Chrome OS in Pixel C? - Chromebooks

Since fue beginning, the pixel c has always rummored to be running chrome os, but it was finally released with Android. For the past years, chrome has improved the experience for tablets, so I would like to know if it is possible to install it.
The closest experiment that I've seen is this
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New OS from Nokia?

Navigating on Twitter, i found that video:
Someone can tell-me more about it? Is a new OS from Nokia with new Smartphones and Tablets? I'm confused 'o'
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its a cloud based syncing service for Symbian phones running Belle, the phones in the video are just concepts.

Problem with Google Now

Hi, I'm on a trip, so I have a lot of Google now cards that I usually don't have, for example, currency converter and translation. But, none of them works when try to write something to translate or any amount to convert to US Dollar.
I also have an Nexus 6p, and works fine on it.
Here a video of V10 and Nexus 6p
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Any AOSP-based custom ROMs for the Mi Pad 4 yet?

I went on the Mi Pad 4 XDA page expecting to see a few AOSP ROMs already available (LOS, RR, AICP, etc.), but to my disappointment there is currently none.
I guess this tablet in still in its infant age.
Hopefully more people will buy the Mi Pad 4 soon so that more people can port some nice AOSP ROMs for the Mi Pad 4! Not that MIUI is bad, but I definitely like AOSP more
I'm a flashaholic anyways so maybe the problem is just me lol
There are already plenty of treble GSI images
I flashed treble img of pixel experience, but with account authentication, it is played from google. Is there a workaround?

Xperia 1 Compact. Any news?

Other than this ? I saw a comment on youtube saying the compact version should be announced any day/week now, but not sure if it's BS or not. I can't find anything on it online other than the link I just posted.
Thinking they are releasing Xperia 2 to fill this slot. Almost identical tech specs but 6" which isn't really compact
Xperia 2 6'1" release informaciĆ³n in october
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Mi a3/redmi note 7

Mi A3 or redmi note 7?
Are you referring to note 7 or note 8?
Doesn't matter, it's same sh*t with MIUI
But seriously, what's the point of this type of poll? It is not going to be objective anyway and OP didn't even bother to tell us why and what he's actually asking.
Mi a3 all time, come from a note 7 and not a bad smartphone, but a3 (for me) its best than note7.
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