screen is not turning off after the screen time-out time. - LG G5 Questions & Answers

hello everyone, i know this problem has been posted before too by @lunercrab but this is a serious issue for me, from somedays my screen is not turning off after screen timeout time, which is leading me too heavy battery draining coz i have a habbit of leaving the phone as it is while working so its screen gets turned off after 15-30secs but from past few days its not working......i m not using any launcher nor my phone is rooted. and while my phone is idle(screen locked) and a notification arrive's the lock screen turns on and again dznt turns off which is leading to heavy battery drain. please help me.

What applications did you install lately, try to work backwards by removing each one at a time.


Problem with my Rezound spontaneously shutting off

So my Rezound will occasionally just shut off. It always happens while the screen is off (so not while I'm using it). But I'll go to try and turn it on to no avail. And I am forced to do a battery pull to get it working again.
Recently whenever I try to restart my Rezound it hangs on the HTC Logo for over a minute and never leaves until I press the power button and then press it again.
Any thoughts?
Edit: Also I just noticed, this has never happened before, but the screen is now showing the blue flicker like crazy. I always got the blue flicker here and there very fleetingly but now its every few seconds and the entire screen turns blue.
Are you undervolting or underclocking? I've had problems when using a screen off profile with clocks and voltages that are too low. It caused my phone to get into a deep sleep state that would need a battery pull to get it back.
I'm assuming you're running an ICS rom since you mention the blue flicker? Did you update the rom recently? Apparently if you set the animation to 1.5x it reduces it IIRC.
I've had mine shut off on it's own a few times. I'd leave it on at night and when I went to use it in the morning it would boot up instead of just showing the lockscreen, I assumed it was because the battery was dead but it would be at like 80%. Still never figured out why it does that, only happened a few times.

[Q] Screens lights on and drains battery

Since a few weeks, I've been facing a very annoying problem. I have a samsung Galaxy S3 mini with cyanogen mod 11.0.
When I lock my phone, the screens lights off (as it is supposed to). But about every 30 seconds, it lights on, displaying the lock screen. Then it lights off, and starts the process again. Finally, my battery is being drained. It takes 4 hours to use 50% of my battery.
So I installed Wake lock detector to find the problem, but I cannot find anything relevant, so I cannot really debug by myself.
Could you give me a hand and tell me what I have to look for ?
UP. This issue is really annoying.
Am I in the right section at least ?
Ok, actually the bug is occuring only when the phone is not on AC.
When plugged, it behaves normally. So I wonder, is there a way to make the phone believe that it is on AC ?

[Q] Nubia Z7 Mini, Strange behavior of backlight

Suddenly this week my phone's screen start blinking/flashing. It looks like the light sensor was drifting.
A day later, my phone's screen turned black. After a long charge, i could start it.
But i saw that my screens backlight never turn off. After locking the screen, the backlight goes off for a second or 2.
After a short period the backlight turns on again (but no text, only light). Cause of that my phone's battery is draining like hell. 10% in 30 min or so ( not using).
There's a second strange behavior , my phone is rebooting several times a day (approx. 10 times in a hour). But he reboot only when in lock mode.
I made a video about the backlight, i hope this makes it more understandable.
As a solution, i tried a few things:
- Taken the battery out
- Hard reset
- Reflashed original rom
- Reflashed Nubia 5.0 version.
But the behavior of my phone is still the same.
Any idea's?

[Q] Screen Pulses on and off when fully charged

Hello incredibly helpful internet people! NEW ROM NEW PROBLEMS!
So I love my experia z, but it has a problem. When it has become fully charged 87% charged, it wakes from sleep, turns on the screen. The screen then dims and goes black like it's going back to sleep only to instantly wake up again. This even happens if I press the power button to lock it. The processor seems to run hot during this time for hours at night while my phone is charging which can't be good, and I can't charge to 100%. In other news my phone turns on by itself when you turn it off. So my guess is that I have a buggered USB connection somewhere?
Any ideas what this could be? I had this on a SlimKat, and now on scrubber port.
Try to change usb cable/ charger.
Are you even using stock one?
But before that I would recommend to check on your software, maybe some of the programs causing wake locks.
You can search for "wake locks", maybe you will something useful.

Boot logo randomly shows during night followed by pin acces keyboard.

Hi all,
I have recently noticed when charging my phone during the night that it seemingly randomly turns on the screen, goes bright and then shows the boot logo. After a few seconds it then shows the lock screen where I can enter my pin. It doesn't seem to actually reboot.
Does anyone have an idea about what is going on? Is it faulty, do I have a virus or something else maybe?
I have exactly the same issue.
Today I woke up and at the same time my phone was "rebooting" and ended up in lock screen, keyboard was showing.
And the phone had been on wall charger all the night.
It is really weird and I think it started to happen after the latest updates.
1- don't leave anything charging over night. The phone will get little charges to the battery to confirm it's 100%, thus reducing battery life. You may Google it.
2- have you updated without factory reset? If so, backup with native app and do it. Most problems disappear.

