[SOLVED][Q] Update WebView on AOSP-ROMs - Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I've heard that the WebView updates through Play Store wouldn't take any effects on AOSP ROMs because they can not guarantee that it works: https://plus.google.com/100348830529087975954/posts/1Mot5nodrkj (first comment by Richard Cole). I've tested it and I can say that the "Browser" in PA Alpha (5.0.2) still shows up Chrome 37 on http://www.whatbrowser.org/ instead of 42 (opted in to beta chanel) and disabling the build in WebView also has no effect as mentioned in the comments.
Is there a way to update it nevertheless? Would it work to copy the base.apk from /data/app/com.google.android.webview-2 to /system/app/webview? Or is there a way to make the Play Store believe that it is on an official Android and let it update WebView (or however it would work), maybe through a build.prop-"hack"?

Just found the XPosed Module WebViewGoogle (working on XPosed for 5.1.1) which makes exactly that and because betas are coming over the same channel when you are beta tester, it also works with them.

If for some reason the Xposed module doesn't work, e.g. not tested on Android 5.1.1, the alternative is to decompile framework-res.apk and edit strings.xml to point the ROM to the Google version of Webview. See here for more.

Finally found android web view fix here
yeah it works man aosp and cm is better than now
web view on play store
and here is xposed module
on repo thanks to module developer
and at last thanks to this thread too


Google Contacts, Dialer for Lollipop

I hope someone can help me install Google Contact app, the Lollipop one.
I have LG G3 Beat running lollipop 5.0.2, rooted with stock ROM.
I have its APK i was able to download somewhere (it's Google Contacts version 1.1 API 22 for Lollipop 5.1+, but it was recompiled by the uploader to make it work for Lollipop 5.0.x API 21 devices).
I was able to install it on my phone without any errors, so now I see LG's contact app and the Google Contacts app. but when I open the Google Contacts icon, it still opens the LG Contact app.... is there any other apk i need to install? like the content provider or whatever?
I want to make this work without any sync problems.
and where can I find the Google Dialer apk for lollipop too? and how to install it?
select the version which suits you from here based on api level and screen resuloution, if that work the try low api level it should work, thank me if you found helpful

[MOD] [XPOSED] App Settings 1.11 fixed for working on Lollipop 5.1.1 + tweaks

Here is the famous @rovo89 and @Tungstwenty's App Settings Xposed module, fixed for perfectly working on Android Lollipop 5.1.1.
[UPDATE 18-08-2015]
Additionally add more resolution modes to fake screen resolution (Screen Dimension) to load hi-res resources destined to tablets, sending real tablet metrics, so it works, in example, with Spotify
Details in original thread: http://forum.xda-developers.com/xposed/modules/mod-app-settings-v1-9-2014-05-14-t2437377
Works on Android 2.3+.
WARNING: on Lollipop 5.1.1 use with Xposed framework v71-sdk22 by @romracer from this thread: http://forum.xda-developers.com/xposed/super-alpha-posted-permission-xposed-t3072979 and Xposed Installer 3.0 alpha 4 from the original thread: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=3034811
I fixed it long time ago and uploaded to original thread.
Do you use my fixes?
If not, please upload your fixes and/or the whole app source code. Anybody can do harmful xposed module and do it as "a fix for, mod of" some famous xposed module like this one (AppSettings). Then it becomes really dangerous.
pyler said:
I fixed it long time ago and uploaded to original thread.
Do you use my fixes?
If not, please upload your fixes and/or the whole app source code. Anybody can do harmful xposed module and do it as "a fix for, mod of" some famous xposed module like this one (AppSettings). Then it becomes really dangerous.
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Thread udated with the source code and more tweaks.
I installed it and it work for my camera and my phone apps. I would like it work with autodesk sketchbook pro, is it possible?
paldave said:
Here is the famous @rovo89 and @Tungstwenty's App Settings Xposed module, fixed for perfectly working on Android Lollipop 5.1.1.
[UPDATE 18-08-2015]
Additionally add more resolution modes to fake screen resolution (Screen Dimension) to load hi-res resources destined to tablets, sending real tablet metrics, so it works, in example, with Spotify
Details in original thread: http://forum.xda-developers.com/xposed/modules/mod-app-settings-v1-9-2014-05-14-t2437377
Works on Android 2.3+.
WARNING: on Lollipop 5.1.1 use with Xposed framework v71-sdk22 by @romracer from this thread: http://forum.xda-developers.com/xposed/super-alpha-posted-permission-xposed-t3072979 and Xposed Installer 3.0 alpha 4 from the original thread: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=3034811
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Make it compatible with marshmallow.
Thanks in advance!
It's available on official thread (with an unofficial build).
Inviato dal mio GT-I9505 utilizzando Tapatalk
Can work with hTC One M9 sprjnt stock rom

MTCManager.apk MOD for kitkat and lollipop (xposed mtc-manager)

So I was exploring all the functions about MTCManager app in use with xposed mtc-manager module and I found that there quite a lot different versions. Someone work perfect and someone don't, so was planing to put them at one place to share, because all the modules from MVG are working under correct MTCManager:
Malaysk also has integrated to update.img and it's working out of the box.
Dsa has original MTCManager in lollipop and kitkat version, except september one
Booroondook's has a bit modified but it seems that not everything is working out of the box
So if anyone has the latest MTCManager from somewhere (I can't find it on 4pda) can share here.
The updated module xposed mtc-manager 2.0 came out but MODE.ini is not working anymore just mtc-keys or there has to be new updated MTCManager apk...
Also in that new xposed mtc-manager can move all the folders mtc-keys, mtc-music, mtc-manager to internal memory, but I could't get this to work...
MTCManager from Malaysk and Dsa here (android 5.1.1.):
MTCManager from Booroondook 5.1.1. and latest xposed mtc-manager in the attachement.

[MOD][XPOSED][7.0+][N] OOS Background DEX Optimization Fix 0.1

This module fixes a problem on OOS 4.5 devices that crash when Xposed 87.3, 88 or 88.1 is active.
The root cause of the problem has been fixed in Xposed 88.2, so you do not need this module with Xposed 88.2 or later.
If you are experiencing soft-reboots and/or crashes without Xposed installed, this module cannot help you.
An OOS Device.running Nougat
Xposed (Official @rovo89 or systemless Magisk)
If you're trying to run Xposed on OOS Devices, you may notice that every time your phone is left charging for a while, Android crashes with:
OPConfig:ConfigProvider: Module:BackgroundOptConfig
BackgroundDexOptService: blacklist add : com.chinamworld.main
BackgroundDexOptService: blacklist add : cn.kidyn.qdmedical160
BackgroundDexOptService: blacklist add : com.paic.zhifu.wallet.activity
BackgroundDexOptService: blacklist add : com.pingan.paces.ccms
BackgroundDexOptService: blacklist add : cn.damai
BackgroundDexOptService: blacklist add : com.baidu.carlife
BackgroundDexOptService: [OnlineConfig] BackgroundOpt updated complete
art : No implementation found for java.lang.String dalvik.system.DexFile.getOatFileCompilerFilter(java.lang.String, java.lang.String) (tried Java_dalvik_system_DexFile_getOatFileCompilerFilter and Java_dalvik_system_DexFile_getOatFileCompilerFilter__Ljava_lang_String_2Ljava_lang_String_2)
AndroidRuntime: *** FATAL EXCEPTION IN SYSTEM PROCESS: BackgroundDexOptService_IdleOptimization
AndroidRuntime: java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: No implementation found for java.lang.String dalvik.system.DexFile.getOatFileCompilerFilter(java.lang.String, java.lang.String) (tried Java_dalvik_system_DexFile_getOatFileCompilerFilter and Java_dalvik_system_DexFile_getOatFileCompilerFilter__Ljava_lang_String_2Ljava_lang_String_2)
AndroidRuntime: at dalvik.system.DexFile.getOatFileCompilerFilter(Native Method)
AndroidRuntime: at com.android.server.pm.PackageDexOptimizer.getOatFileCompilerFilter(PackageDexOptimizer.java:167)
AndroidRuntime: at com.android.server.pm.PackageManagerService.getOatFileCompilerFilter(PackageManagerService.java:19879)
AndroidRuntime: at com.android.server.pm.BackgroundDexOptService$3.run(BackgroundDexOptService.java:373)
DownloadManager: Removed 0 stale downloads
MDM_DropBox: record:system_server_crash
OSTracker: OS Event: system_server_crash
Then this module is for you.
Install, activate, reboot and crashes be gone.
This module has no UI.
Technical explanation
For some reason OnePlus has patched the Background Dex Optimization service. I think it's related to the aggressive optimization OOS 4.5 pushes (it uses the "speed" compiler filter everywhere) and also implements some filtering of some apps (see the blacklist add lines in the backtrace).
Note that the Background Dex Optimizer as shipped by OOS will not obey the pm.dexopt.bg-dexopt property and will always use "speed" irrespective of the pm.dexopt.bg-dexopt setting. Gah...
In their patching, OnePlus made the com.android.server.pm.PackageDexOptimizer.getOatFileCompilerFilter() framework function call the dalvik.system.DexFile.getOatFileCompilerFilter() native function.
dalvik.system.DexFile.getOatFileCompilerFilter() is implemented in OOS by /system/lib64/libart.so.
And Xposed replaces /system/lib64/libart.so with its own version, which does not contain dalvik.system.DexFile.getOatFileCompilerFilter().
When the OOS phone is left charging and reaches 100% battery, a timer starts. 1h after reaching 100% battery, the Background Dex Optimization runs, and promptly crashes. Since this is in the Android system, the whole phone soft-reboots.
The module works by hooking com.android.server.pm.PackageDexOptimizer.getOatFileCompilerFilter() and having it return null instead of calling the native method dalvik.system.DexFile.getOatFileCompilerFilter(). That's what the native method returns anyways, so no functionality should be lost.
Device Status
Working and tested on:
OnePlus 5 running OOS 4.5.12, Magisk 14.2 and Xposed 88.0.
Release 0.1 on October 11, 2017
Initial release.
httphttp://dl-xda.xposed.info/modules/com.fifsource.android.oosbackgroupdexcompilationfix_v1_830eb4.apk (on Xposed Module Repository)
XDA:DevDB Information
OOS Background DEX Optimization Fix, Xposed for all devices (see above for details)
Xposed Package Name:
Version Information
Status: Beta
Current Beta Version: 0.1
Beta Release Date: 2016-10-11
Created 2017-10-12
Last Updated 2017-10-12
Attention beta testers:
Please let your device run on power overnight and send me the Xposed log file.
You should see many lines with the "OOSDEX" prefix.
Trying it now, thanks very much!
Does this effect mm at all or simply n?
I only found this problem on OOS 4.5.x, which is Nougat. The package won't install on anything but N or above. Did you experience a similar crash on a MM OOS ROM?
Thank you!!! Really hope this works! Noticed this when my alarm didn't go off 2 days ago.. Last night I woke up a few times and when i looked at my phone it asked asked my code. This happened 3 times , so at least 3 reboots while on charger.
My 3T (running OB 15) charged just fine without crashing last night.
I guess it's a good thing that I'm sticking with it for now. OxygenOS open beta roms are about as close to perfect as it gets when you add magisk, xposed, and substratum. I love custom roms as much as anyone else, but OOS is hands down the best stock ROM. Remaining close to AOSP gives it the versatility that other stock roms lack.
HampTheToker said:
My 3T (running OB 15) charged just fine without crashing last night.
I guess it's a good thing that I'm sticking with it for now. OxygenOS open beta roms are about as close to perfect as it gets when you add magisk, xposed, and substratum. I love custom roms as much as anyone else, but OOS is hands down the best stock ROM. Remaining close to AOSP gives it the versatility that other stock roms lack.
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I'm happy to hear that your phone didn't crash overnight. Did you have the module enabled?
If so, can you share your Xposed log from that night? Right now the module has lots of logging, which I will pare down later, but I'd like to check everything is working fine.
@Fif_ does your module work on v88.1?
Sent from my ONEPLUS A5000 using Tapatalk
Haven't tried, waiting for the systemless update for 88.1.
Given that the module is very simple, if Xposed 88.1 works for you, the module should work. Please report back and share your Xposed log in any case. Thanks.
I added a technical explanation to the project description, in case anyone's interested in understanding what happens.
Still no reports of success of failures, with 219 downloads so far. It's working fine for everyone I guess, or I'd hear more complaints...
Hi Fif_,
Thanks for the fix. Have you reported this issue to rovo? Seems like an xposed framework bug to me. Shouldn't it be fix in the framework itself? But anyway good job!
Working great so far on my OnePlus 5, OOS 4.5.12, Magisk 14.2, and official Xposed 88.1. I also attached my xposed log for you since you requested some.
aeonix_05 said:
Hi Fif_,
Thanks for the fix. Have you reported this issue to rovo? Seems like an xposed framework bug to me. Shouldn't it be fix in the framework itself? But anyway good job!
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I agree, this seems like something that in the end should be fixed within the framework itself.
Fif_ said:
I'm happy to hear that your phone didn't crash overnight. Did you have the module enabled?
If so, can you share your Xposed log from that night? Right now the module has lots of logging, which I will pare down later, but I'd like to check everything is working fine.
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No, it wasn't installed. I'm on open beta, so I don't think this bug applies since my 3T didn't experience a crash as far as I can tell. I'll give my phone a couple more battery cycles and let you know if this bug affects us 3/3T open beta users.
BatedUrGonnaDie said:
Working great so far on my OnePlus 5, OOS 4.5.12, Magisk 14.2, and official Xposed 88.1. I also attached my xposed log for you since you requested some.
I agree, this seems like something that in the end should be fixed within the framework itself.
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Thanks for the log. Everything happened as I expected on your phone.
I'm not sure if this is an Xposed framework issue. Have you read the technical explanation?
I see the situation this way: @rovo89 publishes the official Xposed framework based upon AOSP sources. Then third parties publish modified Xposed frameworks for specific ROMs. There's Wanam Xposed for Samsung phones. There another one for MIUI. There are surely others.
For us, OOS users, a simple mod using the framework itself is sufficient to make the official AOSP-based Xposed work on OOS. I think this is better than having a forked OOS-specific Xposed framework.
Fif_ said:
Thanks for the log. Everything happened as I expected on your phone.
I'm not sure if this is an Xposed framework issue. Have you read the technical explanation?
I see the situation this way: @rovo89 publishes the official Xposed framework based upon AOSP sources. Then third parties publish modified Xposed frameworks for specific ROMs. There's Wanam Xposed for Samsung phones. There another one for MIUI. There are surely others.
For us, OOS users, a simple mod using the framework itself is sufficient to make the official AOSP-based Xposed work on OOS. I think this is better than having a forked OOS-specific Xposed framework.
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Hmm, you do make a good point, but with the current release rovo is working on samsung and miui compatibility (ex: v88.1). It seems like he is trying to make it as universal as possible instead of having a different version for each phone.
i have the same soft reboot issue. it happens only when the phone is on the charger for a longer time and in flight mode. i'll try your module. thanks!
Working great, no reboots all night. Time for a build without all the debug code in the logs
Working great! Thanks for the fix :good: Slow testing of course because of waiting for full charge and then next another hour of waiting for a crash. Which did not occur anymore, so it works! :good:
vincentkoevoets said:
Working great! Thanks for the fix :good: Slow testing of course because of waiting for full charge and then next another hour of waiting for a crash. Which did not occur anymore, so it works! :good:
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Yeah it was a long debugging session...

[KMOD] Windows Phone Theme for WhatsApp KMOD

Hey Guys
I Designed a Windows Phone Theme for WhatsApp (KMOD)
Note: you MUST have installed Xposed Framework and KMOD
Kmod Works with all WhatsApp Versions, also Beta Versions are compatible.
Feel free Go Test it and give me Feedback
For me its running Well on OnePlus 5T Stock, Rooted, Nougat 7.1.1, OxygenOS 4.7.6
Known Bugs:
- sometimes IT Shows half designed and half Stock. Only fix is to force Close WhatsApp, wait 3 sec. And Open it again and then IT should Work
Heres the Download Link:
Please delete the http**/
Pictures will i Upload tomorrow
Pleased do Not reupload with your Name, please link me when you share this file
The thread to post KMod FWA topics is this. And the file must have the extension .kmod, if not, the application will not detect it.

