Blurry pics after post processing? - Honor 5X Questions & Answers

Hi all,
Often when taking photos, the image on the screen before I capture is crisp and in-focus, but the resulting photo is not. I find this happens most often when the object I'm trying to capture is close to the lens ( < 30cm/1 ft).
Anyone else experiencing this? Any ideas why it's happening or how to troubleshoot?


[Q] Any way to avoid "white-fade shutter"?

Hello everyone,
The camera app on my Leo worked fine till few days ago, when I started to experience a "white-fade shutter" when taking pictures.
It works as usual - picture gets taken, but it's kind of weird. It goes like this:
1) I point my camera at the object
2) Camera app does the auto-focus
3) I press the shutter button
4) Instead of taking photo and showing me the outcome, the entire screen fades into white and when the picture is taken, it fades back. (I have no way of knowing, how the picture looks)
Please help, is there some registry hack or fix to avoid this?
Thanks in advance,

[Q] camera issue

Do anyone knows how to fix a camera issue when I take the pics the pics come so blurry .
Does it shoot okay for outdoors? Your photo looks like it would happen on very low light and you forced flash on too close. Macro mode might help a little bit.

Blurry Camera photos

It seems like Samsung likes to blur photos to much yo remove noise. I notice I lose a lot of detail in the photos. If I have the camera open and have it facing a person and take a screen shot i get more detail then I do actually taking the photo. I have disables the beauty feature, but I'm finding this very annoying. Anyone experiencing the same thing or know how to stop this?

Camera flickering?

I have trouble with my Huawei mate 10 pro when capturing photo.
Sometimes appears vertical lines moving across the screen while capturing photo.
you can watch the video that I mentioned the problem:
Is that a bug, software/hardware error?
Should I take it under warranty?
Thats due to the shutter speed, happens on every camera.
It is due to the TV flickering to create the image, happens with LED's most commonly.

Wierdest side effect I have ever seen

Hi guys,
as the title said I am experiencing a glitch with my phone. The good news is that it occurs only a few times a year but I was wondering what's happening here. The side effect only occurs when I turn on the screen and vanishes on the next screen turn on. When I try to screen capture this it results in a "normal" screenshot (i.e., the side effect isn't visible). Clearing the cache doesn't seem to help. Here is the video ( Photos are attached bellow for a sharper picture because YouTube downgrades video quality.
If some of you didn't notice, the background photo on the "grayscale" image is the background photo I attached below (what should the phone actually be displaying).
Thanks for your help!

