[Q] What files does android use to determine network location - Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

having problems with my phone not showing the right location in google maps and other apps, this only happens on the mobile network really and in new areas i goto.
It always fixes to one location i have never been to,
What files can i change or check for errors ? i have replaced the network location apk in the system/app directory with one that worked on my old phone, should i run and install this apk ??

the ability to fetch location is hardcoded in apps and gps_config.xml so swap these

Thanks for the reply,
I have replaced all the gapp files,
The only gps config file i can find is in System/etc but is called gps.conf
What app files should be replaced ?
Thanks for the help

It looks like its picking up the wrong cell ID from the tower perhaps ??


[Q] Anyone have Northeast 1.2 GPS Script?

I think I'm getting a corrupted download from the FTP site, CWR won't install the .zip, says it's bad. Anyone have Northeast 1.2 and can post it or send it to me?
My GPS was great before but after I upgraded the radio I can't get a lock at all.
Here you go, I've enclosed the zip. If it still won't work for you what I do is just update the file in the rom and flash that. Which in this case would be system/etc/gps.conf. I've always kept a copy of the rom on my memory card and update it as needed. What I do is move the rom and whatever the other zip is to my desktop and use 7-zip to "open archive" on both zip files. I do this on my desktop because I get more consistent results versus trying to do it on the sd card. You can either delete the file in the rom and drag/drop the new gps.conf into it or you can right-click the file "edit" copy/paste the text into gps.conf. You could use adb to do this I'm sure but I for one am too lazy/stupid to download, figure out and use it. Using the above method I've updated/replaced "all" the google apps, updated the hosts file, modified the build.prop, tried a couple different gps scripts and I have a completely updated rom (Liberated 2.2.2). And the updates for the google apps aren't stealing internal storage.
If you use GPS Status (free download) reset and download new assistance data.
Awesome thanks!

[Q] Reinstalling .so file

i think i messed up my device I wanted to play around with a .so file included in my system.
The file i modified is: gps.msm8974.so (hammerhead gps driver)
I deleted it and restarted my device - of course gps was disabled.
But i can't get it working again... Copying the original file to it's folder (system/lib/hw) and restarting doesn't work -> no gps provider is available
Is there any way i can reinstall it - maybe flash it?
Can you help me with this?
Thank you very much

How to change folder of a system app...

I made some stupid things to my smartphone and now I am close of solving them...
My question is...Does anybody know how I can change the name of a folder from /system/priv-app/ so my device still considers the app as installed?
The app that I'm talking about is Google Services Framework and my device says it's installed but he says the app takes 8,00KB instead of 3,28MB(the size of the apk as told by Apps2SD)
Also Apps2SD seems to identify where is the app located after the folder name change but my system doesn't...
I change the file's name from "com.google.android.gsf-1" to "GoogleServicesFramework" so that the .odex file can work...
So anybody knows how should I set the permissions and owners of the folders and files so that the system finds where the .apk and .odex are located?

Facer help! Where can i find synced watchfaces?

There is a watchface that i put in my favs and the creator has been asked to adjust the branding on it (probably someone complained). This update didnt affect the watch face for me somehow, now i am switching phones and the update is in effect on the new device.
When i sync the gear s3 back to the old device, still use the original watchface.
So my assumption is the watchface is stored on my phone (somewhere, somehow)
Does anyone know where to look? I downloaded ES File Explorer and tried going thru the app apk, and the app folder under android>data>com.jeremysteckling.face : not sure where to look in the apk cant find any *.face files and the folder (just says "empty").
Appreciate any help :fingers-crossed:

Where I must store the .encfs6.xml file in Mixplorer?

Hi Everyone,
If the .encfs6.xml is stored inside the encoded folder then I can access the ciphered files without any problem.
However I would like to store it in a different place in order I can have something similar to a second factor authentication.
Is there any other location I could store the .encfs6.xml file in Mixplorer?
Thanks in advance

