app notification icons - Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Howdy all! I use a (slightly) modded Yahoo mail app on my HTC M8 (Android 5.0.1).
In the past, I would be able to insert my own notification icons into the apk, sign it, install it, and it's good to go.
I just updated to the latest version of Yahoo mail and made my notification png mods per usual.
Only when the mail icon shows up in the notification bar this time, it's the outline of my custom png, but completely whitewashed (I will post a screenshot later). I know it has to be part of the app theme settings to completely color the notification png white, I just don't know what to look for or where to look.

No one has any ideas?


[Q] Change statusbar icon for exchange email

I'm trying to change the color of the corporate email notification in statusbar i have looked everywhere in framework/systemui blur-res bluremail everywhere that says email or activesync i see icons that look exactly like it but when i add color to them it still shows up grey when emial comes in in statusbar, anyone know where that stupid little icon is?

Theme GMail and SMS app on Stock Froyo rom

So I'm working on changing the status bar notifications and such and got most of them changed, the only ones I can't change are the SMS icon and the GMail icon. I know most of the icons are in the framework-res which I used the UOT to get the flashable zip and changed the files to my liking. Since there isn't a "stat_notify_email.png" and "stat_notify_gmail.png" in the typical (framework/framwork-res/res/drawable-hdpi) section is there a way to change the gmail.png and the sms icon inside that folder or am I going to have to somehow modify the apk for the gmail and sms app?
Hopefully I explained that correctly.

[Q] Theme Q - Editing Widgetlocker Icons (Photoshop)

I would like to use some icons for lock sliders using Widgetlocker, but I would like to change the default icons slightly. Basically I want the backgrounds on the icons to be different. Unfortunately I have no experience with Photoshop or any other graphics program.
The default dialer icon has a grey background (please see attachment). I would like to change it to the red background (also provided). Then the email/messaging icon I would like to have a yellow background exactly like the one shown behind the mute icon (I couldn't find that background alone without an icon on it already).
If someone with a bit of know how could please do this for me and upload the new icons. I have also provided some other icons as examples of other icons that have already been done with these backgrounds.
Thanks in advance

Anyone familiar with REAL STATUS BAR ICONS?

I love these Pictures when my notifications come in as it makes all notifications look better imo. I liked when I got a gmail, the gmail icon would be in the notification bar. But, since the gmail app was updated I now get the stock email notification when a gmail comes in Can anyone lend me a hand and tell me what needs to be done to get the gmail notification icon back in the top left of the status bar after updating the gmail app. ?
Here is the zip download to have these beautiful icons below...

Custom Icon Background Transparency Problem

Hey all,
Hope you can provide some assistance. I got an all-white icon set, and modified a few .pngs in Photoshop to add color to match my theme. Backgrounds were transparent, displayed transparent in Photoshop, still opened as transparent after I exported them for web as png-24s with transparency preserved. However, as soon as I drag the icons over to the root of my storage card, my phone (HTC One) displays the once transparent backgrounds as black. What gives? I've tried using Photoshop 7, Photoshop CS6, and GIMP with the same results. I'm I missing something?

