Please help with a possible S6 repair con. - Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Please can anybody with experience of galaxy s6 repair help.
A couple of weeks ago I turned of my s6 one night, next morning I tried to turn it on but it wouldn't, it was completely unresponsive, black screen no lights, the phone has never been dropped or damaged in anyway or been anywhere near water.
When it was switched off the battery was almost fully charged, so I knew it wasn't a dead battery but I tried the charger anyway. There was no charging light and the back of the phone near the rear camera got quite hot within a couple of minutes. I tried a soft reset but it didn't work.
So then I took it to a local phone shop for repair. The guy in the shop said that he'll send the phone of the workshop for a diagnostic. Anyway he called up and said the motherboard is faulty and needed to replaced. Now he phoned up again and the guy who is fixing the phone is now saying the screen also needs to be replaced, apparently the backlight is not working. Now I know amoled screens do not have any backlight, so I asked him what exactly is wrong with the screen as it's a amoled screen it doesn't have a back light, he said he doesn't know just the engineer said the backlight doesn't work. He said the repair would cost £149.
My question can a faulty motherboard damage the screen? is he what he is saying plausible or is he trying a con?
Thanks in advance for any reply's.

bossrat45 said:
Please can anybody with experience of galaxy s6 repair help.
A couple of weeks ago I turned of my s6 one night, next morning I tried to turn it on but it wouldn't, it was completely unresponsive, black screen no lights, the phone has never been dropped or damaged in anyway or been anywhere near water.
When it was switched off the battery was almost fully charged, so I knew it wasn't a dead battery but I tried the charger anyway. There was no charging light and the back of the phone near the rear camera got quite hot within a couple of minutes. I tried a soft reset but it didn't work.
So then I took it to a local phone shop for repair. The guy in the shop said that he'll send the phone of the workshop for a diagnostic. Anyway he called up and said the motherboard is faulty and needed to replaced. Now he phoned up again and the guy who is fixing the phone is now saying the screen also needs to be replaced, apparently the backlight is not working. Now I know amoled screens do not have any backlight, so I asked him what exactly is wrong with the screen as it's a amoled screen it doesn't have a back light, he said he doesn't know just the engineer said the backlight doesn't work. He said the repair would cost £149.
My question can a faulty motherboard damage the screen? is he what he is saying plausible or is he trying a con?
Thanks in advance for any reply's.
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A faulty motherboard can damage the screen (in various ways). All screens have backlight (except for screens like the old Nokia 3310 had) so the layers of your screen might be damaged or have leaked since there is a fluid "sticking" the layers together. This is (obviously) not a software problem, but I would like to know if you were rooted, had any custom ROMs/kernels and did you have XPosed installed. How did you root and did you have a custom recovery?
All my statements are afaik (as far as I know) and based upon real life experiences, if anything I wrote is wrong, feel free to correct me as we are all learning .

Thanks for the reply, I hadn't rooted the phone, all I had done was replace the vodafone firmware to stock firmware as I was no longer on vodafone and wanted to remove all the bloatware, but that was many months ago and everything was working fine.
I just find it odd that a perfectly working phone can be damaged so badly for no obvious reason, it wasn't plugged into the charger, I just turned it off one night put it on my desk, tried to turn it on next morning and it was dead.
So does the repair seem legit to you? I am just a bit weary as I know how easy it would be to charge for parts that aren't necessary. Also is there anyway I could check if the screen has really been changed as the display on my phone was in perfect condition, not a single mark or scratch or any thing to identify it against a brand new screen.

bossrat45 said:
Thanks for the reply, I hadn't rooted the phone, all I had done was replace the vodafone firmware to stock firmware as I was no longer on vodafone and wanted to remove all the bloatware, but that was many months ago and everything was working fine.
I just find it odd that a perfectly working phone can be damaged so badly for no obvious reason, it wasn't plugged into the charger, I just turned it off one night put it on my desk, tried to turn it on next morning and it was dead.
So does the repair seem legit to you? I am just a bit weary as I know how easy it would be to charge for parts that aren't necessary. Also is there anyway I could check if the screen has really been changed as the display on my phone was in perfect condition, not a single mark or scratch or any thing to identify it against a brand new screen.
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Hmmm, okay.
If you have the right tools you can probably make a mark with a marker or something that won't damage the screen and then when they "replace" it you can check if it is still there. By the way, I don't mean on the screen but on that metal part on the underside of the screen. If you don't want to make such a thing because you maybe don't have the necessary tools, make a tiny scratch that you can locate but won't affect using the phone or not visible unless you really take a close look. If you don't want to do that you can take it to an official Samsung retailer or send it to them (this is probably the most recommended option).

Unfortunately the phone already at the repair shop, I got a call a few days ago telling me that the logic board was damaged and needed to be replaced, I agreed to that repair, now he called again today and said the display also needs to be changed. That's why I'm a bit suspicious, I can understand how the motherboard maybe faulty and may have died, but the display also? maybe he damaged the display when trying to change the motherboard or he's charging for unnecessary work or maybe he's telling the truth and the faulty motherboard killed the display, I don't know.
I was wondering if there's something in the firmware which keeps count of the number of times a part has been replaced or how long the display has been used for or a way I can check the date of the display manufacture without opening the phone.

bossrat45 said:
Unfortunately the phone already at the repair shop, I got a call a few days ago telling me that the logic board was damaged and needed to be replaced, I agreed to that repair, now he called again today and said the display also needs to be changed. That's why I'm a bit suspicious, I can understand how the motherboard maybe faulty and may have died, but the display also? maybe he damaged the display when trying to change the motherboard or he's charging for unnecessary work or maybe he's telling the truth and the faulty motherboard killed the display, I don't know.
I was wondering if there's something in the firmware which keeps count of the number of times a part has been replaced or how long the display has been used for or a way I can check the date of the display manufacture without opening the phone.
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Unfortunatly, no,but if the phone is working after the repair that means it is fixed! If not, they will give you a replacement since they test everything to make sure it works.


[Q] Sorry if this is in the wrong place, X10 Help?

I checked out a few other threads, on a couple forums and dont think anyone has been stupid enough to do this so far...
about 4 months ago, I was lost and my phone was dead, having bodged a car charger together I plugged it in.
The phone turned on, booted up and I got the SatNav software running, but before I could drive off it started flashing.. screen, lights, like a tiny disco....
Then it smoked, quite a lot for a second or two, by this time I'd took battery out and dis-connected the charger but it was too late, the phone was dead.
I got home, put the battery in a desktop charger til it was full and the phone has remained at it's current condition since.
So; it won't turn on, vibrate or flash any lights. The ONLY thing it does, is power up the right hand side bottom white light between the home key and back button.
I've been Ebaying since the day I killed it for a spares one, tried buying a main board but no joy anywhere without paying over £70 (and that's for a complete but knackered handset).
My dad's good with phones, his mate better also both of which said i've burnt out some chips. Some do kinda, have small 'holes' in, and I wiped a 2GB card too, wont work in anything else.
Without spending silly amounts on a new phone can I not do anything with this? Apparently everything except the main board should work (screen, digitizer etc)..
Help anyone please? -ta.
I suggest that you contact your local support team because I think this is something that needs to be examined at a repair center.
I dropped my X10a, and cracked the screen/digitizer. Is it easier to replace the whole housing or just the digitizer? Any suggestions on which company supplies OEM parts at the best prices?
agentJBM said:
I dropped my X10a, and cracked the screen/digitizer. Is it easier to replace the whole housing or just the digitizer? Any suggestions on which company supplies OEM parts at the best prices?
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I've found some an i will keep looking but here is some at the bottom of my post and if you know of some please do post them here and all update this. good luck

[Q] Broke my screen, replaced it, screen does not switch on

I have the following problem.
When I broke my phone's screen and before I found a replacement on ebay I took my phone to a local dealer to try and find a screen locally and fix it. It was a no-guarrantee deal since I bought the phone from the Uk (I'm from Cyprus) and all the risk was on me. Anyway, he eventually couldn't find a replacement here so I got the phone back.
When trying to switch on the phone back home I noticed that before I took it to the dealer the screen did switch on just a bit on the top. After I got it back the screen didn't work at all although I could hear the phone operate. I thought that the damage would be repaired with the new screen sent through ebay but after I replaced the screen today the screen still doesn't switch on at all although I can hear the phone operate.
I am sure that I have plugged in everything correct and now I am afraid that the motherboard could be damaged.
Have you ever come up to something like this? Could the dealer damage something on the phone's motherboard and now the phone operates without the screen switching on? Do you have any suggestions which might help me get my phone's screen back on?
Most likely culprit is either the phone was failing or your repair job .
Or the guy you gave it to swapped out your good board for a dud thinking you won't know any better. Is he trustworthy?
Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk
Don't think so, he is a vodafone reseller, recommended by a friend. Also when I connect the phone to the computer through kies I can see the kernel version I got from here plus all my contacts reminders ect.
Any other ideas as to how to try and make it work?

Live With Walkman Digitizer Problem

Hello everybody, this is my first post here, and I hope that I'm not posting in wrong place, if I did that, I am sorry. Now, as the title says, i have problem with the digitizer on my WT19i, the thing is that I cracked my original digitizer, but it was still working great, even broken as hell , than I went to a local mobile shop, where I've been told that the replacement brand new digitizer will cost arround 40 bucks, and arround 50 with their installation and it will be truly genuine part, but after I saw how they were repairing mobile phones with parts flying all over the shop, I decided to replace the digitizer by myself, i mean how hard could it be right? Turned to be a little complicated, but nothing special at all, so I replaced it with new double sided glue tape (don't know for the real name for it), and I assembled the phone like it should be, and I was maximum careful during the process (took me about 5 hours ), but when I turned it on, I noticed that the digitizer was not very precise, and sometimes was stuck in non-workable state, the hard keys work all the time, but the digitizer doesn't, it seems like it has mind of it's own, he decides when to work and how, so I opened the device again, reinstalled everything, cleaned ports with alcohol, and reassembled it very careful again, but still the same issue. Then i tried everything to eliminate software mistakes, but when I opened flashtool, and connected the device, it said "your device is not recognized", so I dissasembled the device, and put the old digitizer in, turned the device on, and imagine, the digitizer was working even it is with missing pieces from it, and Flashtool then recognized the device, installed busybox to the device ( I am sure that I had busybox before, and the device was working great ), but nevermind, I put back the new digitizer, and has been recognized in Flashtool, so I relocked bootloader and installed GB factory rom, v58, so the device is in the factory state right now, but guess what, the same problem is still here, tried hard reset, and many other stuff, but no luck. I tried to go to the shop and they told me that I didn't mounted it properly , I guess it's because I didn't pay to them to mount it, however, they won't replace the part and no money back .. I don't know exactly how to see is the digitizer genuine/faulty, or is some other hardware or software fault, but I've noticed that on the original digitizer it has some barely visible horizontal and vertical lines, and on the new digitizer the same lines are diagonally placed, and I can tell that the new part looks kinda cheap and low quality. So if someone has some kind of a solution, I will be greatly thankful to him. Please help me, because I become desperate about this, spended my money and now I am still in the same mess. sry for the bad english, it's not my native language, and sry for the long and exhausting post.
I guess you won't have luck
Just a short summary:
-Your digitizer was bricked
-You bought a new one for 40 bucks (instead of 50 including replacing in the shop)
-You opened the device and replaced it
-It was not working properly
-You put on the old one and it worked
-You went to the shop and told them it's not working, but they are angry because you tried to do it by yourself and so they didn't want to replace the new digitizer
-The new digitizer looks cheap and you can't get back the money...
Did I get that right?
Hmmm.....when buying original digitizer, make sure there come with tools included in the packages....if your digitizer only then make sure its not from china.....
it's not hard to spot original digitizer and cheap digitizer...original digitizer comes with warranty and the cheap one can be spot by looking at the ribbons....also original digitizer fits perfectly on any LWW while the cheap one will have a small gaps from the cover....
as for you problem, you should ask the shop if the digitizer comes with tools and if there a warranty for it...if it doesn't then you should just lets the shop replace the digitizer cause if somehow any problem came out then you can blame them
mihahn said:
I guess you won't have luck
Just a short summary:
-Your digitizer was bricked
-You bought a new one for 40 bucks (instead of 50 including replacing in the shop)
-You opened the device and replaced it
-It was not working properly
-You put on the old one and it worked
-You went to the shop and told them it's not working, but they are angry because you tried to do it by yourself and so they didn't want to replace the new digitizer
-The new digitizer looks cheap and you can't get back the money...
Did I get that right?
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Yep, you got it.. is there any solution available for it or should I bent my tail and go buy new one from another mobile shop?
I finally solved the problem. I went to the authorized service, and they said that my digitizer is just fine, charged me 10 bucks, BUT, i was kinda suspicios about the repair, because they told me that the software was reinstalled and the problem was solved, which was ridicilous, because I personally changed and tried every possible software and kernels that I could find, so I tested the device right in front of them, holding other customers behind me waiting until I check it , turned out that the same problem is still present, I was pissed off, they were stunned that I found them lying to me, they took the phone back, changed the digitizer, charged me plus 30 bucks, and here I am, with finally fully working device. I just can't believe that Sony is allowing this to happen, I am totally disapointed in their customer care, and I just wanted everyone who has the same problem, broken digitizer etc. the original digitizer comes with the whole front cover, not only the glass, but the whole thing. I hope this post can help someone to not go through my pain and costs.

[Q] i9100 won't turn on

Last night my phone was working fine, when I went to bed it was charging and still working. When I woke up this morning the screen was black, with no response. I tried to get into recovery and download mode with no luck. I tries these steps to get into download mode except for the usb jjg The phone is rooted and a rom has been flashed, but I did that a couple of weeks back. I have no idea how this could have happened. Also when I plug it in to charge there is no response from the phone. The screen stays black no matter what I do.
Also about a week ago, I dropped my phone outside, it was in torrential rain over night. The next day when I found it, it booted up no problem and has been working perfectly until today.
Does anyone have any ideas or solutions?
I'd really appreciate any help,
I'd faced the same issue once. In this state, even if the phone is connected for charging, all that happens is the phone becomes warm. I tried everything and the final solution was to get it replaced. My phone was covered under warranty.
rajasiman said:
I'd faced the same issue once. In this state, even if the phone is connected for charging, all that happens is the phone becomes warm. I tried everything and the final solution was to get it replaced. My phone was covered under warranty.
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Unfortunately mine is not, I guess I could get a replacement motherboard then, are they easy to replace yourself?
The only replacement motherboard you'll be getting is a 2nd hand one; Samsung don't sell new motherboards (unless you're paying one of their service centres to replace it).
Given it was exposed to water 'overnight' & given it sounds like you used it immediately after water exposure (as opposed to immediately shutting the phone down, removing the battery & leaving it in a bag of rice for a week undisturbed), there's a fair chance even a motherboard replacement won't help if other components are damaged.
Water + electronics = unhappy ending.
Might want to start looking for another phone.
MistahBungle said:
The only replacement motherboard you'll be getting is a 2nd hand one; Samsung don't sell new motherboards (unless you're paying one of their service centres to replace it).
Given it was exposed to water 'overnight' & given it sounds like you used it immediately after water exposure (as opposed to immediately shutting the phone down, removing the battery & leaving it in a bag of rice for a week undisturbed), there's a fair chance even a motherboard replacement won't help if other components are damaged.
Water + electronics = unhappy ending.
Might want to start looking for another phone.
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Yeah I did use it straight away, not the smartest move I must admit. I guess I will, just annoying having to buy a new phone. Thanks for the info, and thanks for reminding me about the bag of rice, in case something like this happens to me again.

Many problems with this phone! Need suggestions!

Hi there,
My girlfriend bought refurbished S6 Edge (from ebay seller) 3 months ago and everything seemed fine for some time. To make this story short, I will skip some details .
After 2 months of use back cover started to detach from the phone. We guessed that problem was in faulty battery and contacted seller immediately, but he never responded. In his ad it was stated that phone comes with 2 year warranty. Then we contacted Samsung and they arranged free shipping to their official service partner.
After almost one more month of waiting, they finally opened it and found out that battery was damaged but someone was already trying to fix that damage before with some tape. They refused to repair it and it was just returned to us as it is.
I was thinking to order a new battery and change it myself, but as it turned out phone now has other problems which were not there before.
- capacitive buttons are not lighting up no matter what (tried everything). Back button only blinks once when booting up.
- adaptive brightness is not working no matter what (it is always on full brightness)
- screen turns off as soon as she presses "call" button
This all looks like problem with proximity and light sensors, but they all seem to work in *#0*# menu, so really not sure what to do.
We already filed a dispute with PayPal, but I guess not much help will come from that. Any suggestion what can we do here?
Sorry man, but it sounds like you're kinda SOL. I would honestly just try selling it as-is before the S7 Edge comes out. That really sucks though.

