How to re-enable HomeButton functionality in car mode? - Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

when i put my i9100 (Galaxy s2) into the car dock the car mode turns on.
Nothing else happens ... so far no problem.
But since Android 5.0 Google has remapped the home button for their CarApp when the car mode turns on.
That means, when i don't use Googles CarApp (which i don't like) then the Home Button is out of function.
What can i do to bring back the normal funktionality for the home button when i am in car mode?
... or what can i do to automaticaly disable the car mode?
Thanx for Infos on this isse,

Doen't anybody have a solution for this issue??
All i found is this:
and here:
... but it doesn't help me, because i don't know what to do with this informations.


Stop 8525 from turning on screen during headphone button press?

Is there anyway to stop my 8525's screen from turning on when I press any of the media control buttons on my motorola s9? Its really annoying when I have to turn the screen off whenever I change a track or pause a song
Same thing happens on HTCBT S-100.
Help! It's annoying!!!
I'd like to know this as well. Using the Sony Ericsson HBH-DS980 with my TyTN.
I cant believe that no one seemes to care for this problem!?
Have any one found any solution???
I tried to use several screen shut down programs, but none seemes to be working if pressing the BT button.
Have any one thought of any other solution?

broken power button?

I have a le pan tc970 (froyo, no root) with a broken power button. I've tried the fix broken power button app but it doesn't work, the tablet still won't wake up with the app activated. The only thing that wakes up the screen is connecting the charger. I've cracked open the back of the tablet and can clearly see where the internal power switch is broken but I didn't have a spare part to fix it, the little spring is broken off, if all else fails I will open it back up and try some tin foil to cover the gap, but I really don't want to.. Does anyone know of another way to remap the power button or at least allow the screen to wake up with a volume button? Or have any insight as to why the fix broken power button app isn't working? Any help would be greatly appreciated, I'm tearing my hair out.

[Q] AVRCP in sleep mode

Hi guys!
I have a problem with my headset and new Star x920 phone.My headset is A2DP with AVRCP buttons. There is no problems when screen is swithed on. But when phone has gone sleep and I try to play/pause track noothing happens. If I try to switch to next or previous track it works fine.
I tried to debug this with ADB. I look to logcat output and see that key codes arrives in phone in both modes. But when phone is sleep mode there is no reaction on that key codes.
Also I inspected key layout file /system/usr/keylayout/AVRCP.kl and WAKE option is present on desired keys.
So I don't know what to do now to fix my problem. Can anyone help me? Thank you!

[Q] home button isn't working

I can't figure it out my home button on my mega was just working properly, and now it's not. How do I fix this? The home button no longer wakes my phone up. When my mega screen goes off i must press the power button on the side to get my screen to turn on. Please believe me when I say the system settings are enabling it to wake device. I did install pimp my android hrs before this occurred and I've carefully gone back through the modifications and nothing .still having the same issue, please help.
From my metropcs samsung galaxy mega
While using the phone, after it has been woken up, does the home button work?
If no, its clearly a hardware problem
if yes, a factory reset might do the trick

[HELP] Remap Powerbutton - UMI Zero

recently the power button stopped working properly on my UMI zero phone.
1.) I am looking for a solution to remap the power button function to a different key. (for example volume down or up key) - The phone should be able to be powered up by the remapped key when powered off by low battery etc.
If not possible to remap the key completely
2.) A autostart function would solve this problem too. for example when a charger is connected to the phone. I just want to avoid any lockout situation where my battery drains and I am not able to power the phone up anymore.
Any ideas?
Any Ideas? Power Button stopped working completely now.

