 using Tapatalk 2

Nice work on your first kernel. Like it so far. Yes its confirmed to work on hboot 1.58. Keep up the good work


Nice another Linux 3.0.44 kernel
Glad to see strong development,
thank ya
Sent from my PG86100 using Xparent Blue Tapatalk 2

Nice work!

After a full charge cycle, let me know how it is on battery.
Sent from my PG86100 using Tapatalk 2

bigwillyg said:
After a full charge cycle, let me know how it is on battery.
Sent from my PG86100 using Tapatalk 2
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Congrat on first release mate,


[Kernel] ButteredToasT ICS RLS18 | Linux 3.0.101 | linaro 4.7 -O3 | otg | HTC beats

ButteredToast (Butter smooth and extremely wicked)
CDMA/GSM Ice Cream Sandwich, sense 3.6, 4.x, AOSP
Be Gentle folks: This is my first kernel rodeo after many months of studying how the great ones do it.I hope you like it, if you dont then there's the door (figuratively).
Toolchain/Compiler: linaro 4.7.3
REPO -> https://bitbucket.org/bigwillyg/buttered_toast_shooter
KERNEL SENSE -> ButteredToast Final Version
Sweet kernel -O3 optimized for linaro 4.7.3 compiler (dont ask how, my head still hurts)
Changelog: Changelog is in post #2
Credits: Starting with CG/KeRnElChEf because he is my mentor/tutor/handholder and aside from the enormous obvious contribution, his constant assistance and teaching through out this experience. With out his help I never would have attempted this.
- Johhnyslt
- Faux123 (this equation: (4*HZ+61), the dynamic enhancement of f/sync)
- showp1894 (cmdline options, original cypress version sweep2wake - used as base by CG to write it for AMTEL)
- kernel.org
- F2FS article from https://lwn.net/Articles/518718/
- MikeC84
- Ziggy471 (lagfree / smartass)
- Dodava
- Linaro
- creator of BFQ - i have no idea
- creator of SIO - i have no idea
- creator of VR - i have no idea
- developer of LZO
- yank555-lu (first with fast charge, adjust LED timeout via sysfs)
- chad0989 (improved on fast charge)
- Cjoliver
- Anryl
- Agrabren (initial CM10 cam fix)
- Eli Billauer (frandom)
If it works well for you GREAT!!! If not Please let me know, logcats for errors are preferred.
PATCH: Patch to Linux 3.0.101
FS: Added ExFat SDCard support
- RLS17.9:
PATCH: Patch to Linux 3.0.96
- RLS17.7:
PATCH: Patch to Linux 3.0.84
CPU: updated interactive governor from CAF msm-3.4, thanks mrg666 for the tip.
SCHED: updated ROW scheduler from CAF msm-3.4, thanks mrg666 for the tip.
- RLS17.6:
PATCH: Patch to Linux 3.0.80
CPU: updated interactive governor (thanks mrg666 for the tip)
WIFI: updated wifi for improved stability (thanks mrg666 for the tip)
- RLS17.5:
PATCH: Patch to Linux 3.0.77
SCHED: tweaked ROW per johhnyslt's repo to try and get to work better.
- RLS17.4:
PATCH: Patch to linux 3.0.74
PATCH: Patch to HTC 2.95 Source
- RLS17.3:
PATCH: Patch to linux 3.0.72
SCHED: added ROW IO Scheduler
MPDEC: sysfs support for max screen off cpu clock added (Chad Goodman all the way, love this guy)
FIX: file ext4 compile errors (Chad Goodman)
- RLS17.2:
SCHED: was missing a setting to enable power manager.
READAHEAD: was missing a ';', fixed.
- RLS17.1:
PATCH: Patch to linux 3.0.71
Dynamic Readahead from Chad Goodman
AROMA: added 1.6 and 1.7Ghz as selections in aroma.
- RLS17:
RNG: added frandom support, you will need to install crossbreeder or similar to use.
CPU: linaro power patch. Even though its openly available, I got it from Chad Goodman.
CPU: corrected the CPU table and documented each line for clarity (Thank you chad for info)
- RLS16.5:
PATCH: Patch to Linux 3.0.70
- RLS16.4:
PATCH: Patch to Linux 3.0.69
BT: shooter_u bluetooth fix from johhnyslt
- RLS16.3:
PATCH: Patch to Linux 3.0.68
- RLS16.2:
PATCH: Patch to Linux 3.0.67
- RLS16.1:
PATCH: Patch to Linux 3.0.65
- RLS16:
USB: OTG works again
CPU: xondemand works again
PATCH: patch to LInux 3.0.63
- RLS15.3: (Broken, dont use)
XZ: enabled and working (thanks thicklizard)
- RLS15.2:
PATCH: patch to linux 3.0.62
XZ: added xz compression to kernel.
- RLS15.1:
BLUETOOTH: reverted bluetooth wakelock patch since issues started after applying it.
- RLS15:
CPU: added xondemand cpu governor (thanks to chad for providing the missing piece(s) and Anryl for sharing his source as an example)
- RLS14.5:
PATCH: Patch to Linux 3.0.61
- RLS14.4:
PATCH: Patch to Linux 3.0.58
- RLS14.3:
PATCH: Patch to Linux 3.0.57
had to revert the patch for the 3D clock. doesnt need it
- RLS14.2:
FREQ: raised default frequency from 1188 to 1350, can still be changed in aroma
DEVICE: patch from Chad Goodman to help prevent (gfx2d1_clk status stuck at 'off') errors
- RLS14.1:
PANEL: changed brightness back to 3 since 1 didnt work.
PATCH: patch to linux 3.0.56
- RLS14: Birthday Edition
PATCH: patch to linux 3.0.54
PANEL: lowered minimum brightness to 1 to see if it works.
BT: bluetooth wakelock fix from agrebren, courtesy of Dastin1015
AROMA: added back camera drivers option in installer
- RLS13.6:
PATCH: patch to linux 3.0.53
- RLS13.5:
PANEL: added more missing changes to shooteru side for brightness.
- RLS13.3:
PANEL: forgot to add this change to shooteru. no change for cdma.
- RLS13.2:
PATCH: Patch to linux 3.0.52
PANEL: adjusted brightness calculation to better sense lowest brightness (thanks to Anryl for help)
- RLS13.1:
PATCH: patch to linux 3.0.51
AROMA: updated the aroma config to remove the sense vs aosp option and other changes borrowed from CG.
- RLS13:
SWEEP2WAKE: updates to the driver to allow config via aroma
- RLS12.1:
Patch to Linux 3.0.50
- RLS12:
PATCH: patch to linux 3.0.49
TOUCHSCREEN-ATMEL: cm multitouch fix (seems to not affect sense) (Agrebren)
- RLS11.1:
FRAMEBUFFER: refreshrate override - may help with some sense 4.x lag
- RLS11:
VM: lower SYSCTRL latency values to help reduce lag (shooter_u)
VM: lower latency values to help reduce lag
VM: increase default MAX read-ahead
OOM: dont kill kernel threads
DEFCONFIG: update defconfig files for stability
MENUCONFIG: add 'targeted preemption latency for CPU-bound tasks' to menu config
FIX: fix typo, we actally want this to compile
- RLS10:
VM: Add Common VM Settings to MENU CONFIG (thanks Chad)
- RLS09:
Patched to Linux 3.0.48
- RLS08:
Patched to Linux 3.0.47
- RLS07: (Thanks CG for the making this possible, no kanging please, give credit)
CAMERA: allow for CM10/AOSP compatibility alongside sense 3.6/4.0
SYSFS: add misc sysfs interface for rom type (aosp/sense for example)
DEFCONFIG: gsm and cdma need same name for COMMON modules to work
DEFCONFIG: update defconfig for linaro topology drivers
CPU: linaro arm topology drivers
- RLS06:
BLUETOOTH: made it work with sense and aosp roms (CG, thanks for the fix)
- RLS05:
CM10 camera fix (agrabren/anryl)
CPU: rename cpu info
BOARD: name device
CPU: make use of faster L2 (and FSB) clocks
L2: add 1458, 1512, 1566 L2 Clocks, and set 1404 and over to 360MHz FSB
FSB: define 360MHz FSB
GPU: set GPU clock defaults to max, so aroma has full control
GPU: dont OC by default, allow SYSFS contol over max clock
- RLS04:
GENERAL: fixed shooteru directory names in zip
CAM: applied camera fix in separate build for CM10/AOSP
- RLS03:
DEFCONFIG: had to manually patch shooter_defconfig, last commit didnt complete
DEFCONFIG: upload autogen defconfig files for CDMA and GSM
PATCH: patch to linux 3.0.46
SCHED: prepare for ROW IO scheduler
SCHED: add BFQ IO scheduler
FLASH: reduce battery level requirements for FLASH
WIFI: undervolt wifi card to whitepaper spec
BOARD: add thermald support to device specific files board files
ARM: use generic strnlen_user and strncpy_from _user
CRYPTO: add support for AES128+SHA1 encryption/decryption
NET: add JIT compiler for packet filters
CPU: kernel based thermal management
CPU: kernel based MPDECISION
CPU: raise PERFLOCK clocks to 1.5Ghz
ZCACHE: update ZCACHE drivers
ZRAM: update ZRAM drivers
COMPRESSION: add support for Google snappy decompression/compression
IO SCHED: add simpleio IO scheduler
IO SCHED: add VR IO scheduler
CPU: add smartass v2 cpu governor
GSM support
- RLS02: PATCH: patch to linux 3.0.45 (kernel.org)
- RLS01: PATCH: patch to linux 3.0.44 (kernel.org)
PATCH: ck-1 patchset
ATMEL: SWEEP2WAKE: enhance driver, add ABOUT to sysfs
F/SYNC: make f/sync dynamic -vs- straight on/off via sysfs
THERMAL: reset some variables to pull maxclock setting from aroma vs kernel default
IO: add BFQ i/o scheduler
IO: add SIO i/o scheduler
IO: add VR i/o scheduler
BCM4329_248: undervolt wifi chipset to whitepaper spec
CPU: add ZIGGY471s custom LAGFREE governor
enable cmdline options
LED: dynamic LED brighness mod
CPU: update cpu core clock control
HEADSET: limit all notifications to single-thread
AROMA: add kernel side support for aroma installer
THERMAL: adjust sensor ID for CDMA
LINARO: MM: linaro specific tweaks/updates
CPU: clean and name tables, allow OC to 1.7GHz
MPDECISION: kernel based mpdecision
PANEL: lower min-brighness from 30 down to 2
INPUT: sweep-2-wake for amtel (shooter/shooter_u)
CDMA BOARD: adjust min/max voltage for cpu, ram, and l2 cache
LZO: update to latest version of LZO driver
CPU Vdd: adjust min/max voltage for cpu, ram, and l2 cache
CPU: allow SYSFS (userspace) control over cpu voltage
SCHEDULER: set load_freq to 4.61
BCM4329_248: allow weaker signals to be seen
BCM4329_248: add sysfs control over pm=fast vs pm=max
GPU: allow sysfs (userspace) control over MAX GPU CLOCK (not current clock), and set default max clock
BATTERY: allow sysfs control over usb charge mode (fastcharge)
LED: allow sysfs/userspace control over led notification timeout
GPU-2D: help prevent gfx2d0_clk (or gfx2d1_clk) status stuck at 'off'
GPU-2D MHL: add GPU clocks 266, 228 to the STOCK 200MHz and idle at 200MHz clocks
GPU-2D: add GPU clocks 266, 228 to the STOCK 200MHz and idle at 200MHz clocks
GPU-3D: set GPU clock to 320, 300, 266, 228MHz and idle at 200MHz
CPU: Allow CPU-based alignment handling
USB: add support for usb host mode / otg
VFP: compile vfp for neon
Major updates
10-13-2012 RLS03 adds support for GSM
10-14-2012 RLS04 adds for camera in CM10/AOSP (separate zip for now)
10-17-2012 RLS06 bluetooth works with sense and aosp roms (CG, thanks for the fix)
10-20-2012 RLS07 no separate builds, camera works with both sense and aosp/cm10 (CG, thanks for kernel/aroma help)
10-29-2012 RLS12 TOUCHSCREEN-ATMEL: cm multitouch fix (seems to not affect sense) (Agrebren)
11-02-2012 RLS13 SWEEP2WAKE: updates to the driver to allow config via aroma
11-05-2012 RLS13.1 AROMA: updated the aroma config to remove the sense vs aosp option and other changes borrowed from CG.
12-03-2012 RLS14 AROMA: added back camera drivers option in installer
BT: wakelock fix from agrabren, courtesy of Dastin1015.
01-25-2013 RLS15 CPU: added xondemand governor (Thanks chad for providing the missing piece(s) and Anryl for sharing his source as an example)
02-03-2013 RLS15.1 BT: reverted agrabren bluetooth wakelock fix from RLS14.
02-13-2013 RLS 16 USB: OTG works
CPU: xondemand works again
04-08-2013 RLS17.3: SCHED: added ROW
MPDEC: sysfs for max screen off cpu clock (Chad Goodman)
Here are the settings that I personally pick in aroma:
Governor: ondemand
Min cpu: 384
Max cpu: 1512
Max scr off: 540
S2w: enabled with back light
S2w start: home
S2w end: search
Scheduler: deadline
12/03/2012: With RLS14 and newer, the option for selecting sense vs aosp camera is back. This option is for older base aosp/cm10 roms that still use the aosp camers drivers.
If I missed any settings let me know. Most of these are the defaults, but they are all what I personally choose.
Thanks. Great to see new kernel dev in GSM Will give it try
Sent from my HTC Evo 3D
szubert51 said:
Thanks. Great to see new kernel dev in GSM Will give it try
Sent from my HTC Evo 3D
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Thank you. Hopefully it works great for you guys. I really want feedback from everyone that tries this.
bigwillyg said:
Thank you. Hopefully it works great for you guys. I really want feedback from everyone that tries this.
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Click to collapse
I have installed it and it seems to be just like the anthrax kernel,even it writes anthrax in the aroma installer...is it weird or what ?
Sent from my HTC EVO 3D X515m using xda app-developers app
dulexetina said:
I have installed it and it seems to be just like the anthrax kernel,even it writes anthrax in the aroma installer...is it weird or what ?
Sent from my HTC EVO 3D X515m using xda app-developers app
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Well, that's more like my bad I got the aroma installer from him and forgot to change that :banghead:
Next update will fix it.
Sent from my PG86100 using Tapatalk 2
bigwillyg said:
Well, that's more like my bad I got the aroma installer from him and forgot to change that :banghead:
Next update will fix it.
Sent from my PG86100 using Tapatalk 2
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Click to collapse
Please do change it,cause it says also "anthrax" in setings and kernel tuner ... I think they could lock ur thread because of that
Othervise,it works pretty nice this few minutes,played ski safari and it does not lags,also played asphalt 7 (just one race) and it goes ok...Camera works,3D plus2D (writing this because i had issues with some test kernel from anthrax with 3D pics)....let's wait and see how is the battery. All recomended setings thru aroma installer,i did not changed anything-by the way
Sent from my HTC EVO 3D X515m using xda app-developers app
dulexetina said:
Please do change it,cause it says also "anthrax" in setings and kernel tuner ... I think they could lock ur thread because of that
Othervise,it works pretty nice this few minutes,played ski safari and it does not lags,also played asphalt 7 (just one race) and it goes ok...Camera works,3D plus2D (writing this because i had issues with some test kernel from anthrax with 3D pics)....let's wait and see how is the battery. All recomended setings thru aroma installer,i did not changed anything-by the way
Sent from my HTC EVO 3D X515m using xda app-developers app
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Click to collapse
Thanks for the heads up.
Sent from my PG86100 using Tapatalk 2
Breaks wifi on viper3d, first time it has happened to my phone
( Don't ask me for help, as I couldn't care if your phone explodes, eh!!!)
flashallthetime said:
Breaks wifi on viper3d, first time it has happened to my phone
( Don't ask me for help, as I couldn't care if your phone explodes, eh!!!)
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Click to collapse
Can you get me a logcat so I can see what's going on?
Award thanks, just because we have a new kernel developer.
Thanks for your hard work studying all that
Sent from my HTC Evo 3D running ROMEOS 1.3.4 FINAL
Currently migrating to ANRYL ICS build 23 Sept with Coolexe 3.6 kernel
looks like i understand the wifi problem, i have it too
in fact your zip can't write boot.img even on s-off phones
log provided
Can i flash this on s-on ??
And does this have ZSL ?!?!?!
invince2 said:
Can i flash this on s-on ??
And does this have ZSL ?!?!?!
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No and no
flashallthetime said:
Breaks wifi on viper3d, first time it has happened to my phone
( Don't ask me for help, as I couldn't care if your phone explodes, eh!!!)
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Click to collapse
i am sure it failed to flash newboot.img ( assert( /tmp.....) failed.
Mine doesn´t even want to boot o viper3d.
bihariel said:
i am sure it failed to flash newboot.img ( assert( /tmp.....) failed.
Mine doesn´t even want to boot o viper3d.
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Click to collapse
Yes , doesn't flash newboot.img.
( Don't ask me for help, as I couldn't care if your phone explodes, eh!!!)
there is script error u can fix it manualy
in the zip package change kernel/shooter_u directory to kernel/shooteru
modules/shooter_u directory to modules/shooteru
or in updater_script
kernel/shooteru directory to kernel/shooter_u
modules/shooteru directory to modules/shooter_u
then it will work
anryl said:
there is script error u can fix it manualy
in the zip package change kernel/shooter_u directory to kernel/shooteru
modules/shooter_u directory to modules/shooteru
or in updater_script
kernel/shooteru directory to kernel/shooter_u
modules/shooteru directory to modules/shooter_u
then it will work
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Click to collapse
Thanx , first time I have had no wifi, hopefully this will get fixed soon
( Don't ask me for help, as I couldn't care if your phone explodes, eh!!!)

[KERNEL][4.4.3] ★☆ Kangaroo Kernel ☆★ 21 OCT | v072 | 3.4.104

Kangaroo Kernel for the HTC One GSM: Sense ROMs
Linux 3.4.104+, with many features and improvements from Linux 3.12 and 3.14
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
For android 4.4.3 Sense ROMs
Based off HTC 6.09.401.5 sources for 4.4.3 Sense
* Standard disclaimer:
* Your warranty is now void. Use at your own risk.
* In other words: It is your choice to use this software,
* I am not responsible for any damage or problems!
Naming convention
KANGAROO KERNEL MKIV IS FOR 4.4.3 ONLY (it will have _443 at the end of the filename)
JOEY AOSP CM (ckxxx): AOSP/CM based ROMs depreciated
JOEY GPE (post 4): sense based 4.4.2 and GPE 4.4.2 depreciated
KANGAROO KERNEL SENSE (kkxxx): sense based 4.4.2 ROMs and GPE only depreciated
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Compiled with latest Linaro Christopher83 Linaro 4.9.1 toolchain
Better performance and battery savings due to the use of more efficient algorithms and updated, optimized code
Kernel is aimed at reducing heat while saving battery and increasing performance over stock
Better to look at changelog cause I miss things when I try to condense it
CPU governors (italics for default): ondemand, preservative, smartmax, optimax, performance, userspace, msm-dcvs, powersave
io sched: no-op, deadline, CFQ, BFQ, FIOPS
Can be used to control all options, plus more
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
1. Download kernel
2. Reboot to recovery
3. Backup
*if you come from faux or tbalden please reflash your rom, you don''t need a wipe. They have some trickery with their own hotplugs so they have reomved mpdecision, so without reflashing your phone will be stuck on quad core*
4. Flash kernel
5. Reboot
*Please let it sit for ~10 mins before judging as it will need to settle down. Do not judge battery life unless you've run it through at least 3+ cycles after flashing*
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
1) Excessive under/overvolting can cause damage to the internal parts of your phone. It can cause the phone's lifespan to deteriorate quickly so make sure you know boundaries
2) If you OC'ed/OV'ed/UV'ed and now are in a boot loop or your phone is slow, or acting weird or just died - it means your phone does not like the changes. Voltage control is for those who know what the risks are, know what they are doing and know how to fix it. Perhaps when you change these, test them for an hour or so before setting on boot
3) Any changes to the phone, including flashing the kernel itself is done at your own risk.
4) Every phone is differentt
5) Please DO NOT use any task killers (or additional init.d scripts), they DO NOT improve performance/battery. The kernel is designed to be used with stock settings: my settings and anything else can cause problems
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Download latest version:
If you want logo options:
Previous versions (4.4.2):
Previous 4.4.3 version found in my changelog links. They are attached to each changelog post
Sauce: https://github.com/poondog/kangaroo-m7-mkIV
*Please do not re upload without permission, I like to count downloads*
Changelog will be in post 2
What is not coming via requests:
- replacement for mpdecision
- additional useless governors
- aroma
- anything useless: this kernel was made for me and I shared it with a few people until now
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
With thanks to (in no particular order)
Sabermod team
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Click to collapse
XDA:DevDB Information
Kangaroo Kernel, Kernel for the HTC One
Kernel Special Features:
Version Information
Status: Stable
Created 2013-12-11
Last Updated 2014-10-20
Changelog: sense kernel
Changelog will go here
4.4.3 Sense kernel:
*****v072*****21 October*****
.cleaned up MAKEFILE kernel build flags
.some power efficiency enhancement patches, picked from NVIDIA for a15 devices (for greater battery life)
.reverted some msm_hsic_wakelock patches to try to reduce wakelocks (to improve standby times)
.introduce userspace voltage control (min is 650mV)
.some upstream patches for compression
.optimize memcpy for cortex-A15 to memutils (xboxfanj, this is for overall efficiency)
.some Cortex-A15 optimization patches from NVIDIA
.more minor under the hood stuff as always
*****v068*****04 October*****
.Update toolchain to Linaro 2014.09 4.9.2 for a15 chipsets by Christopher83
.some updates to SELINUX (to do with security)
.introduce OPTIMAX governor (see below)
.introduce PRESERVATIVE governor (see below)
.introduce SMARTMAX governor (see below)
.GPU overclocking (see below)
.imported ULTRASOUND_B sound drivers (see below)
.upstream Linux update to 3.4.104
.allow stock EXFAT and CRYPTO modules to work (thx to bgcngm from dual sim m7, this is experiemental since idk if it works)
*****v058*****14 September
.shorten some wakelocks (for better sleeping)
.some more tweaks for better overall battery and performance
.upstream fixes and improvements to TOPOLOGY drivers (to do with queuing of tasks to individual cores, from Linaro)
.optimize TOPOLOGY further for Krait devices (neobuddy89)
.introduce BFQ IOSCHED v7r5
.introduce FIOPS IOSCHED (default)
.enable ILLINOIS to be set as default, and set it default for TCP
.introduce LINARO POWER EFFICIENT WORKQUEUES (heaps of battery savings)
.some fixes to bluetooth
.upstream backports to EVENTPOLL subsystem from 3.14+ (Efficient event retrieval implementation, thx neobuddy)
.fix some more compile warnings for better optimized code (cl3kener)
.drop i2c clock a bit more (to save battery, ref. @zeroblade1984/Samsung/OPPO
.remove some more debug (less energy waste)
.strip most debug from modules, reduce size by 90%
.enable all sleep states, based on 4.4.2 kernel tests (for better battery especially in sleep)
.remove depreciated sched sysfs since they are removed up upstream kernels and don't really do anything
.some LINARO ARM code improvements
.update to HTC 6.09.401.5 kernel source (not much really lol, a few internet related fixes)
.introduce USB FAST CHARGE (flar2, off by default)
.cleanup some HTC junk
.some improvements to LOWMEMORYKILLER from moto/upstream (to do with multitasking)
.some improvements to ONDEMAND governor for better power savings with no smoothness loss
.fixed USB DAC audio (Thanks @hq5 for testing)
.introduce KEXEC_HARDBOOT aka MULTIROM (still needs patched RAMDISK, I do not include this)
.fix compass on Sprint and Verizon (brymaster5000)
.add some more doge
*****v045*****6 September*****
.2w: change feedback slightly, now it doesn't vibrate heaps on sweep2sleep
.further updated workqueue (for better battery and efficiency)
.some network tweaks
.heaps of "under the hood" improvements (lead to better efficiency for speed/battery)
.reduce internal USB wakelocks to improve battery
.patched kernel futex vulnerability (from CM, for security)
.compress with LZ4 for faster boot speeds and built with latest binary
.updated all compressors to latest versions
.add lower GPU frequencies and scale to them (for better battery)
.upstream backports to OOM handler from 3.16+ (related to memory use, see here https://www.kernel.org/doc/gorman/ht...rstand016.html)
.optimized deadline scheduler for better use on flash
.quad core cpu stats (faux123)
.lower max i2c clock to 384MHz to save some juice, no negative effects in testing
.some general code fixes and improvements
.enable ILLINOIS tcp algorithm and set default
.enable NTFS r/w support
*****v027*****30 August*****
.massive improvements to the workqueue, synced with AOSP+ (franciscofranco)
.BCM4335: attempt to decrease wakelocks
.signature tweaks to SLIMBUS (me/zeroinifity)
.msm: memutils: memcpy, memmove, copy_page optimization from motorola
.use freezable blocking calls kernel wide (for more efficiency and less waste of resources, comes from upstream android)
.slimmed down kernel, stripped of some things it doesn't need
.removed some more debugging
.much under the hood tweaks (wow)
*****v021*****22 August*****
.2w: default to sweep2wake and doubletap2wake on
.backport RANDOM and RANDOM32 drivers from Linux 3.16. FULL port, not just a few patches
.patch all the way to Linux 3.4.103 latest. These include bugfixes, enhancements that have been seen fit to be merged into the mainline 3.4.y kernel
.scale L2 and CPU in sync, up to 1134MHz where the L2 maxes out. Results in smoothness at higher freqs and battery saving at lower
.begin to work on workqueue, for now just a few fixes
.drop all CPU voltages by 50mV for battery improvement and heat reduction
.begin to tweak kernel to be cooler and leaner
*****v006*****5 August*****
.patch upstream to 3.4.25
.introduce all 2w features from Kangaroo Kernel 4.4.2, including dt2w, s2w, bi-directional etc
.button backlight notifications (tbalden)
.tweak makefile flag optimizations based on our testing on 4.4.2 Sense
.some minor fixes and enhancements
.disabled systemrw protection (Tiny4579)
*****v001*****29 July*****
.few compiler tweaks based on what worked well on 4.4.2 kernel
.some minor code optimizations and fixes
.compile with Christopher83 Linaro 4.9.1 2014.07 toolchain
.vfp with neon hard optimization levelz
Recommended settings
Recommended settings: balance between performance and battery
Trickstermod recommended
TCP congestion: ILLINOIS
Read ahead buffer: 128
IO scheduler: FIOPS(default settings)
CPU min freq: 384MHz
CPU max freq: 1728MHz
CPU governor: ondemand (default settings)
mpdecision: on
GPU gov: ondemand
GPU max freq: 487.5MHz
VOLTAGES: default, since its been tried and tested
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Officially supported ROMs (the kernel is tested on these)
.ViperOne 7.0.0 (6.09.401.5 base)
.MaximusHD 44.0 (6.09.401.5 base)
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HUGE thanks to Headless_monkeyhunta96, hit his thanks button!
If you're gonna use the script.. Leave the name intact and give credits to poondog/headless_monkeyhunta96 where due
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Joey Kernel CM for HTC One
Joey Kernel CM for HTC One
CM/AOSP based ROMs​
android_kernel_htc_msm8960 core from CM​
Compiled with latest Linaro Christopher83 Linaro 4.9.1 toolchain
Better performance and battery savings due to the use of more efficient algorithms and optimized code
Optimized configuration: stripped of wasteful debug and things that are useless on android phones
Patched to latest upstream Linux 3.4.y
Build/memory optimizations
CPU undervolted by 50mV
Userspace voltage control
msm_thermal from showp1984 tuned for med-cool
Advanced TCP algorithms (westwood default)
Backports from CAF/upstream
Stripped a lot of debugging
memutils: memcpy, memmove, copy_page optimization (moto)
enhancements and fixes from motorola open source repos
out of memory and memcontroller updated from Linux 3.14+ (neobuddy)
kernel mode NEON
use freezable blocking calls (faux123/CAF for improved efficiency and battery savings)
generic strnlen_user() function used in many instances
compressed with LZ4
L2 clocks synced with CPU clocks
Linaro Power Efficient Workqueues
slimbus backport from Nexus 5
CAF updates to slimbus
slimbus OC MKII+some more tweaks (Poondog/ZeroInfinity)
ported HTC ONDEMAND, PERFLOCK, ADAPTIVE TUNING, IDLE STATS and PNPMGR for optimium battery and smoothness
CPU governors (italics for default): preservative, conservative, smartmax, ondemand, performance
io sched: no-op, deadline, CFQ, ROW, FIOPS
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Click to collapse
Download latest version:
see here for more details:
Kernel sauce:
*****14 July*****
.continue porting of HTC perflock, adaptive tuning, idle_stats (me/htc)
.merge upstream CM kernel
.merge upstream CAF
.some device specific changes from CM
*****21 June*****'
.bumped readahead to 512kb max
.build with new toolchain 2014.06 Christopher83 Linaro 4.9.1
.Update to latest 3.4.94
.squashed some build warnings
.improve cpuidle from Kangaroo Kernel logic
.merge with latest CM, includes many driver updates
.begin port of PNPMGR from Sense source (tiny4579)
.port HTC ondemand gov from Sense source complete with multiphase and all HTC goodness. Uses input boost interface hoocked with cpufreq. Results in more smoothness and better battery in comparison to CAF ondemand due to boost freqs (me/HTC)
.update vibrator drivers from Sense source (me/HTC)
.some fixes from Kangaroo Kernel
.improved boot time by init to max (moto)
.backported SLIMBUS from Nexus 5 source
.merged CAF updates for Slimbus for the latest drivers, minus the qmi parts which we don't have hardware for
.slimbus tweaks are back (me/Zeroinfinity)
*****15 June*****
.so update
.introduce Linaro Power Efficient workqueues
.upstreamed oom to Linux 3.14+
.sync with latest CM/CAF
.sync with latest kernel.org 3.4.93
.introduce BFQ-v7r4-3.4 with Early Queue Merge
.introduce FIOPS scheduler core
.some enhancements to the block subsystem (to do with scheduling)
.add 3 phase BRICKED thermal, used defaults from Kangaroo Kernel (thx showp1984)
.introduce userspace voltage control (same implementation in Kangaroo Kernel, from myfluxi)
.introduce PRESERVATIVE cpu governor, sync with latest and Kangaroo defaults
.Introduce SMARTMAX cpu gov, also synced with latest and Kangaroo defaults
.squash conservative governor from upstream as used in Kangaroo
.build with Christopher83 4.9.1 2014.05 toolchain with build flags from Kangaroo
.motorola memory enhancements
.bumped readahead max to 512kb
.introduce slimbus OC from Kangaroo Kernel
.sync L2 clocks and CPU clocks up to 1134MHz
.drop voltages by 50mV
.much under the hood stuff that I can't write in english
Kangaroo Kernel MKIII for 4.4.2 Sense
Kangaroo Kernel for the HTC One GSM: Sense ROMs
Linux 3.4.103+, with many features and improvements from Linux 3.12 and 3.14
For android 4.4.2 Sense ROMs
Based off HTC 5.11.401.10 sources for 4.4.2 Sense
* Standard disclaimer:
* Your warranty is now void. Use at your own risk.
* In other words: It is your choice to use this software,
* I am not responsible for any damage or problems!
Naming convention
KANGAROO KERNEL SENSE (kkxxx): sense based 4.4.2 ROMs and GPE only
JOEY AOSP CM (ckxxx): AOSP/CM based ROMs--> every rom not based on Sense or GPE
JOEY GPE (post 4): sense based 4.4.2 and GPE 4.4.2 depreciated
KANGAROO KERNEL MKIV IS FOR 4.4.3 ONLY (it will have _443 at the end of the filename)
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Click to collapse
Compiled with latest Linaro Christopher83 Linaro 4.9.1 toolchain
Better performance and battery savings due to the use of more efficient algorithms and optimized code
Optimized configuration: stripped of wasteful debug and things that are useless on android phones
Patched to latest upstream Linux 3.4.y
Build/memory optimizations
Utilize all possible CPU sleep states
CPU undervolted by 50mV
Overclock GPU to 487MHz
Userspace voltage control
CPU stats (quad core)
custom thermal driver for optimum control over cpu temperature and throttle
powersaver cpu cap in-kernel to cap max freq without disabling pnpmgr
Scheduler improveents
Slimbus OC!
Audio tweaks and improvements
ULTRASOUND_A from latest CAF source
Advanced TCP algorithms (westwood default)
GPU tweaks, underclocked with freqs 27, 128, 200, 320, 400, 487MHz
Increased GPU BUS bandwidth
Backports from CAF/upstream
Stripped a lot of debugging
SELINUX up to date with latest Google source
memutils: memcpy, memmove, copy_page optimization (moto)
enhancements and fixes from motorola open source repos
msm: dma: upstreamed to CAF
kernel RANDOM number generator from Linux 3.16+ (dorimanx)
out of memory and memcontroller updated from Linux 3.14+ (neobuddy)
eventpoll updated to Linux 3.14+
ext4: upstreamed to latest CAF
qdsp6v2 audio format drivers from latest CAF
mm: optimized KSM
upstreamed random32 drivers to Linux 3.16+
kernel mode NEON
update/ optimize mutex functions (faux123/CAF for improved multitasking
use freezable blocking calls (faux123/CAF for improved efficiency and battery savings)
generic strnlen_user() function used in many instances
support kernel side for f2fs (Samsung--> needs ramdisk support, see your rom "chef")
implement kexec_hardboot aka multirom support in kernel (again needs ramdisk support)
tcp small queues, early retransmit, auto corking, speed tweaks
reduced wifi wakelocks
2w options (s2w, dt2w, l2m etc: flar2, default s2s/dt2w bottom of screen)
bi-directional sweep2wake
compressed with LZ4 binary r120
L2 clocks synced with CPU clocks
BUS tweaks and updates
reduced HSIC wakelocks
Linaro Power Efficient Workqueues
Linaro CPU topology, updated and enhanced for Krait CPUs
USB force fast charge
slimbus OC MKII+some more tweaks (Poondog/ZeroInfinity)
CPU governors (italics for default): preservative, conservative, smartmax, ondemand, performance, userspace, msm-dcvs, powersave
io sched: no-op, deadline, CFQ, ROW, FIOPS, BFQ, SIO
Can be used to control all options, plus more
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
1. Download kernel
2. Reboot to recovery
3. Backup
*if you come from faux or tbalden please reflash your rom, you don''t need a wipe. They have some trickery with their own hotplugs so they have reomved mpdecision, so without reflashing your phone will be stuck on quad core*
4. Flash kernel
5. Reboot
*Please let it sit for ~10 mins before judging as it will need to settle down. Do not judge battery life unless you've run it through at least 3+ cycles after flashing*
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
1) Excessive under/overvolting can cause damage to the internal parts of your phone. It can cause the phone's lifespan to deteriorate quickly so make sure you know boundaries
2) If you OC'ed/OV'ed/UV'ed and now are in a boot loop or your phone is slow, or acting weird or just died - it means your phone does not like the changes. Voltage control is for those who know what the risks are, know what they are doing and know how to fix it. Perhaps when you change these, test them for an hour or so before setting on boot
3) Any changes to the phone, including flashing the kernel itself is done at your own risk.
4) Every phone is differentt
5) Please DO NOT use any task killers (or additional init.d scripts), they DO NOT improve performance/battery. The kernel is designed to be used with stock settings: my settings and anything else can cause problems
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Download latest version:
All previous versions:
Sauce: https://github.com/poondog/kangaroo-m7-mkIII
*Please do not re upload without permission, I like to count downloads*
Changelog will be in post 2
What is not coming via requests:
- replacement for mpdecision
- additional useless governors
- aroma
- anything useless: this kernel was made for me and I shared it with a few people until now
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
With thanks to (in no particular order)
Sabermod team
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
*****v138*****20 August*****
.patch to upstream 3.4.103
.overclock the GPU to 487MHz. I added an extra step, not replaced what we had (see below)
.disable some more debug (less wastage of energy for greater battery life)
.disable F2FS, who even knew it was here anyway
.updates to kernel processes from CAF/upstream
.lower max i2c clock to 384KHz, to save battery
.minor updates to ONDEMAND gov from tiny4579/stratosk
.import ULTRASOUND audio drivers from latest CAF. We are using ULTRASOUND_A, made for msm8960 (improves audio playback)
*****v132*****12 August*****
.cleaned up touchscreen drivers and removed whitespaces
.build version is changed slightly to show kangaroo kernel mkiii, to differentiate between 4.4.3
.cleaned up thermal drivers since last release
.some changes to thermal algorithm to be more reliable and more accurate
.tuned thermal for a bit cooler (see below)
.remove some debugging in sched (less wasted energy)
.misc optimizations/updates for compression/decompression (more reliable, ref. cl3kener git)
.misc optimizations/updates for CPUFREQ
.updated RANDOM32 driver from Linux 3.16.y kernel
.updated RANDOM driver from Linux 3.16.y kernel (see below, ref. dorimanx git)
.ported new random driver for use on m7 s600 (me)
.cleaned up vibrator driver (more optimized and usable code now)
.lower default 2w vibration to 18, down from 20
.SMARTMAX: use new relation_C to better choose frequencies
.PRESERVATIVE: use new relation_C to better choose frequencies
.upstream improvements to kernel sync drivers (effects general operations, and io related things)
.upstream improvements to sched (will effect general performance and battery)
.updated LZ4 kernel compression binary to r120
.merge upstream Linux kernel 3.4.102
*****v122*****26 July*****
.thermal: bring in new thermal driver. Seems to have better control over freqs compared to before. Butchered it. Now we have some weird roo thermal beast. See below. (myfluxi, me)
.introduce powersaver cap for limiting cpu max freq (me, see below)
.patch to upstream 3.4.99 (kernel.org)
.2w: rewrote this is some places. Add support for bi-directional sweep2wake and sweep2sleep (thx @Savoca for a few pointers and the idea, flar for the original code, see below)
.compile with new toolchain 4.9.1 Christopher83 2014.07
.disable HTC write protection (thx Tiny)
.clean up some drivers of unneeded code
*****v116*****18 July*****
.update BFQ-v7r5 I/O sched for 3.4 complete with Early Queue Merge
.tune smartmax tunables for more battery (thx @Rad Ryan)
.fixed sound issues from v110
.merge upstream Linux 3.4.98
.updates to lz4 kernel side code
.updated to lzo kernel side
.new freq relation for Ondemand gov adapted for HTC Ondemand(stratosk, see below)
.tune deadline iosched for better performance (myfluxi)
.some updates merged from Nexus 7 L preview
*****v110*****8 July*****
.backported futex updates and fixes (for vulnerability, cred kernel.org/CM)
.some fixes for gpu
.updates to Linaro topology
.add Krait specific topology values (for cpu efficiency, neobuddy89)
.fix all audio bugs. ALL OF THEM
.mutex enhancements from v085 (CAF)
.disabled some useless govs, you won't even notice them missing :P
.enable all PM sleep states (see below)
.updated installer script for all devices. Delete thermal and thermal backup files on flash *IF YOU FLASH ANOTHER KERNEL REFLASH ROM FIRST* (thx @Ser35) Remember we have custom kernel side thermal manager so all g
.update LZ4 binary to latest r119 (to do with kernel compression)
.patch to latest Linux 3.4.97
*****v100*****23 June*****
.base 5.11.401.10 (m7ul-3.4.10-g3c4bd25 )
.throttle earlier
.fixed audio bugs
.import conservative gov from 3.15+
.patch to 3.4.94
.update toolchain to latest 2014.06 4.9.1 Christopher83
.some under the hood stuff
.revert some stuff from v085 since it caused issues
*****v085*****8 JUNE*****
.misc updates to congestion stuff and sched (for greater efficiency and battery)
.fix bluetooth for Sprint and Verizon (thx Brymaster)
.thermal: a bit cooler on the higher phases
.cpufreq: ported CONSERVATIVE gov from Linux 3.14+ (stratosk, kernel.org)
.improvements to memory model section of kernel (to do with processing stuff)
.mutex enhancements from CAF
.update SELINUX from 4.4.3 google source (kernel side security)
.some misc updates from google 4.4.3 source
.under the hood stuff (see git)
*****v077*****31 MAY*****
.updates to msm_bus for better performance, particularly in gaming
.support Sprint and Verizon (will link their threads later)
.enabled all thermal devices
.support 3 phase bricked msm_thermal (showp1984)
.port thermal to our setup
.setup thermal for pretty cool: see below
.support more TCP algorithms (for data congestion control)
*****v068*****26 MAY*****
.build with Linaro CR83 2014.05 4.9.1 toolchian (update from last months)
.upstream to Linux 3.4.91 (kernel.org)
.added preservative governor latest version, tweaked for m7 (bedalus, me)
.added smartmax governor, set m7 defaults (maxwen, me)
.added easter eggs
.reverted dubious sched changes that brought small stutter
.reverted cpuidle to stock to fix sleep times and battery (sorry )
.some misc fixes
.updated BFQ-v7r4 I/O sched for 3.4
.add Early Queue Merge (EQM) to BFQ-v7r4 for 3.4.0
*****v059*****18 MAY*****
.idle the gpu properly
.decrease mmc wakelocks and time to enter deep sleep (tripnraver)
.update latest caf topology (to do with CPU behavior, Linaro/Synthetic.Nightmare)
.update lz4 compression binary to r117 and some tweaks to compression
.reduce wifi wakelock by a lot (Imoseyon, me)
.patch upstream to Linux 3.4.90
.disabled some crap from defconfig to make the kernel leaner
.complete backport of CPUIDLE from Linux 3.14 (see below)
.some device map fixes
*****v044*****9 MAY*****
.implement hashtable introduced in 2e41ba2df20f986b8ae722b9979a57e3ffe31f68 for moar drivers (efficiency)
.merged many rwsem patches from mainline Linux (to improve rw semaphores)
.userspace voltage control (myfluxi, see below)
.minor sound driver update
.build with Christopher83 Linaro 4.9.1 toolchain by default now
.cpufreq drivers rewritten in some places to be more logical and efficient (Linaro)
.some minor tcp tweaks (releted to data use)
.more tweaks to slimbus (see below)
.patch to 3.4.89
*****v040*****2 MAY*****
.slimbus updates backported from latest CAF 3.5 for msm (audio playback)
.out of memory and memcontroller updated from Linux 3.14+ ((for multitasking/battery, thx neobuddy)
.enhancements to lowmemorykiller (improved multitasking)
.SLIMBUS overclocking MKII (see below) Poondog/@ZeroInfinity
.2W: updates from flar (not including gestures)
.cpuidle: update functions from CAF/Linaro for better idle
.update eventpoll to Linux 3.14+ too (Efficient event retrieval implementation, thx neobuddy)
.update BFQ iosched to v7r3 (fiops still default)
.remove some armv7 specifications
.some makefile changes
.patch upstream to 3.4.88
*****v033*****25 APR*****
.sched/fair: Optimize find_busiest_queue()
.sched/fair: Optimize cgroup pick_next_task_fair()
.USB Fast Charge (Chad Froebel, Motley, Flar2: default is off)
.update some qdsp6v2 audio format drivers to latest CAF
.WORKQUEUE: introduce Linaro Power Efficient Workqueues system wide (Linaro)
.backported 3.12+ kernel scheduler features/fixes/enhancements (faux123/kernel.org for better multitasking etc)
.more under the hood stuff (see git)
.reduce memory usage by input driver
.some kernel enhancements and fixes from motorola (Synthetic.Nightmare/Motorola)
.remove old slimbus drivers.
.ported slimbus drivers from HTC m8/Nexus 5 (same driver)
*****v027*****18 APR*****
.compressed kernel with LZ4 compression. Theoretically much faster decompression speeds, lossless compression. The benchmark shows that an 8% increase in image size vs a 66% increase in decompression speed compared to LZO
.enable automatic process group scheduling
.overall stats: fix for quad core (faux123)
.Introduce BFQ-v7r2 scheduler for 3.4
.Introduce ROW scheduler and tune to franciscofranco values for mako/hammerhead
.Introduce FIOPS scheduler latest version (default scheduler)
.Introduce SIO scheduler
.ASoC: Propagate device HW delay to AFE, add buffer overflow check (aznrice)
.ACPUCLOCK: sync L2 cache speed to CPU speed up until 1134MHz. This improves smoothness by bumping the L2 speed up at required set boost freqs such as 918 and 1026MHz
.SELinux: Reduce overhead of mls_level_isvalid() function call (optimizations to SELinux picked from faux123 git)
.more under thehood code fixes improvements optimizations
.remove some debugging from device configuration
.undervolt all PVS versions by 50mV (should save some battery and heat)
.update to @Christopher83 Linaro 4.8.3 2014.04 toolchain, love your toolchains mate
.patch to Linux 3.4.87 latest
.some patched from mako devs to decrease the HSIC wakelock
*****v022*****11 APR*****
.patch to latest linux upstream 3.4.86 (kernel.org/gregkh, 3.4.y maintainer)
.kgsl: Fix Z180 memory leak
.2W: set dt2w default to fullscreen
.update/ optimize mutex functions (faux123/CAF for improved multitasking)
.use freezable blocking calls (faux123/CAF for improved efficiency and battery savings)
.generic strnlen_user() function used in many instances
.time: update some functions of timekeeping.c to latest CAF
.support kernel side for f2fs (Samsung--> needs ramdisk support, see your rom "chef")
.implement kexec_hardboot aka multirom support in kernel (again needs ramdisk support)
.implement memory optimizations into makefile (sparksco/sabermod team, this was the change in SEMEM test)
.add tcp small queues, early retransmit, auto corking, speed tweaks (anarkia1976, to do with networks/internet etc)
.board: reset to stock HTC spec, make thermal kick in earlier
.leds: set blink button notifications default
.build: replaced timeconst.pl with a bc script
.updater-script: tweaked progress bar, set permissions and delete system/lib/modules
*****v015*****7 APR*****
.msm: dma: upstreamed to CAF
.kernel random gen driver updated to Linux 3.14+ (faux123)
.ext4: upstreamed to latest CAF (mrg666/CAF)
.ASoC: increase buffer sizes for low latency audio playback
.block/partitions: optimize memory allocation in check_partition()
.mm: optimized KSM
.upstreamed random32 drivers to latest CAF to work with ext4 updates
.kernel mode NEON
.Enable NEON optimized crypto routines
.2w options (s2w, dt2w, l2m etc: flar2, default s2s/dt2w bottom of screen)
.build: add build flags simplified version with -O2 optimization (used to be -Os) as per testing. (stratosk)
.fixed boot issues for the people who had problems
*****v009*****1 APR*****
.optimizations to SLUB
.memutils: memcpy, memmove, copy_page optimization (from motorola: speed and battery)
.set LOAD_FREQ 4*HZ+61
.remove some more kernel debugging which is wastefuil for us
.switch do_fsync() to fget_light()
.increase BUS at lowest GPU freq
.some makefile tweaks
.Patch to upstream 3.4.20
.entropy tweaks in random (Imoseyon leankernel)
.some GPU tweaks from CM including scale GPU from 128MHz to 400 (instead of 200 min now)
*****v004*****29 MAR*****
.build with Linaro 2014.03 toolchain optimized for cortex a15 by @Christopher83.. he is a beast :P
.build optimizations in makefile and arch/arm/makefile
.some fixes for improved battery and performance (overall efficiency)
.removed a lot of debugging (wasteful when there are no issues to debug :P)
.some fixes to acpuclock-krait
.slimBUS OC from my Joey kernel @ZeroInfinity and me
.workqueue fixes
.enabled advanced TCP congestion algorithms (westwood is stock)
Joey Kernel for the HTC One GSM Google Play Edition 4.4.2
Linux 3.4.15+
For android 4.4.2 Google Edition ROMs.. (kk Sense too )
Based off HTC 3.62.1700.1 sources​
Compiled with latest Linaro 4.8.3 2013.11 toolchain
Baby version of Kangaroo Kernel. Contains most patches and features found in main Kangaroo Kernel.
Better performance and battery savings due to the use of more efficient algorithms and optimized code
Focused on battery life: freqs from 384-1566MHz capped for battery and optimimal performance in normal use.
Power management tweaks
Slightly undervolted: -50mV for PVS 0,1,2,3,4 and -25mV for PVS 5,6,7 (acpuclock identical to kangaroo)
Undervolted L2 clocks
Optimized configuration: stripped of wasteful debug and things that are useless on android phones
Optimized with -Ofast
Compressed with LZ4
CPU stats
CPU freqs cut down to stop confusing the governors etc: there is no point having freqs that are so similar when it behaves the same anyway
Faux sound control
Faux display color control!!!
Support for Multi ROM
Scheduler improvements
Random/entropy tweaks
Linaro power efficient workqueues
Linaro topology
Advanced TCP algorithms (westwood default)
ARM/VFP optimizations
Support for kernel mode NEON
Screen wake options: S2W/DT2W/L2M/L2W etc (flar2 implementation, s2s only is default)
Updated cpuidle
Updated freezer functions
Improvements to ondemand governor
USB fast charge
User voltage control
Optimized deadline IO sched: default
LED blink buttons
GPU improvements, underclocked with freqs 128, 200, 320, 400MHz
Backports from CAF/upstream
SLIMbus OC (me/ZeroInfinity)
SLIMbus updated from upstream
USB fast charge
Upstream updates to SLUB allocator
CPU governors (italics for default): ondemand, performance, conservative, msm-dcvs, smartmax, userspace
io sched: no-op, deadline, cfq
Click to expand...
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See OP for installation and disclaimers
Download latest version:
JoeyKernelGPE_30jan.zip - 8.68 MB
For GPE 4.4.2
but working on 4.4 Sense ROMs
*Please do not re upload without permission, I like to count downloads*
Sauce: https://github.com/poondog/joey-m7-GPE/
Changelog: Joey Kernel (4.4.2 GPE)
*****30 Jan*****
.sync and fsync enhancements
.disable some more debugging
.support LZ4 compression (thx @Synthetic.Nightmare for helping)
.compress zimage by LZ4, results in 9.7mb zimage (large lol) Should boot faster if my theories are correct, because decompression time is a lot less?
.ARM/VFP optimizations, see source for details. Support kernel mode NEON and enabled NEON optimized crypto routines (myfluxi)
.synaptics_3k: Do not hardcode pressure & width (Synthetic.Nightmare)
.synaptics_3k: Improve touchscreen sensitivity (Synthetic.Nightmare)
*****24 Jan*****
.fixup ASYNC_FSYNC declaration in kconfig (if anyone else is compiling.. thx tripnraver)
.backport sched updates from 3.4.77+
.arm: Allow CPU-supported unaligned accesses
.makefile: remove -marm flag, see if it makes any difference in smoothness
.switch back to in kernel thermal control, from tripnraver kernel (CAF/trip)
.made thermal throttle at around 55 degrees, to keep phone cool (its summer here) and battery lasts longer.
.introduce WHEATLEY governor. Ondemand is still default
.add ROW io scheduling algorithm, tune for our devices
.mm: optimizations to io
.mm: optimize Kernel Samepage Merging(KSM)
.mm: Squash a few SLUB commits from CAF
*****19 Jan*****
.undervolt L2 clocks by default by 50mV for better battery
.smoothed out BUS scaling (now uses 266MHz step instead of jumping from 200 -->400
.increase max/reduce min buffer size for playback of audio
.revert to stock thermal. Tweaked it a bit to throttle earlier.. HTC thermal is quite good on battery
.random/entropy tweaks (for better performance and battery, credits imoseyon/anarkia1976)
.fixed sleeping issue.. now it is better than before
*****16 Jan*****
.audio: remove handset pop-noise
.DRIVERS: CPUFREQ: revert to stock GPE ondemand governor, then tweaked it a bit again
.DEFCONFIG: compress with xz (smaller kernel/ faster boot)
.SLIMbus: updates from upstream/CAF
.ASoC: msm: qdsp6: Fix pop noise seen with touch tone during playback
.ALSA: PCM - Add PCM creation API for internal PCMs.
.SELINUX: update to 3.4.76+
.Set default 2w to dt2w, s2s, pocket detect, increase default vibration
.sched: set sched_mc_power_savings to 2 (try to restrict things to one core)
.import crpalmer/flar2 thermal. Thanks to them. Tweaked for battery and extra extra cool.
.remove some debug
.writeback updates from upstream
.remove faux color interface, was troublesome.. some new commits in his repo they don't boot for me :)
Audio, selinux, slimbus, thermal update mostly.. if you were hoping for something else sorry :)
*****8 Jan*****
.dt2w: sync with flar2 kernel, more sensitive, limit to bottom part etc (flar)
.attempted fix for wifi wakelocks (working for me in testing, what was minimal is even less now)
*****2 Jan*****
.Overclocked slimbus to max. This is as high as it goes, its 100% stable in testing with no negative impacts. Brings improvements all around for audio playback etc (thx to @ZeroInfinity and me :icon_bigg)
.Some generic function optimizations (for faster kernel, better battery.. overall improvements to the code, from CAF)
.Add USB Fast Charge (Flar, Motley, Chad Froebel for original mod)
*****28 Dec*****
.optimizations to cacheflush function (minimal under the hood stuff)
.updates to lowmemorykiller from Linux 3.10+ (syntheticnightmare)
*****24 Dec*****
.updated Linaro workqueues (battery savings)
.integrated linaro power efficient workqueues deep in the kernel (battery savings)
.color control
.patch to 3.4.15
.compile -Ofast
.selinux updates
.use Ste98B tunables for smartmax (thx mate)
*****17 Dec*****
.Initial release
Slightly undervolted: -50mV for PVS 0,1,2,3,4 and -25mV for PVS 5,6,7
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Hey, mate, great work!
But, if I'm not mistaking, there is no PVS 7 and 0 is worst, whist 6 is best, so undervolting should be other way around?
Excuse the question, but it is because the majority of call recording applications are to pay, why developer no supports this feature in HTC one?
Enviado desde mi HTC One mediante Tapatalk
donmarkoni said:
Hey, mate, great work!
But, if I'm not mistaking, there is no PVS 7 and 0 is worst, whist 6 is best, so undervolting should be other way around?
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Sorry that was a typo lol
Yes you're right but this is how it has been done:
Since the voltage tables are different for all PVS versions, PVS 0 having the most voltage and 6 the least, 0 can handle -50mV compared to stock and still use more voltage and be stable, while still having more voltage than 6. Pushing 6 to more than what I have already done is risky since it is so low already, on a mass scale and I don't think I will do it unless it is proven stable
edit: https://github.com/poondog/kangaroo-m7-MKII/blob/exp/arch/arm/mach-msm/acpuclock-8064.c
Lo_RaT_PeNaT said:
Excuse the question, but it is because the majority of call recording applications are to pay, why developer no supports this feature in HTC one?
Enviado desde mi HTC One mediante Tapatalk
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Probably. Looking at his/her sources there are no references to the One. The newest is for mako (Nexus 4)
In my point of view, there is no point for a kernel dev (learning or experienced) to spend time including something (could take hours) just to make someone else's payday when they really did nothing for the One. I might look into it if there is a free version with One support. If not I may be creating bugs for the dev on an unsupported device
In other news, 11 Dec build is up. Enjoy, please leave comments!
poondog said:
Sorry that was a typo lol
Yes you're right but this is how it has been done:
Since the voltage tables are different for all PVS versions, PVS 0 having the most voltage and 6 the least, 0 can handle -50mV compared to stock and still use more voltage and be stable, while still having more voltage than 6. Pushing 6 to more than what I have already done is risky since it is so low already, on a mass scale and I don't think I will do it unless it is proven stable
edit: https://github.com/poondog/kangaroo-m7-MKII/blob/exp/arch/arm/mach-msm/acpuclock-8064.c
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Oh, yeah, you're right, I understand. I know of different voltages for different PVS, just didn't realized you did it that way. Thanks for clarification.
donmarkoni said:
Oh, yeah, you're right, I understand. I know of different voltages for different PVS, just didn't realized you did it that way. Thanks for clarification.
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No problem! Enjoy the kernel
just trying it out
rohorubo said:
just trying it out
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Winky face?
Hope you like it, its been a while in the making.. I thought of stuff for like 6 months and finally when sources were out for 3.62 it started
Been a development ongoing since then
Sent from my Nexus 7 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
Nice to see u here
More awesome kernels for us!!
nice to see a kernel from down under any plans for a 4.4 kernel in the near future
Trying it out!
Sent from my HTC One using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
Woot! Trying and reporting it now!
Thanks for your work!
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk
There will be a version for 4.4 GPe?
Inviato dal mio HTC One utilizzando Tapatalk
very smooth thx!
Sent from my HTC One using Tapatalk 2
I think I might make the trip back to 4.3 and give this a try. Thanks for sharing!
Sent from my HTC One using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
please post screenshots under trickster mod

[KERNEL][3.0.101] BraveKernel for KitKat

So here we go, this is the thread of a customized kernel for KitKat ROMs (CM11, AOSX, SlimKat...) with some extra features added.
Feedback is welcome and highly valuable
Main features are these:
- Kernel 3.0.101
- Kernel based on munjeni's source code modified by AOSX team
- TWRP 2.7
- Fixed ADB and mount USB in recovery
- Built with custom Linaro 4.9.1-2014.04 toolchain optimized for Cortex-A9
- Built with -O3 optimization flags
- 394MB of usable RAM
- Included elf.3 to save some battery
- Init.d support
- Added 600MHz mode
- Battery Life eXtender support
- Lowered swappiness (60 -> 45)
- Removed old SHA1 routine
- Added optimized CRC32 algorithm
- SLUB memory allocator
- Optimized ARM RWSEM (read/write semaphore) algorithm
- Optimized asynchronous I/O latency
- Updated topology with lastest changes
- Fast Random generator (frandom) support
- Dynamic FSync control
- Dynamic management of dirty page writebacks
- VM tweaks for performance
- Revised LowMemoryKiller parameters for better performance
- LowMemoryKiller management of not killable processes
- Additional TCP Congestion algorithms
- Boosted WiFi speed
Available CPU governors:
- AbyssPlug
- Conservative
- Dynamic Interactive
- Fantasy
- HotPlug
- IntelliDemand
- Interactive
- LionHeart (default)
- LulzActiveQ
- LulzActiveW
- MinMax
- Nightmare
- OnDemand
- OnDemandAX
- OnDemandQ
- PegasusQ
- PegasusQPlus
- Performance
- Powersave
- SakurActive
- SmartAssV2
- Userspace
- Wheatley
- ZZMoove
Available I/O schedulers:
- Deadline
- Noop
- SIOplus (default)
- V(R)
- Zen
Kernel Downloads for KitKat:
BraveKernel KK-4.4 Mediafire Folder
- v1.3 -
for CM 11.0, AOSX & SlimKat​
How to install the kernel:
1) Download the kernel zip file to SD card
2) Reboot to recovery
3) Flash the kernel zip file
4) Wipe cache and dalvik cache if you are coming from another kernel
5) Reboot the system
Performance Control APP
App for tweaking performance options, enabling features like management of not killable processes, adjusting CPU frequency, etc.
Kernel sources (on GitHub):
Development repository of BraveKernel 3.0.101 for KK 4.4
Kernel known problems:
- You tell me
[B]08/06/2014 - BraveKernel 3.0.101 v1.3 for KitKat[/B]
- defconfig: Add F2FS support
- mali: Add utilization sampling rate parameter
- mali: Fix L2 cache reads when delete cache cores
- cpufreq: Add debug mask
- abb-regu: Add VOTG sysfs interface
- cpufreq: Add LulzactiveW governor
- cpufreq: Update LulzactiveW governor
- abb-regulator: Add Varm HW mode option
- ux500_pcm: Revert max PCM periods bytes tweaks
- cpufreq/ondemand: Replug CPU1 when governor starts
- cpufreq/performance: Replug CPU1 when governor starts
- cpufreq/interactive: Replug CPU1 when governor starts
- mali: Pre-allocated max memory size writable
- arm/topology: Remove topology updates
- drivers/mmc: SPI CRC configurable
- mm/slub: Revert driver
- snd_usb: Fix sysfs conflicts
- mm/slub: Make default max order 0
- mali: Reset default L2 max reads
- mm: Tweak sysctl params
- abb-sysctrl: Allow to force power off
- audio: Fix for choppy playback in Ubuntu pulse audio
- bcmdhd: Add PM_FAST control param
- mmc/core: Fix permission of 'use_spi_crc'
- block: Update ROW I/O scheduler
- ARM: decompressor: Enable unaligned memory access for v6 and above
- lib/lzo: Update LZO compression to current upstream version
- block/sio: Modify parameters
- logger: Add an enable toggle for entry storage
- Makefile: Add unaligned access flag
- lib/lzo: Huge LZO decompression speedup on ARM by using unaligned access
- block: Limit default readahead size for small devices
- ondemand: Decrease up threshold 95 -> 75
- interactive: Sync with android-kernel-common-3.0
- lib/lzo: Optimize code for CPUs with inefficient unaligned access
- cpufreq: Add InteractiveQ governor
- cpufreq: InteractiveQ: Fix dead wakeup
- block: Fix auto readahead size
- slub: Update
- mali: Adjust OSK memory allocation order 9 -> 8
- mali: Utilization sampling rate 1000ms -> 500ms
- block: Update bfq iosched v5r1 -> v7r2
- block: Switch from BFQ-v7r2 for 3.0.0 to BFQ-v7r3 for 3.0.0
- ext4: Speed up truncate/unlink by not using bforget() unless needed
- deadline: Allow 0ms deadline latency, increase the read speed
- lib/checksum.c: Optimize do_csum a bit
- cfg80211: Fix memory leak
- readahead: Make context readahead more conservative
- lib/int_sqrt.c: Optimize square root algorithm
- fs/dcache: vfs_cache_pressure -> 133
- cpufreq: Add ZZMoove governor
- cpufreq: Remove double LulzactiveQ
- cpufreq: Remove double PegasusQ
- cpufreq: Remove InteractivePlus governor
- arm/lib: Remove ARM sha1 routines
- mali: Update
- mali: Back to 1C
- mm, vmalloc: Use well-defined find_last_bit() func
- mm, vmalloc: Remove useless variable in vmap_block
- net: loopback: Set default mtu to 64K
- kernel/timer: Optimize apply_slack() for size and speed.
- binfmt_elf.c: Use get_random_int() to fix entropy depleting
- arm: topology: Enable arch power
- ARM: 7668/1: Fix memset-related crashes
- ARM: 7670/1: Fix the memset fix
- irq: Set CPU affinity right on thread creation
- softirq: Reduce latencies
- fs/super.c: Sync ro remount after blocking writers
- ksm: Provide support to use deferred timers for scanner thread
- ksm: Enable deferred timer
- dbx500-cpufreq: Added missing 600MHz mode
- page_alloc: min_free_kbytes -> 8192
- page_alloc: extra_free_kbytes -> 1024
- vmscan: swappiness -> 45
- futex: Prevent attaching to kernel threads
- futex: Add another early deadlock detection check
- futex-prevent-requeue-pi-on-same-futex.patch futex
- futex: Validate atomic acquisition in futex_lock_pi_atomic()
- futex: Always cleanup owner tid in unlock_pi
- futex: Make lookup_pi_state more robust
- defconfig: Panic timeout -> 0
- defconfig: Enable KSM check page
- fs/sync: Switch do_fsync() to fget_light()
- fs/dyn_sync_cntrl: Fix dynamic sync control
- fs/dyn_fsync: Check dyn fsync control's active prior to performing fsync ops
- dynamic filesync: Add some cache optimizations
- dynamic fsync: Favor true case since most will be using this feature
- dynamic fsync: Don't disable fdatasync()
- fs/sync: Make sync() satisfy many requests with one invocation
- mm/page_alloc: Avoid page allocation failure
- defconfig: Update kumquat configuration
- ramdisk: Add F2FS tools
- ramdisk: Remove unnecessary tweaks
- cmdline: Usable RAM -> 394MB
[B]25/05/2014 - BraveKernel 3.0.101 v1.2 for KitKat[/B]
- Makefile: Added -O3 optimization
- cpufreq/ondemand: Add CPU idle detection
- sched: Add a symbol for governors
- arch/arm/Makefile: Build with -pipe
- zImage compressed with XZ
- cpufreq: Add OnDemandQ governor
- mali: Fix arch links
- mali: L2 cache default max reads
- mali: L2 max reads parameters writable
- mali: Disable state tracking
- mali: Increase utilization sampling rate
- mali: Add utilization parameters
- cpufreq/interactive: Synced with 3.4 kernel
- mali: Add PM sleep sampling rate parameter
- arm/crypto: Add optimized AES and SHA1 routines
- mach-ux500: Add PRCMU clock sysfs module
- abb-codec: Add missing bits
- n_tty: Fix n_tty_write crash when echoing in raw mode
- net: Fix "ip rule delete table 256"
- Fix false disconnect due to a signal sent to the reading process
- SELinux: Fix kernel BUG on empty security contexts
- SELinux: Fix possible NULL pointer dereference in selinux_inode_permission()
- block: Add SIO Plus I/O scheduler
- mutex: Dynamically disable mutex spinning at high load
- kernel: Disabled Gentle Fair Sleepers for better performance
- random: Entropy tweaks
- random: Decrease read/write wakeup threshold
- block/sioplus: Fluid tunables
- block/sioplus: Tweaks
- block/sioplus: Allow 0ms deadline latency, increase the read speed
- block/sioplus: sync_read_expire = 312.5ms, writes_starved = 2
- mm: Optimized SLUB memory allocator
- Makefile: Added optimized flags
- ksm: Check and skip page, if it is already scanned
- Enabled KSM by default
- arch/arm: Makefile: Added flags for U8500
- cpufreq: Removed ZZMoove governor
- defconfig: Updated kumquat configuration
- ramdisk: CM11, AOSX and SlimKat versions unified
- ramdisk: Add CM performance profiles support
[B]16/05/2014 - BraveKernel 3.0.101 v1.1 for KitKat[/B]
- Fixed lag in every KitKat ROM
- Removed 600MHz mode (maybe it will be added again in following versions)
- Downgraded LMK to 3.0.101 in order to fix bugs
[B]11/05/2014 - BraveKernel 3.0.101 v1.0.1 for KitKat[/B]
- Updated modules in order to get WiFi working
[B]11/05/2014 - BraveKernel 3.0.101 v1.0 for KitKat[/B]
- Initial release
Credits and thanks to:
munjeni and AOSX team for their awesome work and their kernel sources
AGONTUK for TWRP 2.7.0 recovery
Christopher83, Ezekeel, Faux123, cocafe and other developers I'm surely missing
CyanogenMod, Kernel.org, Sony, Google, Linaro GCC developers
Info4Geek and evildev for his support in testing
In DevDB info it says this kernel it's for Xperia Sola, but it's just an error of DevDB system, it's only for Xperia U
XDA:DevDB Information
BraveKernel, Kernel for the Sony Xperia Sola
Kernel Special Features: Customized kernel 3.0.101 for KK 4.4 ROM
Version Information
Status: Beta
Current Beta Version: v1.3
Beta Release Date: 2014-06-08
Created 2014-05-11
Last Updated 2014-11-09
As I am on SlimKat currently, I will surely try this out.
Feature request:
How about collaborating with @AGONTUK in order to patch this kernel with illumination fixes? I used his patch on AOSX, and it works perfectly, but some changes are needed to boot.img for illumination patch to fully work, so I believe that his patch is useless with roms other than AOSX.
Keep up the good work!
I tried this kernel, but now my wifi wont turn on...(AOSX)
pedromms86 said:
I tried this kernel, but now my wifi wont turn on...(AOSX)
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I guess it's because it's only for CM11 based Roms:
Inviato dal mio ST25i utilizzando Tapatalk
I've been waiting for this for a long time. Will try it soon.
Sent from my Xperia U using Tapatalk
New version!
I've released v1.0.1 which has updated modules, needed to get WiFi working, sorry for the inconveniences
Here is the link: http://www.mediafire.com/download/2bvmd7aizzazs7b/BraveKernel_v1.0.1.zip
evildev said:
As I am on SlimKat currently, I will surely try this out.
Feature request:
How about collaborating with @AGONTUK in order to patch this kernel with illumination fixes? I used his patch on AOSX, and it works perfectly, but some changes are needed to boot.img for illumination patch to fully work, so I believe that his patch is useless with roms other than AOSX.
Keep up the good work!
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Well, illumination fix goes mainly in ROM side, not in kernel side, but for next release I will make needed changes at ramdisk in order to get illumination service working (if avalaible in ROM side), thank you
pedromms86 said:
I tried this kernel, but now my wifi wont turn on...(AOSX)
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Yes, sorry for the inconveniences, try new version, WiFi should work fine
ilysomma said:
I guess it's because it's only for CM11 based Roms:
Inviato dal mio ST25i utilizzando Tapatalk
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I only tested it on CM11, but it should work on other KitKat ROMs
Will test very soon ^^
Sent from my Xperia U using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
---------- Post added at 11:48 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:17 PM ----------
Works on AOSX but the system is too laggy, I uninstall :/
Sent from my Xperia U using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
To change governor and I/O, do I need to install an external app from play? Since in setttings I cannot do that... (AOSX).
Sony26 said:
To change governor and I/O, do I need to install an external app from play? Since in setttings I cannot do that... (AOSX).
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Yep...download no frills cpu control
Inviato dal mio ST25i utilizzando Tapatalk
How to activate these features in your kernel? Like frandom and other stuff. Or are they already active?
Sent from my Xperia U using Tapatalk
Awesome kernel!
Can you please make kernel for Stock JB having Munjeni's latest 6.3 recovery and having all of these tweaks? It'd be really awesome if you do! Thank you!
i hope someone does it i am still officially using 4.1.2
AD9295 said:
Awesome kernel!
Can you please make kernel for Stock JB having Munjeni's latest 6.3 recovery and having all of these tweaks? It'd be really awesome if you do! Thank you!
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Angristan said:
Will test very soon ^^
Sent from my Xperia U using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
---------- Post added at 11:48 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:17 PM ----------
Works on AOSX but the system is too laggy, I uninstall :/
Sent from my Xperia U using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
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OK, don't install it on AOSX by now, I'll release a different version for AOSX, stay tuned!
Sony26 said:
To change governor and I/O, do I need to install an external app from play? Since in setttings I cannot do that... (AOSX).
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I recommend you to use Performance Control App :good:
Vtrendzzy said:
How to activate these features in your kernel? Like frandom and other stuff. Or are they already active?
Sent from my Xperia U using Tapatalk
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Frandom is already active, but I'll publish a guide about how to enable/disable features, until that you can use Performance Control App to enable Batery Life eXtender, Dynamic FSync, Dynamic management of dirty page writebacks and to control the management of not killable processes
AD9295 said:
Awesome kernel!
Can you please make kernel for Stock JB having Munjeni's latest 6.3 recovery and having all of these tweaks? It'd be really awesome if you do! Thank you!
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Not by now, I want to get it working flawlessly in the main ROMs for KitKat
I am using it on aosx and its not laggy.
But I dont find the app that you recommend on play, could you give me a link ?
p.s. I noticed with CPU Frills that min freq is 1000 ! Is that a "bug" of this kernel ? Anyway I changed it succesfully to 200.
Sony26 said:
I am using it on aosx and its not laggy.
But I dont find the app that you recommend on play, could you give me a link ?
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@sv2hqx: Thank you very much, I'll install it right now. I'm wondering why its not avaible on google play...
I try this on Build 4 of CM11 from Xperia-STE but my phone is soooooo lagggyyyy. I try change governoor and nothing.
instaled in AOSX (personal build, thanks to @Info4Geek) and phone its too laggy, hangs a lot, even with performance as a governor, for now its not good for aosx users...will wait for aosx version
thanks dev
dasti555 said:
I try this on Build 4 of CM11 from Xperia-STE but my phone is soooooo lagggyyyy. I try change governoor and nothing.
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Strange, can you upload dmesg and logcat, please?

[TW Verizon][Nadia Kernel][14-April-2015][4.4.4]Faux Sound Support

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- Emotion nightly Kernel Note 4 -SM-N910V
Developed by Placiano and Pafcholini​
Introducing the Emotion Revolution Roms & Kernels for Android Devices.
Emotion Rom/Kernel is a modified, aftermarket firmware/Kernel distribution few Android devices (Note 2, Note 4, HTC M7, Newman N2). Based on the Android Open Source Project , Emotion Rom & Kernel is intended to increase performance and stability over Android-based Devices released by sellers, for example, Samsung, HTC and so forth. Emotroid additionally offers a mixed bag of features & improvements that are not presently found in stock variants of Android.​​
*** Disclamer***
Your warranty is now void.
We are not responsible for any damage or problems you may have!
YOU are choosing to make these modifications.
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Thread IndeX
POST 1: Kernel Information, Changelog, Credits,Screenshots
POST 2: Synapse, Recommended settings, FAQ, etc.
POST 3: Know/Reported issues
Request new features here
Based on Samsung Open Source XXU1BOB4
Compiled with Toolchain Linaro GCC 4.9.3 2015.02 Cortex A15
Linux version 3.10.40
OC/UC -> 3072MHz / 268MHz
PowerSuspend Driver
Intelli-Plug V4.0
KSM enabled
Simple GPU Algorithm
Voltage Control
KCAL - Advanced color control
Led Control
CRC Settings
Advanced TCP control
S-View flip cover hack
Selinux Permissive
Sched: LOAD_FREQ (4*HZ+61)
Reduced wakelocks
Frandom number generator
Synapse full support
Governors: interactive_pro, intelliactive, bluactive, conservativex, alucard,darkness, nightmare, smartassV2, ondemandplus, umbrella_core, yankactive, dancedance, bioshock, lionhearth, conservative, interactive, ondemand,powersave, userspace, performance
I/O Scheldures: bfq, vr, fiops, zen, fifo, sio, test-ioshed, cfq, row, deadline, noop
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April- 14 -2015 nightly r9
-Back to Linux 3.10.40 (For now, we are working to bring stable 3.10.73)
-Added Intelli-thermal v3.0
-bcmdhd4358: filter multicast packages while suspended
-fs/namei.c: fix potential memory leak in path_lookupat
-pinctrl: msm: fixed potential NULL pointer dereference
-usb: ks_bridge: by default debugging is disabled
-slub: fix kmem_cache_shrink return value
-mm: slub: fixed format mismatches in slab_err() callers
-power:Enable/Disable power collapse after camera open
-Implemented CPU Core Control by andip71
-tick: don't update idle time if cpu offline
-msm: kgsl: Only wake GPU on multitouch events
-Interactive: don't boost cpu if already boosted
-rtc: qpnp-rtc: Sets RTC time correctly
-rtc: qpnp-rtc: Set alarm control register properly
-Added Mobile Storage Analyzer
-soc: mbhc: Fix ID Tech card reader detection
-power: catch wake-up requests in suspend_again
-pinctrl: msm: prevent bogus wake up from suspend
-asoc: wcd9xxx: Improved headset detection
-Implemented Motorola MSM memcpy enhancements "memutils" (Faster memcpy performance for Krait)
-Improved Memutils
-Added CIFS as module
-Adde NTFS as module
-ASoC: msm: qdp6v2: handle proxy read failure
-ASoC: msm: qdsp6v2: Fix timestamp query during gapless transition
-mmc: core: Update PON (Power Off Notification) based on the system state
-mm: Fix NULL pointer dereference in madvise(MADV_WILLNEED) support
-netfilter: IDLETIMER: fix invalid deference of timer
-Fixes and improvements in Synapse
-Added CPU Binning (pvs information) Synapse> CPU VOLTAGE
-Added CPU core control in Synapse> CPU DRIVERS
-For more info check our Github
March- 27 -2015 nightly r8
-Linux update to 3.10.71
-Powesuspend updated to 1.7
-Intelli-plug updated to 4.0
-OC/UC -> 3072MHz / 268MHz
-Added Hardlimit Control
-Added new governors
-Addeded new scheldures
-Added memcopy & string use glibc version
-Added quickwakeup driver (improve battery life)
-Optimized Kernel Samepage Merging (KSM)
-deadline: Optimized for non-rotational
-mm: Clear page active before releasing pages
-ARM: 8119/1: crypto: sha1: add ARM NEON implementation
-ARM: 8120/1: crypto: sha512: add ARM NEON implementation
-ARM: crypto: add NEON accelerated XOR implementation
-ARM: add support for kernel mode NEON and only allow kernel mode neon with AEABI
-Fixed failure to enter PS mode while roaming
-Sched: Set MC (multi-core) sched domain's busy_factor attribute to 1
-Disabled add_random for more performance on SSD's
-tcp: enabled tcp fast open functionality (franciscofranco)
-For more info check our Github
March- 5 -2015 nightly r7
-Added KCAL - Advanced color control (Thanks to @savoca for his great job) check this thread for more info
March- 3 -2015 nightly r6
-Based on XXU1ANK4 (KitKat version) and compatible with "F,G,T,V,W8"
-Based on XXU1BOB4 (Lollipop version) and compatible with "F"
-Lollipop version has all the features except mdnie control and S-View hack
-Kernel compiled with Linaro Toolchain 4.9.3 2015-02
-FauxSound updated to 3.6
-Fixed some issues in FauxSound and Synapse
-cpufreq: Introduced new relation for freq selection Introduce CPUFREQ_RELATION_C
-Interactive Governor: Use CPUFREQ_RELATION_C
-Added Gentle fair sleepers (Synapse -> KERNEL TWEAKS)
-Enabled Kernel SamePage Merging (KSM) (Synapse -> KSM)
-Added key disabler (Synapse-> SCREEN/MISC)
-Added userspace vibration strength control (Synapse-> SCREEN/MISC)
-Changed some stuff in Synapse
-Reverted some commits
-Another minor changes
January- 27 -2015 nightly beta r5
-FauxSound implemented
-FauxSound in Synapse
-Added high performance mode in Synapse->Sound
-Fixed battery drain on wifi (My fault)
-Reverted another commits
January- 16 -2015 nightly r4
-Fixed cpu voltage control (No more 0MHz frequency in cpu voltage table)
-ASoC: wcd9xxx: use hwdep node for codec calibration
-ASoC: wcd9320: use hwdep nodes to get calibration
-ASoC: wcd9xxx: Changes for High performance mode
-ASoC: wcd9xxx: Change PA on and VDDIO switch sequence
-ASoC: wcd9xxx: Avoid micbias glitches during audio playback
-In conclusion better quality sound on headsets
-Sched/fair: reduced latency
-Decreased DHD_PACKET_TIMEOUT_MS to 250 ms (Before 500ms)
-Drecreased time to enter sleep
-Net: wireless: Increased scan entry expiration to fit new scan time
-PM: devfreq: Use high priority workqueue
-Msm: kgsl: Report correct GPU frequency in sysfs
-Some minor changes
January- 11 -2015 nightly r3
-Added Frandom as module and set by default (Synapse>I/O>Frandom) "For more info check this"
-Network speed tweak
-Reduced wakelocks "wlan_rx_wake" and "wlan_ctrl_wake"
-dtsi: realigned voltages with userspace values (Thanks to twistedumbrella)
-cpu-boost more performance (Thanks to franciscofranco)
-sched: LOAD_FREQ (4*HZ+61) "For more info check this"
-Interactive governor imported from the Nexus 6 (No more lag on interactive)
-Added bluactive and interactive_pro governors
-Reverted some changes that made the kernel laggy in some cases.
-Selinux set to permissive by default
-Gpu: msm: for higher priority you want to use nice level of -7
-Now you can change the governor tunables from Synapse (Issue fixed) (Thanks for the tip to AndreiLux)
-Synapse shows all the available gpu governors (Thanks to my friend Friedrich!)
-Cleaned some things in Synapse
-Other minor changes
January- 4 -2015 nightly r2
-Fixed Ondemand governor
-mm: slub: Default slub_max_order to 0 (Improved performance)
-Increased io performance
-writeback: fix occasional slow sync
-Fixed min frequency (Finally!)
-msm: Fix high load average from uninterruptible waits
-Cpu boost sysfs to enable/disable it (Synapse>cpu drivers)
-S-View hack (Twistedumbrella) enable/disable (Synapse>miscellaneous)
-Minor fixes
January- 1 -2015 nightly r1
-Based on Samsung Open Source N910FXXU1ANIE
-Compiled with Toolchain Linaro GCC 4.9.3 2014.12 Cortex A15
-PowerSuspend Driver
-Intelli-Plug V3.9
-Stereo Call Recording Support
-cpufreq_limit: don't override cpu min frequency
-Fast Charge V1.2
-Simple GPU Algorithm
-Sysfs interface to Enable/Disable Logger Android (Default disable)
-Voltage Control
-Intelli-Thermal V1
-mDNIe Hijack control
-Advanced TCP control (westwood default)
-Sysfs interface to Enable/Disable CRC
-Dynamic Fsync Control V1.5
-Added Intelliactive, Smartmax and SmartassV2 governors
-Led Control
-Panel Color Control
-mDnie mode adapter for Synapse
-Selinux Enforcing/Permissive
-Synapse Support
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Installation instructions
You need to have TWPR, CWM o Philz Recovery.
Download the last kernel
Reboot in recovery mode
Make backup (recommended)
Flash the zip
Strictly No Mirrors Please. In the event that you need to make one ask us first with purpose behind what valid reason.
Current Version
After flash the kernel (LL version) go to play store and download Synapse apk.
App to control your display : Color Control
Emotion nightly r9 LL (Mediafire)
Old version
Emotion nightly r8 LL (Mediafire)
Nadia nightly r7 LL (Mediafire)
Nadia nightly r7 KK (Mediafire)
Nadia nightly r6 LL (Mediafire)
Nadia nightly r6 KK (MEGA)
Nadia nightly beta r5 (Mediafire)
Nadia nightly r3 (Mediafire)
Nadia nightly r4 (MEGA)
Nadia nightly r4 (AndroidFileHost)
Nadia nightly r3 (Mediafire)
Nadia nightly r3 (MEGA)
Nadia nightly r3 (AndroidFileHost)
Nadia nightly r2 (Mediafire)
Nadia nightly r2 (MEGA)
Nadia nightly r2 (AndroidFileHost)
Nadia nightly r1 (Mediafire)
Nadia nightly r1 (MEGA)
Nadia nightly r1 (AndroidFileHost)
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Source code:
Emotion kernel Github
Thanks To/Credits
Andip71, AndreiLux, apb_axel, Civato, Christopher83, DerTeufel, Faux123, Ffolkes, Flar2, Franciscofranco, Franlov, Friedrich420, Gokhanmoral, Infernum, LoungeKatt (TwistedUmbrella), savoca, _Sofos_, Vanito, Yank555.lu, ZaneZam.
I hope I have not forgotten anyone!
Hit the "thanks" button if you like our work.
You can follow new updates here (Spanish)
Recommended settings & FAQ Synapse and all available options:
- LIVE STATISTICS: Time in states, Uptime,etc.
- CPU - GOV: cpu scaling, cpu governor and governor tunables.
- CPU voltage: separate frequency voltage.
- GPU: GPU scaling min/max frequency, GPU governor, Simple GPU Algorithm.
- I/O: schedulers, internal storage read-ahead, externalSD read-ahead, Frandom Module, Scheldure Tunables Internal/External
- CPU DRIVERS: PowerSuspend and Intelli-Plug
- THERMAL: Intelli-Thermal Control
- MISCELLANEOUS: Dynamic FSYNC Driver, Logger Mode, CRC Settings, S-View bypass, Selinux Status, Optimize Database.
- BATTERY: Live Statistics and Fast Charge
- MDNIE/SCREEN: Panel Control, mDNIe Mode and mDNIe Mode Hijack
- LED: Led Control
- SCREEN WAKE CONTROL: Sweep2Wake Control
- KERNEL TWEAKS: low memory killer, kernel entropy, panic and panic on oops.
- NETWORK: tcp congestion control, hardering the TCP/IP stack to SYN attack,ignore pings,etc.
- VM-FS: dirty radio, swappiness,etc.
- BUILD.PROP: Build.prop Tweaks
- LOGS: Clearn Synapse, Logcat and Dmseg
- INFO-REBOOT: info about the kernel, reboots,etc.
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Balance between performance and battery
Above is what I use personally. MAY NOT be optimal for all. Share your settings.
CPU frequency: 2649MHz/300MHz
CPU governor: Intelliactive or Bluactive for performance/ Interactive for battery
CPU voltaje: -25uV ((Be careful!! If you low voltages much you can get bootloop or battery drain.)
GPU: default values
I/O schedulers: row for both
PowerSuspend: hybrid hook
MPDECISION for performance/ Intelli-Plug for battery
Intelli-Thermal: enabled
MISCELLANEOUS: fsync enabled, logger mode disabled, crc disabled (you choice), Selinux Permissive
TCP: westwood for both
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Aukhan recommended settings
Can I flash this kernel on Note 4 SM-N910C or other variant?
No, you can not. This kernel is only for SM-N910F, SM-N910G, SM-N910T and SM-N910W8.
When I switch to Ondemand governor I noticed that cpu-boost is disabled.
Exactly, Ondemand and cpu-boost doesn't work well together. When you switch to Ondemand governor cpu-boost will be disabled automatically. Don't re-enable cpu-boost if you are using Ondemand governor. (Synapse>CPU DRIVERS)
Which app can control this kernel?
By default, the kernel is controlled by Synapse, but you can use the app that you like (Trickster Mod, Kernel Tweaker, etc.).
I flashed the kernel and Synapse says: "No support UCI detected".
Reflash the kernel, since it was a bad installation and Synapse does not detect the scripts.
After flashing the kernel lost root what to do?
In case you loose root just flash SuperSU
Any recommended settings to follow using Synapse?
At the beginning of the second post.
After flash the kernel some apks give me FC.
Go to Google Play Store and reinstall those apks.
From where can I remove int.d script?
Go to /system/etc/init.d using any root based file manager and delete.
Note: There is an important one related to superSU and if you remove it by mistake you're gonna have trouble with root permissions.
My device doesn't show any reaction to undervolting (battery life is same as before) or gets unstable even on light undervolting?
Use DVFS disabler Module(standalone) (dynamic voltage and frequency scaling), this feature was kept in touchwiz for benchmark boosting purposes and will conflict with any undervolting and custom governors because it scales the voltages and frequency on regular intervals and is framework integrated, so gets a higher priority than kernel based voltage and scaling controls.
For people who don't know what is DVFS please refer Wikipedia.
Min/Max frequency don't stick?
If your frequency settings don’t stick, it's because on certain Qualcomm devices, there are certain system services (thermald/mpdecision/project butter) or kernel service that rewrite frequency settings based on current thermal status and/or touch input.
I made a logcat but my file is empty. How I can "fix" it?
By default Android logger is disable. Go to Synapse > MISCELLANEOUS and enable Logger Mode.
What is it PowerSuspend?
This new powersuspend PM kernel driver is a replacement for it and existing early_suspend drivers. It should give better battery life.
What is it Intelli-Plug?
Intelliplug is a replacement for mp decision. Intelli-Plug is Faux123 open source solution to Qualcomm's closed source mpdecision. Intelli-Plug is disable by default. It conflicts with mpdecsion, so is HIGHLY recommend turning off mpdecision when using intelli-plug! (If you use Synapse the change is automatic. If you enable Intelli-plug mpdecision will turn off).
What is it Intelli-Thermal?
an intelligent MSM thermal throttling kernel driver designed to replace the
closed sourced thermald(aemon) from Qualcomm.
What is it Frandom?
Frandom is a kernel random number generator, which is 10-50 times faster than what you get from /dev/urandom. And it uses very little (/dev/frandom) or none (/dev/erandom) of the kernel's entropy pool, so it is very useful for applications that require a handy source for lots of random data.
What is it CRC?
CRC is a mechanism aiming to prevent data corruption when is enabled (reduce the performance around 30%). So if you disable it improve the performance but your data can be corrupted. Use it at your risk.
Know/Reported/Fixed issues Know issues
1. Synapse doesn't show CPU governor tunables.
I'm trying to fix it. FIXED
2. Sometimes Synapse (and others kernel control apks) show that the min frequency is 1190MHz (or other frequency).
Just cancel it. FIXED
3. Ondemand doesn't work well. FIXED
Thanks for the report @Vangelis13
Any other Issues you may Report us and we will fix it
Currently its confirmed that its runing fine on Developer Edition by @manbat thanks to him.
If anybody else has tried it on a non developer Edition please let us know since we do not have a V Variant Device We wont be able to test.
Kindly report.
First! Sweet my first...first.lol
Have been running for a few days on my DE...runs great !!!
Sent from my SM-N910V / VZW Note 4 DE / Factory Bootloader Unlocked / Rooted / Custom Kernel-ed / TWRP
manbat said:
Have been running for a few days on my DE...runs great !!!
Sent from my SM-N910V / VZW Note 4 DE / Factory Bootloader Unlocked / Rooted / Custom Kernel-ed / TWRP
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Glad to know it's running rock solid.
Working great here. Only thing I noticed is that when battery is above 90% the led flickers very quickly. May be an interaction with Light flow.
JDevil said:
Working great here. Only thing I noticed is that when battery is above 90% the led flickers very quickly. May be an interaction with Light flow.
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No issues with LEDs here....
Sent from my SM-N910V / VZW Note 4 DE / Factory Bootloader Unlocked / Rooted / Custom Kernel-ed / TWRP
JDevil said:
Working great here. Only thing I noticed is that when battery is above 90% the led flickers very quickly. May be an interaction with Light flow.
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Are you using any LED apps? I don't see any issues.
This isn't built using VZW source is it?
bobbarker2 said:
This isn't built using VZW source is it?
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No...but everything works. Source is listed in OP.
Sent from my SM-N910V / VZW Note 4 DE / Factory Bootloader Unlocked / Rooted / Custom Kernel-ed / TWRP
R6_KK is up... http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=57886425
Sent from my SM-N910V / VZW Note 4 DE / Factory Bootloader Unlocked / Rooted / Custom Kernel-ed / TWRP
manbat said:
R6_KK is up... http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=57886425
Sent from my SM-N910V / VZW Note 4 DE / Factory Bootloader Unlocked / Rooted / Custom Kernel-ed / TWRP
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I'll update the OP tonight.
Sent from my SM-N910F
Thread updated!
After flash the kernel go to play store and install Synapse apk.
Enjoy it!
March- 3 -2015 nightly r6
-Based on XXU1ANK4 (KitKat version) and compatible with "F,G,T,V,W8"
-Kernel compiled with Linaro Toolchain 4.9.3 2015-02
-FauxSound updated to 3.6
-Fixed some issues in FauxSound and Synapse
-cpufreq: Introduced new relation for freq selection Introduce CPUFREQ_RELATION_C
-Interactive Governor: Use CPUFREQ_RELATION_C
-Added Gentle fair sleepers (Synapse -> KERNEL TWEAKS)
-Enabled Kernel SamePage Merging (KSM) (Synapse -> KSM)
-Added key disabler (Synapse-> SCREEN/MISC)
-Added userspace vibration strength control (Synapse-> SCREEN/MISC)
-Changed some stuff in Synapse
-Reverted some commits
-Another minor changes
I'm confused why there is a Lollipop version? Is that not for VZW?
Mibuix0r said:
I'm confused why there is a Lollipop version? Is that not for VZW?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
My Bad I actually though LL was released for this device, I've made the changes now.
Kernel updated!
March- 5 -2015 nightly r7
-Added KCAL - Advanced color control
I'll update the OP later meanwhile you may download it from here
Nadia nightly r7 kk - http://www.mediafire.com/download/d2v2p5l68t4laz8/Nadia-nightly-r7-KK-SM-N910F-G-T-V-W8.zip
Color control - http://www.mediafire.com/download/xj8za53ia2njico/re.codefi.savoca.kcal-v1.1.apk
Sent from my SM-N910F
Sent from my SM-N910F
New Color setting which looks more better try this and post your results.
Make sure you set your Display mode from Settings to Basic and try this
Thanks to @Psycho_666

[Kernel][Q] Helium kernel v63

Light and stable, Helium is here.
use this kernel at your own risk. Flashing it the wrong way may brick your device. I'm not responsible for any software/hardware damage.
Q&A thread
v63 (November 20th, 2020)
built with -O3 optimizations & latest GCC 10 cross-compiler
minor configuration cleanup
old releases:
v62 (September 6th, 2020)
rebased on top of Adrian's latest sources
support for Android Q/LineageOS 17.1
dropped support for previous Android releases
built with the latest GCC 10
minor tweaks and kernel bug fixes
v61 (September 9th, 2019)
rebased on top of Adrian's latest source
built with the newest GCC 8 toolchain from Linaro
many debugging options have been disabled (this might free some RAM)
memory management backports from Linux 3.8
some misc. improvements and fixes
installer updated to AnyKernel3, excellent (IMO) default setup
v60 (December 4th, 2018)
Android Pie support
built with GCC 8.2
many source updates and security fixes
a few ZRAM tweaks
v59 (September 30th)
many f2fs backports
important fixes and improvements for the maple I/O scheduler
minor misc. updates & fixes
v58.1 (September 1st)
fixed 2nd CPU policy bug
v58 (August 30th)
built using the GNU gold linker
a few small performance improvements
impulse is the default CPU governor
bricked hotplug forces both cores to be online when the screen is on
CPU and memory bandwidth overclocking
rebased on top of Adrian's latest sources
v57 (May 28th)
cpufreq stack backported from Linux 3.10
minor misc. updates/fixes
v56.4 (May 7th)
built with an updated GCC 7.3 Linaro toolchain
some updates for sdcardfs
up-to-date with Adrian's kernel
minor miscellaneous fixes
v56.3 (April 25th)
some security fixes
some generic tweaks, improvements, optimizations and updates
v56.2 (April 6th)
a must-read: post #2
f2fs driver backported from Linux 3.10
build with an updated compiler & a few additional optimizations
v56.1 (April 4th)
a must-read: post #2
added support for the 20180331 and future builds of LineageOS 15.1
built with QUVNTNM-TC (GCC 7-based toolchain) (thanks to @sudokamikaze)
minor updates, fixes and improvements
v56 (4th March)
fixed installation on LineageOS 15.1
tweaked interactive cpufreq governor
zen-tune tweaks for the task scheduler
faster boot
sdcardfs & f2fs improvements
several security fixes
v55 (31st January)
AutoSMP hotplug is back, and it should be stable now!
workqueue stack backported from Linux 3.10
random number generator driver backported from Linux 4.1
a few updates & improvements for some libraries
improved kgsl performance (more info here)
v54.2 (24th December)
built with more compiler optimizations
fix for I/O errors
minor adjustments for memory management and maple I/O scheduler
v54.1 (21st December)
directIO patches (they should improve filesystem speeds)
fixes for some CVEs
additional GCC optimizations
added a toggle for CRC checks
patches by Nvidia to improve battery life
v54 (4th December)
built with -O3 optimizations
new installer: BootBridge by Adrian + AnyKernel2 by osm0sis
cpu_input_boost duration set to 100 ms by default
Efficient unaligned memory access enabled
lmk/memory management updates & fixes
UKSM removed, legacy KSM restored
random number generator improvements
many miscellaneous updates and fixes (CVEs and such)
v53 (6th November)
do not flash on Oreo 11062017
task scheduler backports, PELT scheduler enabled
random number generator backported from Linux 3.16
f2fs updates
cpu_input_boost added (replaces CAF CPU boost)
UKSM v0.1.2.3 optimized for ARM devices & enabled by default
maple I/O scheduler tweaks, enabled by default
AutoSMP hotplug removed, added bricked hotplug
lower GPU idle frequency
minor miscellaneous updates and fixes
v52 (24th October)
once again, the kernel has been re-built from scratch
built with GCC 5 and proper optimizations for Krait CPUs
I/O schedulers: added maple
TCP congestion control algorithms: westwood set as default
hundreds of updates and backports, mostly related to the kernel's task scheduler
memutils optimizations for Krait CPUs
power-efficient workqueues
Gentle Fair Sleepers tunable
v51 (9th October)
built from scratch on top of Adrian's kernel for Oreo with the following changes:
compiled with gcc-5-based UBER Toolchain
optimizations for Krait CPUs (thanks to the Linaro team)
memutils optimizations for Krait CPUs
CPU governors: intellidemand
CPU hotplugs: AutoSMP (enabled by default)
I/O schedulers: maple (enabled by default)
CAF's cpu-boost removed, replaced by Sultanxda's cpu_input_boost
power-efficient workqueues
Gentle Fair Sleepers tunable
miscellaneous source updates
v50 (21st September)
f2fs stability fixes
v49 (16th September)
f2fs updates
voltage adjustments
v48.1 (13th September)
built with GCC 5
fixes for SoDs
v48 (11th September)
CPU voltage control removed (unstable and broken)
CPU frequency table cleaned and polished
added cpu_input_boost by Sultanxda (it replaces the default cpu-boost driver)
random number generator driver backported from Linux 3.16
v47 (15th August)
further improved CPU L2 frequency table
SONY logo bug fixed
minor improvements and fixes
CPU voltage control
f2fs updated to Linux 3.4-4.4-rc1
v46.1 (7th August)
built with an updated GCC 7 UBER Toolchain and different optimizations
impulse CPU governor
source updates/improvements
v46 (20th July)
completely renewed code base!
up-to-date with Adrian's kernel: fully compatible with the latest light effects
CPU hotplugs: AutoSMP
I/O schedulers: maple, fiops, row, bfq, cfq, noop, deadline, test
Gentle Fair Sleepers/Arch Power toggles
all TCP scheduling algorithms are available (westwood is enabled by default)
power-efficient workqueues
PELT task scheduling enabled
CPU overclocking and underclocking
GPU overclocking
hundreds of source updates and backports (related to: f2fs, kernel/sched/, workqueues, locking, timekeeping...)
async fsync is supported on both ext4 and f2fs
v45.2 (28th June)
security fixes
v45.1 (12th June)
security fixes and backports
v45 (4th June)
real CPU underclocking (137,1 MHz)
security fixes and backports
follow these instructions carefully: init.d script editing
v44.1 (30th May)
source updates
built with updated UBER GCC 7 Toolchain
less freezes?
v44 (May 26th)
backported Codel network scheduling algorithm
lots of rcu and kernel/sched/ backports
built with an ad-hoc set of optimization flags
random number generator driver backported from Linux 3.19
v43 (May 22nd)
state_notifier updated with support for PM suspension
lots of source updates
cache dropping and laptop mode enabled by default
v42.3 (19th May)
source updates
v42.2 (7th May)
a few security fixes
v42.1 (6th May)
built with updated and optimized GCC 7 UBER toolchain
sdcardfs updates
v42 (5th May)
build with GCC 7 and the UBER Toolchain
source updates
v41 (2nd May)
cpu-boost updates
added cpu_power driver
new CPU governor: umbrella_core
source updates
fsync toggle
some optimization flags removed
v40 (1st May)
built with updated UBER 6.x toolchain
source updates
new PM suspension method
v39.1 (18th April)
f2fs updates
v39 (9th April)
sdcardfs support. Must read: about sdcardfs
readded zzmoove CPU governor
v38.1 (8th April)
if AFH shows "No mirror found", click here: Helium v38.1 on Google Drive
built with my optimized GCC 6.3 UBER toolchain
tweaked CPU L2 frequency table
new i/o scheduler: maple
v38 (6th April)
Makefile optimizations
lots of kernel backports and fixes
v37.3 (3rd April)
source updates
download link: Helium v37.3
v37.2 (21st March)
re-added msm_limiter
source updates
v37 (12th March)
source rolled back to pre-v30.1 status (minus some updates & fixes added by me)
added some of the most important features of v31 and v34
all the latest updates from Adrian
built with Linaro GCC 6.3.1 toolchain
v36 (28th February)
built with Linaro GCC 6.3 toolchain
source updates
v35 (11th February)
built with updated UBER Toolchain & different optimization flags
source updates and code cleanup (leftovers from the removal of CPUQuiet))
v34.2 (28th January)
build with updated and optimized toolchain
v34.1 (20th January)
source updates
v34 (15th January)
FauxSound updated to v3.8 (ported from the msm8974 version)
Powersuspend removed
alucard and intelliplug hotplugs have been updated
v32.1, v32.2, v33 (11th January)
v32.1 is waste
v32.2 is good but it's the same of v31 + optimizations
v33 should be same as v32 but with good performance
v32 (10th January)
built with updated & optimized UBER Toolchain and proper GCC flags
major improvements to: state notifier, MSM hotplug,
minor source updates and optimizations
new CPU governor: elementalx
async fsync enabled for f2fs
v31 (31st December)
built with updated and optimized UBER Toolchain
gcc flags have been reworked
v30.3 (21st December)
built with updated UBER Toolchain (for gcc 6.2)
source updates
v30.2 (12th December)
source updates
v30.1 (8th December)
source updates (fix for tethering issue in 7.1.1)
built with updated UBER toolchain
v30 (28th November)
built with up-to-date UBER GCC 6 toolchain and more optimization flags
new installer, based on the old anykernel, now completely fixed and with lots of improvements - big thanks to @Andreus94
source updates + GCC 6 warnings have been fixed
new CPU govs: HYPER, darkness, ondemandplus
tweaked some I/O scheds
CPU boots at 1728 MHz even on old ROM's
v29 (16th November)
source updates: drivers/cpufreq/ backported from Linux 3.10
source updates: kernel/workqueue backported from Linux 3.10
source updates: drivers/char/random backported from Linux 3.16
CPU governors: all removed, only impulse plus the stock ones are present
CPU hotplugs: updated bricked_hotlpug and AutoSMP, added Thunderplug
suspension drivers: added State Notifier
build with updated UBER Toolchain and full -O2 optimizations
CPU hotplugs: removed CPUQuiet by Nvidia
installer: switched to the kernel injector
msm_limiter: massive driver update
source updates: updates to UKSM, kernel/sched/ and tons of other smaller updates
v28.2 (1st November)
Linux 3.4.113
v28.1 (29th October)
cpu input boost enabled by default
source updates
v28 (23rd October)
improved AnyKernel installation template
f2fs up-to-date with upstream
added cpu_input_boost by Sultanxda
GPU power saving tweaks
GPU undervolting
source updates and cleanups
v27 (17th October)
download here
CPU L2/bus overclock
exFAT driver updated
GPU now idles at 128 MHz
v26 (1st October)
load-based cpu boost
big code cleanup
v25.5 (22nd September)
source fixes and optimizations
v25.4 (10th September)
dynamic fsync removed (it was unstable and unneeded))
v25.3 (7th September)
built with GCC 6.2 + updated & optimized UBER Toolchain
source updates
v25.2 (31st August)
rebuilt using Adrian current defconfig
optimizations for non-rotational storage devices
switched to gzip compression (faster and doesn't cause problems)
v25.1 (23rd August)
source updates
v25 (16th August)
readded 400 MHz frequency for GPU
UKSM auto or manual handling
source updates
v24 (12th August)
built with updated and optimized UBER Toolchain
added quickwakeup
memcopy optimizations for Cortex-A15
source updates
v23.2, 23.3, 23.4 (29th July, 3rd August, 4th August)
source updates
v23.1 (25th July)
source updates
v23 (21st July)
many source updates
CPUQuiet governors added: userspace, balanced, runnable_threads
CPU boost disabled
CPU overclock disabled at boot (no more overheating when Optimizing apps)
v22.1 (14th July)
LMK commit revert (fix for the bad RAM management of v22)
v22 (13th July)
built with updated UBER Toolchain
lots of source updates
CPUQuiet (by Nvidia): a sort of hotplug that helps us to save power
sysfs interface to control the Gentle Fair Sleepers, Arch Power and the CRC check
2 new CPU govs: zzmoove v1.0b8 and Barry Allen
improved Kcal calibration
added asynchronous fsync and dynamic fsync
UKSM v0.1.2.3 optimized for ARM arch
entropy tweaks
thanks to: faux123, neobuddy89, airlessproject, Nvidia, franciscofranco, ZaneZam, Yank555.lu, BrateloSlava, dorimanx
v21.1 (4th July)
Adrian's fix for reboot from recovery
various fixes related to msm_limiter and the installation script
v21 (2nd July)
built with an updated UBER Toolchain
many kernel source updates
USB fast charge replaced with USB fast charge v2
the script_persist thing has been fixed (I think it had never worked until now)
v20.2 (29th June)
kernel source updates
v20.1 (28th June)
up-to-date with CM's kernel
v20 (22nd June)
built with an updated UBER toolchain
switched from Anykernel by @nosedive to the injector by @Adrian DC (fixes never-ending "unpacking kernel")
2D GPU overclock
v19.1 (14th June)
up-to-date with our CM kernel
avoid overwriting your custom init.d script: more details here
built with updated and optimized UBER toolchain
improved GPU OC
AutoSMP CPU hotplug
disabled CRC check (speeds up I/O)
a few small tweaks
v18.2 & v18.3
GPU OC improvements
up-to-date with Adrian's kernel
improved GPU OC
stable CPU OC up to 1998 MHz
improved GPU OC (we need to run benchmarks to confirm)
all of the latest source updates
up-to-date with CM's sources
GPU OC (480 MHz)
Do not enable CPU overclock!
built with updated and optimized UBER Toolchain
ZRAM bug fixed
up-to-date with Adrian's kernel (today's commits bring a big f2fs update)
CPU overclock and underclock has been removed. I'll rewrite OC from scratch soon.
up-to-date with Adrian's kernel source
added alucard hotplug, adapted for a dual core CPU
up-to-date with Adrian's sources
up-to-date with Adrian's source
greatly improved CPU frequency table
Adrian's latest updates
MultiROM support
AOSP ROMs should be supported
CPU overclock sleep of death fixed
source updates
built with GCC 6.1 & my custom UBER Toolchain, built with Cortex A15 optimizations
you can use your device as a USB keyboard (https://github.com/pelya/android-keyboard-gadget)
up-to-date with Adrian's source
vfs cache pressure set to 100
up-to-date with Adrian's work
important vfs fix by Linus Torvalds (fixes slow performance in a certain scenario - more details on github)
powersuspend controls some parameters of memory management
Nvidia CPU relaxation code (even though it seems that it's useless to us)
built with GCC 6 and the very latest UBER Toolchain
interactive governor readded
up-to-date with Adrian's latest source
Linux 3.4.112
reverted to GCC 5.3 (to fix camcorder)
slim CPU governor
power efficient workqueues implemented in other places
built with a cleaner defconfig
Build with GCC 6.0 and the latest UBER toolchain
Gentle Fair Sleepers are disabled
Network speed tweaks (see Github)
Optimized ARM RWSEM algorithm
all improvements listed amongst v7's features
CPU governor when booting from charging mode is set in a more elegant way
beta 4 - only for CM13 0423
power efficient workqueues implemented in even more places
updates to the zen I/O scheduler
beta 3
CPU underclock to 189MHz
power-efficient workqueues implemented in various places
new I/O scheduler: tripndroid
bricked hotplug update, intelliplug tweaks for our device
governors tweaked for our device
torch fixed!
bug fixes & some flags removed from Makefile
CM13 only (for now)
More info & download: v7 beta 3
a small number of source updates
source updates & Linux 3.4.111
build freshly from v5 to trash all the issues and lags
loads of source updates, fixes etc.
new CPU governors: dancedance, xperience, lionheart, intellidemand2, interactive
optimized libs
full changelog here: Helium v5 changelog
source updates
not 100% stable according to Adrian (in my case, it's working well)
CPU underclocking
smoother (finally!)
no underclocking (it will be readded very soon)
CPU underclock to 281 MHz
experimental Android M support
earlysuspend removed
fixed slow speed & long boot after booting from offline charger
if you have slower performance, stick to v4.2
interactive governor (use it at your own risk, will probably cause reboots)
CPU 1458 MHz bug fixed
Motorola memcpy enhancements for Krait CPUs
some source updates
[*]CPU 1458 MHz bug (only on certain devices)! Caution!
super smooth!
a couple of source updates
yankactive (it's bugged and it will be removed) and smartmax CPU governors
memcpy optimizations and auto hotplug disabled for testing purposes
latest source updates
NTFS read/write support
SELinux is enforcing
latest touchscreen fixes by @AdrianDC
auto hotplug added
incall touchscreen bug fixed (big thanks to @Adrian DC)
Motorola memcpy optimizations (faster copy to memory)
CPU frequency table finally fixed
msm_mpdecision fixed
dynamic fsync temporarily removed
other source updates
CPU overclock up to 1,944 GHz
new CPU governor: impulse
greatly improved CPU-boost (now it has got more options & new features)
dynamic fsync v1.5
build with the latest UBER toolchain & GCC 5.2
SELinux is permissive (for M)
source updates and f2fs updates (thanks to @Mrcl1450 and @Adrian DC)
clean frequency table
UKSM updated to v0.1.2.3
bricked hotplug
all the TCP congestion control algorithms are available
WLAN source updates
initial build for M
FauxSound v3.6
debugging info removed from modules (now they're smaller)
CPU governors: interactive removed, bioshock, wheatley, ondemandplus, intellidemand2 added
I/O schedulers: added fifo, vr, zen
ZRAM for now removed (it caused kernel panics)
Linux 3.4.110 + other device-specific tweaks (thanks to @Mrcl1450 & @Adrian DC)
built with GCC 5.2.1 and UBER Toolchain + various optimization flags
CPU undervolting
sioplus I/O scheduler
ZRAM & zsmalloc backported from Linux 3.14
KSM (kernel samepage merging)
inbuilt frandom support
swap support
USB fast charging
/proc/kmsg is a file that stores all the kernel messages from the very first seconds of the boot process. A copy of that file isn't always needed to fix a bug, but since I've explained how to get one I don't even remember how many times, I'll write here the needed steps:
1. open a terminal on your phone
2. run the following commands:
dmesg > /sdcard/helium.log
3. the log will be stored in helium.log.
If the issue caused a reboot, step number 2 changes:
cp /proc/last_kmsg /sdcard/helium.log
Latest version: Helium kernel v63 for Android Q
All versions: Helium kernel on AndroidFileHost
Remember to always check the second post before installing, to see if there are warnings/known bugs!
Thanks to:
@Adrian DC
@Unusual Man
and all the authors of the hundreds of github commits in Helium's repo!
XDA:DevDB Information
Helium kernel, Kernel for the Sony Xperia SP
Source Code: http://github.com/Tomoms/helium_kernel/tree/lineage-16.0
Kernel Special Features:
Version Information
Status: Stable
Current Stable Version: 63.0
Stable Release Date: 2020-11-20
Created 2015-11-17
Last Updated 2020-11-20
bugs as of today:
2nd CPU is stuck @ 1998 MHz Fixed in v58.1
init.d script editing - not required as of v46
Important: your modifications to the script will be lost:
when you update the ROM, if you use an AOSP-based ROM;
never (changes are persistent), if you use a CM-based ROM.
the init.d script provided with the kernel (01helium) contains some lines that enable or disable certain features. Remember that the script is written in shell language, so the lines starting with # are ignored.
In the script you'll find useful tips to edit it correctly.
so this is good for only lollipop voor the moment ?
bubbeld said:
so this is good for only lollipop voor the moment ?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Yes. There will be a Marshmallow build this weekend.
Uninstall with Tangerine uninstaller?
XenonHD _r18
Was 29628 with Tangerine 9.2 . Also had to limit max freq. to 1674. Have reset problem with max freq.
Resurrection Remix 5.5.8 not booting.
That's great because I didn't like tangerine
varioventus said:
Resurrection Remix 5.5.8 not booting.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
What goes wrong? At which point does the phone get stuck? I also got a booting problem once today, after the SONY logo I got a black screen and then the SONY logo again, but after a few seconds the phone booted. So wait a few minutes before stating that the phone doesn't boot and tell me what do you see.
On CM12.1 Official 20151116 with Helium v1 I can't use toggle buton to see my last used apps
With T10.2 this working.
I don't know how but this is strange.
Sorry for my bad English
It boots all the way up to the home screen, in the same second the screen goes fuzzy and the device reboots. It's also plagued with that weird 1.4 Ghz issue that affects so many X-SP devices, I didn't managed to boot into KA, but it's obvious because it takes ages to do the apps optimization after cache/dalvik cleanup.
With last temasek v18.5 freq CPU goes to 1728Mhz. All buttons works ok and performance is similar than stock cm kernel.
F**** weirds things of Xperia Sp!!
Alvichone said:
With last temasek v18.5 freq CPU goes to 1728Mhz. All buttons works ok and performance is similar than stock cm kernel.
F**** weirds things of Xperia Sp!!
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Oh yes, that's true. The 1.4 Ghz issue it's a device issue, rather than a kernel or a ROM one. I've erase and format everything, including internal storage. Clean install with ROMs that were reported as working fine with Tangerine.... still not able to go above 1.4 Ghz.
varioventus said:
Oh yes, that's true. The 1.4 Ghz issue it's a device issue, rather than a kernel or a ROM one. I've erase and format everything, including internal storage. Clean install with ROMs that were reported as working fine with Tangerine.... still not able to go above 1.4 Ghz.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
That's pretty serious. Try to go back to stock ROM.
Tomoms said:
That's pretty serious. Try to go back to stock ROM.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
It's weird, because I'm not the only one with this problem and it works just fine with stock kernel or Tangerine up to 9.2.
I'll go back to stock tonight and then return to LP, hope to report "fixed". Thanks, Tomoms.:highfive:
varioventus said:
It's weird, because I'm not the only one with this problem and it works just fine with stock kernel or Tangerine up to 9.2.
I'll go back to stock tonight and then return to LP, hope to report "fixed". Thanks, Tomoms.:highfive:
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
A few advices: when you come back to LP, if the issue is fixed on stock ROM and stock kernel, flash the LP ROM you want, flash gapps/xposed/any other thing you need but non Tangerine nor Helium. Then boot, install Trickster MOD Kernel Settigs and check if frequencies are OK. If it's OK, do not install Kernel Adiutor. Then flash Helium, do not wipe anything. Reboot and check.
And... what's the reason for not able to go above 1674 Mhz on antutu? If I benchmark on 1674+++ phone resets itself while testing processor. Hardware issue? Normally can use 1900++ , but on antutu... damn...
Nope. If it had been a device issue, i would have it on stock kernel as well. I don't have it on stock or on tangerine 9.2...
Sent from my Xperia SP using XDA Free mobile app
Tomoms said:
A few advices: when you come back to LP, if the issue is fixed on stock ROM and stock kernel, flash the LP ROM you want, flash gapps/xposed/any other thing you need but non Tangerine nor Helium. Then boot, install Trickster MOD Kernel Settigs and check if frequencies are OK. If it's OK, do not install Kernel Adiutor. Then flash Helium, do not wipe anything. Reboot and check.
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Click to collapse
Done that - NOT working.
Installed stock 4.3, than erased and format everything, I even removed the SD-card. Flashed latest CM 12.1, no gapps. Trickster - everything OK, 1.7 Ghz. Then I've installed Tangerine 11.1 - max. 1458 Mhz :crying: Uninstalled 11.1 and installed 10.2 - still not going above 1.4 Ghz I rest my case, good luck with Helium.

