Who actually likes their nexus 10 - Nexus 10 General

I'm on the hunt for a nexus 10 at a local staples - the majority of posts I see in here are people *****ing about performance issues and light bleed or other build quality problems. Meanwhile I do see posts about people absolutely in love with the N10 (rightfully so)
The light bleed thread seems like a nightmare - although people who RMA a device 6 times should really get a life and move on to a different product. Is the light bleed really a major issue or should I go ahead and buy one?
Sorry for the junk thread but I didn't see very many threads in here where people are actually giving credit to the N10 and singing praises. hard to guage the "fringe" vs "the average person's experience"

Alrighty...my Nexus 10 is fantastic. Staples followed through on their promised two-day delivery, I have no light bleed, and the thing hasn't crashed or rebooted once. I immediately installed Paranoid Android on the thing, didn't even once boot the stock JB it came with. Couldn't be happier.

I love mine, i have not had any issues. My battery life is really great, works awesome and i am on stock, with multiple users running.

I love my Nexus. I had a Xoom WIFI (that is now the girlfriend's) that I loved and my Nexus blows it out of the water. I have Task650 and KToonsez's AOKP on there with KToonsez's KT Manta kernel and it's a beast. Combined with ES File Explorer, Netflix and Hulu the tablet is the ultimate portable media device as well as great for browsing and e-reading.

Love it. I have a little light bleed and it doesn't bother me at all. I don't get why it matters I guess.

I love mine. It is flawless. 16GB from Google directly

I really like mine (32gb, stock rom). The screen is amazing, especially with pages that have good text renderers. The tablet also has state-of-the-art performance in day-to-day use. No light bleed at all in mine. Native resolution apps are scarce on the ground, which is a bit of an issue but one that should be resolved shortly (I hope) as Android tablets seem primed to explode in popularity.
One annoying problem I've run into is Chrome's instability. Chrome has crashed at least once per day since I got it. When I say "crash", I mean full system lock-up, requiring a hard reboot. I've resorted to using Dolphin and Firefox with no problems. Google needs to fix tablet Chrome, though.

I'm not too impressed with the (inevitable) thermal throttling that basically makes the advertised 1.7GHz dual-core speed, a lie :/ But, to be fair, most of what I do on the N10 works fine and performs just fine
But still... essentially not being able to run a demanding game for too long isn't impressive...
Hiro11 said:
One annoying problem I've run into is Chrome's instability. Chrome has crashed at least once per day since I got it. When I say "crash", I mean full system lock-up, requiring a hard reboot. I've resorted to using Dolphin and Firefox with no problems. Google needs to fix tablet Chrome, though.
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I've used Chrome for a while now on my tablet, with 0 crashes or system lockups, but have heard many stories of people mentioning Chrome crashing and etc. Not really too sure what I might be doing different though...

Best tablet I've ever used. Screen quality is astounding, everything about it as as smooth as butter, web browsing with Ocean works like a dream, gaming on it is great, no lightbleed, and it's been stable as a rock. I literally couldn't be any happier with this tablet.

I have to admit I"m only on day 2 of ownership so that may skew some things, but I absolutely adore mine. Its fast, the screen is amazing, and the build quality is quite good. Its easily the best tablet I've ever owned in every single category except battery life, and even there its not bad at all.
Do I have light bleed? Yes. However, I've gone through absolute hell with warranty repairs trying to get my previous HP Touchpad's light bleed fixed which eventually resulted in them cracking the screen and my successfully suing them in small claims court (For the crack which they claimed was my fault and warranty voiding, not the light bleed). Following that, I went through four Transformer Infinities, of which three had light bleed. Its just a defect common in IPS/PLS displays, through the three tablets I've owned (all of different manufactures) I've learned its completely unrealistic to expect a perfect one. If its not an absolutely horrible amount, live with it. If you cant, get an iPad or realize that tablet computers are NOT for you.
Do I have the creaking back plastic? Yes. Every tablet made of plastic is going to have some problems. The speakers on the touchpad are notorious for cracking spontaneously. The Note 10.1 is so thin you can actually see it flex. With devices this big made of plastic, its unrealistic to not expect some sort of cheap feel. The Nexus 10 has it pretty good compared to some of the other tablets, so live with it if you can. If you cant, get a metal tablet or realize that tablet computers are NOT for you.
Do I have the thermal throttling? I dont know yet. But realize you're running a 1.7Ghz processor in something slightly thicker than a ball point pen. Look in ANY desktop or laptop computer of equivalent speed (yes, I know x86 and ARM are not directly comparable, but go with it for this) and you'll find a massive heatsink and fan. The Nexus 10 does not have a fan because nobody would buy a tablet with such, and the heatsink is quite thin to keep the dimensions down. You still have one of the fastest tablets on the market. Think of the 1.7Ghz not as a top sustainable speed, but like the "Turboboost" mode on modern Intel i3/5/7 CPUs where it'll ramp up to that speed to complete a task as quickly as possible and then dial back to something more easily sustainable. I'll admit that Google should add something to Android where if it knows a game is running it limits its top speed to prevent this very throttling, but that's on Android and not the device itself. Throttle the CPU back yourself, live with it, or realize that tablet computers are NOT for you.
TL;DR: This is a good tablet computer. Like all tablet computers, or like anything really, you shouldn't have unrealistic expectations.

Its very good. I think Google still has a ways to go though in the tablet world but its getting much better. Still the best android 10 inch out there.

I absolutely love mine. It is lightning fast, runs more games than my Infinity, the screen is incredible and the tablet has given me zero trouble. The battery life/slow charging is only a small ding for me.

Having had mine since release, I still love it. Easily better than my iPad 3 was, and massively better than any other android tablet. So powerful. The screen is so sick. The front speakers.
I agree with those saying chrome is a pos, the aosp browser is so much better! Weird as chrome works well on my n4. There is a tiny bit of "light bleed" in the bottom right cover, but as others have said this is a fundamental characteristic of backlit screens. My TV has much worse light bleed than my tablet!

I've been using mine for 2 weeks now, this is my first and only tablet.
I love the feel and form factor of the 10. It's lightweight and easy to use with one hand or two, but it still feels sturdy to me. I love that I can pack it around the house with me, or lay down in bed and prop it up in my arms and comfortably watch some YouTube or TV shows on Hulu. The overall mobility is great, and I especially look forward to traveling with it.
I'm happy with the media content. I've been with Android since day 1, so I didn't want to leave behind all the apps and content I've purchased up to now. From what I can tell I won't be missing out on any of my core apps, magazines, movies, etc... I will concede that right now many developers seem to just be blowing up their apps to fit the 10, instead of optimizing the app to fit. I'm hopeful this will improve in 2013.
Performance wise it's been a mixed bag for me. I'm running stock and unrooted with Nova Launcher. 95% of the time navigation and usage is buttery smooth, but it's not completely perfect. I have had issues with Chrome freezing up and causing the tablet to restart, so I'm using dolphin. I've had just a few other times when it's rebooted randomly. Gaming on the 10 is overall a superb experience, however I do have issues with lag and stutter in NFS Most Wanted and on rare occasions in Sword & Sorcery. I am sort of bugged that the gaming experience is superior on an Ipad, but I couldn't bring myself to buy one just for that. All of these things are annoyances at worst - not deal breakers for me. It's embarrassing though to have the system I love have issues like these right out of the box. Again, this is my first tablet so I'm unaware of what the experience is like on other tablets and OS'es and if this is a common thing or not. The positives are that I can use this thing for 3 days and have 6 hours of screen time without having to charge it. I like that.
The screen is fantastic! Prior to receiving my tablet I'd been lurking in the "Damnit, my Nexus has light bleed" thread and had myself half scared to death that that light bleed would ruin my experience with the 10. I do have pretty severe yellow bleed in my corners, but surprisingly it doesn't really ever become noticeable in my day to day use. It bugs me that it's still there and I have requested a replacement on the basis that I expect a near mint copy if I'm paying $400 for it, but I think you can get by most of the time without ever noticing that it's an issue. YMMV. If my next one is bad I might even keep mine because I don't think I have any other issues with it.
My overall experience is very positive. I do wish that the screen bleed issues weren't there and that Samsung actually would have taken the time to calibrate the color and gamma on the panel as well. I'm a perfectionist in my work, so it dumbfounds me to thing that 2 companies like Samsung and Google could release a flawed product, but this seems to be the best choice available to me so I've taken it. My nexus is basically a $400 bedside toy right now, but I love it! Eventually I will transition to getting a bluetooth keyboard and purchase one of the office suite products and use it for true productivity purposes.

I like the device but I hate the state that it's in right now. I can't believe they released this to the public with the not only the software issues that are well known, but the usb charging to top it off.
This thing should still be in final beta stages, not out in the public for nearly 2 months already.

Well my nexus legacy will continue - just ordered the 16gb on google play (what are the chances it becomes in stock as I make this thread heh)....
It will be a battle between this and the acer w510 tablet I picked up (x86 windows 8 tablet). Definitely need to get a bluetooth keyboard case ordered though.

I really liked it when it worked. I did have the hard freezes which required reboots. they were always caused by Chrome. When I unistalled Chrome and put in the AOSP Browser it was much better. The one thing I couldn't get over was the light bleed on all 6. For the money I spent on it, I couldn't justify just having to deal with it.

Very happy with mine and even with the couple things that irk me, I am glad I got it! Great title for this thread, because I wondered the same thing.

LOVE IT! Nuff said!

I love mine and have had no reboots or freezes, but I do get some lag during hard gaming. Fingers crossed that can be fixed with updates or a new trinity/other kernel.


Inital Prime Review - Sorry to Say Not Impressed

Prime first Impressions. Well gang I have had this since the 23rd and played with it over the holidays. I am sorry to report that so far I am not very impressed with this tablet.
First, While I guess thin is good in some ways, it presents problems in others, especialy when the back is smooth metal. This tablet is REAL hard to hold onto. I just can't beleive that none of the initial early reports out there mention this. Everyone that has held mine has the same comment about being hard to hold onto and afraid of droping it. Also the edge is rather abrupt and not rounded or smooth, which is not pleasant. I get hand craps trying to hold it while laying in bed reading at night. You will need a cover for this thing just to make it "Holdable"
The next big let down is the the keyboard. There are two options and they both are very lacking in my optionion. Niether of them have push to hold keys with special characters so that is a real PIA always having to switch modes when you want a special character. No cursor movement keys which is nuts on a big keyboard like this. They have a light version of swype, but that is missing some of the better features that normal swype has. Of couse you can get another keyboard on the market. I am sort of liking HACKER keyboard at the moment.
The biggest let down is performance. I can't tell a bit a difference between this and my Toshiba Thrive. In fact, I suspect my Thrive is equal to or faster than the prime. I will have to run some timing tests and get back to you on this to verify, but the impression says it all. I base this comment on Web Browsing, which to me is one of the primary attractions to using tablets. This think can't hold a candle to IPAD2 in WEB performance I am sorry to say. Even general tablet navaigation speed is not impressive, again, not noticably different than my Thrive. I am really let down by the QUAD CORE hype because I see no noticable speed improvements. Even screen touch responsiveness seems to be slow. Thinking back, many of the early video reviews showed the user having slow response or tapping twice at times to get the tab to respond.
Lastely, the battery life is not impressive at all. It seems to be about 5-6 hours. I can run all day on my Thrive. This unit needs to be recharched before the day is over.
I really hope either updates or ICS come out and fix some of this because I am not happy that I just paid $500 for this tablet.
Sorry for the negative report, but I suspect you are going to start seeing a lot of them unless maybe I just got a lemon, which I doubt. I am not sure anyone should be upset about missing this for XMAS, or at all. I may even sell mine if anyone is interested. It is just not that much better than my Thrive. It is smaller and lighter, but you can't hold the darn thing so that ruins that, and general performance is not noticably better. I am afraid this tablet is mostly hype from what I am seeing and does not deliver much over existing dual core tablets.
1. I don't find it too terribly hard to hold, but I suppose if your hands get sweaty easily you may have to get a cover. Easy fix.
2. Stock keyboards usually suck, I wholeheartedly agree with you. Fortunately on Android you have a metric ton of options for keyboards. Again, easy fix.
3. Performance, with HC it seems to be the same old song and dance...slow. I agree there isn't anything groundbreaking about the interface fluidity. Browser sucks, it's no iPad (and never will be due to the Andorid framework) and everyone knows it as it has been mention umpteen times before. There are alternatives to the stock browser such as Opera that make things smoother but they all have their own shortcomings.
--As far as comparing it to the Thrive, performance could be similar or night and day depending on what you're doing with the device. For example, with simple media consumption you won't see much difference, but I've yet to see the Thrive play 1080p. Additionally, like it or not, but the Thrive is a dead platform as far as development (I'm sure you've seen the forums).
4. Battery, I cannot make a fair observation yet as my battery hasn't been broken in yet. But so far I'm averaging 6-7 hours of good use.
Asus has some serious bugs to work out, there is no denying that. But, in my opinion the biggest issue with the Prime is the level of hype this thing has received,which led to unrealistic expectations.
Oh dear... I just sold my TF101 because of browser lag and general sluggishness, and pre-ordered one of these. looks like I may be disappointed when it turns up (3x weeks here in UK).
So let's summarize:
_ The form factor is a copy cat of the ipad2 which is praised by everyone but for the Prime it's not a good thing.
_ The virtual keyboard, which can be change whenever with whatever in a blink of an eyes, isn't good enough for you.
_ Perfomances of Tegra 3 are egal or worse than those of Tegra 2. Yeah right.
_ Battery life doesn't hold more than 6 hours.... Are you stuck in Super IPS+ mode ?
I don't have the prime, sure, but strangely enough I have a hard time believing you.
I'm not particularly bothered by stock keyboards, since you can install others, and the battery life sounds a little low compared to what I've heard before?
But as for performance, as I was just writing in another thread, I think that the problem is that people who already have dual-core tablets were looking for an instant speed boost here and not finding it. If you already have a dual-core tablet, I'd stick with that for now and see what comes out in the coming year. For now, Tegra 3 has at least as much power as Tegra 2 in applications which are not highly multithreaded, while using less power. Hopefully we will see threadedness become more of a priority as more devices with more than two cores come out, and more of the dormant power of the Prime will be realised.
(This is just what happened on desktops, of course: when quad-cores came out, people were divided on whether it was worth having two extra cores or having a faster-clocked dual-core chip. Faster dual-cores were winning at the time, because most applications couldn't make use of a quad-core. The balance has been tipping in favour of quad-cores ever since, and they're now essentially standard on the desktop, and my quad-core Q6600 has aged much better than the "faster" dual-cores of the time.)
kokusho said:
So let's summarize:
_ The form factor is a copy cat of the ipad2 which is praised by everyone but for the Prime it's not a good thing.
_ The virtual keyboard, which can be change whenever with whatever in a blink of an eyes, isn't good enough for you.
_ Perfomances of Tegra 3 are egal or worse than those of Tegra 2. Yeah right.
_ Battery life doesn't hold more than 6 hours.... Are you stuck in Super IPS+ mode ?
I don't have the prime, sure, but strangely enough I have a hard time believing you.
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Beleive me or not, start reading other posts and you will see similar reports already. If you think I broke my butt stalking my local gamestop daily to spend $500 hard erned money to bash it, think again. Your response it rather aggressive considering I took time to document my impressions to help people
To answer your points:
Form factor - the metal back is slick and of course glass is slick. You will see for yourself if/when you hold one. It is not horrible, but very much something that gets noticed buy everyone that has held this.
Keyboard - My keyboard on my HTC phone is better than this. You would just think that when you pay $500 for a nice tab, and the keyboard is the primary interface to it, they manafacturer would spend some effect to make sure it is a good experience and not drive us to search the market for something better.
Performance - I SPECIFICALLY said in my post that this was a WEB observation. I am sure that for other more CPU intesive apps like games, this will perform better. I have Shadowgun on my Thrive and will compare as time permits. Again, the title here is INITIAL impressions
Battery Life - Screen brightness is about 1/2 and I have had it mostly in balanced mode and then go to power saver when I see it getting real low. Again, this is new and the battery has not come to life yet so that may improve.
The camera is also pretty good which was important to me. The other thing I really wanted was the SUPER IPS to read in the sun (I can barely see my Thrive in the sun) since I now use tablets for my book reading and want to be able to read outside. I still have to test this later today.
To be clear to all, I am not trying to bash this unit. To the contrary I am trying to talk myself into it was worth all the effort and cost to get it. It is probably is the best tablet out there at the moment, but it is just not living up to the hype. Also, is it that much better than the dual cores out there? Maybe if you are a gamer it would make a difference. For an average user, I would recommend saving the cash and getting a Thrive or previous ASUS TF101 model. Maybe ICS will make a difference.
From my one day use of the Prime:
I got the smart cover for prime, so holding does not seems to be an issue. But, then I again it is not a drawback as such. Anything which is thin and wide will be difficult to hold. Comparison to iPad2 is not accurate it would seem, because holding it in portrait mode seems pretty fine, but landscape mode may be difficult owing to the width of this thing.
Keyboard is a non-issue. you can always switch to honeycomb keyboard, which is way better than the Prime's default properitay keyboard, in which for some reason I dont feel the keys are placed properly, more often than not I end up hitting wrong letter. But, as I said it is a non-issue, Thumb keyboard works perfectly.
Did not have much experience with the browser yet, as I was busy installing apps mostly. But, from what I saw little bit, it seems to be fine, if you dont draw comparison against any other tablet. Should wait for ICS to really judge its performance.
Battery, since I inadverently left it at power saving mode, it was left with 50% charge after about 4-5 hours with screen on and playing and browsing.
I would rate it as 4/5 pre-ICS. But with the scope of getting ICS sooner, which will make the best use of Tegra 3, it might end up with 4.5/5.
And let's not forget why Prime is still a great tablet even without taking advantage of Tegra 3:
+Awesome build quality
+Great display with super IPS
+Gorilla glass panel to protect
+ 8 MP camera
+32GB for the sub $500 price range
I was paying for the hardware, more than the software and I am not disppointed. If I say, this is the best 32GB tab you will get for under $500 in 2011 or in Q1 of 2012, can anyone object it?
these negative first impressions are really getting old and annoying.
hard to hold? really? thing is ligher than a feather with a nice bezel for your thumb.
your thrive is faster? really? lol the thrive? lord.. this thing navigates through honey comb like butter while every other first gen tablet with more than 20 apps on it can't handle it
your keyboard stinks? and you are an android fan? just get a new keyboard. first thing i did was install swiftkey.
I appreciate the honest review.
For the average consumer, sure, the stock keyboard should probably be really good. But given you're on XDA, you should know how to install a *much* better keyboard... issue solved.
As far as speed - did you test out Opera browsing speed? Very smooth. Yes, there are quirks with it, and still probably not as smooth as an iPad, but it works great.
I haven't had any laginess in my interface speed at all (i.e. screen transitions, app drawer opening, etc.), even with HD live wallpaper on.
I've said it before and I'll say it again - to me, iOS and Apple products work much better straight out of the box if you don't want to fool with anything. Android devices require a little work with downloading third party keyboards, different roms, etc. But when all is said and done, that IS the fun part of Android for me! Maybe not for the average consumer, but jus' saying.
About performance - HC browser has some huge bug which causes it to sleep for a moment sometimes. Solution: use any other browser (Dolphin or Opera work best for me). Don't judge the tablet on HC browser - if it lags on Tegra2 device it will lag on Tegra3 device too, just for a shorter time (still noticable though, on my Transformer HC browser lags sometimes for 10 seconds, haha, that is why I don't use it).
About keyboard - I prefer the stock HC, I agree that the one from Asus is quite horrible. All of this could be fixed by you in 1 minute and the browser will almost certainly be fixed by ICS update.
Why do people keep complaining about the keyboards in TP, is this your first Android devices? Just go the market and download a ton of keyboards.
And same with the browsers.
yumms said:
why do people keep complaining about the keyboards in tp, is this your first android devices? Just go the market and download a ton of keyboards.
And same with the browsers.
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yumms said:
Why do people keep complaining about the keyboards in TP, is this your first Android devices? Just go the market and download a ton of keyboards.
And same with the browsers.
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First of all, sure you can download a ton of keyboards. But a strong majority of them simply are not good. I don't like Swype or Swift-X and I gave both of them a good run. I've liked HTC's keyboard the most, but on phones. And I do like stock Android keyboard on ICS, which will come to Prime at some point.
Same with browsers? Don't think so. I prefer the original browser in that it is not bloated at all compared to Opera or Dolphin. I want bare-bones browsing that is fast, I don't want to be cluttered by features I don't use.
Simply because you can get another browser or keyboard for Prime does not mean that the other one is necessarily better for you or without problems.
kristovaher said:
First of all, sure you can download a ton of keyboards. But a strong majority of them simply are not good. I don't like Swype or Swift-X and I gave both of them a good run. I've liked HTC's keyboard the most, but on phones. And I do like stock Android keyboard on ICS, which will come to Prime at some point.
Same with browsers? Don't think so. I prefer the original browser in that it is not bloated at all compared to Opera or Dolphin. I want bare-bones browsing that is fast, I don't want to be cluttered by features I don't use.
Simply because you can get another browser or keyboard for Prime does not mean that the other one is necessarily better for you or without problems.
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You can download the ICS keyboard from the market.
What makes you say that Opera or Dolphin browsers are bloated?
yumms said:
You can download the ICS keyboard from the market.
What makes you say that Opera or Dolphin browsers are bloated?
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I am sure he knows that.. he is a 'tech wizard'...
@OP yup battery life really sucks #sarcasm. Stick to ur thrive then
kristovaher said:
First of all, sure you can download a ton of keyboards. But a strong majority of them simply are not good. I don't like Swype or Swift-X and I gave both of them a good run. I've liked HTC's keyboard the most, but on phones. And I do like stock Android keyboard on ICS, which will come to Prime at some point.
Same with browsers? Don't think so. I prefer the original browser in that it is not bloated at all compared to Opera or Dolphin. I want bare-bones browsing that is fast, I don't want to be cluttered by features I don't use.
Simply because you can get another browser or keyboard for Prime does not mean that the other one is necessarily better for you or without problems.
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Each person has their own needs, so it's totally fair to say that the prime is not what you expected. I'm a little disappointed myself at the fact that there are no good academic research paper organizing apps for Android tablets.
However, saying the stock browser is not bloated compared to Opera... come on. I wouldn't expect my parents to download third party browsers, keyboards, etc. to make their device satisfactory - but you're clearly somewhat of a tech person, so your comments are kind of strange to me. You can download just about any keyboard possible. If you aren't satisfied with ANY of them, I don't think you're trying hard enough, or you are just set on being unhappy with the stock keyboard. And that's fine. Each to his own.
yumms said:
You can download the ICS keyboard from the market.
What makes you say that Opera or Dolphin browsers are bloated?
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I stopped using Dolphin once they let this eZine (or whatever it was called) happen to my browser. I like Opera much more and the mini version is not bloated, but Opera mobile browser does not listen to 'Enter' key as the submitting command on forms that do not have separate button on websites for it. As a result I found myself jumping back and forth between native browser and Opera one, which obviously sucks.
After using Galaxy Nexus for a while and since I use Chrome at home, the bookmark and other sync options natively are much preferred as well.
flak0 said:
@OP yup battery life really sucks #sarcasm. Stick to ur thrive then
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damn! lmfao is that on battery savings mode? no other tablet has even touched that kind of battery life. I just switched from normal to battery savings mode to see if I can pull those numbers. actually thrive has one of the worst batteries of any tablet. its replaceable but very small. that was the main gripe about the thrive, its horrible battery life and that it was the thickest and heaviest of all tabs. now the newer 7 inch is very thin and light but still plagued by dismal battery life.
flak0 said:
@OP yup battery life really sucks #sarcasm. Stick to ur thrive then
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Eh? You barely used it mate. Look at the battery drop while you actually used the device. Of those 14 hours you did not use the device for 11 hours. According to that graph your actual 100% in-use battery time is about 7-8 hours.
demandarin said:
damn! lmfao is that on battery savings mode? no other tablet has even touched that kind of battery life.
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Please pay attention to what the graph actually says. It shows that he had the device inactive for 11 hours. He only used it for 3 hours.

List what works Great on your Prime. Testimonials/Stories, etc..

This is for the people Satisfied with their device. People that are happy with device. THE ones who were glad to make their purchase and would do it all over again. Basically for those with a more Positive outlook on life n doesn't let little things get to them
This thread will be an expansion of the Positive Transformer Thread going in a more detailed direction. I'm sure a majority of you, like myself are tired of all the complaint threads about what Prime doesn't do well or not at all. Soo.....
This thread is to list "What does work great on your Prime". Also how does Prime help you in day to day functionality? Like examples of the Prime being very useful or coming in handy in everyday scenarios. How do your friends, family, and peers react when showing off the power of Prime? What are some standout features on Prime? Positive stories n testimonials fully welcomed. All others will be Charbroiled! Lol
So you can see the direction this thread is trying to take. To expand on the great form factor and functionality of a device that works well for you. With so many issue threads, its time to expand on the flip side, the Majority side, that most here in Xda actually love their device and keeping it.
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There's more than enough complaint threads as there is. This is another way of letting new people know that things on the surface aren't always what it seems. There's a flip side to every story.
Update: We now have Official Bootloader Unlock Tool. More reason to be happy to own a Prime. Custom roms will be here b4 you know it!
Everything works on my prime except GPS. Serial # BC, still running .11 stock.
I sit at a computer all day for my job, so I really just wanted a device that I could plop into bed with to surf the web and watch videos. In that respect, the Prime is perfect. Web browsing is as fast or faster than my netbook, and I really like physically interacting with web pages - a touch interface is the way to browse the web, IMO.
Considering I have yet to use my prime while not laying in bed, functional GPS is obviously a non-issue for me. This is a good thing, since the GPS on mine is entirely broken.
My biggest concern was WiFi performance, but I have to say I've never noticed a problem. I sit fairly close to my router in my small studio apartment, so it's possible I've never gone far enough away from it to notice signal degradation. However, I can routinely achieve speeds of > 15Mb / 5Mb down/up anywhere in my apartment, which is more than sufficient for my means.
Gaming was another big selling point for me, and not much needs to be said about the Tegra 3. Thing is a beast. We all know Android doesn't even fully utilize that horsepower, so I'm pretty excited to see what the dev community comes up with after we unlock the BL
Finally, I love the form factor. The thinness and lightness of the TP astounds me every day. And signal attenuation aside, I love the spun aluminum case. It looks and feels premium, durable and high quality. I may be an Android fanboy, but I have to give Apple props for their solid build quality - now I have to give Asus props as well, because the TP is probably the prettiest piece of Kit I've seen in the Android world so far.
I've been very happy with my unit so far. I know I got lucky by avoiding many of the most serious problems - lockups and whatnot - but in many ways I'm impressed that ICS has as few problems as it does, what with being brand new and all that. In contrast, I had to engage in a much greater level of hackery with my Epic 4g to get it to a workable condition, and that was after Froyo had already been out for almost a year.
Picked up my C1-serial Prime end of January at BestBuy.
Mine basically has no usable GPS to speak of. It works outdoors for geo-location to about 50', but loses lock as fast as it gets it. Navigation is impossible. But, I knew that going in and didn't care that GPS might be problematic. I looked at it as a "value added feature that might not work". My box doesn't state GPS as a feature anyhow, so I can't complain too loud.
Beyond that, everything else is pure awesome. I have a 17" widescreen laptop that is more of a desktop replacement than a laptop, and it's definitely not that portable (The battery dies in about 90 minutes of use without being plugged in, even on the "power saving" setting in Win7) so having the prime for web surfing and reading on the couch or in bed is awesome.
I haven't come across a task that I couldn't perform on the Prime that I could on my laptop. Sure, some things are more difficult to accomplish on the tablet (Especially since I don't have the keyboard dock for it ... yet) but I could still do them in a pinch. I even used TurboTax online on it and managed to get my taxes done.
I like that Polaris Office is installed as well, as it gives a quick way to view MS office documents out of the box when needed. I usually just import them to my Google Docs, but if I'm even in a location without 'net access, it's nice to have something that works offline.
The other thing I REALLY appreciate is OTA updates. My Galaxy S phone never had that until I migrated to CM7, and I'm missing OTA horribly on it too since I moved to CM9. Not having to tether to keep it updated is pure awesome.
I can't say enough good things about this device.
anti09 said:
Everything works on my prime except GPS. Serial # BC, still running .11 stock.
I sit at a computer all day for my job, so I really just wanted a device that I could plop into bed with to surf the web and watch videos. In that respect, the Prime is perfect. Web browsing is as fast or faster than my netbook, and I really like physically interacting with web pages - a touch interface is the way to browse the web, IMO.
Considering I have yet to use my prime while not laying in bed, functional GPS is obviously a non-issue for me. This is a good thing, since the GPS on mine is entirely broken.
My biggest concern was WiFi performance, but I have to say I've never noticed a problem. I sit fairly close to my router in my small studio apartment, so it's possible I've never gone far enough away from it to notice signal degradation. However, I can routinely achieve speeds of > 15Mb / 5Mb down/up anywhere in my apartment, which is more than sufficient for my means.
Gaming was another big selling point for me, and not much needs to be said about the Tegra 3. Thing is a beast. We all know Android doesn't even fully utilize that horsepower, so I'm pretty excited to see what the dev community comes up with after we unlock the BL
Finally, I love the form factor. The thinness and lightness of the TP astounds me every day. And signal attenuation aside, I love the spun aluminum case. It looks and feels premium, durable and high quality. I may be an Android fanboy, but I have to give Apple props for their solid build quality - now I have to give Asus props as well, because the TP is probably the prettiest piece of Kit I've seen in the Android world so far.
I've been very happy with my unit so far. I know I got lucky by avoiding many of the most serious problems - lockups and whatnot - but in many ways I'm impressed that ICS has as few problems as it does, what with being brand new and all that. In contrast, I had to engage in a much greater level of hackery with my Epic 4g to get it to a workable condition, and that was after Froyo had already been out for almost a year.
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Yeah, Tegra3 is a beast.
m3t4lw01f said:
Picked up my C1-serial Prime end of January at BestBuy.
Mine basically has no usable GPS to speak of. It works outdoors for geo-location to about 50', but loses lock as fast as it gets it. Navigation is impossible. But, I knew that going in and didn't care that GPS might be problematic. I looked at it as a "value added feature that might not work". My box doesn't state GPS as a feature anyhow, so I can't complain too loud.
Beyond that, everything else is pure awesome. I have a 17" widescreen laptop that is more of a desktop replacement than a laptop, and it's definitely not that portable (The battery dies in about 90 minutes of use without being plugged in, even on the "power saving" setting in Win7) so having the prime for web surfing and reading on the couch or in bed is awesome.
I haven't come across a task that I couldn't perform on the Prime that I could on my laptop. Sure, some things are more difficult to accomplish on the tablet (Especially since I don't have the keyboard dock for it ... yet) but I could still do them in a pinch. I even used TurboTax online on it and managed to get my taxes done.
I like that Polaris Office is installed as well, as it gives a quick way to view MS office documents out of the box when needed. I usually just import them to my Google Docs, but if I'm even in a location without 'net access, it's nice to have something that works offline.
The other thing I REALLY appreciate is OTA updates. My Galaxy S phone never had that until I migrated to CM7, and I'm missing OTA horribly on it too since I moved to CM9. Not having to tether to keep it updated is pure awesome.
I can't say enough good things about this device.
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The constant OTA updates is a luxury we enjoy more compared to other makers or devices. We have seen more updates n a lil over a month compared to others in a whole year..lol. always good to have tthe latest firmware and drivers on device. It is good we have a way to roll back to a previous version if needed.
The battery life is great on Prime and will only get better as more updates roll out and custom roms arrive. Even overclocked prime gets good battery life. Plus like you said, there's nothing out there to really even make the Prime bust a sweat yet. So power of Tegra3 hasn't even been really tapped into yet. As far as these newer more powerful chips on the way, I'm not worried or pressed at all. As long as i have overclocking, we can easily match or surpass power of those chips.
The mobile scene may about to change up big time with the Announcement of Ubuntu Desktop OS being introduced into Android. Plus it will be officially supported and brings a true desktop experience to mobile devices. This might be the start of the home PC disappearing. Can't wait till we get this integrated into Prime. Its not even a hack. Ubuntu officially supporting Android and hopes this will integrated into 2012 and later mobile solutions. So Win8 better watch out. Android about to officially have Ubuntu desktop support and experience.
Some might say the constant updates are a symptom of a problem at Asus. I say they are a company trying their best to fix users problems.
I really don't believe there's some grand conspiracy going on.
Sent from my Transformer Prime TF201 using Tapatalk
What i REALLY like on my Prime + dock:
- Great battery life
- keyboard very usable
- Fast
- I am able to print and scan on my Canon Pixma (using PrinterShare and Canon apps)
- Instant on (awesome)
- Bright and colorful screen
- Comes with some good useful apps (Backup, MyNet, Polaris, etc)
- Thin and lightweight
- Android ICS and Google Market (definitely not an iOS fan here)
- I can use my QNAP torrent with the QGET app
Unfortunately my unit has a bright spot on the LCD and I am sending it back to the store. Also has weak WiFi and BT+WiFi dropout. I don't need offline GPS.
Things that could be better on Prime:
- Speakers, trackpad must be disabled to avoid cursor jumps
Things that need improvement on Android:
- Chrome, Docs.
I love the screen on my prime. During bootup I can see a couple spots of light bleed but during any use it is completely invisible. The screen is bright and clear and just looks generally amazing. I have zero dead or stuck pixels, no bright spots or any discernable defect whatsoever when using it.
I love its abilities to play video, it has chewed up and swallowed absolutely everything I have thrown at it so far including 14gb 1080p move files without a single problem.
I love its portability and take it with me to the university and use it all the time. Locks onto wifi without a hitch in the multitude of places I use it there. With it and the dock it is very useful for SSH into the universities Linux system to do some light Java and c programming in VI. I do wish there was an eclipse ide available for android and cannot wait for it to be available.
I also love to use its Bluetooth abilities to sync up my PlayStation controllers and play all my favorite oldschool games through its amazing ability to run many emulators. It also plays new games built for android some of which have tegra 3 specific versions and simply look amazing.
Lastly, I love how fast I can type on a screen holding it in portrait view and using thumb keyboard. The touchscreen is extremely responsive and I can type long posts, such as this very one, with speed and ease.
There are many other things use it for that i cannot recall from my very taxed brain at the moment but it goes without saying that I have no need for a laptop since I can carry this around and easily vnc into my home desktop Linux for any heavy lifting and use dropbox to easily get to any powerpoints or documents I may need on the go.
One last thing, its pure contentment for me to lay back on the couch while the wife does her thing and I can sit and browse the web with ease using boat browser. Never have I had a more satisfying way to consume the ol www.
rand4ll said:
I love the screen on my prime. During bootup I can see a couple spots of light bleed but during any use it is completely invisible. The screen is bright and clear and just looks generally amazing. I have zero dead or stuck pixels, no bright spots or any discernable defect whatsoever when using it.
I love its abilities to play video, it has chewed up and swallowed absolutely everything I have thrown at it so far including 14gb 1080p move files without a single problem.
I love its portability and take it with me to the university and use it all the time. Locks onto wifi without a hitch in the multitude of places I use it there. With it and the dock it is very useful for SSH into the universities Linux system to do some light Java and c programming in VI. I do wish there was an eclipse ide available for android and cannot wait for it to be available.
I also love to use its Bluetooth abilities to sync up my PlayStation controllers and play all my favorite oldschool games through its amazing ability to run many emulators. It also plays new games built for android some of which have tegra 3 specific versions and simply look amazing.
Lastly, I love how fast I can type on a screen holding it in portrait view and using thumb keyboard. The touchscreen is extremely responsive and I can type long posts, such as this very one, with speed and ease.
There are many other things use it for that i cannot recall from my very taxed brain at the moment but it goes without saying that I have no need for a laptop since I can carry this around and easily vnc into my home desktop Linux for any heavy lifting and use dropbox to easily get to any powerpoints or documents I may need on the go.
One last thing, its pure contentment for me to lay back on the couch while the wife does her thing and I can sit and browse the web with ease using boat browser. Never have I had a more satisfying way to consume the ol www.
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What I love about my TP...
Screen > clear, sharp and very bright
Battery > Outstanding especially when you combine it with the dock
Design > clean, light and sturdy. I love the choice of colors
ICS > runs smoth and quick... the only issue so far after upgrading to ICS is the flickering screen
GPS/Wifi > Works very well and consistent... I don't understand all the hoopla surrounding the issues with GPS... if I really need to use GPS I use my Thunderbolt
Apps > Polaris Office, Backup, Cloud
My TP is like my Amex... I don't leave home without it!
I really hope Gary and Asus can fix the flickering screen issue
Well, I've had my Prime since 12/21/11, and to this day I have no complaints. In fact, I look back on the HC days and realize how killer this thing runs on ICS. Good support from Asus with consistent updates too.
Tegra3: Lag? Never heard of it. Impressive graphics, what more could you want from a tablet.
Screen: IPS+ is great, even in the sunlight (much better than I expected!) and is not fatiguing after extended use. I personally leave it on IPS+ mode with Auto Brightness and it's perfect.
Form Factor: This thing is so well conceived and executed. Quality build, everything just fits so well, especially with the dock.
Connectivity: Especially with the dock, having the USB and SD. HDMI out has turned out to be a better alternative than the built in USB on my TV, better image and sound quality.
Is it perfect? Maybe not, but as close as I could have really hoped. The things that matter to me are: 1) Highly useful day in and day out; 2) I enjoy using it day in and day out.
I was one of the lucky guys getting a solid TP since day 1, I honestly don't have complaints, this is a wonderful piece of technology in every aspect, it has everything I wanted on a tablet. The GPS isn't great yes, only performs outdoors, but hey, I don't really care, as I only used it to test for feedback here on XDA, I own a specialized navigation device for my car and a smartphone when walking in case I need, therefore, I don't need a tablet for such tasks. I wanted a Prime for other things, email, notes, video, surfing and most of all, a portable yet powerful machine to carry around. The flexibility is incredible and the battery life ridiculous, please name a device on the market with this characteristics?! Yep, the TP is unique, enough said...
Another happy camper. I have not had any problems with my prime at all. I've used it 60' from my router with BT enabled and disabled. Made no difference.
It works great for me, no matter where I take it as long as there is a wifi signal.
I just wish my keyboard dock would show up after being on backorder for over two months.
I use my Prime mainly for watching worldwide cams, listening to radio/police scanners in my local area, reading emails, cloud printing, drop box, remote access to my PC and other client PC's.
I wouldn't trade this Tablet for any other available on the market at this time. I love it. It's fast, great resolution, handles every app that I've thrown at it. I'll hang onto it until ASUS comes out with a 6 or 8 core Tablet.
I love my TF PRime!
demandarin said:
This is for the people Satisfied with their device. People that are happy with device.
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I have my prime since the 4th of January, and just recently found a dock in stock. Mine is one of the early BCO* machines. (BCOKAS005) but works like a charm. No screen bleed through, the speakers after rooting and applying the help here are far better.
First, I absolutely love ICS and the ASUS' screen quality. It's outstanding! The GPS on my unit has the usual issues, but why would I want to lug around a tablet for GPS! I also looked at is a value-added feature. It works, good. It doesn't, that's fine too.
What astounds me is the sleek design of the slate. I have mine Docked most of the time and love the "netbook" look. It's the center of conversation whenever people come by.
I've used it as a VNC client and server. I ran FTP servers, IRC clients, even a bittorrent client. I absolutely love it's ability to not only stream from DLNA, but actually run as a DLNA server. There's so much this little piece of kit can do, and so elegantly, it daily points out to me just how far personal computers have come from their humble beginnings in the late 70s.
I LOVE MY PRIME. If I was to change something, I would get the 64gig model, but I spent a few minutes moving large media files to microSD and USB connected drive, and have much more memory for software.
Long posts like this one would be difficult using the virtual keyboard. I touch type and the base's keyboard, even though it's chicklet is more than enough to type well.
This slate was a gift from my wife. I bought the dock; and have been loving my little netbook ever since
I love my Prime, like no other
I love my Prime, like no otherself, really. I use it CONSTANTLY, pretty much most of the day at work (I had to justify the cost by doing SOME work with the thing) I basically take all my meeting notes with it, and I have all my company appointments come through using Google Sync to Outlook on my desktop.
Thank God for ICS we use a Cisco VPN solutionat work, and on Honeycomb, getting a VPN connections was never gonna happen. I knew the solution was in ICS, so I was super happy that Asus got it out even earlier than scheduled.
I do get pissed about GPS, and will never let Asus off the hook for that screw up, but that does not negate the fact that My Prime is a stellar device. I take it down to breakfast at work and read news (News 360, News Republic, Pulse, PressReader, USA Today and Google Currents. That enough NEWS for ya?
The only current issues are that .15 blew away whatever GPS I had (it comes and goes with these frequent updates.) While that makes me a bit grumpy, as I don't have any major issues, it's a necessary evil, as Asus busts their collective butt to fix the serious issues that affect some users. These are almost a "rite of passage" for the first Tegra 3 Tablet in existence.
The other issue I see is stuttering/freezing on Riptide and Shire Runner. I am still trying to get a fix for that. Best I can do is reboot just before playing as a workaround for the present.
Why mention these things in a "What works great on your Prime" thread? Easy one. BALANCE.
It's not all a bowl of cherries running at the bleeding edge, sometimes the teething pains are quite dreadful, but a small price to pay to "boldly go where no tablet has gone before".
And no stealing my slogan there, Demandarin! Excuse me while I go see about rolling back to .14. Maybe. I have to decide on that still.
SmartAs$Phone said:
I love my Prime, like no otherself, really. I use it CONSTANTLY, pretty much most of the day at work (I had to justify the cost by doing SOME work with the thing) I basically take all my meeting notes with it, and I have all my company appointments come through using Google Sync to Outlook on my desktop.
Thank God for ICS we use a Cisco VPN solutionat work, and on Honeycomb, getting a VPN connections was never gonna happen. I knew the solution was in ICS, so I was super happy that Asus got it out even earlier than scheduled.
I do get pissed about GPS, and will never let Asus off the hook for that screw up, but that does not negate the fact that My Prime is a stellar device. I take it down to breakfast at work and read news (News 360, News Republic, Pulse, PressReader, USA Today and Google Currents. That enough NEWS for ya?
The only current issues are that .15 blew away whatever GPS I had (it comes and goes with these frequent updates.) While that makes me a bit grumpy, as I don't have any major issues, it's a necessary evil, as Asus busts their collective butt to fix the serious issues that affect some users. These are almost a "rite of passage" for the first Tegra 3 Tablet in existence.
The other issue I see is stuttering/freezing on Riptide and Shire Runner. I am still trying to get a fix for that. Best I can do is reboot just before playing as a workaround for the present.
Why mention these things in a "What works great on your Prime" thread? Easy one. BALANCE.
It's not all a bowl of cherries running at the bleeding edge, sometimes the teething pains are quite dreadful, but a small price to pay to "boldly go where no tablet has gone before".
And no stealing my slogan there, Demandarin! Excuse me while I go see about rolling back to .14. Maybe. I have to decide on that still.
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Good post. Last part made me grin..lol.
I think you should just stay on .15. The stuttering in games not caused by update. I had that happen randomly even on honeycomb and early ICS builds. Not sure what exactly causes it. I know once it goes away or I get it to go away, it usually doesn't come back. I had same deal happen with 9mm game. As soon as i started up the stage, I could play for a few seconds then screen/game would stutter n start flashing. Happened several times in a row. I was about to give up on it but tried a few things first. First I made sure I had no b.s. apps or anything running. To make sure game had as much ram as possible to run with. Then I rebooted the tablet. Issue went away and has been good ever since. Even beat the game. Similar thing happened with my shadlwgun THd that came with prime, since I bought it at Gamestop. I could play for a while then game would stutter n freeze. I just exited out the game completely then relaunched it and everything was well. All my games play very good now n i have alot of them.
Have most of all the heavy duty, good graphics games. Like 9mm, Asphault6 HD, Dead space, Madden 2012, new sonic(not b.s. sonic cd..lol), Sprinkle, Backstab HD, Samurai 2 vengeance, Shine runner THD, Riptide GP THD, air attack HD, Grabitron, Osmosis HD, Sentinel, Neo Geo emulator, PlayStation emulator, Snes emulator, genesis/Sega master system emulator, OnLive....and lotz more...lol
Gaming is a blast on this device. I have the iControlPad a bluetooth gamepad for mobile devices. Works beautifully, and the popular emulators work just 100% perfect on the tegra3 while having great battery life.
I can even output it to a TV and play all those great classics like FF7, Zelda OOT, Tony Hawk 2, Starfox in HD.
Also i think point and click adventures are perfect for a touchscreen device. I hope devs see this as well and release lots of them to the market
My wife and i really love to play stuff toghether cuddled up on the couch, and adventures are the perfect games for that.
Browsing of course is superb and i like it even more than on a regular PC.
And its just something else to watch movies wherever i want. I mean yeah i could hook up a laptop to my TV before, but ah its always a hassle. Then the battery runs out after you're half way through, you need to look for a cable, then the cable is not long enough etcetc. Having the screen just in your hands, is something else.
Oh btw i dont have any issues so far. GPS works as i expected - gets a lock everytime but wont be usable for navigation. Wifi is strong all over my place.
Oh and a little bonus - my electric bill is cheaper because i dont use my PC all that much anymore
And when i'm using the prime it feels like the future has arrived. If you know what i mean
Most of you probably don't recognize my name because I only posted while we were waiting for the release of the Prime.
I generally don't post because almost everything I would post about already has a thread. And we all know how congested this forum is with useless posts.
This time I was prompted to post because I wanted to share a nice experience I had, albeit small compared to what others have posted in this thread.
This morning I spent two hours playing Riptide GP. I usually play this on balanced mode, but today I forgot to change the setting and it was in power saver mode as I played. To my surprise the game functioned great, even in power save mode! I played for a good two hours straight and I took less than 20% of my battery.
Like I said this is a small thing but as I use my Prime more and more I am realizing just how premium this device is. I'm soooo happy with my purchase.
Dock is on its way to me is a couple if weeks! Icing on the cake at that point.
desert_mouse said:
Most of you probably don't recognize my name because I only posted while we were waiting for the release of the Prime.
I generally don't post because almost everything I would post about already has a thread. And we all know how congested this forum is with useless posts.
This time I was prompted to post because I wanted to share a nice experience I had, albeit small compared to what others have posted in this thread.
This morning I spent two hours playing Riptide GP. I usually play this on balanced mode, but today I forgot to change the setting and it was in power saver mode as I played. To my surprise the game functioned great, even in power save mode! I played for a good two hours straight and I took less than 20% of my battery.
Like I said this is a small thing but as I use my Prime more and more I am realizing just how premium this device is. I'm soooo happy with my purchase.
Dock is on its way to me is a couple if weeks! Icing on the cake at that point.
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I recognize the name but yes, games play great on prime in power savings mode also. I think I remember seeing that the power settings doesn't exactly apply 100% to playing games or watching movies. The processor will scale as needed to push the games. That's why you played game with no issue on power savings mode. Also why you can throw any type of HD movie at prime and it'll play fine even on lowest power setting. I've seen it actually recommended to play movies in that mode for the longest battery life.
No experience is too big or too small. Glad this thread made you come out and post on the experience. We need more positivity or good experiences being let known to others. Lots of people tend to think its just issues surrounding this device. Which is far from the truth. We have this thread and the Positive transformer thread to show the flip side to this madness.
demandarin said:
I recognize the name but yes, games play great on prime in power savings mode also. I think I remember seeing that the power settings doesn't exactly apply 100% to playing games or watching movies. The processor will scale as needed to push the games. That's why you played game with no issue on power savings mode. Also why you can throw any type of HD movie at prime and it'll play fine even on lowest power setting. I've seen it actually recommended to play movies in that mode for the longest battery life.
No experience is too big or too small. Glad this thread made you come out and post on the experience. We need more positivity or good experiences being let known to others. Lots of people tend to think its just issues surrounding this device. Which is far from the truth. We have this thread and the Positive transformer thread to show the flip side to this madness.
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Oh yeah I remember reading about that as well, regarding the scaling when gaming. More important was the battery life it took while playing. Impressed that it didn't suck away more.
I'm one of the very pleased with this Prime who doesn't post much but reads almost everything here. I'm annoyed that GPS doesn't work and principally I think Asus should be accountable for this. With that being said, at no time have I ever considered returning my Prime. This thing blows away anything out there.
I wish it were bigger..
My primary goal for a tablet is to read technical PDFs and its just a tiny bit
too small for my old eyes. close though and better then my ipad.
But that aside everything works great on this beast. My device never had
any wireless or gps issues. It can see as many gps satellites as my phone
does. Playing games is fabulous on it. I stream my media collection to it with
battery life is great with .14 and .15, no complaints at all with the thing.
Have noticed the occasion game stutter but only in "stupid zombies"
everything else even graphically intense games dont have the issue.
still need a jabber client that supports muc..
Serial BCOK - bought online at office depot mid January update .14
My biggest complaint is that the TFP has WiFi connectivity issues. I go to the university and there are areas where other android tablets and the iPad have signal allowing people to use the internet and mine simply refuses to connect or has random slow connections.

considering getting my money back...

So Ive been playing with the nexus 10 since last friday. The device is nice, I like it. First, My device has light bleed. And my 1st replacement is worse than the original. I will see if my 2nd replacement is any better. In the meantime, I consider requesting a refund. I never thought of returning this before. However, the more I use it, I realized pure android is not what I expected. I have a note 10.1 so I compare this with the nexus.
First, I always thought touchwiz sucked. well, indeed it sucks (lags), but it has some cool features that pure android don't. FOr ex, the quick settings in touchwiz is more convenient with more options. like on touchwiz, when you touch "wifi", it will turn off and on immediately. On nexus 10, it will take you to the wifi settings. also I hate the space waste of the status bar.okay well, this is just a minor thing.
2nd, video player. The note plays just everything I throw at it. And the nexus don't. and you have to do a lot of modification to get it work. BS player can play them fine, but it is not fully supported yet so it crashes. and video quality on BSplayer is worse than other players like MX (but MX doesn't have sound playing mkv :/)
3rd, Apps. I know it's just too soon to complain but apps are not supported on the nexus 10 yet. Icons are blurry. apps lag on the nexus 10 because of too many pixels. I hope this will be fixed soon but considering there are many tablets out there that does not have 300 pixels per inch like the nexus. Not sure if ALL developers will adjust their apps to get it supported on the nexus any soon. I've got frustrated with the nexus so I found myself on my Note more.
4th, battery. well batter is not bad, but not good either. It's acceptable and I wish it could be better. ALso, slow charge (this might be fixed in near future thanks to the pogo but no one knows if it's gonna be released or not). average battery + slow charge. seems like a perfect combination...
I will make final decision on friday depending on the condition of my 2nd replacement. if it has worse light bleed then Im done with this. Too tired to send it back. I still want to keep it cause it's a nice thing to have. (oh and Im not interested in the ipad, that's why I didn't compare this with the ipad). SO yeah... anyone feels free to have opinion. I kinda need someone to convince me to keep it.
And i totally understand you.
Despite of that, i'm not gonna ask for refund, since this is the only android tablet quite usable, fluid etc.
Battery is quite disappointing, can't get more than 5.5 hours onscreen, can't understand how users get 8.X hours of this, wifi off? minimum brightness? Pointless.
Screen is, well, i though this screen would be on pair with cellphones, but it isn't, brightness, contrast, are not as good as were supposed. And light bleed, the thing many people say is in every single lcd display. Well, if a defective product is usual for you... despite 40% of the LCDs have it, ok, but it doesn't mean its usual.
The only thing that 'wowed' me was the sound, pretty amazing.
Btw i also love touchwiz in my galaxy S3, 0 lags there.
same here in all points, mine is going back too
In addition: the build quality is good on first impression but really really sucks in real!
I'm loosing Wifi all the time
The UI in the middle is just ridiculous
it's freezing and restarting
mkv's are lagging
in summary it's just disappointing after one week
Only thing that I'm not too "happy" about is the performance of some games on the Nexus 10. I was expecting GTA III to be easily playable on highest settings, but it runs at pretty low FPS, with the "Screen Resolution" setting being the biggest hit it seems, being tied to the extreme resolution of the Nexus 10. I was also very surprised with the performance of "Beats" (music game with DDR and osu! gamemodes). Something that looks "that" simple gives about 30-40 FPS somehow...
Aside from those 2 games though, everything else seems to run fine, performance wise. Kinda just want to get a controller and keyboard/stand for the N10, and I think it'll be perfect
I'll be keeping my Nexus 10 though Mainly because I want to try to get into Android Development, and so far the N10 seems to have the best specs of any Android tablet (currently).
Straf said:
And i totally understand you.
Despite of that, i'm not gonna ask for refund, since this is the only android tablet quite usable, fluid etc.
Battery is quite disappointing, can't get more than 5.5 hours onscreen, can't understand how users get 8.X hours of this, wifi off? minimum brightness? Pointless.
Screen is, well, i though this screen would be on pair with cellphones, but it isn't, brightness, contrast, are not as good as were supposed. And light bleed, the thing many people say is in every single lcd display. Well, if a defective product is usual for you... despite 40% of the LCDs have it, ok, but it doesn't mean its usual.
The only thing that 'wowed' me was the sound, pretty amazing.
Btw i also love touchwiz in my galaxy S3, 0 lags there.
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yeah the nexus 10 is the best android tablet you should buy at the moment, hands down. But my note doesn't have light bleed at all. and touchwiz only lags on the Note tablet. I have the S3 too and it doesn't lag.
rookiegenius said:
So Ive been playing with the nexus 10 since last friday. The device is nice, I like it. First, My device has light bleed. And my 1st replacement is worse than the original. I will see if my 2nd replacement is any better. In the meantime, I consider requesting a refund. I never thought of returning this before. However, the more I use it, I realized pure android is not what I expected. I have a note 10.1 so I compare this with the nexus.
First, I always thought touchwiz sucked. well, indeed it sucks (lags), but it has some cool features that pure android don't. the quick settings in touchwiz is more convenient with more options. also I hate the space waste of the status bar.okay well, this is just a minor thing.
2nd, video player. The note plays just everything I throw at it. And the nexus don't. and you have to do a lot of modification to get it work. BS player can play them fine, but it is not fully supported yet so it crashes.And those bluray rip mkv on the nexus 10 doesn't look as good as the note 10.1. (Im not talking about real HD movies you buy from google play but those mkv that you downloaded). those blu ray mkv's resolution is not high enough for a screen like the nexus. On the note, it looks smoother.
3rd, Apps. I know it's just too soon to complain but apps are not supported on the nexus 10 yet. Icons are blurry. apps lag on the nexus 10 because of too many pixels. I hope this will be fixed soon but considering there are many tablets out there that does not have 300 pixels per inch like the nexus. Not sure if ALL developers will adjust their apps to get it supported on the nexus.
4th, battery. well batter is not bad, but not good either. It's acceptable and I wish it could be better. ALso, slow charge (this might be fixed in near future thanks to the pogo but no one knows if it's gonna be released or not).
I will make the final decision on friday depending on the condition of my 2nd replacement. if it has worse light bleed then Im done with this. Too tired to send it back. I still want to keep it cause it's a nice thing to have. (oh and Im not interested in the ipad, that's why I didn't compare this with the ipad). SO yeah... anyone feels free to have opinion. I kinda need someone to convince me to keep it.
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Cheer up the Nexus is awesome. Mine has no bleed or any issues. Your first Nexus left a bad taste in your mouth. Get past it and you'll be good.
2. QQ Player for videos.
3. Apps will come with time.
4. Charge isn't great but any micro USB can charge it and that's a big plus.
Sent from my DROID RAZR HD using xda premium
Keeping mine as long as it lives.. totally love it.. havn't noticed any light bleed at all.. but then again im not looking for it tried playing asphalt 7 and nfs.. and both played fine.. but those types of games blow goats on a tablet.. so 100% happy
happy with nexus
I gotta say I'm pretty happy with this nexus tablet. I've never had a tablet before and besides spending limited time on my wife's iPad I never had a notion to get a tablet. I don't hamve the light bleed and my tablet shipped and arrived exactly when it was supposed to. So not negative to say other than the battery. I'm with the other guy. 5.5 hours is about all I can get. I can't wait for a case for this thing.
rookiegenius said:
yeah the nexus 10 is the best android tablet you should buy at the moment, hands down. But my note doesn't have light bleed at all. and touchwiz only lags on the Note tablet. I have the S3 too and it doesn't lag.
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Thats what i meant with the lightbleed issue, not every single tablet leaks, here there are some users that, since they have so MUCH hope for this tablet, say that lightbleed is usual in every single tablet, and thats not truth.
And i repeat, i'm gonna keep this, but Google haven't done a good job with this. Problems, meh screen, poor performance (specially with chrome), no accesories, their shop was and is a mess.... And i say this after thinking that nexus 10 should be the device that makes android tablets take off. If i compare nexus 10 with other android tablets, it obviously is great, but not such a flagship (or ipad killer, as many people likes to say) as was spected.
Also coming from a Note 10.1. Overall, I like the Note 10.1 better. What the Note 10.1 lacks in resolution makes up with more vibrant display, better blacks, no backlight bleed, clearer sound, etc. Nexus 10 battery is not a concern since I was planning to use it as a desktop/laptop alternative but now I find out that HDMI output is laggy. Having reservations and thinking maybe I should hold off for Samsung's new tablet or updated Note 10.1 or just getting the Note II. They mistakenly shipped me a 16GB instead of 32GB so if the replacement unit that's coming Friday still has issues I'm probably going to ask for a refund.
I came from the Note 10.1 , personally, can't stand TW, and as far as the pulldowns go, you will see the same thing once the note 10.1 is updated to 4.2 which it does not have, "officially".
Personal opinion is the display is far superior on the Nexus 10, also standard micro usb compared to sammy connector.
I think the sound is better on the Nexus, but not by much.
I am one of the lucky ones, mine has no light bleed, although my note 10.1 had some, not bad but it was there.
So all and all I am happy with the Nexus 10, but it is a personal choice, IF I was currently going to have another tablet it would be the Note 10.1 or the new transformer.
just my .02
I would go Ativ tab 10.1 or surface pro before even considering a note 10.1 or infinity.
Tomatoes8 said:
I would go Ativ tab 10.1 or surface pro before even considering a note 10.1 or infinity.
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Ativ Tab 10.1 is nice hardware but terrible UI with Windows 8 and weak app selection. Surface Pro is too pricey just for touch input. I can always upgrade to Windows 8 for $15 on my laptop but haven't bothered with the hassle since it doesn't really offer much.
Interesting thread...definitely makes me appreciate my N7 even more.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using XDA Premium HD app
Watcher64 said:
I came from the Note 10.1 , personally, can't stand TW, and as far as the pulldowns go, you will see the same thing once the note 10.1 is updated to 4.2 which it does not have, "officially".
Personal opinion is the display is far superior on the Nexus 10, also standard micro usb compared to sammy connector.
I think the sound is better on the Nexus, but not by much.
I am one of the lucky ones, mine has no light bleed, although my note 10.1 had some, not bad but it was there.
So all and all I am happy with the Nexus 10, but it is a personal choice, IF I was currently going to have another tablet it would be the Note 10.1 or the new transformer.
just my .02
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IF I wasn't impressed with the N10, I would absolutely steer clear of Asus' Transformer line of tablets IMO. I bought the Prime (TF201) when it first came out & the Infinity Pad (TF700) after returning the latter. They both had the typical I/O sloppiness and general lag that proves the "it has 4 cores" argument is a poor one lol.
Bottom line - I've spent most of the day with the N10 and have been thoroughly impressed. If any issues do arise...its a Nexus so unlocking the boot loader to improve performance won't void my warranty...
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda premium
I'm not totally enthralled by either. First one had dust laminated in the display and some backlight bleed. My new one has bleed in both the bottom corners, but it is slightly worse. Even at 0% brightness in a completely dark room I can still make it out, I mean it doesn't stand out, but I can still see the faintest outline. Idk if I will send it back. I really don't want to get one that has worse bleed. I may just put up with this minor inconvenience until next year when the n10 2 comes out.
A lot of the issues mentioned will be fixed with software or firmware updates. Remember this is the early adopter problem.
Also dev roms will crush bugs or improve battery, add features, etc.
I love my N10.
Have no light bleed, or maybe I do but did not notice anything.
Its extremely smooth.
Yes there is some wasted screen sapcd with the new UI but all will be fixed with custom roms.
And mist of the apps I was using on my iPad are available on market and look good for me.
All in all, within a couple of weeks this thing will be a monster.
I love this tablet. Zero backlight bleeding I can see during normal use, no dead or stuck pixels, amazing build quality, BEAUTIFUL display (I noticed how much better it was than my iPad 3s the instant money turned it on) . and great battery life. Certainly the battery doesn't last as long as the iPads (it has a smaller battery) but I got 9hours of screen on time today and 14 hours total surfing, playing the odd game or two, checking emails etc. The odd freezing issue will be fixed through an update I'm confident. Most of these issues are resulting from the fact that we are early adopters to a brand new device.
Return it if you're not happy with it. What's the point in announcing it to the rest of the community?
Makes no sense. Hope you're happy with whatever you get to replace it.

Got me one - upgraded from TF101, my $0.02

So ... long time Android user, got my Nexus 1 20 minutes into the Google press conf (3 years ago, for those who no longer remember), upgraded to S2 2 years later. On tablet front, had 2 TF101s. Everything rooted, custom ROMs, used daily, especially tablets.
Ordered N10 right after it became available, wisely cancelled the order minutes later.
Sat on the fence awhile . Waited for CES - T4 looks exciting, Exynos 4+4 less so (same graphics as in N10). Bottom line - not likely to see actual HW till much later in the year. Vizio didn't commit to anything. Awkwardly, their demo T4 tablet wasn't even mentioned during Nvidia's T4 presentation.
So, decided to pull the trigger, can always sell if anything markedly better appears in Q3/Q4 2013. Life is too damn short.
What bothered me with TF101 is the slower overall performance, especially browsing. As an ebook reader, these are still perfectly fine. Best overall tablet design - dock with extra battery, MicroSD and SD cards etc. Hopeful they will get us T4 devices at some point - with FIXED internal flash performance.
Upon getting N10, promtly unlocked, installed TWRP and custom ROM. Went with Boat browser - not sure if it is markedly faster than the alternatives, but I love the full screen interface.
So what do I think ?
- I dont see any obvious issues with mine. Hasn't crashed/rebooted/freeze. Didn't do any formal testing for bleeding, none is visible to naked eye.
- BS Player plays 1080P video just fine from network shares (ES File Manager, simply navigate to a net share, open your MKV with BSP and viola). I don't really use my tablets as playback devices, but it is nice to know you could do it.
- sound ... definitely very nice for a device this thin. Big upgrade compared to Transformer
- web performance ... Mixed bag. Expected instantaneous loading of the pages ( I am on 300Mbps connection). She is definitely faster than TF101, but instantaneous she aint. TF101 would take 4-6 secs, N10, may be 2 secs, for regular sites. Tried 4 different browsers - stock Chrome, Chrome 25, Boat and the one that came with the ROM.
- overall, feels snappier. Flipboard tablet-edition is finally useful. Zinio continues to suck badly (done with it when my subscription expire). Flash (storage) performance is great , real ez to copy stuff in and out - over USB or using ES File manager to access Net shares (she does Dropbox, Skydrive and everything imaginable, LAN shares).
- screen. This is where I had the biggest surprise. (disclaimer: I use reading glasses). I just can not see ANY difference between N10's 2560x1600 and TF101's 1280x800. The 10" is too small to discern the difference. YMMV. BTW, my work setup is 3 of 30", each at 2560x1600, so I do like my screen real estate and rez.
- overall feel. Definitely feels nicer in hand compared to TF101. Thinner, lighter, gripper, curvier
- About expandable storage. Haven't missed it as much so far. As built-in flash is so much faster, it will be easier to joggle heavier content, but so far it hasn't been an impediment.
- charging. Like some of us, I can always plug er in overnite. Not an issue for me.
- battery life. Was amazed to open the box and the see the tablet was at 70% out of the box . She seems to last forever.
Bottom line: mixed bag. Keeping it reluctantly, hoping for better stuff to become available later in the year. Unlike some of us here, I have no illusions as to the accessories for this one. We shall see zip, zilch, babcus from Goog/Sammy. All of the Nexus devices are bastard children, dropped at nearby community hospitals right after birth
rashid11 said:
So ... long time Android user, got my Nexus 1 20 minutes into the Google press conf (3 years ago, for those who no longer remember), upgraded to S2 2 years later. On tablet front, had 2 TF101s. Everything rooted, custom ROMs, used daily, especially tablets.
Ordered N10 right after it became available, wisely cancelled the order minutes later.
Sat on the fence awhile . Waited for CES - T4 looks exciting, Exynos 4+4 less so (same graphics as in N10). Bottom line - not likely to see actual HW till much later in the year. Vizio didn't commit to anything. Awkwardly, their demo T4 tablet wasn't even mentioned during Nvidia's T4 presentation.
So, decided to pull the trigger, can always sell if anything markedly better appears in Q3/Q4 2013. Life is too damn short.
What bothered me with TF101 is the slower overall performance, especially browsing. As an ebook reader, these are still perfectly fine. Best overall tablet design - dock with extra battery, MicroSD and SD cards etc. Hopeful they will get us T4 devices at some point - with FIXED internal flash performance.
Upon getting N10, promtly unlocked, installed TWRP and custom ROM. Went with Boat browser - not sure if it is markedly faster than the alternatives, but I love the full screen interface.
So what do I think ?
- I dont see any obvious issues with mine. Hasn't crashed/rebooted/freeze. Didn't do any formal testing for bleeding, none is visible to naked eye.
- BS Player plays 1080P video just fine from network shares (ES File Manager, simply navigate to a net share, open your MKV with BSP and viola). I don't really use my tablets as playback devices, but it is nice to know you could do it.
- sound ... I expected more from built in speakers. Didn't impress me that much - which is weird, coming from TF101 that has notoriously bad sound
- web performance ... Mixed bag. Expected instantaneous loading of the pages ( I am on 300Mbps connection). She is definitely faster than TF101, but instantaneous she aint. TF101 would take 4-6 secs, N10, may be 2 secs, for regular sites. Tried 4 different browsers - stock Chrome, Chrome 25, Boat and the one that came with the ROM.
- overall, feels snappier. Flipboard tablet-edition is finally useful. Zinio continues to suck badly (done with it when my subscription expire). Flash (storage) performance is great , real ez to copy stuff in and out - over USB or using ES File manager to access Net shares (she does Dropbox, Skydrive and everything imaginable, LAN shares).
- screen. This is where I had the biggest surprise. (disclaimer: I use reading glasses). I just can not see ANY difference between N10's 2560x1600 and TF101's 1280x800. The 10" is too small to discern the difference. YMMV. BTW, my work setup is 3 of 30", each at 2560x1600, so I do like my screen real estate and rez.
- overall feel. Definitely feels nicer in hand compared to TF101. Thinner, lighter, gripper, curvier
- About expandable storage. Haven't missed it as much so far. As built-in flash is so much faster, it will be easier to joggle heavier content, but so far it hasn't been an impediment.
- charging. Like some of us, I can always plug er in overnite. Not an issue for me.
- battery life. Was amazed to open the box and the see the tablet was at 70% out of the box . She seems to last forever.
Bottom line: mixed bag. Keeping it reluctantly, hoping for better stuff to become available later in the year. Unlike some of us here, I have no illusions as to the accessories for this one. We shall see zip, zilch, babcus from Goog/Sammy. All of the Nexus devices are bastard children, dropped at nearby community hospitals right after birth
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Glad to see you become a Nexus 10 owner. Coming from a Xoom I think this tab is great. Does everything I used to do with the Xoom but only lots faster. Browsing the internet with chrome is painful. I use Ocean browser. It has full screen and gestures and is by far the fastest I have tried (boat, naked, dolphin, boat, firefox, even aosp). Good luck with your new toy.
Hey, thanks for your point of view have you tried naked browser? It's really the fastest, although not with a very pretty interface
Sent from my Nexus 10 using Tapatalk HD
The quickest browser is AOSP. Most of the others mentioned (naked, boat, ocean) are just different UI's on top of webview (the AOSP browser engine) though anyway...
I also came from a TF101. I miss the keyboard dock and expandability, but I don't miss the tegra 2 and the i/o lag. Anytime you installed an app or updated an app, the tablet was frozen until it finished. It was such a pain trying to get HD videos to play and web browsing was sloooow. I agree that the Nexus 10 isn't perfect, but web browsing is much faster, no lag in the interface (I still experience it in some games like theme park), and the overall experience for me has been more stable. I love streaming 1080p videos to the tablet through plex. I was suprised that the weight difference made a significant difference as well. It makes the nexus much more comfortable to hold.
Came from a TF300 with Tegra 3 and even then I am super glad I did. It was getting so painful to use when my even my Nexus 4 or other people's GS3 with Snapdragon S4 was outpacing it by a lot. Never buying anything Android with Tegra again (also had a Galaxy Tab 10.1 with Tegra 2).
quickly turning into Transformer Owner Anonymous meet. Pass the napkins around
I spent prolly ~$2K on ASUS mobos over last ~15 years or so - they are stellar in that dept. How they managed to get world's slowest "eMMC" flash into otherwise great product line (Transformers) ... shall forever remain a mystery.
We are sheep ... lets admit it When ASUS figures out the eMMC issues out and gets T4-based Transformers out, docks, micro and SD expansion slots, USB 3.0 etc etc , we will be promptly forking over our hard earned bux ... again
This thread is awesome...
...for all of us recovering TF101 owners! Lol. I sold my TF101 and just got my Nexus 10 three days ago. Love it!! I haven't noticed anything "off" with my unit, except for the expected "bubbly" feel of the rubberized backing. I'm OK with that, though. The tablet itself has met all of my expectations, and that's saying something. Glad to be here; hope all you recovering TF101-ists are having a great day... I know I am!
Web performance is probably not entirely the fault of the device. It takes a lot less work on a tablet to make a site seem slow vs a desktop, but many send both the same experience. Concurrent connections and network management are a big part of the issue in android from what I've been able to determine so far. JavaScript and what appears to be poor 2d hardware acceleration also play a role - the latter being a huge difference vs iOS in practice, and possibly THE reason android doesn't feel as smooth.
I don't have an N10 yet and this is based mostly on older JB, but a little on the latest... also still ongoing investigation. So don't hold me to this. Probably not at all important.
Anyway, enjoy what you have. Tomorrow's upgrade is always faster.

Tired of waiting... Is the Nexus 10 still one of the best tablets to buy?

I keep seeing these great deals on the Nexus 10. Although it's an old tablet it is well received and still seems to be among the best available. After deciding to wait for the new version, it keeps getting pushed back and who knows when it will actually be available? I think I may just go with the original N10 as my Asus TF300 is absolutely driving me nuts. It's nearly unusable at times... if it's doing any kind of app update or sync, forget it, it's unusable. I am rooted and on a custom ROM and still have issues. I was fed up and need a replacement now. Should I stick with the N10 or maybe look into some other tablets... Budget is around $300...
Yeah its still a good tablet if you can get it for a decent price. I love mine, although it does have its flaws for sure. But if my tablet suddenly turned into a stack of $300 bills I am not sure I would buy it again. I would probably look at maybe a Sony Tablet Z.
The reason i say this is that the N10 is not a perfect device. For a start the battery is not the best. On 4.3 I would eek out 8 hours with very conservative use and low brightness. On 4.4 that has dropped to 6-7 hours on a very good day. The battery issue is mainly due to the chipsets used, which is a dual core A15 and Mali T604 graphics. Both of these are pretty power hungry compared to newer chipsets. Newer CPU's have lower powered cores which handle mundane tasks and conserve power. Also, the graphics use up 1GB of the system memory, so really you only get 1GB for system RAM and not 2GB like most tablets. Kitkat 4.4. had to be gimped on the N10 mainly due to the N10 not have enough grunt to run certain aspects of 4.4 like the translucent bars and ART without stutter. Another thing is its not a tablet to be held in portrait mode due to the design. It should be held in landscape mode at all times. It just feels way better held like that.
Don't get me wrong I love my N10, especially the design. Its definitely the best tablet in terms of ergonomics I have used. The screen is still fantastic and the speakers being on the front are really great and go to a decent level. Performance is also really good being vanilla android and all with no bloatware.
So I do love my N10 but its not perfect, but I can live with its faults. But if I was to buy another tablet tomorrow I would definitely look around at the competition.
Warren_Orange said:
Yeah its still a good tablet if you can get it for a decent price. I love mine, although it does have its flaws for sure. But if my tablet suddenly turned into a stack of $300 bills I am not sure I would buy it again. I would probably look at maybe a Sony Tablet Z.
The reason i say this is that the N10 is not a perfect device. For a start the battery is not the best. On 4.3 I would eek out 8 hours with very conservative use and low brightness. On 4.4 that has dropped to 6-7 hours on a very good day. The battery issue is mainly due to the chipsets used, which is a dual core A15 and Mali T604 graphics. Both of these are pretty power hungry compared to newer chipsets. Newer CPU's have lower powered cores which handle mundane tasks and conserve power. Also, the graphics use up 1GB of the system memory, so really you only get 1GB for system RAM and not 2GB like most tablets. Kitkat 4.4. had to be gimped on the N10 mainly due to the N10 not have enough grunt to run certain aspects of 4.4 like the translucent bars and ART without stutter. Another thing is its not a tablet to be held in portrait mode due to the design. It should be held in landscape mode at all times. It just feels way better held like that.
Don't get me wrong I love my N10, especially the design. Its definitely the best tablet in terms of ergonomics I have used. The screen is still fantastic and the speakers being on the front are really great and go to a decent level. Performance is also really good being vanilla android and all with no bloatware.
So I do love my N10 but its not perfect, but I can live with its faults. But if I was to buy another tablet tomorrow I would definitely look around at the competition.
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Almost Everything Warren_Orange has said is true to certain degree. The screen is still fantastic compared to newer tablets even though it may not be #1 anymore in terms of quality. Yes, ram on the nexus 10 is a little scarce due to the high screen resolution but its not a deal breaker by any means. KitKat has vastly improved ram management on this device and it is a night and day difference. Battery life could certainly be better and don't even get me started on the insanely long charging times lol.
A few things I would kindly disagree with is that "the processor in the N10 doesn't have enough power for 4.4." I think the features missing from 4.4 on the N10 has more to due with fact that its using an exynos processor and not snapdragon or some other mainstream chip. Exynos chips tend to be more locked down with their drivers and less compatible than other popular chipsets. I haven't come across one app or game that my n10 couldn't run or struggled with. If anything it seems like Google hasn't totally optimized this tablet to its fullest potential on the software end. Also I think the N10 is fine held in portrait mode. It just feels little odd at first if you're not used to a 16:9 tablet.
Like Warren_Orange said, the N10 isn't prefect but its still a great tablet. One thing I would recommend if you decide to purchase it (and are comfortable with) is root it, install a ROM like SlimKat Official build 3 and over clock the CPU and GPU (overclocking the gpu will be the most beneficial to help cope with the screen resolution while overclocking the cpu is totally optional as it already has two powerful A15 cores) while at the same time undevolting. This helps tremendously with the overall performance of the device and other gripes associated with it.
Good luck with your decision! And if you get the chance, please post back and let us know what route you decide to take. We're more than happy to help with more questions that may arise.
Well I love my N10! The battery life isn't that bad. I can usually get close to 10 hours with apps that don't tax the gpu. The charging time does stink... 5 hours is too long. All in all, I've been enjoying mine since last May. Just buy an N7 for now to hold you over to the next 10 incher is released. Purchased one for my wife and she loves it.
Sent from my Nexus 10 using Tapatalk
I would definitely buy again, no questions asked.
I don't know what everyone else's problems with the battery life are, I get 1.5-2 days worth of use with mine including leaving it on all night unplugged. Even if the battery life is a "problem" for some, just plug it in each night anyhow and you're good to go.
The screen is phenominal on this thing, the front facing speakers are great as well. There's also plenty of developer activity, and a somewhat minimal amount of people having issues with their devices. The two biggest weak points that people seem to have in terms of having to return it are screen light leak, and the battery occasionally going from ~20% suddenly to 0%. Both of which, are fixed easily by Samsung via a return.
Outside that, I still really like mine, so I say buy one. Especially if you're going to be paying $200 less than what I paid for mine ($499?)
No complaints on battery life from me. The high-res display is what sells this thing, and as an added bonus it has front-facing speakers and is super lightweight. My only complaint is the finicky Wifi; depending where I am in the house, the Wifi becomes dog slow despite a strong signal.
If you can find a good deal on Nexus 10, then yes it's a worthy purchase.
I just got the Nexus 10 as a gift yesterday. So far I am liking it. I have had a rooted nexus 7 32gb first gen since it came out and I love that one. I am trying to decide whether to root the nexus 10 or not. I am sure that the other roms are better for battery life than stock.
Get a case with the magnet deal allowing it to sleep. Then set wireless to shut off when in sleep mode. This will help allot with battery life. I always charge mine when powered down (mostly overnight) that helps with charging speed some.
I have had the N10 awhile now, running ThunderKat 4.4.2 ROM and Kernel. No complaints here.
jfed said:
I just got the Nexus 10 as a gift yesterday. So far I am liking it. I have had a rooted nexus 7 32gb first gen since it came out and I love that one. I am trying to decide whether to root the nexus 10 or not. I am sure that the other roms are better for battery life than stock.
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Root it add the recovery of your choice then install Viper4Android, Onandroid, Xposed framework and at least it's Gravity box module. All of which can be found by searching XDA.
Sent from my Nexus 10 using XDA Premium HD app
I have been a flash whore with the nexus 7 so I thought I knew what I was doing but what you just suggested to me I have not clue about the other stuff other than the recovery lol I will have to look it up and learn how to do all that.
ObsoleteSoldier said:
Well I love my N10! The battery life isn't that bad. I can usually get close to 10 hours with apps that don't tax the gpu. The charging time does stink... 5 hours is too long. All in all, I've been enjoying mine since last May. Just buy an N7 for now to hold you over to the next 10 incher is released. Purchased one for my wife and she loves it.
Sent from my Nexus 10 using Tapatalk
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With PoGo charger it only takes 2 hours, they are really cheap too. Also charges while you use it as well.
I love this tablet. I'm starting to think some people have N10s that were shipped with lemon batteries or something, if I use it occasionally I can go 3-4 days before charging with about 6 hours screen on time. Today (NCAA tournament baby) I abused the tablet all day and still got over 18 hours with 7 hours of screen on time, and it's sitting here hovering around 15%. Virtually all of those 7 hours were with the brightness at about 50% streaming video. Having said that, I got mine in November 2012 and am pretty anal about charging habits. This IS my first tablet, so maybe I'm not expecting as much out of my battery as other users?
I don't think I'll be purchasing the 2014 Nexus 10 (if it ever arrives), the current gen is every thing I need from a tablet and more. I suppose there are now newer tablets with better specs, but would it affect the utility it provides me? I think not.
If you are a spec whore, don't get this tablet. If you are looking for a top notch tablet with decent development that is currently selling for a relatively cheap price tag, GET IT!
Sent from my XT1060 using Tapatalk
I read that Google is dropping the 10" for a new 8".
Sent from my Nexus 10 using xda app-developers app
Go for it. Even though i have an android phone or a pc when i get to home my nexus 10 is the only device i use, except for texts and alarm If you know what you can expect from a tab and you consider buying a nexus 10 i can tell you wont regret.
3DSammy said:
Root it add the recovery of your choice then install Viper4Android, Onandroid, Xposed framework and at least it's Gravity box module. All of which can be found by searching XDA.
Sent from my Nexus 10 using XDA Premium HD app
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Thanks for the post, will look into those two as been running pretty vanilla here for awhile.
Sent from my Nexus 10 using Tapatalk
Lamski said:
I keep seeing these great deals on the Nexus 10. Although it's an old tablet it is well received and still seems to be among the best available. After deciding to wait for the new version, it keeps getting pushed back and who knows when it will actually be available? I think I may just go with the original N10 as my Asus TF300 is absolutely driving me nuts. It's nearly unusable at times... if it's doing any kind of app update or sync, forget it, it's unusable. I am rooted and on a custom ROM and still have issues. I was fed up and need a replacement now. Should I stick with the N10 or maybe look into some other tablets... Budget is around $300...
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If you're still interested, there's a seller on ebay that is listing a brand new 32GB N10 for $300: http://slickdeals.net/permadeal/116766/ebay---32gb-samsung-nexus-10-10-android-tablet
I've had N10 for 4 months, it goes alongside my N4 of 14 months and N7 of 20 months.
I use my N7 on long haul flights for space and battery reasons, N10 in hotels and home, N7 when really moving around a lot like on a bike and when going between meetings as it fits in a trouser pocket. My N4's with me all the time.
The N10's battery life really sucks, battery charging is slow, BUT I just use it in proportion to my other devices and I got the Pogo cable, when its not moving around its connected to the Pogo cable, that keeps on top of demand and I've NEVER had flat battery turn off problems. When I'm in situations with high mobility and not expecting much plug-in time I'm using my N7 which lasts longer and charges faster. N10 does say a trans-continent 5 hour flight fine but say California to Europe it can't but a N7 can with possibly an external USB slim battery top-up.
The N10 and N7 bluetooth tethering seamless flawless reliable to the N4 so I got phone and tablet online all the time when on the go.
The N10 absolutely best features are it's display 1st, outstanding, and then its speakers being stereo and forward facing so you can actually sit on your laptop or on desk, etc and sit and watch it would headphones and its just a pleasure.
My N10 crashes in certain situations, so I simply avoid those situations. Its camera doesn't work reliably for say Skype... so I use my N7 or N4 for that.
Just so long as you don't have too high an expectations, don't expect perfection, and use it in contexts which fits its limitations, then for the <$300 figure use it and enjoy. If you limit its use to contexts it should last enough years and betya you can replace its battery with a guide in a couple of years to re-life it if you wanted.
You can spend as much $ buying 1 device which aims to be better but 2 or 3 devices are better, particular as if say you're watching Hulu on you N10 and when annoying commercials (who needs a car anyway) come on just pick up your N7 and check your email, so "multi-window" by other means.
Notice how my N7 is coming to 2 years and still used? Because the big-screen graphics stuff is on the N10 and the battery-hog situations avoid the N10 and go to N7. I think that's the way to go. The idea of one perfect tablet never happens, plus it sucks if it breaks and its all you got.
I got one of these dual USB chargers and the Pogo cable makes all the difference.
Good stuff guys, thanks for all the great info. I did decide to get one as there was a good deal last week. however the 32GB model for $300 is a great deal and if I knew it was coming I would have waited one more week. I received it yesterday and so far so good. Everything I expected so far except the stock email client's hyperlinks aren't clickable. I had to switch to another email client app. I will look into the pogo plug but I'm not sure if I really need it.
I'm still playing with it but the performance so far is as expected and far exceeds the TF300 it is replacing.
Lamski said:
Good stuff guys, thanks for all the great info. I did decide to get one as there was a good deal last week. however the 32GB model for $300 is a great deal and if I knew it was coming I would have waited one more week. I received it yesterday and so far so good. Everything I expected so far except the stock email client's hyperlinks aren't clickable. I had to switch to another email client app. I will look into the pogo plug but I'm not sure if I really need it.
I'm still playing with it but the performance so far is as expected and far exceeds the TF300 it is replacing.
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How is the light bleed on your unit mate?
mark.m.moran said:
How is the light bleed on your unit mate?
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I didn't notice any obnormal light bleed when playing with various brightness settings. Where are you typically seeing the light bleed?

