[Q] can't unlock bootloader - Asus Eee Pad Transformer Prime

Does anyone know any other methode to unlock bootloader else than unlock device tool? I have tryed every day for a month to unlock with unlock device tool but it's not working .. please help


Not regconized simlock certìicate???

Sorry for an old question, but i still need help to unlock bootloader..
my phone is unlocked, but s1tool shows Not regconized simlock certìicate , this mean that i can't UB. , I searched and saw how can i solve this : try to unlock using setool2, but I can't find where to unlock it using that tool, please help me, can i re unlock this, throught internet or another ways?
thanks for reading.

[Q] Help with open bootloader

hi, i used wotanserver for unlock my bootloader and all was good now says Bootloader unlock allowed Yes, but i cant open my bootloader i tried with method of sony and i can´t and with s1tool says NOT RECOGNIZED SIMLOCK CERTIFICATE MAYBE YOU SHOULD UNLOCK PHONE BY SETOOL2 ?
what can i do? any solution?
sorry for my english

[Q] Relock Network Lock

Is it possible to relock the network lock because I am getting SIM NOT RECOGNISED in s1tool and just wondering if I relock it will it change to recognised and I want to unlock bootloader...
bump... I unlocked my phone using JIC (Plasmatool) and I am getting SIM NOT RECOGNISED just wondering if there is a way to reverse it and unlock bootloader then unlock it again?
Will this guide help me unlock my phone or will it disable my radio and causing me to unlock it again in order to fix it: www.modaco.com/topic/346145-how-toguideunlock-x10-bootloader-permanently/

Help me, my y6 is on brick but i don't have bootloader unlock

Help me, have my phone on bootloader mode and i don't have the code for unlock. Is there some way to unlock it without the code?

Bootloader fe380cg

Please helpme how to unlock my fe380cg, now i had root but cant unlock my device

