I can get Internet Connection, However I cannot download APK File (Kitkat and Lollipo - Remix OS for PC

I have problem related on internet connection in Android x-86 version 5.1 (Lollipop) and version 4.4 (Kitkat). I run that android emulators on VM-ware.
I use android-x86-4.4-r5.iso for Kitkat and android-x86-5.1-rc.iso for Lollipop.
I have internet connectivity and I can use web browser for both android emulators, but I cannot download the APK files.
The status of the APK files at Download Folder always show Queued status and I waited for so long but there was no any APK file at that folder (Download folder), or there is no any response.
Please help me out. Thanks in advance.


Please help me if u can !!

i want to run apps and surf internet via Android x86 OS !!!!
i surf internet via ethernet, so, how can i surf internet on android and how to run apk on android? i dont found any file manager app on 4.3/4.2 x86 images. and there any kitKat iso out for x86 ? (NOTE: i dont want to run it on virtualbox/pc or VMware!!)...sorry for bad eng

[Q] Android & Apk installation

1. I installed android lolipop on my pc (dual boot with windows 7). But after instaling I found no file manager there, therefore i can't install apps.
2. I usually share internet from my android phone to pc (tethering & portable hotspot.) But in pc this is not working.
3. Usb data shareing is not working (Tripically works in other android to android)
* Now please tell me how can I install new apk files and share internet & files to my pc (android one)

Cannot Access Internet Using Guest Account, Cannot Download File but I Have Internet

Hi all.
I have a problem using Android OS on VM-ware that is related on internet connection in Android x-86 version 5.1 (Lollipop) and version 4.4 (Kitkat).
I use android-x86-4.4-r5.iso for Kitkat and android-x86-5.1-rc.iso for Lollipop.
I have internet connectivity and I can use web browser for both android emulators, but I cannot download the APK files.
The status of the APK files at Download Folder always show Queued status and I waited for so long but there was no any APK file at that folder (Download folder), or there is no any response.
Besides, when I changed to the guest account, I cannot access the internet, it happens for Android x-86 OS and Remix OS.
In addition, in Remix OS I cannot impose the code into the Remix OS. Let says I wanna impose code into /etc/init.sh.
Please help me out. I would appreciate for your suggestions. Thanks in advance.

Extract SAMBA server app from NIKAI TV

I have NIKAI TV with android 4.4.2 when I opened the android settings I found an option for SAMBA service
it is really excellent and stable used it for 2 years
unfortunately I had to use android box now because the TV installed android OS can't be upgraded but I want extract the SAMBA service app from the TV and install it on the android box
I manged to browse /system/app folder via FTP which contain .odex and .apk files but I can't find the app
I know there is samba app out there but I want this one how I can get that any help

Wifi issues after installation of Magisk on Android x86 PC

I recently installed Android-x86 9.0-r1 as a second OS on my PC (Asus Transformer Book T300CHI).
Now i would like to install Magisk to get apps working like Sky Go. The main intension is to hide custom roms. I think this is possible with ServiceCheck via Magisk.
First of all I would like to explain how I installed Magisk on my Android x86 partition.
I downloaded magisk.apk Version: ce7cb1ee (276) and installed it to Android x86. Then i went to my Windows OS and copied kernel, initrd.img and ramdisk.img of Android x86 OS to a workfolder. With AIK tool for Windows I managed to create a boot.img file. I copied this file to Android OS and I flashed that boot.img file with Magisk. I just checked the first option. If I check also rescovery mode etc. I suffered a bootloop so I assume only the first option checked on worked for me so far. After that I got a patched boot.img. I copied this file back to Windows OS and unpachted the file with AIK. I renamed the 3 files to kernel, initrd.img and ramdisk.img. I copied and overwrote the files in Android OS folder.
Then I booted to Android x86 and the Wifi did not work. It's enabled but I can't get a internet connection. Then I deleted my network and tried to connect again. I loged in again with my password but it's stated that the password is incorrect. I searched for some similar problems but did not find something which could solve the issue. For example I have no p2p file in wifi folder at root directory which could be deleted.
Has anyone made similar experiances? Would be great if someone could help be with this issue. I'm relatively new on this topic...
Many thanks in advance.
Best regards
i got the same issue after installing magisk on my bliss os, sadly i didn't find a solution. i was so happy that magisk is working but after a while i just noticed that my wifi isn't connecting to any network.
Are you sure that you didn't turn off the WiFi mode from the hardware KB using the 'fn' key + 'f1-f12' (in my case it's 'fn' + 'f2' to turn wireless on/off)? I always just figured this was a windows only thing but come to my surprise, I had same problem one time when I installed android x86 on one of my Intel PC's and must have accidentally press that button combo cause after not being able to connect for a few days, I hit that button combo and it worked again. I dunno if this helps.. hopefully it will but I have my doubts that it will because you stated that WiFi is on but not connecting to any networks.. if this was the same issue it probably wouldn't even come on
If you do a Google search for "magisk wifi problem" you can notice that this is known problem.
racingherof1 said:
I recently installed Android-x86 9.0-r1 as a second OS on my PC (Asus Transformer Book T300CHI).
Now i would like to install Magisk to get apps working like Sky Go. The main intension is to hide custom roms. I think this is possible with ServiceCheck via Magisk.
First of all I would like to explain how I installed Magisk on my Android x86 partition.
I downloaded magisk.apk Version: ce7cb1ee (276) and installed it to Android x86. Then i went to my Windows OS and copied kernel, initrd.img and ramdisk.img of Android x86 OS to a workfolder. With AIK tool for Windows I managed to create a boot.img file. I copied this file to Android OS and I flashed that boot.img file with Magisk. I just checked the first option. If I check also rescovery mode etc. I suffered a bootloop so I assume only the first option checked on worked for me so far. After that I got a patched boot.img. I copied this file back to Windows OS and unpachted the file with AIK. I renamed the 3 files to kernel, initrd.img and ramdisk.img. I copied and overwrote the files in Android OS folder.
Then I booted to Android x86 and the Wifi did not work. It's enabled but I can't get a internet connection. Then I deleted my network and tried to connect again. I loged in again with my password but it's stated that the password is incorrect. I searched for some similar problems but did not find something which could solve the issue. For example I have no p2p file in wifi folder at root directory which could be deleted.
Has anyone made similar experiances? Would be great if someone could help be with this issue. I'm relatively new on this topic...
Many thanks in advance.
Best regards
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I managed to get wifi working out of the box on my HP Stream 11 laptop with a 32 gb emmc while using bliss 11.14 with the 5.4.x kernel. Using bliss os 14.3 was the same, except I sideloaded the latest version of microG suite, Aurora Services/Store, F-Droid, apkpure & Chrome to bypass the Google sign-in loop. Then I went through to add accounts no problem. I'd also recommend using FX File Explorer w/root access. Your method to get Magisk on there with the AIK tool is genius. Now I'm currently testing out the newest os alpha version 15. With 14.x & 15 the wifi module detection is a bit wonky thanks to the 5.10.x kernel and the exclusion of certain hardwares as per official channels. My current workaround for the wifi is simply using USB tethering from my cell and/or a ether net to usb adapter since my laptop has no built in ether net port. I highly recommend using the "a[root] logcat" app to help get info about your hardware and how the OS is detecting the internals.
racingherof1 said:
I recently installed Android-x86 9.0-r1 as a second OS on my PC (Asus Transformer Book T300CHI).
Now i would like to install Magisk to get apps working like Sky Go. The main intension is to hide custom roms. I think this is possible with ServiceCheck via Magisk.
First of all I would like to explain how I installed Magisk on my Android x86 partition.
I downloaded magisk.apk Version: ce7cb1ee (276) and installed it to Android x86. Then i went to my Windows OS and copied kernel, initrd.img and ramdisk.img of Android x86 OS to a workfolder. With AIK tool for Windows I managed to create a boot.img file. I copied this file to Android OS and I flashed that boot.img file with Magisk. I just checked the first option. If I check also rescovery mode etc. I suffered a bootloop so I assume only the first option checked on worked for me so far. After that I got a patched boot.img. I copied this file back to Windows OS and unpachted the file with AIK. I renamed the 3 files to kernel, initrd.img and ramdisk.img. I copied and overwrote the files in Android OS folder.
Then I booted to Android x86 and the Wifi did not work. It's enabled but I can't get a internet connection. Then I deleted my network and tried to connect again. I loged in again with my password but it's stated that the password is incorrect. I searched for some similar problems but did not find something which could solve the issue. For example I have no p2p file in wifi folder at root directory which could be deleted.
Has anyone made similar experiances? Would be great if someone could help be with this issue. I'm relatively new on this topic...
Many thanks in advance.
Best regards
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Hi! Sorry i don't have the solution for you but maybe you can help me..? I have also installed Android x86 to a T300chi. Did you manage to get the keyboard to work? Mine connects but would not work. Thank you so much!

