Turn on second screen only when notification - LG V10 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hi guys
I have a question:
Anyone's knows if it could be possible (with or without root) to switch on second screen only if there are notifications?
Basically I'd like to have second screen ON, only if there is a notification. Many times I have them and I like it to check but the majority of the time I haven't any and I don't care to look at the time,i have a watch! Ahahahah
Thanks for help


Screen turn on by it self

Hello ppl today i noticed that my atrix screen is turned on for couple of seconds then off by it self well first i thoughts it maybe a notificatione so i cleared them but after a while i saw it keep doing it over and over wake up the screen for couple of seconds then turn it off .. over and over please idea what is going on and how to fix that ?? thanks in advance
Some application/game works in background and wakes up display?
Use better battery stats. It will help you find the app that is causing the issue.

[Q] Display turn on by himself and its on for 2 min...

Hi guys,
I have this annoying occurrence sometimes, my display just turn on, and its on for 2 min, which is my display sleep setting.
First of all, how can i find what can cause that??
And second question -- why it is on for 2 min?? I am using internal screen lock // cyanogenmod 10,1.... I know from my earlier use from other lock / ROM that it will turn off in about several second if I dont unlock phone...
Thanks for answers, really appreciate it...
Something's obviously triggering the screen when it's meant to be sleeping, get/install BetterBatteryStats & let it run for a bit, next time it happens have a look @ the BBS logs & see if you can track it down that way.
I used to have that issue (or at least the same result), I found it was actually a clock widget waking my phone up once every hour, on the hour. Why it turned my screen on I'll never know. Uninstalled and no issues since. So look for something similar in you case, MistahBungle has given you a good way to do that.

[Need help] Double tap 2 turn off LED notifications

Hey guys, firstly I want to say, that I have absolutely no clue about developing, or compiling and such.
I know a lot about computers and smartphones (especially Android) but I´ve never developed anything before.
And I do not speak any programming language.
So, what I need, is a way to turn the notifications LED off, via doubletapping the screen. (This should only happen, if the screen is turned off)
Basically I want a "double tap too temporarily disable the notifications LED, until the screen is turned on and off again" function.
I have literally no idea how to start this, and I need some help on this.
My plan would be, to make a kernel-module which kinda reacts to doubletapping the screen.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Why is my phone taking photographies by itself?

Hello everyone!
I going to try to explain this problem...
ie: I just finish to talk with some friend in whatsapp, then I press on the power button to turn off the screen, right? So between 10 and 20 seconds later, the phone makes the sound like if I would turn on the screen again in order to use it, and then takes between 2 and 4 photographies (I know because of the camera sound when I take some pic) and then it makes the sound again like if would turn off the screen again. It's crazy. Also the screen remains black I mean it don't turn on it just stay black and make those noises...
BTW: I have this phone since a month. It's not rooted, I only download apps from google play.
It's the chinese company whom assembly the phones?
I would like to change my firmware in order to fix it, I don't like it even a little. Any recommendation will be appreciated.
P.S. Sorry if you find my english a bit rustic hehe.

Question re: screen waking for notifications...

Hey everybody -
Looking at purchasing moto360 again, but I just have one little question first.
On my old smartwatch, whenever I received a notification of any sort, the screen would automatically light up. Aside from this being needless battery drain it was also terribly annoying / distracting. For example, in a meeting, my watch would just fire up for everyone to see!
I'm wondering if this is still the case, or if this has been fixed in latest editions of the moto360. Ideally, the watch would only vibrate to let me know I received a new message, however the screen wouldn't light up until I touched it. (I realize that theater mode can do this temporarily, but only temporarily!)
I'd really appreciate the help. Thank you!

