Google Photos lags in honor 8x - Honor 8X Questions & Answers

I use Google photos to store all my photos in cloud but it lags while scrolling through the photos in Google Photos app but this doesn't happen in Honor gallery app

Had the same problem. Is way more smooth if you set display on lower resolution. Don't have problems with other google apps.

Hi friends,to stop this lag issue in Google photos in Honor 8x,you have to enable the developer options and what you have to do is just set the window animation, transition animation and animator duration scale to (1.5x) that's it.


Why there is no animations in instagram, entering and watching photos and exiting ?

I wish we can have animations in instagram for us android users,as there is no animation whatsoever when enter to see a photo etc... any fix thx
Note 8 user here

Photos enhanced not correctly in Google Photos?

When I open a photo in Google Photo, the photo color will become weird
It's a bug, there is already a thread about it

browse gallery without transition animation

Consider two similar images with a slight different. I want to be able to compare them IN FULL SCREEN MODE and delete the worse. Like this is easily available in camera roll (in iPhones). is there any android application that has this feature?
Simply rephrasing: an app in which photos appear and disappear at once when switching, with no transition animation while browsing (just like windws photo viewers). thanks in advance

Question Photo Pro MRMSPAuto-modes in vertical orientation - fix?

Do you think they will develop the Photo Pro app further so that the interface in MR-M-S-P-Auto modes will rotate according to the phones rotation?
As of today they are only adapted to horizontal orientation
I do not think so. Sony is obsessed with software degradation and feature removal. This so called "camera phone" does not even have oficially dedicated album app as they removed it... Pathetic.
Did you notice both photo pro and cinema pro apps do not even have "close" button?
Do you think they will add 4k 60fps recording to photo pro app? Or finally will add taking pictures in 21:9?

Question Google Pixel 6 GCAM MWP mod - settings do not work for video

I tried the modded Google Camera (GCAM MWP 8.3.252 V1e) which was recommended as stable and I experimented with different settings but I do not see any difference in videos even for very extreme setting.
I did set Custom Libs to "MWP_xHDR" and activated "Enabled Lib-Patcher" and changed all settings under Global settings and Noise reduction settings to the minimum but the videos still look oversharpened and oversaturated as before.
Am I missing something or do the settings simply have no effect on videos?
For photos I use the original Google Camera app as I take pictures in DNG anyways.
Best regards
Lib-patcher won't work for video. It's even stated somewhere in settings.

