Samsung Omnia i900, a Player Addict need a ROM... - Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hello to all the XDA community. Before starting, I want to clarify that I am French, so I apologize for the possibly questionable translation by Google Translate.
As indicated in the title, my request concerns a very old smartphone model: the Samsung Omnia i900, or Player Addict in France. I come to you with a very specific request and, even if I have few illusions, I hope that someone can help me...
As the title of this file indicates, this is a Samsung Omnia i900 (Player Addict). At the time of the next Samsung S22, and despite its age, I am still using a copy that is almost 13 years old this year (I am 16) and which, as surprising as it may seem, still works wonderfully. I mention in passing that he took a little dip in the bathtub 10 years ago, but it's only a distant memory since he recovered on his own. I mainly use it as an MP3 player, the Web is closing itself more and more to it, but I'm so attached to it that I've embarked on a real restoration campaign, just to "update" it, if 'you can update an obsolete operating system… I then discovered XDA Developers, and, thanks to you, the little smartphone has almost come back to life. Thanks to some old forum files, I unlocked it, installed Net Compact Framework 3.5, experimented with SPB Mobile Shell 3.5, changed some registry values (changed logo on startup), etc… In addition, I also modernized thanks to the Wayback Machine where I was able to download the latest version of Google Maps and Opera Mobile 10. Finally, I replaced the touch screen myself and I am currently waiting for a new "body", making it an almost new laptop. But now, I want to go to the next step, and that's the subject of this file: the ROM.
After this slight update, I came up with the idea of flashing my current ROM for a more recent ROM. The smartphone was indeed purchased from SFR, and therefore runs on the operator ROM. I therefore want to replace it with the latest French ROM without an operator, in order to fully exploit it. Moreover, it has never been updated, therefore never flashed, which implies the presence of bugs which could have been modified afterwards. Thanks to your forum, I pretty much know how to do it, and am fully aware that wrong flashing leads to bricking, and flashing also leads to loss of all data. It's a risk I'm willing to take. I only miss one thing: the precious ROM. However, for 10 years, the various links and sites have disappeared, and even a small turn on the Wayback Machine does not give blazing results at first sight. And when it comes to finding a French version…
It is for this reason that I am appealing to you today. I have been able to know, by exploring your old files, that there have been a lot of custom ROMs on this forum, and, given all the advice you have given, I think you are the most able to help me. to help. So, I'm looking for a ROM for Samsung Omnia i900 (aka Player Addict), in French, and official. Official, for the version under WM 6.1 anyway. On the other hand, I would also be tempted by a custom ROM for WM 6.5. I know the OS was never "officially" released on the Omnia i900, but I know many of you have made your own ROMs to accommodate it. I particularly like the Titanium Today, and the more finger-friendly use. Does anyone among you have in their old hard drives, in their archives, an official French ROM under WM 6.1, or a custom ROM for WM 6.5? I specify that if it is WM 6.5, I would need the widgets and the Samsung Today. I may be difficult, but I would like to put a newer system (especially not Android, I have my Galaxy S5 for that), while keeping the features originally present. Regarding flashing, having a computer running Windows 11, would a possible flashing be possible? I thought I heard flashing could go wrong if it wasn't Windows XP...
I apologize again for disturbing, I suspect that this request is very particular, given the age of the device, but I keep the hope that someone will still have at home the precious Grail that will allow me to modernize once and for all my venerable device.
For information, my Omnia runs under the XHIB3/AEIB2 ROM (I think I read the right line…), and this is the 16 Go version.
I look forward to hearing from you!
PS: This is my first time writing on a forum, so I apologize if I missed any steps when posting this file… I'm only a high school student, not a developer, so I don't know not if I'm really allowed to post on your forum...


Someone please explain ROM to me

I have read and seen a lot about the ROM for the XDA2 but still can't understand everything abopuut it.
I understand that it is the Memory in the device that loads when you give it a hard reset. So what are the differences between the different ROM's around and is there one that stands up better than the rest?
Also how do you go about changing the ROM? And is it a safe procedure. Can I save the ROM I have and put it back with ease if a new one does not work for me?
All these questions I would love to know the answers to but could not find the answers directly here, is there anywhere I can point my navigator to to find out in simple non geekie language?
I wish I was a Geek but my brain will not cope with too much techkie stuff at one time and shuts down
I understand your pain! But you have to begin somewhere...
Changing ROMs is a dangerous process that can lead even the most experienced " geek" through a lot of frustration and wasted time. It is however, in the nature of us, who are never contented with the normal out of the box" oftenly" flawed solutions, to tinker and experiment with the devices and create customized versions containing only the best for what we want to do.
The ROM is the software that makes your XDA work, the OS(operating system) for your device. It contains all the programs and applications needed to run the phone and PDA aspects. It also contains what is called a Radio Stack, which is what runs the Radio/ Phone version of the device.
Sometimes, these carriers will take the OS and make modifications such as installing their own time measuring/ messagin applications.These apps often cause a lot of issues in regards to performance and memory leaks and etc.
Our devices have an Operating System provided by Microsoft :twisted: and based on the Windows CE ( Compact Edition), which itself has many versions. The latest of these versions is what is called Windows Mobile 2003.
There are many ROM and Radio Stack versions ( like OS's) each with features and functionalities which work best for certain phone providers.
The XDA, MDA and XDAII are manufactured by a company called HTC ( called an OEM- Original Equipment Manufacturer) for many of our carriers.)
So playing with your ROM means potentially lobotomizing your unit :roll: , which is a thought that scares some and excites some! It is a great feeling to bring back a unit that was non-functioning or DEAD and have it working the way you want it to work...
My recomendation is that you read the posts in this and other boards before you decide to do an upgrade or tweak your XDA. Good Luck! 8)
Thanks for that Great Information. I had guessed a few of the things you wrote but it's nice to know these things from a real understandable Geek.
I love to mess with these things as well as long as I have an escape plan. Is there a way to save your exixting ROM on a PC and try others out, and if they don't work or I just dont like them put it back. I am sure there is but I have no idea how. How do you extract and load a ROM?? Also if the new ROM fails and the device does not start up can you still connect the XDA2 to a PC to put back your origional of another ROM. That is the bit that sounds scarry to me.
I use the O2 ROM that came with the phone and it really needs a bit of improving. There are several issues with it that could be looked at. Do you know of any great Radio Stacks out there???
Thanks again
By the way I am a photographer working for AP based in London and use my phone all the time to transmit my pictures back to the office. The phone does not work as well as a nokia in reliable GSM conections and GPRS and is slower have you any ideas about it?

Sorry Noob hereneeding help chooseing a rom

i'm haveing a real hard time chooseing what rom to use with my advantage. The main role of my advantage is 1 Phone,
2 Media Player (Online steaming and Off), 3 internet in that order. i've looked through the forums and got the idea of how to flash a new rom but with such a wide selection i'm pretty confused on the differnces between them and i need a hand on choseing. thanks
WoW!!! Thanks for the help i guess.
I saw your first post and after that I got my Athena. I now see your second post and i own the Athen for about two weeks.
All I can tell you is this:
1) You will have to try the ROM's yourself, because everyone has special needs and likes one ROM more than the other.
2) I have so far only tried the original shipped WM5 ROM and MiCHy's R6.1 ROM. I changed the WM5 mainly for one main reason: it was in German.
The ROM I have now works almost at my satisfaction and I already spent much time configuring it to my taste and installing lots of software. I would not want for the next months to install a different ROM, unless there is a good reason (aka, a new functionality).
3) The alternative to MiCHy's R6.1 ROM's are AP4 and newer R6.5 ROM's.
I did not try the AP4, because I did not feel good enough informed to do the SPL upgrade and the WIFI rebuild on my new device. Now I think I understood all steps, however as I mentioned above, it is too much hazzle considering the current ROM works to my satisfaction.
Because I have other HTC devices, I already tried R6.5 ROM's on them. It looks good, but slows the device down (in my opinion). Also, I dont like touch-based menus, because verything gets too big on the screen.
I recommend a simple R6.1 ROM or, better, the AP4. From what I read so far this seems to be the most popular ROM's.
I spent days reading all relevant posts on this forum (started prior of receiving my Athena). I asked the questions which were not clear to me, I did my homework. And so should you!

I am confused, ... too many options

Hey everybody,
I am sitting here now for hours and trying to figure out what I need, and what I wont ever use, ...
I got myself a touch pro and now I am trying to find a rom that fits me, or at least to figure out if i do even need a rom.
What I need is a stable phone that works fine with GPS and also stable enough (and with enought battarycapacity) to use the GPS for example 10hours in one turn (don't know even if this is possible from the beginning ).
first of all:
Whats the advantage of WM6.5?
Is a cooked 6.5 Rom possibly as stable as a stock rom from HTC?
Till now I am used to SPB Mobile Shell and I would buy the new version of it, ... is Sense really a good supstitude, and as fast as mobile shell?
Some ROMs come with lots of preinstalled software where I might only need half of it, is it possible to uninstall some of it?
I read somewhere something about QuickGPS, ... is it common and usefull in cooked ROMs?
Are Hotfixes from HTC usually included?
... slowly I get more and more questions in my head, ...
Last but not least:
Is it recommendable to use a cooked ROM if I dont't want to flash my phone for the comming year, and just using a stable and fast phone?
Which ROM would be recommendable if I use it mainly for surfing some pages and GPS and playing a bit around?
Thanks in advance for helping to unscramble my brain ^^
Ps.: Has anybody an experience with Touch Pro and German Vodafone, with different Radios? (As you see I like to stay up to date, but I am too lazy to follow it ...)
In a friendly way I suggest you do some serious reading which is really a FRIENDLY hint. Read the Wiki and Radio threads to learn more about your phone (hardSPL) and some ROM threads. Do n o t assume that all custom ROMs support all languages (my guess is that your local language is German) so - again - you have to look around a little bit.
Custom or cooked ROMs do include a lot of little tools and features (some Chefs put more in some less). Regarding stability, read a little bit through ROM threads currently there are not many unstable ROMs out.
Keep in mind that, pending what base ROM version you chose (called SYS followed by a number 21xxx for example) that it may be a beta OS from microsoft which need not to be "per se" a bad thing.
The biggest suggestion - still - read Read READ to UNDERSTAND what's going on.
A Titanium ROM would be MY choice if you want to continue with SPB Mobile shell (which is good BTW) so no need to have the Manila 2.1 or 2.5 included with the ROM.
Well we were all kind of clueless about this at one I won't flame you for posting this, but please please go and read through the stickies in this forum, and then through a whole bunch of ROM threads before doing anything to your phone. Don't be one of the many retards who post on here asking questions that have been asked a million times.
Couple of things to get you started.
1) use the SEARCH function. It will really help you, just type in your question and you will get an answers..
2) Read these threads:
how to flash your phone:
Wiki Links
General Help
3) Once you know what flashing is, what HardSPL is, what a radio is, what a riphone.dll is, and what a rom is, start with a nice simple Windows Mobile 6.1 rom and flash that. Browse this forum and find a [ROM] thread that states its Windows Mobile 6.1, download it, and flash it. I would never advise a newbie to flash WM 6.5..yes it works great et al but if you are new to this you will likely run into issues and end up coming back here.
4) Once you are happy with the basics of flashing, and you have played with your new 6.1 rom, go and take a look at some of the newer all singing all dancing roms based on WM 6.5, which is the latest version of windows mobile available. Again here start with the basics, so one that includes "manilla 2.1", which is currently stable and pretty much finished. This will give you some nice upgrades to your phone which you will not have seen before. Make sure to start with a version that has build "28xxxx" as its number also, as again this is the most stable.
5) Once you are used to that you may want to jump to the 21xxxx series (less stable but much nicer to use imo - this is the "development" series of WM 6.5, which is *not* final or released), and see how you get on with that.
6) If you are feeling adventerous go for a Manilla 2.5 version after this, but ONLY IF YOU HAVE READ ALL ABOUT IT FIRST. 2.5 is full of bugs/issues at the moment, 99% of which are known and have been posted about already.
The key thing here is to READ READ READ and DO NOT sit here posting questions - I guarantee that 99.999% of your questions have been answered already. If you stick to those rough guidelines you will have a good time flashing and will be respected here..happy flashing!
edit: one more thing, I will answer one more question. If you want the most stable and reliable ROM on your one of two things. Either research lots and play with every single rom you can find until you find the one that works best for YOUR network and area, OR just stick with a stock HTC rom..there is no "middle ground" here..its very simple
Sorry for having my questions out a bit quick
And thanks a lot for the info you gave still!
Just wanted to say that I did read quite a bit (and actually I stopped when I got a headache) so I am familiar with flashing Hardspl and so on, ...
One of my main question (if Manila is a substitude for Mobileshell) is answerd by tyguy, so thanks a lot for that!
Anyway you all do a great job here!! Thanks a lot!
For a German user on Vodafone see my friends and contact Schnitzelbrain he is German and Raphael user ( and maybe Vodafone ) very helpful surely he can help you chose.
I reccomend Chrome ROMs though.
WM 6.5 is more finger friendly than 6.1. If you're new stay away from the SENSE(next generation Manila) as it wasn't designed for your Touch Pro and it takes some tinkering around with. The better handling 6.5 builds are the 21XXX builds as they are "official" builds. Look for 21882. The 28xxx are experimental builds but function fairly well.
Each developer has their own style, so it may take you a couple tries to figure out who matches your style.
one warning about manila 2.5 (sense) is that it's been stated that sometimes the animations will be slower. This is because sense was made with a 1ghz processor in mind, so make sure you keep that in mind as well.
I'm currently using NRG Rom Phoenix 2 and (manila 2.1) it rocks.
SirHanni, just try some of the popular 6.5 roms such as the energy roms...
You need to experience each rom to know it you like everything about it.
For instance I like my current rom because the weather updates to my location.
I also hate the roms with the start button at the bottom.

Developing an Android ROM for the HTC Mozart.

This is my first post on xda, and I am hoping to learn a lot whilst I am here.
I am not expecting any help here, but there has been small hype about getting android onto this phone. And I understand that you may be critical about noobs like me expecting an easy fix from you.
I appreciate that the idea makes no sense from many perspectives, this is mine.
I purchased the windows 7 phone 3 months ago, I was a complete idiot and fell for the sales pitch, the salesman promised me the earth, he said I would be able to WiFi Tether on the next update, he told me it would be better then the android evo 4 that I wanted.
As you are probably aware, I am a complete fool. I have however spent many hours on the phone with a certain mobile phone outlett, and my provider, neither will help. And I am stuck with the phone till 2013.
The phone's buyback price has gone down to 1/3rd what it was on the day I bought the phone.
I have now made it my mission to get this phone to run android. I feel so strongly I may even remove the windows logo from the bottom of my touch-screen.
I have already researched some, and expect days more research before I'll be able to do, whatever it is I need to do.
I am and will be keeping a log, of all my research, and hopefully can use what I learn to help people out later on.
Any comments, or questions or support?
I have picked up a few things. And therefore want to clarify,
I don't want to dual boot the 2 OS's, I want to REMOVE windows 7 and replace it with Android.
From what I gather this means I need to develop an android ROM to work with the mozart, and then Flash it to the phone...?
So my logical mind tells me to look for the android ROM that works on the most similar spec phone.
I am however aware that the firmware or something is different in the mozart, from the HD7 and does not allow for certain android commands to work, therefore the ROM (gingerbread?) used on the HD7 will not be remotely compatible with the HD7?
It seems that there may be a few options for the actual flashing of the ROM already available... So I am going to concentrate on learning more about ROM development now.
If anyone wants to correct me, point me in the right direction, or hurl abuse at me... feel free to do so
I do not know all that much about ROM development.
What about drivers though? Sure it is fine for the chipset as there are Android devices with the same chipset (CPU and GPU)... Although the WiFi, bluetooth, radio etc. I guess it's built into the SoC?
Drivers for the screen, capacitive buttons, camera etc?
I think if you look around, you should be able to find a phone similar to htc mozart and the name which comes to my mind is Nexus one and htc desire...
Although it depends on you that you extract drivers from the OS of both of those android based phones then extract drivers from your mozart and compare if they have same chipset....
I really wonder if it's possible to do all this virtually instead of physically installing OSes on phones for development purposes.
You didnt give up did ya mate!
All of the Australia Telstra Community who got Conned into buying the Mozart over an iPhone due to This Service Provider not having a Contract with Apple are 'root'ing for your Success
just checking if i got it right...
you want android in the mozart just to enable wifi tethering.
well, FYI, its been done and done bro, just unlock your device and install any of the excellent custom ROMs here. my notebook is tethered to my mozart right now.
but if you want to further explore the capabilities of the hardware, no worries- many good samaritans are already doing that. explore the development forums here and thy shall learn!
take care!
Tethering is working now, even with Telstra and no unlocking (7720).
This is my first post too! I was about to post something like yours. I have an HTC Mozart too and I want to install an Android ROM on it though my reasons are different.
As a software developer I have no experience about ROM development but I'm very interested.
So what did you do until now? Any success?

[Q] Custom Rom Altek Leo

Hi and happy new year !
I'm searching to change Rom of Altek Leo. This phone has 14mpx and the original Rom has problem of performance (only 800Mhz processor), battery autonomy (8 hours with regular uses).
No Rom exists but I want to know if a custom rom could work on my phone with the same photo quality (very great !!!).
Thanks for replies and sorry for my FrenchEnglish lol
Please use the Q&A Forum for questions Thanks
Moving to Q&A
Nobody ? UP !
Ok thanks for no responding.
leo the lion
hey, I see you want to improve the performance of your phone. they may not have a rom but there are many ways to do so. on the forum.
. Also I saw a link that says they may actually come out with a new phone all together, with Android 2.2 . Do you know if this is true. I emailed Altek, but they are taking forever to respond. There is a digidata link at the bottom of this link, under the youtube vid.
Thanks but I make all tutorial in Altek Leo Section. Moreover, Altek announced that update in 2.2 or 2.3 is impossible due the processor that's why I'm searching a Custom Rom.
maybe altek leo will run android 2.3?
Ease of Use
This is, first and foremost, an Android device. At startup, it opens up to the regular menu or dashboard or whatever it’s called—_not_ the camera app. With the default camera app open, it’s works like a basic, straightforward point-and-shoot. The touchscreen is actually pretty responsive for something that feels so cheaply built, so the interface doesn’t suffer. And since it’s linked to the Android app store, users can download any photo app of their choosing, which opens up tons of possibilities. Don’t like the interface? Download a new one.
The pre-production model we saw was running Android 2.3. We’d guess that it’ll ship in April with something more like version 3.1. The latest version—4.0—would be a stretch for an in-between product like this, since most proper phones and tablets don’t even run it yet.
Altek Leo won't be upgated to android 2.3
I emailed Altek and asked about the Polaroid samrtphone which looks the same as the Alte A14 Leo. They replied that the phone has similar outline/cosmetics but the electical parts are different - the phone will stay with 2.1
upgrade to 2.2
I also checked out the Polaroid . The only real difference that I have seen appears to be the 16mp camera, i doubt it's a real 16mp just as the altek leo isn't a real 14mp. anyway the biggest change i think is the 512mb rom and 512 ram. that would be handy. Anyhow, after a whole bunch of research on every english forum i could find.. i got fed up. and started looking at chinese forums.. thank u google translate. apparently some dude in china upgraded to 2.2 using an htc 2.2 rom. one even claimed he got 2.3 . but thats not verified. check the link. and tell me what you think u guys. .. u might want to use google translate.
www (dot)sogi (dot) com(dot)tw/newforum/article_list.aspx?topic_ID=6166062
(p.s. they said i was a newbie and couldn't post links :-(
and the main page
www (dot)sogi (dot) com(dot)tw/newforum/topic_list.aspx?forum_no=4377&nice=A&page=4
really interesting and exciting, try it, i'm sure everyone will be quite happy if it works.
How Do I Upgrade to 2.2?
I didn't understand ho to update to 2.2.
Did they modified the HTC rom? where can I download it? How do I Install it?
no update available for the Leo
Just as the SE Satio was dropped six months after it was released, it felt like another deja vu experience with the Altek Leo. Don't get me wrong, I like the phone and it's great as a camera with its optical zoom. As for system updates, there hasn't been one in a long time, and I've noticed at the Altek website, that they haven't been developing a new product to supersede the Leo. I guess because of the brand name, not many consumers wanted to take the plunge in purchasing this relatively unknown cell phone.
When I had initially purchased this phone from an eBay seller, I had asked him about an Android update and he replied that it was not possible. So, when I read about upgrades, I was quite skeptical about it. Still, I like this phone and will keep it until it has a complete breakdown...or is dropped.
Screen protectors are few and far to find for this phone.
Polaroid should update it's video recording quality to 1080p, then people will be interested in this phone.

