SGS4, Cyanogenmod: infinite soft reboot when internet (wifi or data) is turned on - Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

SGS4 (GT-I9505). I installed cm-11-20141112-SNAPSHOT-M12-jflte about half a year ago, never had any (major) problems.
Then I woke up (late, because no alarm) this morning, noticed my phone was turned off. I tried turned it on and as soon as I entered the PIN it rebooted. After sometesting I found out that when wifi or data is turned on (either by turning one of them on manually or by exiting flight mode), the second I have connection (I do receive some whatsapp messages) my phone does a soft reboot.
The only thing that has changed (as far as I know) in the past couple of days: I installed Nova Battery Tester through Aptoide (downloaded here since it's no longer in the play store). I ran 3 online virus tests on the apk and limited its permissions with xprivacy, so I hope I'm safe in that regard. Plus, it was installed 3 days ago. Still, you never know. I uninstalled the apps (both Aptoide and NBT), but still get reboots.
Apparently people have similar problems with wifi-only, but the solution is usually: reset or reinstall the OS. Not really a solution, though I'm probably going to do that as well, since I don't foresee a solution soon (as in: today).
Anyway, if anyone does know of a solution -if not for me, then maybe for the next person- (or maybe can tell me to not use Nova Battery Tester), please share
tl;dr: after several months of using CM11 (snapshot M12) my SGS4 suddenly starts soft-rebooting when there is an internet connection (it works fine while in e.g. Flight mode).

Update(/bump): a factory reset got rid of the reboots.


[Q] Bizarre data-dumping problem

Before posting here, I looked extensively for someone with a similar issue reported and came up empty. I also tried PPCGeeks a couple days ago and got no response. I thought I'd run this issue by the real experts before taking my phone to Sprint "experts" so that they can swap it out. Here are the details:
My Photon 4G has been rooted since right after I got it about 8 months ago and has had no problems like this until now. The only app that has updated in the last couple days is Busybox and that was the night before this all happened. My battery died and the phone did a forced shut-down that night. I plugged it in, powered it up, and let it charge all night & then noticed the problem the next morning.
I'm using DejaOffice for my calendar and contacts (contacts are also synced to the native phone list) and I use companionlink to sync everything from my desktop (Windows Vista). When I looked this morning, everything in DejaOffice was purged including my preferences (screen color, alarm defaults, etc.). I re-synced everything, powered off and then back on, and had the same problem with everything being gone.
Next, I tried purging DejaOffice data and un-installing it, re-installing it, re-syncing and then powered off/on and once again everything was gone. Finally, I did a factory reset on the whole phone (and forgot to backup my voicemails in the process...grrrrr), re-installed DejaOffice, synced, and had the same problem once I power-cycled.
One more thing to note is that before doing any of this, I attempted a backup with "My Backup Root" and got a message that my phone was no longer rooted.
It seems like the internal memory on my phone is being wiped every time it's shut down. I know the quick fix is to not shut the phone down however I'd like to get to the bottom of this and see if I need to get my phone replaced.
Any ideas??? Thanks in advance for any help/advice.
<bump> and update:
I noticed that my "webtop version" is "unavailable"...not sure if that makes a difference to my problem. Also, when this problem first presented itself, I noticed it because the ringtone that I usually use (which was stored on the phone's internal memory of course) was gone.
Once again...any help or replies would be much appreciated.

[Q] [ZTE-Nubia Z5S] Unfortunately, System UI has stopped.

I bought the Nubia Z5s a year ago when I was living in China for half a year. the phone worked fin for me until about last march. At that point the screen simply stopped working. I disregarded the phone for a while and started using my old HTC One X again.
About a month ago I ordered a new screen for the phone from china, and installed it. All went well, the phone turn on again nog problem. I turned the phone on for the first time last Sunday afternoon. Put the SIM card in on Monday morning at around 8 AM before I left for work (I did use the WiFi on Sunday to download apps and such).
At exactly the moment I turned on my SIM (phone and data) the phone gave an error message: "Unfortunately, SystemUI has stopped". It gives me the options OK and Report, but both options do not end the endless appearance of the message. After a few reboots, and switching back to Airplane mode I got the phone to work again. I then searched the internet, and it told me to delete my Cache Partition. Now I use Stock Mod (with google services) so I have no idea how to use CWM nor do I know how to boot this phone into recovery mode (tried a few combinations). So I just went into the Settings>Apps menu and started clearing specific app caches. That seemed to work, did not get the error again.
The next day, again around 8 AM the same thing happened. This time the message was more persistent, harder to get rid of. Took me a dozen reboots and connection top my laptop to clear the message. Wednesday, same thing happened, again around 8 AM. Tried updating to latest version of the software, worked for a day.
Yesterday (Thursday) again around 8 AM same message. This time it would not go away. tried for over 3 hours. Reboots, connecting to PC, the whole works. So I tried a factory reset (did not erase data) worked, again for a day. 8 AM this morgning (Friday). same error message. Not been able to get rid of it yet. So I am guessing there is some corrupt app or service running every day around 8 AM (not a big believer in coincidence ). Is there any way to find out what process is causing this error? Or does anybody know something else I can try?
EDIT: I am able to preform some actions on the phone between the OK clicking (about a tap/swipe per time)
Tried resetting phone with erasing phone data this time. Still didn't work. Now trying reset without installing Google Services Framework. Am trying to determine if the phone has a problem with my service provider.

Report of a strange behavior with android 5.1.1 and before on my S6 Edge

The problem: The first 3 times, while i was online trough wifi on battery modus, it happened to me that of all sudden, the phone tells me, the docking station is connected, while i don't have it connected, not even have a docking station. And then the cursor jumps and it trys to play crazy until i cant operate it and need to close the phone. The first time when it happened, i saved my files and flashed the stock android 5.1.1. But it didn't solve it. The trouble came again. Temporarly i found a solution, i had to remove my custom launcher(i tried many! Also the stock one. The only difference is: Here i only have to clean the cache! ) while in safe mode and when restart all was fine. I checked with almost all free antivirus and antispywares apps, but there was nothing. It also removes allmost all icons after restart and then i have to install again a launcher and the icons will reapear and i need to rearange them again.
The best temporarly solution: After the 3 times, i managed to solve the problem, while leave it untouched and close wifi. It calms down that way without closeing the phone, don't know why. Don't know if its a security flaw, or just because i stay long on wifi. But it happens always when i browse the web and even with all browsers, stock and firefox and chrome. And then it continues to work normaly after i log in to my phone again, while the browser were i was surfing, i encounter as crashed, and i can go wifi again. I don't even know if its a hacking attempt.
But i just wanted to share this, it may help some, and i hope there will be a solution for this, thanks.

How to fix soft-bricked Samsung Galaxy S5 in boot loop

I recently restarted my phone after the battery died, and now everytime it gets to the lock screen, I can unlock it, and it'll function seemingly fine for up to 30 seconds (usually more like 5-10), but then it automatically restarts.
The only apps I've installed since last restarting, maybe a week ago, are FolderSync and Tasker. It's possible I haven't restarted since installing AnyConnect and OpenConnect, although I'm pretty sure I did restart at least once after those, and haven't touched them since. OpenConnect did have some permissions fix item in the settings menu that would supposedly attempt to get it to work on devices where it wouldn't (it didn't work on mine), so that has me suspicious, especially since it seems sometimes these boot loops are related to permissions errors.
I'm running Philz recovery, which I can get into fine. I read about a permissions fix in some recoveries, but Philz (at least mine) doesn't seem to have it.
When the battery died, I was connected to a bluetooth speaker, playing music with Spotify. Not sure if something could have gotten corrupted having it die while the bluetooth connection was active.
It's a T-Mobile S5 and the ROM I'm running XtreSoLite 2.1 Lollipop XXU1BOC7.
Any suggestions for things to check to get it to stop restarting? If I have to wipe it, are there any ways to sort of partially wipe it? Are there a series of things I can try that would go from least extreme (not losing anything) to most extreme (fully re-flashing)? I have been able to open an adb shell and pull everything from internal storage that I don't want to lose.
Thanks in advance for any help.

Galaxy I9515 keeps restarting

Hello guys,
I own my Samsung Galaxy S4 I9515 (Value Edition) for about 2 years and since a few months I've been experiencing annoying issue: phone started to get restarted by itself. Sometimes it restarted just once or twice and started to work for few days, but then it restarted over and over again in the same time, like in the 'restarting loop' so I was not able to launch it in the end. Sometimes, but not always, taking the battery away helped, but few times even this didn't help as so I had to either reset the phone to factory settings (wipe) or even install the official Samsung software from scratch (using Odin for example). After such reinstallation it was working for few hours, but as soon as I managed to install all my apps it started to restart again.
Finally I decided to return the phone to official Samsung store for guarantee repair. First time, they told me the issue doesn't happen in their service so they only reinstalled the software (what I also did myself before). The same day when I got my phone back, I restored my apps from Google Play and it started to be restarting again. Because of that, I return the phone to Samsung again. This time they told me the same, that the problem didn't happen during their tests, but they advised me to buy a new battery as with the current one phone seems not to work correctly. So I bought brand new, original Samsung battery, restored my Google account on the phone again, and... It happened again, phone has restated for 10 times during one hour
Do you have any idea why may this happen? Or how can I check what is happening? Does Android store some logs somewhere to see why it crashes and restarts?
I suspected two things:
1. Memory card - I thought memory card could make it happening, as to Samsung I gave the phone without it, but I tested it yesterday with no sd card and the same happened.
2. Apps - as I mentioned before, every time I reinstall the software I add my Google Account and apps start to be installed from Google Play, and mostly after that phone starts restarting again. But how can I check that which app is causing that? On the other hand it would be weird, as I'm using my Google Account on the other Android phone with the same apps and nothing bad happens.
Maybe you have any other idea, would be appreciated, because neither me nor Samsung official service couldn't solve this issue.
Thank you in advance!

