My recent discussion with Samsung... I don't know if this is against the rules but... - Verizon Samsung Galaxy S 4

So I was into rooting jail breaking all sorts of stuff a couple of years ago just because I like to know how things work. I'm an electrician as well so this is a part of my life everyday. But electronics are my playground. Anyway, I have an GS4 i545 of1 build. i don't use it so for fun I've been dinking with it. Bricked it several times brought it back from death. I got onto a chat sesh with Samsung saying "Hey tell me how to unlock the bootloader. I have a 16GB phone that I'd like to put 16GB worth of music on throw it behind some books on a shelf and blast my music through the Stereo in my home. It's barely clinging onto life as it is. I've got brown face tape covering the the front componenet due to the fact i broke the screen when moving. But, here's the kicker. ITS MY PHONE! I want the 16GB of space I paid for. No I don't want amazon's book club for balding men or whatever else they put on it. I don't go to McDonalds order a cheese burger and give the dude who took my order 2 bites! My word for word come back to their advice to not root this phone was that if i took everyone's advice I'd be dead from getting hit by a car when my mom told me to go play in the street for a couple hours. Anyway, I'm at the point where If I have to pay an arm and a leg to use this phone while I'm their customer, when the time comes for me to purchase another one either give me full rights to my product or buy it back from me at half price! So. Now Samsung told me to ask verizon.... Verizon didn't build the phone. they did. but I'll go ask mommy and get the same answer and I'm going to ship half the phone to Samsung and half to Verizon and ask them each to pay for half since this was the only way i could to figure out to get the bootloader from keeping from doing what I wanted! lol, ok rant over.:silly:
You are preaching to the choir.

I had a few spare minutes this morning while I was eating breakfast, so I figured I'd get Verizon's response. It's what you'd expect. The representative was sympathetic though.
Will: Thank you for contacting the Verizon Wireless Chat Team regarding your device. How can we help you today?
You: Hello! I own a Verizon Samsung Galaxy S4 (SCH-i545). I bought it new from you guys and it's fully paid off. I'm thinking about upgrading to a new phone and using the S4 as a media player. However, I would like to unlock the bootloader so I have full control over my device and can continue to apply security updates.
You: I have read Verizon's official policy at;sharing. However, my device is out of warranty so I will not be requesting support, and I will be using it without a SIM card so there's no potential for it to disrupt your network. Additionally, other major carriers like Sprint and T-Mobile allow bootloader unlocks, seemingly without any major negative repercussions. Finally, you actually sold a Galaxy S4 Developer's Edition with an unlocked bootloader (SCH-I545ZKDVZW), so it seems you've already made this functionality publicly available.
You: In light of these facts, I feel like it's reasonable to request full access to the four-year-old hardware which I've fully paid for. Could you please direct me to the necessary file(s) to unlock the bootloader on my Galaxy S4?
Will: Thank you for the info and for the request. I assure you I will do everything I can to help you get to what you're after. To get started, may I have your wireless number with area code?
You: Sure, it's (XXX) XXX-XXXX.
Will: Thank you for that. I want to be absolutely upfront with you, from a principle perspective, I personally agree with you - a device you paid for you should be able to do what you'd like with it, accepting any and all risks and responsibility of course, which you seem to fully understand. I have no problem searching for any updated info we have on unlocking the bootloader for you. I'll need a few moments to do this, will that be okay?
You: Sure, that would be great. Please take your time.
Will: I really appreciate it. As of now we don't have resources or the tools to perform such an action. My understanding is when it's locked, it's built that way and cannot be unlocked by Verizon. That does not necessarily mean it cannot be unlocked by all, just means it takes methods beyond what we can do within our scope of support here.
Will: *correction: doesn't mean it cannot be unlocked at all
You: Fair enough! I'm disappointed, but I understand there may not be anything you can do. I really appreciate your checking for me though! If you keep track of this sort of thing, could you please make a note about my request and maybe consider revisiting your policy about locked bootloaders in the future?
Will: Absolutely - it's something I'm personally passionate about. I get that there's a certain population who messes with their phones and don't know what they're doing, but for the rest of us I think there should be at least some give on that. I will definitely continue to lift feedback up, and the more customers who do that could lead to some change down the road.
Will: Now that we've covered that, will that be all you'll need for today?
You: Yep, I won't take up any more of your time. Thanks a lot, hope you have a great day! Goodbye.
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Ythan said:
I had a few spare minutes this morning while I was eating breakfast, so I figured I'd get Verizon's response. It's what you'd expect. The representative was sympathetic though.
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Dude that's just horrible! I think we sould just start mass calling both samsung and verizon. if they don't give us what we want. Apple I phone here we COME!

mswart680 said:
Dude that's just horrible! I think we sould just start mass calling both samsung and verizon. if they don't give us what we want. Apple I phone here we COME!
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Unfortunately this is what I did. I got the iPhone for the wife cause it's reliable. Her last Verizon Moto X became unusable after update and could not be rolled back due to locked bootloader. I was like my work iPhone still gets updates and works fine after 5 years so I got an iPhone for her and one for me so I knew how to help her if needed. I miss android sometimes but having to buy a new phone every 2 years cause phone isn't supported anymore and has security holes just seems ridiculous.
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Time to move on
All unlock bootloader talk is a waste of time. If Samsung/VZW do it for this phone then they will have a horde of nerds clamoring for the same for every device ever made then they would have no integrity for their OTA system and they would start receiving bricked devices. If I were running VZW I would make the same decision not because I am a phone nazi but because I have a #15 on Fortune 500 company to run and it needs to run predictably and reliably for the vast majority mass flocks of sheep who will never even hear of root and if they ever do they will brick their phones in the first 5 minutes because nobody reads direction and that put a burden on the warranty department.
My answer would be "if you want to play with root and use VZW go buy a Moto X Style direct from Moto for $400 (CMDA and LTE 4 and 13), flash a CM13 nightly, and come back and buy a SIM and pay for a month-month account. Thank you."
Eventually I will buy an unlocked phone and stay with my $24/mo Cricket deal and never look back at a locked device. Let's move on.

fastzombies said:
All unlock bootloader talk is a waste of time. If Samsung/VZW do it for this phone then they will have a horde of nerds clamoring for the same for every device ever made then they would have no integrity for their OTA system and they would start receiving bricked devices. If I were running VZW I would make the same decision not because I am a phone nazi but because I have a #15 on Fortune 500 company to run and it needs to run predictably and reliably for the vast majority mass flocks of sheep who will never even hear of root and if they ever do they will brick their phones in the first 5 minutes because nobody reads direction and that put a burden on the warranty department.
My answer would be "if you want to play with root and use VZW go buy a Moto X Style direct from Moto for $400 (CMDA and LTE 4 and 13), flash a CM13 nightly, and come back and buy a SIM and pay for a month-month account. Thank you."
Eventually I will buy an unlocked phone and stay with my $24/mo Cricket deal and never look back at a locked device. Let's move on.
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I get what you're saying and I'm sure that everyone that has dealt with this are still red in the face with anger but here's my problem. You go pay $400 for the moto whatchamacallit and I pay over double that and you get to do more? eh I'm just us as customers of vzw/samsung need to say "well bye!" and do what you're saying. but Id rather be ripped off by an online scam and not know who it was rather than a large electronic company that make refrigerators that you can log on to and see if you have milk in it... Don't you think they could invest a little time and effort into making a product that would work for all three (vzw/samsung/customers) of us? Maybe I'm crazy, maybe my red hair on my bum is getting warm and just making me one mad ginger... either way I know what I want with my money as I know other people do. it's fun doing this and they are trying to take away something that keeps me entertained when I have nothing to do. WAY BETTER THAN SITTING ON MY BUTT WATCHING FRIENDS OF SOME BS! *drops a samsung phone at your feet and walks*

My point exactly
LIke I said, this is a waste of time. You are not crazy you just don't understand how the people running a gianormous company think. I'll give you a hint: $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ and anything that disrupts that gets flushed. The .5% of smartphone users that want to root and ROM are a disruption, get it? Probably everyone on the SCH-I545 forum with a locked BL bought it by mistake and learned a tough lesson. So soon I will go elsewhere. ~$220 for a brand new AT&T LG G3 on Amazon and $40 on Cricket (as low as $24 on a group plan) buys you all the flash freedom you want. I didn't care for the call quality so I'm holding out for better but could flash the latest CM13 nightly all I wanted. Moto X is great but 5.7" is too big for me. Brand new HTC M9's can be had for $300 on Amazon and I'm considering it. Or hold out and save for an HTC 10 next year when they are not $700 freakin dollars and CM devs have had some time with it.
If you have nothing to do then find some side work and earn some $ for an unlocked phone. But if what you are saying is you paid $800 for a locked SCH-I545 then I can't help you.
Kirk out.

You could also buy any Nexus device. In my case a Nexus 7 (2013) for $125 on Swappa. I have tried on so many different ROMs I'm almost burned out......almost, but never completely. I do feel that VZW and Sammie make a great product. But we should have the option at signing to have an unlocked boot, and agree to forego OTAS and warranty work.
P. S. Where ever you bought your S4, you got ripped. They should get some of that Ginger ire as well?


HTC and S-OFF. What do you think?

Thought I would create a simple poll. Let the people voice their thoughts!!
The question's simple:"Would you buy another HTC phone if it was impossible to turn S-Off?"
Yes or No.​After voting, please post in the thread explaining your choice.
If I reach 500 votes, I will personally spam every public avenue HTC has with a direct link to this thread so they can see the impact their choice to lock down their most recent devices has made.
EDIT:: My answer is no. If it was impossible to turn the Security flag OFF then I would never purchase another HTC phone again. I am a firm believer that since it is MY property that I should be able to do with it whatever I want, when I want, how I want.. Without ANYONE telling me that I can't. PERIOD. If HTC want's to play these games and tell me what I can and can't do with my property then I will never purchase another HTC phone again.
Seeing as how my last 8 phones had the HTC brand on them, they will definitely be losing one very loyal customer...
I swore that I would never buy an iPhone because they are so locked down it's disgusting and consistently push out updates to try to stop attempts at jailbreaking the device. With that being said I stuck to my guns. I never bought one. Or any other Apple product for that matter. This is what the Amaze 4G is starting to remind me of.
HTC has officially dropped the ball this time and it's time we, the people, the one's paying idiotic amounts of money for these phones actually tried to do something about it.
I would still buy HTC. I'm sure devs can figure out a way to turn it off eventually, and I like the look of HTC phones (form and screen) the best.
I find it insanely stupid to pay six hundred dollars and not own a device. I love this phone but it will more than likely be my last HTC phone. I won't go Apple but probably back to Samsung, even though I owned the Moment,worse phone ever, or maybe Google will do more with the Moto Mobile and put out a great phone. I just don't see HTC doing what's right and giving us S-off or making it any easier.
No I Will NOT Buy Another HTC...Amaze Is For Sale!
People having "FUN" with their phones...that's precisely what drives new phone sales now. When newcomers pop onto a Great Dev Site, such as XDA, it literally drives/motivates them to run out and buy "the phone everyone's having such a great time playing with"...because...everyone wants to have fun with their phone! HTC & others build great form & functionality into their phones, but that's not to say they know best...we're simply talking about a staff of engineers that are tasked with developing a phone which functions 100% of the time, for 100% of the buying public, which only speaks to whats best for THEM...while very commendable feats of accomplishment indeed, each individual being able to take that same phone & teach it to do "flips & cartwheels", in addition to the "sit-ups & summersaults" the engineers have already presented, is but a further testiment to their great feat of engineering. I would consider this to be very "complimentary"...opposed to the "intrusive" stance they seem to be taking. Think about it & stand in their shoes for a moment. Try to imagine what a proud engineer would say..."gosh, look what great things these people are doing with My Phone". Anyone can build a phone...HTC used to build FUN into their phones...that's why I bought my First HTC...second HTC...third HTC. People must have fun with their phones....I believe HTC is too smart to not allow that any longer. HTC cannot possibly believe the sales of this "locked-up, house-trained Parrot" will ever soar with "Eagles" such as the likes of the HD2, the DHD, the EVO, the Sensation, and many others to this point! How many potential sales of the AMAZE have been negated by people coming to XDA alone? I would very safely say...enough to make a couple of down-ticks on their not-so-Amaze-ing revenues. On a separate up-note...all the Devs here at XDA are very first-rate, thorough & innovative. I have followed practically all of them, used all of their ROMs, tweaks & gadgets to complete satisfaction...I personally Thank All of You Very Much......
...."You All Alllowed Me To Have FUN With My Phone"....
No Way
I totally agree with daswahnsinn. I bought the phone and it should be mine to use however I like.
MildewMan said:
I would still buy HTC. I'm sure devs can figure out a way to turn it off eventually, and I like the look of HTC phones (form and screen) the best.
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There in lies the problem. It is not our responsibility to bypass security, create bounties or make pledges just to have full control over something WE own. Imagine purchasing a tv, only to discover certain cable providers are not compatible with it simply because the manufacturer of the tv says so. HTC has no logic reason for enabling this unnecessary security, but it's there nonetheless.
Meanwhile, we're left with a device, that some of use paid full price for, to use how HTC wants us to use it. I've been a fan of HTC since the Dash but this will be the last if they continue with this shady practice.
Still yes but i never buy new release phone wait for couple of months and see if there are any progress on the community for the device if it is rootable or the devs are interested to go on for further development.. there is a positive and negative side for this S-On S-Off thing..
first for the positive side yes it is a expensive device but there are alot of new comers aka (the one who doesn't carefully read and understand.) And if they saw a post like how to turn S-On to S-Off or Root your phone etc.. they just go straight away without reading the thread replies and so on and if that happen that it did brick there phone so to there last resort they will return there phone to htc for replacement or repair.. waste of time or money bad for htc to replace the unit that is defective.. that is why they impliment the locked S-On thing.
Negative is for us who want to fully expand the capabilities of our device yes we bought it in a highed price for this time and as a consumer once we bought it that means that we own it.. we need S-Off to customize and tell our phone what or how we want it to act up.. personal taste and personal preferences and that us consumers makes us happy for what we paid for..
as for the htc i hope that we have option like what you did for your bootloader to unlocked or re-locked the bootloader we hope the same thing on the S-ON thing..
Chance Ill said:
There in lies the problem. It is not our responsibility to bypass security, create bounties or make pledges just to have full control over something WE own. Imagine purchasing a tv, only to discover certain cable providers are not compatible with it simply because the manufacturer of the tv says so. HTC has no logic reason for enabling this unnecessary security, but it's there nonetheless.
Meanwhile, we're left with a device, that some of use paid full price for, to use how HTC wants us to use it. I've been a fan of HTC since the Dash but this will be the last if they continue with this shady practice.
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isn't the reason htc is doing this is to prevent people from bricking their phones and thus trying to claim a warranty exchange on a "broken" device? and sadly enough i heard of several people doing this back in the mt4g thread
from a business standpoint it makes perfect sense to me... and its funny how everyone is saying htc is preventing them from "fully owning" their phones, just cuz they're not helping us achieve s-off, which for the above reason i understand
and for those complaining that they spent $600+ on the phone and feel even more entitled to be able to do anything they want with it, well sorry you guys didn't have the patience to wait, either for the next time you're due for an upgrade, or for the price to drop...
my reason for choosing htc has/was/will always be cuz i like sense better than touchwiz/blur/aosp, they make great looking devices, and usually have some killer phone specs
besides, there's really not that much we can't do with our phones at this point, except flash radios, kernels already have a work around so really what's the big deal?
smatthew45 said:
isn't the reason htc is doing this is to prevent people from bricking their phones and thus trying to claim a warranty exchange on a "broken" device? and sadly enough i heard of several people doing this back in the mt4g thread
from a business standpoint it makes perfect sense to me... and its funny how everyone is saying htc is preventing them from "fully owning" their phones, just cuz they're not helping us achieve s-off, which for the above reason i understand
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I think that's the reason they gave us. I think another reason they are doing this is to prevent us from being able to make our phone the same as new phones that come out, so we still buy the new phones that come out.
Sent from my HTC_Amaze_4G using xda premium
IMHO, give the users S-OFF just like you've unlocked the bootloader. Force verified registration and have the users sign an EULA with all the caveats to removing S-ON.
Provide support/warranty for hardware only. Know that when you send your device in for hardware warranty purposes only, that your data will be wiped. Return the device (or a refurbed one) back to the user bone stock. Locked bootloader, S-ON, stock ROM, wiped internal SD, etc etc.
If the problem wasn't HW related and HTC has incurred costs fixing or diagnosing a software bug (ie: stupid luser bricked it because they didn't follow proper flashing instructions, etc) then send them a bill with the phone or send it back via UPS/FedEx COD. You want the phone back? Get your wallet out. You knew you were playing with fire when you registered for S-OFF/Unlocked bootloader.
The goal here is:
1) give the users what they want (S-OFF, Unlocked bootloader, Source, etc)
2) provide support for what should be supported or agreed upon (EULA)
3) hold the users accountable for their own mistakes (COD device returns for non-hw repairs)
4) provide world-class hardware & service and excel in this market via transparency
If I got this kind of service and support from a manufacturer; I'd be loyal to the brand for life.... and that's a lot of devices.
(edit) and yes, I own an HTC Amaze 4G. my DD
smatthew45 said:
isn't the reason htc is doing this is to prevent people from bricking their phones and thus trying to claim a warranty exchange on a "broken" device? and sadly enough i heard of several people doing this back in the mt4g thread
from a business standpoint it makes perfect sense to me... and its funny how everyone is saying htc is preventing them from "fully owning" their phones, just cuz they're not helping us achieve s-off, which for the above reason i understand
and for those complaining that they spent $600+ on the phone and feel even more entitled to be able to do anything they want with it, well sorry you guys didn't have the patience to wait, either for the next time you're due for an upgrade, or for the price to drop...
my reason for choosing htc has/was/will always be cuz i like sense better than touchwiz/blur/aosp, they make great looking devices, and usually have some killer phone specs
besides, there's really not that much we can't do with our phones at this point, except flash radios, kernels already have a work around so really what's the big deal?
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If I have to explain the significance of S-off and the difference between security and prevention, you have no idea of the purpose of this thread, let alone development.....
Sent from my HTC_Amaze_4G using xda premium
smatthew45 said:
and for those complaining that they spent $600+ on the phone and feel even more entitled to be able to do anything they want with it, well sorry you guys didn't have the patience to wait, either for the next time you're due for an upgrade, or for the price to drop...
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on your this point, it's not always that black and white, it's possible that, like me, their everyday phone just happened to break and they don't want to get a new one of their old phone, just to have to upgrade in a few months as they were planning on doing in the first place before their phone broke, as is the case with me... so I figured well I'll pay a little more for a new phone that will still be worth something when it comes time to get the phone I REALLY want...
glacierguy said:
I think that's the reason they gave us. I think another reason they are doing this is to prevent us from being able to make our phone the same as new phones that come out, so we still buy the new phones that come out.
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I kind of agree, but samsung sure isn't having any issues selling new phones...
hyperkamote said:
as for the htc i hope that we have option like what you did for your bootloader to unlocked or re-locked the bootloader we hope the same thing on the S-ON thing..
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I think this would be the best route, that way people who don't care about the warranty and want to be able to do whatever they please with the device they purchased, can do so. And those who care about the warranty, can either wait it out, or choose to take a chance. Choice is the key here... that, to me, would be the easy way to do it that would be beneficial both to the consumer and to the manufacturer and distributors from a support standpoint.
If I wanted a locked phone, I'd have gotten the smugphone. I'm a technician with a bs in computer science. I don't need someone else telling me how use hardware that I paid the not subsidized price.
I don't have any statistics, but I'm willing to bet only a small minority of phone users actually root their phones and do the things we do here on xda. the reasoning that HTC is protecting us from ourselves or even protecting their own interest by not having to replace bricked phones is asinine. Samsung sold 20 million s2's so far and I'm willing to bet not even 10% of those phones have been rooted let alone sent back for root/modified related issues. Regardless, I'm not sure if sending them messages or whatever will help, but I still say go for it. It certainly wont hurt anything
its funny how samsung, sony and other companys are unlocking their bootloaders and stuff and HTC hasnt learned anything by this? xD
Yes, but only because if HTC doesn't get it together with Android I'm honestly debating going to WP7. I love the customization on Android but I don't like Samsung or any other Android phones so far (Maybe the Galaxy Nexus, which isn't on TMo). Maybe this will change, but as of now it's either HTC with Android or WP7.
I know it's taboo to mention WP7, but there are more and more tweaks and hacks coming out and they really are simple, beautiful, easy phones. I don't want to, but I hate the "business model" with Android manufacturers making tons of unfinished phones every year....
If it was truly impossible I would say a defiant NO! I'm really sick of this phone being so locked down I love htc's build quality but I am so tempted just to get a galaxy s 2 and not even waste my next upgrade on an htc phone if they keep this up
Sent from my HTC_Amaze_4G using xda premium
Yes, I would, because I don't always have to root a phone/hack it to death to enjoy it, but that is just me and would be definitely in the shallow end of the pool on this site. I mean, I like to mess with ROM's and what not as much as the next guy, but it isn't a necessitie to me. I honestly still rocking a stock Amaze as it works fine for me. Now my MT4G is rooted and have been through a bunch of ROMS on it.
A lot of it is a time thing for me. Just have other interests taking a bigger role in my life currently. One day I may root this, but it won't ruin the experience for me.
I also don't get how someone posting this on February 24th can be this fabergasted by no S-off as it has been out since what November? The early adapters I can understand their frustration more so, but not someone who just recently got the phone or if they were an early adapter, waiting a few months to post how upset and fed up with HTC they are.
Just my opinion in a sea of many.
Sent from my HTC_Amaze_4G using Tapatalk
Chance Ill said:
If I have to explain the significance of S-off and the difference between security and prevention, you have no idea of the purpose of this thread, let alone development.....
Sent from my HTC_Amaze_4G using xda premium
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ya i guess we can all just cry and complain to htc, and threaten to switch to another manufacturer like you want to do right? get real... lol
you said htc has no logical reason for enabling this unnecessary security, i just gave you a good reason, they gave us unlock to allow us to somewhat modify our phones without the chance of bricking and thus claiming a warranty exchange...
and htc has never helped anyone achieve s-off, it's always been the hard work of some dev/team to make that happen, and that remains true today with our amaze, the problem being we don't have many devs working on getting s-off on our phones...
again just cuz htc isn't helping us achieve s-off, doesn't mean they are stopping us from trying or "keeping us from fully owning our phones"
Yes I would, imo, HTC is the best company out there, I honestly think that HTC devices are the most popular among developers and advanced users, also, you have lots of choices if you root, aosp, sense, or miui
Sent from my HTC Amaze 4G using Xparent Green Tapatalk

[Q] My Rezound was stolen Friday night...

For those who've never had to deal with their phone being stolen.. it's kinda like this...for me anyways.
You soon realize that some random dude: did, can and could be - right now- looking through your private files, has access to phone numbers, pictures, videos, e-mails, and voice-mails. Oh, and did I mention all of your SD card contents? In my case my external sd =16gb of pure music..
You're lucky if you haven't experienced this and I'd definitely recommend some sort of remote wipe application.. since this could happen to anyone, anytime.
It really sucks. Especially when right after you lose it, you decide to call (hoping to hear that old ring from deep between the seats) and listen in disbelief as someone actually answered! You now come to the realization that some piece of **** has stolen your phone and actually answered *a* (your) call, and is completely clueless of how to hang up. As you stand at a payphone shouting and yelling in what feels like your toughest, manliest voice, demanding the return of your phone at once.. you know it's g-o-n-e.
Anyways.. sorry about that. Had to get that off my chest :crying:...
So anyways.. with the Rezound forum having turned into a ghost town of sorts and many cool phones having come out or planned to.. What would you do? So far I replaced 1 Rezound so this would be my third! I'm thinking of going a diff route this time to be honest.. and since I haven't been keeping up with the latest news and stats of phones.. maybe I can get some opinions/ideas/help from some fellow Rezound owners :fingers-crossed:
Here's some info:
- I have insurance through 'Protect Cell' (awesome by the way!!). It will cost me somewhere between $100-125 for a *Brand-new* non-refurbished Rez to show up next day.
- I can use an upgrade from Verizon :victory:
- I prefer newer/newest phones so I don't have to think about upgrading too soon.
- Price isn't really an issue but I do want to stay with Verizon since I have unlimited 4G data :silly:
- I love rooting and modding/customizing my phones!
Thanks everyone for reading this thread and taking the time to share your opinions. !!
fafinaf said:
For those who've never had to deal with their phone being stolen.. it's kinda like this...for me anyways.
You soon realize that some random dude: did, can and could be - right now- looking through your private files, has access to phone numbers, pictures, videos, e-mails, and voice-mails. Oh, and did I mention all of your SD card contents? In my case my external sd =16gb of pure music..
You're lucky if you haven't experienced this and I'd definitely recommend some sort of remote wipe application.. since this could happen to anyone, anytime.
It really sucks. Especially when right after you lose it, you decide to call (hoping to hear that old ring from deep between the seats) and listen in disbelief as someone actually answered! You now come to the realization that some piece of **** has stolen your phone and actually answered *a* (your) call, and is completely clueless of how to hang up. As you stand at a payphone shouting and yelling in what feels like your toughest, manliest voice, demanding the return of your phone at once.. you know it's g-o-n-e.
Anyways.. sorry about that. Had to get that off my chest :crying:...
So anyways.. with the Rezound forum having turned into a ghost town of sorts and many cool phones having come out or planned to.. What would you do? So far I replaced 1 Rezound so this would be my third! I'm thinking of going a diff route this time to be honest.. and since I haven't been keeping up with the latest news and stats of phones.. maybe I can get some opinions/ideas/help from some fellow Rezound owners :fingers-crossed:
Here's some info:
- I have insurance through 'Protect Cell' (awesome by the way!!). It will cost me somewhere between $100-125 for a *Brand-new* non-refurbished Rez to show up next day.
- I can use an upgrade from Verizon :victory:
- I prefer newer/newest phones so I don't have to think about upgrading too soon.
- Price isn't really an issue but I do want to stay with Verizon since I have unlimited 4G data :silly:
- I love rooting and modding/customizing my phones!
Thanks everyone for reading this thread and taking the time to share your opinions. !!
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yay, a fellow protect cell guy! they rock, don't they?? however, i think you're mistaken, bc i was led to believe they ARE in fact refurbished phones from HTC..that's what the training pretty much stated :\
sorry to hear about your phone, though
well, you can use your upgrade, but remember, you'll lose unlimited data. if you get a replacement from PC, you'll keep unlimited data. take that into consideration!
fafinaf said:
For those who've never had to deal with their phone being stolen.. it's kinda like this...for me anyways.
You soon realize that some random dude: did, can and could be - right now- looking through your private files, has access to phone numbers, pictures, videos, e-mails, and voice-mails. Oh, and did I mention all of your SD card contents? In my case my external sd =16gb of pure music..
You're lucky if you haven't experienced this and I'd definitely recommend some sort of remote wipe application.. since this could happen to anyone, anytime.
It really sucks. Especially when right after you lose it, you decide to call (hoping to hear that old ring from deep between the seats) and listen in disbelief as someone actually answered! You now come to the realization that some piece of **** has stolen your phone and actually answered *a* (your) call, and is completely clueless of how to hang up. As you stand at a payphone shouting and yelling in what feels like your toughest, manliest voice, demanding the return of your phone at once.. you know it's g-o-n-e.
Anyways.. sorry about that. Had to get that off my chest :crying:...
So anyways.. with the Rezound forum having turned into a ghost town of sorts and many cool phones having come out or planned to.. What would you do? So far I replaced 1 Rezound so this would be my third! I'm thinking of going a diff route this time to be honest.. and since I haven't been keeping up with the latest news and stats of phones.. maybe I can get some opinions/ideas/help from some fellow Rezound owners :fingers-crossed:
Here's some info:
- I have insurance through 'Protect Cell' (awesome by the way!!). It will cost me somewhere between $100-125 for a *Brand-new* non-refurbished Rez to show up next day.
- I can use an upgrade from Verizon :victory:
- I prefer newer/newest phones so I don't have to think about upgrading too soon.
- Price isn't really an issue but I do want to stay with Verizon since I have unlimited 4G data :silly:
- I love rooting and modding/customizing my phones!
Thanks everyone for reading this thread and taking the time to share your opinions. !!
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I had this happen with my DInc, it was a sad moment in my life. I had just put in a new digitizer and front housing piece so the phone looked brand new!, Got myself an otterbox case for the phone, and rooted the heck out of it. Nest thing ya know its gone a week later and I'm purchasing a Thunderbolt to replace it! It was heartbreaking because I just made it so beastly and then someone else reaped the benefits of it. Good thing I didnt have any Pics or anything on it, Although they did get away with my 16GB Memory Stick :-/
Sorry for your loss. I can't imagine the pain in ass that must be. It's not just the time you put into the phone but all the personal stuff. I just don't get why people don't do the right thing and return the phone. Regardless I still retain some faith in humanity and will always place my name with an alternate phone number on my lock screen. Either get another rezy and wait for next nexus or get gs111?
I just had this happen to me a couple of weeks ago. Went out bar hopping and must have left it on the bar and somebody swiped it. Not only did they go to my facebook and post all kinds of gay **** they emailed all my work contacts with vulgar messages. I had Lookout Security on it so I could locate it, then i remote wiped it. I was going to go to the location of the phone myself but thought better of it, I would have killed that little punkass thief. So, I let the police go retrieve it for me. But, Lookout Security definitely worked great. It allowed me to track the phone in realtime from their website.
But in regards to what I would do if I was you, I'd go with a SGS3 or a GNexus on Verizon, if you're a person who likes to be a member of a forum that is actually alive. This forum is basically dead.
jayochs said:
yay, a fellow protect cell guy! they rock, don't they?? however, i think you're mistaken, bc i was led to believe they ARE in fact refurbished phones from HTC..that's what the training pretty much stated :\
sorry to hear about your phone, though
well, you can use your upgrade, but remember, you'll lose unlimited data. if you get a replacement from PC, you'll keep unlimited data. take that into consideration!
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Thanks for your response. To touch on the refurbished issue- I can assure you that the replacement I received was a BRAND new Rezound. The only thing is they don't send you an ext SD card with it. What you DO get is a new battery and phone and that's about it (my replacement was for a water-damaged phone). I wonder since the phone is stolen will they send me an SD card along with the phone this time.. that would make sense..? I was pretty bummed when my first replacement was missing the SD card!! I was like holy s*** an extra one! WOOT! but.. then no SD in the package :\ I had my original so I can't complain/be greedy
About unlimited- so that's how it is now??? Before when upgrading and not changing your account data/minute plans would result in keeping your original plan- even if it was now discontinued (grandfathering is what I've heard it called)... in my case it was the unlmtd 4g.
If I understand you correctly- you're telling me that ANY phone upgrade through verizon (with or without upgrade date discount/renewal of contract) it will in-fact change your data plan -- in other words- no matter what you can't avoid it??? Dude.. NOOO!!! that screws me in getting a brand new phone through an upgrade date... And obviously buying private or online etc. used, it will be more expensive versus upgrading at the verizon store and getting brand new I can't imagine using a phone with a limit on my data.. I use an OBSCENE amount of Data. I have never enabled Wi-fi on my phones.. ever. Ever!.. So now I have some thinking to do.. anything else i should know? is there anything I/we can do to keep unlimited besides buying outside of verizon
Let's just put it that way.
Thank you again for taking the time to respond and I appreciate you letting me know that important fact!
And yes, ProtectCell is one of the best decisions and purchases I've made. Overnight shipping, brand new phones, and secure shipping accompanied by great customer service. It's just easy and the smart thing to do. Wow I sound like a commercial! LOL
fafinaf said:
Thanks for your response. To touch on the refurbished issue- I can assure you that the replacement I received was a BRAND new Rezound. The only thing is they don't send you an ext SD card with it. What you DO get is a new battery and phone and that's about it (my replacement was for a water-damaged phone). I wonder since the phone is stolen will they send me an SD card along with the phone this time.. that would make sense..? I was pretty bummed when my first replacement was missing the SD card!! I was like holy s*** an extra one! WOOT! but.. then no SD in the package :\ I had my original so I can't complain/be greedy
About unlimited- so that's how it is now??? Before when upgrading and not changing your account data/minute plans would result in keeping your original plan- even if it was now discontinued (grandfathering is what I've heard it called)... in my case it was the unlmtd 4g.
If I understand you correctly- you're telling me that ANY phone upgrade through verizon (with or without upgrade date discount/renewal of contract) it will in-fact change your data plan -- in other words- no matter what you can't avoid it??? Dude.. NOOO!!! that screws me in getting a brand new phone through an upgrade date... And obviously buying private or online etc. used, it will be more expensive versus upgrading at the verizon store and getting brand new I can't imagine using a phone with a limit on my data.. I use an OBSCENE amount of Data. I have never enabled Wi-fi on my phones.. ever. Ever!.. So now I have some thinking to do.. anything else i should know? is there anything I/we can do to keep unlimited besides buying outside of verizon
Let's just put it that way.
Thank you again for taking the time to respond and I appreciate you letting me know that important fact!
And yes, ProtectCell is one of the best decisions and purchases I've made. Overnight shipping, brand new phones, and secure shipping accompanied by great customer service. It's just easy and the smart thing to do. Wow I sound like a commercial! LOL
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hey man, i've been trying to get some members into PC when they get their new phones, so them seeing your awesome experience might help them decide to grab it through me!
and that's awesome you got a new phone! i honestly thought it was refurbs. that's great to know.
yep, using the upgrade drops your unlimited as of June 28th so yeah, you might wanna stick with it and buy phones off contract, or used etc.
fafinaf said:
Thanks for your response. To touch on the refurbished issue- I can assure you that the replacement I received was a BRAND new Rezound. The only thing is they don't send you an ext SD card with it. What you DO get is a new battery and phone and that's about it (my replacement was for a water-damaged phone). I wonder since the phone is stolen will they send me an SD card along with the phone this time.. that would make sense..? I was pretty bummed when my first replacement was missing the SD card!! I was like holy s*** an extra one! WOOT! but.. then no SD in the package :\ I had my original so I can't complain/be greedy
About unlimited- so that's how it is now??? Before when upgrading and not changing your account data/minute plans would result in keeping your original plan- even if it was now discontinued (grandfathering is what I've heard it called)... in my case it was the unlmtd 4g.
If I understand you correctly- you're telling me that ANY phone upgrade through verizon (with or without upgrade date discount/renewal of contract) it will in-fact change your data plan -- in other words- no matter what you can't avoid it??? Dude.. NOOO!!! that screws me in getting a brand new phone through an upgrade date... And obviously buying private or online etc. used, it will be more expensive versus upgrading at the verizon store and getting brand new I can't imagine using a phone with a limit on my data.. I use an OBSCENE amount of Data. I have never enabled Wi-fi on my phones.. ever. Ever!.. So now I have some thinking to do.. anything else i should know? is there anything I/we can do to keep unlimited besides buying outside of verizon
Let's just put it that way.
Thank you again for taking the time to respond and I appreciate you letting me know that important fact!
And yes, ProtectCell is one of the best decisions and purchases I've made. Overnight shipping, brand new phones, and secure shipping accompanied by great customer service. It's just easy and the smart thing to do. Wow I sound like a commercial! LOL
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if you use an upgrade and get a discounted phone from verizon, you are forced off of unlimited. You can pay full retail at verizon without problems or get your phone from another source. Basically, if you renew your contract, unlimited is gone.
nrfitchett4 said:
if you use an upgrade and get a discounted phone from verizon, you are forced off of unlimited. You can pay full retail at verizon without problems or get your phone from another source. Basically, if you renew your contract, unlimited is gone.
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Which is complete bull****, but when people are using over a terabyte of data in a month (which is ****ing stupid) I begin to understand why they made this choice
fafinaf said:
For those who've never had to deal with their phone being stolen.. it's kinda like this...for me anyways.
You soon realize that some random dude: did, can and could be - right now- looking through your private files, has access to phone numbers, pictures, videos, e-mails, and voice-mails. Oh, and did I mention all of your SD card contents? In my case my external sd =16gb of pure music.
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No pattern or password?
GrayTheWolf said:
No pattern or password?
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They are annoying as hell
Have you ever tried AndroidLost before? Awesome app..
Wheres my Droid is a good app also. The pro version has a remote wipe feature.
In hindsight, why didn't you pretend to be one of his friends when he answered the phone. Find out his name it where he even was. That sucks though. You gotta utilize opportunities man.
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using xda app-developers app
Lookout has an app called Plan B. Wonder if that would help you find your phone.
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using xda app-developers app
graymonkey44 said:
In hindsight, why didn't you pretend to be one of his friends when he answered the phone. Find out his name it where he even was. That sucks though. You gotta utilize opportunities man.
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using xda app-developers app
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lol one of HIS friends? how would they know his "new" phone number? lol
tynman11 said:
Lookout has an app called Plan B. Wonder if that would help you find your phone.
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using xda app-developers app
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This has worked for me once but only when i lost it, not had my phone stolen.
GrayTheWolf said:
No pattern or password?
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I have to admit they are pretty annoying and I never liked them. When I got home I suspended my service without bill pay.. and that was all I could do so I really regret not downloading an app with features like remote wipe and gps tracking as has been mentioned.
So if I'm completely understanding this data conundrum.. you can't avoid it because you will have to renew your contract eventually at some point and then poof :/
I keep thinking about how it would suck to buy a phone that's been out for a bit to miss out on a newer one due to $. So, seeing as how it's only $120 for a new rezound, it could be the wiser option.
I don't know the prices of the phones you guys mentioned in used/like New/ and *New* (unopened box by private party) conditions are though so gotta do some research.
I like the rezound but to say I haven't wondered what a different phone would be like would be a lie.
I just hope this thread can serve as a reminder to someone out there who's delaying getting an app for situations like this. I didn't think this could or would happen to me.. my phone and I were inseparable. Don't learn the hard way when you can learn from my mistake
This community is awesome too. It's sad thinking about leaving :/ Supportive, friendly and close-knit.
Have you tried plan b?
Might give it a shot. If you want it back that is.
Sent from my iPhone...
synisterwolf said:
Have you tried plan b?
Might give it a shot. If you want it back that is.
Sent from my iPhone...
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I was going to say the remote install feature here could be a life saver. Unless you wait too long. Then they might have time to wipe it.

Are the days of the regular vzw s3 development completely done already?

So I pre-ordered a VZW S3 like many people, before I knew the bootloader was locked. It annoys me to no end but I can't leave verizon because of the family plan and I really don't want to send the phone back because it looks amazing I have faith in this community. I am wondering however, does the release of the dev edition from samsung along with a lot of people jumping ship (what I perceive to be early but maybe not) completely kill my hopes and dreams of having a similarly awesome experience with my possibly* future S3 as my incredible? I've been amazed by my incredible's capabilities thanks to this forum and I really wouldn't be surprised to sign on anytime soon and see that one of you android super ninjas pwnd vzw and opened up the s3, full access but I don't have $600 to drop on a phone if that's going to be the ONLY way to play around with a vzw s3. Not sure if full access is even realistic at this point but if some competent people are still working on it, then I don't want to cancel my preorder..

[!!!] Attention Photon, Atrix users!!! We want ICS

I am an atrix user and i looked at all the atrix,photon and electr. forums and i suggezt we should create a topic to fight togeather against the Motofail. Also everibody should chech the other forums on the moto page to let em know they are suck!
Edit 1: somebody has been put up a moto conversation on the forum, and they said they won't update becouse of the hardware..thats ridiculous!
But on the other hand some of us thinks that the google cancelled the update thanks to debian linux.. (aka webtop)
Edit 2: you should check out the general atrix forums for ideas and support. We could win togeather!
Thank you!
(Sorry for bad eng)
Sent from my MB860 aka MOTOFAIL using xda app-developers app
I agree, we have to work together on this. But what can we do?
You'll get a better response if you make a proper thread title...
We could find the review section of every new moto phone on all the different carriers and bombard it terrible awful (two star not one) reviews... Just a myriad of reception battery stability hardware problems that make people stay with samsung or HTC.
"I really liked this phone but... godawful experience 123" "It has such a great battery life but..."
XxReApErxX said:
I agree, we have to work together on this. But what can we do?
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Sh!t on the coats. I'm sorry, I'm just...this needs to settle in. I'm with you guys till the bitter end though.
It though kinda makes sense though, do you think they will skip ICS and get JB - The list was only for ICS Kinda made sense since why upgrade us directly to ICS > JB
This is not the ICS rollout page, this is the Motorola upgrade page, the MOTOROLA XOOM will see a Jellybean Upgrade on that page. "Will remain at GB" does not mean "Will not be getting ICS, May be getting JB" It means "Will remain at GB"
I hate to be a buzz kill but the effort might be rather pointless. We're dead in the water folks, abandoned by Moto and Google.
I'd be shocked if we ever get any support past today
sent from deep space on a random Photon
Go tell the bastard. Flood him.
Not that it will help much but I put up a . I figured myself and anyone else can complain and cry and Motorola and Google can't edit anything. Maybe with a bunch of No More Motorola posts Google will either close their doors on Motorola or make them honor their lies.
Google and Motorola Mobility and the Dialer security vulnerability.
Reading other threads about the dialer vulnerability, I think Google and Motorola Mobility are now obligated to patch the Dialer + Browser security vulnerability. There are thousands if not millions of users vulnerable and if not upgrading us allows this to exist, then they have a class action lawsuit brewing. I honestly think Google should seriously consider their subsidiarys actions before this starts screwing the people with more money and legal advantages.
Motorola Mobility is evil and therefore Google is evil. ****ing crooks.
We should complain on the motos site cause if we do it here nothing will happen
Sent from my MB860 using xda app-developers app
twaffle said:
Go tell the bastard. Flood him.
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Already done #MotoFail
Sent from my SPH-D710 using Tapatalk v.2.4
Is harassing the new guy at MMI really going to help us? That's pathetic. Sure, I believe everyone at Motorola and Google need to understand that they let us all down, but I personally draw the line at flooding their social media accounts. Just wanted to put that out there. No need to debate it, that's just what I think. While I'm at it, posting false reviews for any phone is also a low blow. Now if you want to post a review that says that Motorola doesn't support their phones and that the phone will never see an upgrade... be my guest. Because that's honest.
I actually blame the Android community for stuff like this. The Sunfire is a great phone, and we all know it can run JB, at least AOSP JB. Maybe not JellyBlur, whenever that comes out, but AOSP JB, not a problem. We know because we've done it, and if Motorola released the source or whatever it is the devs need, and the transition/scrolling stuttering was wiped out, and the camera and camcorder worked... well, it would be awesome. But look, you can run Holo Launcher and Notification Toggle on the stock ROM (or CM7) and it will run fine. I don't think this gets you the best battery life, but it's acceptable. Now compare a Sunfire (either Photon or Electrify, it doesn't matter once you unlock) with the best phone on the market. I guess GS3 or Note 2. Is One X still a contender? What's the difference? Does Angry Birds: Space load a few seconds faster? They both run great and do pretty much whatever you need. But yet we tend to push for the next big thing while disrespecting those who are fine with last year's big thing. So is it really any surprise when Motorola abandons last year's big thing to focus on the next big thing? Not to me it isn't. But we don't want to slow down too much and retard the development like Apple has. We don't want to be 2-3 years behind. What we want, I feel safe saying, is a smartphone ecosystem where competent phones from the last few years can still get updates, as long as they can legitimately handle them.
Personally, I'd be willing to pay for these updates. Why should Motorola bring us ICS, when they could just have us buy their next phone? What if enough of us agreed to split the difference, and pay for the upgrade? Considering people are paying $15-20 for that one launcher, don't you think people would pay $35-40 for a software update? Granted, it would have to be prompt. I wouldn't pay $40 for ICS. Make it JB and I'll buy two (one for me, one for my wife). I'm perfectly willing to pay for software. I'm not asking for something for nothing.
But hey, at least we can get $100 towards a new Motorola phone that will never be upgraded to KLP if we turn in our phone and switch to Big Red, eh?
it really bad news for me, why?
i'm living in ukraine, not in USA where i can buy phones for contract, we have another prices on phones, with very big difference in money, and so, now i must.. sell my phone, and buy something new.. ok, thx moto, good phone, bad company.
Dark Reality said:
Is harassing the new guy at MMI really going to help us? That's pathetic. Sure, I believe everyone at Motorola and Google need to understand that they let us all down, but I personally draw the line at flooding their social media accounts. Just wanted to put that out there. No need to debate it, that's just what I think. While I'm at it, posting false reviews for any phone is also a low blow. Now if you want to post a review that says that Motorola doesn't support their phones and that the phone will never see an upgrade... be my guest. Because that's honest.
I actually blame the Android community for stuff like this. The Sunfire is a great phone, and we all know it can run JB, at least AOSP JB. Maybe not JellyBlur, whenever that comes out, but AOSP JB, not a problem. We know because we've done it, and if Motorola released the source or whatever it is the devs need, and the transition/scrolling stuttering was wiped out, and the camera and camcorder worked... well, it would be awesome. But look, you can run Holo Launcher and Notification Toggle on the stock ROM (or CM7) and it will run fine. I don't think this gets you the best battery life, but it's acceptable. Now compare a Sunfire (either Photon or Electrify, it doesn't matter once you unlock) with the best phone on the market. I guess GS3 or Note 2. Is One X still a contender? What's the difference? Does Angry Birds: Space load a few seconds faster? They both run great and do pretty much whatever you need. But yet we tend to push for the next big thing while disrespecting those who are fine with last year's big thing. So is it really any surprise when Motorola abandons last year's big thing to focus on the next big thing? Not to me it isn't. But we don't want to slow down too much and retard the development like Apple has. We don't want to be 2-3 years behind. What we want, I feel safe saying, is a smartphone ecosystem where competent phones from the last few years can still get updates, as long as they can legitimately handle them.
Personally, I'd be willing to pay for these updates. Why should Motorola bring us ICS, when they could just have us buy their next phone? What if enough of us agreed to split the difference, and pay for the upgrade? Considering people are paying $15-20 for that one launcher, don't you think people would pay $35-40 for a software update? Granted, it would have to be prompt. I wouldn't pay $40 for ICS. Make it JB and I'll buy two (one for me, one for my wife). I'm perfectly willing to pay for software. I'm not asking for something for nothing.
But hey, at least we can get $100 towards a new Motorola phone that will never be upgraded to KLP if we turn in our phone and switch to Big Red, eh?
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Well Said......
I will agree, at the end of the day I need reliable hardware with good reception out here in the "sticks".
zansatsu said:
Reading other threads about the dialer vulnerability, I think Google and Motorola Mobility are now obligated to patch the Dialer + Browser security vulnerability. There are thousands if not millions of users vulnerable and if not upgrading us allows this to exist, then they have a class action lawsuit brewing. I honestly think Google should seriously consider their subsidiarys actions before this starts screwing the people with more money and legal advantages.
Motorola Mobility is evil and therefore Google is evil. ****ing crooks.
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Google still has nothing to do with Motorola at this point. You have no one to blame but Motorola. They've pulled this stuff for many many years now.
Sent from my MB853 using XDA
Dark Reality said:
I actually blame the Android community for stuff like this. The Sunfire is a great phone, and we all know it can run JB, at least AOSP JB. Maybe not JellyBlur, whenever that comes out, but AOSP JB, not a problem. We know because we've done it, and if Motorola released the source or whatever it is the devs need, and the transition/scrolling stuttering was wiped out, and the camera and camcorder worked... well, it would be awesome.
They both run great and do pretty much whatever you need. But yet we tend to push for the next big thing while disrespecting those who are fine with last year's big thing. So is it really any surprise when Motorola abandons last year's big thing to focus on the next big thing? Not to me it isn't. But we don't want to slow down too much and retard the development like Apple has. We don't want to be 2-3 years behind. What we want, I feel safe saying, is a smartphone ecosystem where competent phones from the last few years can still get updates, as long as they can legitimately handle them.
Personally, I'd be willing to pay for these updates. Why should Motorola bring us ICS, when they could just have us buy their next phone? What if enough of us agreed to split the difference, and pay for the upgrade? Considering people are paying $15-20 for that one launcher, don't you think people would pay $35-40 for a software update? Granted, it would have to be prompt. I wouldn't pay $40 for ICS. Make it JB and I'll buy two (one for me, one for my wife). I'm perfectly willing to pay for software. I'm not asking for something for nothing.
But hey, at least we can get $100 towards a new Motorola phone that will never be upgraded to KLP if we turn in our phone and switch to Big Red, eh?
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While I agree to some of your points, I have to disagree largely with most.
Why should I have to pay for an update that should be part of the phone?
Its ridiculous.
I don't need gaming or a few extra benchmark points.
But I do want to enjoy the new features of the software. And in this case, the Atrix and Photon are both capable of running ICS and JB effectively.
ICS code was released last November; 11 months ago!!!!
An ICS upgrade should have been released in April; or by June at the very latest.
It was not considered last year's big thing until Moto let so much time pass by.
Delaying it for so long and then saying that the phones are old and EOL, simply breaks customer confidence in the company.
There is just no excuse for doing that.
Here's what disgusts me:
1. What is the deal with the locked bootloaders? Why can HTC and Samsung sell phones that are so easily unlocked but Motorola not only has to lock theirs down tight, but when someone figures out how to get around it they go out of their way to release a minor update that patches the bootloader hole.
2. And then to top it off, they then cut off access to ICS or JB. WTF? If you don't want to provide us with an OEM ICS update, did you also have to lock the f'ing bootloaders down so tight that we can't either? This is what I really struggle to understand - whose phone is it? Is it not mine? I paid for it (and don't feed me the crap about the carrier "subsidizing it", that is a lie they push to force people into two year contracts) so why can't I load whatever software I want on it? Can you imagine buying a Dell or an HP laptop or computer and not having administrator access to your own computer? Or being told by Dell I can't load Windows 8 or Ubuntu Linux, that I have to stay on Vista or some crap? Hell, on my Xoom tablet I have to go through some BS process to get root access and it's a Wifi-only Xoom (so no lies about carrier subsidy - I paid full freight for the tablet). Why would it be locked down?
3. If they want to stick with the two-year contract deal, then they need to support the phone for two years. If a group of people who have jobs and school to attend can come up with custom roms with no access to source code, etc. then paid engineers with access to nVidia, Google, etc. resources can make an update and it doesn't take 9 months to do so. My Xoom had JB like two weeks after Google announced it.
I don't care how anyone wants to spin it, Motorola and Sprint absolutely fu'ed everyone who bought that phone. Mine did not function normally. I would have days where I would suddenly stop getting texts and had to do a battery pull and restart the phone and then would suddenly start getting them. I have no SBF available to me if I want to wipe the device and start fresh. I am running bone stock (I have 2.3.5 so I have no choice)
In Indianapolis, Sprint users have been paying that ripoff "Premium Data" fee for absolutely lousy 3G speeds and three Clearwire towers that I have connected to for a total of ten minutes in two years. I can't stream Pandora or Google Music at the gym or in my car. Unlimited data means nothing to me when I have to sip it through a 120 kbps straw. So Motorola, Sprint, Google and any other users can spin this any way they want but it is a giant, steaming pile of $hit that they just handed us.
Google bought Motorola for its patent portfolio. Otherwise, Motorola operates as a separate entity.
Sent from my Magical MoPho using xda premium

VZW Reps are oblivious

Not speaking about all reps. But most if not all I have encountered dont know
Sh0t. I call them about carrier billing. It is not working for me for some reason. They first want to check my imei/meid to see if my device and line support it. I am put on hold for 5 minutes and they come back stating they cant find a way for me to access these items. I tell them either on back under battery or in about phone under settings. They so OK, then ask me to read it. We proceed to featuers blocked on my line. They say the only thing blocked is the MBBN. I ask if that will block billing and he says I honestly dont know. I then ask him if I need to contact the FCC. He then asks "What is a FCC?" I say really... so then I have to explain to him what that is. Subject never gets resolved. Moral of this story, might not want to look to VZW for certain support info. Anyone else ever encounter a problem like this with VZW support.
Sent from my rooted Verizon Galaxy Note 2. FU Verizon and all tour BS you throw around.
ihavenewnike said:
Not speaking about all reps. But most if not all I have encountered dont know
Sh0t. I call them about carrier billing. It is not working for me for some reason. They first want to check my imei/meid to see if my device and line support it. I am put on hold for 5 minutes and they come back stating they cant find a way for me to access these items. I tell them either on back under battery or in about phone under settings. They so OK, then ask me to read it. We proceed to featuers blocked on my line. They say the only thing blocked is the MBBN. I ask if that will block billing and he says I honestly dont know. I then ask him if I need to contact the FCC. He then asks "What is a FCC?" I say really... so then I have to explain to him what that is. Subject never gets resolved. Moral of this story, might not want to look to VZW for certain support info. Anyone else ever encounter a problem like this with VZW support.
Sent from my rooted Verizon Galaxy Note 2. FU Verizon and all tour BS you throw around.
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All the time. In store I had a rep tell me that their verizon intuition had "way better" the specs then the note 2. I loled
I think I would have had a natural reflex and slapped them
Sent from my rooted Verizon Galaxy Note 2. FU Verizon and all tour BS you throw around.
A lot of techie stores are like this. The people working there know sqwak and then like to give people that do know stuff dirty looks. Whenever I'm in a Best Buy with my dad and a rep comes over we tell them we're fine and my dad always makes a joke like "I'm fine with him, he knows everything." The reps just glare me down. Most of them stand next to the info tag and read directly from it to the customer they're helping which is pretty sad.
They give jobs to 20 year olds that still say "axe" instead of "ask," use other slang/ghetto speak, and don't know the difference between two TVs besides one is LG and LCD the other is Sony and LED, but don't accept the 17 year old that goes to a prestigious high school in the area and who's resume shows tech experience.
SwiftLegend said:
A lot of techie stores are like this. The people working there know sqwak and then like to give people that do know stuff dirty looks. Whenever I'm in a Best Buy with my dad and a rep comes over we tell them we're fine and my dad always makes a joke like "I'm fine with him, he knows everything." The reps just glare me down. Most of them stand next to the info tag and read directly from it to the customer they're helping which is pretty sad.
They give jobs to 20 year olds that still say "axe" instead of "ask," use other slang/ghetto speak, and don't know the difference between two TVs besides one is LG and LCD the other is Sony and LED, but don't accept the 17 year old that goes to a prestigious high school in the area and who's resume shows tech experience.
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Any sales experience? Pretty sure 6 months is required. I applied with 1 year of sales and IT experience and said no after they wanted to make me a cashier.
Best Buy is terrible anyway. I ordered the Collector's Edition of Diablo 3 at a store that was closing (found out 3 weeks after I ordered) and got an email that I needed to call them to change the store or ship it to my house. I called them 5 times and opened 2 cases. They couldn't get it changed or shipped to my house because of a glitch it the system. 2 days before the game came out they said they would "send it to the correct department for viewing" and yeah... never got it.
Verizon is terrible about knowing about their phones (in or out of the store). When I bought my Thunderbolt, the first rep said I didn't have a discounted upgrade (literally saw it on her little tablet thing that I did) so I went to the next rep and he didn't know how much internal storage their was. Needless to say, I've ordered online since then.
SwiftLegend said:
A lot of techie stores are like this. The people working there know sqwak and then like to give people that do know stuff dirty looks. Whenever I'm in a Best Buy with my dad and a rep comes over we tell them we're fine and my dad always makes a joke like "I'm fine with him, he knows everything." The reps just glare me down. Most of them stand next to the info tag and read directly from it to the customer they're helping which is pretty sad.
They give jobs to 20 year olds that still say "axe" instead of "ask," use other slang/ghetto speak, and don't know the difference between two TVs besides one is LG and LCD the other is Sony and LED, but don't accept the 17 year old that goes to a prestigious high school in the area and who's resume shows tech experience.
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A friend of mine works at the Target Mobile kiosk; he literally knows crap-all about phones, owns an old smartphone he's never turned on, and whenever I'm there talking to him, I end up telling the customers more about the phones they look at than he does. Which is why I work in a car wash, and he tries to sell people tech he doesn't understand. It's practically a joke by now.
Did you really pull the FCC card because of an account snafu?
That makes you as ridiculous as the rep.
adrynalyne said:
Did you really pull the FCC card because of an account snafu?
That makes you as ridiculous as the rep.
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That's about what i was thinking.
A lot depends on the customers attitude.
A buddy of my Son's works at BestBuy. He and all his coworkers are great guys.
I stop in there all the time to shoot the breeze with those guys.
As long as you don't go in there with a "know it all" attitude, I find the BB guys are all helpful & a pleasure to talk to.
Some of them are tech geeks & others are not so knowledgeable but they don't pay sh!t so that's understandable.
I have had some great tech B.S. sessions concerning ROMs, locked bootloaders etc with these guys.
---------- Post added at 10:50 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:48 AM ----------
adrynalyne said:
Did you really pull the FCC card because of an account snafu?
That makes you as ridiculous as the rep.
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No kidding.
jmorton10 said:
A lot depends on the customers attitude.
A buddy of my Son's works at BestBuy. He and all his coworkers are great guys.
I stop in there all the time to shoot the breeze with those guys.
As long as you don't go in there with a "know it all" attitude, I find the BB guys are all helpful & a pleasure to talk to.
Some of them are tech geeks & others are not so knowledgeable but they don't pay sh!t so that's understandable.
I have had some great tech B.S. sessions concerning ROMs, locked bootloaders etc with these guys.
---------- Post added at 10:50 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:48 AM ----------
No kidding.
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You are right about attitude as well. When I exchanged my DNA for my Note II, I could have berated and slammed the rep working with me that was telling me that KLP source was online, but instead I just lightly conversed with him and ignored it.
As a result, I was in and out quickly without any troubles.
Be careful how you treat people who are in a position to screw you. He could have easily nixed my unlimited data because I was getting in through a loophole.
About 10 years ago I worked for MS doing tech support. If a customer was a douche to me (or acted like a know it all), the resolution immediately became format and reinstall the OS. If they hung up on me, I put it in the notes and as a senior tech, others listened to me. However, if you were acting decent and respectful, I would fix your OS without reinstalling it and potentially losing data.
SwiftLegend said:
They give jobs to 20 year olds that still say "axe" instead of "ask," use other slang/ghetto speak, and don't know the difference between two TVs besides one is LG and LCD the other is Sony and LED, but don't accept the 17 year old that goes to a prestigious high school in the area and who's resume shows tech experience.
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Technically they are both LCDs, just with different backlighting.
adrynalyne said:
About 10 years ago I worked for MS doing tech support. If a customer was a douche to me (or acted like a know it all), the resolution immediately became format and reinstall the OS. If they hung up on me, I put it in the notes and as a senior tech, others listened to me. However, if you were acting decent and respectful, I would fix your OS without reinstalling it and potentially losing data.
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LOL, I can relate to that.
A number of years ago I did some tech support for HP Pavilion desktops.
Same thing, if the customer was a douche I would simply tell them the only fix was to run the recovery disc which was the same thing as a format and OS reinstall.
Some of the customers where great however and with them I occasionally spent hours on the phone with them, walking a novice through basic PC troubleshooting etc.
mutelight said:
Technically they are both LCDs, just with different backlighting.
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And they probably wouldn't know that
Lol. Was all part of it. He didnt know anything else. In all reality was a test. No lie did it on purpose
Sent from my rooted Verizon Galaxy Note 2. FU Verizon and all tour BS you throw around.
I work at a store and me and one other guy knows what we're talking yeah you get about a 5 percent chance of the reps knowing anything, but as a guy said before me it's easier to be nice to the rep and probably get what you want than to be a Douche and end up getting nothing and possibly losing something.
Sent from my SCH-I605 using Tapatalk 2
No offense to anyone, but if you know enough to be here at XDA there should be no reason to step foot inside a store or call tech support. I buy all my gear online and If I call tech its because I already know it's gonna be a warranty replacement. I do the little song and dance on the phone, and a couple days later the phone shows up.
Sent from my SCH-I605 using Tapatalk 2
I wasnt mean.
Sent from my rooted Verizon Galaxy Note 2. FU Verizon and all tour BS you throw around.
Yep, I really don't get the folks trying to buy stuff in stores or calling tech support. It's literally just someone reading a screen, there is no such thing as tech info you can't find yourself online and quicker than tech support. Sad but true.
Sent from my SCH-I605 using xda premium
The moral of this story is:
Be nice to the guys at the store or on the phone. They make less than you do, and they have to deal with a hundred people just like you every day. They don't owe you anything but if you're cool they'll help you out. Oddly enough this is a lesson which can be applied to human interactions everywhere in your life.
SJUnion said:
No offense to anyone, but if you know enough to be here at XDA there should be no reason to step foot inside a store or call tech support. I buy all my gear online and If I call tech its because I already know it's gonna be a warranty replacement. I do the little song and dance on the phone, and a couple days later the phone shows up.
Sent from my SCH-I605 using Tapatalk 2
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All you have to know to be here at XDA is how to read and follow a simple sign up. Not that special.
mr_schticker said:
Yep, I really don't get the folks trying to buy stuff in stores or calling tech support. It's literally just someone reading a screen, there is no such thing as tech info you can't find yourself online and quicker than tech support. Sad but true.
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Most tech supports have a database of issues that have occurred in the past and how to fix them (not found on Google). There are also things that can happen that is beyond the user's control. I didn't get a delivery notice from Verizon for my Note 2 so I called them and found out there was a bug in the system and we had to resubmit it. If I had your way of thinking on the matter I would have never got my phone.
Just because many people here at XDA don't need tech support, doesn't mean the majority of people don't. You can see this in most mod/ROM threads. Lots of people ask questions because they have issues and the communuty helps them out (basically tech support). I work in IT and some people don't know anything about electronics eventhough they work with them everyday.
Not trying to attack you guys or anything, just trying to bring the real world to a tech forum since I help them every day.
Sent from my Xposed Beans Note 2

