Possible to change cpu governor in a rooted stock rom?? - Honor 5X Questions & Answers

As asked in the title above.
If it is then which apps will work. I need the fingerprint sensor and great battery life so I can not go with a CM based rom but would like to try some changes to improve the performance in stock. I see the governor in use is marked interactive but have not gotten to much more details about the cpu perimeters used.

I swear by Kernel Adiutor, and actually used it on my rooted stock rom Honor 5X to do exactly this and set the governor to batterysaver. Great results, though being a stock kernel, there's obviously a lack of options/governors.

Try this (screenshots) turn off use sched load on both Cpus and migration notif also.
Build.prop add this:
U can play around with the hotplug driver to manage cores at sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/core_ctl
Thats what ive gotten so far

Thanks. I started some adjustments with kernel adiutor and it has gotten a little better. I will try the build.prop tweaks.
It would be nice to find out the cause of lag in stock.

Well with the fps/build.prop tweaks my Phone seems lagg free. Lets see if you can make a difference!

Is it me or is the build prop in this phone unusually large! ?

johnciaccio said:
Is it me or is the build prop in this phone unusually large!
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It is just add that line what ive posted somewhere



There aren't very many tweaks in yet but it should be stable again and a lot of ext4 and lowmemkiller lag issues should be gone! Here's an incomplete list of features.
Voodoo: Lagfix and sound. No color for now
CPU governors: The same ondemand, ondemandX, interactive, interactiveX, smartassv2 and ondemandX as default
I/O schedulers: The same cfq, bfqv2r1, sio, deadline, vr and deadline as default with the last three being optimized for flash
jhash3, OC/UV, BLNv9, 3rd-party batteries, boot animations
LED flashlight, CIFS and TUN
User-adjustable in-call audio boost, no boost by default!
Preliminary dock audio support, need more feedback
Autogroups and Tiny RCU removed pending performance evaluation
How to adjust in-call audio and zram
Run callboost or zram from a root prompt (AS ROOT). To manually tweak zram size or call boost volumes, look in /etc/init.d/ for the startup scripts they drop after enabling. The filenames are 05zram and 91callboost.
Recommended settings for callboost are 1 or 2, 0, 0, and 0 or 1. zram is 12.5% of available RAM by default.
The zram script crashes when enabling if there isn't enough RAM free. Don't run zram enable unless you're sure you have enough RAM on hand, such as right after a fresh reboot.
How to use dock audio
Preliminary testing (thanks ACLakey even if you do have a Mesmerize ) indicates it does something right. I have no way to know if it's doing something wrong or even if it doesn't work at all so give me feedback.
How to use your phone as an access point
Get the latest Wireless Tether for Android (3.0b6 last I checked), and set mode to Samsung softap in the settings. It won't be peer-to-peer and WPA2 encryption will work.
CWM zip: http://www.mediafire.com/?tjsadn6v0cocqy6
Odin: http://www.mediafire.com/?redm61dt4uwjpt2
Oh, and just because...
CWM zip: http://www.mediafire.com/?mg78n9a77sje6e4
Changelog: Drivers/kernel settings from EI20, except for the dpram driver which is still from EH09. Removed carrier hotspot tracking code in init.rc (doesn't make hotspot tracker directories in /system), ARM and memory and RCU updates/tweaks, changes to scripts in ramdisk.
Still pretty untested
P.S. Don't confuse one for the other, thanks
Please excuse the mess below.
Kernel is alpha and untested for the most part, and I cannot guarantee stability or robustness of features. Still, I've been using it every day for a few weeks now, and it's pretty stable for me. It should work on most EH09-based ROMs out there, including PowerWashed, GeeWiz and TSM Resurrection, just to name the ones I know as I am a Fascinate user. It works with Mesmerize and Showcase too, I'm given to understand, with the proper ROM tweaks (which I don't claim to know anything about).
Voodoo: Lagfix, Sound v10, and Color v2. Use with Voodoo Control.
CPU governors: conservative, performance, ondemand, ondemandX, interactive, interactiveX (ondemandX as default)
I/O schedulers: Noop, CFQ, BFQv2-r1, SIO, V(R), Deadline (deadline as default). The last 3 are optimized for use with flash memory.
Autogroups, jhash3, Tiny RCU for responsiveness.
OC/UV up to 1.7GHz, with Voltage Control/Pimp My CPU.
Third-party battery support allows use and charging of aftermarket batteries and batteries for other Galaxy S phones.
No hotspot monitoring with the WiFi driver from the i9000.
In-call audio boost: Higher volumes and mic gain settings. Works OK as of 10/18.
CIFS and TUN included in base kernel. UTF-8 native language support was already there.
BackLightNotifications v9 with a ported touchkey driver from the i9000. Automatic installation of the proper liblights. Use BLN Control and/or Blinky to get down to business.
Bootanimations: Works with /data/local/bootanimation.zip, /system/media/bootanimation.zip, or /system/media/sanim.zip. Automatic installation of the proper bootanimation binary.
LED flashlight: The camera LED makes a surprisingly good flashlight. Activate with any of a number of flashlight apps from the Android Market.
zram from Linux 3 (credit imoseyon). Open up a terminal and run "zram" to get started. By default "zram enable" will use 12.5% of total RAM as an LZO-compressed ramdisk and set up swap space on that. Don't run the script unless you have at least 50MB or so of RAM free. To change the size of the zram, edit the relevant line in /etc/init.d/05zram (it's in bytes, do your own math) and reboot.
Other standard features: init.d support, adb shell gives you a root prompt
Various behind-the-scenes tweaks: A growing list of ARM and Samsung kernel/driver patches for hardware errata and Linux kernel patches to enhance interactivity
For complete changes refer to github.
[size=4][B]1018[/B][/size] Most changes on this one are behind the scenes.
[b]In-Call volume boost changes[/b] +12dB at earpiece only & mic gain boosts
[b]Update interactiveX and ondemandX CPU governors[/b]
[b]ondemandX as default[/b] i'm pretty sure this is a backport from linux 3 too
[b]Use CodeSourcery 2010q1 toolchain[/b] bad Linaro, bad!
[b]zram backport[/b] and add zram script to initramfs
[b]Memory tweaks[/b] optimize memcpy functions, tweak lowmemorykiller
[b]Bugfixes[/b] to autogroups and a couple other things
[b]initramfs changes[/b] probably falls under bugfixes actually
[b]In-Call volume boost changes[/b]
[b]dvfs lock fixed[/b], no more pegging CPU at 1440MHz with bluetooth
[b]lowmemkiller settings[/b] changed in init.rc
[b]In-Call Volume boost[/b] numbers were chosen arbitrarily, need detailed feedback
[b]Autogroups, [strike]Tiny Preempt RCU[/strike][/b] woopz
[b]Bootanimation support[/b] install required binary on boot
[b]Add ondemandX CPU governor[/b]
[b]ondemand as default[/b] interactiveX pegs the CPU high on hw video playback
[b]optimize sio and vr[/b] for flash devices
[b]Voodoo Color fix[/b] no more green tint at low brightness
[b]More tweaks[/b] ARM, Samsung, buildflags; see github
[b]Third-party battery support[/b] apparently works fine as of 10/10
[b]BackLight Notifications[/b], neldar-flavored, finally!
[b]Installs liblights on boot[/b]
[b]deadline scheduler[/b] tweaked for flash memory
[b]interactiveX governor is default[/b]
[b]Initial release[/b]
Dock audio: I've almost got this merged but have no dock and no way to test.
Lots more tweaks and testing. I know it isn't fully polished and some things could use cleanup and updating. There is also a veritable sea of tweaks out there that I haven't even started parsing through.
Autorooting, autoinstall of busybox, bash, nano, and a bunch of obnoxious init.d scripts
Recovery with crazy rainbow colors and logos, etc.
TKS does not yet come with CWM. The version most of you are using is probably the blue ClockworkMod Recovery by I believe times_infinity. It's pretty compatible with my kernel with a couple of minor bugs. Mirrors: http://www.mediafire.com/?91cq99066cwph4d http://www.multiupload.com/QEP9U2MC2G
NEW 1018 http://www.mediafire.com/?07nero2764ktcn4 http://www.multiupload.com/V81P3FNJOD
1012: http://www.multiupload.com/JFLEF7U7EH
1010: http://www.mediafire.com/?9f58oks4a988a7o http://www.multiupload.com/PDXE2U08IG
1006: http://www.mediafire.com/?ev1g554de7ab9g0 http://www.multiupload.com/KB7833E0E4
1005: http://www.mediafire.com/?em8md8yxq7o61ny http://www.multiupload.com/EHJFAPYW51
0927: http://www.mediafire.com/?76ea7izaqc3e7a2 http://www.multiupload.com/O1HRXNCQQW
NEW 1018: http://www.mediafire.com/?didta4h7vk0uh8p http://www.multiupload.com/EXS2REYBAI
1012: http://www.multiupload.com/W8VZQGA3AG
1010: http://www.mediafire.com/?2tiiwoeav61ha0f http://www.multiupload.com/4XORWQIQIZ
1006: http://www.mediafire.com/?p9u3ow2mw70n26c http://www.multiupload.com/58XYU7OF86
1005: http://www.mediafire.com/?5ojvasq4lurvxnp http://www.multiupload.com/4W2GPSZHU7
0927: http://www.mediafire.com/?rqwe26c1pi4766r http://www.multiupload.com/JST3N8AAIP
All I do is kang other people's work, get it?
Also where you can see the full changelogs.
imoseyon: Merged Voodoo Lagfix by hand. Also, he and the next two guys and I are like the only ones doing anything with the TW GB kernel on this phone.
ccampos784: Merged Voodoo Sound, and some other dev work before I forked his branch.
djp952: Ported the i9000's Wi-Fi driver and killed VZ's hotspot monitoring dead. It wasn't the only thing he ported from the i9000 to get EH09 building. And on that note...
The Samsung Galaxy S i9000: It is truly the gift that keeps on giving. Comparing good work i9000 people have done on the i9000 and CM7 repos with the EH09 code makes broken things work again, period.
TeamSbrissenMod & Supporters: The TSM-Resurrection ROM got me to try EH09, but they've done lots of great work over the last year.
jt1134: Got me started with cross-compiling my first kernel, and he is responsible for most of the innovation on this phone.
Other "historically important" people: adrynalyne, imnuts, SirGatez, nemesis2all, navenedrob etc.
IRC people too numerous to list and random people too numerous to list from whom I have taken all sorts of ideas and code that ended up in this kernel
I am not a developer and the sole reason I started was so that I could be happier with the kernel I use on my own phone. If something does not get added or fixed, you are welcome to do it yourself.
I take no responsibility for exploding phones, voided warranties, missed appointments, dead babies and the like which are claimed to be related to your decision to use my kernel in any way. You're in the "development forum."
That said, feel free to leave useful feedback and suggestions. For bug reports, link logcats and dmesg output. And enjoy!
The default values in the Samsung source are as follows:
1000MHz arm_volt=1275mV int_volt=1100mV
800MHz arm_volt=1200mV int_volt=1100mV
400MHz arm_volt=1050mV int_volt=1100mV
200MHz arm_volt=950mV int_volt=1100mV
100MHz arm_volt=950mV int_volt=1000mV
arm_volt_max=1350mV int_volt_max=1250mV
Of these the values that everyone talks about are the arm_volt values. arm_volt is what is modified by Voltage Control, Pimp My CPU, etc. int_volt is a secondary line that is not reported or directly adjustable by the user. The Glitch kernel plays around with int_volt for their different "leakage" versions, demonstrating that int_volt, too, plays a significant role in max overclock, but this isn't a concern of mine at the moment.
arm_volt_max is set to 1350mV which would then be the theoretical "overvolting limit". In this example you could overvolt 1000MHz by up to +75mV before running into driver limits.
Here are the default values in TKS.
1700MHz arm_volt=1500mV int_volt=1250mV
1600MHz arm_volt=1500mV int_volt=1250mV
1500MHz arm_volt=1500mV int_volt=1225mV
1440MHz arm_volt=1500mV int_volt=1200mV
1400MHz arm_volt=1450mV int_volt=1175mV
1300MHz arm_volt=1400mV int_volt=1150mV
1200MHz arm_volt=1350mV int_volt=1125mV
1000MHz arm_volt=1250mV int_volt=1100mV
800MHz arm_volt=1200mV int_volt=1050mV
400MHz arm_volt=1050mV int_volt=1050mV
200MHz arm_volt=950mV int_volt=1050mV
100MHz arm_volt=950mV int_volt=1050mV
arm_volt_max=1500mV int_volt_max=1250mV
Let's look at 100-1000MHz first. At 1000MHz there is a slight -25mV arm_volt undervolt (or just plain old undervolt) as well as a -50mV drop in int_volt for all frequencies <1000MHz. In other words, for stock frequencies there is already an undervolt built right in that you should take into account.
At higher clock settings the values are essentially best guesses at the proper settings for that speed, refined by community experience, so talking about a "proper" undervolt level is a little bit inaccurate. Note that voltage is maxed out at 1440MHz and above, but the secondary int_volt values keep increasing. The effect is a ramping up of total power supplied with increasing clockspeed, as it should be.
So I wouldn't be at all surprised to see 100-1000MHz benefitting from a couple +25mV boosts compared to "the settings I used to use on my old kernel" here and there and I'd pay attention to differences between the default voltages, especially 1200MHz+, of the old and new kernels. With different defaults, seemingly different undervolt settings could translate into the exact same amount of mV supplied.
awesome man...great to see eh09 finally getting some kernel love
hopefully once imoseyen gets his i500 from someone sending it, u can get some more help as well
(if u bet bln working ill reactive my fascinate for awhile lol)
I can give feedback about what DOES work despite being in alpha stage:
Voodoo color is working (personally, I like to go "punchy" on gamma hack)
OC is stable at least to 1400 for me with default noop/interactive, and with 100mhz state disabled (I could only go up to 1200 on MIUI without immediate instability on Glitch)
My phone is quite stable (so far) on this kernel, more so than what you'd expect on an alpha release
I'm glad you posted your own thread for this kernel comeradesven
Another Fascinating post by my XDA app...
This kernel is what I've been looking for
With a battery fix and in-call volume fix, I think I'll have a permanent GB solution! I'm hard of hearing and most of these GB kernels just don't cut it for me. CM7 (MTD) works, but Slacker caching doesn't work because of the file system. Slacker says tough s**t, we're not supporting it. So here we are. I'll put this on my spare Fassy and test it out today.
I'm also hard of hearing, but in-call isn't too, too bad for me on speakerphone... Media volume, on the other hand... IDK if media volume has anything to do with this kernel or if it's an EH09 issue...
Another Fascinating post by my XDA app...
Does this kernel use the Nexus S color source like on Glitch's kernel?
FDro said:
Does this kernel use the Nexus S color source like on Glitch's kernel?
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If you're talking about mDNIe values, then no. I tried adding some new values earlier and it didn't work. It does have a ported Nexus S framebuffer driver like all Voodoo Color kernels AFAIK.
Awsome work sir!!
which one is better... voltage control or pimpmycpu?
now i use voltage control oc up to 1400 with uv 50 all way down. so far run smooth.
i use noop and ondemand, if i use conservative then phone get lag
I purchased SetCPU originally, can I use it instead?
Sent from my SCH-I500 using xda premium
djblu said:
I purchased SetCPU originally, can I use it instead?
Sent from my SCH-I500 using xda premium
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IIRC the answer to that for this variety of overclock code is as follows.
Short answer: No
Long answer: Maybe but you might/probably will have problems
will this eventually have a -100uv kernel. i've the best battery life using pbj kernels with that setup. hope this gets it too. will switch kernels once all the kinks get worked out.
thx for your efforts.
mgrimmenator said:
will this eventually have a -100uv kernel.
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Voltage Control = roll your own undervolt
The only real missing feature is BLN.
Can't seem to get it to download on my fiancee's phone.
Just flashed 9-27 through cwm and flashlight confirmed working. Awesome job
sent from my SCH-I500 PWGB 2. 0b3 voodoo , shot v7
Does this kernel support non OEM batteries?
Idea: RAM optimization, if feasible
Another Fascinating post by my XDA app...
So far this kernel is working out great for me. Loving voodoo color. Makes me wish I waited on buying that Thunderbolt off eBay. The cwm file didnt work for me (probably a bad download, stayed on bootanimation for WAY too long, lagging the animation) so I used the Odin version instead. Booted instantly. Many thanks for putting this together.
Sent from my SCH-I500 using Tapatalk
Originally Posted by djblu
I purchased SetCPU originally, can I use it instead?
Sent from my SCH-I500 using xda premium
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IIRC the answer to that for this variety of overclock code is as follows.
Short answer: No
Long answer: Maybe but you might/probably will have problems
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Thanks for the clarification. next question:
how do keep from getting stuck in boot loop? Do I need to reflash my recovery immediately after flashinging the kernal?
Sent from my SCH-I500 using xda premium

Share Yor ROM+Kernels setup here

Hi there, this is the thread to share your rom and kernels setup and if also some mod that you use in your rome such as audio mod. Might be helpful for and the other users to try. Maybe some of you using MiUI Rom either chinese or global or xiaomi.eu or other MiUI based rom and maybe some of you using CM13 and aosp based rom.
Here is also some link for the kernels:
Guyver Kernel
Radon Kernel
Agni Kernel
Neon Kernel
Blaze Kernel
Some users like more battery backup on their device, some users like more performance on their device. So, which one is yours?
Share.... :highfive: Also it might be helpful if you share your kernel settings. Screenshot would be great :highfive:
My ultimate Kenzo-combo is:
1. Unofficial CM13 by Umang and DiamondBond. Why this over official CM13? Because I don't have to mess with all the camera fixes, everything is included by default. Plus as a bonus I get lightning-fast boot times and slightly quicker apps installation;
2. Radon V3.0.1 aka the most versatile, feature-rich and stable kernel for this device;
3. GovTuner 3.6 with the Balanced profile. The phone runs super-smooth while giving me solid 7-8 hours of actual use. Sure, I could go with more conservative settings and easily get 10-12 hours of SoT, but watching the phone stutter and lag is not for me.
4. Various little mods and adjustments, like the Goodix patch, build.prop tweaks ( disabling Camera2 API and bringing the LCD density down to 420 ), removing SoundFX libraries, heavily debloating the ROM and cleaning up some more system stuff like libraries and ringtones.
Overall this combo gives me the perfect day-to-day usage with no bullstuff, no crashes, no weird glitches and bugs. Everything is consistent, clean, smooth and stable.
CM14.1 can't come soon enough.
01_april said:
3. GovTuner 3.6 with the Balanced profile. The phone runs super-smooth while giving me solid 7-8 hours of actual use. Sure, I could go with more conservative settings and easily get 10-12 hours of SoT, but watching the phone stutter and lag is not for me.
4. Various little mods and adjustments, like the Goodix patch, build.prop tweaks ( disabling Camera2 API and bringing the LCD density down to 420 ), removing SoundFX libraries, heavily debloating the ROM and cleaning up some more system stuff like libraries and ringtones.
Overall this combo gives me the perfect day-to-day usage with no bullstuff, no crashes, no weird glitches and bugs. Everything is consistent, clean, smooth and stable.
CM14.1 can't come soon enough.
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Wow, that is a lot work to do. Does the Gov Tuner same like L Speed And HEBF mod?
khairul H said:
Wow, that is a lot work to do. Does the Gov Tuner same like L Speed And HEBF mod?
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Unfortunately, I haven't used either of those mods, so I can't compare.
But after installing GovTuner I noticed a signifcant increase in smoothness and fluidity with no real decrease in battery life / SoT.
01_april said:
4. Various little mods and adjustments, like the Goodix patch, build.prop tweaks ( disabling Camera2 API and bringing the LCD density down to 420 ), removing SoundFX libraries, heavily debloating the ROM and cleaning up some more system stuff like libraries and ringtones.
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Can you explain how it improves? for example disabling Camera2 API? I use Denoisecamera (from this forum) but some options FC.. but the pictures are actually nice in my opinion... Would like to have a full working camera with at least a close enough quality to this app
Barnir said:
Can you explain how it improves? for example disabling Camera2 API? I use Denoisecamera (from this forum) but some options FC.. but the pictures are actually nice in my opinion... Would like to have a full working camera with at least a close enough quality to this app
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It doesn't improve picture quailty, it improves the speed and responsiveness of the camera app. I don't care about picture quailty at all because I'm a student, so 99% of the pictures I take are textbooks, whiteboards and so on. I don't need any manual controls and denoise features for that. So, it improves the experience for me personally by making taking pictures faster and simpler.
01_april said:
It doesn't improve picture quailty, it improves the speed and responsiveness of the camera app. I don't care about picture quailty at all because I'm a student, so 99% of the pictures I take are textbooks, whiteboards and so on. I don't need any manual controls and denoise features for that. So, it improves the experience for me personally by making taking pictures faster and simpler.
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I see, but would you use any other app for the purposes i said? i dont even know now how to unnistall that Camera because it is a flashable zip
I'm using AOSCP 7.1 and Agni Kernel 3.2 and i really like this combo
Another great combo is TeslaN 7.0 and Agni kernel
01_april said:
Unfortunately, I haven't used either of those mods, so I can't compare.
But after installing GovTuner I noticed a signifcant increase in smoothness and fluidity with no real decrease in battery life / SoT.
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What about your Kernel settings? Governor? I/O scheduler, etc?
MurdererFight said:
I'm using AOSCP 7.1 and Agni Kernel 3.2 and i really like this combo
Another great combo is TeslaN 7.0 and Agni kernel
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What about your Kernel settings? Governor? I/O scheduler, etc?
AICP + Agni with ondemand and noop + xposed with greenify Amplify and power nap 11-12 hour of screen
I use official CM13 + Guyver Kernel.
I prefer to have a better battery backup (2days) but not in lieu of a great decrease in performance. The phone doesn't shutter or lag, smooth and I get about 10h SOT
mehrshad.shafaghi said:
I use official CM13 + Guyver Kernel.
I prefer to have a better battery backup (2days) but not in lieu of a great decrease in performance. The phone doesn't shutter or lag, smooth and I get about 10h SOT
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What about your kernel settings? do you keep it default or you tune a little bit? 10h seems interesting.
Barnir said:
I see, but would you use any other app for the purposes i said? i dont even know now how to unnistall that Camera because it is a flashable zip
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Snapdragon Camera and Manual Camera come to mind, you can easily Google both of those.
khairul H said:
What about your Kernel settings? Governor? I/O scheduler, etc?
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CPU governor - Interactive, GPU governor - Simple Ondemand with Adreno Idler turned off, I/O scheduler - Zen, forced FastCharge, speaker boost of +18, vibration level of 67%, disabled Fsync, TCP agorithm set to Cubic, Low Memory Killer set to Very Light, plus some color-calibration ( personal preference ).
######MINE KENZO CONFIGURATION###### ROM: - GLOBE MIUI dev 6.11.3- smiui.net
SOTS: -10H
1.RR 5.7.4
Camlin3 said:
######MINE KENZO CONFIGURATION###### ROM: - GLOBE MIUI dev 6.11.3- smiui.net
SOTS: -10H
1.RR 5.7.4
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I am using Official TWRP 3.0.2-2 and I have officially unlocked my device, can I flash smiui rom with my recovery or should I have to install some other recovery? and I want to keep my recovery so I should check don't overwrite recovery while building my smiui rom?
Thank you,
Rescuremix 5.7.3 (MM) + radon kenzo 2.9.5 is great battery life+Better camera,,,
No bugs!!
Sorry my bad english
NX 10.4 + Radon 3.0.1 + amplify,greenify,powernap
Get around 11h SOT , 85k antutu 2GB model
And totally customisable with kernel adiutor
redminote3 said:
NX 10.4 + Radon 3.0.1 + amplify,greenify,powernap
Get around 11h SOT , 85k antutu 2GB model
And totally customisable with kernel adiutor
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Stats dont work on m stable stock with onl greentif & gotuner. How to get stats in powernap?
Use BetterBatteryStats

gov-tuner project VS L speed !!doubts about freq and difference of these 2 mods

hello to all, i noticed that my redmi note 3 pro KATE ( i am on globerom stable) has the minimum clock for big cluster, setted at 883mhz , and little cluster 691mhz BUT i can select on kernel adiutor the min freq of 400/ 400 mhz.
QUESTION 1 about freq​Now i am with L speed app , and applied battery profile, but i don't understand why it does not automatically set the value to the MINIMUM POSSIBLE. Is there a reason?
Is there any CON to set the minimum cloto to cpu at 400mhz? i don't understand why xiaomi.eu and globerom modders did not set this freq to lowest possible, is it maube harmfull for the device?
should i have to set it by myself in kernel adiutor app? please help me to use this app, i just suppose i must apply 400mh setting, THEN choose to apply to boot ( there is a toggle).
What if i set at 400 and NOT toggle it?
QUESTION 2 about differences L speed and gov tuner flashable zip.​I am sorry to admit that i'm not such skilled into android development and i have difficulties to understand terms like init.d or script meanings.....
For what i know i found pre installedon globerom the gov-tuner project zip file, then i discovered that that optimizations to the GOVERNOR, are also incorporated in another app called L speed. so i uninstalled gov tuner in this way:
1) entered into console, and entered the letter to disable gov tuner. ok,
2)then rebooted into recovery and flashed the zip for uninstaller.
DELETED! and i can say with that mod my battery life was really good almost perfect.
then i installed L speed, but still being a nice app with lots of features and explanatiions for EACH of them, i just setted overall provile to BATTERY, and cheched some other tweaks....EXCLUDING THE ONES that are described as battery wasting.
Then i asked to officiial thread if i have to reboot to apply, they said no... but it's PREFERABLE. OK I REBOOT.
by now i have worse battery life ( much worse) and i can't understand why.
I tested with console if gov tuner is still present, but NO. so there shoudn't be any conflict at all
sorry....if this 2nd question is THE BIGGEST ONE, but i really need to read someone suggestion and a simple explanation to understand if it's better l speed or gov tuner to me.
L speed seems very much powerful and can mod much more things... but is it safe? maybe there are so much options and i choosed 1 or 2 too much, and now i see bad battery life. but it's nearly impossible what is the option that causes me this.
And last important thing.... is it the same thing to implement these script or optimizations at the boot (i think gov tuner do it so) or after the boot like do L speed? ( i noticed into app a setting to choose 10 seconds after boot to apply scripts, in fact i see after each boot a notification about these applied scritps)
sorry I can only answer question 1 since I dont use Lspeed.
Set it to 400MhZ Dude!
Doesnt harm your device, its still not laggy or anything.
Set apply on boot option and you`ll be golden.
RN3 has awesome battery life just stock. If you want more, install skynet. (was on xda, moved to google+)
There is even a guide somewhere out there for setting it to 400Mhz.
Cheers mate

Anyway to get battery tweaks without resorting to custom kernels?

I would love to get the battery life profiles from the custom kernels but I don't want to install them and would like to relay to the stock kernel of my rom which is RR. For reasons that I want to avoid bugs and would want to stay updated all the time.
I found spectrum which exactly what will solve my problem but the problem is that it doesn't support the stock kernel of RR.
Stock kernel of RR support "Kernel Adiutor". Kernel Adiutor give you various useful settings.
In my opinion the first is change voltage of your CPU (for each speed).
i Undervolt all Little cores:
(Warning each cpu need different settings, this setting can not work for you)
400 and 691 mhz with 695mv
806mhz 745mv
1017mhz 825mv
1190mhz 880mv
1305mhz 915mv
1382mhz 935mv
1401mhz 940mv
1440mhz 950mv
Big cores DISABLED. (i dont have lags with this settings... i play Clash Royale and use social apps, if you need it enable)
In GPU (i dont play games except Clash Royale)
133mhz min
432mhz max
Down differential 75
Iddle wait 7
Workload 10
For test speed/voltage you need to set same min and max speed and disable de Big Cores. (Or set max speed "X"mhz and use performance governor)
low voltage
use Antutu for test or other similar app.
if work low voltage again
if work repeat if not raise the voltage 5 or 10 mv and test again.
DONT USE "APPLY ON BOOT" when you try different voltages.
when you have your profile save this and here in profile menu you can set it at startup (you need to be sure of your phone stability with this settings).
Equally i recommend Agni kernel 13... i use before RR oreo and now AEX oreo and im happy with this kernel, zero problems, all fine.
in this forum other users try with VULMAX but i prefer my settings in manual and not with profile (i dont know the changes in each profile). https://forum.xda-developers.com/redmi-note-3/themes/xgh-t3701825
You can enable ForceDoze with patch https://forum.xda-developers.com/redmi-note-3/themes/universalforcedoze-deepsleep-googledns-t3770350
With ForceDoze you may have problems with sync of message apps or with clock update (you can fix it in your battery settings> optimized apps)
How often does AGNI gets updated?
drckml said:
How often does AGNI gets updated?
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i dont know but is really good for me.
Equally if you like stock kernels may use RR stock kernel + Kernel Adiutor without problems.
link of agni kernel: https://forum.xda-developers.com/re...nel-24-09-2016-agni-puremiui-mm-v1-4-t3468042
last update 2018-06-28
I tried Vulmax and the battery config and it made my phone really fast, literally as in the animations of closing and opening of apps became way too fast. I think Kernel Auditor would be better for me.
drckml said:
I tried Vulmax and the battery config and it made my phone really fast, literally as in the animations of closing and opening of apps became way too fast. I think Kernel Auditor would be better for me.
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you can change animation speed from the developer options in the settings.. disabling animation saves a bit battery thats y it is disabled

[Abandoned][TruWhite Mod] Kernel Adiutor Settings for Overload Kernel

TruWhite MOD for Overload Kernel by RandomDelta​
I have put together my settings for extracting the best performance with minimal effect on battery life from our Le eco Le 2. I have calibrated the display to true paper white colors and increased saturation to emulate AMOLED displays. Some of you may not like that so you can turn down the color saturation. While changing Voltage settings, please note that not all processors are built the same and yours might not be able to withstand the overclock. If for some reason there are random freezes, Just lower the voltage by 5mv after rebooting. The color profile has been extracted from Le eco vivid color mode EUI 5.9 with boosted color saturation . Not all displays are created equal so the color profile may not be perfect for you. Just adjust RGB by ±5 to get what works best for you. Word of caution, while playing games the phone can get pretty warm. If it concerns you, lower the throttle temperature and Temperature limit under thermal at the cost of some performance. Screen on time is 8 hrs at 50% brightness and 6 hrs at 100% brightness. I recommend 90% for optimum usage. Download the attached zip and adjust settings as in the pictures. Performance Is up by 20% from stock settings and battery usage is 5%less than stock settings. Performance test screenshot is also attached.
Hope you like it . Do comment on how you like it
Suggestions and Requests are welcome.
XDA DevDB Information
TruWhite MOD for Overload Kernel by RandomDelta, Device Specific for the LeEco Le 2 (x52X)
renjian- for making Overload Kernel
RandomDelta - For Custom Settings and optimizations.
If you don't have Overload Kernel, you can download your preferred version from the link given below
1. Download and flash preferred version of Overload Kernel in Twrp
2. Install Kernel Adiutor and give it Root privileges
3. Download and extract image files from the zip file for corresponding Overload Kernel Version in this post.
4. Compare settings in screenshot images in zip to the settings in Kernel Adiutor and set them to values mentioned in the screen shots. Set them to be applied on Boot. Wait for a few seconds and the new settings will have applied .
1. Distribution of TruWhite Mod files directly is not allowed. You are requested to drop a link to this page on the thread you wish to.
2. This is not a flashable zip
3. .json files will be made available on request. Using the .Json file you can import it in kernel Adiutor (donate version),set that to apply on boot and hence apply the customizations in a single click rather than having to fiddle with various settings.
If you like my work, you can donate me a cup of coffee.
UPI: [email protected]
1.Smoother I/O performance than stock
2.Increased CPU and GPU performance than stock
3. Fine tuned color profile for a more color accurate vibrant display leading to a more enjoyable media playback experience and Better visibility of small targets in competitive games.
4.Tuned CPU voltages to further increase performance with minimal effect on battery
5. Thermals tuned for delivering maximum performance without thermal throttling .
6. Optimized Memory manager for multi-tasking
7. LKT is not recommended
8. Optimized only for Overload Kernel v4.14
1. Increased I/O performance
2.Changed screen color calibration to reduce eye strain
3.Now compatible with LKT
4.Optimized for Overload Kernel v4.14 and v4.15
1. Optimized for Overload Kernel v4.19
2. Optimized battery life further.
3. LKT balanced or battery mode suggested as add on.
4.Reduced I/O lag
5. Removed Performance test screenshot
6.Also applicable to Overload Kernel v4.17, v4.18 and v4.20
1. Optimized for Overload Kernel v4.21
2. Improved Standby time
3. Improved peak performance by upto 7%
4. Changed screen color calibration to fix oversaturated yellows
5. I/O operations are now less battery intensive
6. Improved Network Performance for faster downloads
7. Optimized thermal performance further
8. Also applicable to Overload Kernel v4.22
9. Color Profile and Thermal calibration is no longer optimised on devices running June 2019 patch or newer due to updated libs.
1. Fixed Color Profile and Thermal profile for optimum performance.
2.Tuned Kcal to be slightly warm to reduce eye fatigue.
3. Color Calibration based on Redmi Note 7 Pro Increased Contrast (Cool) display profile.
4.Improved Standby time significantly.
5. Reduced idle battery drain
6. Increased GPU performance while gaming.
7.Tuned Cpu Voltages to prioritise performance under heavy load and battery under light load.
8. Unable to fix I/O lag. Still looking into how to solve it. Help is appreciated. Virtual Memory needs to be tweaked further.
9. Optimized for Overload Kernel v4.23
This project has been abandoned as Overload Kernel is no longer being updated
Version information
Status : Stable
Current Stable Version : v1.4
Latest Version :v1.4
Final Version :v1.4
Created 25-01-2019
Last Updated 28-07-2019
Can this for 4.15?
How about gaming?
Its good or nah?
Restian Rony said:
Can this for 4.15?
How about gaming?
Its good or nah?
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Every Version of kernel is different from each other and features pop up and disappear with updates. So certain customizations mentioned in this guide may not be available in a different kernel version. Also, optimum values tend to differ from kernel version to version. So yeah, it'll work in v4.15 but you might not get the best results.
It's good for gaming coz you get a 20% performance boost over stock. You can improve performance further by changing CPU and GPU governers to Performance, increasing minimum CPU and GPU speed, increasing minimum number of big cores online and increasing the temperature limits but it will adversely affect your thermals and battery life.
RandomDelta said:
Every Version of kernel is different from each other and features pop up and disappear with updates. So certain customizations mentioned in this guide may not be available in a different kernel version. Also, optimum values tend to differ from kernel version to version. So yeah, it'll work in v4.15 but you might not get the best results.
It's good for gaming coz you get a 20% performance boost over stock. You can improve performance further by changing CPU and GPU governers to Performance, increasing minimum CPU mad GPU speed, increasing minimum number of big cores online and increasing the temperature limits but it will adversely affect your thermals and battery life.
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Wow thanks mate
Love u ?
V1.1 now available.
Will release performance biased mod shortly. Hope you all like it
I can not find the core control setting screen (the one attached)
Why not share the .json profile file directly?
danyel980 said:
I can not find the core control setting screen (the one attached)
Why not share the .json profile file directly?
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Are you on Overload kernel v4.14. Please ensure that you are. Even if I share the Json file, that setting won't be applied because that setting doesn't exist for the kernel you are on. So it's pointless. Plus to apply the Json file, you need to have the pro version of Kernel Adiutor , which most of us don't. If you want the Json file, it's linked below.
It's the v1.1 Balanced profile
RandomDelta said:
Are you on Overload kernel v4.14. Please ensure that you are. Even if I share the Json file, that setting won't be applied because that setting doesn't exist for the kernel you are on. So it's pointless. Plus to apply the Json file, you need to have the pro version of Kernel Adiutor , which most of us don't. If you want the Json file, it's linked below.
It's the v1.1 Balanced profile
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yes, I'm overloaded 4.14 but I can not find the screen in question.
thanks for the .json file, even if you say in effect it does not make much sense unless you can apply the whole configuration. I would like to understand why I do not find the setting, however
danyel980 said:
yes, I'm overloaded 4.14 but I can not find the screen in question.
thanks for the .json file, even if you say in effect it does not make much sense unless you can apply the whole configuration. I would like to understand why I do not find the setting, however
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Maybe there was some error during the flashing process. You should redownload the kernel And flash it again. It should solve the issue.
Custom settings for Overload Kernel v4.19 has been released
Settings for v4.20 are the same as for v4.19. So I'm not reposting.
Settings for v4.21 will be released soon.
Thanks for the great work
Waiting for v21 TIA
TruWhite MOD v1.3 for overload kernel v4.21 has been released!
I will not be releasing performance biased mod because in my opinion the battery trade off associated is not worth the tiny performance gain.
RandomDelta said:
TruWhite MOD v1.3 for overload kernel v4.21 has been released!
I will not be releasing performance biased mod because in my opinion the battery trade off associated is not worth the tiny performance gain.
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After downloading and flashing Ol 4.21, it is showing 4.20 of 17th Feb..... What to do?
MpS005 said:
After downloading and flashing Ol 4.21, it is showing 4.20 of 17th Feb..... What to do?
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Don't worry . You are on v4.21. Renjian forgot to update the build release key description.
RandomDelta said:
Don't worry . You are on v4.21. Renjian forgot to update the build release key description.
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but my last option for max frequencies for big cpu is 1478mhz. There's no 1800mhz or around it
MpS005 said:
but my last option for max frequencies for big cpu is 1478mhz. There's no 1800mhz or around it
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It's for little CPU. You might be confused. Little CPU max out at 1478mhz in v4.21. Send screenshots . I might be able to help
RandomDelta said:
It's for little CPU. You might be confused. Little CPU max out at 1478mhz in v4.21. Send screenshots . I might be able to help
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I sorted out. It was showing wrong info. It was showing 1478mhz in big and 1843mhz in small. LOL. I force stopped app and rebooted phone. Then, it was correct.....Wait for results now:fingers-crossed:

